r111 53111111 examines Barents ONTARIO comm WHIleonlo Plyers With BASEBALL TOURNEY numb AT UTONA PARK 195 111 oniriliitN 14 311111901115 Glididfillr 159mm ENDS The in celebrate civic holiday Barrie Juveniles Completed their vtith hardball tourmmcni Isllitdidcd campaign in the North Sponsor by the Utopia rr glufferinv81mcoe Baseball Leagutv HUG lOmmmT Kilme ilucsday night with lill easy 85 Plaltd U109 alriullipll over Oriliia on the lat arr to be community pink commencing To Shareholders Wasaga Beach Golf 81 C99nt1y Club bases in 1111 1111 walked Jack Aycry 121 erli none 111111 1111ir1 111 ftlllr llit next 1111 111tvis 111 llllits 211111 force TOClisoironsiNoricr TO cneorroas lsrhereby given that all having claims against trial 19 Genuine Muhren late Town of Barrie Widow de NOTICE henb 1111 11111 11 clsons ltiili 1l1lii 111 ll at of Robert John Goodfcllun 11 who died on or about thcxired 193111111 day of May 1949 are Ich1st or 1111111 111 to send parttculars of their 1949 an 11111111s11d to solid 11111 llatc of the IoivuVshlp 111 1111 11 r111l v11 211 111 11 the WdtTSlSned on or be 1ii11s of their 1111111 111 1111 1111l1 duh by of August l949151i11ed on of brfon 1111 4111 day of thich duleihc Executors wrll August 1919 lbute the assets of the Elstuivlvxocutois ing regard only to the cianmsiot 111 1231111 Which they Shall then have 1111 $111 1111 1l1111gt of iniitcli 111 and Will 110 be responsible for hii1 11111111 11111 11 others at Barrie this 18111 day 11 1949 rd Hk 111 of Owen St Harrie gt111 Sailor52b MOLASSES To bolster your grain feeding Put up in 45 gal drums Laying 81 Growing Mash ifPoultry and flog Con annef ceiitrates to flit afterg Mr fault it ion tlftt we Be 11 left llflro llillIS Kirk Dairy Ration Brown Co ltd Seedsmen Since 1871 PHONE 2435 Graves Allen Used Cars 47 Mercury Sedan 46 Pontiac Coach 46 Pontiac Sedan 46 Mercury sedan rPlymdutllf sedan 37 Plymouth Coupe 35 Plymouth Coach Used Cars at Graves Supertest Station Cundles 46Nash Sedan Monarch Coach Ford Sedan QFord Sedan 33 Ford Sedan 31 Ford Coupe TRUCKS 47 Ford1Ton Panel 144 Int lg Ton Pickup 7313 Will12 Tori Pickup FIBRE 9533 Clapperton St DONALD MutlAltFN Kt Sulltllul fUl llll Ekalillli 31111111151211111 1111 11111111 11 1111l flair 11 rlblr i111 1111 llulitl 111 lllll1 IJuly 1111 tltli S1 ll 511111111 diliilfilll1 TENDERS lOR lllllilltilNG i1111 11111111 zitidiiwwi 111 1211 illillv lllttlllll l11s1y lil1l fluxsick 0111 11131 111111 11I 1111111 21 pin ilIllSl 1111111i11i Augurl ll 151111 11111111s 11111 1111 111 11i111111111 1111111 11111111 1111 1111 1111111 51111111111 by 1111 U1 11111111 111 11111 111 211111111 111111 11111 the 111111111111115 gt111 1111111i tlirltlll tonibuml 111111l111uti1111s 112111 1111111 1111 11111111 11111 1114 111111111111 1111 11117 1111111111111 111 11111 undersigned also 111 1l11gt 11111cc of tlio lhstrlcl 11111111111 itll Iffi 111111111 St 113151 lo trunlo 11111111111 lcudcrs must 1111111111 tho 11111111i ifor of the plant 111 111111 1111111 1111 11111 The 11111111115 11111 1111111 11111111 which 1111 11111111111111 to 111 111111111y11t on this 1111k shall 11111 1111111 11111 111215111111 111 3111111111 1111 111 1111111114 1111 thirtyfirst 111y 11f l1111nb111l 1029 or sliiill l111 112111 111115111111111 111111 1113151111111 111 2111111111 sun11 11111 1111111 1111112 llncli 1111111111 must 111 1111111111111111 i1d by 1111111111 llttlllz 1111 churtcrctl bank in 2111111111 payable 111 the 1111111 of 1111 111111111112 1111111 the Minister of Public Works 11111111 to of 11111 amount of 1111 1111111111 or 11111111 Bonds of 11111 lJominion of 13111111111 or of the 1111 111111111 National Railway tompany 111111 its constituent Companies 1111 coiiditionally guaranteed 11 1o prin c1pal and interest by the Dominion 1if Canada 111 the 11foromcnt111111111 bonds and ccltificd cheque if rc quircd to liiukc up 111 111111 111111111111 In no case slialllhc security lcposit be less than $50000 By Order SOMERVILLE Sccrclaiy lDeparfnicnt of Public Works Ottzrwa July 15 1949 711111611011 SALES Dlillll Sat Jilly BilAuction sale of 1937 Ford Coach serial No AZGOtiO model No 9155 To be sold 11 Jorys Garage llayficld SL Barrie Sale at pm No reserve Terms cash Slcssor auctioneer 505211 Sziturday Jilly 30Choicc house hold ftirniturc and property for Elmore Brown in the village of NewLOWell Property consists of brick house situatcd on large lot also burn Tcrms on chat tels Cash on property 233 on day of sale Balance 30 days Sale at pm Culliam Auc tioneer 52b THIN COAT 0F PAINT 12111 111 11111 1421 31111 11 1lliJStl lri 11111113 1111111111ry 111 111111111 1111 DONALD ll1litl lit =11111i111 1111i1x Willi Mglllbolo luliv f11111 11 1111111 111l slioucd the fans lil 1111111i lo1ti 11 li1 11111 11 111 1111111111111 of 511 11 iili 11I ll1 found 11111111111121 111111111 1111 111111 111 131111 SMNl 11 11V 51 11v 51111111111111 1111111111111 61111111 51111 111w 111 1111111 till 1111 111111111 11r111i1111 ll 111111 111111 11 121 1111 1111111111 lllll 121 1113 111 11111l l1r 2111111 1111111l 11111111111111 11117 1111111 to 11111 11111 111 Bruce Kerr 1i1 the scoring Toronto 31 11111211111111 to registcr 11111 M1il11 l=1 humor was the 91111111 l1111rs possible 111 1111111 11 single 1111111 11 tin Iirsl inning 111 ylzo performs I111 111 lLILk 1l 11111 11v1i 11111111111111111 1111111r 1111111 111111 trcigh 1111111 valltl chalked up gt11111 111 11 11111111 idiot who was llltll at 11111111111 1l111 111 1115 lillllltlllilll ill 411111 11111 111111is 1111111 to solve 111111 111111111 111 took up resid 113111111 1111 the roslcr Seniors defending 2111 111 11 8111111111 ltuiONllL McMillan cf Grcy 11111 1311 1311111111 1111 Avory ss 111 11 Stony if 1111141111111 lb 111111 llsililllli 1lcrthur ll 111 111 1111l ss lcgcr Frills 12 111119111 1111 211 Iliiims if 111111 11 1111ii111ls1111 ss Toronto 1110 lltl ti 1111111 11011 000 Utl 111111111s 11111 lIinms plate Hair Vlhlilnll barrcs 11111 litiimnd 111111 11111111 Il11 hnll ll1111111 11111 111111 1iiy Jul 21 113 lliv 11111 1111111111 11111 l1111i to soy llivn 11111 1111 1111111 11s 111111111 111115 Soinr 111 stand Wlicn 1111 1111111 11311111 in 1111 buttor 1111111 lL11r 11111111111 111111111111111141 by nib 1111 111111 lziughtcr FLICMMING 111 ll1ll lnllnory of our 1111111 111111 flitlllitl who 111111 1111111 lilill July 27 1910 Stillltllllllll 111111 111 111 oldlush ionud 51111 11111125 11 11 thought of you S11111111111cs buyer 11s along Or 11 sky that is 11211111 bluc 1silvcr lining 111 the clouds Vlicli 11111 hnsliincs jlrtplllg through The rolling Stlttllil of life goes on But still lJlt cmpty choirs lllllillitl us of the 111cc the smile Of ones who once 511 tlicrc wIIvcr rciucinbcicd by Jcnnic Mary Sandy 111111 Myrtle 52p Iltlliille 11111 1111111r puss lilCllRISlIii loving memory of our 111111 brother George Gil chi1st who passed away July 29 10411 Ills woary hours and days of pain llis troubled nights are past And in our aching llttlllS we know He has found 51111111 rest at last Si1dly missed and remembered 52p Sisters Mary A1111 and Lucy MAIESIn loving memory of door mother and sister who passed away July 27 1948 Aslccp in Gods beautiful garden Sheltered from sorrow and pain Safe in Gods Wonderful keeping Until we shall all meet again Evor ILlllttllllltflcd by daugh ter and grandson also by brothers and sisters 52p coat of paint ordinarily is from one to three thousandtlis of mmxmmsmmu Demonstration New Ferguson Tractor line of Implements will be demonstrated momm Miies North of Barrpeworllighways 26 56 27 v1 Vvxxxx aer re beingcalldd bythe UnderSigned 111 fl Bus Service Franchiseng meVTown of Franchise and renters Vtohibe coy pom the down creeps 011119121111 season i51m511orpr auw August 23 ALLENAt Cooksfown on July 25 I949 Joseperlleii beloved husband of Mary Leslie and father of Hector of Honeywood Lillian Mrs Hodgson of Bradford and Alexander of Cookstown in his Blst year Resting atWatsons Funeral Home Cookstown until12 noon Thursday thence to St Johns Anglican Church Cookstown for service at 230 Interment Allis ton Union Cemetery Casket will be open from loclock until commencement of servicelu CQBDINGLEYSuddenly at Win mpeg on July 25 1949 Llewellyn Cordingley beloved hus band of Margaret Campbell and father of Donald and Rose mary CUMMINGAt Peel Memorial Hospital on July 21 1949 to Rev and Mrs Cumming nee Alice Colbornl daughter Alice Mildred gt FOUNTAINAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on July 25 1949 John Founbiipbedoved llitlllfSNlI thc Royzil Vic t11111 lluspllill llilillc on July 291 151111 to Mr and Mrs Gillrs lllltlitSllL ump llordcn son MARKS At the lloyzil Victoria llospitul lililllt 1111 July 23 1919 to Mr 111111 Mrs icorgc Marks 11 aniti $1 daughter Ruth Aiiiicl MONEY All the Royal Victoria ll11gtjlllill lliiiric 1111 July 25 1049 to Mr 111111 Mrs Sidney Money 1111111 thui Watt RR Barrio daughter MUIilllNlr At the ROylllVlClt torin Hospital Harrie on July 25 111111 to 1111 and Mrs Gcoigc lllulliollund Slitilltl daughter PETERSON lAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on July 211 1949 to Mr and Mrs Ictcrson RR 13111111 son 1Aubrcy Philip VANDERBEEKOn July 24 1949 to Mr 11nd Mrs Arthur Van dcrbcck Potsdam NY daugh reprimand Mrs Alpine and Alvin Miles wish to thank all the friends and neighbors for their help and kind iicss shown during the time Mr Milcs was in the hospital 52p Mr and Mrs John Derby and family wish to express their sin cere thanks to their many friends and neighbors who by their prompt action saved their burn from being destroyed by the Friday night 52p ywVq CARDS OF THANKS DIXONWe wish to thank our neighbors and many friends for their kindness shown us in the 51055 of our dear husband and lfather the late Albert Dixon iWife and family 52b GRAHAMI wish to thank all the friends and neighbors for their ghelp and the many floral tributes during my recent bereavement in the loss of my dear wifeJ irGraham Shanty Bay 52p HILLMr and Mrs Hill and family 54 Tiffin Stwish to express their deepest gratitude to friends and neighbors for many acts of kindness messagesand floral offerings at the time of their recent bereavement especial ly remembering Rev Carder or his kind Avisitations and mes sage and also Drs and Turnbullvfor their ever ready help fulness 52b JENNETTMrs Isaac Jennett Vernon and family wish to thank their many relatives friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness cards and floral tributes especially Rev Mr Simmons and ness and death of and father 1JAMIESONMr and Mrs Or Ville Jamiesori andfamily wish to dear husband Strucli 11 noon llurie Flycrs and Barrie Iuvcnilcs will carry the town banner into the molded race iliilc Stroud licduien and Big lluy loint are other known entries fllic winner of the tourna ment will cart away 575 with $55 going to the second place team and $15 to the third In addition to the games tinre uill be special prizes for the horseshoe pitching contest Ottocontac fillll of Me francIr mu ANY MORE IIIDIIIS At iiicctilig of the Barrio curl Hs ovci 11111 years ago there was 2151111111 committee appoinch to raise funds for the crcction of il new llLliZi Through fair weather 111111 foul in spite of adverse cri ticism and even opposition in some instances these few fellows have stayed with the job and have at 111st rcachcd the point where if those who plcdgcd varying sums 111 support if the rink project will only honor those pledges quickly our building committee will be ill position to proceed with their ollem1 Tuesday morning Ken task 111110 on fellows Your finance committee hasslill lot of work to do and your building cominit 1111 has big undertaking on their hands Plcase do your part and quickly George Scott will give receipt now and sharcs will be issued as so1111V11s the charter is received HARRY ARMSTRONG Several Take Part In Variety Program At Summer Theatre Variety Night at Kcmpenfeldt Summer Theatre last Friday even ing included full program of singing lms solos dancing read ings skits quiz and stunts Ger ald Pcarccy was master of core nibnics fir the evening and Angus Ross and Fern Hampel were pian ists series of folk songs sung by Fern Hampcl Alice Steers Diane earn and Louise Colley followed 1community sing 31nd presenta 11 of the lms 1A sword dance was done by Wendy Ferrenbach who later did acrobatics for the audience reading by Mrs tcrs grounds Southpow Bruce Synnott 11nd 11111 Fhgcl shared the pitching dunes 1llowing only six distributed lllIS our the route Harrie were never headed alter obtaiiiing ii load in the first inning but riliin made it close 11111111 1111 Sixth when they weaken 111 for three runs in the optmug lrzlllie and Hill Fli son addcd another run 111 the sec ond Orilllu rctaliutcd in the third with 11 singlepnly to see Barrie lengthen their margin in the fourth to 31 lhrcc hits produced two runs in wcrc outscorcd us Orillia shoved Iiicross three for 54 count The winners nosed 1111111111 31 in in the sixth with 111111101 club scor ing in the seventh Hill Elson and Jack Kcnwcli ob tained two hits each for Barrie with D1111 MacDonald At McLeod itli1 fifth for Barrie but still they D1111 MacDonald made the iOurids Lloyd Cole and Graham Crosbicv registering one hit each 1111111 ririi ACCIDENTS IN 11 11111111 There have been several fatal accidents in this district During the past wcck lwo youths were killed by lift andrun motorist near Port McNiC rictli Byers 19 was instantly kill lcd and Russell Latonrcss 14 died thc some day Donald LcDuc 17 suffered severely fractured right llcg Ilarvcy Gaudrcault l7 was scvcrcly injured but he was able to crawl to nearby farmhouse 10 3511111111011 aid for the others The accident happened about 230 am As Bass Lake near Orillia last Friday 13yearold boy Wesley Dunn fell from his bicycle and he died in hospital few hours later His chums tried to stop passing trucker but the driver said he didnt have time The young boys then cycled four miles into Orillia to get help At Severn Falls not far from Orilliaj Toronto city constable Andrew Johnson was drowned while on his honeymoon on Tues day night He had been married only last Saturday George Cadogan was followed by series of skits Taking part were Louise Coiley Helen Nicholson Tony Ferrenbach Mrs Day Fern Hampel Diane Spearn Wendy Ferrenbach Mrs Henley and others Following the intermission the audience was en tertained with solos by Don Allen Beauty Parlor skit and quiz PruviSimrai Bonus Distribution to Stockholders for each 100 Share held as at this date 30 CASE DISTRIBUTION ONE $100 SHARE Preferred Stock 72 SHARES or COMMON STOCK Concrete Example of the Tangible Reward for Fast Faith in the Fortunes at the Club If you desire informa tion on the New Country Club without obligation write to Wesley Davidson 81 Company Wesley Davidson Owner 330 BAY STREET TORONTO ONT FOR RESULTS USE XAMINER VWANT ADS News About CKBB Persons travelling the Crimp Borden Road will ob serve well lighted tall steel mast situated on thy perty of Robert Squires just east of the Hydro 11011 This will be the tranmlttlng site of the Barr 1111111 station CKBB Before the equipment will be in operation seven miles of copper wire must be buried in ground to provide an adequate grounding sys for the equipment small building will house technical equipment and private telephone will connect the transmitter to the studios fr where all programs will originate Once the installation ls mnfpletod visitors will vited to visit and inspect their new radio station uidM geegamma CKBB Meme fame11 or to Have moved to Rev Mr Doggett during the ill 52p express their most sincere thanks and appreciation husbandbf Rosetta Robirison Tn hisV 78111 year Interment Barrie Union Cemetery July 28 MOOREAt Sunnybrook Hospital Toronto on July 24 1949 John Dalus Moore beloved son or Mrs Mary Moore Barrie and the late Robert Moore in his 52nd year 1Interment Barrie Union Cemetery July27 QUANCExMr Harvey Quance of Shaw St Toronto brother of MrsHS Glll pased1 away Sun day evening July 24 1949 SNEATHOn July26 19219 at Io ronto Isabel Alice daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Geor Sheath of Midhurstand Ba ie Service in Trinity Angl can Church Barrte on Thursday af ternoon at 230 oclock Inter merit Union Cemetery friends Endilaiives for beautiful floral tributes to those who loan ed their cars Special thanks to to neigliors Mr Jess and Mr Kaellgren for their comforting words in our re cent sad bereavement iii the loss of alov1ng son and brother CITIZENS TAKE INITIATIVE 52p Some residents on First Avenue West haveggstarted 197w tification campaign of their own They are putting on drive to brighten and improve the street bybuildingup lawns row of trees has been pintedL1We would like tog mentiontwohigh school boys who started tree planting campaign The idea was goodzone evenifthey did iniss classes CARROT RIVE Sask OBSERVER Weare pleasal to unnounCe that SlMcor Blocxcqff 11511111111151 haveyVVbeen appointed as 9112339 our rexolusive applicators for 11 11 11