rwrv wwm ity of lor SHU zillv lcllt ilitllt or the it of how All Mu Fransm taig tn rgarct Chasm nni ltln mq or are llilVtlllllf biotin train Frances amt no Yul course in oil iiifl iii uret and Barbara ll leathcrcluft lhey 01 six tKtliS inli littlt they Will travel on to ainontti and Victoria British tolunibii tlwt mil bevgone about tlglil thirty summer school at lnff temlon work of the Alberta ME McFadden was luvlcr IQ transsean tea in lluliu ghter Marian Rachel llliwl Voeddlnx to James lellz turdoy June 23 any eerivzm Lillie Lttllil lll Knight ll Lotte Mrs Polk Gill nneiiit it lie lllllll1l BARRIE GLASS MIRROR SUPPLY GIAZING mutltous ruesitvliun or ntl in im lll iull Ste Marita ii listillni if in gt tKl lllt lJit1Lluit has thinti lhll tri itll ltlt alilnt1trgt on the wr illt Itilasoi ttxiultt 31 t1 ign 117 ll Those asmstimi intmic lltki tilllil of ill gt asst1t Mn The rst production oi l7 lit liitllll tonununih liatu lul inn1 theatre crimp xvi we evening Jul all play villillwi lot lull in Mirrors 01 Plate Glass Dresser lops made to Order Designs cut on glass PICK UP and DELIVERY RUTHERFORD Mil Phone 5048 74 Henry St Barrie iv 9M3 lifeinsured without critic charge Noonddtserswequired dsohable come at WWW tarp The staging iu mum Egmwmm 055010 cum Proficiency Winner Shanty Bay at Shanty and pr the Kctnpcni 2icln Opened LitSUn last The cabaret out in the the ha the parson Harold llniistill and Via En writing Mrs Mrs at Geral mil lygmalion it Day itlllt Nevc llilt and lhcre in lltit Us 12 iii nth finer tllil theatre gave and plans for ii tics pa tools in the 70 guests pres Sh little Louise Culley 11 or followed bvi and Robert loo sang coupch Chickens Mine Alone and iloill tzxteitained with at lnu ptugxtlm cndedi 1i1i tut by Miss Fern Russ at the director brief ll til MISS Jli HARRIS won the gen eral pioinnm award in nursing and was or moored at the recent graduatioi est tLlScS of the Kitch torJtatuiw hospital Jean 13 idaughter of Mr and Mrs Harris Bradford St Barrie ainate of Barrie Col gltyiatr li1tlte Two members of the Barrie Arti ft llr All lll lllllltltll and Miss lmzmit Wharton returned recentlyI lltmll School Another member of rinii 11iotiin the school was lln at the out oi inn All ill Milan Schneider 55 in celebration of their silver 21 11th gt kit and Mrs liarold iialli next at home to their In no on Saturday evening June 11 tln 11 home on Murdoch loionio Mrs Smith is iItlIlv Lottie tochranc of lotlnnltt and was married there lij Her Former former pas ha li ilillilllllnl who was among tln ammo The rooms were gay ivnh colorful ent bouquets of how rig and illr table was centred with pink and while earnations and iSlilllttlllltull lhe hostess welcom tti her many guests weaiing graceful flock of pale blue jefsey With orsatzc of plnk galnations Clihrliys breath presiding Ho ti ltilllvtlltllf NIX GUIdon liliilluliyjm Smm Mrs zin assisted by Mrs lJlinteyht runCh Mrs Hamid Smith lliirhIiih idVm Movking Misses rfi and Madeline Smith and illigltlMcMullcn Loblaw employees shared Alcona Beach last Wednesday afternoon with the Royal Canadian Armour Vcd Tarps and close to 200 children trom the Sunday School classes at Trinity Anglican Church for their annual picnic With Crawford Leigh meat manager in charge about 45 cmployccs and their fam ilies spent the afternoon swimming and playing ball and enjoyed picnic suppcrin spite of showcrs In spite showers late in the afternoon the lawn supper held by the Glad Club on the lawn of St cesslul Over 300 people were served between the hours of five and seven by the club members The executive wish those who helped make the annual affair success Albert sold tickets at the gate Mrs Jackson 52 Burton Ave nuc entertained at tea in honor of her daughter Mrs William Rib alkin June bride last Wednes day afternoon and evening Mrs Jackson received periwinklc blue crepe assisted by her daughter wearing robins egg blue and pale pink crepe The tea table Was decorated with tall pink tapers and 21 centrepiece of pale pink cantcrbury bells and babys breath Pouring tea were LMrs Roy Wiles and Miss Florence Brunton Mrs Flock and Mrs Little pre sided at the tea table during the evening Assisting the hostess were Miss Margaret Park Miss Beatrice McQuade Miss Lois Allsopp Miss Florence Maxwell Miss Sandra Furiccott Mrs JMitchell Mrs Cook Miss Elma Fullerton Mrs Robertson Mrs Lowe Miss in the afternoon Madeline Whetham Miss Eileen cott 43 Painswick Wl Mombers Heart of Norfolk Man Who Grows Broom Corn new privatelyowned broom industry was the subject of paper presented by Miss Marjorie Yates convener of Canadian industries at the June 14 meeting of the Pains wick Womens Institute The meet ing was held at the homecfMrs present The broom industry is conduct Levi Srigley Holly with 26 ladies view GunmenWM Mrs Agnes ed by Steven Tyrrell of Norfolk County who plantsj and grows cornwhich grows to height of ram tento 14 feet arecut otfin late September and leftin the rficldtoldry for 48 hours Atthe end that time they are made into brooms Uby handoperated machines Mrnyrrell does all hlsown Sell ing and each winter makes and and Carri Anmcm VE Georges Anglican Church Allanv dale last Wednesday was very suc to thank all Godden in dress of Delaney and Mrs William Furzel STROUD July Mr and lrlt Nelson are on joynig new Meteor car iilgtlltllllll churchserviccs are fat 91ft aln during July and Aug list illlit Mary Rix underwent toast operation in the Barrie hos Plilll last ttck Miss Malian Hall fromNew lFlox spent few lays last week inlll Mrs fairing David Fraser of recmorc is spending somixtnne at the home of ibis daugh ters Wm Campbell ComnjJJce mectlng phone Calls 38M llfig discussions what for iW Stroud Community Garden Party tScc Coming Events Congratulations to the following seven pupils who passed their En jtrancc exams on their years work also congratulations to their Etcacher Miss Marian Webb Nor ma Givens Miriam Grccn Ross Lynch Joan Mulholland Joan laul Ronald laul Barbara Par sons Roy Goodfellow Bill New Lloyd Cummings Sproule James Leonard Campbell Frank Murphy llubbcrt Harold Robinson and Bruce Cowun were among the local farmers who at tended the FarmerKiwanis ban Squct at Midhurst on Monday evening lEnjoyed Horticultural Picnic number from here enjoyed the District 5A annual Horticultural lpicnic in Midland last Wednesday June 29 Mr and Mrs Paisley in Chatsworth Rev and Mrs Paisley and 5Mrs Jack lctt last week for Chats lworthu The best wishes of this lcommunity accompany them to rthcir new home there Rcturncd Home From England Mrs Th Wright and baby son have lturned home after sev cral months in England Her fa wnnnntos SisalHAMPTON pretty wedding was 5010mm ized in the normalize of Burton Avenue United Church Barrie on Saturday July 1949 with Rev Carder odiclatlng when Yvonne Pamela Olive Frampton second daughter of Frampton and the late Mrs Frampton of Bournemouth England became the bride of William Eldon Sislcr youngest son of Mr and Mrs Slsler Newmarket The bride who was given in marridge by the grooms uncle Peters wore streetlength dress of lavender blue taffeta with matching poke bonnet and should crlength veil and carried colon ial bouquet of deep pink roses Her attendant Miss Nora Billing ton wore dress of pale yellow taffeta with matching poke bonnet and carried bouquet of yellow roses Howard Slsler brother of the groom was groomsman reception followed at the home of the grooms aunt Mrs Peters 58 Caroline Street Following the reception the bride and groo left on wedding trip to Southtrn Ontario the bride wearing dress of navy chiffon with white accessories On their return they will reside in Newman kct FELT SMcFADDEN pretty June wedding took place at the home of Mr and Mrs McFadden 49 William Street Barrie on Saturday June 25 1949 at three oclock when their dough for Marian Rachel was united in marriage to James Robinson Fel tis older son of Mr and Mrs Feltis l4 Perry Street Rev Carder officiated at the dou blering ceremony which took place in setting of roses peonies orange blossoms and fern under canopy of pink and white stream ors The bride given in marriage by her father looked charming in floorlength gown of blush satin made with fitted bodice high neckline and long fitted sleeves An ovcrskirt extended into train and she wore fingertip veil of illusion net held in place with headdress of small white owers Her flowers werea cascade bou quet of Better Time red roses The brides attendant was her only sister rsNorman Blackhall in an othshouldcr gown Stupale green corded taffeta with fitted bodice and full skirt She wore matching mittens and headdress and carried Briarclie pink roses Ronald Stewart was groomsman and John McFaddenand John Fel tis acted as ushers The wedding music was played by Miss Dorothea Caldwell Mrs Spearn was soloist and sang Ill Walk Beside You during the Ceremony At the reception which followed the mother of the bride received in dress of grey blue crepe with navy accessories wearing corsage of pink silvertinted carnations and ther and mother Mr and Mrs Bul mer of England returned with her to make their home in Stroud Misses Shirley Fraser Ethel and Marjory Todd joined party of 120 teachers and friends leaving last week on two months tour by bus through Western Canada on to the west coast of the United States Death of Mrs McConkcy Mrs away last Tuesday at her sons home in Toronto in her Blst year the United church here on Thurs the Stroud cemetery and was at tended by many friends and neigh respect to one whom in life they loved and esteemed Rev John Morris Inducted The members of Lefroy United Church met withthe Stroud con gregation in the Stroud church on Thursday evening June 30 for the pressive service was conducted by Rev Doggett of Thornton assisted by Rev Calder at Allandale After the service and each onehad met and welcomed their new minister happy social time was enjoyed in the SS rooms and lunch was Served Innlsl Chapter Welcomes WM The last regular meeting of In nisfil Chapter prior to the sum mer holidays Was attended by many members and visitors The Chapter Room was beautiful with peonies and roses Worthy Matron Mrs Birdie Goro don and Worthy Patron Eric Jack son welcomed Worthy Grand Mat ron Mrs Florence Andrews Past WGM Mrs Violet Day Grand Treasurer Mrs Lilias Turrlff Grand Conductress Mrs Pearl Me Barrie and othcrinembers Bean Bradley and members of Manson Bradley Chapter 13 Midland were welcome gusf Following quiz and contests wascondurted JeSsle Campbell and her commit tee with prizes forall After this the social committee udder Mu Annie Ayerst served delicious and tea is planned for August by convener Mrs Eastrel Webb sellsihom 2000 to2500brooms The paper was readby Mrs Alf vin Wine Plans Were mode at the meeting 29 for the quilt and to fair All theladies wishing to lathe fair areto oontactMrs Yum or Mrs Vlilllson orb bake sale to be home of Mrs Burton Avenues July Mrs Thrall is mm the absencevyohMr bb resident Mrs Tordl th vicepresidents was the meetlhgwllctures tok the anniversary show Teachers on Bus Tour to the West McConkey passed Her funeral service was held in day June 30 with interment in hers who thus showed their last induction of their new minister Rev John Morris The very im Donald WM Mrs Mae Agnew of broom corn The heads of the le regm meeting program by the Program cohvaner Mrs lunch During vacationsz bazaar fora bus trip to Midland on July the iostrich plumes She was assisted tby the grooms mother in grey crepe dress with navy accessories and cottage of red ram and os trich plumes For motor trip to Muskoka and Ottawa the beige gabardine hat and wine acorsage of roses suit accessories The bride groom Wlll spend the summer nt Mlncts Point Outoftown guests wore present from Sault Ste Marie Niagara Falls lsllngton Weston Pcthrlaw Toronto Mount Forest and uukv town LAlRDBOBBEITH lenetangtilshene United Church was the scene of pretty thth on Saturday June 25 l949 at 230 in the afternoon when Gladys Theodora daughter of Mrs Bobbcttc and the late Mr Bob bctte became the bride of Leslie Robert Laird son of Mr and Mrs Charles Laird of Armstrong On tario The wedding ceremony was performed by the pastor Rev Wil liam Howey Mrs liowcy played the wedding music and the soloist was Vernon McQuay Given in marriage by her broth er Raynor Bobbettc of Toronto bride wore whltc tulle over satin with shirred bodice and ngertip veil falling from head dress of orange blossoms She car ried bouquet of red roses Her attendant was Miss Betty Mills of Barrie in gown of pale blue satin and net with matching veil and headdress of forgetmenots She carried bouquet of pink carna tions Ronald Bobbette of Barrie was groomsman The ushers were Nor man Howcroft of Barrie and Mur ray Bobbette of Toronto The soloist sang Because dur ing the signing of the register At the rccoption which followed lot the home of the brides mother Mrs Bobbctte received in gown of navy and white shccr The mother of the groom was in navy with black accessories Guests were prcScnt from Ayl mer Toronto Barrie and Arm strong Following the reception the bride and groom left on wedding trip to Toronto and Armstrong the bride wearing loganberry suit with white accessories They will reside in Caprcol DAWESIMPSON Centralenited Church Barrie was the scene of pretty wedding on Wednesday afternoon June 1949 atothrcc oclock when Rev Bewell united in marriage Mary Isabel Simpson eldest daughter of Archibald Simpson of Gilford and Harvey Cliord Dawe elder son of Mr and Mrs Kenneth Dawe 107 Essa Road Barrie Mrs Lcnover played the wedding music and Bruce Dibble was solo ist The bridSJ who was given in marriage by her father wore gown of frosted organdy over heavy taffeta with ngertip veil She carried cascade bouquet of roses centred with an orchid Her attendants were her sister Alice and Katherinc Jory who was ower girl Their dresses bride wore light with bElgc were of pink orgundy over taffeta and were fashioned identically to that of the bride The bridesmaid carried noscgay of sweet peas and roses and the tloWer girl car ricd basket of the some flowers Both wore headdresses of pink or gandy The groomsmun was Alberl lSimpson brother of the bride James Lind of Toronto and Jack Dawc brother of the groom were ushers Following the ceremony re ccptlon was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Jury whcrc the bride had made her home for some time Receiving with the bridal party was the grooms mother gowncd in blue crcpe with French applique trimming and wearing corsagc of red roses Mrs Jory assisted her in gown of dovc grey crepe with lace trim ming She worea corsage of pink roScs Outoftown guests came from Toronto Kingston Gilford Orillia New Lowell and Sundridge The bride chose pink crepe dress with navy accessories and navy shortic coat for her going awny outfit and wore an orchid corsagc Upon their return from motor trip to the United Stutesl the bride and groom took up rcsii lcncc in Barrie TRY AN EXAMINER WANT Al VACUUM PACKED T0 CITIZICNS ADVANTAGE Looked on With an open mind one ullllut help but admit that it tBCs hospitalization scheme is good thing in principle and if carricdout justly it can do inesti mable good to 1D citizens lORl ALBERNI BC For that spedal baby of yours 99 27 STRAlNED FOODS JUNIOR FOODS IAIY CIIEAKS FOLDING LAWN CHAIRS FOLDING LAWN BENCHES KEN PLowMAN 262 Bayiield so in supiernetooth paste iguordihe beauty of your smile withithis tomousiirnch formula it do thoroughiyondieoves mouth cieoncool and ireih Vi 1liiuegrq$crecm deodorant creamdeodoront plusthe magic of bluegrossmostcherishodfragrance otourlimei BARBIE oesteeth tso keep inimoculclofthis easy odectivosgiewdy fiendisleekHarlan 1555 57 flagrant depilotom thats recrliy ieosyj utouse ledveVsEIsltin babymoo jtubbleyledvingmethods fh eliminates IWOWW3 Sailiifilizi9 the toy lei Juli Willlfml chart Minimum ding ctlmattil the satin ltl l=lllltillil once cascade It