PAGE EIGHT WEDDINGS RITAMITCHELL In the historic lSUlzitlwdil St Andrew Kabul1211 11 at Sing sunthwlnk 111 3111 July 30 Miss Elli1n Allow cll daughter of 111 11 Ll ll 311 was married to of 3111 Nicolas late Mr ltuta of Rev Lloyd 111131 Illc c1ieuiuny in 1llltl gladioii Mrs played the Itiltltllti llitllt 1111 111 it Ltl 111111 in marriage by im 111111i the bride wore gov111 11 ll11il 111 tin1 home 111 Niagara pylon iiieilplisctte and 1111 1111 Ontario where the gloom tam1 with 111 ska sun13111 1111 111 111111111111 xliiinol 111111 1111111 111red 112111 hit1111 tar1 1111 Queens liiitcisity 1111 lln 11111 bodice had yoke 111 lac 11rs1 111 Toronto 11121 211111 11111iuisette and 11 piait 1111 ti1il The bride glad of silk embroidered net 111111 11111 111 angc blossoms and cairn11 1111111 Illlllt with singic 111112111 and Wllllt sittin sticaiiicis 1111 Faith ltllllalhlJS 111r nth11111111 bliss oio of llcllcville wearing 1111111 of rose nylon littlltllllgttllt 1111i lai f1ta with fall skill with bustle 111111 and white moire hat 11111112111 18 with 11m ribbon Shc catiud runway of Willie gladiolz roses and blue 1110111111 1111b 111111115 IN Apply freely and rub Thats 1111 Its greaseless futdrying has no strong odor And it brings quick relief to muscular aches and pllnl neuralgia luinbngo LARGE ECONOMICAL SIIE 856 29 114 on gnuigtla to and the ushers Kkll Pen 11 13 Null Bu icuigr 31 11 ZrLtIlixll 21311 11 11111 lci1ilkc 11 alhv llll 711111 11 115111 vzr cuisagr 111 yrlA 11 11 A111 it 11111 111s111i 33111111 111 printed 111111 11 in with black accessories 11111 iit 3111 llgtgt ilrlltillltl gtlr11 5111 W011 liii molliczs cllt1c iftiill to that 111 the bride For 111r wedding tzip to Bangor E11114 in Muskokn 111 111111 Ilieoiloil 13111111111 1gt1 1111 polka 1111 ha and barge11111 stat of grey gzibardiize with 1111gt1111s 1111 112111 return 111v 21 Toronto Norizial Sci11113 IIiWELLMac1IIIIIIX 111 St ndi11s Presbyterian lialchflildoii 311s Mary Knitter ll litli1lllttll liaiigiiicr 111 311s 111 11 31111111111111111 Wriiuivillc and the 1111 l1LIiitIlri 11 as Elili 13111 111 l111pli 11111111 Jiwcli son 111111 li dentll 1111111 lli 1111 Satoiday August 10 1949 Rev Dr Shem performed the 111 11111111 and Mrs 1111111 play 1d 1111 wedding music 1111111 111 111111111111 by her brother Donald MarlZachern the bride mac gown ot ivory satin and French iacc fashioned llll tit 111i bodice yoke and 11111111 iilil falling from bustle bow to 1111111 short circular Illlll lltl tiiic1i1ip 1111 of 11111511111 was 111111 111 11111 headdress and $1111 cari 11111 1liite Bible with gazdcnias and 1111111111111tis 111r attendant Miss lllith ln lct11 Hamilton wore pal 111111 gown fashioned 1111111 Tilt flower girl Miss Jean Gordon of lIinmiiis niece of the bride wore blue faillc dress and carried baskct oi babys breath and pinlri ltlStS RM 111 iitlllt Alvin Jewell was groomsman for his brother The ushers were John llaclZaclicrii and Elioy lcwcll The bride and groom Will make their home in Barrie where the 5411111111 is employed with the War 1111111 Prices and Trade Board Munriirs sruiiios PortraitsWedding Groups Commercial Passports Amateur Photo Finishing HOUR SERVICE 63 ELIZABETH ST PHONE 5440 BARBIE JACK LOWE Prop evenings Consultations Free BARRIE GLASS MIRROR SUPPLY GLAZING MIRRORS RESILVERED New Mirrors or Plate Glass Dresser Tops made to Order Designs cut on glass PICK UP and DELIVERY Phone 5048 74 Henry Sb Barrie 12111111011315 RUTHERFORD Mgr Removes Superfluous Hair Moles and Warts EyeBrorArchinz Late of Hiscott Institute Toronto Will be at Regina Curl Shoppe 58 Elizabeth St for the week c11mniencing September 12 and for one week in each month thereafter Open Tuesday and Thursday For Appointment Phone 4311 ymtiniicipalitics are sending their pa Canadian Fashion 111 1111141121 1111 Saturday night and tinteziieer 1vn11avtil that il iipaial 111 31111 111411 is llll1 11 111111 111111 faitan 111111 11111111al Hospitals iLose $5 Per Diem On Indigents Claim City liven with increased tiitllllluill and municipal grants 111111 Ioroiito hospitals are oiii 1111111111 from $4115 to 11111 33 1111 111cm for 11112 carc of cacti indigent patient lrcni ier Leslie Frost and 111111 Russel chllcy Ontario titlllSlti of health wcrc told by the Ontario Hospital association The delegation consisted of Miss Pearl Morrison president 111 tth association in lloutlcy secre tary Swanson honorary pie gsidcnt of the Canadian Hospital sociatiiin Leonard president of the Ottawa Civic Hospital ac lcountant and Smith accountant 10f the Ontario Hospital Associatidn They told the government leaders that the average cost per patient per day in the large Toronto hos pitals was $811 111 11148 and in 1919 in some of them it is now over $9 day Only St Michaels and St Josephs in Toronto had lower cost of $788 per patient day in 1948 Government and municipal grants for public ward patients were only for class or teaching hospitals $4711 for class hospitals and $1710 for class As result it was emphasized by the delegation hospitals are g0 ing behind at the rate of 12 per cent to 15 per cent day on their public ward cases The delegation asked that the government or the municipality or both make their grants more ap lproximate to the actual cost for such patients It was pointed out that outside tients to the large Toronto hospi tal public wards and not paying anything in connection with the de ficits or the capital grants Premier Frost cited the greatly increased government grants made to hospitals in the last few years i=uuclpn THE BARRLE EXAbNER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA 111111112111 and continued to spiral 11ili What 611111 Church Collection Plate 1111 Sunday 11 isnt honest to spcnd Made 11 1111111l11l11 ls 11111111111 sinait 10f dollars year and we are risk w11 Sets thoronem NFINIIII IIDI unu ovrsullammnvrslvnv LldmumlmevcNIIIIINIIIIIIIIIII4IIIIIGW Exodus OI Nurses Doctors To Worry For Ottawa 111 17 Btll1Frderal 111 1111 ullit1l om the 1i polalt outbreaks and the lr str on national nursing oiidcird what they 111f 1i1 1i11111 the annual ctnigru 111 of 111w to 1000 tanaoian doc 11111 71111311 11 1111 izirt released by the 111111 revealed llltilt medical profession 1111 littlllly needed to helpi 1i1i up the lloininioiis health 11111 were lacing lured awa by opportunities in the iiItgtgtlilli xlill 11t 111 9315 ciosscd the border 111paz11i 111 1171 111 1947 11111350 in 19711 headache was that 111 trained personnel ill the three 1111 11 11illl 111 mi 31111 per cciit 111 c1111 1111111111111111 shrugged and What can We do They ex 1111 initial urge among 11111 111111113 and iiiiiscs who 1rekl 111 to 111 it was to secure either 111111d1ate 111111ing or else to 1111 111111 courses amid facilities 1121111 111 l1111 ii1crivaii tindic tililtliltl Only 1111111111 of such personnel 111r 11111111 to Uanada the dc i111111 admitted Mrs 111111 is the foiiiicr Kay St Thomas St Aidaiis and Marks Anglican churches 11111 tin11 annual conbincd picnic on tin rcctory lawn 11 Shanty flay last lhursday llie attendance wasvciy good particularly among the younger popl1 who thor oughly ciuoyed ihc watcr sports made possible through the gcncr ostty 11f thdhydro the Oro lclc lili11111 lrcc lrcss llcraldl 11 15111 honest to spend dollar 1111 11 cents or less 111 the church $2301 on holiday for the family and give $23 111 the church 11 isnt lioncst to spend $101 year on tobacco and liquor and give less P110111 itlilitillnl 31 TONY lit 11W 533 In Chum Wolsmaii llil iarnci the Mcns Club and friends from lliantford If the avcragc person in the av erage community who acknowledg es the church 111 the ccnsusrccords zavc 111 cents Week to the church there would be no limit to what the churches could do and there would be no problcm in raising enough to pay the ministers salary One of our church leaders said Toronto and llamilton 1111 parishioners are also grate ful to Miss lciii llampel of the Simcoc county recreation coin Illllllp for her supervision 11f 1111 various events The games on the lawn were supervised by George Woods and several assistants larfics were taken out for trips or 1116111111131 1150 WMEN 131R AND MRS KEITH are seen following their wedding in Trinity Anglican Church llarric 1111 Saturday afternoon August 13 1w111 daughter of Mr and Mrs John Wallwin of liairie llic 111111111 1s tho son of Mr and Mrs llall of 1oroiito lhcy aic making their home in Barrie Anglican Churches Oro Parish Hold Annual Combined Picnic If every fainin in our church would give 23 cents week to mis sions we would have six millions on the bay in motor launch dur ing the afternoon The Shanty Bay rector Eric Richards served ice Rev cream llhoto by ll II Rookcl candy and soft drinks to the pic nickcis and ninpircd 11111111 game 111 tho evening between the ladies and 1111 111111 The weather was ideal and the supper table provided plenty of good food for the guests lollowinr the supper and ball game cards were presented to the members of the county swimmingi classes at Shanty Bay who liadl qualified in the recent Red Cross swimming tests at Bardia Poo anip Ilordcn Junior certificates were presented to Ann Wallsi Mary irahem ind Barbara Ann lcrry Gloria Hutchinson Cor aldinc Davis and Carol MacDonl ald qualified as intermediate swimmers and Rev Mr Richards and George Woods were present ed with their senior swimmer cer tificates Local assistants in the swim ming classes had been Miss Helen Nicholson and Francis Robbins 1111 for three millionsi Where is our spirit of stewardship Look up the treasurer of your local church and pay him your conscience moncv Butter Stocks Not Abnormolly High The Hon Bertrand Acting Minister of Agriculture has auth 51 For these ZootSuiters Niagara Falls Reviewl Wc were surprised at the Post Office at the weekend by loud gut laws Turning to see if we were the cause of all the mirth we saw man looking at youth nearby Whats the joke we asked Look at that zootsuiter he said We did and saw the strangest sort of hairdo we have ever seen particularly on boys head It looked as if itliadbeen plastered into some shape like sailors knot and he were red trousers tied or sewed sharply in at the ankles and also wore wide and brassy chain which extended from his belt and back again in wide sweep We didnt laugh but wondered what was going on under the hair do for the boy looked sensible enough outside of his garb How do boys get that way What sets such pattern port Board to release the follov ing statement concerning the Gov ernments purchases of butter The Dominion Boneziu of Statis tics has recently rcportcdtltat butter storage stocks in Canada amounted to 566 million pounds on August Of this total the Dairy to 41 million pounds Although creamery butter stocks this year are slightlyhigher than those of ayear ago they are in line with average holdings of the last five years stocks at August amounted to 45 million pounds while the veyear average was 546 million pounds The accumulation of stocks of Creamery butter at this season of the year is normal situation Consumption of butter is fairly uniform week by week throughout the year On the other hand two thirds of the butter made in Can ada is produced during the months of May to September Sincepro and the difficulty of the govern duction outruns consumption in ment in meeting all requests for aid from hospital and other quar ters buthe made suggestions and promised to consider the situation seriously store surplus production in order occurs in the winter months The only abnormal feature of present butter stocks in Canada is that they are largely held by the Government instead of by the dairy industry and the trade The Government stocks of butter have been acquired throughthe opera tion of theoor price program Butter so purchased by the Gov jNTS and will be available for sale when softness Win cheers from pt Roast Threeth III lbs chuck round rump or brisket flour tbs fab sliced carrots cup sliced onions cup chopped celery cup sliced turnips the months not in solid piece skewer or tie it into shape wipe it 111111 damp cloth and mil it in flow Heat the fat in frying pan or Dutch oyen Put in the the fryingpan is used transfer the meat after it Is brbvin to kettle deep enough to hold the beef and vegetables 11111111111112 cover 13011 cover oghtiy ilwlrl his twice A691 the vegebles Pot Roast and Calico Dumplings wtll preferably from salt pork cup meat and brown en all sides It and let simmer mm oors turn current productkin falls below de mand Butter held by the Board was purchased in carload lots on the basis of 58 cents Montreal and To ronto 59 cents Charlottetown Hali fax and Saint John 57 cents Van couver It is the intention of the Government to sell this butter in carioad lots as purchased but re graded out of storage The Selling price during the present support periodwhich ends on March 31 1950will not be less than cost plus storage charges Full details as to sellingand distribution methods Because the earths atmosphere bands the moons rays the moon is when lookedlat from the grmnd the whole Inmy the end of four hours cooking After removing the meat and vegetables thicken the gravy by adding one to two tablespoons of flour mixed with cold water for each cup of broth Calico Dumplings Yield Servings Two cups sifted ourp3 tsp doubleacting baking powder tsp salt tbs shortening it cup milk about cup chopped beetsf Sift together dry ingredients Cut in shortening Add milk and beetsquickly to dry mixture Stir just until combined to very soft ydguglin Drop by spoonfuls into boiling broth Covertightly and that low heat 15 minutes Do MONTH orized the Agricultural Prices Sup Products Board holdings ainotinfct1= Last years storage 63 Farms to 09 and 71 at other chain stores mediums are bringing 61 to Pullets Large Production Speed Egg Price Decline Toronto Aug 18 Price of eggs in Toronto is denitely on the down grade with Tuesdays s1 cent drop being followed today with threecent reduction in some ofthe chain stores and others ex pecting similar drop tomorrow Grade large are selling from cents dozen at Pickering cents and pullets with spread of 10 cents from 49 to 59 The large production of the pill lets is chiefly responsible fortlie decrease in egg prices generally An official of one of the chain stores said pullets and medium eggs were becoming glut on the market and stated that there will these months it is neceSSary toi ernment is widely distributed in cold storage plants across Canada will be inade public eta later date not actuallyLWhere it appears to be dram TERM BEGINS TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 119 JOSE RoomsPrincipal Memberjot be further reduction in the price Iof eggs this week survey shows the wholesale price has dropped eight cents for grade large and medium during the past week with them now sell ing for 62 and 60 cents on the wholesale market TOURISTSNEW STYLE LETHBRIDGE Alta tCP Thirtyseven carloads of United States farmers toured the dry land farming areas around Lethbridge that butter may be available to meet the deciency which always Sinugigdniesvggg 0f combattmg erosion of the soil UPHDISIERING CHESTERFIELDS AND OCCASIONAL CHAIRS REPAIRED AND RECOVERED Factory Guarantee Free Pickup Delivery SIRAIFORD UPHDISIERING gt00 42 Brunswick St Stratford For further information enquire at EPLETTS Sales and Service ABIIONE 3721 I39 Dunlop 812 Barrie Barrie Business College 66 Toronto Street Barrie Phone 4824 to STANDARD AND CONDENSED corneas IIN sno RETARIAIIAND BUSINESS SUBJECTS madness AT YOUR OWN RATEor STUDY oj FINALEXAMINATIONS Arrun END OF ANY The Business Educators Association or Canada ADDING MACHINES TYPEwmrERs SALES mammals 11111111111211 Electric New Junior Project Covering Machinery Economy and Safety 11111 project or Junior Farah of Ontario has just been anv 11 is 111 be known Faim 1511111111111 1111111 emphasize 11111 econoliical no 11 III 1i gt151L11l 11 corrch 111111 atton ronto ject are given There will tion for Farmer It is because they operators of 195 methods apeiation and maintenance of 111121 Illlitlllllt5 as Inl 111ll lIt The undertaking is being SQUID Lsorcd by the Junior Partners of 1011111111 tho Ontario Department of lAgricultun and cooperating icics will be the 111tail Farm Equip jam111 Dealers Association 1111 Oil Ltd and the Department of Public Safety University If lw It llilliaid Assistant Dircctor of Extension 0111111111 Dept of Ag riculture is chairman of the corn millct in chaigc 111111 in lettr just sent out 111 Junior Farmer oili cinls and others details of 1111 pro be study forms are libs suggested that the final driving test be stapzd 111 connec 111111 with some agricultural event such as the local Fall fair 1112111 ing match or that it be held in the local rink during the winter Junior Farmers have an intcilcst 111 many kinds of farm cquipmciiv principal 1111 llilliard says are the TIT gcn Impert section with written yes or no txaliiin often followed by local driviii competition with farm machinery and provincial driving competi Application Cllldtl with the letter sent 111 Jun A55 for eitber way trademarks new be same thing THURSDAY AUGUST 25 1949 in lcllrl costs consider in art 111111 11 purchase operate and 1111111 BCCMLEIIU in life and limb 1911 121m llzf Dlvlect is lLgtKItttl 11 c2121ii111t and reach the 11111111 and 1111s economical Pl 111 111 and inaimananw 11111 111111 comp 111111211al driving competition 111111 1111111 2141111111131 emphaslzing safety 13 111111 in Toronto in 111i11 11311 cm to or 2111 2111 ch county will ic eligible for the in Liili lest iii Aulhorlzod bottler of CocaCola under contract wlth CocaCola Ltd 11 Dinolo AND ELIZABETH ARDEN Provrs lit for allone Cleanse wilh penetratinghArdenu Cleansing Cream Refresh with Ardenq $1111 Tonic For young Iltliiir quothwith soft Ardena Velva Creom or OifongoSkinCreoni for very thin skins for njmuro alumi Smooth 111111 fabulous Ardent Perfectiofcreom to wordoff agelines Ardino changing our 12 7110 Ardono Skin Ionic 11111111 Volvo Cnom lo 700 Orange Slrln Cream 125 1111950 Arden Pollution Groom 750 and l25ti cu 211 11111111 lls notbirthddys lholcouniri lts beouiyond health such or only Elizabeth Ardens famous Threefold Routine can give PENETANG BOTTLING CO LIMITED PENETANGUISHENE PHONE 440 125 975 Wellington HotelBled