QUTDOES NIAGARA Why bother With you can freeze your own right in your milk vat With Gem Milk Cooler Allandale Victoria Falls ME MILK SHIPPER ice We loan forms lo build milk Hits also supply bluc prints on building milk houses and milk vats lisliinatls and in fomulion supplied frlc on 1cqucsl lllli IllrlJllll milk vats Mill ciiolcrs Electric Fencers and accessories Grinders Oat Rollers Home Freezers Electric Motors lii Sils Gas Engines Our lillslllisx is built on oilr Servicc Elliott soil authorized dcalcri YMCA Blll11Ni be be stables of top deterioration ables Please write AP Food Steres 135 Laughton Ave Toronto Ont tIl 13 rule the height of Niagara when Phone 5181 Customers Corner How do you like the fresh fruits and vegetable depart ment in your AP store Are the vegetables fresh and crispas they should Are the fruits firm and ripeas they should be Are the displays neat and orderlyas they should be Are the clerks helpful and courteousFEE ItheyIIshquIld We maintain buying offices wherever and when ever fresh fruitsand veg quality are available We rush this pro duce in refrigerated trains and trucks to our ware houses and stores WeI price it to sell quickly and we in spect it constantly all along the line for any sign of In other words all out effortsarejaimedKettering you onlythe finest and freshest fruits and Iyeget If we ever fail to do this we will consider it favor if you will tell us about it Customer Relations Dept CHECKTHE TRIM OF YOURUMEAT AT AP NOT ONLY DO YOU GET TUHEUBEST THERE lSBUTMORE FOR YOUR MONEY AS WELLU REDoi BLUETBRANDBEEF 90991995 00090 STEAK or nailsr as liollsnlllif clilclmlls 41 59 WALLBUMP ROAST 59 55 rumour nuns 31 CROWN HILLIIII itiul Mi Bert fIlaIufl lislixti ciciillt lltik Rim 32315 Tilli no It Ti my laurel spent 11 six fr latitr VLiZLiitdlihll Ilil ixllll lil lungs llAil lliI and 3115 Jack lilac lianxploi on Swami IlIfit Sunday Schmis ill iguatl pnnlc XML pi 31 11 lygilim slllllllll and Ailiir lc un 12 11 lifts zlcic ctcilt old 12 xll all LljslKil picasuii llPJllllL old Ml iiitl ih iulvi Dim carols fills Miss Maigalct llailrl ht Wm Utnlthllis ll lllllllc of Sandii rm my ii 03th land lSiirxl fro lllllilv oi in Ills lcl Ilillllll lloizl IIIIlnIIlilh HENle humid UI= llltU loii Machll and EliS UiUUU llil Orchard of Toronto and Miss HHHHUHRN ill lrchaid of lilltlltgtlll pm Ummmi litl tlltllll lllil Willi Illi all ilolxzl fill Al 1mm liirllill lItliLll fill and Mrs llugil lolurziou or lv Tim Tlloiillcal all Splllllilllj wcck i513 ii ii 01 with lh tunars palclils Elli to will liltth Watch and Mrs icorgc Johuslon ii vi ii ltllrl yugri and Min Eric Johnstcn and boys 11Ulll Toronto lcrc ilcrc lol lht umckcnd lltlhlillllill lll Fimvah v7 hwyMl Ills liilord llowc of Iizilmiils Nlllli her parents Mr and lbw9 muml In 311s 11 Bannister lu Mis lxcnnclh Shcppardsoll allu it liilililill of llll=lill4l lllll lis Don Barlow and boys from 1m llli at lll= ilorollio arc lSillng at lid Latiiii lain initialill oi leisy is lsll itll 31 th Mali Mr and Mrs lllmcr lIllfltll and All lcl ii lilllibal oi liiiillliiis th SlLImfi MINI MIXIJUVIHU WU mars lLlltllS and mill othcl ii Mr and lIr Julia Ulliilci spcntl MR and Mm walk little ll lmmIidics paid ll bricf Visit 211 11 south llannlstcrs lhc 101 and l1l lodccs lIllilill llr iiltudcd llll llannlslcrs lJlli of July ling fricnds here EVERY ITEM IS PRICEMARKED FOR YOUR CONSTANT PROTECTION AP CUSTOM GROUND Blilillii ClFEE gt541 ANN PAGEFAMOUS SLlCED WHITE 2402 loaf Milli 011E011 illuminant 19 ANN PAGE FAMOUS YORK BRAND 1202 tin HEDLUNDS lien BlitlS 37 YUKON CLUB Contents only 99199 9099999 smalldoz lgedoIz FRUITS AND VEGETABLES CEEEEIESWETEiIflfffriLE Bradford Marsh Large No1 Yellow Cooking NerUICroUP 3ibi19U PREPARED EEEEEE ME 3061 196 MASON WEE T011111 Zions 251 Large Sweet Eating from the famous Okanagan Valley AggseuugmiaynenciaNo 25 California Fresh Seedless No lb Tender No1 3611 Chip 9999995 10059999 l0 3cih sealers lIIllliiiIiiIllllllllllIlllIlllIllllilillllulllllll series 29 Estimators 40 Sweet Yellow Tender so 29 auvcANAUoAs vFlNEserUALIrY MILKvFUED GRADIEA3ITO3V2 Lbs Virginians zit59 RABBITSUKNNED oUCLsANEolsU39U wFRESHLAKENlPlGON flllt material 29 FRESH enlist RESTIGOUGHE Mrs llclch of Toronto is visit5 llinisfii Park Again Filled lrlal fl=ii popular place on the ns 11 if the lake lnnisfil mun tilled to capacity illl tilt lcek many by bus lllcks by the sputum mat llrlignzfal sand beach ltrflit Ls piling up ill 111 Tin lwllltlf galc 1m tlllLl lll tunad itlany ill of tJE to gctI lilii Hi Ill rowdyj it hill the crowdrl illly llt gulazc theier liltl llicj gel spitad iiwrlsllip llilllkt lllhtkti sils lo assist the stqu pisllli Beltcr Order at Beaches The IlIll125llill imiac icpoil that illlllh ltilll lidcl has prevailed zll llll alloal itsllzl places itiiitil illc past tlllilll or urckcnds lcihips lhls is billli lilc sugges tion of Hlllllll 11o italf tic inadl lo llllgtl liiil llliw lililll illld 11 llll was lilLlifllJilllll IlIllr Ilasor lxhictl slzoii lillll iI horn in Lll all the lillSlllgts possible bill this callnol in ailowcd to inter itlIl lilh lilc pcacv and oliicl of thosc lllo ari dcsiilnl lcsl Wlb llI of caring lloilsls and ianco places llc ucil adviscd lo qlllcl down lllc izliislc bows and othII lllll lilwl icllsoilalilc hour olzlliialnis of those who disilgarli iilcsc lilnioils could lucan tiltu iccusc might be llritlllll Sill Linc first Y1 lhal lilll iiilc cast of llll lliglr way that iakcs such bcaliiir wilil llll lilki siioic truflic fol many of lllc bcachcs logcllicr vilh lilc palk visitors has lJllll sland 1ing up iry wcii this ycar it has had an cxlia lpplicalioli of calcium chloride and also cori sidclaillc gravci and work which has so far paid oil lbc dry weath fcr has made ll cry llllIlCllll lo ISlIVlCl any of the loads arid cs pcclaily lilis road with its hardcncd lop lcrhaps signs at the mills tasking drucrs lo icducc spccd and lilo road would hr of somc lassislancc load Supervisor Cow lan has sllglzcstcd that liic parks lfund should bu divided so lhaf lporllon be allowed for road main icnancc to compcnsalc for the extra Itraific and wear on lhis line That sccms like icilsollablc suggestion if lcii cculs of the fifty collcclcd wcrc turned ovcr to the roads it would hcip to pay for much of lhc calcium llscd FilVi Savannah 110th hangcll Hands While lhc llulrsday noon meal was in progress lzlsl vcck the new owner of the Savannah Hotel iii Cedar Harbor Charles Sicc from Wiarlon took over from Hartley Fisher and wifc who built and slzlrlcd this modern high class cslablishmclll oil the lnnisfil shore Mr Slcc who is station agent for the CNN is on an extended leave for his health 110 had been in the hotel business previously aild decided the Savannah was just the type of place he wanted He hopes lohavc the privilege ofcaler ing to local banquets aild private parties especially during the in between seasons He expects to keep lhehotel open during the late Fall and may cater to those wanting to do ice fishing At present the guests are enjoying the cool balconies over looking lhe lake to get away from the heat of their city homes The Fishers have taken up resi dence in their cottage adjoining the hotel COFFEES ORIGIN The coffee bush was Originally grown in Arabia and Abyssinia TIMKEN 0I1IHEAT WALLFLAME METHOD This famous WallFlame Oil Burner easily converts your present heating plant from coal to oil Thousands report it saves upsto 25 or more on oil coststool Phone us today on 009le Oll FURNACES WATER HEATERS Theres TinIlken Silent Auto matic of the right type and sizeito meet your home heat ing cost estimatesliberal terms Phone ustodayi cllnlliloilzllllsi 0199011190 need Free surveys and 65 Bradford St PHONE 3855 THE BARRIE BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA sozilclllncs gets rd accident two weeks ago is pro Congratulattons to Mr and Mrs viiew Gerald Lakey SJ is here while Father Doylais on holidays and Mrs Kelly Although no bones were broken he asufferedquitea shock Phelpstori and frequntgwisitor and Mrs Arcloddhand wye duringhlsepastorate alike Blue Green Rose Ivory decorations and brain is craftsman is an artist IIclellliillln lliang Kaislick Llill ill all lliitHitW1illlllls that he will lcad Nalioualisl llullas sllic against the lozuilulll lsls and asked lilc Ullllvll Slates lillp if it wishes to avert un otlicr world war DINNER SETS 60 PIECES excells CRYSTAL PINUP LAMPS $295 $450 With Rose Green or Ivory Shades ALADDIN LAMPS $1150 and $1350 These have Illuminated Buses and are complete with attractive shades Bases are wliic gold or white with dainty floral JUGS PLAIN WHITE PlSIQS 49c 75c Decorated Jugs Upright Dutch Shapes 98c $120 $125 and $149 mail who works with his hands is labourer and $2995 $3500 $5150 $5500 to $5995 DINNER SETS FOR TWELVE PERSONS $5300 $5500 $7500 $7995 SUNBEAM ELECTRIC RAZIORIS $2675 Weve tried them all and the Sunbeam GREEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS BED LAMPS PLASTIC $275 $295 $325 TWO USED ICE BOXES $2500 $5000 These are large size boxes The one do mestic and the other commercial NEW iCE Boxes $5950 These are special prices for quick selling ELECTRIC RANGETTES US$700 $6800 $8400and $8495 51L 515033 1on AND THREE EUlIlNEn ELECTRIC nor PLATEsI One Burner $198 $340 $595 $950 Two Burners $595 $745 $795 $895 up ELECTRIC FANS of many kinds $695 $750 $795 $1195 $3300 man Who workswitil hunch bill man Who works with hands and brain and heart BREAKFAST SETS 32s and 38s $1095 $1195 $1250 $1850 $1595 ELECTRIC IOASIERS Chrome Finished $395 $495 $595 $695 $950 $995 AUTOMATIC TOASTERS $2550 $2095 and $3200 SANDWICH TOASIERS $795 $395 COMBINATION SANDWICH $1495 Waffles may be made on this too July llli Aliiisliolit ELECTRIC IRONS guaranteed lines Mr and Mrs llick lIIlltlllll spcill lilo vcckcnd Willi Mr and Mrs Dean Mr aiid Mrs John lcnncll of llarrlc isilcd with Mr aild Misti Miscampbcil on Sunday Dalton TIlllpililltk of Saslltalclic wan was in lilc villngc on Thursl day rcncwing old acquaintance lardinc rccinorc Mr and Mrs ll llowcll and soni Youngstown Ohio are visiting ill harlcs Linklaicrs Mr and Mrs John raig and twin sons of Toronto spclll lhcl lcckcnd vilh Mr and Mrs Wali 98 lcr larllush Mr arid Mrs Kirk byman and Allcn Fogdcn Weston visilcdlU July 18 Mr arid Mrs Neil Bush on Sunlti Marilyn Nublc is holidaying Wm 13 UH lMargarct Wice at Walkerton IfpitVIdIIIlIllfolngpllflIl MIIt Ed lt Barrie tllc past week alld is doing5pm In mm on men uicclv Mr and Mrs Doug Willoughbylmg Im Ielutlves Toronto of Shelbuinc visited the formersl Miss Ethel Ball Toronto spent brothers William Bcrl and Tliosllhe weekend with Mrs Noble Willoughby the past week Her friends are glad to see Mrs John Duckworth home from 10 RV Hospital Barrie again al though she will not be able to walk for some time Mr and Mrs Harry Mink left for motor trip to Quebec with their daughter and her husband Mr and Mrs Paul LoGrow who have been visiting here at the Mink home Mrs George Tomlinson of Tor onto Mr and Mrs Jim Shawof Midland and Mr and Mrs Vern Shaw and baby of Hamilton visit ed with the Show Family I==1 NEWTON ROBINSON weekend at Corners SrI Mrs Dodds of Brampton has ch0 during the past week Mr Mr and Mrs at Zephyr over Sunday ens and with Mr aild Mrs Stephens for their vacation Goderich spent the weekend with Mrs Mervyn Noble Mr and Mrs John Malloy and Mr and Mrs Edward Carnochan and their daughter Eileen of Niag araonthelake visited Mrs Josl eph OHearn over the weekend to celebrate her birthday gt July 18 Mr Coborn who had serious grossing nicely Mr and Mrs Harrison and family Peterboro are holidaying with Mrs Harrison Mrs Cook Toronto spent the weekend With her daughter Mrs Ross Miss Anne Chantlcr and Miss Ar lene Green of Toronto are visiting at Coborns Quite pleasant evening was spent in the hall Thursday in hon or of Mr and Mrs Copeland and Mr and Mrs Houghton our fnewly weds Fine Attendance at WMS The WMS held their July meet ing at the home of Mrs Stephens with very ne attend ance of members and visitors The program as given in the mission ary monthly was followed in part and veryinteresling and instruct ive meeting was enjoyed The tea hostesswere Mesdames Beat ty lUDonnelly and Grose Spark From Train Starts Fire CNR freight train set re to the grass between Walter Garners Charlie Breedon onthe birth of house and Mrs elds on sat daughter Nancy Arlene in York Amy Qute portlonOE mead County HospitaL Newmarket Onlow land was burned over before July ilUOU Mrs Breedon and the theffrre was put out Citizens in the babyhne Spending few days at vicinity and the railroadmeniarl BreedonvsU rived in time to prevent any reall Visitors daring the weekend at damage to Property although Lamqu were Mrs Jem Mrs few had scorched arms which were Carter Mrs Walls and LynneMr Plenty painUL The Wind was in ahdersU MU Westof Bradford andf the rightrdirection to destroy the Mr and Mrs Houghlon of Days main Willie buildingsihad V01unjl land Alta Dr and Mrs teerhclp not arrived in such good Phillips and Miss Doris are holi me laying at the same time PHELPSTONI July July 13 Dianne and Tommy Breckie Mrs Julia Loftus spent few Emile holidaying lnT1ltl days in Barrie arid Downeyville Mrand MrsJack Ellis Mary and Margaret spent the weekend with friends in Toronto CMrand MrsJoseph Kenny and number from herezattendedI Maureen of Detroit spent holidays the funeral of the late Isaac Jeni with Mrs William MacDonald melt at Thorntoh Eriday aflerndon IMrandIMrs Rae MUcConne and Mr and Mrs Fred McMurray daughters from KingvisitedMr and 3111Uspent fewdayslast week with Mr and Mrs Isaac Snell Toronto The baseball team sportedmbw sweaters on Monday but were de tested again by Moonstone IllMohair hlinIln nosI ital ruly 18 Leo McLaughlin half the misterI Miss Ruth Presserjlof Churchill tune for fall from the scaffolding bondaymg With E1l3KEICeY of the new house he is building Mr and Hall and faint fly from tToronto are holidaying with relatives here 300110 was successful in his Entrance examsU Mrs Harry Kelcey visited week Presented to with friends at saull Ste Marie 11evUThos Hayes and Thessalon new Thos Hayes who has been Mrand Mrs Cohrane and trjansferred from Mount St Louis family enjoyed motortrip last to Downsvlew was the recipient week to Rocheste and other for purse at gathering in Gearin points 11 on Friday evenillg Father mum is spending Miss Verna USha Hayes is former resident of some timewith hergrandparentsr Mount vale TEA KETTLES now popular product of General Electric $1250 $375 $400 $495 $550 $600 AUTOMATICII IiEoNIsII liEiIiItI IIIstandard weights $995 $1195 $1250 $1395 Sunbeam and included in these Mrs Jcssic OConnor spciit lilcl wcckcnd with her sislcr Mrs 113 104 DUNLOP ST visited at Ken McLeans on Silli Roiand Corner day Mr and Mrs Trison are holiday 3Leali and Walter Carrulhcrs who were married at the brides home on July 16 Mr and Mrs Frank Ross and William to attend her sisters wed children from Peterboro spent the ding and to spend few days at her home been guest of Mr and Mrs Spending her hOlldayS at her home and at Burle Marie Lodge Bays and Mrs Jim Elliott and Mum pom Lats andUJUinss Marian Lavender Toronto children were guests of relatives Spent laSl week With her Dammit Mr and Mrs Lavender after Mr andUMrsU Thornton Steph three weeks visit with her sister children Hamilton are Kamsack Sask daughters Mrs Jack Noble and Carole To Kamsack Sask are spending some ronlo spent the week and Mrs time with her parents Mr and Fred Noble and children from Mrs Lavender Fm cuts and families spent very en Joyable evening at the home of Mr and Mrs Lee Banting on Fri day night with many good films and games All enjoyed very nice lunchebeu fore going home o=o==so=o==o Congratulations to MorleyAllem Egouon==a 69 WAFQFLE IlioNIsIII 151550 $1795 One of these has doubte plates FISHING TACKLEI SOFTBALLS AND BASEBALLS PITCHING HORSE SHOE SETS TENNIS AND GOLF BALLS CIELETTIEIEEIZORS 98cIII $379 ARMSTRONG PHONE 2801 CLOWES July 18 Mr and Mrs Trask 0f Barrie ing his mother Mrs Brown Congratulations to Audrey McI Barrie spent the weekend Willi Orma McLean flew from Fort and Mrs Thus Todd is holidaying with her aunt Mr Frawley Marian Mr and Mrs Earle Hcaslip Dicker of Toronto is Dunnvillc called on Mr Herman Barr recently Mr Toronto are holidaying WillifEfM and Mrs Harold Flanagan and Mr Mr and Mrs Alec McDonald and IIIIIICI Carol and LiindaU of Mr and Mrs John Zieniski an lamaque Quebec Summer School is Over July 18 The play members and their par Father Ambrosia SJ were Convept cenducted the classes Mr Woods entertained PHONE 20DISCOUNT on all Domestic Models Iof Bituminous or Anthracite Stokrs for July and August installations UU pueanlco lttl f3fZ INT CYL PANEL $17500 736CHEVSTI1NDARD1COACHg U35IDODGE COUPE Heater cdeRIoidio 33UPONIIIQICC0UPE $25000 lt r29FORD COUPE PUPTRAILERS FOR CAMPERSI sPECIAL$4950 UltwoTOnly Futons5122 MOUNT ST LOUIS July 18 Brit Brown of Weston is visil Miss lhcrcsa King of Midland wccktmd at her home spcnt the here Mr and Mrs Frank Dowling of and Mrs Sam McClcary of Miss Betty King of Orr Lake spent the weekend at her home Barbara Mr and Mrs Ed Salata and John left last week for Bour ISummei school closed on Satur day morning with cight children takingtheir rst Holy Commun ion Rev Fathcr Hourigan SJ of Martyrs Shrine assisted by Rev in charge The Sisters of St Josephs Miss Ethel Frawioy of Toronto SUv my AN EXAMINER WANT an so I===o=o==ao=o==o=o==so=tu