than EIGHT v7wIu3 II sax or inches apart Ll one plant to There Vegetables such 13v are most dclic maturev By thin ch enough to in him stands Wei then awhile St Cd 01 313 foolish plants Which done Baked Beam and Strained 11le limum distance have appetite lippclil thats mmeeroang there will ncant spaces Baked Beans pint dried poa or navy hennaliill its 13 poiliill salt pork half loan 1sill teaspoon salt in tcaspoolililyiiiuslluili lard 11 cup lilolasscs cup boill trig llltl Soak beans ts thinned to stand note plants yeasaladwod this Matrix continued until no right for the re in cold water to mature cover ovcr night Cook in same water at low hcaf three hours or until am Man7 chews grow when gt billion to at this stage Mld bl tllokEd tiioi for 11 d8 of Mrs Newo ncsdziy JUMRON 06 no MEN SENTENCED BORDEN THEF TS Judgnent was givrn and sen tence passed on three Toronto men twho were found guilty of theft of lmrldf my goolt pt You may repay iiiconvcn monthly installments arrange fit your lllCOlllt llllCs scrvitte i8 prompt and friendly Minty Amount Pay at meal 20 5100 18 ltll68 Hi 20 l14l Frederick Howarth 42 Toronto jciveller was SCntotlccd to two months in jail Ronald Crook TOF onto putter 18 two months in jail lnd Carnogic 33 Toronto admin three months determin liate three months indeterminate in the Ontario Rciormatory Car lllneg hd 3353 Lilia fmpllinfe 560 YEARS OLD The printing press was invented labout the middle of the 15th cen liury 15l$5 33405 is 32 49046 all 30 00053 55 Milsluaga Street Eat In floor Phone 2394 ORllllA ONI Hour to or by appointment loom mode to reddcntx at nearly town sumo tilt PUBLIC slict 1878 ILAsrfCAiL Tame the military bugle call life it allow many 51330 when the to discard premature Insects or discosiey will soon reach tmLLtDEmliirExEmm THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA ArmOured Corps Host To US General Brigadier General Bruce Clarke US Aria formerly As blzlnll Commandant of the Amenl cur Armoured School at For K1101 Kentucky accoillpanlcd Mrs Clarke and their two young1 rt suns has been Visitor to Camp Borden for lll past few days While ilcrlg joistrut Clarke and his family are thi guests of ol MacDonald DEL rum niandaiit of the lttM School and MM MMumwld lilillrltlu Cut and Mrs Muclliiimltl lldlll an interesting program planned for their guests who urilvcdVLli fungil flat to Grill lit c1 ills Illl all illiz Elli iii tltuil me any HALF mini OF 500A AND no LITTLE cascam Au lw FOR hi ills GEVT ll ALLOS ILL NEVER BAbYsli HERE ns Foal willerizrl209c AGAiN iLL FIX EMw IleTHiNG LETS SEE THAT WEE ll NUMBER sac lt1 119 BRlGilIN BRUCE LARKL inssday aftcriioon Wodnos iv oning they cntcrtainod at dimer in their honor and later oscor them to an informal and very oii joyablo party given by tho lllltti inf tlic liCAC School in li1ciii land Mrs Clarkes honor lt lhursdziy and today knowing that General Clarke and his boys illt enthusiastic fishermen thoy lir WHAT ABOUT THE YOU SAID THERE WAS solarlocum socr PLENTY FOR ME TO EAT TALKINGM so WHEN LOOKED 02 KNEW BURGLARS 15 OK STLL MUSWE BEEN iN ASLEEPNCQME on licke by THE MAKER ducal the end of 1048 was $i52 000 Then the Saskatchewan govern liicnt has all elaborate organization to plan these different dcvclop inciits Tho estimated costs of this extravagance to into has booli $200000paid by the lthlllt This little tliblc fills out tho pic iurc liltciost duo SS33ihlil Sinking fund itglttllltlll 432000 Planning Board cxponsos and salaries 2000001 69 Co Fallacies Of Socialism By DEJCIDIAN Mr olllwoil poko Total $ll870ltl to date aro iloximatcl 30 This it minimum minis The socallod profit of $1003 on mm unveslcd doprcciargltldios been reached by loavmg ovcra BL iiolwolk It was ro wmch out legitimate costs of $1187000 Wilhlli SlVUlL llid Will cntt must coincoilt of the 0de The way or Escape cont reports on tho operations oil In people of Saskucllmwfns What should be done The 105 thc crown companies in Socialisiirfhv mm mt is that helqdrl ing industries should be wound Saskatchewan it should have of CCF have bgen beafa upwhy send good money after some liifiittiicc on the future by misconcgpnom Tey bad They could not survive iii MRS IIASKEIT WM Mrs Frodcrick James Haskell theiormor Mary Agnis Harrison died at tho home of her daugh ter Mrs Chapman l7 Vcs pra SlePl Barrio on Friday July 1940 following lengthy illness Rumour lime of her loath Mrs llaskott was born on the 10th concession of Vcspra on October 1879 and had spent her life in Barrie Silo was member of St Marys lRoman Catholic Church and b0 longed to tho Christian Mothers Surviving are her husband throc daughters Mrs Chapman Ida Mrs Louis Vair Mary and Mrs Nicols Kathleen one son JlilllllllilSlCll and 11 grandchildren Thrco sisters Ida of Barrie and Margaret and Eliza beth of Vcspia andthicc broth ers Harry of Barrie and Alfred and Thomas of Vcspra also sur vivc course of political cronls lulJLVaKl4h the zLpcriodbfunusualpmsp0rllyx W8 Sillth chlEtllllll tilliilllliiLllMlliitlifliiihiilhm Wm0yCkv hil loggmiiiliilstiwy T1th 130le thouisand plattorills lllo CKSCIlCclcomiilm ndmn the mlsmkcs lllhch 41 end main on morn of it was that vacvcrc rcxplliilod iProms losses loudly QOLlelIOl exercylsedp by ill by mdushy WINTER by mono But this CUVLlS only four indus Saskatchewan government would opolicsl and that our only remedylliilgiwhm about me mh 11 be stripped of their artificial sup as socialislii slaloownolsiiip and in CI 1155 accounhng Slum ports and compelled to Sland operation of industry iwmm is 11 own If it 7mm ilheir own feet Let them trv this Calm at last up Sum mung piovo that tho profits of iiidus for whileilmay provide in 0b the CCTV lovcrnmcnl was clcclcd IV hth it gives the results ject lesson for others who inighll in Saskatchewan in 1944 It 15 Or the protable Companies lg contemplate Similar adventures sumed the wins omce on JulWhores the unprofitable When it T1 10 of that your The war HSlwanls to prove that its own busi 19 an llgpm lghedc still on everything was booming111055Venmlcsjnwe been success pom 1035 0p Tillman Total cash lLCLll from the said 595 the Same melhOdl By gccolm Ag placle SO in ms of farm products in tho vcziislHHS means it could prove lha intelesfte rlnay gain somc concep 194148 inclusive was twico as Tom Thumb was as big JaCk on mlich asill tho provilnls fivc le$ DFIlpSCV 1ding out the PM cumos ABOUT CANADA If ever there was time when Jam lt dull Want to measure ncw industrics could be started The CCF Slates its profits at Th0Cnadlan travel bureau rc ili tic ltn lllthtJ laconu Concrete Blocks GOWAN ST THURSDAY ULY 14 lONLY SEEM SMALLER Todays girl taller heftier 31Ll hunt ILLuulLil Whurtab we in our innotcncc had only supv posed in tin ti suit was smaller lll3i TRIBUNE wcwHL TRY AN EXAMINER WANT PHONE 2414 CHECKED ImMW ar Mann Bu llr quick rrfiel fr in hing calmd by awn cziaclcuimz 124 pimple and mhutuni commune UK winceJill llmlk led PRESCRIPTIOt itentclku Amino Squib Lumtns and could also thirizeitililllg anzslllerAsx ur mum why for 08 DJREWII DOM la and Wife fishin Liip to lioiicil illlItlhii illzlllil illLilr inf rial husi ilil of il llpl HA llluiili it Ulla to lllii 314m an cl il ii in tin St l9lill libtlfil Llil ttlltl rli Illl Allikil lltli iitl minis ill litii ll USU Ailinnlinl lliiiri and 31 ilils Hm Gravel Sand tNNlhFll CONCRETE llttllllffls RR Barrio Phones Siroud 21R51 Barrie 2369 ARMSTRONG LEE BEN LEE ICE DELIVERY CALL BAXTER BROS ESSA RD PHONE 5311 Samuel Rose CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT liter Street BARRIE Telephone 4949 Barrie Iron Works All Kinds Of ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK Electric WELDING Acetylene Lawn Mowrs Repaired STEEL FOR SALE PHONE 5046 macleans tlieevenings beer drinking furnitucekr limit Tuesday iURNERS lgllllflllERINGax CUSTOMBUILT DIAL 4346 GetYour SummerW Alghonepz In Good Shape ll awfulum aminoiv in life you without Puhd was originally the signal to end Spence of Dalston imurms The funeral was licldbn Mon day July at 1030 am Requiem mass was Sungat St Marys Rom an Catholic Church by Very Revl Dean James Clair and inter that socialized industricscouldhbtc socialist government could reduce the rail 0ftaxatiouThere were two govv criiment owned industries in 8215 idly mausmes meat was in St Marys Cemetery Pallbearers wcrc Brenna William Copeland McFaddc Stundcn Shaughnssyarid Daley Friends and relatives from Kitch encr Hamilton Toronto Newmar ket Phelpston and Barrie attended the funeral II MRS BERNICE MEREDITH The death took place at her late residence Weyburn Sask on Tuesday June 28 of Mrs Bernice Elizabeth Meredith in her 69th year beloved wife of Edgar James Meredith following lengthy ill ncssx The late Mrs Meredith was born at Barrie December 29 1880 the eldestdaughter of the lathr and Mrs Thomas Spence She became the bride of Mr Meredith on Feb ruary 12 1903 and went west and had resided in Weyburn and dis trict fOr the past 46 years Sur viving besidesvuher husband are two daughters Mrs Eunice Par tridge and Mrs Ruby Fladagcr both of Weyburn and one son Earl Meredith of lYorktony Sask sixv brothers Newton and Harvey Spence of Barrie George and JamcsSpencc of Midhurst John with at least temporary pros The Great Mistake ll operated at and through thrsc piofit profits Eiatchcwan before Mr Douglas came premier the telephone pany established in 1908770179 pa lei commission in 19287 These com panies were operatcdraiot for the 7646 ViAuowmgr interest thli pcct of success this was the time The CCF was firmly convinccdand from thls mUSt be dedUCbed 81026720 From this must be dc iuctd losses of $539337 leaving an operating profit of $1087383 lfour items not previously mention Iledtlicy total $83624the soCall cd profit now falls to $1003759 Tlicsc crown companies do not The province pra vidcs the moiicy they pay nothing for the capital invested in them These corporations received up to function in the same way as ordin specific purpose of lowering tax lilmoimts to 35357000 N0 intelGSl ation the objective was to proill beenmald by the crowncor vide efficient service and to ex llOIEllonSl bill has been sent pand facilities wherever need cx no them The government 0f 385 isted They have cessful fhat the CCF its own Fifteen new industries started by the CCF They cover ed wide range footwear tan nery woollen inilland clay pro ducts Nonc of these has earned profit gt and Ernest Spence of Hamilton one sister Mrs Jean Dunn of Opium Sask ve grandchildren and One great grandchild The late Mrs Meredith was member of Knox Presbyterian Church and for many yearshad church and for the ladies organizi gallons She had grcat many friends in Weyburnv and district who mourn her passing andcxtend been most faithfulWorkcr for the deep sympathyto the bereaved husband and faintlyuw iNTELLiGENT CniMPs Thechiinpanzee is the must in telligent of the apentamily and is identied by his large protruding ears been so suc now takes lcorporations are not in posmon credit for them claims them for were 1300000 Asinking fund was to be Their operating losses up Ikalchewan knows that the crown ito pay There wasa bond issue of $1 isct up to cover this item Onecon tribution was made to it but not thy tlieindustries The provincial g0vernment met the obligation the extent of $40000 The total LU am iii an is nun mulllirllguriwg VitumihBwoluin mica imlmngg and $0503 film HIS comm v13weekold Charles Arthur Simon Milking 10h youngest member of the British House 01 mmons til held by Prime Minister Attlce followinth chaste Roy Jenkins28 if London ceived 157762enquiries from pros pective visitors to Canada in the rst four months of 1949 LATERLEA ithecndof 1948 aiciicr 3361503 You realize Mrs Schmidt that out of uniform good deed becomes lob v4 tut llollllolll f++aHLlag fv CEC WES JUDGED fIRSTRATE SINCE soil Yes Old Chum isia great favourite with lathers and sonralike be cause theres no other tobacco iust like Old Chum for daytn dayout smoking Slowburning witha Til cool LilCour oiliiis 86 Try ipcckagcbcicmalhmiby Men who litre ajobaccotliat always good Liijliliilsr 00 sirlitmus clinics MANAGER