clubs producing URSDAY JUNE 23 1949 it H6111 11101 6000 ICC111E 1111 HAVE rig1 gt941 134 510015 LADTES AND econome dusT TO MAKE 1T HARPER WILL PLAY WITH ooxwe THE LITTLE ampere ARE MSHFULN 1b pmzero HER 11 111111 BOWLING ON THE GREEN Barrie Increase Lead In Berger Cup Play I111 11111111 in constant use WILL GIVE THE PARENTS 211 Wit1 IV The follow 1111 are the officers 1111 year and they have planned an active scalt son Dr lrcsidcnt Frank lrcsidcnI Vice Spicrs lcrkinsp Secretary llarold T111111 l1easurerl llarry Armstrong The following are chairman of the various com mittccs Greens T1105 Mitchell Games larrin increased their lead over Malcomson Iotlrnamcnts Allandalc in Berger Cup play on Ihursday at Allandalc when they scored 11 4112111 triumph The win ners now 1111111 11 round margin of 123 over the 1oyeir chain 115 Ilaylwas vcry keen with both miraculous shots loni Mitchell and Jerry Quinn IC Ihompson For the Ladies Club the follow 11111 were elected President Mrs CTOaSy Vice President Mrs Stewart Secretary Mrs Hewitt Treasurer Mrs 101 and Thc club has been increased by several new members and all who Barrie dropped seven13nd to may b0 111101051111 Ill 1110 game 111e Clifton and Wes chb hence los 111 close 11gt game that on back as Ilarry teamed with Gordon former member of the Beeton club and procccdcd to dump Walter 31yliss and llchelby 158 Andy Malcomson and Elmer Thompson combined to beat Reg Ayrcs and Vera Sharpe of Allaiidale 1811 for the final count Barrie Lawn Bowling Club Off to Good Start Since the playing season was opened on May 24 the greens have Better Value for Your Dollar at ALLANDALE MOTORS Barrie 1111 have try cordially invited to come out and lhc mens opcn com Milne petition is held each Monday night Spencer and the ladies on Tuesday nights 11 Wednesdays the district tournaments are held while Thurs day is given over to the Berger trophy games held alternately at Barrie and Allandalo greens On Friday nights the mixed jitney tournaments are held alternating between Barrie and Allandal greens open to all members Thel executive extend an invitation to any service club or lodge who might wish to put on tournament If they will kindly let the execuI live know in advance arranged merits will be made to prepare thel greens and give assistance in makI ing the draw Notwithstanding the hot dry 71610191115er COME YOU RAN OFF IN SUCH PANIC Ste TE BARBIE EXAMINER HARRIS ONTARIO CANADA IVAN SPEERS FANS FLYERS illY WillIS 1L Ln oOT 331111111115 111111911112 ZACK 111111111 tlktkl 1111 1111 sncxs as DIDNT WANT EM TO see THE 110155 CUT IN THE IPitching Star ENSO ZANATTA product of $11111 Marie who performed 101 Barrie Junior Flycrs last Win ter is quite sensation onthc baseball diamond On Friday while pitching for Gore St Merch ants in tthSoos senior baseball 1001 he established new record as he struck out 23 batters better ing the previous mark 0117 set in 1947 He faced 39 men 5and registered an average of twoand Onehajf strikeouts pcr inning At Iii one stage of the game he whilfccl six in row weather Mr Mitchell the chair1 man of the greens committee has the greens in very good condition and good season of play is an ticipated It youhave the slightest doubt about your tires have them examined now Dont run needless risks Take Odmage this 12k of Our Special PreHoliday TIRE CHECKUP SERVICE We baveitlie menIhe equipment the facilities for prompt and thorough examination of your tires at very smqu cosll to youand Iorquick economical repairs ii youneednthem 1111 car called for 6nd returned promptly If your tires are in good shapinweIIsOy gt so If they requiierepeirs well tell you the cost If new tires are needed we can supply and recommend DU NLOP humanizedrises 7241011 Road service Batstones Tire Service Maple Avenue at Elizabeth Street PHONE 3922 BARBIE FIFTH STRAIGHT BRADFORDWINS HOME GAME 95 Bradford scored four runs in the fth frameto down Churchill 95 Friday at Bradford for their fth lstraight victory of the South Sim lcoe Softball season Some heavy clouting byithe win ners and superb pitching by Steve Simone was too high wall for Churchill to leap They made Igame try of it though despite never seeing the lead Bradford talliedthree times in the rst inning for 32 margin land collected another pair in the third Churchill rallied hard from 111811 point on They placed men on the lsacks in every inning but could Only garner singles in the fourth fth and sixth fourrun Outburst by Brad ford in the fth proved to be the Imargin of victory Simone only allOwed six5hits while youthfulDon BrowningWas tagged for 111 leyd Giffen with two doubles and single was top man at the 514 BOWMAN SINGLES BEDMEN WIN 43 111 1111 1l11 Zifll 1111111 111 111 11c1111 1111 15111 11 111011 111111 111111 111 1111111l 111111111 111 5111 11 1111TI 11311 1111111I 111111 IIII 13111111 1111 111111111 11111 111111111 IIIL 111114 1111 111 111i151 t1111 11 IE1 11111111 1tllt1l 111111111 11111 11 11 11111 Iilllzl 1111 111 cl 111 1111111111 walked foil 111 1111111111111 1111111 1111111 15 111 ruppoit 111 11 121111 11 1111 mi 11111111 1111 1114 1111 111114 1911111 111111111 1111111l 19111 11y 1l lead in 11111 111 1111111 1111 two 1111 and 11111 111 121 11111111111 and lines 11111 11111121 1111111 1111 51112111 111 I1iilt111lx 11111 11111 lli111y W111 11111111111 1111 151111 11111 back 11111111111 111111 1111d11ll 1111 11 111111 i1111111 the 1111111115 111fore 111111 lc11 poppd tip for 1111 thud 1111 11111111 1111 11111 score 111 the 111111 lirucc 1111 Worked Sin115 for 11 111111 111111 1111111111 111111 sinnlc 11111111 1111111111 Ililtli 1111111 counted run in the 1111111 for 11 1141 rcoi l1111 SIILJIF 51111111 1111 211111 double 111111 1111gt1i11 11111 plate on lulencc 111111 11s ultiiilc Iltl 1113 1111111111 was obtained by Don 111111115 who lived on an error 111111 kcorco 111111y 1111 laul Mcueri triple There was no scoring then 1111 111 1111 sch11111 111111 1111111 frame 11111 Ivy counted twice to break the tic 11111111111 walked 111111 chalka 11p 11 run on Howard lIiuw leys 511111113 who 111 turn 51111 1111 on Iran Spcviis siliizlc lilycrs 111111111111111 11 comeback in the 111st 1111111119 11111 1111141111 work 1111 111 his own cause led off with onwbase blow llc scored 1111 Jimmy Strachans second hit of 1111 lllllllc to narrow thcdeficit to one Strachan i111111agcd third on an error to l11co1k who allowed D1111 1121111115 to live chums jaunt ed down to second on the first pitch and Myers had runners 111 scoring position with one away llowcvcr Spccrs took the situa tion IIIIOIIIS own hands Herrin ncd clcaiHip batter lziul 311111111 and then proceeded to retire Bruce Kerr on strikes Ivan Specrs actually won his own ball game Besides smother ing Flycr rally in the last in ning with SUNSHIIUIHII pitching he punched out two hits to lead his club in that department Danny Poland 1311 Hagan and Jim Slrachan garnered two apiece for the Flycrs IVYBanting if It Brawlcy 11 Laycock ISpec1s Braw Iey 2b Hogarth ll Davis cf Ilcr on 53 Speers 3b BARRIEMcArthur 3b Strach an lb Emms ss Megcr Kerr 2b Loni rt Emms rf Feltis cf Poland If Hagan UMPIREllap Emms Ivy Barrie 11100014 QUESTIONABLE BELIEF NO report of an eagle carrying 011 child has ever been substan tiated Scientists estimate the lift ingypower of an eagle at not more than seven pounds TuAiswav MOREFOLKS EAT KELLOGGS RN FLAKES 11111 111111 111111 11111 11 c2111110021 l11t 11111 111 HT 11 11111111 lttl 111111l1 5111 11111111 11 13 111 11 1111 11 tl1 1311111 11 1111 511151 11 11 1111 4111111 111111 111111 1lt 11111 21111111111111111111 c1111 Thu nus Wu 11 1211 111111111111 111111111111111111 II11 1111151111111 1111111 111 1111 1111 111111111 81111111 1111 with 1111 with 22111 1111 1111 11v1ii 1111 111111 111 1111 111111111 1111111 111111v 111111111 two 11 1211111111111 llhllllllIS 11111 11111111 1111111 111111111 Iln 11 ll 1111111I 1141 1111111111 1111ltI 111 1111 1111111111 111111 2213 1111111 11111111 3111111111111 111111111 11111111 1111111 their In 111 111 1ci1 111l 111 the 11111tlz111l11 1111111111 1111111 111 day 11 Stu11 l111 as 111w gt1111111 ed 111111111111 11111111111 11111111111 1171 1Ihe 11111111111111 11111111 11cl 111 11119 11311111 club 11 511111111111 feattiic of the victory lininiy 11111111111111 who produccd terrific 11111111111 chore 11111111 tlast vcck could do little to pre vent the onslaught on 111 11111c Meanwhile Ilclttlltttfvilll1 1311111 kept 1111 Ijlcclricians at bay 1111111 the 11111111 11111111 when they 111111111 for 111111 runs Legion 1111111 Ia 31 lead in 1111 first 111111111 111111 extended it to 111 111 11111 gt1 cond lliiy UlllHUIItl CGE T41 111 1111 fourth then 11111 cd 511111111 111 1111 111111 111111 51 more 111 the 1111111111 Shannon 1111 Russll 111111 Scott sliiiied for 1111 11121111111 whil lcd and Lloyd King 3111111111111 11111 Les Marlin were 111s1 for 1111 i13 EARLY IOltll IICLLING Fortune 1111111127111 curly 111111lt was highly cstccmed and is 111c11 liotiil with rckpccl by lliny Arm 1111111 and other ancient 11111 RENT NEW CAR and Drive it Yourself Call 2772 BARRIE DRIVEA CAR Company Limited HERTZDRIVURLSELF LICENSEE 69 Collier St LOOK MOM Heres quick easy breakfast feasting Sweet ripe berries fresh milk crispy akes animm goldenmEItinyourmoutli Kelloggs Corn Flakes Lightyet nourishing Every spoonful comes up brimloaded with avor Good energy food for happy days work and play Put the package on your table Give Dad and Childrenthe right start the bright Service youdid plate for the winners Hewas fol lowed1by3KenTupling and Steve Simonewithtwo each Jack Constable was the jleading hitterlr Churchill smashing two ebnsecutive doubles UMPIRES Kneeshaw plate 1G Kneeshaw bases gt IINDIAN COMMUNITY HALL Blood Indians have newcom CARDSTON Alta CP The munity hall on their reservatiOn near here It was opened by Allan official of the Indian Af Ifairs department who was made Blood chief with the title of Fath er of all Nations The Blood re Iservation is the largest in Canada lwith 450 square miles BEARDS MAKE COMEBACK HUMBOLDT 8391 CP Beards are coming in for 101 Of attention here recent meeting was called to discuss steps to be taken against nonbeard growers It was held of all places in bar ber shop startstart em all eating Kelloggs c1111 Flakes tomimow Great for self any time Youll be glad grO SCORE WRIGHT my emWW 2211 We PAGE PIITBN wwmmmr vwrvn m1 11ch YOUR BUDGET HELP ITSELI By 11111111111119 Cylibstinghousc Pt IS Proper Food Storage lli111111tc 1ste 11111 5111111111115 Keep leftovers 111in 11111 Icinpt 11111 11I1 Desserts at 11 Home Iluy 151111115 in 111111111y1111111w l111st Irius TRUE TEMP Reliigcrator Deluxe Model 1171 with 111111 MuiikceperIllass topped Iluundritwcr Mummy Super Freter SlurIlni roc Ic111p 0111 111111111 kiodem Cookery USING Wstingliouse AWEOMATIC RANGE 1111111 111111111111 is natural with your new 1111111111xc 11111111 Range Fiveheat surface Itlllttllw 11ml merely three give you everything 111111 1111111c SIMMIIR cooking lllll speed And the fully automatic men 11c11 111111111 11kcsall the guesswork out of 111115111114 baking and menLooking t1 record 11111111111111 Tier Clapperton 51 Phone 3432 1111 mean WE youngONLY 2511117111 one BoxW tom any package OF 165110665 CORN FLAKES 1111er basede action fun thrills Play baseballanytime Sport this keen live action BASEBALI GAME RING Looks like handsome jewellery41s miniature baseball gametiidden spring acts as bat You snap secret leverpingeball zips into eld for one two three bagger homer orifeut Ring is made of sturdy metalplastic bubble covers baseball diamond Printed directions and scorecard included Order today For each ring mail 25c in coin and box top from any package of Kelloggs Corn Flakes 171 KELLOGGS DEPI52A LONDON ONTARIO CANADA Copyrlglitl949 by Kellogg Company of Canada ltd