Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jun 1949, p. 7

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lEtRDAY JUNE 23 1919 WW hamplain Road Dramatized CBC Program 29 THE BARR EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA 111011111011 Nar Gifts to Newly Weds il11 11 2111111 111 Ii1 11111111 Mrs I111i 1111111111 11111111i 11 111ar More Selim111111 1111 day 1111 social 111111111 ilarold Wauless called 1111 1111111111 to 1111111 when Mrs John 1111111111 r1a1l an address in lvy Orange fall when the Ivy 1111w orbett who 1111V11rate11 his rand Utopia 11111111111111ti1s joined to 11111111 birthday on 111111 11 He s111n1 honor Mr and Mrs lvau Speers 1t111 day quietly having dinner 1lll Aileen Milk11 in spite 111 the Mr and Mrs ll Corbett who lClllltlI heat the 11111 was iilled1also entertained Mrs Dunn 111 with friends wishing to extend best Aihston Albert lrwrn 111 11oks wishes to the young couple who 1town and Albert Dawson liarrn 15113111111 ltlti 111111 111s1111t111 1111 111 11 wllll 1111 111111111111 an 111 11111111111 1111111111 i1111 York 1111 some wars and when 11 opt11111 211111111111 111111111 1111111 11 came 1311 their to Ottawa 111 11 050 1111 0111111 Ausls VERYWHER vere really showered with beau1 ml hulllull will HT forced to retire about 111111 war 111111 11tts of all kinds int1111111111115 Week of otwenlious ll 1113 ml 1111 11111111 11 111111 1111111 1111101 141M lm IVY South Last week was week of con l111111lr11111 11111 1111111 11111 Line Kcnwood blanket from the ventjons in South Simeoe 11 lt V111 1111 111111111 1111 vilia111 111 ivy and West lane and Monday the ilssa Township Sun 81111Y 1111111 11111111 111 11111111 an ttomau from the Junior mem day School convention was 111111 111 My hm1 SUNNY 1m 111rs 11f the Presbyterian choir1Alliston On Tuesday the Deau 11111 1111 111111111 131111111 HUN1 sczu Rater was 1111 genial chair jury meeting was held 111 15111111 SUHV VINW WM 0111er liftad and on Friday the Wonnns llnstitute District Annual was 111111 1111 Lefroy Thornton was well rep 1resented at all three man for the occasion wnsn Jons lIRESTONE TIRES lIXlllll BATTERIES Fast and Slow flattery Charges sister 311s ti Russell 111 11111111 11111 11111 1111111111 Harry 1111111 1111 111 Toronto T111 1111111al was 1111d at his 11111111 151 111111sa Street on Monday afternoon 111111 121 at two oclock Rev it Lewis 11111 llev Simpson 111 Toronto conduct 111 the xervut United SS Anniversary On Sunday morning the servin was well attended in the United Church it being the occasion of the Sunday School armivcrsary Mr and Mrs Chas DeCeer and family spent Sunday with Mr and 111w 11 of Richmond The guest speaker was Rev ep lililll MK llldtl Ul Alllmdillt VlW PWUVlWil lalllnartrs yrlt 11 ltotliats TO Makes very inspiring sermon on 11111 CV AV 111nm MW Ml iimportance 01 1111111 thmkmk 111111 111111 Music was supplied by the lunior choir who sang two numbers llnl church was beautifully 111c11rat1o with peonies The Oiltilll1f 111111unt for 1ed to $50 All Makes Models DANGERllELD Ktliool lilotllllr kiwi417s 1111111111111 was Union t11111t11y Floral tributes were sent by the lead Office Chapter Home 11111111 thterans 11111111111s ol lllllllllll lt111ngc Division the stall 111 11111 mail room of the Metropolitan Lite insurance Company 11111 tolli1r 5111111111111111 Thurrh Relatives and 111111114 nth1111111111 Cars and Trucks TOW TRUCK SERVIch lWomens Institute The members of the Womens1 Institute motored to the home of Mr and Mrs Wauless on ihurs day evening for their June racet ing Roll call was answered by movie or book that had bet111111 RUSSEL STRANAGHAN ioyed by the members Severall from distance came from 1orj TREET llmnkyon letters WOW onto Lindsay Montreal Roekehtte mu ORBS On account of the failure of tth Brockville Brentwood Urillia Barrie 65 conler St Phone 2487 Strawminy cmp the Strawberry 1Richmond llill Windsor ihoin festival which was advertised for June 29 wascancelled The anV nual bus trip this year will be to1 Gravenhurst and will include 11 hundredmile cruiseu Miss Shillty hill and Ottawa HENRY PRIDIIAM SANDERS Although in his 9111b year and COOL OFF REFRESH YOURSELF WITH DELICIOUS GLASS OF lCED COFFEE WELCOME TREAT AT ANY TIME OF DAY BLENDSvCUSTOM GROUND VVlGQROUSANDWINEy 115 cERcLERCRFW BODIED 11 EC ANTED mums for COM BICYCLES PARTS REPAIRS Service on all Bicycles DUNLOP BICYCLE rum 10 3135 They costo littlemore but are worth the extra IFANS SILENTICOOLBREEZY We Pay Cash For OFFICE 5VSVElizabetb St 100061 Used Cars HAROLD um LTD CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH FARGO BARRIE ap USEDCARS 17182Bradlord WE HAVE LOTS AND Lots or THEM $750 $895 $1050 Oscillating $1695 1101 PLATES $295 to $1295 GARDEN HOSE PLY FABRIC 11011 rt 36 BAYFIELD ST WE REPAIR THEM Jones gave paper on Ryerson In stitute and Mrs Fraser conduct ed contest on Canada which showed many how much Canadian history they had forgotten Mrs Reid gave reading An old bachelor tells why he never mar ried Mesdames Jennett Kennard Lennox Lennox Londry and Maw During the evening draw was made of the tickets sold on the centrepiece the lucky wmV ner being Mrs Terrence Black Death of Mrs Jos Moore Mrs Joseph Moore passed away on June 14 1949 at Mrs Smarts Nursing Home Allandale where shehad been patient for over year Alice Maud Moore was born in Lincolnshire England seventy years ago and came to Canada when quite young She lived in Toronto and Wyevale prior to coming to Thornton She was member of St Judesfhurch and also member of the choir and the WA until her healthvfailed Mr Moore predeceasd her in May 1944 and one daughter Dorothy daughter Mrs Cliff Sanders sons Nelson of Thornton and Newman of Barrie The funeral which took place from Thompsons undertaking parlor on Friday afV ternoon was largely attended and was conducted by Rev Mr Sim monds and interment took place in Thornton cemetery The pall bearers were Thos Cousins Ernest Goodwin Geo McDonald Nevrlle liful oral tributes NEWTON ROBINSON June 20 Miss Shirley Elston or Malton was home forthe weekend Mrs Miles Toronto is spend ing the week with Mrs Harrison Marjory of Allandale andtwoi Mr and Mrs Ed Hammell of Toronto were at Breedons on Sunday Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Halbert on the birth of son last week Mr and Mrs Locke of Wil liamsburg visited at Rowes last week Mrs Doyle of Saskatoon is visiting her sister Mrs Leeson for few weeks Congratulations and best wishes to Mr and Mrs Ralph Houghton1 who 1were married on Saturday Mr and Mrs Gareld Holt from Alberta are visiting for two weeks with Mrs Council and Mr and Mrs Carmel and family of Wes tan spent Sunday there also Visitors over the weekend at lieu tons were Drand Mrs oughton of Sodus Ptl NY Mr and Mrs fh Houghton of Ancaster and VMr and Mrs Ray Char1ton of Toronto The lunch committee were in 1937 She is survived by one Jamieson Stewart andArt McQuayQ There were many beau one 01 Barries oldest citizens l11n ry Iridham Sanders had enjoyed fairly good health until recently and was liedtast for only two weeks prior to his death on Mon day June 13 19411 at his home Caroline Street Barrie 1Son of the late Mary Blake and Daniel Sanders he was born on April 1852 in Devonshirc Eng landV When about 17 years of age he came to Canada and having served an apprenticeship as tailor in the Old land took up the trade at Stouffville 0111 and had continued rugU Blessed with rugged constitu tion sense of humor and the ability to make friends he had Feel the long of irsh ocean breeze EniOy the thrill ole dip in the sad USA and Canada This year VISIl us down In in Barrie lat the time of the gold rush and later had flourishing business in Winnipeg the Maritimes See our his toric towns and beautiful countryside the rugged coves and Stillbathed since giving up active work just few years ago here Harry had specialized in beaches along our shcires tailoring for the railway employees Wc1l welcome you warmly the division 10111 111101 00111001 11118 rnnis All can HALIFAXV $5100 QUEBEC 324151 ST JOHN $3720 SYDNEY $5835 1111111111 TRlP Subject illchange AN UPLtrr BELT FOR MEN made to our specifica tidns to give corTbrt and maximum support Ex perienced Fitters to serve you for all Surgical Sup pox15 jWHITTY DRUG STORE tinthe same line until few years worked in many places both in the master of his trade he some yearlago ran large tailor shop He went to California In 1902 he opened up shop int Allandale and remained here evet During business and was known to maby all over His wife formerly Miss Sophia detlrchablmuchcs lllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllHilllllllllllllll PAGE MlLDANDMtLLOW 1141 ANN PAGEFIN BRAND NEW WRAPPER SLICEDWHITE 21102103425 ANN MMBNNMSE YUKON CLUB Contents Only GlitEil llLE FANCY RED 01100 51111111011 QUAKER VCOllilFlllllES 101 119s 25c Every itemPriceMarked For Your Constant Protection IIIIIllllllllIlllllllIllIllllllIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIII FRUITSAND VEGETABLES Pltl SLICED BREAKFAST 11116011 0511 MAPLE LEAF or PREMJUMVBINQLESS SIDEBACON SWIFTS puns210092 r0111 saunas PEAMEALED COTTAGE lltll Ve Verdelli No Size 300 49 lelllllllllllllllll Jumbo Size 150 FIRST RIES 16 FLORIDA VALENCIA No limiters rumms 15111011 murmurs 01130103 mrorstirs 011mi 01110115 1011111111055 ry Excellent Tor Juice DOVZ Each 33 15 Head EaVch Cuban No Size 24 Last of the Season New Crop Snow White New Crop No Fresh Green New Crop No1 Fresh Tender Large Bunhec Native Grown Hot House No Steaks unannousmvmc Slalom amounts55 mum comer CHEESE 11011 36 11511 1b llllllllllllllllllllll ill lhs tin V2bchs RED orBLUEBRANDBEEF CANADA FINEST JUAN WELLVTRIMMED TO GIVE YOU MORE lVlEAT WITH LESS WASTE LAKE NIPIQON WHITEHSH FRESH BLUE PlliKEllEL nestt 1211011141 7011 stiiiiii 1115 11111119 vo Holiday Specigls 11l1 Lzlnl ttilil V1 11 11 Zirltctt 11111 111s v1 11111 do 111 11 Mano1 11 Huldl1y 11 min1 emanating 111111 restor 12111 11 11111111 11111 linit Lntnu 311 urnhayp VVV 11 111141 111111111111 lama 11111r 1949 hull Drill iiitl Hudson Sedan 11 VV 1111 sum V1V1VV1V111 11 12141 hr Roy srtl 111111 111111 V1111 11 11 1111 lilitlillg 11219 VV 2V1 11 lynch Mrsrs Manon Arnold 13111 lJlb HudsonSedan itli 111 111111 11 uguhm om itlll1lllt 1111111111 11111111 1111 VV 1i11 111111111111 in 111111 Lulu1 1111211 111111 11111 111 5rd 111 l11111 lllltl 1Z Vi Vv 11111111111 11 1111V1m 1M 1m 11 VAVVVl Vb MIL llll 1VlVl 15141 llItL 111111 11111 1111 Palm1 trlttk 11 ti1 111ss1i 1111 1111 that those 11 11 111 mhm Mi 11111 M12 111 11 111111 111 51 11 11 11 BARRlE HUDSON 81 lilLLMAN MMHCV llml in in 113 1111111111 by 1111111 to 1s1 111 1111 1M 1111 PREVll 11ml 01 loruutr sister 11 1311111 11 Luv 11111 tlitltrtl 11111 lip 1111h11l sllt1tltl 11 11111 11 11111111 141111 111 to 11V1111 who 11111V11111V11 11 111J1 311 11111 M15 3111111 15111111 11 1111 Vmlvllbl 11111111 it 113111141 son 1111 Miss Norma 15311111114 111 11 11 Ulzml 1V nae11 111111111 1111 111111111111 d1 lett ins V1111 tor 11111 111 1V Vf 1VV V1 111V 1V 11 gtiil 11 111111111 111 blsloxna motor 11111 to likf1l1 11111 1111111 VV VV VV IV 111 MVV HMVVHM oakground 11111 1111 1111 sent day His1 Wle 111 1VV1VVH11 1V 14 N1 111111111 eiuoy 111111n Rant badly 111111111 811111 111 Vm m1 11111 11 lane 111en 1111111 1111111111 1111113 IIIa 11 111111111= V1 11 PM Vll 111 111 11111 111111 111 1111111 111111 111115 11mlL winn ulxl 111111 wrll 1111111 now it wrll l1 too 1111 111 111111 11111 11111 11 11 crops and berries but 1111 11111111 311 VV AV ll WUHN bk lMlMblhKl iigt li 3111111115 111 WH 11 VVV lor the month of June the 111l1s11utt Mon to 111111 free The June meeting of St 111111gt 111111111111 111 11111 111 motor with each sub 111 111111 111 llll ll 11gt111 llllill WA was 111111111 Mrs T111 hid1111111 and 11 111 VV VVVlljhl VIMin In MIIHNIW wry 51111111 Itlllltllttll in 1111 1111 111 this 11111111 June 311 thh VT rimVimilvdtnw mi 1111 lilxllilwfi IVHL f3 Inilker 1111 also otlrrina 1t 1r11tl 11111111 1111113 my entire M11 1111 MI 311511 Dlmltll 101wrr mm ii stark of rultur tin1 11 it it ronto 1111111 111111111 Day With lltld 111 the Fall Mrs looting 31 11 lliYV Mil111 willle 111111 11 ll llHKllln pd Um It ht M1 111mm 1111 mt11 and Mrs tirrol 1111121111 prov111111 21111111i1 1111111 111t11 l1 11 11111 11 V1 121 1111 311 11111111111 1111111 111re enjoyed lavimrwilmt Vim My llV VV Vii 1V 1111 11V V11111 11 111111 11V 11 11111 ltrady tor 111111111l1t1 111111111 11 111 211 1111 11 1111V11V11V1 11VV1111VV111111V 11111 V11111 Vunlsdrim IVHmUXM 111m All 1111 ii 111111 i111k1n 11111 Mimi ill VVlVV 11 11 111111 11111111 supply of hay loaders mow 11s s11l1 111111111 11km sulky lx duh 11 in 111 VI 11111 1111 1A 11111111 1e Mr and 31 11111 tin1111111 1111 gm 1111 111 111 Hills hinders err1111 siparatuls 11111 lasr 1111n l111111s ext 1w 111 mm anally1111lll1 IMl Klltu lhl liorton ol 11111111111 1V111 1111 VW LVVVI VVVV VVVVV Vi 1V11VV1111111 11 11111 11 11arents Mr 111111 Mrs John 111 Wli lNVlllI NH lsl lobon Mx and Mrs las 1111 IdeI WM 1111 11111111111 111V111u1 VV HVV l1 and on over our stock 111 11ui 11111111 11 111 all D0Nm M1 Ill 91111111111111 at 5111115 MI and M1 15 111111 Vl uh 11 prison and why Mr and 11 111 largt stock 111 r1 parrs are carried 11 111 llllll 111 11111r 1111 11 13 Mrs iurnrr and dilution 111 l1111 11111 1111 1111 11 VV VHV 11 V1 Im mmm Hld 12min Al1111111 at llalbrrts Mr and hurch litltUlllttl ll1111 l111111 VVVVV Vi VVVVVV VVVV ii 11 111111111 11111111 111 Mrs ll Langdon ot 111111111 11VA 1111 1111111 111111 1j111 111111111s111111 11111111V 3111 VV HVV VV 1M 11111111151111i1w1111 11 1111U11m1 1i1iLK1uzns Mix and Allh tioruun an 11=111 11 11 on gt111111t1 1111111111w1 11 121111 11111111211111 1111 11 11 111 l1l mark 111 1111111113 1111 111 1111 Dmm ll 1tt11111 1111111111 111111 plum ii Midi md mnd 11 Stewarts 11111115 11111111111 111111111 The s1l 1t1 11 11111 ior 11u 11 I1 I11 tiil hi lull IALKSMI loonwuuhl R5 IAIIIHXRS 11 111 11 111 111 1111 ommunlty shower lt WWWV 111 111111 111111v 111 llllilihlhuilu 0111 Phone Moonstone 31113 in Monday owning pleasant orhctt Reaches 510th lear 1111111 1111 111111111111 1111 mm VVl llVVrVVIVlVV VVV VVVVV VI VV 1111 111111 111 lo111 111 and happy social 1V1nt took place Hearty congratulations to And 111111 11 11 1111111 11 lV11l 111 Wm 11 Customers Corner Please dont keep your coniplrzias about either the food or service you get in AP stores to yourself Tell thcm to us We know that most peo ple are not letterwriters If something doesnt please them about store they simply take their trade else where gt We dont want thatever to happen in our stores The men and women of AP try to give you always the best food the best va lues and the best service But perhaps we fail you once in while and in any case there is always room for improvement You will be helping us make your A13ltP store bet ter place to shop if you will let us have your complaints and suggestions write Customer Relations Dept APFood Stores 1315 Laughton Avenue Toronto Ont llllllllllllllllllltllillVllllllllVllllllllllll or Roasts 1159c ITS 111 IlllllllIllIllllllllllllllllillllllll rm1

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