Mary Miles Bluvsinng Joy llzown Juuii F1 illinl rr Li Cliappel Bilin iiii illb Polar tit Dcluit tm ir fllld llrlvii ton tougher Bl TONS in Th SCHOOLS lContinued from page Seven GMDE VI Tl GRADE ll Alktlnuii June Cull ti ziitvrs ilnn lilri Dunn ii Liloling Brill ll1oil 3i hintinri Douglus kitllilJ Nuiiiinii lliiioi Sully llorightiii Luis Kiiml Aziiir Kelmiiigton Karen McLean lldwiu McIhail lJllliJlli Mullnuii Ulldld Osborne Hlrii lliilirl Krliliilll Pratt Llrli lruiglv lltlll logm Frank Rupert lizoi Schultz Gordon Seiwood Sinclair Tomlinson lll llllk Stull Nanci llobrriu South hm lornbuli Wilkinson innm iiion llcllAlll lxLohri THE WORLDS FINEST VACUUM CLEANER The Sanitary Vacuum with no dirty bag to em pty with no hidden cloth filter to clog with dust Before you buy ask the Filter Queen Dealer to Show you the many im provements PHONE 3482 ROY TRACY Jouglfs Ayers ll 54min Grumlmriy iirrzi licirrii lli ENHIHL CISUII Hollywoml Robert Juinmli Lirzy lilrgf Anita HAD VII TO GRADE let BUB lzitc Llama liill Cirgiitim Sis hulull Dorothy lLilis it tlmr Marni llcfrn Voice urg Lil yliiilliil lit ixiiiigtr llvirii iu KPH KKEI lltult iii leizzn lir linker l1l ltulwii ull iiulz ln ilt Slilili Strit Gui iiiu illrli Suitvi lion llv ii Sfxiilll it lull if liri VICTORIA SCHOOL KINDERGARTEN lll GRADE tuiol Agniu limo i5rl lluirin lliil ioyri lloulrs ilnz lllli Wuyin lllilk lrih iuiiploinl Wrndy iio ilitiy tumiini ltll oic Dickr Patsy llllil lIlhoison Jiinniy l9ciiiiinrii Natl urine Foley livid bllxni no iliirns llcinnc lluniptiiv liiil lluisi Douglas ln21 lilll Kelly llilly Kriuiuly u1il lilr ciuiui Sul lllu llilly liilii llurbnru isms Viitor lnui llule Mullirlvniii lltlliiil All Killicoii iillilc Mnrluiicii Vnynv Mciliirkin Dzirltiu Mi lz our Andy McMicking li ullilri Micluicl Miiipliy Lenny Alyiis Jimmy Nilltn lniiy Nrsivizi Zuni Newton Donny luo llliilitr lrnt rull John lriuully Mun South lyson Smith John Son21 lni gnrrt Stewart Ellicu SWrVli lilonnlil ltobcrtson Johnnn liolnn on llobby Ryder lioiili lhoio good Ralph lucli llonzild irnntri llniborn Vuiioi Vnynr Ward Garfield Woodrow Htoiilcv ii Larry Wrotht lllIlA PARKER ltillllxl Grade to Grudc Laurie llnrioii llnrbzirn flours Elspeth Luincron lllii iuvk Joan DELIVERY 0R CASH and CARRY BARRIE Fuel Supply Victoria St Phone 3914 KITCHEN CUPBOARDS THE SGN OF lien Street Ax ACCOUNTANTS STRONG MLABEN CO Fitzmaurice MacLaren CA RTERED ACCOUNTANTS 61 Yonge St Toronto 53 Collier Street rimANTS AND sunrrons Owen St Barrie 19 Melinda St Toronto nerbert Harris CPA Brock Bull Ffank IiiL SPF hone4735 SERVICE Annex 33083 aunt Chartered Aeco Rhomjus Toronto mantamssudiion EMayor CPA TorontoTStreel Toronto Elzin 6116 PHONE 2517 Si EOE GOOD LUMl3ti2 Barrie ROFESSIONAL oinecromr VETERINARIAN on FLEMING VETERINARIAN and SURGEON Sophia St Barrie Phone 4545 DR BRACK Veterinarian and Surgeon Cookstown Ont Phone Cookstown 90 CHIROPRACTORS GEO RELSIE BURNSDsC Licensed Drugless Therapists ElectricRadio Hydro and Mechano Therapy 115 Dunlop Street Phone 3194 CORBEIT DC CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST Phonesolll Ill Owen StreeY Barrie BY APPOINTMENT MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON RM SINGING prepared for examinations ofthe Royal Conser rvatory at Music Torontor all grades including Methods Studio 27 Bradford St CRAIG HAMILTON RMT Studio 41 Maple Ave Phone 3875 INSTRUCTION IN PIANO ORGAN VOICE THEORY Pugh prepared for Examinations at oy al Conservatory of Music All Grades bosom mnnson Aswclate of Toronto Conserva go of Music Music and London Eng Piano and tor Theory 152 Maple Avenue OPTOMETRY non ounce mm Mrs nuns OPTOMETRISTS Dunlap 8t Phone 2003 Attendance 96 lions 11 SMITH 30 OMETRIST op SLPhono 586 Hours 96 daily on mrnnnson no OPTO TRIST 8L Blrlo Phone 4201 unto my ARCT Modern cud men unfit If you mad forlnomnl wotlgt Jr lrsilr in Gradi it incl All il Mir to moh iitic ii linw lii4 lit lill lll ii iiiill1tillt mil an lilttil lo iliinoi liollo rho Jinn lr lllll llil luugt Didi Mario Siilrz liliiii rimmizu iluixlinil lixli iu Kii liic lnxiiv ivh liiil No llill lill Smith lniii Symon liin lti Knot iimio llllii litgtlgt lfiii Jul loiii llliiili loi iiiiii Tyndall Jon v12 illlll Walton lliiih Wiilui llvll yvlrlr ilnr Wiutznoir l5ili Iiijii llJii Woodrow Allilll if llti tiiiiu iiii ilillltll llii1ltN lmrlici Grndc It to Grade iluiold lliinp in lioninznn Ioioir minim lli ill llllir Muiriv Douala than lionuid iiivgt lizoiy illtlldlli Judi liliitiy thin lltnt lininuu Int son lliii Inmon Lin liniinin Kiiirli Kunindv ilomni In hold lrtii liln liniuitl Mctiit lnon llllil Nivlmli lyilliltill Myers Michncl Nowton Jnnniy lngc liar lyrtlltllillll Alnn Rob ltiMili lindi ltclinmon liogcr loiniinron lnlici lii llrinn Wniil luioi Wriimiii liolili Wall on llonnn vtlllll Donna Wood Villtill Wmiiiimv it lllllilillT lcnclnr llxiilrr in liiriinid llilllli Gradi to lrudc Allan flintk lllr lirown Mur ilyn uldwcil llil ottciill Shir lry Dawson Lilns liltgtlll inrol Dixon Andrew Dynuni Donald Dullnnorc llonnld lIplctt Dolorcs lilcur lnnc anlc Jcnnifcr lluww kins John Ilnri Ruth llurtlcy Diziiic Holloway Sully Jones Greg ory Knistr ldi Kelly lltiillltl Kciup Jack Lynn Knrol McKen zic lionnld Marshall Mary Jane Milnc lirisstl Morcton Jiniinic Morlcy Douglas Moricn Mnrrziy Ncton Noniy lcil llchn Rob crtson Shirlxv Robertson Nuonii Soon Donald Sunn Donald llinck cr Donald lhorogood Arlene Tyndale Marjorie Villl Murilym Word Murilcnc Winurovc MISS ANDREWS Icnclicr Grzulc to Giadc Eric Bowlcs Anna Council Jzickic Lou Corby Jack Edwards Vcrnon lciritr loirgc GltlSldL Donald Hurst Nornin lnrdinc Su san Joncs Ictcr Kuyncs June Labor Iotcr Lndc Donald Lnin son Billy Lonnox Aim Lewis Kaye Livingston Carol Aim MiiCI Lean Intsy Marks Barbara Mela son Mary Morren Ruth lcicocki Michael Robinson lnnl Robinsonl Sheila Rodgcrs Gui Shanks GarthQ Smallwood Jill Smith JoAnnc Swan Helen Walton Ray Wultoni Frances Wildmun MRS WILDMAN Teacher Grade to Grade Barbara Burdctte Lorna Bus combe Ronald Butler Garry Calm well Heather Currie Billy Eng land Wilma Evans Edith Exell Aileen Glenn Jack Graves Dor eenGreenside Billy Hart Bruce Hamilton Anita Haws Barbara Jacobi Betty Kelly Anne Keni nedy Jack Kcnnington Lcnard Kirk Lillian Lucas Ross Patten den Carolyn Payne Anne Poole Gail Siddull Irene Smith Bob Tor diff Joan Urry SucWalls Eric Wigg MILLER Teacher Grade to Grade Margaret Aycliffe Bruce Bige 10w Catherine Coleman Birkie Connors Robert Dennis Marylyn Dyment Peggy Edwards Myrna Emms Sylvia Ferguson Leslie Fraser John Gallipeau Betty Ma rie Gillespie Ruth Gosling Doug las Harford Shirley Hook Borden Hurst Marion Lambert Jennie Leigh Mary Macdonald Mary ElizabethMclntosh Alex Mc Kechnie Dana McKeilie Joan Miller Joyce Moth Bob Murphy Harold Robinson Patsy Salter Gary Siddall Graham Tattersall Marian Thurlow Mary Lou Vair Sandra Welham Helen Young JEAN BLACKSTOCK Teacher KING EDWARDSCHOOL GRADE lro GRADE Christine Anderson Norma Bay liss Bob Brooks Sylvia Bullen Frank Clearc Betty Dawson Bruce Dibble JeanForbes Bever leyFoster Donna Goring Jac queline Haskett Bob Hooper Nancy Hopkins Stanley Horne Joan Howcroft Marion Jones LDoreen Knapp Donald Lowe Bob Mont gomery Marina Perry Shirley Perry Tom Poppleton John Reid Robertson Jim Rose Florene Sparrow Elma Stacey Bob Thompson JeanWareham Bever ley Westman FLORA McGREGOR WINSTON LAW Teachers GRADEG TO GRADE Margaret Anderson Barbra Ay erst Donald Barr Walter Busch len Lorraine Campbell Bob Car ter Bill Cheneryp Janet Cleare Skinimjenmmen gain 54915 lbs rm Pep Vim Vigor thrill Bony llmbl nii mammal lctti Webb Saunders Alfred Ricci Mary Ricci Marilyn Seven Hundred To Participate Pageant at Martyrs Shrine sands of visitors will throng to Midland to see this dramatic mus ical premonition ii is expected that various relig iuus organizations church groups sritltc clubs and civic GSSULlCillUliS in various parts of Ontario will ar range for special excursions and chatter buses and special trains to the Martyrs Shrine for tins event lhe Midland chamber of cum Allandale Motors TERMS merce is already making arrange ments to provide accommodation for thousands oi visitors ilmwlrcii Lurk So nil it its ism but menu pg athlclil foJ and on cur ml surmount lx tur inn Lil nxpn 00 51th Lam no op cl drum llakl Arrangements are well under way for coiozful and spectacular pageant which has as its meme out the usiirs of seemingly conqucicd nation of lluroniu arose our glorious tunudu to be pre itllltdul the Martyrs Shrine ncur dnlluLd il July 27 to iii Called Saline to tunadu Ilic mgcuiit being lllld under the aus picts of the Jcsurt Order com nirmorutcs the 300m anniversary of the deaths of Father Blcbcul llxltiilllil Gunner and habancl ihc pageant will be plrSkliltd on steep hill and four stages nu tiiiully furnished by the lull will be used The various scenes will portray lcmrrion NI Cf DIR liic courts of England and France JB think Ied be visa to come across and pay that eighth of is cost raise Jiin iuyim ioiiuii Joan Curtis Muiy illllltlti liillli Dickey io1o ltiiill liuword Forbes lionis losir Sundrn Furzecoti lliti lllililllltl lcnorc lloriic Col luu lliijii5 Mary Lou Longhccd Hymniii Luck lull Melvin San iii Milxuvii Lois Monger Patsy lintt Dorien Spcnrn llill lillcy lo1 Wilson Mervin Worrod FLORA McGREGOR BALL Teachers GRADE TO GRADE Hot itcliioii Aiidrcy Illogg liiibziru Brooks llclcn Brown iiorgc Brown Woody Clcmmens l3icllr opclnnd Aldona Craft Mnry Ann Crooks Lorna Cum ming llclbcrt Guest Barbara Holt Jnn ilornc Ronnie Kciccy Yvonne Lunioni llol Mason Lorna Mchl inn Norma Mchllzin Jim Milson llclcn Nichols Doris Odd Dcvuilil lutnrson Mary lcrry Roy Perry Jnnc Reid Betty Stuart Gch lun loniiniilic lrucman Beverley Ann Wuttcrson Barbara chb BALL Teacher GRADE GRADE Laura Anderson Joan Arm strong Donna Bull Glcn Ball Muric Barnes Barbara Blogg As trid Christensen Thora Crawford Carol DAmbrosio Kenneth Dun can Roberto Elder Reg Forbes Joyce Gregory Anp Hagan Leigh ton Ilcnson Joanlicwittw Norene Howie Murion Jackson Marilyn Joncs Donald Iirkpzitrickf Doug las inking Jim Lang Robert Moore llob Norman Frances Odd Snudru Sinie Berna Stacey Fran ccs Stuart Bill Wurdle Bill Hughes MAXWELL Teacher GRADE TO GRADE Wayne Bellsmith Winston Blogg IKay Boyd Eleanor Corbett Larry Dnnvcrs Bob Dobson Fred Elines tChurlcs Elliott Joe Ferguson Dons nld Foster Donald Fountain Gary Fraser Ian Fraser Jack Graham Doreen Harris Judith Hdgson Jean Howie Walter Kinto Mar ilene Lawson Neil Mclson Elaine Muisc Billic Norman John Pa ccilo Carolyn Penny Claire Rob ertson Lorraine Saunders Paul Smith Mary Jo Tompkins Wendy Waite Carol Wardle Earl Zim merman AGNEW MAXWELL SHEAR Teachers GRADE TO GRADE Marilyn Arnold Russell Barnes June Barl Wayne Barr Bernard Beleskey Ross Boyd Joseph Brew er Timmy Clemmens Glen Cope land Winifred Crawford Anna Dickey Dick Forbes Ross Furze cott Wayne Harkcr Billy Harris Marilyn Hewitt Wayne Hodgson Joyce Howie Bob Ingram Dick Jones DarlaKashner Margo Kel cey Maureen Kinton Jack La mont Billy Lang Gregory Little Dolly Mason Harvey Mason Ean Maxwell Jack Mountenay Bar bara Parks Garry Perry Barbara PitcherEveIina Ricci Dorothy Miriam Steele Jimmy Stinson Wayne Sykes Brian Wiles conrad Williams Bobby Wilson Billy Winterburn Jack Worrod Sandra Worrod ALLSOPP SHEAR Teachers GRADE TO GRADE Billy Arnott Carole Barnard Wilma Barber Dennis Barnes Helen Barnes Jimmy Bogardis Leighton Campbell Sa ra Chris tie Mary Corbett Caro yn Corby Teddy Crawfogd Larry Curran Patsy DAmbrosio Ruth Duncan Brian Elliott George Elliott Larry Emerick Penny Emms Mavis Griffin Kenneth GuesteDonna Harris Elka Hoffman Gail Hom er Petermlngram Allan Jones Mae JonesKatherine Jory Ralph Knapp Victor Knight Charles Lang Lloyd Lang Billy Law Douglas Lawson Barbara Lee Peggy Lee Bob Markwick Val erie McIndless Sandra Moore Teddy Mountenay Gary Palmer anald Parks Jack Peelar Diane Pilgrim Jimmy Pratt Barbara Watterson KEARNSV AGNEW Teachers KINDERGARTEN TO GRADE Sharon Aitchison Jacqueline Al lan Donald Arnold Barbara Bak er Carol Sharron Bellingerp Sharron Blogg Patrrcra Christie Greg Clemmens Lynda Copeland Shirle Corby Larry Dawson Ann leetham Davis Forbes Suzanne Gauthier Norma Gilhooly child Garry Goss Kathleen Gra ham Mary Lou Griffin Carl Ham ilton Tommy Hamilton Dara lyne Harker Glenn Har ris Patricia Hoare Hodgson Vera Howie aid Jones Doreen Jones herr Latimer Darlene Law Law Donald Lee Lee Barry LeMay las Logan Garry McLeaniin Judy Merriam PaulsMoore Billy Illrnn no longer serum boonpolo look omns of steamer as it is TIT slam the speciedbut fleshfbulidira mp Oltmx Its hues Inmulsn inv anion vitamin oucium certain food mpmvo to end no food val you more in on hm bom when youve gained NewtonSmith Stetani Garry Pratt Ra Rentner Vic dria Saunders San ra Spring Stuart Wayne ThompSon Trueman Westman Wilson Jane Wintei We Robert Rica Gail Sawyer Robert Scruton George Tracy Donald Wsrdlef Janet West man Donna Wilson Judith Young Barnes Barry Beleskey Jimmy Good BettyShLou ig eia Hunter Mary Rachel Jeroux Dori Lynn Wells Val Karen Williams KING GEORGE SCHOOL lroniotnuis in nlpliolicticui ordcr Grade lGradc Burr Ronniy itl David Undo gun Lynda otloii Giwn Duy Sheila Forster Gregory Guruii Wilinoi Luke Jon lnrlor Stcvan Reynolds Grade BGrudc Dilllll olcs Dickey Iiblcy tii Gary Gurrcit nrolh llornsby Kcnnclli Moth Lindu Moth Rosc inury ltoikrs Gnidc iinuu lsubcllzi Drillpsltl ziiol Mills Billy Moth Michucl itcdinond liilord Slurinid Grade tllrudc llclcn llonnvy llnlph Brucei Norninn IInnns iti Bill llniikin Teddy llornsby llodncy llnikcs Gory Ilcynolds Douglas Vinu Andy Welsniun Grade 5Grudc Murray lirncc Elizabeth Lumi stcd Betty McKcown icdily Mills Bob Twiss Grade GGradc Donald Frolick Grcgory Garrctt Carole Hunkin Eric Lundstcd Susan Wlicclcr Billie Young is 51 MARYS SCHOOL GRADE TO GRADE ll Joan Bruce Dun Farrell Mlclr acl Ferguson Jack Giorgianui Robert Golds James Hall Anuc Marie Hargreaves Margaret Ken ney Lorraine Mulligan Patricia Maloney Carole Marshall Marie McBride Elizabeth McVeighHclcn Smith Heather Thomas Tom To bin GRADE TO GRADE Frank Cancilla Ena Daley Rose Marie Forget Kathleen Gill John Garrity William Gurrity Patricia Kenny Penny Laurie Sheila Lcm mon Martin Marion John Moore John Morris Helen Nesbitt Irene Perenz Adrien Potvin Geraldine Saunders GRADE TO GRADE Sam Cancilla Margaret Ferguson Tcd Gaiiityi John Gray Joan McVeigh Fran ces Moore Stephen Murphy Wil liam Maloney Douglas OHara Rosemary Saso John Saso Elaine Webster GRADE TO GRADE Gayle Cuculick Marie Dumont Paul Ford Mary Ellen Fraleigh Frank Madigan Marie MMarion Mary Frances LaPlante Roger McBride Sheila McKeown Noreen McKinnon Marcel Potvin Peter Robinson Lucien Scaletta Myrna Webster Arnold Ziegler GRADE TOGRADE Douglas Bibby John DAmbrosio Tony De Simone Gerald Decarie Gail Ford Marshall Forget Jack Hargreaves Fred Haskett Joyce Ladouceur Cynthia Lloyd Colum Maloney Betty Ann Marion Peter Moran Gerry Murphy Betty Nes bitt John Saso Antoinette Sca letta Pat SCEDIBD GRADE TO GRADE Robert Corbett Ronald Decarie Ann Forget Michael Gray John Ladouceur JoanLadouceur Coi leen Madigan Nancy McKeown Margaret McVeigh Mary Moore Patricia Morris JoAnne Murphy Robert Nesbitt Margaret Smith John Tobin Barbara Woods Joan Woods GRADE TO GRADE Julia Clark Henry Dumont Yvonne Dumont Edmund Forget Carol Forget Joseph Gribbin Helen Hammond Gerald LaHay Gerard Maloney JosephMadden Wayne Mabion Denise Maynard Rosemary McBride Peter McClos key Larry Morris Billy Moore lord of Ste Louis Missouri finnslcmns quirics from all ports of Canada 11 the Jesuit Seminary 401i Wcl in vital part in providing good asset of farm is the soil iarm is useless Suzanne Farrell 30o years ago the coming of the martyrs to Canada the martyrdom the burning of the fort Llllll the sub chllcill growth of Civilization in the Dominion Upwards of 700 persons repI resenting French soldiers British sailors fur traders Indians priests and so on will participate in the spectacle lhc pageant has been written and will bc produced by Rev Daniel All the puriicipunts including actors electricians and stage bands will be Canadians Judging by the hundreds of in ims IS IN WAY In Germ panda in on engine lduk of months of dining lulled with IV null and city iwdgl lhc radiator is in in mm rendition out onnot oarlly Capo Some posing may be plgund 19M oclhnulmgpmoam engnu llooblc wiapitl on Al IIOI Cotlly paII Alter BRADY lEANiNG nus IS YHE WAY in engine loot AMERY Iounlng the Brady Way Every pcuoue it open and walls on loaned 3i limoKola mt ondlliudgo Hen aan finely crowd cylindol wulli vulva indthOuuhth radiator Iho recline mum can operate waihouthouting and the United States ulrcady rc ceivcd at the Mnrtyrs Shrine nnd lingion Strcct West Toronto thou EDITORIAL APPRECIATION weekly newspaper is vcry much the property of its readers in many wuysgund The Slur wants its reudcrs to feel that they have The trady Way TROUBLEClean tho Cooling System of your car Get at any Ipud on any hilll NEGLECT OF THE COOLING SYSTEM can lead to serious con sequences Ploy Safe lncreoso the efficiency of your motor and the life of your car THE BRADY WAYlt interesting journal for their com munitics Locnl citizens have adopted this attitude to the point where ihcir cooperation oftcn voluntuiyi has meant an increas ing flow of news copy over the editorial desks VAL DOll QUE STAB rid of Rust Scale Grease and Sludge Ploy Safe Do if ioduy Come in land let us show you how job is done THE BRADY WAY Russel Stranaglian McColllrontenac Dealer Firestone Tires Exide Batteries 82 Bradford St BARBIE Dial 4140 THE REAL VALUE In the final analysis the only If the unproductive the The soil cannot be too well cared for and part of that care is to keep it on the farm lEMBBOK ONTJ BULLETIN soil becomes Donald Ouiinct Charles Saso Paul Sheppard Douglas Tobin Larry lorpcy Judy Varcoe James BruceCharles Camilla liBARRilJ lOWGllsFARES J1sfiAsrERN BE mo in holi dayDowoEsst Visit home or sway with friends Low summer fare return limit 21 days with stopovers permitted Dianne Sharon Dou Inclusive Mt unboundin Pacic Rtllwty Muir Wrightman Marilyn Zimmerman JOHNSONTeaciier ZIDAY SPECIM itstheisvtory or neariya900zl1w and changed listings story of growth and development which enlarges thescope and therefore the value of you telephone Behind thlsfstory lsOnefwhich is stilliblgger actory ofmillionswiiflgoilarsibelng Spent toaddnew telephones swltchboardsv and build Vlngs as qulcklyes possible so that we may continue Itoprovidemere and better telephonesservlce at the lowest cost vi llJGARItICKl Menager 31 tulinuv nitrite COMPANY or CANADA