AROUND TOWN Mrs II II Mitchell of Culley elle lertalned ill litlllsrcdli tell in ittillr or of her daughter Mrs Andree iluttl before illr recent lilarriage The bride elect lll hyacinth pink received with her mother who wore orchid silk jclsey Ellis el este Watson grandmother til the bride presided at the guest book and Mrs James Robins aunt ol the bride welcolllelt lheglusis Centred by the ttiltillilf cake the itll table it lttltlllilti Lllil pulk lilpels and plot and while Strcmtiets Ml Wllllill llilsk won Mrs lllllclll Itlalhuson Ills James McKinley and All ll Mitchell aunt of the bride pooled tea ASSlstillg ill serving lvere lls Clifford Lindsay Mrs John Nash and Mrs Willzalll Webbel llults ill tlle bride and Mrs lollllslolle Mrs John Dlllllop Miss Shillch Dunlop Mrs Arthur ilalluteil Mrs Laverne Robins and Mlss IItllVi ilzllkwell Others assisting were Mrs IUlllll Powell Mrs floss itillpl Mrs Witf lialll Douglas lllltlllitrh luslllzl tolel bl iiitttld unit the trip rely llpllllll fol ll the illelllbcls Several Barrie rt lub meln lltw llt will in lttitll the old Spllllu fillllll on the lllllt Luke lllt llr=l lllillsttl afternoon Tilt illl ltlwllnetltl itll litllle tlls of ultra liliil gt1 to ill llitlli illl on nt ill ll rclllallllllg llill lllltll rllllletel Dilllli ll tlell oi the Napoleonic kl Willi ltlt ill ii ill the tlilltl it by Loni Silueue lolly lll lllt last century The houw is being tolll tlllllilll Iitc near future at ter Elllll lilell lll tllc Spearill fani fur Uil llltl years The llllli ltelalls who built these houses Illill1lltlll the coun ty itch been wounded and gtent to ilollalld to ttllilllbtt There the had been llllgllt to build houses ill lily llzllcllllulllnei and those blillt Lll Sillleoe county are typical of IItxililIlti llll the Dlltcll influ lltl gtiltll ill the little llllillel wuliiou til the loot and the cen re entrance This ltttlil excursion was olle of the lllslolivlil projects which iie lyecllllllllg lttllltllllilll of of Bellevllle bridal lillllltlillliithl ml of II lllllllllll Those who During the tea lllllslcal entertain will on Illlllsllays sketching trip lllellt was provuled by Miss Wyoll were Mrs Vllllalll liell Mrs llll Wellber Miss Monica Lindsaylll iloulllall Miss Edith Arnold and Lawrence Lindsay eollsllls ofllis MtVlltilt MISS Emmi the bride Mayor and Mrs Seymour of llli lentll and Mrs it lullloll Ihe llex lllil is planned for this afternoon when several lllelll Ila took twolay round trip with up in 11 Um the SS Manitoba up he lleat lo pk palm Aniwn Lakes to celebrate their 23th ellhmlph my mumI ding anniversary They both tIiI joyed the trip lllllllellsely and 51th gioriollsdlsplay of northern lightsi over Lake Superior Dr and Mrs Seymour had taken boat trip down the St Lawrence on their honeymoon 23 years ago Printed cottons that once were flour bags will appear on Nll fashion ttantlySrlis lounging pay amas sun suits alld evening gowns Three leading Canadian lllillers= have recently started to pilck illtlll 98 poulld lots of flour ill bright colored cotton prints and it is this material the CNlls womens tlivis ion has used to create sufficient costumes for all entire show of in tea table centred with mixed bouquet of flowers and mauve tap pattern companies for thrifty use flour bug costullles Special patterns created by the of these bags illustrate how skirtl for 16yearold can be made from twu bags bolero from no bagsl and twopiccc play suit frollll Last Wednesday evening neigh bors itilte llllscellalleous shower for Septelllber bridelobe Miss Marlon Allsopp at the home of Miss Iivelyll Kightlcy 44 Brock Street isting the hostess were the Misses Jean Alina and Joan Debi Mrs Wildnlan entertained at tea for bride elect of Septem ber Miss Marion Allsopp at her hollle llti Collier Street last Wed nesday afternoon The friends of the family presented the brideto be with all electric clock Mrs George Morrison of Wyevale alld Mrs Wildlllall poured tea at LIS Miss Allsopps lllarriagc to Peter Clute of Vyevale will take place ill Burton Avenue United Church on Saturday afternoon September another bag and ll half One bag it at three oclock will make womans opensleeved blouse Mrs Itoy Smith entertained at miscellaneous shower for Miss tallied for SJIIinJ Dilrgt were Mrs Littl tea and itlilllrl gauge slower Tmsdayl tool Mr Totell lu1il Ulcer llylzl Illalgale llilv ll Jorlll Siltiltrlhlll llll Mrs Citation Sltlglatl uSSIEIetZ till till serving it ltellellgadgel shower Tuesday town Mrs 11 Iulnbult poured tea and liiuu assisting ttele Mrs Cal Seawall Mrs Ru Smith Miss Mary llae Laurie Mrs well Flynn and Ellis Shitty iatoll try shelf lilltl fol the brideto be itlllllily illoriilllg Miss Iticlllldes illllllluge to John llcilalll Duvuisnu will take place this Saturday llt St Illolllas Lflllllcll Sillillly Bil loly tlley were hostesses at mis Ihe brilltuelect Wit Stliilta under ill allh of wedding bells Illlli with confetti Willi pillk and whit ltrealllels leading to her gifts Mllt mGh Lu was my mun ltlb MARRIAGE of Miss Joan Elizabeth McBride youngest daughter Ul Zitl ltltl Ml McBride of llxlrlle to Jollll Richard Davidson follly soil of liter and Mls JET Davidson of Toronto will take place tlll Saturday August 27 at St lllollllls tllllrell Shanty Bay 77 iIilotos by Ashley and Crlppeli Toronto ontesl lll which the guests wrote is many statelllellts as they coulth lbout the bride lll three llliliulls lime Lunch was StltLtl by tile hos tesses assisted by Mrs Mel Wiley the former Marjorie Sykes 021 Monday evening The guests wrotel poetry for the bride alld later read It ZIlUUd ASSHiHR lilt hitHS daughtr ltlltll returned on SunJcountrlcs of Denmark and Switzer were Mrs llzullallll and Mrs Mar llay from Zillltlsi three months in galet Sykes Barrie Womens Institute mem lJolln McBride last Thursday even bersaild friends enjoyed trip to ling at her home 710 Sophia St Niagara Falls with lllelllbers oflAbollt IS friends of the brideto the Vesplzl Institute last Iuesclay lbe were present Mrs Mc mother of the brideelect Wheat factory to watch the prolpoured tea and coffee alld Miss Mary Dymellt and Mrs Iiarry Young sisters of the hostess as The group visited the Shredded cess of making the cereal and some went across the border to the United States The ideal weather lBride sisted with tilecservillg ID Ready for That Party Only ifryour clothes are looking their best Call us today well call for hubbys creased suit your stained dress and return them to you in jiffy looking right for the party comes CLEANERS 109 Dunlop St Your Doctor Your doctor diagnoses and prescribes Our busi ents lllglll and iffteilslisto seeittlathis prescriptions arefilledtoithe last glam Thatswhy We alwaysdoub1eichevck all measure Topp Paul Olfice Phone 2885 TPHONE 2903 minim llliilli Swill Among those UI til Jest iiiizitle lli Iljllil Ilcltl ti li and Mls Ii Ll Iurllbltll IglAYU pall Miss Edythe oull and Mia Mar ellllleou stroller for Miss Julie Cook last Vulllesday tclltltt llollt 13 guests iele prlstilt and Mrs Mitchell miscellaneous shower for llM Septelllllel hiidlvlllhc Miss llllle ook was held at the home of Miss Cooks lllilllillgt in Stanley harles Brown will take place ill Burton Avenue United hurcll on Saturday Sept entertained for Miss Juan McBride last Saturday evening at their Wellington Street home The Emery Engineering alld Coll traetillg olllpzlny held their first lllllual company piclllc for cllllt oloyees and their families at illx Island last Monday horseshoe tollrnalllent picnic lllllcll and supper alld prizes for everyone at the picnic were on the days llroglalll Emily acted as lost to IllsltltllliJyLCS The island was reached by motor launch from the Barrie government dock Mr and Mrs hitrlcs Scogranl Two young lady professors from Belgium who were on tollr of France Canada and the United States stopped over at Wasaga Beach cottage belonging to Roy Urry of Barrie the second week of ltugusl Tile two girls liel Elsa GOetsehalck and Margaruet Duo both of Alltvelp Belgium were professors of languages and history respectively ill Belgian school the country to visit Niagara Falls 1nd were It turning to Belgium on August 27 The two were travel lillg by bus Congratulations to Mrs Emma lane Kerr who celebrates her 0th birthday today August Mrs Kerr who has been dent of Btlrric for the past eight years lives With her daughter Mrs Gill at 50 Illllisfil St reception for the new rector of Trinity Anglican Church Rev dePencier Wright and his wife was held in the parish hall follow ing the evening service last Sun day lit the absence of the rec lors warden Arthur Robinson the peoples warden Col Garry Lee OBE introduced the rectordo his parishioners Tile presidents of the various church organizations were present along with large number of church members Tea sandwiches and cake were served by the Parish Aid Wally Ken nedy entertained with vocal sel BCLIOII accompanied by Mrs Robertson miscellaneous shower for bridetobe of September Miss Ruth Drummond was held atthe home of Mr arid Mrs Charles Brooks Cundles by Miss Mary Frechette on Monday evening bout 20 guests were present Assist ing the hostess was Mrs Jean Frechette Thetea table was cov ered with lace cloth and centred with pink zinnias and white floss and pink and white tapers Miss Drummonds marriage to Earl James Glover will take place on Saturday Sept in Collier Street United Church DUNSMORESUKAROFF The wedding of MissAnne Su karoff daughter of Mr and Mrs Sukaroffcf Brandon Manitoba to Douglas Ivan Dunsmoreson Lof Mr and Mrs Dunsmore of Crown Hill took place in First United Church Brandonon Sub urday afternoon July 30 1949fat two oclock Rev GReesper tormedu the marriage ceremony Given in marriage by herfather he bride Wore streetLIength lress of pale bluegreycrepe with whiteiaccessories and corsage of oinkucarnations and purple vio lets cbrsage of red roses acteduas usher Manitoba nusic lack SaSkL xVirden Vancouver BC They went on from this part of Her attendant was her sister Miss Frances Sukaroff and she wore dress of pink taffeta with ose and white accessories and End Linzmayer of Brandon was zroomsman and Robert Cardew Frank Woodmass of Virden played the weddipg At the reception which follow 3d at 47 SeVenth Street North Brandon the mother of the bride received in dress of grey crepe with brown accessories wearing courage of pink carnationsjlhe grooms mother were dress of navy tattle with rose aceessorles and corsage of pink carnations Guests attended from Barrie Kam Man and The bride and groom are making their home tn tendon following sweetie Kamaok Soak W2 ilTo be Married at Shanty Boy Mrs inter Il5Il and her return jollrllty rs Aarson and Ruth Return From Europe 138 BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA Two features of the European land which she thought might Well Europe They Slltti SWIIZCIlulId transplanted to this country illtlllti ill 11 native land of Denl mark and Holland during their sojourn oil the continent ahd model brief slop ill England on their were the sidewalk restaurants and balconies filled with boxes of rost and gclallillnls lil Denmark she found the people more worried about the Sailing on the Queen Elizabethlltussialls liulil the Germans There out of New Yolk at the end of May tllly locked at Cherbourgf Were still quite few air raid shelters left undisturbed since the France and joined Cooks tourtwar These looked very lllllcll like lll larls From Paris they jourllittlo hills overgrown with grass lleyed to Switzerland and travel led about llle country sightseeing for two weeks They returned to Paris and went on to Amsterdam ill llollallll flyllug froln there to Copenhagen Denmark to visit with relatives for six weeks Following their stay on the con tinent Mrs Aarsoll alld her daugh ter took tll boat across the North Sea and spent several days in pool to take the Ascallia to Mon treal During their two weeks stay in Switzerland with party of 25 and guide they visited Luzern Lu gallo Molltreux Geneva and In terlaken travelling to the top of the Jungfrau one of the highest mountains ill the Swiss Alps They saw great deal of the Alps by mountain railroad arid chair lift and Mrs Aarsoll recalls hearing one of the famous Alpine horns blown by the Swiss men in the mountains They found Switzerland co paratively untouched by the we and fairyland of beautiful scen ery Both were particularly im pressed by the cleanliness and lack of shabbilless of this country its excellent food and very fine trains which were all run by electricity The trains had painted ceilingsand bay windows through which you could watch the beautiful and picturesque scellcry Mrs Aarson found London quite changed since before the war she was last in Europe in 1936 Al though the bombed buildings had been tidied upand the bare walls were overgrown with grass the city had been almost completely bombed out in its very heart around St Pauls Cathedral The English food was also poorer than that in the countries of Europe they visited In Paris they enjoyed per formance of Der Rosenkavalierat the Paris Opera They visited the cathedrals of Notre Dame and Sacre Coeur the Eiffel Tower and Napoleons Tomb and travelled out to Versailles The highlight of their trip and the main reason for taking it this summer was the wedding of Mrs Aarsons nephew at the beginning of July in Copenhagens most magnificent church the one at tended by the royal family Wed dings in Denmark are always held in the evening with the gentle men and ladies inevening dress and the very beautiful ceremony differs slightly from ours accord ing to Mrs Aarson London before travelling to Liver 708 YEARS OLD Mrs Walter Parttlde aoonfln amtlton Glitterati108mm she cute because she wasnt Tooling lIer nephew who had worked with the clglotlnd during the war and hill been taken prisoner by the Germans was still under standably bitter against them The its of the belief in reservoir of about would land us all on Easy Sileei with all our responszblllties looked after with the least possible outlay of personal effort That is Seems worth while to argue against that ill the main they are the men plamlcrs They keep things mov why they carll more than the av average individual ill the country which had been occupied by the lGerlllall army during the war was however recovering from tllisllatred Mrs Aarson felt One of the souvenirs of their European trip is little music box ill the shape of one of the Swiss chalets Her daughter Ruth was quite pleased to filld that she had not forgotten all of her native tongue Slle was able to converse quite well ill Danish after not having seen the country for 20 years Farmer Alliston Couple Celebrate Diamond Wedding Alliston Herold Dr and Mrs McKenzie all West Moncton celebrated their GOIh wedding anniversary on Sunday August 14 1949 Dr McKenzie practised in Alliston in the early twenties living en the corner of Wellington and Ontario streets his retiring years The doctor and his wife com For Prosperity By JOSEPH LISTER BUTLEDGE Seemingly nothing will disabusel wealth that judiciously spread the basis of our Soak the lt3ell thinking or if We dislike that phrase our aim to share the Wealth Ill the face of every llrgu lllent we still believe ill this print and available pool of wealth Sol firm is our belief that it hardly it But let us be impractical and THURSDAY AUGUST 25 lm ll BAGS 7m Quiltin Somehow SALA TBA Wosoga Mon Buys tly Let us take the year 1946 IS ISOyner Storage lasis for argument because they figures are final and because it re presented perhaps the height of our prosperity Let us put the wealthymthc owners of this pool of wealthas all those who had taxable income of over $25000 ill that year There were 2484 such happy individuals Their total in route was $113 million it tidy and colllfortable figure But the rwak ing of the rich was already well under way Forgetting all ablu provincial local and all forms of hidden taxation the Federal go erlllllent immediately took 58 of their earnings in income tax In other Words the wealthy who re presented less tllan one in every thousand of the taxpayers paid one out of eVery ten dollars of collect ed income tax Even so they had lnore left than most of us Of course they also do lllore We expect them to be the heavy contributors toward all good works But We sometimes forlut who keep industrys wheels turn ing to provide employment for you ulld me They are the leaders the ing and moving forward Thats crage of us for no one pays man agement for doing nothing any more than they pay workers for iloose ends Keep all your how not working But suppose weforget these obi vious facts and join with the other Soak the mommy Sumo WCshowing woman with her head taxed these people the full 100 bandaged and ma leanmg overl so that they had no income at llll That would give us another $47 million to split up among the twelve million of us We would all have exactly $395 apiece So lets figure it that way$305 in return for the initiative the business in Toronto for more than l0 years both with the Stores and in his own business For the past two seasons Mr Jones has been operating cabins at Wasaga Beach He has been very active worker ill Beach af fairs especially in the organiza tion and building of the Central Wasago Community Centre Mlle Juries wellknown Wasaga Beach business man has purchas ed Stayner Community Cold Stor tCollingwood EnterpriseBulletinl age from Lloyd Montgomery The new owner was in the merit Mr Montgomery was forced to dispose of his interests due to ill health This Womans Glory Was Her Hair Hair protection is eillphasizcd in ii striking black and yellow bulletin issued ill August to thousands of industries across Ontario ill the membership of the Industrial Ac cident Prevention Associations The bulletin contains the follow ing practical advice to all in indus try Almost any moving part of machinery however smooth has the power to seize your hair and on pull it out by the roots So have no under your cap Illustrating the foregoing by drill press the bulletin contains the wording This womans glory was her hair And this goes for you too The hazard is the long hair not the sex of the operator drive the enthusiasm the visionltherc were scarcelyhalf as many that produced so much of the pros perity we enjoy that provided live lmillion jobs where as late as 194011055 of present prosperity piled falnily history of their families which in book form along with ancestral and modern photos was most interesting to all the guests As the afternoon wore on the guests dispersed leaving only the limmediate relatives with the doc itor and his wife gcstion of Dr Kenneth and his Upon the sug Under canopy mid gladionlwifc buffet luncheon was serv and roses on their lawn the be loved country doctor and his wife received the good wishes of their guests some 500 in all MrsMc Kenzie looked charming as usual in gown of black lace adorned and later moved to Moncton for lwith the gift of her husband beautiful cameo brooch and cor sage of orchids Their only son Dr Mc Kenzie outstanding brain special ist in the Toronto General Hospi ed with the bride and groom of 60 years ago cutting their wedding cake in most romantic manner using one of the grooms amputation knives Among the older guests was the brides older sister Mrs lSterret and her four sons also er Biette Dr Kenneths father inlaw So in the summer sunlight of an August afternodn the McKen zie clan enjoyed most complete tal With the assistance of his wife setting of Dr and Mrs FMc and family took care of the ar rangements for this very special event Dr Kenneth has four chitl dren Dorothy Jean Margo and Frederick five grandchildren two sonsinIaw Barrie Graham son of the late Roscoe Graham and Tom Angus all present at their grand parents reception lovely luncheon was served during the afternoon and among the highlights of the party were telegrams received from the King and Queen the Governor General and many of their Canada and the United States Friends attended from Tillsonblirg Toronto Alliston and California Former Moonstone Loldy 108 Yedrlef ge friends from Kenzies sixtieth anniversary Ottawa for two weeks Misses Mary and Dorothy Lain lson of Barrie are spending the week at Houghtons Mr and Mrs Charlton and Mr and Mrs Mill of Toronto were atvF Houghtons over the weekend Mr and Mrs McCarroll of iPeterboro and Day Toronto visited at Leesons on Sunday lNEWTON ROBINSON Miss Helen Lceson is home from Lets Soak the Rich and get al most four dollars in return for that LAFFADAY Of COURSE can cook Can you WASH DISHES lg til Mum de la Roche whose Jalllll series and other books have won her wide acclaim as Canadian authoress has returned from it four montll visit to Ireland and Miss de la ltoclle is working on new book but says Its ll little eilrlv to discuss it now think Ill keep for willie vet England SLLILI Britains with France 1695 was partly paid for by tax bachelors In f6 SPRING LAMB CHOICE LOINS SCHNEIDERS TASTY HAMS BACON AND SAUSAGE Self Service VISIT BARRIE MEAT MARKET or DIAL2447 FOR FREE DELIVERY Dunlop Street 000ti000Ofl0 aisle oommooooo poi00foiooo sprightly little so no lthuud feet need health ful precliscl fit Tted shoes Fibula iklnd fthal taker real abuse emerge unscufred Worldvich wondertut group of finely made slices liemanhleh for Junior pretty orith for little mandatingWest low enough for the budgetaware mother mall TiiURSDAY oV