THURSDAY 18 I949 Parker Wallace and Garrett Win Fights 14th Straight Kayo For Oakwood Stadium he could be seated on his stool When he did come round he at linost toppled from his throne in the corner The same treatment WaStchll ienced by 8111 Nanr of the Dia 11iond Athletic lub when he 12112111 111111 contact with the ex plotting iigiitswt Itii Garrett Tvl nzadj his 1311 zirpcaiancc 211 Oak 111 fact IIJI PARKER Orv Dash fed his peppy ring stern the knockout tonic Tuesday night 11111111 they donned their gloves at the weekly light show at lakwood Stadium 111 Toronto Twu out of 111111 Barrie lads wood and wasnt long establishing lnnisclf as capable performeri 111111 1111 1111111111 und 115 lscionds of the first round Gar larictt is Scheduled to make an other appearance next week Unorthodox Don Wallace kcth his undefeated record intact by capttiring an unanimous three round decision from Givens of Welland Givens defeated Anwlo Rizzoli who has taught the prized Alan IVICFIIILI five times which is at yfcather in Wallaces cap The win was the ninth straight for the Stroud prodigy and momf lbtl of the Barrie Boxing Club Joe Peters closed three iround decision Hogan of tlic Hamilton for lost to 111 111l111111 13 hits off Ivan Speersp 11111111111 111411 the nine errors com ifirst 1111111 I111 Ioland raced across tliei lll VICTORY James AGAINST IVY Bari 11 Fiyers look onegame lead 111 1211 btstvinfivc South Sineiv baseball semifinal scries 11 11 Friday when they 1111itlztttl 1111 litifliisitln Ill 1111 Hagan tire of the Flyers putrid staff was 111 complete z11 111 1111 11111111 over the 1111 11111111115 11111111112 Ivy but SIX scuttcicd hits He didnt pitch what Could be 11111111111 brilliant1 contest as 111 issued no less than eight 111115 but he did producei 111111 light spots which were most 11111 frame 111 fanned eight ls1ahil1 his fielding buddies but what really placed SpJers 111 milled by his tcanunales jority of the llycrs 1111111111141 Barrie mini runs were 20 lead in the when Jim Strachuni 1111111 inning pilllt or 111111 Mcgers single iliey outscored Ivy 21 in the fifth Poland and Megcrsupply mg the counters while Ivan 811111115 doubled to bring homeI IV 1111111 run TEAM SATURDAY AT FAIR GROUNDS Barrie Junior Hunt will play an exhibition game ith Fred Hamiltons Juvenile of Toronto Saturday evening at the Fair Grounds This Is the third Queen ity club the locals have matched them Aeltts against this season and show an even record of um and one southpaw on their roster who 111w been given praim for their work in Toronto circle2 Once again lIiiso Zanatta the Sault Ste Marie product 1111 fired threehitter last weIlh end for the Ilyers will waltz to the mound as he works his arnr in shape for the ltcdllllg 08A playdowns Game time in is set for 1330 lltltl 1511111111111 gt I121y tritiicssed scoreless gamet and then saw l111 ON THE GREEN BERGER HA Barrie hold commanding lead in Berger Cup play as they enter their final round tonight agams The visitors boast two crark lEennells Erlinii nate Cookstdwn 1To Reach Simcoe Finals 11000 lildlit Ii=1iil11 llct ttov1111111111r 111111 111lUh 311 lkl 11111 11th 11 P15151111 cumin 1111 111111 111111 lore of their South $1111 10011 spectators marcd Ill1lt approval of wellplayed c1111 Lt 11111112111 ll tu1 1111 Watch Deciding 32 Game Constable 11111 runners 111 the pat Lulilllb1lilti conscc 1121 siziaslns 111 tally once and ouse attempted to its but Mar1111111 catch that could have tied and forced extra innings After tut 11 Wtlt 1WLt Martin rw walk off Constable Lloyd he followedup With possible tcxaslcaguei to leftwcntre Martin 3111 11j 111 the bat 11111 practically 1111111 third 11111 Ewing made 1111 allimport 11111 again 1113111 iii in tliri whcic they itabl gallicti ttttt 11I Itlit 111 11 111 lwl 111 witnessed the two RUTH his wmp 731 5111121 ant 00111111 r1lch Hm hiwmng chumpwm Nymph 1111111111 The throw was accurate and lczitclnr 1111 1511 ployotl picture coin Ictrllltllt nthtttt 111y witnessed one of the most 111111111 111111 1111 unstable and 111111311111115 touse was more tcgtt of 1111 tiv1 11111 hells victory frame when Utililtli 111111 inns 111 the sixth 111v They Hitt fookstown fightingi group of youngsters gamer sup potting tin1r still tricky and Elvin sational veteran liarry Cousc 111 the dying minutes of 11 fastcbbing C111111gtl 11118011 ended the rally With thv tyim 111111 mount1 idltllrld inninidsniari 1111 Crawford followed In Hmde duels LT 251113111 to centre field which would 5mm Simcm Cords 211111 scored Coust easdy had lie lc It mum plmhfurrpxwh bunk maincd 1111 third but the amiable yltllulllttl gambled and lost SACKS iennells shifty shortstop wuw sand the game in the ninth Cookstown It was 11it11111y sensational and 1M1ltng ending to 11 terrific game it1111kstuwii could have walked off iltltli10l with any luck at all The l11sxrs 11ft lU men on the sacks while Iciinells had six men isttandctl on the paths Jack Hughes tagged the up with ouse fanned eight ltlliltHlSlttlJltS 111111 and didnt 1tlt walk while ifiilislablr t11 111 Iin 111111 1111 111111 11111 001 Ultil ti 11111 U11 hililiclls 20 DISCOUNT 0N TIRES THIS STOCK TO CLEAR only 450475 20 Ply only 525550 18 Ply only 600650 2013 Ply Also large stock of first quality used tires DANGERPIELD MOTORS 65 COLLIER ST PHONE 2487 1111L1 did sun1 to walkiAllillldlilL They Iosf eight poinis away with the till until the 111111 their rivals last week 1111 111l ttr portion of the game when greens but still maintain 53point both Specrs and Ivy were crumb margin 111114 Allandale havent given Tiny tallied twice in the seventh though as they recorded 511411 1111111 this through faulty workivictory Ihursday Dutch iif 1110 llllltl 11d CU001131111111 and Vern Sharpe had the ball 11 Smilic 1111 141111111 W110 Megei 1rolling on one blade as they edged HT111 1110 litmus Itiompson and Miilf111ngt1111 Ilyers put on grand slam 1111 lit16 for an Allandalc triumph 1511 1111 the crowded bleachers in Reg Ayrcs and his partner team the ninth as they more than made ed 111 down Harry and Joe ltlilnet Vititltl StCUH by PUHChinis ac105511716 in another thriller illlltl four markers oi four hits iCharlic Bcelby and his matei Paul Megcr and Dan Polattdltroiinced Dr Spiers and llcrmani verc individual stars in the Bar Osborn 16ll to give the tailciitbi ric till by driving home an oven roar111 swoop half dozen runs between them Wib ltIcArthur contributed three hits LADIES TOURNEY of winner along the sidelines as but was topped by Mcgcr with four lolaml supplied two Amanda 13w bowling Clublthe result was 111 question until was the scene of very lively 11h 11 Clarence Huggiyh paced Ivy at Iadics tournament on Iliursilay Neither tcam backed up an inch They saw the last spark of ic tory thumbcd out at the plate in the eighthi inning as Harry ouse gambled on run from third and failed They saw the triumphant F1111 111115 New prance from the scortlp 1113 war held and they watched an cxcnainpion Illflt take their 111111 11111111111 111 fine sportsmanship jShamrock Club Sttiicd K05 while only one Sillhis third straight defeat to pre fcreil defeat lvent Barrie from making clean James ilarksr pereiinialfaviSWCtll orite at the ringside added an1 DWI2 ICilCOCk W110 1135 1101 other Cm Victim his mountingiplagucd with illluck at Oakwood homqught rewrds he caughlWllS slated to throw punches on Nick Imus DP with sundtthc card out his opponcnl failch right at lllL 4051101111 mark of the 10 Show UP D0111 35 hm second round trim according to manager 01 It was Jaims 111th 11111111113311liggmigum NU have mp trips knockout at ilwood which docsi not 111111111 rubberoust others hot more 10 Bill0 boys Tm C3ill DON WALLACE up valkilll but two batters llis support at the plain came from McLeod who punclnd out three singles and doubli for tire it was game which will remain in sport 111c1norics for years to come the famous ConstablcCouxc battle in which the 3001111111111 star from Fcnncils outiastcd the blonde haired ltiUpounder from Cooks town WZQW There was never any prcdictioni the blatc with two hits with 161111 Aug With link Um Billlit 1111 Iin 111111111th 130111 fielded son to Laycoek Speers Toumihm Ind Allimdillt 1151111114saiionail but had their hands tied and Davin up 111 iims lwhcn it came to hits Fcnnclls has hmmm um um schcdulcd for 11 3x1 weeks carggdlowcd the local midgets to square 111111 these boots Will be recorded thcseiILMlt1111c1111111=1111lt1 11111 Jullm Cmdilvd Parke ilslin Mondays edition of The Bat the next two slated for olling llliky wellmg ric Examiner wood c1aimm 1111 was 1c is man to put 111111 on the floor tol BITE Umfilm mlm llllll hfm slay lie 1111 beserk in the initial lulhlllflunil ii iii an lmniil 1111111115 and charged the referee ft llkfn turf then attempted to get at Iarkcrll Highly11Stlwddu 1111 if ant To bf 911 Ein thc third on mine sound basej onliwiliymtlddhiiikifsdlfffliiiiire t1315 ball rules while 11llinizwood finy trained liardhkn bom mm was Ihc midgetentry of the Bairieally broke the score sheet 111 themlog wing rmdv mvluw Barrie lad Manl Athletic Cliib possess two fourth outracuig Barrie Zvl Inn mkurowr mc mils Iconsistent stars on their roster 111 Blaker took over tor Butters 111 Our Repair Department is now ready to However Parker although hav ing copped the first meeting did not take the threats likely and was prepared for stiff outing lie entered the ring for the first round and merely sparred with Jalinus The most barrage he receive were pair of light lefts In tie second he found his opening and finished off the boast ful DP in short order Smelling salts were required to bring Jaiinus to his senses before pitcher John Liickic and his side kick catchcr Al McLeod This twosome seem to more diamond knowledge than ro quircd in their class as they tcrim ed to defeat Collingwood 172 Fri day at the Fair Grounds in the second game of their bestinfivc finals for the Simcoe County Cham pionship Laekic sent the visitors home with only three hits to their credit while recording 11 strikeouts tandl eninsu coumm PACKnucv nun canon SALMON CLAMPS1N TOMATO SAUCE point 51mm ORANGE MARMALADE 1121111111115 BEANS MEAT BALLS WITHGRAVY HORSEY BRANDPICK OF THE CROP lIME JIl DOMINIONFULL NUT FLAVOUR puuuruunm 24 istcrcd in the lormalfty sixth LEIIIBRIDGII Alla With tish biting well lakes and rivers dealers tackle here report the yet for sales W9 11 311 51 251 31 291 Jar 16 Th 01 Bottles criuo CRYSTAlS 211 251 1131110 11011111 25 WElCH 0ng GLASS 101$ PARAWAX 25c GRAPE JUICE 1211211 11111411 Plgx of 1h 17 NT No VARIETIES veonrrns VETERANS VALIANTS 6Quart Baskets Arriving Fresh Daily throw 1111111 lltllSTOllll 11111111 EXCELLENT F011 suciNG on ritiisnitVING BLADE Renown BLADEIIOAST BONELESS attune BltlSllEl lb ML SHANE orrivsmoxnn IPEAMEALEngz 49c comm 110111 53 ML SKINLESS mm lb 391 wnitiiiis 45 MONDAYTUESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY 8151111 to 600 PM WEDNESDAY845 1114 TO 1230NoON SATURDAY815 AM TO 600 PM HVALuesuEFFecnv THURS FRI SAT AUG 18 19 20 ltl IilCIC iFISlHNG SPURSSALES ltCP1 in district in fishing best year 11110 filth and 11llingzwoorl held lBarrie down to slow trot liaVOcver the damage had been done Ilt and the two runs the winncrs rcg Friday Sept 200 020 21441 13 000 110 000 ANNOUNCE DATES EQOPACO SERIES The draws were made for the ladies and mens divisions of the Copaco series and recreation dir ector Ken Robinson has made of ficial announcement of their play off dates In the ladies division Barrie Stransmans will visit Barrie Val ley Taxi stamping grounds for suddcndcath fixture to decide winner before Friday Aug 20 The winner will advance into the bcstinlliree finals against Mid land Merchants with thc IIISI game having to be played before Ivy The mens section finds nine teams fighting it out in sudden dcatli contests among whom are Harris Motors of Barrie defend iing champions Harris oppose Slayncr in the first round at Stayncr with win ncr declared by Friday Aug 126 In the quarter finals Gage visit Minesing Elmvale travel to Port McNicoll and Midland Shipyards journey to Barrie for date with Lakevicw Dairy The winner of the HariisStayner clash will tangle with Vasey on the Iatters grounds Winners in this bracket must be decided by Sept THREE 1EAMS DEADLOCKED FIRST PLACE Barrie Industrial Softball League experienced the closest race possi1 ble this season as allthree teams nished the schedule deadlocked for rst place toss wasnecessary to decide which team would receive bye into the nals and Clarke and Clarke won The remaining two clubs Barrie Tanning and Canad ian General Electric will play twooutofthree seminal series with the rst game tonight at CGE grounds The threeway tie in the stand ings resulted Tuesday night when CGE walloped Jack Haskell for Mrs Jones and Mrs Summons combined to give Allan dnlc their only prize winner but they made their choice of the first one Their score for three wins was 50 plus one which resulted in the highest of the tournament Also with 111100 wins and in second place was Mrs Creasy and Mrs Hook of Barrie with score of 35 pair of Iottcnham rounded out the prize winners Mrs Hammond and Mrs Chapman captured third spot with two wins and score of 42 plus two while Mrs Woriod and Mrs supplied the one high win of 33 SLOPPY EATERS Because their young drop things mothers of1 young robins hum iiiigbirds wrens and canvasback ducks place the food deep down in baby birds mouths 11 hits and an 117 victory over Clarke and Clarke with 500 average winning four ents in the fth 52 haired and losing four CGE did all their scoring in two innings Tuesday in their somewhat confusing triumph They took ad vantage of shaky start by Hitskett to compile six runs on two hits in the opening frame pair of walks and twoiyerrors raidedtheir cause Clarke and Clarke attempledvto overcome this deficit and mild gallant stab Lorne Ferguson sln gled home run in the second and Jack Barth contributed threel runfhomer in the third after red Amby Rivett crossed the plate CGE hurler Mel Metcalfe was re spdnsible for holding Clarke and Clarke below the horizon from that went on tooutscore their oppons The game was very well played with the main differencie lying in the contrbl illustrated by the teams pitchers Haskell issued four cost ly walkswith his teammates con tributing trio of expensive errors Ralph Schandln headed ithe CGE attackjwtthjthree hitsatvhlle Jack IiovllWesty Taylor iLen Pledger and Mel Metcalfe record ed two each George DAmbrosio was fthe lasers bestas be registered trio or wellhit balls Amby Riven Jack Earth and Lorne Fermsonis Stlppliea We point 1111 He protectedhlsr 65 lead brilliantly while his mates gt xxxxL Colors Sizes rinks Malcolm Goons Sansrricronv on 251511116131 8111511113 qu 1111i1agcd scattered pair off Couse vliilc Cookstown tagged Constable for only one Then the big blowuprin the con llest came in thesixth when Fen1 iiclls outscored their struggling op poncnts 31 Cousc vcakcncd momentarily af ter two were retired issued Single to Roy Ewiiigs and two successive homers to Constable and Gordon Todd before he finally forced Sam Ncilly to go out at first The damage was done and the homestcrs had to work last to rc capture the fatal timc George Mar tin snappy backstop for Cruise led off the bottom portion of the sixth with single Lloyd Hughes fanned but llarry Couse aided his own cause by Dunchimr out single to score Martin They got Fennells in order in handle your bicycle repairs We Have 11 CompleteLine of Bicycle Parts OUR RATES ARE REASONABLE ALL WORK GUARANTEED II Bed Farrell 114 Dunlop Si SPORTING GOODS AND SPORTS EQUIPMENT Dial 2653 Next Door 111 Dicks Bowling Alley 1110 seventh and P11101de 10 1lace WW mmttmamtxmxxvmtwsssxxmxxxssmmssmssxxxsxsssxxnmsnxmssxssssm $XS$$$SSSW MInSUMMER 111111111121 SALE Mens Sport Coats lust at time when youcire looking fora coat for fall wear Smart checks or plain shqdeSlhe very finest materials all greatly reduced 11111111111129131111111111117501111 up Mens Leather Loafers Mahogany stain c1 very smart last good leaths Hers smart looking 11111050 111 11111795 Each entry in the league nisleri 1044 Reg 110 to Clear 69c pr All vvool various patterns and shades 1111 111115931111298 POI cooi Icing rloisting weangt pair oithese summer Weight trousers All shades styles and