Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jul 1949, p. 21

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BDAY myaai THE 811nm ONTARIO CANADA Your Last Chance PAGE ThursdayundFriday Thursday Feature Thursday and Friday Friday Feature BURNER TOP 110 vllo1220v WASHING MACmNESt 990127171311 Hor BLATpssingie 91V95 VDiitllile GOLECAQDY BaasEmma value LEATHER STRAPS LARGE POCKET 51 tialaMuttShoiv Prizes for Best Costumed Animal or 1161115111913 Iliis efeat Harris Nine 146 AF of Camp Borden and liar Motors league leaders in tlicl llis titct 11111111111 rnritcii 111 11111 low 111ng with Simor their Soft lucsday makeshift Holidays 11nd other unuvmd circumstances have shortened ranks of the senior cntrics but 11 of tiiciii over Bordon ctl to 111 11111 lill llt manage RCAF versatile to keep on their own grounds players for trounct 11 Harris 1+6 the scc 111111 fluy 1111v1 accomplished out this season and 1111 only 11 to do so We might add arris were perhaps more out order than the Flycrs Short Frank Hutchinson started the 111 11 third then moved to short finished on the mound taking or from Al Stove 11k ordinarily IIS Al Slicw centre fielder 111lion at short and behind the 111121 while Joe Brcwcr was catch and lltlltllllllllg at third base With this change of positions or ors were frequent and Steve Hines ad to be content to give way to eFlycrs illOllt fo tbiillcr Charlie rccs Walker was Vc form for the tilt llc con wneiwln SHOE srons Donor orsoro Owners Complete Mechanical IMMEDI Fast Service MOTOR ovanrmuns BRAKE RELINING CLUTCH neburmrxo Etc ATE SERVICE DANGER FIELD Morons 65 Collier St Phone Author12 ed Dodge DeSotoDealer Hagan Sexvice Manager car sane apiece for Beetom fined the strong Motormen to eight scattered hits orin one for pxtra bases that tWOrun Lliorncr by Steve Hines Meanwhile the com bincd gift balls thrown by Steven and Hutchinson were to the liking of the Bordenitos They slugged 13 field among which triples andVa double Flych captured 41 margin in the first inning as walks issued by S1evcns proved costly They didnt hit the score sheet after that until the fourth when Martclsvtriple and 11 wild pitch counted one The winners were leading 71 prior to the Motormens gradual comeback which is still coming big sixrun rally in the bottom portion of the sixth by the Flycrs squelcth that and Harris were just left alone Walker fanned nine and walked six in gaining his third victory of the season Stevens formed one and walked five during his work ing hours while Hutchinson issued two free passes Owcn headed the Flyers at the plate with three hits Jim McCart ney Fred Scotcher and Marty Mur tcl followed with two each Fred Norris frgh from his holi days ceiebrated the return with four hits to top both rosters Steve hits into the were two Hines and Al Sliewchuk were the otherMotormen to collect safeties two each Ilarris RCAF 100 002 021 12 400 120 leI4 l3 ruins MOVE UP WITHllS BENTON GAME Barrie Flyers broke from threeway tie into sole possession about 91919631 the Southlrncoe baseball leagueNlonday night as they defeated Beeton 115 at Bee ton Carl Emms worked the mound for the local crew Although 13g ged for nine hits he managed to keep them scattered with the ex ception of the fifth when Beeton hammered himfor four Carl fan ned seven and walked three Flyers connected for 10 hits off 11111 and Fachnie in the tilt mak ing them count when men were on the sacks score in two frames and the final stanza 13111 Hagan Moe Fife andWib McArtliur produced the singles which placed Flyers in front in the opener the second frame by 30 count in the Each team tallied once third and Beeton matched the win ners in the fourth 22 In the fifth Beeton managed to outscore Barrie 21 for to reading of 74 but that was the closest they sever saw the rampaging heels Flyers exploded with three hits one adouble by Hagam to tally four times in the sixth This all but finished Beeton They attempted to rally Emms worked hard to prevent it in the sixth and seventh after Sunnerton poled aptriple and Stew art double MoAhur Bill Hagan and Fit were theboys who car lie heavy sticks in theFly ers victory each belting out two hits Sunnertonand Stewart had two ELECTRIC RANGES ondriANGErrEs Fully Guaranteed Enamelslightly Imperfect summon mayonna Reg $56195 SALE$499 VV summonses BURNER TOP sunburn novior 320 vsso95 ELECTSUNaHEAVYpUrYJ gt $1699 1111101111111 ror LEATHEstm 181 11 $75olriain canvas 1111111 anaercrcnrsine soap embargo MAPCHEDFO warns FEW 1351519 310mm nudism has beeV They only failed to but GthLERS Amusements Games Child1ens Rides EMWSXSSSSSSSSXSSMS33QW SPORTANGLES By GEORGE STOREY mummxxxsxmxmxmmxm TillIRE IS SUCH THING as democracy freedom of speech and fair trial in the world of sport exercised to the same extent as it is 111 the political world llowcvcr 11 little band of armchair smokers in the front office of the South Siuicoc Baseball League need to be briefed in few procedures Last week Roy Emms coach of the Barrie Flyers meandercd into his daily routine early in the morning to find that his star shortstop Marv Brewer had been ruled in eligible a1 meeting behind closed doors Now there was no protest entered about Brewers ineligibility If there had b11111 ncithcr Emms nor Brewer were on hand to present their side of the case The league merely took it upon themselves to file protest under the residence rule which states player must rcsidc 111 the arts of the club for which he performs by January Brcwcr is 11 Toronto boy and it wasnt kept secret Everyone and his cousin knew it He is stu dent in the Queen City and aids his bank roll during the Summer 11111111115 by playing sax in Bob Hunters orchestra at Minets Point This is his third successive hot spell in Barrie which should qualify him for competition in the South Simcoc without any arguments The boy has the right to play ball just the same as any Canadian boy but apparently the interests of home town teams outweigh this factor Is it because the Flycrs have captured two successive cham pionships and are definitely in the hunt for their third that Brewer was ruled out It must be remembered that the local juniors outmoeds the veteran intermediates twice with his ab sence and leaving him out of the lineup doesnt appear to be the answer for the fall of Eiums empire The target to con centrate on is the mound staff which is head andshoulders the South Slmcoes best Find some way to polish off Bill Hagan or Carl Emms and the other entries will stand 5050 chance But picking on the weakest platform of all to prevent boy from competing in clean competitive sport is somethingr youngster may do in play pen At least give concrete state ment as to why he cannot play and it might be well to have him present at the next meeting There are always two sides to story SPEAKING OF THE FLYERS it is pleasant to see they are back in winning stride and once again riding the crest as league leaders The schedule draws to 11 close in approximately week so any losses at this point may rock them hard The Barrie Juveniles who are now sponsored by the Flycr organization and coached by Win Law enter their DufferinSimcoe playoffs against Creemore Stars Thurs day night at the Fair Grounds The locals finished the season dead locked with their rivals for second place and the winner of this two game totalrun series moves into the loop finals against Collingwood Cubs undefeated throughout the schedule Orillia completed their campaign hopeless last with nary victory but this was only their first season With the experience gained they should prove worthy opponents next year Barrie Midgets of the Minor Athletic Club were highlyisuccessful in theSimone County bracket They ran an undefeated streak hence await the winner of the CollingwoodBeeton series before movinginto the finals In softball circles Harris Motors are comfortably situated in first plane of the Barrie and District senior league while Pry sons Grille and Gage Motors struggle for second position At presehtGagerirupes orcrtpurrurgmreaesrremsporare bright but if President Bill Gamer decides to have Prysons and Harris replay pair of tie games and the Grillers manage victories the newlyformed Motormen could find themselves shoved into third RCAF of Cainp Borden are definitely the cellardwellers but they have the satisfaction of handing Harris Motors their initial legitimate loss If they can scrape by nine innings without hav inr the bottom of their ship disappear they could make the playoffs very interesting IN INTERMEDIATE RANKS Lakeview Dairy and their power packed milkers finished the season in top place but Copaco and Mine sing bothmade bid for second rung VMinesing played Canadian Legion last night and triumph there gave them tie with the Pack ers Legion are the fourth club in the playoffs while Canadian General Electric acted as doormats Barrie Valley Taxi produced late sprint in the Barrie and District ladies softball race to sharefirst place with Newmarket Dixons Midland Merchants were close on the heels in second place while Barrie Stransmans managed but single victory All clubs are in the playoffs expected to begin next week BRADFORD CELERY KINGS ruled supreme In the Barrie anddistrlct soccer parade while Barrie Hawks and Midland Wolves couldnt be separated onithe next step However Midland fired one more goal into the netting than Barrie hence were given second place in the standings with Barrie third and RCAF of Camp Borden feurth Playoffs will commence as soon as President Ken Robinson returns from his holidays HERE AND THERETOTTENHAM of the South Simcoe League have lost their ace pitcher BilIThornton having joined the RCAF at Cen tralia Much excitement in Tottenham over the forthcoming Vvisit August of the Toronto Pro hockey stars for an exhibition softball game against the home nine Gordie Pennell star centre of Barrie Flyers Junior hockey team last winter has been one of the ace forwards in the senior soccer circlesgof Winnipeg city league thissurnmer reports from the West state Laurie Thorns ace for ward40f Aurora Meteors Junior team and nephew of former pro star BillVThoriiswill get tryout with Gait Black Hawks in Junior Bob Hassard Marlboro centre of hockey fame is one of the best base ball prospects in the city Bob has been playing for Stouffville inter mediates this summer but works out with Mentreal Royals every time they hit Toronto Brooklyn Dodgers have been eyeing him Stratford Kroehlers of theOHA Junior race have consentedto an affiliation with Clevelarrd Barons of the American Hockey League The Barons took care ofBrandon Wheat Kings lastlrwinter but it is not known whetherthis affiliationhas beenbroken WHEN TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS and Philadelphia Phillies released the surprising neWS that Mike Goliat was headed for major leaguebase ball and Jockollhompsqnandhalph Caballero were to see action in Toronto uniform sports columnist Jim Coleman wrte in disheart ened manneron the subjet Coleman felt the Leafs and their fans were robbed ahad beentreated unfairly and were perhaps cheatedout clam International League perm Following this outbreak of Cole mans George Snap Campbell the Oshawa TimesGazette wrote in his column sport snapshots land Speaking of Toronto Leafs reminds us that we got quite at kick out of Jim Colemans upset state the other hedbrokethe painfulnews that Goliat wasgoing up to es and thus Leafs were perhaps being deprived League perinant It was terrible sin for the big 16 ih farmplu fairlg manner919911thsalt =who kicksyour oesnt If TorohtoLeafs hockeyvariety tosnatch Lewicki from Stratfordor make any other such movevwith onezof their numerous farm hands theith perfectly all rightrsitice Leafs and the top in hockey but in baseball theyfind themselves the ivirigendand itsilstill better to give isntit NEAR2nd3PLACE TAKE 31111111330 GAGESmam Toronto Nationals 111111on more aggressive and determined Due toanabsencezof players on behalf Gage Motors wereifqrced 11111171111111 Senior contedtto Pm 115Grilleruesdhy night at exhibition 1111 Queenfs Park placed Ethe Grf only One gamgoway from be plage in the eaguegtgmdng Mot01me theiiise es tuaolxiafld default the my occupiedib Hatrlsrnmtors ti err acllledul all or human between Gage and Harris Queens Park style of soccer Slaturdayantemoon at the Fair Grounds when they trounced Barrie Hawks 340 in an Only smallgroup of fanswre on hand to see the Wellorganized Crew iromfthe Queen City They coastedto a1=0ledln the first half1afier many hectic moments around the Barriernet Harry Davidson did the honors 1111 fact it was Davidson Who tac throughout the game vaiitageof the in the canon hdlfft the netfor two ems Lilli his halfback 111111 111111111111 lt1 lEAGUE STANDINGS 153 111011 111 Harris Gage Prysons RCAF SOUTH Bradford Cookstown Fennelis Tottenhzini Churchill Bond Head LADIES SOFTBALL Valley Taxi Newmarket Stransmans SOUTH SIMCOE BASEBALL HIMCOE SOFTBALL Final As 01 July 25 Barrie Palgrave Thornton TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD 11 ti PHONE 24 14 Midland Ivy Alliston Stroud Beeton Utopia Everett Ii II CIJWblice iWOODSj HITS REDMEN WIN IC 1546 471 Source baseball lea uc Slilidlli Gungdloggarth hurled for Ivy Ivy Mst and walked two V375Mondiiy night when from behind to defeat Stroud two lllplcS and three doubles 1111 error at third and 11 walk IC body away irhfllnvitli single to score lgliaiid McFadden secured 11 with another single Flcgcl worked hard one PC 786 769 769 043 57l 402 231 214 071 on strikes Flcgcl didnt give them much chance to increase the total across three runs in the fou Flcgcls double ironically was blow that started the parade Stroud added another pair the game John Bowman brou gnu SHORTS nnrzss sox Electric FansV Clothesline Wire Wedge Car Cushions PAINTall eolo Firstjjline tires and tubes in all siz eVs at low prices Motorell in grades 011930 30 and 49 991 gal 29c qt SealedBeam Adapter Kits and Units for all makes of cars $549 complete Dashflrays 95o 1111911 Fences ypreachesii 11111111 ornaments 9139 9159 313990 Sc or rifdrouiroaracks ton jsi2oo complishd 1110s of the bottom Sleeping Bogs 3411111191114 Reg Govt Issue complete Army Bunk Beds mos Hitches ExhaustVExtenslons and Reflectors 31911 Fog Lights Barrie Lions Street Carnival Stroud Iteduicn improved thoul HM hold fourth place in It somhgin tlu Victory Willle issuing twu Rodincn outhif their opponents 76 onwwthc night but five of those blows Were good for extra bascs Danny llegcl Strouds best and highly publicith iiurlcr got into trouble in the second frame when inc cd two men on the sacks with 11111 Hoggarth followed up run second However on the next pair of batters and retired the side Dcspi1c Ivy lidlding 20 lead of At least not until his Redmcn blasted rtli the of runs in the fifth as Jack Woods poled his Second threebase hit of glit so feet Me Is qt 95egal Steering Wheel Spinners 89c 961 $179 $231 rGasCaps with locks ssi95 Rear Vision Nlirrors $77219 $259 and $312 New Ford Carburetor Plastic gloss AllMllllSSVS Guaranteed Finest quality $121115 I59o Truckflares sane Jacksilegl 55895sun13638 ShreadonlireGuages 333511191111 MobllitejPistol Grip Spotlight liaut Amateur Contest Entries Taken at that Booth Woods 111rim With single but swinging at terrific clip for the 5111 sliolwl 111111 the paths when Rcdriien this month again headed caught trying 111 reach his males at the plate with three Hills twu triples le Ur omilllanny Hegel was next in line but with two while lion Davies and WUM my mm mm mm John Bowman supp Single hits 1111 svvrlltll 11s Flcgcl took no Ivan Spccrs and lzmnce Hog lclianccs of losing his own game gartli paced Ivy With two hits 51x cacti Laycock 11nd McFadden had one each Ivy Stroud UlliplltSBlll been oxwurtli bases illl got second Ivy managed to iron in the sixth on two hits recorded strikeouts 020 UtilUmll ti 000 320195 Hand plate Art batter iwalks and kiiicking fanned lift Jack Woods who has monomouomouomouoj Sutton Horse Show and Fair 41111115 CHILDRENS RACES HUNTERS JUMPERS ARENA DISPLAYS DANCING ON GROUNDS FRI HUNTERS JUMPERS PONY RACES ARENA DISPLAY FLOWERS TWILIGHT HARNESS RACES SAI LIVESTOCK ARENA DISPLAYS GRANDSTAND VAUDEVILLE HUNTERS JUMPERS HARNESS RACES KINSMEN CLUB PRIZE DRAW ADMISSION Adults 50 cents Clill Thur Fri Free Children Satday 250 =II===o=o==ao=o==m=o=== ll II THE SURPLUS MARKET EEKENDSPECIALS $349 $379 Dungarees Sanforlzed Khaki pants Blue Drill Overalls 111999691111 $119 caverns 19 Work Shirts 19179 to $3119 Shirts white yellow blue 981 Reconditibned army boots $449 Panco Sole working boots $298 Tennis Shoes reg $125 special 89c Underwear tops 59p Shorts 650 Sport Shirts $298 350 Champion Thermos lugs $427 $139 Sun qugses Ladies 61 Gents $295 Specials 35 ftShallow well pump complete withtank Viking rump reg $5900 special $4250 Sheets68 96 viPillow cases ea Indian Blankets Army Blankets grey $329 White navy blankets se95 Drapes fl $198 85 $298 Towels 20 40 69c7 Sunshine Shoe Polish 19139 to $298 191oo Chamois Eleltric Cable Twine Refrigeiator pyrex Sets $298 Icecube traps rubber179c Armyygas capes 199 Large haversacksi Welders aprons Jerryicans $1925 liGai gas cans 994 lgllfllitllitiewr and 11 single $9600 ClothingSpecials

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