wwa mwmsl mms our 28 mo THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA DAY no SIXTEEN was cw iBeadi Patrollers Eligible FirStHomeApplifnceShOP nun0 Barries Most Modern But ding No Word of illtziic Zoo innit lh work ttii 2w junvi in yearSI and although in getting started tin are fully LUttfltlclll tint the but II Th lttlx gt it rod Clubs trait it 33 ml imtc in ttu Jini iman ai12d MI cwmud br i1 flit Li ore to ii rm my in addition to the crcsts as soon Lt introHe ILl If Hfm lII loo potnisII in littlt stint iliti lilillll for cvciy lUt lvl At the cud ct inc ltl nf tle jlltitut hiivtiig the iint cciu it cup liiitc Litzu the zilioic location on rlzipperton street The business lt CZS5E5E in III if nme Uihtltittt by Fred Kelly has expanded to such an extent iriiii TIiI ml IMIII in littlldliti lliii litW and larger premises hitd to be found modern new iets Hi IIII store lil be opened next Iuesdaty at 26 Elizabeth Street The AN IU gtII llIIIIi1IiIiit ilu Jot illhlw iilttlito 01 the Original store at Illi llz me in NH lll EXISIENCE ZootSu1ters Use Fuel 011 iciitt In iiIII MIuI IIWTRFM WP Samuin ii un til iiwm PC es Gasoline win lull my itVHHml tIW 3W ml an inn iltllllllLS one as cmployXIc tllitl lw tint Ilrs it the other is alderman room II III IIiIIIIiIIIIIIIiIi IIIIIIIIIII Immn nf snliurnzin Dingo Laval or Cl met ni im litrtltrgt itiiwsliiv has won oIiotmlIIto W111 be Situated on Secon rlillu ltilttltltl lfllllelf iiI zut SI III hIIIIIIII III 330 IIIIII cmmul of nomhbmlnh II ellinu in with in round lill llr llitil IIIII III III mde ftiil liii Itti It Linc at iii innitli ll iitigt3v IIII III III IIII III the 111g for gtlittli plume llllxnl iiiwii HAITI by lim Wit lhutla littlttil Barrio lumpxi tlf it it Morhznzink 5ll Shi li iwlfntimn linil liltll mm May the Home Appliance Store and lutioliiiii on llit1liI LIT tlll TuesdayI moimnu ttiiiI lfltillllt1lIIrIl InivtInIunIiItIlnv Lint tlllll ltCtlVlW il Ellil It ill Iii tli it shillii from Toronto Ii ul xiucli up Near Thornton tlll liwtmris ml lllltliltil tutmlmt tliLlll lv spotted cur tho Mind the dvs HH IlIl Wltiml Hm lit Ciiiitiliii of the stulcn ehicli and Hiklt lhnintnn was found to haw he ganc clinsc lie did not hic Al my for to trzivcl however lor ilthouuli Tho lllllt youths llmtsiti liiiltII the stohn czir was ILltll tlic him Hot Mairstint lti iiiri Norman the engine choksd up lllld tiiiiiilI Vow to kitt brought to liiill hmtncd Sltlll tlitlt Uh tlt ltlclitkl UP lili Three youths warring grien tinIr now turned over to loinnto Announcement concerning the Ofiicial through the years Congratulations CKBB both serve You We down the CATCHES SHREW Levy $5987272 BSt W13h3 l1130n Wl Iv col tll slziyed SChOOl Area shrmliflI llllliltllillllLli talking in riddles It actually llitpptnwi lhi totzil iniount ltltltlilili WOOD sr MOUSER Six Municipalities Opening of CKBB will be made shortly Friduv niulit ll the homo of Mrs mllllltlllillillki this Vtill it 1h CI JOMSI wmd SLI hm pct Upcriitioii of tlic llziiric hiin school niouscr wandered into the kitchen lISllICl 15 55987372 with creaturc of the under The amount is levied against cacii ground municipality according to tho ttiliri Temporary Business Office Room Queens Hotel Th Ik Tm alizcd assessment of the portion of It Cf at PM bnl the municipality which lizis studI aCnd 3313mIJJEHICII flit 5116 cuts attendingY the Barrie colleciutt TelephOne 5585 RALPH SNELCROVE Manager qr the The municipalities are paying for 5mm mu 10111 1949 maintenance as follows creature was identitied is shrew species of the animal Barrie 8282igt2l kingdom which serves the some Essa 340342 II purpose as the common mole vlt Innisfil ll2683iI 628987 ET II II Seldom shoves its head above the Oro ground but this one apparently Sunnidalc 316543 did Instczid of curiosity killing Nespra 747036 the cat thecut killed curiosity TOTAL 1255937272 III PHlLlPSCMtlL 1th cutest trick inwradiloitr PW PHILIPS CMMLI In true Philips 3de Three way ACDCBattery Heir Beyond the borders of North America more PS ms distinct engineering 4ian width 3n and depth will play any II sets have been sold morePhilips sets are in OtterI this am gapizglnut plastic muckbum hem The smaIIcsI radio In Canada which MIMI In people prefgLthps SPIIBII mag IaIIInyI IIIIaiggnIigveineIn LIIIIIIWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII bhRIm27fI is both electric and battery operated other make in antenna With ex in II bandsI II gtrwav Now in Canada similar success stIorlecfon be told gnigdb$gttz coingensated volume III story unequalled in Canadian rad no conImI and beamu inch PMIIdynamic II Latein the year 1947 Philip 1353 otlihfadiiisst speaker Height 11 width 1612 am time an entirely new line an 1311 ui mu last year here in Canada ths was just another name new and unfamiliar Then amazing developments took place Philips dealers everywhere reported that thousands or Canadians were Joining ll II less batteries the happy worklfmlltg Phnl We The And today from Aiiaxiiici to Pacific hundreds oi people of Canada provedoncethagain It tgaytya teries discriminating buyers wall th $5335 WIthPat radio and know quality When they age and hear MI nttsstti333mtifhfiiifiI tr Is PHILIPS CM91A There is double plea can re oughly Canadian sales organization and manufactur ing facilities of Philips Industries Limited Montreal can thus assure their Dealers of future as leaders in their communities and versatile radio phonograph housedln modern compact matched cabinet Its per formance is va triumph of technical know ledge and i6 tramway the result of Philips sure in possessingthis modern masterpiece of skilled cabinet craftsmanship and incom parable performance of Philips advanced engineering This combination of convenient illfit anywhere in any room Completely To you the Dealers of Canada who made this great Yiiisistehce 901 bighe my mater SuccesdStory possibiePhiiips extends thanks and ials Its snug size and hammws design medium Sized lowboy type Wlll easily hm sincere congratulations find place inany home Features entire width of lower cabinet for record storage lomatlc recordchanzer platinum or 12 assimdbuiiiinan spaceJun broadcast and short wave dss tnndard bIroIa IQ bandswmpletcly automatic record changer with exterual connectionsremark nsltlvttycontlhuously variable tong Lwithobeautiful PM speIakerrm III igiit nilg3 diatomicanti depth18 in ion 900 litmus intro allowoiicoon you presI accouiniodaiing lOfand12record8speciol IITprmoniitneedle mth low needle 31153 titty3 delight to hear IHight 3234in width 25 and durum neirlsmaoo truismed virilipsaidibahdl entndm gr Appliance DoolerioriBairiIeI II II