ciao EIGHT NTNTH CARSON gt iWould Pay Mothers FAMILY REUNION Ft To Home Teaching 31 MIDHURST THURSDAY AUGUST 1949 Likes HQOp 737111 it 1illt July itli Joy lta ii hid lutll twin but TIKKKT Iklxibtll NEIEIIITON NZ July 21 it Alignith its llullrt vlizldrcfi at but ycck for tdCIl child Age of Ich and 12 ihi NC Zcullilitl fit LIilitllrl ilr taught by port filial II This Modern MIss Cundles WI Hcive Interesting Meetings titrg ittiiul WI Ii Liv TJIJgalttifl nit ilgtliic cuic pondi Iici no ciriin by the gmrriiinzist iIi iituiy ago Inston ultiii iEi pmwk Sh wonld Ilki it iuop nub all the time iamki xou Icci lciiiinttie amt ionivtliinii It iirnli ilnti lust Ilh ii 1hr Iii that Hilzimw knova yhcsrof lie Along with Ixannn KIlii1 llllll up in tiniiiiv =tl of Acuity ago to take titi51=llw dining llali inttliltltiil celebrations llo about the ItlllllS ttitlll5 iniui Initliilitf Irliltllt Vllirr VtitlItI IiiiIIIII and longbelowwho Itlllt ittn til you then bc iii tall div tituh tzillx to lintd fIll all tin citing lt IIic Iui Ixtiii Iiiid 11 itbe honic ot Tilt wton lni iroli tall anxxyiut by intmin quoting tlnii Mis 1121 Ilifllltl At Ilillll much if optiiitiw Mrs NItll sync tall IiiutllJ ii icpeu oI Wlittll brought 1II ion on tIic coi plum ud ho replied perhaps on ilic IIitI tinny would be bother mUlIU UV tillivtl Ht HHIIF not Ilill IIllllii that the girls niirir im IW Iliiiil iilillli IM HN lot bv not bring teinunnc INN NU II that had Itmll born Lll lrtilll Ii llilu iI iBELL REUNION ii HELD ATMIDHURST 5005 Il la 3W Removes Superfluoiis llair lloles and Warts Ichlirow Arching ELECTRLIIYSIS HELEN BLACKMORE Late of Iliscott Institute Toronto Will bent Regina url Shoppe 58 Elizabeth St for the week of August and for one week in each month there after 83 Consultations Free For Appointment Phone 4311 NEWTON ROBINSON llzx ipi lit4 in and Jr IIIionio xiii1 1in Vtiillliiilt II ant XII iItllllI gtIII rod tlt Suzikn Ali ill li It Copeland rIird lItI it Ilalttnanli IIornton on Hominy Mr and ilrs Kc Noble oi totiou are fillziidlti ch at Noblvs 311 and lr onncII IililI Vcston ixilcd ir IE1II iitcl IIlt JUIIUYII Il trio of Highland rcclt iitcu MI and Mrs opciaiid oyci lIlt weekend il illtI ll IJtllwitl latkoii 12 Ioint and ton Ask Mrs MacPherson about SemiWash Thirst T06 if Seeks Quality lAltlllNG HAT Alabric locle is an ideal combination an that Iton oti andl and and 31m Ilundlc and lionI sccond inJM oi si Im 1IZI SHOES AND uiw miss llcccntly introduced to available in several colors llcllo Homemakers This years Womans World at the unadian iNational Exhibition is indeed elcc itrilicd The products of the range iand IitiIiiIiIiii will be in the spotlight Men along with teen aiuirtf and you the women are inviicd to enter the competition iYou will find the food contests ias easy as pic Iloncstly though lyou many win $1111 cash for your iapple pic on Sept or by submit ting weekend budget for five people on Sept 111 Then too iIIItll is $50 prize for the ham and two citlls you can cook for the jtltIIw on Aug 31 or plate you can prepare for them Scpt1l lly the way there arg third and fourth prizes too llere is what you do Send the letter stating competi tions you wish to enter before Aug 15 The address is Mrs Kate Aitken Womans World Exhibition CNIC Toronto On the day of the scheduled competition in which you wish to compete you will go to the second floor It the LUIISCIIID to Womans World Check your registration name and address on application and be available to take over the project Everything yrilibc ready for you There will be at electric range ready atythc flip of the switch and all the necessary equip ment aswcll as the ingredients The competitorsavill be judged on the speed of assembly thccasc of handling the ccjuipmcnt the qunlity of the prepared food and the artistryof the dish For ex ample the home should be lifted into the pan with the forkthe pan should be carried on the level the grease ishou Id be draincdwoff bc ifore the end of the cooking or the ham should be Liftedto piece of paper towelling on plate to drain off excess fat Then an egg should be broken into saucer and slipped into the warm fatfirst one egg then the other Reduce the heat to low and cook with coveror by hosting frequently the salad Imsnlmo in the new suedelike for this smart economy tlie fashion world by Canadian ln lustrics Limited this new material is said to be spot Stain and shilu Itsistant will withstand severe brurhiilg and is easily cleaned It is In regard to the salad the in gridients will be in the refrigerator for you Trim and prepare quick Think of your color combin ations as you shake the washed greens loosely in towel Give consideration to food value as well as the quality of the salad ingred iciits Do your job just as you would at home and enjoy it Wish you all could win On the day when the big prize the room with only fewidcas in mind As you are given your entry blank and price list of the seasonal foods check them over and write down menus for Satur Ill night supper Sunday break tast dinner and supper Economy is the key note Consider the fol lowing points meal should be different in texture that is salad with custard dessertnever cream soup and blanc mange on the same menu men should have variety in foods that is raw tomatoes and apple picncver tomato juice and raw tomatoes meal should have difference in flavor that is Spanish om elcttc and fruit cupnever liver and onions and spice cake Inca should have variety in Icolor for instance glazed carrots land limc jellynever cauliflower and bread pudding meal should have good diges tivefoods for example roast chicken and ccddled potatoes never fried pork chops and spicy pie The daysnneals should include milk or milk dishes one serving of meat fish poultry or eggs one iserving of potatoes two servings of vegetableszaone Iawandonecol lored one serving of citrous fruit juice or raw tomatoes four to six slices of whole wheat bread or wholegrained cereal product Now plan your menusand plan to win There is an easy baking item you can make and deliver on Sept before 11 am DST It is Ap l1i llw In 1h EI 111 Iz haiha up uoincii iiwd to is for budget menus you go into ciatinc She aim can talk on 2Ihiildinit lcihinaliiy tt tlljliiIIi ililiil Iioln was spent oycL the two cups Willt ixlir Walker liostrwr vaIn to 1111 woimn liciin busy tIlllilll harvu it was decid cd to canccl tIn Auiuot ItltIIII and ligt IaibcIap 5U leaf on Dont forget to put your name on allltttl of uihcsiyi tapi and sticl it to the pic p111 well as fill out your inti blank lllli llli lastry cup ltittid or pastry flour tsp baking powdcr tsp salt cup hoittnim About cup water Mix and silt diy iniucilicntr turc With paity bIeiIdIi or knives blc coarse oatmcal when properly blended Sprinkle in gradually by spoonfuls iinlil soft dough is formed hill dough for about one hour lurn on to lightly lIullirI board and pat 1hr pastry into rectangular shank Roll up Ilkc jelly roll then cut in half before rolling out This sufficient pastry for your two Filling ti Inediumsired tart apples 13 cup granulated sugar Jj tsp salt tsps lemon juice tsp lemon rind tspi butter lare core and cut the apples into cighths Mix apples granu lated sugar salt lemon juice and lemon rind together ina bowl thcn place the apple mixture iiiton pastry lincd picplatc gtIiigh1lv dampen the edges of the bottom crust dot the butter over the top of the filling over with pastry for the top that has been slashed in an attractive design for the steam to escape Billie in an elec tric oven that has been proheated to 425 degrees for 11 minutes then reduce the heat to 350 degrees and cook for about 40 minutes R04 move from tlic oven and cook quickly SEPTEMBER BUDGET DISHES Green Salad BowlShreddedcab bage grated carrots pepper rings and French dressing StCWCdCIlICkCIl and dumplings Pink salmon loaf Vegetable PlatePotatoes in jack cts Harvard bccts corn niblcts Cream scrambled eggs sliced to matocs mashed squash Fruit Cup Cubed watcrmclonr cantaloupe and pears baked pliachcs stewed pears apple sauce oatmeal cookies apple saucccakc binn muffins bread and milk pudding soft custard with jelly jcllied fruit grape sponge plum Betty apple crisp blueberry Shortcake and sweet dumplings it it Annc Allan invites you to write to her co The Barrie Examiner Send inyour suggestions on home uqiixtion on the udgen ul shortening into the flour inin two lhe llgtll should iesenI ice water crust tillinch pic turv aim in could bavc clotlns like tliteic What We THINK Matters Little Vlilll LESS am delighted with them for fhe housewife with narrow budget they are for Iodwndf looking for pood flavoiinii Misfit Winnipeg and bury tr found any to lilisl VANILLA EVER ml USE Tltlzlllltltlill It ALI Wife of Western Ontario OTHERS says Yours is the best Victoria lady ay pre vanilla have ever used fcr them to all others Ill tltlL they an fitcling SUPERIOR TQHfICHOLIC and lIniclorc inoic tcoiioni Llth up Saskatoon lady says They are much superior to lines lint IHj will containing alcohol If sisterInIaw wishes me to MliCll STRONGIll say that without exception they are the tincst Flavors she has ever used JUSI AS Illlllll lllh Walkcrvllc lady says have used priority number of your lknots and find them asrcIrcsenlcd HAVE NO lIQlAl Mrs of tolwlcy writers Ilaye bmn kccpini house 27 years all the linu Winnipeg lady writes It takes much less to do the same work lJKCICIILE Winnipeg lady have found Loves illtwu says lrlavors excellent See Them at the Ex Booth Pure Food Building DOES You cut DISPLAY nus SAFETY EMBLEM at THE SYMBOL OF SAFETY CONSCIOUS DRIVER The drivers of vehicles wearing the 1949 Kiwanis Safety Campaign Emblem greplaying their partin helping to reduce the appalling traffic accident figures And by driving curetullyland courteously they are eligible to win one of the many hundreds of valuable mgrprize tobe awarded to Ontarios best drivers ailmm your surety main room and support the big is what Really Counts LOVE The Flavor Man 111 Battiurst 31 Toronto 211 int KIWANIS SAFETY CAMPAIGN OF ONTARIO All CItIZens Crusade to make Ontario Safer for gt mmalhWenymge cm or CERTO Crystals you need only ONE MINUTE full rolling boil for bothjams and jellies Such saving of meand workl Transfcrito plate with case and care ple Piewithout spice Try your making problems and watch this favorite recipe in 9Inch pan or column for replies K12 Why CIRTo fruit Pectin crfCEKTOLCIysths Make atter Jams and Jellies Easier Ouidm in most one our iiiui ior Quickiasq 5m Rescue MOREJAMOR JELLY Very little juice has vtime to borLaway as it does in oldifashioned 10ngiboiling IYOu getbup to 50 more jam fiIIYfIOm the same amount of fruit TRESHFRUITTASTE COLOURThe lovely taste and 0010111 0f the fresh fruit stay in your jamsnnd jellieabecause theboilisgtoo short toapoil the one 01 dull the other NOGIESSWORK Either CERTO 01 CERTO Crystals you get testedrecipes adiffrent one for each fruit Follow theixi exactly and youllhave no failures Jamand jellymaking need not best chore The sensible modern way to do it is with the help ofiCERTO oil CERTO Crystals Both are fruit pectinthe natural substancein ftutt thacmakes jamstjam and jellies puttextracted andcbncentratedtor ei cient jam and jelly makingThe nafne Certs mm ISYOURCIMORTEIPE is trademark Wimer hamum we in Please yourself whichyou rustime prefer thellquid some the crystlsEach MG amine co LIMITED ends guesswork and tedious EHO 4401 Ila15270739175 hpmnemming Proddof Goring Facdu exactly ASK voun GROCERITODAY roii windmill You ruin Morlmmwgfuk gives sure results if you minutiae instructions ii