in Usma members of the select legislature driven them Rotary Club is sponsor newspaper offices gt the past 25 years smaller weeklies close down office completely for two has had holiday from whatfwe have the plant superintendent fall Member Audit But an of Circulation The First Column Random Notes On T1013 That Tourists and traffic are almos illtilltlli1s with Barrie during lbw llflillitl lilonliis Every week hundred and Lt11 thousands of llrllllrtx from vallolls pails of Onlt larlo onada and Unitcd Slates pour through our fair town Bill ibis Vtkk two cars from exception iliy far away places appeared on llll nulln SlflcL On Thursday cr from Alaska was seen on the main lllCtfl and on lhc following day 111C from Cuba was soon Must be smoothing in the Barrie cilmuc whcn llic Alaskans will llililt so far south and yet llit ilbans still conic this far north RoyI flickling Vcspra town ship councillor is well known as laconicur and he certainly drew iound of chuckles when be ad lircsscd the special hearing on con servation at Barrie last Friday ln emphasizing the amount of aoncy llillLSptl11 through indus iy Mr llickling remarked We can drivc our cars 70 miles an hour and kill more people than we ever thought of 40 ycars ago and we havent scratched the surface yet young lady whose name wcll spare recently misplaced hcr kcys while attending meeting short time lzitci she was talking in fricnd who had found the keys but they were gone The finder had lililiccd 1111 name of an Allislon scrvicc station on the key ring and had promptly dropped them in mail box However telephone call from Barrie lo Allixton cleared up lhc confusion and the keys were eventually returned Members of the legislature serv ing on the soil conservation corn millcc arc not being paid for their scrviccs but they are being pro vided with an allowance for ex penses Al thc luncheon given at Itobiiidalc last Friday by the Sim coc County Council Farquhar 01i vcr in expressing appreciation rc markcd that if lhe committee mem bch received much more such hos pitality they would be able to make both ends meet Mr Oliver could hardly be described as thin man and this prompted fellow legislator Thomas Dent of Oxford to remark If we have many more meals like this you wont be able to see both ends little girl stole the show at tile Kempenfeldt Summer Theatre var iety night program at Shanty Bay ion Friday series of incidents lyere portrayed on the stage and the audience was asked to guess Uwhat was Uwrong in each case In bedroom scene girl wokeup lazily got up and dressed washed had her breakfast and set off for school When asked what was wrong with this scene little girl in the front row spoke out She forgot to put her pants on Too many public houses in Bar rie ULastFliday morning some committee on conservation arrived latewat the hearing in Barrie Thomas chairman of the com mittee introduced the members and commented on thefact that they were late Warden George South of Grey County who had the members over from Owen Sound explained they were late because the notice didnt say where the hearing was to be held and they visited every public building in town Did you say EVUERY public house asked Mr Thomas amid laughter VI Remember the speed boat races here in 1946 andagain in 1947 on the Saturday before Civic Holi day The APBA circuit nolong er touches Barrie but the races continuep IfUinterested in seeing you can drive to Fairy Lake Huntsville on Wednesday July 27 where the event will be sponsored by the LionsClub The following day Thursday July 28 the drivers and their speedy mid get racing craft move south to Gull Lake Gravenhurst where the This is holiday time in weekly all over the country IEKOntario the law says an employer shall give one weeks vacation with pay to all employ ees with over one years service The Barrie Examiner has given all employees in that category two weeks vacation With pay for Most ofthe and plant weekswthere is no paper and no jobwork done Some of the larg er Weeklies now observe simply the letter of tho 1aw+close down for one week The Examiner has aa duty to performinserving the needs of megTown of Barrie with its12000 populatidnfand the large surrounding territory We might close for one week Without too I960 namesi THE AUTHORIZ Soil Conservation in post omc annulus omu to AS SECOND CLASS IllL IV Hearing at Barrie The work done ill connection with soil conservation in Slmcoe county was brought into focus last Friday when district officials assembled to present ll series of briefs to Midland and Anderson of Glen Cross Briefs on conservation Were presented by the following officials of Simcoe and Duffcrln counties Wilbur Reed Oriilla Isaac King Tottenll am Wm Crunston Midland Anderson of Glen Cross and Donald Boll Barrie Roy ilickling of Vcspra town sllip chairman of tllc special com miller on sells for the county coun 11 was chairman and hc iliclitd the hearing which was held in the county council chamber Wardcn Evans welcomed the commillcl to Simcoc and lllllli dilccd lilo chairman lilomas of Elgin county Mr Thomas stressed the fact that the members of lhc committee were all members of illt legislature and they represented the thrcc pol itical parties been appointed by the legislature and was rLsponsihlc only to thc legislature not to the government nor to llic cabincl Mr Thomas inlroduccd lhc nlcnl bers of the commillce as follows Thomas Den of Oxford Slanlc Hunt of ltclifrcw north Then 11 lslcy of Waterloo soulil Jans of Lambton cast Fi ll lollilfl of York south 19 ll McMillan of Kent cast Farquhar Oliver of Grcy south of ilcii and Osic dairy Herbert iowil was present as the scerclary of the select commit tee Mr Thomas Cxplaincd that all the committee members bill onc were working farmers Hc said the plan was to prcscnt practical reporl at the conclusion of tho hearings The commillcc on conservation held its first hearing in Guelph on July 10 There were also hearings at Listowcl and Walkcrlon before coming to Barrie Hearings will be continued throughout the pro Vince unlil nexl October with Visit to Ohio to see the Muskingum conservation project and Louis Bromficlds Malabar Farm We farmers must plead guilty that our soil isnt as good as it was 40 or 50 years ago declared Mr Hickiing He their went on to ex plain that the farmers were not entirely to blame for this condition Among those attending the 110111 ing were Warden Evans of Simcoe Warden Stanley Potter of Dufferirl Warden George South of Villciicuvc INNISFIL NOTES By RGS ANOTHER BUSINESS CHANGE Last week we reported of one of the big summer hotels in lump the operator ous goods are located er home town of Shelburne GUESTS AT GOVERNOR GENERIILS DINNEE several weeks ago ding writeup The sOloist side time much disruption in the life oftlie populace but not for two in this bastIing= metropolis Hence we stagger the vacationperiod that is two or three of thestaff areaway each two weeks until everybody affectionately call thisfrat race The on ed staff job feel as ifthey are on the staggered list too It was espec ially tough last week when by some slipup we had three away in the front office and three in the plant at the same time then and get abadly sprained ankle seven away the three busiest days of the week Insomeunaccountm able manner the still on hand managed to $90 pages of mammalfin two is loestzplus the eight rden Manhunt a131 obgprriinttng 1y trouble is with shorten those remaining on the about nosrunnns from enema couple of young The committee had bzz the change during serving of meaii During the early part of this Week the general store operated by HarrisonBros Stroud changed hands Fleming former store keeper of Lefroy took over The transaction was completed wherein the stock in trade was computed sum the cash on hand counted and Mr Fleming became Elwood Harrison will stay with Mr Fleming until the end of July in order to acquaint him with the customers and also where the varl He and family will then move to his form The Elgar Harrisons are placing their household goods storage as 1111 garis in Toronto hospital havmg undergone anoperation which al though successful will mean his resting for year or so They hope to take up residence in Barrie later Among the 250 gueststo be hon errors we ALMOST had dandy It was wed sang the favorite ballad Ill Walk Be You Here is how it was set by one of our compositors IllWake Beside You That was one we DID spot and correct in iWKW and GClUthe rush pUeaUUk Bicycle Travellers Stop Off Here ROY 111KIJNG and Slcwarl laIIc of Barrie Xavill of llll dlparlmcnl of lands and forests Jlldgc llarVIc icorgc Johnston Mll Dr Mclhcc Mll and many others Among those who cultrod inlo ilhc discussion wcrc Eric Simpson county sissor Rev George Mor iison svrcrciary of the federation of ngllClllilllt McCaguc Ai lislon llolslcin llcdcr aild Clif lford Locknarl ICilflllilifln of the re folcslalion committee of the county council Silllcoc counly councillors were hosts to the conservation committee at luncheon scrvcd atlItobindalc Inn Chairman of lhc iunchcoil was Ilickling Among those at the head table were the wardens of Simcoc aild Duffcrin llhomas chairman of the commitl Grey three agricultural reproscnt tee lerqunar Oliver and Jol alives Bruce Matheson of Orange lliffc each expressed appreciation ville Keith McRuer of Allislon ItoSimcoe county for the hoSpitality ier with an invitation to the din eral and Viscountess Alexander in Springwater Park on Friday were Rcevc Clifford Loekhart lLockhart Deputy Reeve Allan Todd and Mrs Todd The dinner tservcd by the Womans Association iof Midhulst United Church was splendidly arranged and theUUcater ing was exceptionally good Those who had the privilege of attending this function will have very pleasant memory of the dignity and graciousncss of Their Excellencies who are representatives of Their Majesties King George VI and Queen Elizabeth HEAVY WEEKEND TRAFFIC During recent weekends traffic has been very heavy so much so lthat it isrwith difficulty that one can get out on the road at times The bottleneck through Barrie has occasionally slowed traffic out as far as Stroud It is time that some thing was done to better this condi tion One American driver report ed that he was over an hour from the time he was slowed down last weekend until he again got under way on the open highway beyond BarrieU Talkingto this driver in Orillia later he had very unpleasant memory of Barrie and especially its main intersection which he seemed to think was the source of the delays Perhaps this may account for some of those tourists not staying in the County Town as there seems to be plenty of United States ears passing along the highway L0ca1 people having business 1n Barrie on Saturday have consider able difficulty getting there during all parts of Canada and United States stop offal Walden Hostel near Barrleon their cycling trips to Northern Ontario The hostel east of Barrie on the roadto Shanty Baylsoperated by Miss Elsie Ralkes Seen cyclists en route to Algonquin Park nonrigrowlerpfbondon Wearing cap Uandilidmnule Wlllmannpf shingtonDC EXAMU PHQUIQ sociation and their ladies of thc Huronia Historic Sites As Associalion and Mrs Edwards Midland Following the apprlizingdinncr of turkey and homemade pic Mrs with which life people heldzU eir ENDS TOUR The brautiful woodlands Springwaloi lark formed an ideal setting Friday evening for thei dinner which was the final evelll iii the tour of iluronia by Ilielr Execllcncics Viscount Alexander of Tunis 0IIlllGCn3rfll of Can ada and UVlSCUllliltSS Alexander The affair was sponsored by the llllroma Historic Sites Association The picturesque pavilion was ac Cupicd by ilicnlers of the Councili of the County of Simcoc Officials of the County Mayors of the vari ous municipalitlcs ill iluronia Dis lricl directors of the Huronia Asl Dinner was provided by the Womans Assocration of Midhurstl Uniltd Church Delightful nuisic= was rendered by thc Concert Hamil of Barrio Dislricl Collcglalc stillilc direcch by Fisher BA lrii Those at the head fable WtfleiI Their Excellenclcs lhc lion Dana of Ontario alld Mrs lorlcl Nor lllan Clarke Barrie president sociiuion and Mrs Clarke Evans KC Warden of the oanl ty of Simcoe and Mrs Evans Bradford George South Warden of the County of trey and Mrs South llcalhcotc Viclor Ed which brought iliany compliments wards first prcsidcnl of Hurunizll lJalmN lopplcton Past DDOM was llliy condition the llilllilHlSlflpU hav ins lllllillSltl 3773 during thc yclli lwo yrals ago Gland Lodge luskvd for contributions from 1hn vailolb Lodges for Food 1ar $240034 11 laud ibcrn scnl to nlvcdy Masons films illitgt iii Errat Britain Porlcl Allorntylcilcial and Monica Mothercm society isler of Education for the lrovincci tendon Avcrillt BARR EXAMINER BARRIEI ONTARIO CANIAQUA MONDAY JULY 25 um 9W Blackburn Staynerl BANQUET AT SPRINGWATER New DDGM Georgian Masonic District lt halal laxigc of Canada Al if lfii zi llv llllr of Ontario inlet in Toronto last week will an icfiliofJO of over 2000 litany dls ulLllllllt41 visitors from other Jun iisdlciinn lllllll present Janus llalicl Toronto vasl lltilll ifulltl Master succeeding Wol Bio if Simpson Blackburn of Stayncr was elccud District Deputy Grand Mashi for iciilglan District appointed by llll Grand Master loI the lluaid of icncrai Purposes and will lilo harles Flowers of Midland hand Steward Masonry lil Ontario is in heals 015 for lllllzlin Fund and to date has bcin contributed total of 25386 parcels have Shirley WCTkIerIOroduotes Miss Sillill ll Walker daugh tcr all Mr and Mrs Walkcizl l3 Brat1y Sllccl was mcinbcr of the rcccnl itladlialing class of llic Canadian Mollicrcrafl Society Till graduation cxcrciscs wcrc held in tin gardln of lhc hospital on Clar loionlo Auolhcr gradllalc from the dis trict is Miss Margaret Watson of Sluyncr bib2s Walkcr is at present workx ing ill Iorolilo aild MMcsllcs cvcrylhing they to the ladies of Midllurst thercslood for were several bricf addresses chmi axed by the GOVtllililinlillIS talk on his impressions of lllf lllli onia tour Norman Clarke iii his chair mans remarks said IIRESIDENTS REMARKS Your Exccllcncics Ladies and Gentlemen nox DANA PORTER It is great many years since our district was honorod by visit should be held here tonight in ifrom the Kings representth and whal with some stretch of imagin ItSU might we are very signany allon might be termed jungle the honolcd by hang Viscoum Alex lHon Dana Iortcr humorously rcI ander of Tunis GovernorGeneral markm Uof Czlnada and Viscountess Alex Excellency of his tune in Burma lander as our guests of honor at this dinner Before proceeding to welcome Their Excellencics would first like to say few words about the Huronia Historic Sites Association The first while man to enter what is now the Province of On tario was Etienne Brute who was 1101 tendered lo the GOVCTHOFGehisent into the Huronia district in 1610 by the Governor of New France to learn the resources and geography of the district Cham iplain followed few years later in 1615 and found here fairly well inrganized empire of 30000 Huron Indians It is for this reason that the Huronia district is often re ferredto as the Cradle of Ontario History There are many places scattered over the district where important events took place over 300 years ago and to preserve these sites and educate the present generation in our early Ontario history the Huronia Historic Sites Association was formed in 1941 Mr Vic Edwards of Midland on my right was the fipst President and hit was largely due to his un tiring efforts that the Association was so well founded and accom plished so much Mr Edwards gave up the presidency only last year wouldalso like to refer to the group in Toronto under Sir Ellsworth Flavelle who have taken keen interest in the development of Huronia In additiori to locatingimarking and preserving the historic sitesr our Associatidn had Cranston of Midland write brief history of Huronia This book1et com plete with illustrationsisjust off the press and when school opens next September free fcopies will be given to the senior pupils throughout the County Copies of this history are also available to tourists and others at the principal news stands fora nominal price This visit of Their Excellencies to the beautiful and historic dis trict of Huronia has been one of our loudest hopes for some time andnow that it has been accom plished wish to thank most heart ily all of the Mayors arid Reeves of the various municipalities for their wholehearted cooperation which has contributed so much to the success and pleasure of the whole tour And now on behalf of theoffi cers and members of the Huronia Association wishltothank Their Excellencies most heartily for hon oring psw1thU their presence and to extend most cordial welcome into our midst Wetrust that they have enjoyed the tool ofthishfsw torlc and beautiful vacationland the meeting with our citizens and that they will always have pleas antmemories of their visit to old Huronia thank you WAnnnusbum Warden South of Grey said that on Tuesday the City of OWen Sound and the County wereprivi leged to have visit byViscount Nexander andhis gracious lady We knowtbe people of both Grey and Simone will long remember thislvisithe said This lovely park makes remarkable setting for the dinner tonight WARDEN EVANS Warden Evans of Simcoe said that it was just little over 10 years ago that the King and Queen had visited Canada and memories of that delightful visit were still very fresh There had been many changes in 10years but nothing had changed in the esteem and loelty llished in Thursdays edition of The Wv lrc vcry hoiIlorcd in having al visit from the representatives of Thcir hTlleSlllS said the Warden Wc appreciate this opportunity of reaffirming our loyalty We trust Their lIxccllcncics will recall their visit to Simcoc County many times in the fulurc ll is appropriate that the dinner It should remind His Oil his tour he has passed some great sandy stretches which should remind him of North Africa and there are parts of the district which could even recall Italy to his mem ory Of the brilliant military accom plishmcnls of our guest of honor Ii ngd say little as you know of that uit is very rare thing for great military commander to leave sponsiblc position in civil governl ment and acquit himself with equal distinction Viscount Alexander immediately showed that he had profound understanding of the constitutional matters that sur round the officeofGovernorGen eral of Canada Their Excellenc ics have indeed made deep im pression on the people of Canada THE GOVERNORGENERAL His Excellency delivered forcey ful yet absorbing addressU Spiced with clever humor The complete text of his remarks will be pub Examiner so that all citizens may hene an opportunity to enjoy them The GovernorGeneral voiced appreciation for the warm welcome received on the delightful tour of Huronia He remarked There is one great difference between here and my stay in Burma Here am sur rounded by friends He complimented those who had arranged the tour and the various visits and functions in different communities The staff work was excellent he said He said thaton SundayJu1y 24 he was leaving by air for London at the request of His Majesty but would be there just three days re turning to Ottawa July 28 While in London hope to convey per sonally to Their Majesties many expressionsof loyalty Viscount UAlander recountedl some of the Emtstandtngimpress ions and experiences of his four day trip through Huronia7District The backbone of nation is formed by the sonsof its soil he stated think have found that attribute here He also spoke of his recent trip to ether Northwest Territories heIiconcluded have every re spouti for the Character and cour age of Canadians This country is wellfand truly launched on the Tbdinner closed with the sing ing of Canadap1ayed by the band after which Their Excellenc ies strolled about the park for short while before returning to their Special trainrin Barrie The train list for Ottawavat 900 re turningvtheir Excellencies to Rid eau HallIearly Saturday morning COMINGIUEIVUENTS Sale of homemade baking to be held in New Lowell onSaturdlay afternoon July 30 under auspices of Womens Association 51521 Hardball tournament auspices of Utopia Recreation Committee to be held on Civic Holiday Monday August 1st at Utopia Community Park Prizes $75 $35 $15 at least steam to enter Games sort at 12 noon sharp Entries be made before game time Special prizes for horseshoe pltch ing conteslls Admission Adults 50c children 25c Committee Bell Phone 834r5 Barrie and 6r5 Ivy Gilbert McMaster phone 5H2 Thousands Greet that sphere and assume such r0 Barrie Municipal Building where GeorgeG Johnston MPP and their the dies ifCanadais richly endowed but much will depend on the people road to world greatneSs =f Twice Weekly MONDAY and THURSDAY ABC NET 7MB 7367 AS OF IAECN 1H One SectionPages to 77 Following Unveiling Ceremony at Barrie Town Hall em hind the GovernorGeneral and the Mayor are Viscountess Alexander carrying bou quet and Mrs Mayor Barrles first lady SMITH STUDIO PHOTO VISCOUNI ALEXANDER is seen here with His Worship Mayor as they descend the steps from the special platform in front of the Barrie Town Hall Immediately be Their Excellencies large crowd gathered at Post Office Square Thursday afternoon for the arrival of His Excellency Viscount AleXander 0f Tunis GovernorGeneral of Can ada and Lady Alexander The ViceRegal visit to Barrie was made on the last lap of the fourday tour of Hur onia last week The GovernorGeneral placed wreath on the Cenotaph in the presence of members of the Legion and veterans and officers of the Air Cadets and Sea Cadets The party then proceeded to the body of men amongst whom were quite number who had served with him in Italy and the Mediter ranean He also greeted the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides represent atives of whom had gathered at the Town Hall Arriving from Orillia by motor car at three oclock in theafler noon the ViceRegal party whs met at the town limits by His Worship and Mrs Mayor They stayedmover night in this district proceeding to Camp Borden on Friday morning They returned to Ottawa Friday evening by train following the Huronia Association banquet at pringwater Park The main street of the town had been decorated for the occasion most of the buildings having show of flags or red white and blue bunting Many stores had placed tall flagpole on the sidewalks in front of their entrance For the typicallywarm July wea ther on Thursday His Excellency was in lightweight tropical weave suit LadyAlexander were deep grey silk crepe dress Accompanying them were DeLaute assistant secretary to the Governor General Miss Anstre Gibb ladyinwaiting and the mil itary attache Capt Chichesten Clark of His Majestys Irish Guards President Alf Harris ofthe Le gion greeted Their Excellencies at the Cenotaph and made the inspec tion of veterans with the Governor General They were accompanied by Past President Thomas Burton and Colonel Garry Lee OBE MC honorary president The last post was sounded as His Excellency placed the wreathon the Cenotaph Little Catherine Hart daughter of Reeve Hart and Mrs James Hart presented bouduet of rosesto Her Excellency atfhe Town Hall Awooden platform had been erI eted infrontof= the municipoII building for the GovernorGener alsvisit Ur Following theiriflSpection or ill municipal offices Their Excellen cies spent few moments talkin to the playground leaders and Mr Phyllis Moody Groups ofl from the playground ad brought to See til unve After leaving theIrown riflesBasal pert torso thornsresidential NORMAN CLARKE AND NETTLUETON both of nan lb r1ewere the persons largely responsiblefor bringing rylscount and Viscountess Alexander tell their official iylslt toHuronfa last week Mr Clarke is president01 the UHuronlaHUfstort sues andTourlst Assailantgimme it asovenra yes gogtlla hercommenced plans toarrange for thevlsltMr is vice president ottthe Huroniaassoclatlon and belong ClarkeaocomparlfedtheVlee Regal by on tour of the district warm words of greeting to his wife and himself He expressed his ap preciation of the message of loyalty His Worship Mayor Grant May or delivered an address of welcome and devotion which the mayonhad to which His Excellency replied The unveiling of the historical extended on behalf of the towns people plaque at the main entrance to the building preceded tour of the of He mentioned his forthcoming visit to London on July 24 when he fices and council chambers and the Signing the ViSitorS 300k would convey the message verbally to His Majesty Their Excellencies then made tour of the town with policeand In peaking of the happy andln teresling time that his wife and he had spent in this part of the coun official escort try the GovernorGeneral said that Members of the Town Council the Town Clerk and Deputy Clerk he was sorry that the mm was so short We have travelled over great deal of Canada since our arrival here three years ago Our great est pleasure has been in meeting more Canadians feel that this tour of only fourdays has been of great value to my wife and ines and One of Barries best known native citizens Fred Grant were presented to Their Excellenc Thc GovernorGeneral presented the Medal of Merit to fall Welsman in recognition of good service toi Scouting In his brief reply to the mayors myselfII address the GovernorGeneral He extended greeting to the thanked the mayor for his very veterans speaking of them as fine Huronict Officials On ViceReodl Tour