Vinyl 23 Oilipiiydll liml dig laxt year and progress in their Quests began to gather about lt WVtl MUN dereloprniirt evident two oclock llzill carries swinging was being used in llltllink lllill Time is rXrrlletil volunteer for the children and UlHtIHIIIUII CUVHWS Flr Slaml Im billls IRIIIKISIIII at each of these places for the older ones filled in the Wtl blmg Sld ISIWII lills and many lllItltslili projects are afternoon pleasantly until supper VlllCh lk AWN Mm being worked out luppct plays was ready tintl down Ill Ill ll tilt big attraction as well as After this was happily disposed Witter other foriris or creative arts and rot lresidwiit Reid Richardson corr At IIrIlsdale the peopleof that an mod humus mam sJJ FVF SHOWS community Rd IMUNM 5L 143 Mrs Beryl liarper is directing 11 briet address he asked for two 531 Imle LSllfllWl day ciiirrp at Was Beach Illlllltltllr of silence in memory of 650 pm which transforms part of sonic Moapsv Joins m9 rm BARBIE summer Roxyo HOUSE OF HITS First With The Best In Barrie DELIGHTFULLY AIRCONDITIONED TONIGHT TUESDAY DAYS ONLY WONDERFUL STARS mama Enrolled county is now wetl under way With noon with record number of children tltZlnZteett Mitt rolled in learntwswrnr ttasscs This year there was such derirand CA3 PROGkAuh for swimming instruction that the lly camp programs Srincue uiririty recreation eoiirntrrarilttr on our day tee added one day In their sentd iirbei of sirtall tile and now there are six plan litter ounty in which swinrnrrrrg is taught In iiisfil Park Totteiiliirni and 5e venty WIIJISMRS What LAUGHS Over 400 children are enrolled in lrit litll Hr each of these these classes and enthusiasm is thoe group high tin charge of the prograiri while at who Then beach by Miss Fern llampel ul Iht iItt3lt At recreation committee thtr Iii priojr iiri are plan have far south as Tottcnlram and do Ie the riy i111 program whelming Last Friday there yilxlHHl lsardra lwl an attendance of ninety who come for ITOHILmuCIlIlaIII Beeton Allistoir tore the end or the smisott Elma 93d and Sllliltl At Midliurst Awning and Sour othcr nearby wirinrunrties Iiverym Mm 31 i5 me one seemed to have ir Wonderful tinre even if there wasnt greatE JAMES it STEWART if HENRY IONPA camp leader Ithll of these com on on um noouu COLOR CARTOON what dangerous inlllltpotrd iirto safe enclosed swimming pool At Waribaushcne and Stayner irr strtictors have been employed to develop more intensive swim ming program than that carried Im by the rccrcatir coniiirittce At Waubaushenc Mis Alice Steer if the instructor on Monday and lirr day afternoons There are about sixty enrolled in the swimmingI classes which progress from begin ners to the more advanced The Stayner program is being carried on under tho direction of Mrs Beryl Harper physical educa tion Instructor at Harbord Colleg iate Toronto It is held at Wasaga Beach at the foot of ltltlr Avenue An excellent raft has been con structed and classes are under way iraml year popular with this group as are crt rrtiw art projects Avenue throughout AND OTHER TREATS ANOTHER GREAT MGM MUSICAL HIT IN GLORIOUS TECHNICOLOR Starts Wed Mat July 27 IRAIIiI SIIIS tem of oneway zticcts You May Have Request Numbers played for yourself or friends by writing The Mail Bug ORILLIA Program Daily from 330 to 5pm Also Listen to MUSIC Especially for You EVERY SUNDAY 1245 to 100 pm 1mm Illullny mmm am in corn mow diligent and cl veil =x8i Returned Bylhllopular Demand Showing At Our Regular Prices MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY EveShows Through the Courtesy pimo THE WRIGHT CLEANERS ivBARRIE Cron ORILLIA RADIO DIAL 1450 Brute IMMORTAL SCOUNDREL IIZIVLVIIIR JCN ortrmoar tiiL irlerPH CU Ii mil mammore ofyGoorgian Bay and first white re sident of Ontario First Biography of Canadas Premier Coureur do Bnois HERBERT CRANSTON of Midland Published by THE RYERSON PRESS $300 Now On Sale At Weoynrouths Book store Crbssrands Drug Store Both In Barrie WILL BE CLOSE idniglrteance Riga irmtgr TillDawir MinetsPav lion our origMINUTE irrTEIi Minotaur MITIIFIIB IllDIME YOURMERVAuoNfsuow Phone 9001 or 4702 Storelluroprintodln the ammunition nitrite more Examiner em ill orror It swimming prugrun iii Sllttctmittl Tuesday and Thursday arm total enrolment are being week in communities mt AI Angus Cunt I1 and irkeeret Miss FerrrHnm Slmirtyix if limin is the day camp in Bay Lake tooelricharg north of ftltftll She is assisted zit Angus Orrllla Midland at lirttle Lalo riil to Hit ar o1 Baxter and llillsdale tbii in it llltllltt or volunl All are interested iii pup At We of these arras Loriant lllll1 rud plnys are being ise Culley and iiurge Woods tiltitlvnliipttl by the children them kwri entliristamr Midland the Rev Kuellpieirifor Lttlltts and Singing and the its the instructor asststrd on liltitlitltlirh werii delighted wrth the tiitikSIUWII few This is the first year that atplays and Il1tlu pantoiurincs to swimming class has been held as ipresrnt to parents at the close ufgt livent1 spouse in this centre has been over and Angus groups are planning to at Camp IlotdmlL two period or WIlllllllllP bc day irruirities had day camp program children Whose fanatics live near the Sports and gaiires are very Julius zirsiir invented the sys Cleaners and Shirt lauirdereis July ISOAug ON SATURDAY AUGUST the office willmbe open fer calls andpickups will be made PHONE 247i 2472 NITURE sander and August BAI tllll ONTARIO CANADA 26TH ANNUAL In County Swim ClassesRICHARDSON PICNIC HELD Tl 26th annual reunion of the Rt dson banal kanicld at St ll Ilzlb Barrie or 348 un illLlIlylLlit Jul lti with TI Infllilttls present TIIUSt attending rvtrt the fourth fifth and sixth Wdtrarn and Catherine Rtllltk Richardson who came from Raw itl Rosbriioughshiir Scotland and seltlrd on lot Zi Ill the ICIit ItilrrJlrlltllt Itilutl 1H ltilll ItltIgt Htr pttStItl Ituln 1min hIlrliiiZld Ieiidhug Illrnyalo IItllsdtile Shanty Ila and Edgar lire guest Miss Iitlllc Miiluta 21 Tux Bar in German prison earripr and lo rarin troni Ioland two months the greatestdistance The oldest prison Ittllil we Jziines aston who is in his Iltltlr year and the yoiiieist was Jimmie tltllqtltn bctli tarrique Ioiorilo CCIVllI pi ties The pine to the newest I1I to the Wife of Murray Ricb iirilsoii the only member of the family who had passed 1ll since the last tilt lllt Margaret Richardson wife of Frail Richardson Itergrisonvalc Mrs Richardson was greatly miss ed She had been present at near rly ill the picnics and was very active in the arrangements IVrauk Springall chairman of the sports Ulllltlllltt conducted very iriteresting prograrrr of UIJIISIS and games as follows Driving nail in board womem Marietta Draper Janet Richardson irrenr Reid Richardson Shoe kincking Marjorie Evans Run ning races iWomeni Ma Mc Gibbon linen Murray chard son Girls Marion De Bar bara Richardson iBoysV Johnny Thompson Jimmy Riclrardson Leonard Richardson Rope walk ing while looking through binocu lars Wilma Spiingall Marjorie Evans The last sports item was very amusing ball game of mixed players God Save the King was sung bringing to close very enjoy able picnic The 1950 picnic will be held on July 17 at St Vincents Park Bar llt Officersfor 1950 are as follows President Reid Richardson Vice Pres George Johnston Sccy lreas Mrs Little Lunch Conunittee Mrs It Richardson Mrs Olive Maw Mrs Elvin Rich ardson and Mrs Scythes Sport Committee Frank Springall Earl Richardson Hebcr Ilertle and George Johnston PLOWING INSPECTOR STONY PLAIN Alta CPI lmagine the surprise of farmer look the bear ambled back bush plowing FOR HOLIDAY StreetCarmvaI Net fermerit Welfareworkout mismanaged Children Starts Today it IMPERIAL krlttttillnlis of the descendants r21 Ilrelpsturii lll Irrho had Worked five years aiti received the pllA for coming Ititrtilltrriltl son of Henry and Elizaf BUIII re bridc Peter Sutherland when he lookedany emu wants better picture up from his plowrng and saw aiof this filth just walk 1L my gt big black bear inspecting his work Show Apparently sailfled 10112 and Barrie depot on cairn early into the morning Sutherland continued his Mstxaxs vtxs 53 Americas favorite Iunnymon up to their necks in hot water in Darkest lollricol 800 pnsem Lou and HILLARYVBROOKEJOE BESSERSHEMP HOWARDDirected by CHARLES BARTON Au wk in Umted Artists 11 LETTERS to the EDITOR WHY CONDITION OI WATER Home Appliance Building will be ALONG THE WATERFRONT To the Editor The Barrie Examiner Dear Sir Why are the waters around Barrics waterfront not fill for bathing when Lake Simcoe is grcatlyfed by spring waters beautiful lake and beautiful water spoiled by our towns own sewage Why are the people of Barrie Lil lowing it riotonly this year but in about ten years from now If between Allandale Station If this condition was created by other communities there would be great hollcriraised Why then be silent iii our own filth hope the people of Barrie will in the Thursday edition make sure that 1949 will be the Tire Barrie Examiner Yotirsvtiirtli W939 MI II WARD1 ie 1700 hrs Aug 49 to do chest by the National Sanitarium Asso Xoay survey in Camp All army lrciation Women are requested to dcpendents 12 years and abovgwear simple upper garments witl1lt TRAVELLING CHEST CLINIC iliving within the Camp will te out ornament or buttons when re The Travelling Chest Clinic port for Xray on or Aug 49 porting for Xray operated by the National Sanitari at times to be announced in adl MM um Association will be in Camp vance to each unit TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AI Borden from 1300 hrs Aug 48 to This is free service providedl PHONE 2414 vwwv 213 Bayficld St Barr July 18 1949 Announcement Meyers Studio is leavingBairie uxnxs sags xx on July 511949 yr Customers are requested to present all coupons and invitations of Meyers Studios at the studio as 89011 as possible Where they will be honored SPECIAL CLOSINGperm x10 ColourlonePortgait Composed 43 simmer BARBIE nyys xis$$vsis Cs