PM SIX Has Demons lhc kiln of miles an from object le graphically tontui ivcently on Lorna Toronto when an old Crashing at 55 mph 2ND PLAYOFF hitting stair ii pl not in running ordvr but it staid condition hoistcu 5min titlii the air by tram 1Ili atomi ii drop The impact the lilit Im to twrstcd steel aiiu spluitritil tuned Slmttittttti that MI tl itil at high blltttl into laid lvo dummies the at it ing the drier id ti were into apart ir tie ioici it full crash Officials of the Greater Toronto polici tiiici Departineiu of Highways lll to Kiwanis Safiij ti inni1 the event to dlaw iteiiiiitu opening of llit lita Campaign in iozoiio This drive ties in with in plot tr llt safety tttlltilitlll iiieayit t1 just month ago Charles liLusali $iftl Tinttilt iliti 111w ilt Council who acted as ttIllJIttliLtlii Vi during the deiiioiistizition explain ed to the several llitlttllitl zai it ors that more than Lotti pci Ontario will die this yeai Still of traffic accidents lie 11mm that the current sat canipn 11 would impress upon and pedestrians the uavt greater care on the ltttl ot Huh iill tt lttitl to ario The Kiwanis tlobs of Tinonto tendered banquet to the lhtlltt officials after the iiiiiioiitziioi John Colliiiewood Reade isiii known radio commentator the chief speaker llead table titted itt Clucled Hickcll lieutistiar ot Motor Vehicles for Uttlzillo 11 Rowan Director of the cciteiit Division of the ilitzhwavs liiillt ment Aid Frank Tliftoii Frank Daniels chairman of the Toronto Kiwanis Safety Council Si vicechairman of the Ontario lxi wants Safety Council Waffle Jack Carroll Other guests includ ed Russel Byers representing the the Ontario Safety League and the Mayers and Reeves of nearby municipalities Advocates Compulsory Reserve Force Trdining Compulsory reserve force train ing for young Canadians was advo cated today by ltCol Baxter president of the Dominion command of the Canadian Legion at the 16th biennial convention of the Ontario Command at Ottawa SOFTBALL it ll 11 xiiza lllii to lifllftil lllt tilt was lttll it lill iatn iziital ut lliulm or of the Toronto liaffo Saar nep first inning when he walked three mtters one was safe on an error $ltlll1tt centre fielder Clare luring were the boys who crossed the plate to give the red shirts 20 lead on again for the hlyers and lvant the sixth when they extended their hits Legion President Jim ltlctfurdy and timely single iby Marshall to pile up comfort able lead They added another pair in the seventh off relief Lowe to complete the whitewashiiig process FLYERQ 218 tration of gt34tltiil Finlay ctvin ilijetl ttilllt titllvit nut lllt ceiitiii llslttlAi Soatiii iiifiiil it hit altt ti the Tll in etch 1illi tuttllv lilit ii ii limitli tLi caie lapel 13w irvt ii cioi tti lh liitti itttit Il the lace 111 liitlll itttllkill iacichaiil llsie hair tiiila tiit and in iiit Alotois tniilvd ttw Vrtlllvtla ball nii kirdinstiay night at The tire nit iii tl li unpoiii lttl If not til iiid tie ip iii tiinh iaased viitot the meritmerit was litlt innpiici lii in tilltil it flitLtitll 70 The off the liesiiztie Illil tllt at one game apiece Jack llaitoii ol iLd late loaned liariivxs ace iiititll tllllall llill lli an out of the he thud and iollllll toiitists srhe t11l dahd lwa tin saua diamond iias liiaii pzoti ed tlttlull calli iai llt ed by Harlin iiii lieniiit title ll ttlrlttttrSltl no time in tfiiiiiibriic the star hurli till lllt Illlil it lot litt remainder of the Ltllitl Hwy ivy pounded iinf twirleis tarll and Paid lltttltis as day rolled to most ttilttltttillt triimzph Myers iiiid the lead for short period when the tallied two runs in the second ltlltll lvy came back to deadlock the count and both teams ran to the loiiilh pole iiiiottcd at il Ivy took the lead for the firsti Hi mmml Willa Wm time at ll iiis expense doubling ttl the route lt1l only threewhl sum 84 Sixth Aft ittltizix were made 111 the tilllfllltl um WWCd his 1mn UH ll tfll ll winners were able to roll iiiiiiiolest WW 11 11 will ed to the iclistlit of packed gal ill hadoti llill 111 the lust iiiii my in Fiycis at no time looked like tluiillt Vlllil ill club defending championship iieated the striiiiglypacked ltlot mm ha mm rm W1 The irinrll HI Ill Wit Slilllid infield was sievelike and no he losrts once ttiitttt but found the mum pmmmu mull huh Wlmfl 11ill versed the decision He handed tape the lead in the oach lloy liniiiis is hoping they settle down for tonights alliiiiport ant Contest large contingent is expected to follow the Ivy chal lengers into the park to aid in sett llaitai iiiii ipi toyi iit tin tll down our of rain during id 7ttl itttit failed to end uiitil confined lllt faii sat il tlt shout itaztniz due players but l5tl to pizo eight complete brought ltli lsifiilc darkness ml to llltltttliillfS Rawraft was lairely responsible til the siiipiisaie swittiiess in five tizc ei1iit limits he retired the do in odii li the sixth he fati itll all tiziee opponents tlltl another lived on an attempted Playing coath Earl Marshall and attendaiite mark Hagan will likely take the mound it hits Spears is almost sure to start for The winners earned their runs in Ivy ttttlllilt to 50 They collected flitll one damaging double by hurler Bruce WITH TWO HITS Bill ltaycraft was definite fac inning rally tax in the game not only on thel threerun sixth mound but also at the plate He led broke up scoreless pitching battle his club in the hit department with Saturday evening at Barrie Fair Aug 15 two singles Marshall Goring Grounds when the local Junior Fly Two nights mnpukmv HWY iliashner Stransinan and Ab Bow scrs swept l1 victory away for Idlilind Ch their would tllwmibllltd Single liltS ifroin Fred Hamiltons Playground lt eiiiie Fred Seotcher and Bruce Lowe JUVCIHlth 01 10101110 help ciadita Liimc am it delinuuency bv taking youths ofi ispoiled Raycrafts possible DOlllll Uetl 9y numb Date 15 tcr scoring singles in the third and ICViitClUllLl 013A lliSutalttC the streets he said There may come time when young men will have to defend Canada and they should know nova how to defend themselves If reserve force conscription had The Borden Bounce been in effect prior to the Second World War more men would have returned from that conflict he said WANTED Young Women Harvesting Peaches Plums Pears Apples Grapes Toma toes and other Fall fruits and eggtables Accommodation in Farm Service Force Camps Aug 15th to Nov 15th Campers must bring blankets sheets and pillow cases For further information write ONTARIO FARM snnvrcr FORCE Richmond Street Iiast TORONTO ONTARIO Auspices DominionProvincial Farm an in opnubr sr and interest option may like liver like sledge hammer is applicdi to find the xx uxmxxxvcxvuuvuu PREPARE FOR WINTER AT SUMMER PRICES TORRID HEAT OIL BURNER grInstalled $35500 Complete Ifive Tear OilICOntract iiiiiitiicii REFRIGERATION iiionGucIranteeclw mogul rim of five years guaranteed both as to principal reach holders on due date or it holdul ccmpouudintcrcc Anidul investment for indiviMam esrciithoriadvby buffer huilcr Enso Zanatta on the mound against the Queen City entry and the Sault Ste Marie prospect eighth innings respectively Gage 002 003 20x4 ltl thanked him with twohit effort But he needed the slugging sup port of his third baseman Wib Mc iArthur before he saw the light of BOT lxnp Bonk Cilifen Victory While Zanatta was busy h0if1yLlI01Fln$d luieve clasping the hands of his rivals 33 Bill Ellis of the visitors was doing DU Wm teeth wk likewise to the Flycrs it ogcthei like castcncts 01 gallop They only managed to obtain in dominoes Does your back bone curve into gure 01 does four hits off Ellis all evening and simply collapse McArthur supplied three of them when blow In the Sixth when Barrie scored three times for their margin of vic tory they combined pair of hits by McArthur and Paul Megcr to two wild throws Fred Hamilton came back in the Do you want to these in Have we to your sternum answer triguing questions aroused your curiosity For the answers do not turn to page8 There is harder more interesting way to find theWas mamth by Barrie solution Merely take ride in aeighm jeep truck motorcycle or passen Zanatta was in fine form as he ger car on the stretch of Cambrai made his second start on the Road just south of the Maintenance mound for the Flyers He whizzed and Repair Section of the RCASC no less than 14 third strikes past School This piece of washboard opponent batters while walking pavement is guaranteed to shake only two the daylights out of you to such Bill Ellis of the losers also work an extent that yell Will goaround ed well recording 11 strikeoutsand for days with locomotoratoxia walking none but his support did like m0t1114 YOPI friends Will not equal that given to Zanatta by think you are wrggling theFlyers in the up and ldown because you are so full of Labour Committee cncrgy so try it Once will be SOUR LAND enough The term sour land is often mis understood and misused Sour land is land which is acid in reaction and which requires some lime or other alkaline substanccs to make the soil sweet or neutral in reac tion Frequently the term sour land is used incorrectly to indicate imper ifectly drained soils which do not produce satisfactory crops and which generally favor the growth of moisture loving plants such as horsetail sedges and moss Such land may not necessarily be acid T4 IMPORTANT TRAFFIC More than 1200 railroad cars are loaded daily with Czinadian pulp Vwood pulp and paper products PHONE 2059 mamasr Interest cheques nailed to be allovicd to cccumulato II MAGANN ofrOt away Whose appointment as Can dtan Ambassador to Greece has been announced by Hori Pear simwiglater of Exttgsnunleffglra aim sticce en 000 000 00x4 but iseventh with single counter which iCar hit ground right on the nose and the 11931 structurally sound but mechanically unfit sedan folded completelyDem0nstra tion was designed to give visual evidence of What happens to car when it hits stat ionary object at Sirmph was demonstrated inc an expected new South Siincoe THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA Kiwanis Safety Council lVY TROUNCE Kiwanis Safety Campaign Aint PoliCe viewWreckage and dummyi victims following Kiwanis Safety Campaigndemon New Chemical to Replace DDILasLwcstockjpmyd neW insecticidemethoxychlor expected to replace DDTVas livestockspray is now available in Canada it is announced by Can adian Industries Limited More lethal to some insects than DDT yet lesstoxic to human be logs the new Chemical was developi ed in the US It has already been adopted there as standard eagle spray to control severalspe ts 01 MONDAY wGUST 22 1949 Wt Demonstrates Accident Effects August zt zedit is Willi Ills nit tltl iii also Jon WHITE Vinegar Meilowed and aged Uniform in strength love to sit in front of the tire and ion my fingers through your hair mm DUCKS INCREASE IN NORTH EDMONTON ttli MiititilioiL and nesting of 1ltl ducks in noqu llltlll Alberta has increased lllttltl Ethan tit pir cent this year lluestis provincial fish and game commissioner iiioiuic The wild duck population in southern 57 ithe middle of the 111th century by Kiwanis Safety Campaign officials at the Tasa Lorna Here is car before crash 1942 MasseyHarris Tractor 102 twin power Starter Lights and Road Gear Rubber and Motor all Al With MasseyHarris two furrow plow new $1100 Will sell sep aratcly HOOVER NOBLETON Phone Bolton 275 Sinicuc Block Cu 115 Tillin St PHONE 2335 Barried District Applicator dealer for CRETETITE Quotations gladly given on dust proof ing and waterproofing in clear or color for concrete brick or stucco Barrie PLAIN T0 SIZE Remember your Window SllzldQSLllC the 0N1 tliiiigVIJy which your lioinefurnishing standards are judged by all who passby Our Custom Qiiality Shades will cOmpleinent your homes furnishings Their moderate price tillithplimttltt your wistin in homeexpendi turcs BARRIE TENT AWNINGco 34 Bayiield St Tel 4314 need for supporting the KiWanis Safety Campaigns code of road manners Care Courtesy and Commonscnse Be sure you are ready for threshing this year avoid ocostly delays due to belt trouble vqethardworking Goodyear Klingtite the thresher belting thatgripsi yourpullcys saves fuel as it delivers maximum power Its tough far VOutlasatsother beltiirg0rder vyOurjneeds nowdrop Strationorerfects Of crashing into station arr object at 55 mph DEALER Extensiveexperiments by Can though certain areas report thiit DDTresistant fly strains are tie9 veloping Where this problem has 3E9efiiyZflifiyiitf udian federal provincial and indus iriatentom919i8t Adoring thcwpast two years were highly successfl stated Asher development manager of CILs agricultural chemicals division IntrOduction of methoxychlor does not mean DDT is on theiway out the agricultural scientist ex greatsuccess iiiii is CITYS lllSltlltl 11iiiivn llll oiigin jam FM We when luai Alberta howevei has fallen ant wmnmgif lllfl ltIVIllt DIStthIRFJ The Orange River in Africa wasi first crossed by Europeans about vi59 gtqltclt