THURSDAY JULY 14 1949 llloe Fife Argues With Umpire Long Enough To Forfeit Game L111125 and il IlilllflfF of trizlpcrs by Harold tropicr Lind Jw Fife noilifnll an 111 victor fol Pl 301 lii2 Motors liui nichi Lap guiiurnigs of tho lilitllt 4nd llntilci 5cziloi Softball swoon Illt i1 lliLIs tilpicl It In IIIL first li tiic lltIEli ilkcd tiiclr 512 llflxlkltlllld 1c clxlii by will if vyllidcscivcri liiunlph chidini by It1illi innun bi tin inst hull liar ninth inniln ihclr own stub Imlnzicss Liiircd piliicoznlpirc Doug llulLir to inilt tilc gumc smiling wuri luck to Ilit czgllt which ys it Ilt of Hi llNlllb vcii riding along rillmiilllv llltl1 was rather unusual Used Cars and this sllc just wasnt to then liking lilc finally let go when liuiccz ruch llurold Iioppcr out to aid the top portion of 1hr nimii innit liopprr Ichufi to beef and find lcgiiimutc Clltlbt TWILc hc llud throat to llcdgcr and zlsknl vliut lllf count was The first Illlic ll L3 tum hull and unc gtIliht lilltl Him 131 Ilmc thrcc bulls and Ullc sillkc tilc ricxt pitch lloppcr alt umptcd bunt winch vcm foul Bruitisc catcllcr Doug ltonisuy sand lloppcr W11 out for hunting on his thing Iloppcr breathed loudly thle it wasnt his Illllll strike and illcn Iltdlitl choling his decision to ihc fact that lloppcr hud stcppcd out of his brittcrs box This is reported to In coiicrct but IttlIISC llcdgcr cinlngcd liisruling it rumpus start 11 Examiner SOFTBALL pm Senior THURSDAY Prysons at Cugc iSnlair IILAFM limits iQuccnsi Inhlulfdldle FRIDAY Qiiccnsi Isllcl MONDAY tQiiunsi South Simcoc FRIDAY Toiicnllam at lit21d ookstuwn at Fcnnclls Industrial FRIDAY CUE at Clarke and Clarke CUE IIASEBALL 030 pm South Sinicoc FRIDAY IStroud ill rIhornton MONDAY Ivy li Alliston Pill CGII Copaco CGF Mliicsing zit lullcview zit Legion at Bond Everett at Barrie Plilgruve Utopia at gr DullerinSimcoe SATURDAY iccinorc zit Cul isiii TAYLOR Sports Calendar Ulltivl expat handling by his ccoilds km ltulrin and Duel Sid 111511 of oil1 in 111 ltl5 of Gill it at likwoodi Ill luSsic 11c dcfclat Gcckic Tumour Silldiidn by dun boj in it fin4m 5111110 tt one kiwi lgo ice kic Won on uniAvril VKZUIICI ovcl Taylor lnu lmiindnliclv nziimgrr Oiv Iin IJI v1 for iciuizi bout Alicr much lllMIlgtgtiull Em Gcckic iBill Raycratt Larry Campeau Lead Gage Motors to 83 Win hr iikAl of kuk LII Imp Boxccn igiaiw playso pliliilolcnt 31m dis important St Illll ll mail hangicu with 1913171 tixlll lz Wuikci iii gtcc111111111g 11 lzlnlnii incl Willi Yn vcukrn on the cighili to logo the lion fol hurl 11 two Innrv liilpilii znr uf llic liglzm llllrlllnc rich rhinics li siziilnil IIIS stoic sumo oi inc spotlight lion lliLirit with Illlllttl 5vlill bzill in lillllifllll gtIlc llcll 15 gt1 stlvilitrzgtI pix win toltliss illtiiltlck iziitil 111 liillllll willn tiiCll chill calmiv oil siillh run hint I11 JCIIIU lllll Simimlioil gt1111lttl lui my in plug 11 dangerous twosome Scul ly and McCartney to end thc ses 5011 Bud Kashner continued his den liloublrs and Sillglc 1o shore bat Mupmmng can pp Fzcdliing lit 01 uwllll Clint Goring him up nuilmmj me gym L5 Icofllinlifcl Iltlilt Lino ivw slu IM lillL Sirunsmun rccoidni 3611 club could lolrallx mg hiliii Illc rlgilih when Gugl ilng if Ml Inns 3291113 11 out four Eats off tho ticiiil hurl guju Smfhuh ing of Walker Jim McCnirr Lind $1911 1111 011 youth Brine Lowe This outburst ilciiciii 651 rlyu while lln McCartney lr1i lt ul 11 BH 1k ofiif IIII it ii lu Hals Filth back in El 100 100 I133 hall of the vlglllh With two titllnl but Illi 15 inutchcd tlv locus in IIIAI ilk 100 039 yllll nznih lttAl xvcni duun lli IlhllllIIZS luwfliri if 1itilci in tlic 11111111 Roiiof1 llll liiiilltil Illdlt Iulliijv Ivlilir 1112 I2LIM $$$Sx$$$$$$xx$1333SS DISPLAYING COAST T0123 ulnar There now are 913 licensed tour is resorts in British Columbia COVERS for All Makes Model DANGER ELI MOTORS 65 Collier SI Phone 2487 lingvvood Both Fifc and flapper clumorcd lit llcdgir with lrysons and Harris SOCCER pluycrs milling about to gct firsi SATURDAY Burric at SCAF hand lllftillllllllill on any listurb clinic in favor of Lornc Dawes LN strikc llrdgcr said llic szimc Lake Craft Cedar liulls Graves Allen BOWLING 1948 Pontiac Coach 1947 Pontiac Couch 1947 Chev Sedan 1917 More Sedan 1941 DcSoto Sltlli 1941 Buick Sedan 1937 Plyin Coupe 1935 Plym Conch zlilcc llciiiui inudc 21 good iiich in citcling lloppcr from illc ball game and thc llccdling backstop retired to ihc IJLlltll llowcvci conch Moo Filo who lsllould littVt Cliollllll scnsc to forgot about the lccision and concciitrzitc on protcciing his fchruu margin insisud on blubbiug his twobits to llcdgcr The official Oldctcd Filo from tho As soon as president Bill Gnrncr gives ruling on the outcome it vvill be flushed to thc Ioczil sport iilg foils but this is 11 tough one 101111 TENNIS buv lirv to oriiir orrrii BERGER UI PLAY Striving to gut back ill the rpm niiig for tho licrgci 11 Allan lillt siiippcd lllcir llftirilhl zirill liillllc giccns Ihiiislillv night in on attempt to dccilzlsc llic Fifipolni iclitil llovvcvcr flur $28500 rests and splash rails These edqe grain Cedar Hulls are suitable for motors from HP to 25 HP They are complete with back STARS PLAY 1948 GMC 14 fun Pick up Truck 1944 Int Ton Pickup Truck Ilscd Cars at Graves Snpcrtcst Serv Station at Cundlcs 1940 Hudson Sedan 1946 Nash Sedan 1946 Monarch Sedan 1941 Ford Coach 1939 Ford Sedan 1939 Plym Sedan 1936 Plym Sedan 1931 Ford Coupe PHONE 3533 14 Clapperton St zzlnlc zmd illcn pulch 15 sccond time limit on liysons Io ficld club All plnycrs wcrc in position but Iifc fitllLd to carryout ordcrs of lcziving tllc tcst linmcdilitcly licdgcr cullcd thc clinic The hull blunkcd it triumphant fiverun outburst by Irysons which should be cnough to gain the Vic fury If lllL Grillcrs were not con llblt of holding this margin they didnt ICSLIVO to win Action on the part of their coach has pccvcd 11 good portion of the Grillcrs rostcr and what happens both in the liysons camp and the prcsidcnts officc rcmziins to bc sccn Andy Andrunyk of the wouldbe winncr and Jack Turnbiill of liar ris fought neck and nch through out until Old Lukc would up on the wrong side of control iii the ninth lie was forch to lcnvc the AT BIGWIN Four of BJlrics top tennis stars compcicd in thc innuzil northern Ontario tcnnis championships zit Bigwin Inn last wcck and tho 1h no titles were brought homc cy come very close In the mixed doubles Darrick father and daughter act of Jack and Mary Lynn Boys swept to the semifinals where they were de fcatcd by Don llutt and Doris Eli They manade to capture the first set but dropped the following two Plait and Eli went on to win the mixed doubles with straight wins in the finals Sally Boys and sister Mary Lynn were also prominent figures in the ladies singles Sully was triumph ant until the semifinals when she bumped up against DorisEIi The DRESS UP YOUR HOME FOR JULY 21 to greet his Excellency The Governor General We have complete stocks of sewn woolen bunting flagS Union Jacks and Ensigiis in 4267z to 12 in 1ength Order at Once BAIIRIE TNT 34 BAYFIELD ST ll iMarshaIlmailro lotions service and deep comfort Delivery if Desired AWNING co DIAL 4314 at FURNITURE STORE Barrie standard bearer lost 62 62 to Eli who eventually captur ed the singles crown with victor ies over Ann Saunderson of Hali fax Mary Lynn didnt enjoy the suc cess of her sister singles matches taking elimination from Mary Kier of Toronto in the early rounds Mrs Charles Seagram competed in the ladies singles but was climinatcd in her first match The ladies doubles featured Sal ly and Mary Lynn Boys as team The pair netted lyictoriesA in the early matches to move into the seminals There they met Mrs Esme Coke and Mildred Brock of Toronto and after winning the opening set 64 proceeded to drop the next two 6375 Jack Boys and Charlie Seagram teamed in the mens doubles won their rst match and lost their second Seagram was stronger in the mens singles He strokedvictor ies in the opening rounds zind in the quarter nals to reach the seminals He then met VBMeau Summers of Toronto and lost two straight sets 60 62 The nals were to be run off early this week in Toronto ===o==o====ol=o=o=o===o=o===or=o===o=o= Mattress Specials ay byMARSIIALL Spring Filled 399936175 27957 Attractive appearanceWithhoavy blue andggrey striped licking Sizes 34 and 61 Quantity limited layerfelt Mattress These mattresses arewoit and 11111991withsblbsedisottoiik Bowler5 sisRssdiiestq on will 99 uncoo Silas 339 45 ness and stallions and holiest 172999 All day may new in the ladies OEOQOEQOG$OEO$ liic withstood powcr 1111 calplurcd inotllcr Io pilllllS thc zlviilzlnrllc if dilcliting lllt dcfcildlni champions 5048 Ipllllllg two clinics tor and Hilliard Mcrcdiih lcfclitcd Barrio llOtlllCNi Allniidolc iii thc loldon Spcil lcuigc Webb and Tony Mutihcws 2211 whilc Gerry Quinn and Andy comp ugrccd Illll Taylor mzidc no mistake about rcvcrsing IllC judges opinion Instch of laying llICl and illlOW ing chkic to carry the light Iuy lor forccd the issiic over the com plete fivc rounds illlSlilillIltlil his opponcnt in all icpzirtmcnis Gcckic couldnt change his style and kcpt waiting for Taylors sharp uppercuts to the stomach the punch which guru him so much trouble in thc first mceiing Instead Taylor fought under ord ers to perfection 11c fziilcd to oblige Gcckie with the uppercuts relying on hard straight right irfd loft blows to the body and head Geekie absorbed these smashing zit tzicks for the opening two rounds then Taylor opened up with the book in the third Geekic tired and groggy from poor condition ivasunziblc tocomo back in the fourth when Taylorl returned to his early style of out bnxing his opponent It was Taylor 2111 the way The only black mark left on Tay lors recordsristhccdcfcutrcccivcd by Al Geckie Gils brother A1 wasi ordered to rest and it is hoped that this match can be made when Gee kie emerges from temporary re tircment Centreing much Barrie attraction in this Oakwood show was Jim Parker local heavyweight star Jim met another country cousin in Kreizer 0f Kitchener who was re ported to carry reputation of 31 straight wins Without defeat Neverthless Kreizer received his first Tuesday as Parker polished him off with right chop at the 55 second mark of the first round Kreizer opened the fight as though he was going to be the aggressor and carry the fight to Parker His idea was soon washed away as Parker exploded once Another local winner of the Bar rie Boxing Club at the weekly show was Don Wallace of Stroud The unorthodox portsider decisioned Wally Hiltz of Classic Athletic Club by forcing the fight and throwing damaging hooks Wallace was never in trouble although shaken up twice by Hiltzs dangerous right Joe Peters making his first start in some time lost threeround decision to Jack Madder of Pori Credit Peters was the aggressor in every round and appeared to have an edge but the judges thought in the other direction Despite dropping his llitd straight fight at Oakwood Barries Doug Peacock showed vast im provement in his bout with Johnny Sivister of Diamond Athletic Club The bout providedplenty of action for the tremendous crowd with Siv ister making Doug fight in his style pCioirifiihTIpelliitmhf Zmvithoutovorheattnsgr Makssnll anglecuts occiirlteAIy predetermlnodby built1n gougeJ Assures easy tonguefree ionshind operation for awkward cutting Itan lk In teddy frailK demodulation duo obllgafln Exclusive Deniers HARD mummnm JSTRJEET Cllflllts licklby tilld McGowan 21 IO buckrin ihc third test low away the slinky starts with zi 257 victory ovci Dr Spicls iiiid Morris 5111 TAYLOR Muiconmr combincd to sniolllci llowcvcr Allandulc lloiinccd linl Warl and 1511100 Thompson wipcd Other Models as low as $8900 SMITHS Boating and Guiding Service PHONE 3612 JM$WXWW Visitors Always Welcome warms BARBIE THE SURPLUS MARKET WEEKEND SPECIALS Electric Fans Robbins Sport Bags Canvas $198 $439 Plastic $285 $395 TIRES in all sizes at 10w prices MOTOR OIL Gallon 980 Headlight Visors pair 80c Sealed Beam Adapter Kits for all inakesiofcars $549 Dash Princes each 79c Dash Trays murmur Reg va1 Issue Guaranteed complete $995 NElectric Fans 10 Blades $595 Blades $495 Oscillatinngans All 60 Cycle Fans Bathing Trunks Special $198 $298 $329 BackuprLamps $495 $369 $225 ea Anti Glare Light ea $195 Trailer Hitches ea $298 Clearance Lights ea 28c 4way Wrenches ea89c Tire Pumps ei1$2100 Scissor Jacks reg $895 $95 VFenderFlalpsr pif14ll Drapes Satinette Refrigerator Pyrexyse Sponges DCebO $1 195 MyersFans Regp$1750 Special $8951 73911188110178 Reg $125 Special 89c Cottage Supplies Lowest Hie6 Beds steel springs $875 Blanketsa11 wool $495 Blankets white navy $695 Sheets 68 96 speciaI $695 Pillow cases ea59c Drapes Homespun pr $298 pr $198 Rugs impOrted $400 Lamp Coleman $995 Drapes plastic $295 CarpetnSweepers $795 Dish rack wire Kitchen chairs leather seats ea $895 15298 390 IPollsherff1oor 49c59c$155 Paper flewel holders r$149 Lime Sweeneyr98e GuaianteedlFinest 11295 qasaqulllr