Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jul 1949, p. 8

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For Parents Only FLAG Behold our emblem Three crosses on one field the be the Canadian flag However it animus Three colors for us to cherish The red for courage The white for purity The blue for truth We pledge allegiance to this flag To the Empire for which it stands And to the world fellowship that is to be In scores of Canadian boys or girls camps Flag Raising Cere mony when this or some other suitable quotation is repeated in unison by campers ber of campers increase each year it seems too bad for leave definite teaching about flags to camp counsellors or to school teachers Civic opportunities for the members of the family to do some thinking about their flag It is true that the delay in any nouneing the design of the new Canadian ensign has caused good teal possiny with the responsibility for recom mending design feel that now Newfoundland has become tenth province this new member must represented in held before breakfast is Although the inim parents to Public holidays such as Holiday provide excellent of adverse the comment But federal committee SOlIlC way Oll swrsar and Soiran cut off the edge parallel to the 33 staff on the far side QUIZ By Nancy Cleaver ti would do no harm for citizens to ask their representativcs Ill Ottawa What is happening on the flag froiit FLAG QUIZ Here is Fliig Quiz to try out on the family GT five points for each correct answerSee what is your percentage What does it mean lvhen white flag is tlowa today Do you know what any one of these flags was used to signify ln the pasta yellow flag flag What does flag at halfmast signify What were the earliest flags called and what country has the oldest national flag now in exist ence What are the ropes culled which haul up and secure flag What is the knob of the flag staff called What terms are used when one device is placed over another on ag What is the width or the part next the agsta called What is the width or the outer part of the flag called 10 What is the main color of flag called green flag black flag blood red WEDDINGS OBERESFORD The marriage of All tics Ma liilwlriil of illt intuit tleatt tox of Out took place on Saluzt 23 ill lit pa tilc sonag of HelloIcy ifiilhtl iiizicfi Toronto Rev officiated lle bride weazzng ii navy Shara tusig suit dress lfl iziatcr ture hat and shoulder coisngi of Talisman roses Wit attended by Mrs Williairr Tucker formerly of Baiiie Mr Tucker was grown mau Following lrtcptitill it lactiee Gardens Toronto the bride and groom left on moto trip to Elie United States li the llciiirboxn bridge of Niagara Falls and ic lllllllllg by way of llctioit and Vi lltlStll LIlIIEltlaclliAN On Tuesday July 20 law in St Johns United hurcli Allistori Margaret lsabel daughter of it MiltLean Kf and Mrs Marv Lean was united in llltlllltt to Mr lholiiris tlzirkc Wallace Little soil of Dr and Mrs Little of Toronto and grandson of thr lute Ilon Ni larke Wallace of Woodbridgv llcv ll Mcfoi mack officiated wrtli Miss Isobel Knight as organist and lis Mc ormack as soloist The bride given in marriage by her father voie gown of han tilly lilct over srlk taffeta llcr fin lger tip veil was held by fresh lloweis She carried lillt roses ller one attendant Miss Dorothy Ferris wore mistblue gtllltittls over taffeta and carried llutterlly roses Derek Little was giooiusman for his brother and the ushers were Joy II ouoveiz lluycke and Clark Following the reception at the home of the brides parents Mr and Mrs Little left on motor trip They will live in Wood bridge WORKMANGOULDING very quiet wedding took place on Monday July 18 1949 at four loclock at St Timothy Anglican Church Toronto when Alice Mary jeldest daughter of Mrs Gouldiug land the late Herbert loulding of Blind River was united in mar riage to Stewart Everitt eldest son of Mr and Mrs Thomas Workman The ceremony was per Rev Henry of Egbert formed by in powder blue gabardine suit lwrth navy accessories and cor fromin sage of red roses Her sister Mrs ifmm Roy Thatcher attended her gown ed in navy sheer crepe streetlt length dress and corsagcrof yel low roses Roy Thatcher attended the groom 11 How is flag subdivided and what are the terms used 12 What is flag called which has two points made by triangle 13 What is flag called with three points on the far side from the staff 14 What are the terms used meaning to raise the flag on the staff 15 What is lowering ag com pletely called 16 What word is used for the action when one ship at sea salutes another ship or when troops par ade before sovereign 17 What is it called when ag is rolled up in ball and then re leased by pulling the right rope at given signal at an appropriate moment 18 What is the term for the staves to which regimental colors are attached 19 When new colors are present ed to regiment what is the term used for placing the old colors in church or public building 20 What is another name for an admiral and what is the ship called Strengthl lt Canadian Women After the ceremony amid show ers of confetti the wedding party returned to the home of the brides sister and brotherinlaw Mr and ers Roy Thatcher I40 Fairlawn rniy Wives Set Up Ave Toronto The home was beautifully decorated for the occa sion with white streamers and wed ding bells At six oclock all sat down to sumptuous repast after which the happy couple left for their h0ney moon They will residcipEgbvertQ in the fleet which carries the ad mirals flag ANSWERS Surrender or desire for truce yellow flag means quaran tine green ag was hoisted over wreck black ag was own by pirates and blood red flag meant mutiny or revolution Mourning The earliest ags were reli giousbanners and many national ags owe their beginnings to these sacred banners The Danish Flag with its cross dating back to the early 13th centuryis likely the old est national flag today Halyards The truck Surmounted or Superimposed The hoist The or field 10 The ground 11 Theag is divided into quar ters or cantons two next the staff two in the 12 swallowtail ag 13 swallowtail and tongue ag 14To run up or hoist 15 To trike ag 16 To is hauled down to halfstaff posi tion and then rehoisted Troops dip their ags when parading in front of ruler as market re spect 17 Thetermiis to breakua flag gt 18 Color plkes 19 The colors aretrooped 20Flag officer and ag ship SeekCdnbdtiis Loyiiejsr Woman for ONE search is on for Canadas love liestwoman Who will she be The Womns Divxsionof the Canadian National Exhibition hast ind the countrys lady who as wife and mother provides for her family rich and interesting life yetris herself vital and lovelyipersonev British photographer Cecil Beaten husbaid qreamong the Worlds mpst beautiful Canadas photoL grapherKarsh has agreed So now to find who among her isgthe lbveliest is the project of the we tken shs director 011thejCNE Mrs it WWMO4DWW Jillligtltill ipeaagat sea the ag regun DOminionwidesearch to most gracious the famed IN NI SFIL PARK ll lillllrl lliti 1i Pearson and to ill ltt from St Strozul Thane the voirng ll lairle touring the lil Milk is Made guy llJllltil alluiiuhjg lic tisiblc for their own and lfire during summer 31 ljollild lcSUrlS or lbu3 rho Ill 119 haw luau problems llltt i1 loll to city life and one tl tia rioblem of safe srqrpl L5 ctl ll1oll that pasteurized Ix tril only safe milk yet it is yr it possible to obtain the lly prsteurircd product itllull spots lliciefore some Ill itlulfl mm AI Mb Jack llll of found to mold milk er up 54 ltitllxlll of ltiiriiilc lllilmlm thou of littlllr pasturrizzo At il iloil to it well LT mum tadrri iii in the tilllwll one gm cll llic lziliiilllj Hilltilri were quite few home ptoiritioii iicthixls but the iilxliil if lollgt0 lit Alm lllrlll Luigllc of Canada suggests Sillllltl Vin lic iiicy roiil ii liillowiiig llltllltlti as easy and Sen Jillas lltt Ford Assistant lift fllVr Si lrrv= llllill lintl Sport lw double boiler lut enough orrittoi liilr Hopkins Jean tlil water in the bottom pot to and ltalpli Scliandicn Wilbcitltiiuiii the lowrr part of lift top icaimir ltrryziioild lriiie and Jean Shutter iiuiube of lliltlt 51in and en pryiiilc gairits and rilltr blouglit lltt illlkllltlllll iii tlusv it lt limitrt to hold the lflel ltllllltill the first luly at liiillltfil Park Few Aware OfSlum Area In Barrie Declares Mr Blair Stitllktlll to the iucirib rs of the their Ill Iliitary luiichcoii liiii of llailic it on Thursday July lllaii stllclal town plan lung lifilllti stated that few tll of llaiili were aware wt have luiii Ntllltll towii Elli lililll who has held every Ullltt the town of Harrie council including in making the town planning board function successfully Since its inception in 1947 the board has made steady progress and when the plans were present ed for ratification inMarch of this year there was only on complaint against their recom The board was corn registered mendlitions pliiueiited by the Municipal Boardl were in chillttz Ul 10 Slipper VVblk on the splendid work done Ih speaker figures that showed an increase in property owners in Vtkilltrtlily ili citi that in our armed which llltll should be balf iliilcd vitlii7ilit milk Bring the outer to bolt irdkecp itboiliiig llw tlllll iiriiiutcs llien cool the iziilii rapidly as possible bottle it and pill it ill the itfrigerritor or intliritvvcr cold storage system is railible lllIAlflll NEWS SERVICE RECORD CROWD GARDEN PARTY per ST MARYS record crowd attended St day afternoon and evening on the grounds of St Miiys Roman tiitli Iolic fluirch Ialislriollcis and vtirlitlllt along with large llllllllltl who came over from the Fraccs llllltlp up the largest crowd tfl seen at the annual church 0mm of ilil ii supper mayor iil lllil has been very active Almost 000 people sat down to supper fislipond lithlty table couiitry store games draws hot dogs money loll bingo arid for tune tolling were additional attrac lions to the turkey and ham stfpper which drew the crowd Mrs Brennan Mrs llarkey and Mrs Harry Fraleigh with ting them in charge of the Rim donmamtiveisuppcl tables were Mrs Douglas illeaify Mrs Russell Heffron Mrs 948 Of 290 Arthur Marion Mrs John Sexton over the previous year buildingMlis Emily Clmkv MIS Timothy permits for 1913 totalled$744820 while to late wlthout the Barrie Arena which MmShiwill add another $130000 at least irCCtOt 0f the chtllth in tho DICS liermits for new dwellings to late 41051955 ence of their immediate relatives total 105 The bride was becomineg attired his remarks speaker stated that the board had excellent cooperation the various eonynittees and boards with lom they had to deal and the numbers felt sure that the future cxpansion of Bar rie would be handled in business like manner Mr Blair was introduced and thande oii behalf of the club by Fred Sarjeant In closing glent Homes From The Camp Borden Citizen Some 64 Army wives have set iup housekeeping in tents at Peta wawa Military Camp Ontario so ployed there In all almost 200 children and wives have moved into Tent City since Reserve Army units began converging on Petawawa for summer training few weeks ago Residents of thc tented commun ity all are dependents of Active Force personnel employed as in istructors at the camp They will remain throughout the summer training season Located at the junction of the Ottawa and Petawawa Rivers their tented homesare comfortably furnished with Armyissue folding tables and chairs lamps double decker beds blankets and the few this year permits issued reach total of $1002788 the as to be near soldierhusbands em ling mom washing machine illamilton and Mrs Robert Golds The ladies and girls of the parish assisted in the kitchen and helped Iwith the serving Mrs Frank Gllilfoyle was social The winner of the first prize of radio was Mrs Shaughnessy Watson of Toronto won the ltlixltlSlCl and Garrick of BLllllC won the toaster The win lll of the blanket prize was Tony gtSaso Mrs Hinds won the rprcssure cooker and Miss Emma Marks of Barrie was the other prize winner Dennis Madigan won the draw fora doll dressed in 25 onedollar bills Miss Frawley Pat Carroll Mrs Ir at Pietawawa household items they brought with them Ice is delivered daily and an Army water truck keeps them sapplied with fresh water They Ishare showerrooms and an iron also for community use is on order with delivery expected daily Each canvas home is equipped community area has than sprayed against attacks by mpsquitoes and other insects Officers responsible for the smooth functioning of Tent City say the experimentis huge suc cess The women seem to like the gyp liiys hirdcil Party on chiiesl ulud IIf had known in the morning with wooden floor and the entire HUBBERT REUNION Home Pasteurixotion of iRetd Cross Provided lRlosmo for Workman roostwives and otherseaady Burned in ExPIOSion Thanks for the llui Chis lclldt lur vplasrlra fci ion willincl burued ill in explosion at Brunt ford plant are rxprssed by Sparrow iiirilrirrzn of zlze Work linens Loiripciiszition Board 1o roitto In lrlter to ll Stringer Coiiimissioiicr of the Ontario Divv isioti llctl ronp Mr Sparrow rwrrtcs Since wt accept it as our duty iii gaiidprivilcgi to provide the lfllixll iuiiin skill and lizost efficient vice to the llljttlLtl work people iof this province can assure you lllilt those who assist us in this work and ill such emergencies riiu great asset to the industrial life lot this province appreciate the courteous and ex pCllltlll manner with which you tackled thls ciruigcilcy and Sptllldtd to our call oiiipensation board officials re ilmited that tihilti llerold illii lluillltlllt plant foreman died de spite heroic cffoils to save his life ithc other three workmen have 1goorl fighting ciisirce of rccovcry Applesilltt Market l75 Cents Quarts Apples aiid string beans made their first zlppcaianc it busy inlaiket on Saturday morning rlilltit variety of vegetables and lgardcii flowers were being sold along with the usual lioiricmade baklng and poultry products The market remained busy as llhe season piogicsstd The great est demand was for frein vegc ltables Early yellow transparent and lduciless apples sold at 25 cents quait basket and 75 cents six quait basket lapplcs vere ibasket Yellow and green beans were 25 rcents quart Yellow sold at St sixquart basket and green for Low laud raspberry 30 cents sixquart mm Arthur Marion Eugene McBride Frank Hargreaves Jit were the winners of other draws during the evening Jack Martin won the lucky number program prize Workers at the various booths were Miss Joan Strachan and Miss Rose Cancilla Miss Kate Moore Mrs Irene Kearns Miss Rita Murphy and Miss Mary Cameron Frank Hargreaves Jr and Robert Marshall Patrick Brennan An thony Decarie Wallace Michael Murphy and PhilipSauve Joseph Whalen James McBride Pat Lallante Mrs Frank Hargreaves Sistcr Giovanna Sister Leo Francis Jerry Garlncr James Rol slon Donald Fraleigh John Woods Jr and Danny Farrell Visiting members of the clergy vlncluded Rev John Mclsaac RCAF chaplain from Camp Borden Rev Ken Morrow of Ajax Rev Edmund McCormick of Midland Rev John Buckley and Rev Lawlor of OUR OWN Howrwearily all the day The thoughts unkind Would trouble my mind said when you went away It had been more careful darling Nor given you needless pain But we vex our own With looktone We may never take baclc again For though in thequiet evening You may give us the kiss of peace Yet it may be That never for me The pain of the heart would cease How many go forth in the morning That never come home at night And hearts have brokelnr For harsh words spoken That Sorrow can neer set right We have careful thought for the stranger And smiles for the sometime guest But oft for our own The bitter tone Though we love our own the best Ah lips with the curve impatientli sylike atmosphere of the encamp Iing their families with them As tfor thekids well theres nothing quiteklike asummer in the country ment and the men appreciate hav vice Canadian plot itiiiigi thrill If Wc sincerely Toronto and Dr Edward Crossland Ah brownwith that look of scorn Twere la cruel fate Were the night too late To undo the work of the morn AUTHOR UNKNOWN instructions eXactly Wti gala0 awe zOORhf= MONTREALWonderful for quick simil Wicl fillings between most and bECltlilid snacks the uses for jams and jellies are al most endless So take full advantage of lift tangy currants and juicy tiavourful lltlliel now in Season Make supply of irons and jellies the quirk sure tlsl only tlIllTU Iiirit Pectin Anyone can make perilct jiri ttlltl itilltb lb following aacfly the recipes under the iabelvcl each erlo bottle Do try Certoyoull love it heeGiIt For Your labyl sail neat little lziiioumaving de vice for youis this cute as but ton Baby Food Nicer Its pins tie recoup pale pink or blue for scooping out the lot lilorcl of goodness from avery lot of Ilciliz llrlby Foodsl You wont llll to mute one tiny bit of llvan ltlby Foods for tiiiyre just rigll for babymid liow he loves them So tulle to meBarbala Brent Ill Cru cent St Montreal PQ for your llvt llxliy Faitl SJVCIHI Ttll mo wlicilirr youd like pink or blue rriiiciribertomor rows good time to order it new rupr lv of llllZ llAllY FOODS lllJl lIV llAllY CEREALS or IlliIIXZ JiNlOR FOODS from your dealer womlirlullv rugs in our country Tempting Fresh Fruit In Season snowy whipped ercziiu Illltl light fluffv cakeits hard to iqual lilo tlllltlUlH Ulllllllltltill mention JULY 28 1949 smriwuvs tavicr with iliil Particularly if the cake is SWJIH Down cake full of all to leriiess and that light as droilrl ilr lrcate llltilltltltltn tliit bliANS DOWN Alvll lltJlll givcs to all cukcs Marie from soft winter wheat Swans Down is iiirll ed by oritrollcil Milling proccss iiilil sifted again and ltditlll until Illits as ne oriiiiiiuiz flour Beginner or cxpcrt voii cant Iirlp but make better ealrcs if you use Swans lloivir Flour Try the tllltltlllll tcstul recipes on the package Because There Were So Many Letter from readers asking for this liltlllllltllVC booklet about how to hook Im repeating the offerl If you lirrvcut yet but tor New lobby From An Old riiltllriiv to Hoof liar this is your cliiliiceoflilile time Its your opportunity to begin hobby that ill give you print deal of pleasurel This booklet not orin gives the fascinating history of llttlttl rugs but tells you exactly how to go about this ible lllgtllltgtl of hooking your very own Its fuiiiiiixpciivirem leiisurlt ill cLyluul such rewarding results All you need net of toodcn yours for just lot Barbara Brent Itll isl2r New potatoes were 50 cents basket and small cucumbers were two for 15 cents Cabbage carrots radish leaf and head lettuce and onions sold at various prices Raspberries which were not very plentiful were only 35 cents quart Phlox candytuft gladioli snap dragoiis and sweet peas werebe ing sold in mixed and large bou quets Spring chickens ranged from 50 to 55 cents for roosters CHILI DELINQUENCY We have always contended that stricter supervision of their child ren by parents would soon reduce the incidence of delinquency but since that very ample solution seems to be too much of burden for great many parents there seems to be only one way out and that is to erect corrective insti tution where these young offenders can be taught to act better CORNER BROOK mud WESTERN STAR friiilesburlapbits of cloth or worstcdsa steel rug book colourful Allfabric Tintex Dyes and of coursethe booklct Its simply write to me enclosing your dimo Crescent St Montreal IQl PROMPT RELIEF FROM and Insect bites Pain Relleving Antiseptic Healing An allpurpoxe olntment with re markablc anaesthetic and antiseptic properties pain cuts burns abscesses plies skin rashes Non stalntnp Delicate perfumed anolln base it BARRIE GLASS MIRROR SUPPLY GLAZING MIRRORS RESILVERED New Mirrors or Plate Glass Dresser Tops made to Order Designs cut on glass PICK UP and DELIVERY JACK LOWE Prop HELEN BLACKMORE alumnus RUTHERFORD Mgr 131101195048 74Hemy St Barrie EyeBrow Arching Late of Hlscott Institute Tomato Will be at ReginaCuil Shoppe 58 Elizabeth St for the week of Augusts and for one week In each month there after Consultations Free For Appointment Ihone 4311 ti EVEN BEGINNERS make jam and ietlyxlike experts with they help because both Certo and Certo Crystals life nothing off Certo Fruit Pectin or lCerto ICrystals Its the efcient and truly natural way but fruit pectingtheinattiral shbstance in fruit that makes jams jam and jellies jell extracted and concentrated for easier Quicker BETTER jamand jellymarking lItdQesnftmattrwhetherryou choos the liduidiori the crystals Both erid guesswork and tedious 13mg borllng Bothwillsgive SUREresultsif yourqliow the siveiriMEmicl wditK Jun ONE=MiuurE lull gating jelliesThatsfall you need when you one Certo or Certb Crystals Itsvso quick arideasyl INCREASED vrrugt amount of fruit FRSSRE utilises your Cooking time i3 30 short it does Juice lament to boil may ball for lzothijalnslnnd vodka tin 509mbro an or jelly from the shine not Ipoiltlie eshfruit taste or dulfjttie lovlynatural colour They stay right ih your jinn or jelly has my are Cartels innsnhpnnud VirginianWhy unicationw rosters DOCAINE NTMNI Removes Superfluous Hair Moles and Warts widely prescribed for speedy relief of burrripg itching or Promotes rapid healing of

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