Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jul 1949, p. 6

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PAGE SIX Sconces During Visit of GovernorGeneral hauuu The Governor General of Canada Viscount Alexander of Tunis is shown addressing Oiic Sound Seated prominently at the left is Capt ChichcstcrClark aiicdecainpII of the many gatherings he attended while then Delautc assistant secretary to in lluronia This occasion was in Owen the Governor General Next is Mayor SMILING her pleasure Viscountess Alexander is shown Sound The Governor General is standing just behindIlittle here seated after receiving bouquet Of flowers from Penny Miss Sargent Photo Courtesy Owen Sound SunTimes Sargent daughter of Mayor and Mrs Sargent at Owen flagwaving throngs on the streets standing of all types of human nat of Stayner ure and down to earth It is noteworthy that the tour was well publicized by community Jpapers and exact times Were given Consequently all through Huronia groups of people gathered at the entrances to farm lanes waving ags just to get eeting glimpse GovernorGenerals FourDay Visit to TheHuronia District Continued from page one STOP AT ELMVALE Thestop for 25 minutes at the wreath by His Excellency at the newlyincorporated Village of Elm Cenotaph The party then proceeded for an inspection Of the shipyards whichI 11 and stayed full three hours 51 The party arrived at the City Hall Where an OffiCial Wdcome was was hive of activity as one of the of the ViceRegal Party even skirts and theyyvere escorted to the extended by Mayor Sargent greatest lakeboats the SS Hoche though it went past at good centre of the Village for an official and replied to by His Excellency laga was nearingcompletion speed welcome Elmvale Buglc Band At the Coiling ood Community Arena an official elcome was ex EtendedbyHisJMorshipand Excellency replied The large new arena was filled with patriotic citizens Members of Council and town officials and their wivIeIs wIere comes Seeing trefiaege ggemed to thousands of people clad in bath the Warden of the County of Sim mg attlfe almOSt allGHhefTIII we CI TI SI EvansI KCI of Brad IThe Party entered the great beac fora and MrSI Evans area at the western end and were The motortour then proceeded greated by the 119 leaveAnthony seven miles west of Collingwood to Beek ElectedDIominiIon IDay TheIiIe the top of the BlueMountains W88 fourmile drive along where theviewOf Georgian Bay beaman Ws Inter5tlng is excelled featureAlong ItheEIwhole stretch They visitediStanding Rock his on bothptIhe waterand cottage side toric Indian site and this was ex Were 501111 111108 OfiPEODIIeJWBVIHE rplained by McDowell au aIgS That they We bathing thor of Champlain Road winner suits did not diminish their Ien of the GovernorGenerals literary thusIlasm and PalrlollsIm 01 bit of Council and their IWIVBS after II 1b award of1939I and dtedhistorian Their IExcellIenCies Ifoundi this reII which tour was made of the ms Lunciiieoiia was at Owen Sound of Huronia Selig an Intjzznitegffgnic torical points in Penetanguishene Their Excellencies spent the ere waIS aI III night on their special trainIin Col speft 3m instom ste 03 tthNiIiIlIt to thehulk of the Tigress the there was taestop for 10 minutes lingwood but prior to retiring hIad III S117 Zgmsmhxlgr Elvreiortp If bay Mayor 7NNixon presented the launch trip on Georgian II With fh Diminm waSI uite anIeprerI official welcome Collingwood Councd as ho Their III GCle KGmraI first day in Huronia cove lot ence 01 19 Ten milessouth the party stop mm of HI ddl peop ren pa the Blue Mountain of territory and many v1s1ts and re ped brie ceptions from Meaford to Owen rfor crippledvChildren and Egrepthe welcoin om staff and Sound to Collingwood The follow ing three days held equally asmuch Veterans Villages and F105 Town iAT WASAGA BEACH ship officials took part From The visit to Wasa Beach was tespecially Inotable for Their Ex cellencies as nowhere on their previous 72 trips in the past three slowly through the summer resorts Tears in canada have they eIEL of Wymbolwood Balm and Ardmor been greeted by thousands and beacheSI IkeytO the city TheJGovernorGeneral and Vis countess Alexander were present ed to members of Council and City officials and their wives At the Cenotaph His Excellency placed wreath and inspected the Veterans At the Legion Hall Their Ex cellencies signed the guest book and Viscount Alexander met the Veter ans who served unFr him in the who was presented with thehuge way 26 but turned in some miles north to Georgian Bay driving AT PENETANGUISHENE At historic Penetanguishene the ViceRegal Party were welcomed late war Following tour the parks and rresidential area of the city the party stoppedf briefly at Owen SoundiArmourywhere His Excel lency metLIQCol AKenInedy aDSO ED commandingofficer of the 45th AT Regiment and officers ofihe unit Present from Barrie were CaptF Hook and Capt cellency proceeded to the Cenotaph spected theGuard of Honor from Capt John Symons 45th7 AntiTank dress of welcomcTheiIr Excelle encies were presented to Members delightful feature was the noonhour cruise out on Georgian aw River to luncheon on board After the ngggughipbolgrogzgg Nancy 15 cruise the Party left for Midland land and the narrowbridge lead at 245 by motor car arming ing to it from themainland There at three oclock was one amusing item here An Theywere escorted by Mayor enthusiastic young lady quite an Oliver Smith on tour of thejLit amateur photographer apparently quite unabashedlyisaid to His Ex thence to the Cenotaph whgrelIis cellency as hiiwap walking over Excellencyinspected the GuardIolI the bridgcjlioildlit tillfget your Honor fromthe Legion command Blackburn Stay at Stayner wss picture The GOvernorGeneral Ied by MajorL Taylor HisEx iief asihere was 5a long busy ismiled and stepped Itopose Then day aheadbutHisExceIlency oft ashe movedcff eishouted Wait Cenotaph and replied toIthe ad died the unveilingm Mem aminute Ilwapt other to make dress of wercome from Iii Wor ihl the Veterans of the We sure But His Excellency obliged ship the Mayor Civic wiggle and children was heartwarming Their Excellenciesnjhad tea and cwkles sight seeininn store with the child en andIIchattedeith SECIoND DAY OF TOUR TbeViceRegal Party left Col psychololit lingwood Iby carat oclock Wed nesday morning and arrived at Stayner III5 minutes later They Were received by Mayor enewcommun in good natur That was lust the their wives were pres ed to erybodyon the Their Excellencies and its on Horacio were Iprosentedytogtlio by Mayor Hilter His Ex to place7awreath Hethen in the Legion undr command of Regiment HelTeplied to the ad Especially noteworthy Was the visit Bayon the newlyacquired recent wheel oats and pumped themilyrenovated Midland City Wllih tie LakePark tourist area and cellency placed Wreath on the THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA GovcrnorGcncral by their authors The lizunplain Road by Frank Etienne Brulc lnunorlal Scoundrel by and Professor Pratts poetry on Iluionia liii Davcv McDowell Herbert 15 Thcir franston Excellcncics made Lookout ovcr Georgian guiding lake boats The Viccchal Party left for Old Fort Ste Marie cast of Midl land at 413 pm and were met by Father Lally director of flici Shrine and Mr and Mrs Wilfrid who have been largely responsible fori the cxcavaiions around the fort Mr Jury took Their Excellencies on tour of the excavations and Jury noted archaeologists rebuilding project At 430 the Party left for the inspected church and saw the view from the Martyrs Shrine Lookout At 530 Their Excellencies reI turned to Midland and had dinner on the train but in the evening they joined with several town offi cials on launch trip through the inner cliannel no the bay to Honey Harbour and stopping at Princess soleil Island Alice Sea Cadet Camp onBeau THIRD DAY On the Thursday of last week Their Excellencies left Midland by1 motor at 900 am and there were brief stops at large villages on the First stop was at the historic site of St Louis then at Victoria Harbour where they were welcomed by Reeve Savage atWaubaushene where they Were greeted byChamber of Commerce officials and then to where Reeve Ernest Miller did the honors At Cold water there was brief visit to highway to Orillia Coldwater the new library On this third day of the tour in municipal along the roads and highways was no less sincere than the welcome both places and on the previous day V18 T0 ORILLIA Orillia second largest muncipal vale was reported in the last iity in the County of Simcoe was Reeve Lawson Robinson mil reached at 1115 am ThursdayTIAt tile ViceRegal Party on the out1 the outskirts the ViceRegal Party were met by jeep escort under command Of Major John Bush lot 137 Battery 45th AntiTank Regi ment At the entrance to Couchi Excellencies wmet by the Orillia Kiltie Band andescorted tothe bandstand ching Park Their near Champlain Monument His Excellency plied Couchiching on the Mrs Seymour and Mr Pedwell riVing at 300 Their Excellencies to General Hogarths visiT To cAiur Donors on the fourth day the Vice RegalPartyieft Barrie by motor car at 1000 am and prOceeded to Camp Borden where they were met by Colonel KTodd DSO Commander and Mrs Todd and by Wing Commander Lec omte DFC Commanding Officer RCAF Station and Mrs Lecomte inspected Guard of Honour provided by the Royal Canadian School of Infantry and the Band of Central Training fqommasd new Qlcopnem His Excellency inspected Guard of Honour from the Legion His Worship Mayor mour DDS extended an official welcome and His Excellency Proceedings were broad cast by the local station CFOR Their Excellencies inspected the Champlain EMOnument and then went for short cruise on Lake Pedwellga launch accompanied by Mayor and and Mrs Luncheon was at Birchmer tel where lbcal officials andtheir wiveswere presented to TheirEx Gellencies The ViceRlegal9 PartyI left Orillia at 215 for Barrie ar Sargeiit Of Owen Sound The three ladies from left to right are Viscountess Alex ander Mrs Sargent and Miss Anstice Gibbs ladyinwaiting to the Viscountessn Photo Courtesy Owen Sound SunTimes tour of inspection of 10 new Iluronia House Museum and signed specI ially prepared plaque in the musc um visit was made to the new Bausch and Lomb lcns inanufact uring plant then to the Wireless Bay for the the Ho completeaccount of the Vice Regal visit and tour in Barrie was carried in the previous issue of The Examiner Monday July 25 following their trip down Kempenfeldt Bay summer home spentthe night on the spec ial train at Barrie fBathing Beach the Imanding was Officer Cadet Dairies Laborziloiy Al I0l5 His Excellency IIHVSHKIE been used by the rich in ancient Spr Banks with the British Kinv Egypt plrc Medal for saving the Illt oil on duty earlier this not Al and Air Force at llililllltllcli Camp Borden were presented lxi His Excellency following which he vislicd Gunnery Wing IitAt School the Preventative Medicine liftth hclumi IIil Demonstration lluioon lltS of the Clerical Wing litASf School and then made 21 four of the RCA xpressmm Station Her Excellency Murgzuel Alex ander of Tunis lllll representa lives of zimp Borden Womens 01 iganizations at 1030 and then VISII led the amp Borden Station llos piial the Public School Army Pcr niancnt Married Quarters and tlici IItASC Grocery Store His Excellency also visucd llli ERCAI Emergency Married Quail 1us the hililicns Playgrounds and the Icimzmcnt Married Quali nrs vTIlcll Excellciicics liaii luncheon at the IILASC lliccis Muss At 200 pm Ilis Excellency in fspcctcd the Guard of IIUIINIII RCAF and shortly tlicrcuftci Thur iExcclIeneics returned lo the train at Allallflllli WIlfH ilicy icsicd prior to attending llll oiliciul ban3 Squci of lIll Illironia Association 11 iSpiiiigwatcr Park that evening iCOIIIDILIf lciails of that ciciit vcrc givcn in Mondays lIxauiinci and the fiiil text of His 1Zxcelleiicy23 iiuc address is published on page two of todays issue Their llxccllcncics lcli Midliiust Park at 830 and boarded their train at Allandulc The train lclt znoiher member the REF Whlrj PERSEVERANIE ms IOSU Officcis of the Army looked the iiiig in four hours Allandalc at 000 oclock procccd cd to Toronto and then to Ottawa arriving Siilifiiliiy morning Excellency new to London ilul next day and ihcre is no doubt be con ORANGES IiIIAIEIIIIIIT LEMONS pit FRESH No Pt BLUEBEIIIIIESnxs BRADFORD PASCAL No ANN PAGE SLICED CUSTOM GROUND ANN PAGE FAMOUS TASTY MEAT ALLPURROSEEE FAch LIGHT MEAT Aop IRRADIATED va TOMATb FAch RED QUAKER BONELESS BOUND STEAK011 110m 09 SLICED BREAKFAST niicuii 59 HIDE SMOKED name WHOE OR HALF llis mil California Valencia Fancy Grade344s California Marsh Seedlesl NEW CROP VERDELLI No in CARROTS 11 49 swear CORN in crisis M81 e291 rumors 10 Mini BIIEIIII 00m conic MAYOIIIIIIISEI is fiiiiiizii zwue pic PIIIIII ioiir ociivu TIIIIllSll was LEVllllIlllllEll Mini 25c KETCIIIIP cniioiisuuui Pointturn gggggg nous TimT159 canine notciiii an roux shamans 55 KiltHuff 1562t FRESHMIILKTED GRADE IMav While bread is known to haveilo SAVE ASIA The ouunuiusi drive ill Asia is Oiiiilanking the bee WUIILI We are dumg all we tuli lo slop the Reds in ilIurUpe Wu rum do as much to KELOWNA BC lcrl his A158 19 JUL like an impossible task IIA when Margaret Gore lost dia uiond ring on the beach near here Samaritan lid ollms SlleI of sand Willi sliuvelwand found II 05 NO MORE must The Canadian licpailincnl Stole that has been situated on many an liaison ilItlE iiiat for 1iiij iil on Thinkiii July 151 asuuu 95 10 His Majesty the many 10d the name of the parent comp of loyalty received any the Eaton Co Limited during the Iluronia Tour and lus The change Zillli on the Slsl aiquI impressions of the disirict of north VQTSIII of the purchase of the LDS crn Simone and Grey counties chain HARVEST IS HERE Why not call AT ONCE and see our A961 ICase Combine with c1 28 inch Spike Tooth Cylinder which will handle this seasons short sirqw crop as nothing elserwill WA We can still secure few TRACIORS Large and Small We have on display furrow plows One way disc plows Power Mowers Silo Fillers etc Farm Supplies and Service CIIAS CHURCH LEO MOREAU Burton Ave Barrie Phone 2373 guarantees Dot for Fancy Grade 100 BRADFORD Tender ICrisp No TENDER YELLOW No NEW CROPL No lbs uilbtl Customers Corner All customers expect hon est weight from their grocer To assure you of honest weight at AP we buy the finest scales have them con stantly checked for accuracy and put them in plain sIght where you can see the dials And of course all our employees are thoroughly trained and strictly instruct ed to conform to our policy Of 16 ounces to the pound If we should ever make mistake in weighing your purchase you will be doing us favor if you call it to our attention We wouldappreciate any suggestions you IImay have to help usrmaintain our strict standards of honesty and scentaw or anything else we can do to make your AP betterplace to shop Please write Customer Relatiiins Dept Food Stores 135 Laughton Ave TorontoIOnt 2402 loaf 1242 iin PTAIbrka Boil cHEcK THEThiM OF YOUR MEAT ATA PNOT ONLY Do YOU GET THEBEST THERE isau1 MORE FOR voun MONEYAB WELL IEuv CANADAS Finesr QUALITY TREDIorfBLUEBRANDtBEEF new is IbII II sKINNED CLEANED III 39 VI SLICED 31 suAMnocxLOOSE WIEIIEIIS IBEIIIIIII FIIAIIIIS to4lbnl smurfrum as ciiicxriis 41 iiiinnocic THURSDAY JULY 28 19 Rfcu MANS BREAD iWANTlII MACARTIIIR PLAN Your Jl CaseDealers

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