Member Audlfwllur can of Circulation 86th YearNo32 Former Big League Pitcher For Local Baseball School innuh imminlll Ilirilu the big itm on next itli sports agenda for our ouili11 llillllttllil stars of tomor low The iilil scheduled for Itl hounds on Highway li iillli Aug Kl is cofsponsored Iii iin Philadelphia lliillies Of the iiiillhlml In of the Illllllllillillll League and be lorontn lclcgram ll lll ivivc all territory north of loiuntochicing to boys of the ague Juuor clam gears and under and lmyr of the siuor class I8 icui sud mcl lla begin at 10 am and corn 2mm through lo pm Head in fllililtil of the school is Michael JNcill onetime big league llllli1 and brother of famed Stvi JNcill former Toronto Leaf uwuugi and How coach of llie lvivlahil Indians defending world champions Ncill was cluspalclicd by Joe Iliaidou general manager of the llillilc lilil1 iliibs who slates IMill is the bcst man in our or zuuzuiiou for lie tvpe of schools Illll IIII in Ontario centres llarriq one siopovcr of many in lln tivwwick program During utlus llIiI liu school is operating ilnoiutlioul baseball parks in TO ronio brim packing equipment for Niagara Falls llranifoid Bar Ilt 1I Ilellcvillc The purpose of the school is to educate thousands of Canadian boys in the fiindrmcnials and finer points of the game an opportunity which they have missed in prev ious years because of the lack oi former big league players in this country lilisclmll in Barrie has taken tremendous stops in the past three tils There are four teams in llnrrio entering Ontario Baseball Association playdowiis the largestl SpeciallyWrittcn for The Barrie Examiner By II II GORDON Football fever is at its height in New Zealand and South Africa Leading exponents of footballs rug gcr codcthe All Blacks and the Springboksare meeting in ser ies of gridiron battles for what they consider the worlds rugby championship Ils winterlime in the southern hemisphere and the games are the sole topic of sports inleFest in the countries concerned As matter of fact New Zealanders and South Africans work IIEIIIIPIEI crack at 27 on Iplalls Toronto Maple working llirou rugby ipart of the century suffering de Ifeat in very few matches In 1936 the iAIlsBlatks lific Coastfdefe school iii icpresenlaiioh the town has evel had third straight season are materialize lhc local excellent competition for mound squad will chance gh the playoff rungs Isirength siand an Barrie Juveniles who were spon lsored by the Barrie Minor Athletic Club along with the midgets and baiitams have been turned over lto the Flyei organization for spon sorship in the OBA and Will be coached by hardworking Win Law Barrie Midgets and Bantams will be handled by the IIMAC lo com plcte the baseball titlebounds majority ofmtiicsgt DQXSJYIIIAL tend the oneday school and pick up many useful pointers which should prove helpful in their base ball careers Following the twoweek tour of Ontario centres in doublebender will take place II Toronto Mapl Leaf Stadium Saturday night Aug ti between loionlo junior and senior allstars and the On laiio junior and senior IllelllIFn Gross receipts from this event will be donated to Jim loronlzi Minor Baseball Association for the promotion of the sport among the boys of the IIVII1 No written application is need ed to attend the Boys are just asked to wear baseball uniform if possible hasov ball shoes and glove Arrive at the school early if convenient This is not the first time base ball school has set foot Ill Barrie as Dan Iiowlcy who managed the Toronto Maple Leafs uncovered Phil Marchildon of Iciietaug lulu ing tryout session in the early 30s Perhaps this is another break for some unknown stars Of the diamonds north of Toronto successful experiments were made With an elliptical ball Many changes have been made since the days of Bill Ellis and now has many versions English Rugby Union was formed in 1871 and code of rules drawn up Canada United Slates and Ausiralia have their own brands Inf rugby but New Zealand and lSOUIIl Africa stick to Rugby Union Rules which were iccodificd in 1926 Traditionally known as the All IBlacks New ZealandSr allstar leams are probably better known iihan the Springboks Of South Af rica but on the record there is lit Itie to choose between them Both countries have made successful ltours of Britain since the early plaiiigswuibc 96 aled ancouver 20 and Victoria 263 Maoms EXCLUDED Excitement is at high pitch in EI Heading the list are Roy Emms Barrie Junior Hyers who for the taking II of Barrie school VIC ROWNTREE was jovial gent following his convincing victories in the Matron Stakes pace with Lady Van owned by Mrs Alice Todgham of Cbathani llis expert handling in the second heat The 41 COPACO TROPHY ANNUAL SERIES SOON UNDER WAY Recreation oiuisccllor Kenneth Robinson announch early this week that clinics are now being received for flu Simcoe county lsoflball championship playdowns in both the lzidies and mens div isions liarris Motors of Barrie arc the the Copaco present holders of Trophy emblematic of the mens division while Midland Parksides and Topoco of Barrie are coholcb ers of the trophy honors in the ladies division The playdowns are open to any softball club in Sinicoe county and are expected to get under way in midAugust They will be con ducted oma loseandouf basis The series is under the super Vision of the Barrie Recreation Council and all entries must be forwarded to this office at the Community House not later than Monday Aug 15 Each team is allowed 15 players plus two nonplaying coaches players list shall constitute the official player entry and shall be New Zealand this year because no composed or players presently re up more enthus Maoris were included in the team iasm over the contests than Canad to tour South Africa South Af ians do over the EastWest battlelricas racial DFOblemS 18d New for the Grey Cup Even the cricki et tests between England and New Zealand now being played in the when it comes to rugger Accidental offspring of the daddy of all football gamessoccerF rug by was invented by Wllliam Webb Ellis student atRugbyone of Englands big public schools in 1823 In historic soccer match Ellis picked up the ball and ran with it instead Of kickingit His act caused commotion in sports circles and it was not long beforel Of the TothOf Barrie duly day of July 1949 and do call upon all Cltiz ingly Dated at Barrie this 19th day or July 1949 II pRocLAMATioN civic HOLIDAY In accordance with resolution of the Council ldo hereby proclaim II Monday the First quof August 1949 to be ct Civic Holiday GRANT MAYOR IGOD SAVE THE KING SUSE ileaners7andj$hilt launilererfs viesBWOSEDFOH We TON the office Ical Zealand Rugby Union to exclude Maoris tOavoid any international friction The natives of New Zea land have completeequality with Europeans in all respects Maoris are fine rugger players and several would certainly have been chosen for the team but for theunions decision Their exclus ion led to controversy which had the country by the ears until the teams departure With the Maori players mising New Zealand will have tough time avenging de pasSedon the eighteenth ens toobserve it accord dtlayor RICE Id Pickupsawig they trampled Copaco lSO Earl Morrisonx were pitchingf exceptionally well before siding in the county Any changes made in this entry shall constitute breach ofiegulaiions and the team so doing shall be dropped automatically from the playdown schedule feat inflicted by South Africa in the last series before the start of the Second War Before leaving New Zealand the All Blacks were feted up and down the country given presentations civic receptions and farewell din ner attended by Prime Minister Fraser and members of his cabinetl It is the highest ambition of every New Zealand youngester to be an All Black although the sport is strictly amateur and no reward other than honor and glory attaches to it Columns are devoted to the ac tivities of the teamsin both Southl Africa and New Zealand papers and broadcasts of games are heardl in both countries lt COpacos Take Second Money At Tourney Copco walked off with second prizlmoney at Zephyr sports day Saturday July 16 as they waltzed to two straight wins before drop ping their final contest in soft ball tournament In the quarter finals Cliffi Dutch Fosterpulled out sur prise victory over iNewmarket coming from behind in the fifth and final inning With three runs to win 64 Their opposition was Uxbridge in theIIsemifinals and they coasted an easy 53 triumph to move in to the finals against Oshawa 1948 Ontario intermediate champions Hurlingq in his third straight game Foster found thetreatment rough Oshawa poled total of four homers in seven innings Clare Widdes Gord Dyerand the batting stars for Copaco throughout the tournament march with Foster tiring in the final Thorium THEJGRBEN BERGER our This competition is getting keen er as the weeks go by The Bar rielladies had the greens for tournamentgon Thursday so the Berger games wereplayed in Alii iIBIldBIB Iii In For Lthe first few ends Barrie was lost on the longer greens As the games progressed Barrie start ed to click Whentbe battlewas Dyer vItheprcsults were as follows Thdinpsons Osborn 20 Warlow Bob McBride 16H Milne Malcomson 15 Reg Ayres Plant 12 SpehcerF Perkins 12 uSharpe Sharpe or IBarrle 47p Allan gtfui o9 HON EARL ROWES old Van Baldwin attracted many eyes dur ing the Matron Stakes trotHe took sec By KEN noniivsou Barrie Recreation Counsel now TRUE Give youtha chance for innocent sport Give them chance for fun Better playground than court or jail After the harm is done Give them chanceif you stunt them now Tomorrow youll have to pay larger bill for darker illc BARRIE AUTHOIIllP IICOID CU IAIL II IHI POST OFFICE DEPAIIIIIY DTTAA BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY JU Harness Races Thrill Hundreds Al Barrio romising twoyear lor El So give them chance to lay With thanks to the NE ground Summer Notebook Playgrounds The three weeks registration totals for Barries six playgrounds show the encouraging total num ber of 514 This is 69 under last years total of 583 but it is expect ed that this number will be sur passed as only third ofthe sum mer has gone by and Ichildreni register daily The Soroptifist and Brook and Innisl grounds have passed their totals ofthepast sum mer and the others are close to their past figures The average daily attendances are the figures that tell the story and these at the momentare very Beach Play Sound bile are of note locally due to pro grams sponsored by local organiza tions who are doing grand field work in the realm of youth Our newly organized Kinsmen Club held their peanut tag day last Saturday and it is to be hoped that we were all generous with our donations The Kinsmen are featuring camping opportunities Ifor boys and girls and it would be hard to imagine any worthier cause eggs which to spend money Al thoughonly organized for mat ter of few short months already this summer they will be giving wonderful camping outing to number of local youngsters As fund raising project the new Minor Athletic Club with the assistance and coopratiomof Bill Garner staged first rate all exhibition with Charlie Justice and Torontos top Tip Top team against lineup of meal selections The Athletic Club which is sponsoring sports for the minor age groups are to be commended ontheir pro gram and the money received from memmeenLin favorable Beach participation figtires also show an upswing which points to bestever total 0699 is the air tendane gure to date with con siderable increase in the numhe ofcars bringing bathersand mak ties all round dalei4 math Penguins The past week and games already played as facili improvement will centinue throughOut the summenmonths Although water temperature has remained fairly well in the low seventiessome cold breezes have kept number of the small fry away and the expectation of warm August should boost figures be coming is nowiiilifupioii the lug use of the greatly improved parking facilities Class instruc tion has good attendance and beach maintenance and good cause The Lions Club also feature their annual Frolic this week not the least section of interest being the childrens parade where the child ren vehicles and animals afe decked out in all their fanciest and nest Of the moneyreceivedirat theimany booths ofItheI Frolic goodly portion is again spent on the welfare and recreation of the local youngsters which is to be heartily commended Although not exactly youth pro ject it was interesting to note that the Town Band which turned out Ifor the GovernorGenerals recep ber of younger players which points to added interest inthis town organization Concerts in ing August and it is understood under new direction that the mem bership has been steadily increas ing and practice turnouts haire been large and consistent The Junior Chamber of Comi affair They are still programming larger entries and are to be ugagd in the promotion of this ternoomand evening compe iiion entertainment and funuThis another organization which fea considerable youth work and chew of all these localfgroups for the bettermentof the Youngsters in ourftowngjmakes one that it is agood pIuc in which XAMlNER LY 28 1949 was the feature of the day bringing his pacer to the front alter very bad start Here Vic shares some of his joy with Sharon Young 01 Owen 0nd and third which was good enough to lure Eleanor Roberts andDOTOiEsFuiiieyibf Detroit into giving with friendly pat 17250 PLUMBERS liT 1210010 AT MIDHURST at Springwater Park last Wdnes day afternoon About 250 members and theirs families tatives of wholesalers and manu facturers from as North Bay and as far south as Ham ilton attended of the branch Howard Burbidge Charles McNabb were local members of the committee which planned the pic nic oclock in the afternOon until dusk regular field day was held with races tugofwar and softball MEWS and BOYS WEAR lasing played bbeoth children and LF 55 Dunlop St BARBIE Wolfenden Plumbing 73nd Heat tion featured considerable nuin the local parks will be staged dur merce did another excellent job in staging thelocal and district water MONDAY and THURSDAY ABC NE PAID 7301 AS OF IARCII SI 13 Section 2Poges tol2 RACES LIKE the one above were plentiful in Barries first racing day in several years Throughout the day thrilling drives and finishes were common Here we see Harvest Moon successfully outbidding two challengers at the wire Harvest Moon captured two other beats in the 225 pace for top money CROWD of 2000 witnessed the large racing card provided by the Barrie Driving and Riding Association which is to be an annual event Admirers travelled from far and wide to catch glimpse at the towns star studded meet High Ranking Officers VisitBCAMC School number Of high ranking offi cers visited lthe RCAMC School this week to observe COTC trainl tawa Brigadier Gibson CBE DSO VAGAHQ Ottawa Brigal dier Farmer OBE ED Ottawa Brigadier Elder CBE DSO ED Montreal Briga dierC Rae CBE ED Toronto LtCol Cavander MC US Army AHQ Ottawa and LtCol Nodwell Central Commgnd M0 The SimeoeJMuskoka branch of the National Association of Master Plumbers and Heating Contractors held their second annual picnic ing mess dinner was held at the Officers Mess last Tuesday night in honor of the visitors The visiting officers were Major General Fenwick CB CBE MC ED Montreal Brigadier CCoke OBE DGMS AHQ Ot and represen far north as SINGLE AND DOUBLE BREASTED MODELS IN STOCK READY WHILE YOU WAIT ALL sizes Priced from $4750 ODD SLACKS FOR SUMMERWEAR from $875 STETSON HATS $850 to $1000 OTHERS $225 $550 SWIM SUITS SPORT SHIRTSi SHIRTS Kirk secretarytreasurer Lafreniere and Harold The picnic lasted from two ing Company of Barrie was also represented at the picnic Mrs Gertrude Archer was cater er for the dinner at the pavilion The first annual picnic was held last year in Huntsvilley FENCING SHORT OUT Mechanical devices designed to aid in driving posts into the ground and extracting them are being manufactured by an English firm II RYBODYSBUSMSS by LarsAm It is human tendency to ualities cooperativeness blame everythin and every dependability and driving infI body but Ourse ves for our tiativei are not blind to the failurs defects in their environment Jack complains about his Bitinsieadf kripzjng working conditions his boss W111 nd them was and everyone he deals with on pfye 1959 defmrtt198h the job Somehow it hasnt the OwnIiem occurrdto him that although hoveillyouiwill nd them Ills environment is not perfect trying to Fect Ihlh own and should bimprovedfthe main cause dildotrouble lies within missus RepomishOw thattherein jmonest cause of job failuresis not leek of technical ski poofpersonal ticularlyga attitudelunreh my ofinitiatiiie It was just iconic radio pro grumwshtingituigiveiii 3300002 ixltqicgpm4u6 llcoughed