Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jun 1949, p. 13

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we oAgricultural Rerpresentative Explains Cooperation With Eederation of Agriculture 13 STEWART PAGE 13 vmls lllt Uniario tiipait Canada which eventually Lt ntiib utes in helping to meet IULtzl prob This assistance cssarily limited to Canada as lheie is considerable exchange of infor mation between Canada and thepnrtmeni and the federation are some ennui villlkttllly llllrlcblrtl in problems of it igilculliaai im 51 Siiiacot county Willl the ob Jutt oi bringing close to the farm tlgt some of thi seriices that are 1ullillt through the department giltuli assisted and stniiulatetl by Liiirtill til organization the Simcoe county lttltlrillul of iliilli llit liltizl ttltt UT llll Oll tit1tllliitll oi 11111 hind it is vast field of research Cash and Carry ARTIFICIAL ICE SABIEANT Cole Al Water Front agi DAY JUNE 23 1949 and lliltllt has ll1tillllltll ieprrsrntatih Sri lems USA 1m 1hr pssi 111w years the work Great Britain of the Ontario departzi cn of 11 tl lich1$ ioit in 1111 MAIN 1113 been strong overall farm tillittlilitii mu ture agriculture and the Simcoe county federation of mg ituituir gtt considerable lltlll Hora the piovmcial and dom inmn ltil tor their program in Federation Wm WNUHUH Uternvm imprngmmul vii Ar llit liit ll tilitt lliis Jttos 10 ill Inn ll various ltllllllllltlllF and branches uelpli in both the provincial and domin uni ltpaitimnts of iiunriltmt hr MM SUIW mmer ii at up mion lfl hath ht culture been PURE the Simcoe The MARY STREET erable function of 100 William St Elect WCulloch We stemming tor us in 24 Years mew Willslimelvr inane j14years istoo 10119471 Ii Therefore iii Dufferiii Simcoe Be represented returned soldier Published byDufferinSimcoe Liberal Assn experimental Work across and to the SilllLtw ftdtsration of agricultuie atiuiittcd IXWltll pauplt is oi course of may ly much younger oiguutratioiLmr importance and the drpuitineiil is strengthened by leadership mu of agriculture places tt11gtldrllllt particularly the Canadian federation of aparttil lWUlk mill lUIHUl lhllllCi Uitliilllid One need only refer in this itions connection to 11 t1 liannarn the 101 Ulk mm thirdly Ulldtl 13 President of the Canadian Fedoraidtlmlllmlll Ellclllun xul county provincial and which this iilil tlilitt lroducers very close working relationship belweeu the federation of agricul illitfi 11W lllllkkd 11 lurmmh lturc and the department of agri iof the local community it is only This close association hasrm pronounced in the educational field For nearly mress is made it has been rcptil1l 10 years now both the federation itdly demonstrated that if the local produced foundation seed by Nb and the department have used the Simcoe county night class program ias major channel of education the secretary of the federation be ing largely responsible for the co ordination of the various programs It is obvious from made that the pattern of wordin ated educational communities county much worthwhile There has not as yet been airy conflict or overlapping of the pro grams of the department and the federation even though they both use the same channels to consid extent particularly progress activity through follow ed been main the federation is to Do the Job Yourself Floor Sanding Machines and Edgers for rent by the day or hour Also Large Cement Mixers and Wheelbarrows rircrnic Nuns FOR WALLS OR WOODWORK FREE ESTIMATES FOR SANDING Provincial Floor Service Phone 2950 provide leadership and ditrctiun in farm oigaiiirxation work while the dcpuitiirciit of ugiicultuie conceit nol hertrutcs on ioblems of iuductioii 1J soil coimivntiou and general ag fricullurnl education Both the dc llllalltrlllil The educational it rain wrtli stress on boys and girls club Here again while tins jun 01 AgyiLlunu 10 111mm lent cooperation is received from the Quality of leadership in the It ltlilllltll month the county So tar as inc departa playing such 1m important part in gin youth an actch part in their of programs and even in the dtllull Af otmt land the local branches endeavor to mental projects many of the lead cis are officers of the federation In Simcoe County there has been if 1111911111110 Simcoi county much stress neighborhood groups where things really happen and real pro approach to problem is weak it does not matter how thorough arc Iflees tn interest at the community level is keen this will ultimatelyhim to strengthening of the Kfiwrall county program Progress made 111 the last ten years has been excellent in the verv main and in sium cases almost spectacular Willi this in mind we are at tempting to list few of the do velopments in recent years which occur to us as important The list given will not be complete and not necessarily the most important events lossibly others may help to fill in the gaps and round out the story JUNE 11 1940 Organization of county federation of June 1940 the Simcoe agriculture Organization of the in Simcoe county Fall of 1940 First Cooperative Packers of On tario Barrie established record in export bacon in 1940 Seed potato production was re vived in Lafontaine area in 1940 Cooperative spraying of potatoes was introduced there First boys potato club in Cari ada to follow the tuber tmit meth od of planting was organized in Lafqntaine in 1940 by the agricul itural representative office in co operation with the dominion seed potato certification service SIMCOE COOI Simcoe District Cooperative Service was officially opened Jan 29 1941 421 In February 1941 Guthrie Co operative Sporting Co cleared all indebtedness from their new rink First Cooperative Rink built in 1923 was blown all over the couni tryside by cyclone in 1935 the new rink being opened in 1937 3K gt3 Simcoe COunty Council contrib uted $6000 to agricultural im provement and farm organizations in 1941 not including the reforest ation grant it Coopcrative Chopping Mill at Lafontaine was openedSept 22 1941 Seed Cleaning Plant was added the following year federatioi the plans made at the county of the other hand it the first series of community night class programs Fifteen seed potato growers adopted the tuber unit method wed production in 1941 following introduction of this method by Boys Potato Clubs This repre sented the birth of the Simcoe County seed potato trade Huecured tobacco wu grown on commercial scale in 31mm jccuuty at New Lowell in 1942 30 Littcs being harvested Alliston Farmers Cooperative and Grading Station opened for busmrss July 11 1942 Latontaine Credit Union received its charter Sept 1942 Organization of Orillin Farmers viioperative October 1943 Simcoe County Council celebratv ed its 100th Anniversary in 1943 under the Wurdenship of llodd tlrst preiiident of SimCOe urounty federation of agriculture to NIGHT CLASSES Community night class program sexVice expanded to reach most centres in county in 1943 Ninety per cent of Copacos pork products value over shipped as export to feed the itroops 1943 r0 Federated Farmers lClub purchased 20 earloads of igrain for the members in 1943 er unit method in 1943 Simcoe county soils committee was organized in 1943 its first re ptrt being presented to the county lcouncil in January 1944 Tooperation on farms of Sim coe county reached very high ilevcl in war years The increas ingly fewer farmers on the land in these years exchanged their limit ged supply of farm machinery freely 110 help each other out and pro duced an alltime record of agri Iculturnl production for the County at time when it was most needed Stayner Farmers Cooperatlve C0 completed twenty years of ser vice to its members in 1944 5011 SURVEY Simcoe county soil survey got lander way in June 1944 North Simcoe seed potato grow ers association was organized in 1944 Norsinicoe brand was regis tcied in the name of the depart merit of agriculture for the asso ciation and start was made in developing an export trade in seed potatoes with the USA 12 car loads of and FA seed potatoes being shipped to the States of New York and Michigan oh Fiftyone growers participated in the seed potato competitions 1944 too County School Health Simcoe Branches of the county and the federation of agriculture assisted materially in promoting this ser vice North Simcoe crop improvement association issued its first printed annual report featuring seed po tato improvement projects 1941 South Simcoe Association stressed cereal grain test pasture improve work An uptodate seed cleaning plant was added to the Simcoe Dis trict Cooperative Services plant 1945 RURAL RECREATION fulltime trained rural recrea tion director was obtained for Sim making it possible Introduction of calfhood vaccina tion in 1945 marked an important forward move in the improved health of cattle it Simcoe District Ayrshire club held its rst red and white day at Oro Fall Fair Sept 1945 to First Cooperativg Packers Bar rie did business of approximate ly $3000000 in 1945 Simcoe County Council contrib luted $10000 in support ofagricul ture and agricultural organizations and $8000for reforestation in 1946 II Vote on the Ontario hog pro ducers marketing scheme was tak en in November 1945 It This marketing scheme came in to effect April 1946 It 200 MEMBERS Simcoe County unit of the Maple Cattle Breeders Association was organized Oct 10 1946 Member ship in this unit is now well over the 200mark 9= Foundation Seed Grain Mulu tiplication Committee was Organiz ed in cooperation with the Dem inion Departrnent of Agriculture Seed Inspectors office in 1946 and established the production of seed grain in the county on sound basis Simcoe County Winter Fair was held at Barrie Dec 456 1946 This Fair featured in unique way the variety and qualityvof Simcoe Countys agricultural production BASS LAKE Bass Lake Park 85 acres was purchased in May 1946 with the assistance of federation of agricul ture for the rural peopleof Sim coe County Simcoe County Womens Instill totes joined in celebrating the ftieth innnlversaryof the found ing of the first Institute at Stoney Creek This anniversary celebra Fortyseven seed potato growers Service was organized in 1944 ment and 500bushel potato club coe County in 1945 Federation of agriculture assisted materially in TE BARBIE mm BARREL ONTARIO CANADA lHOSPITALlZATION ipLAN pars BILLS $51000 MONTH Three years ago llir Srinctw County Federation of Agriculth started cwperaiiie huspllhlllu 5lion plan This cooperative now iincoiporated 11gt Sillitw Cowper llin Medical SriVlLtS provides fltospttul benefits for prison in Sumo Luunt The 3144 iueiiibeis ul this Medn iciii coopciativ lite scatter rd throughout the county in 33 111 lereut groups Group lillllll farm lultltlis womens institutes cotniiatuiity lcdeiatmh groups farm stomps school teachers match groups minor farmer pitting and several others Simcoe tovbpeiatiw Mcdicui Services is now paying Lospitai billx at rate of about $1001 pct month This represents more Hum 75 per cent of lllt amount paid in premiums by members In recent years some lluspllulllu lion plans haw increased rates in an etlort to meet the rising costs of hospital bills owner the Simcoe cooperutiw lllir endeavor ed to maintain its low premium rate by holding ceiling on bene ts There is still constantly increasing percentage of the prem ium income that must be paid out for benefits Affairs of the coopcrative are conducted by an elected board of directors consisting of nine pct sons Annual nuetings of the membership are held to vote on policy and financial matters An Office is maintained at Dunlop Street in Barrie First prestdent of the LUtlptrd tive was llay Lougheed Barrie who was at that time President of the Simcoe ounty Federation of Agriculture George adogau of Barrie is now President and the directors include Ray Lougheed Barrie Past llresident lysou Langman Huwkcstone vicepresi dent Wood Alliston Slmpkin Strouil George Brown Bradford Mrs Cole Al liston Mrs Gilbert McMaster Utopia and Gordon Taltlwell Shanty Bay ed its charter June 16 1947 Simcoe County llog Producers Association was organized Febru Iary 28 1947 Courin weed inspectors were up pointed by Simcoe ounty Council ln 1947 to supervise the war on weeds Sunnidale Township led the way in municipal spraying of cattle for Warble Fly control in 1948 start was made on several building projects at Bass Lake in June of 1948 ti LIBRARY YO01 Simcoe County Library Joop erative which was first organized as quite small Library Associa tion in 1940 had circulation of i90091 books through the 19 Ii ibraries 15 Deposit Stations and 175 Schools cooperating in the service in 1948 gt Simcoe County llcaltli Unit un der direction of Simcoe County Councilwas established in July 1948 Club award at the Royal Winter Fair in 1948 with yield of 733 bushels per acre and the high ovey all score Gordon Bidwcll Shanty Bay established an alltime high yield ofpotatoes with an official yield of 745 bushels per acre Simcoe County Cream Produc ers Association was organized Oct 1948 ll Forty acres of tobacco were grown in Tiny Township in 1948 Approximately 1500 acres of flue cured tobacco were grown in the New Lowell and Alliston districts this year BIG VOLUME In 1948 Cooperatives in Simcoe County did big business Copaco exceeded $3500000 Simcoe Dis trict Coopertive Services came close to the $1000000 mark and Orillia Farmers Cooperative reached $500000 it Beeton community memorial re creation hall Guthrie community hall and Jarratt community hall were opened in 1948 These com munity services are adding much to the enjoyment and valuogof rural life North Simcoe Seed Potato Grow ers Association reorganized as Cooperative on November 30 1948 receiving its charter at that time This cooperative exported 42 carloads of seed potatoes to USA during the past season In of seed potatoeswere sold locally it Jersey breeders of Simcoe Conn ty organized local club early in 1949 The rst Jersey Show will be held at Barrie this Fall in INNISFIL PARK During the past ten years con siderable building and property improvements have been complet ed at Innisl Township Park which was purchased inf1922 mak ing it valuable recreational asset Cropi Improvement Assoclatioiis of the County celebrated their 10th year of service in 1949 These As sociations have been most active there being 73 worthwhile pro jects in North Simcoe Association in 1948 and Similar program car ried on by the South Simcoe As sociation it Weekly afternoon agricultural meetings were inaugurated in Jan uary 1947 at Vasey ElmVale and Orillia In 1949 these programs extended to double program at each centre the ladies being pro tion took place at the OAC Guelph in June 1947 Weary Bass Lake Coioperative obtain vided with aseparate program and Midland and Guthrie added to the list 01 communities enjoying this servrccJ 2lt Eric Gallaugher Everett won the Provincial SOOBusliel Potatol addition approximately 14000 bags PAGE ELEVEN he uozrxu 15ltcS and the tile Ontario 111 MRS JAMES BELL BOARD MEMBER in FARM FEDERATION LleIlllci of agricul lcrl inter Lilitht vn We Tm ronvcner uf tot leis activities tit ttzt11 cuiie iiso Weizmij achvitics the county Itdzlalwn of titre member of thi worm11s lic advocated ture is Li coiniziitiee reprtwnimg Ag wchqu lit 23311 fro rural women or 1211 board of di 10 LlklltJIt 1tl Chris 13 ill 121111 LZalril rule Illa 5111 igt The Convent1 of Hits torriziitlrz JIM Th mm lcw in itn to always an an 11211 is guru lu loitiaty wormi illlllt Mm mng luipost oi tln Ulfilltillct kiep lllr 1101111 informed of the liillll Jullllc ldkilig piukl iii XHH ll i7pr fl iutLil wotiirn orguliiLatiotis and EM LIN at $11 an ll 21 cam 1U bring lo lite board ittuiiuiielixl LU Id Hind London utions and suggestions will these organizations illt toii1iiu hints lllu bulild bringing lilluli iliult to Wtirtl ml Zlu icuiii No one lllltlihlahdr better tin problriiis 111214 our ill iii connuumttts than Ill uiltll oi thesi coirriiiariitim lhire ill many agencies set up to assist 111 these problems and it is the job of tire wiltileils Acliilicgt cigmizizttec to see that llltn agencies are intro dared to rural lulliill The committee the importance of good wiiolesoziie to creation in out lie and in the lives of our cliiliiiuii iiid lllllt fore has assisted lllt county lttlt ation Ulllnllllic 111 its work lil gt ever pussrble The committee 1t commends the use of farm radio forum in discussion of social agri UNITY BEGINS wait YOU Bring Spring Indoors are your liestcrtiilds and Occasional Chairs Repaired 51 Recovered Strntford Upholsterlng Co For Free Pickup And Delivery Call EplettsFurnitirreElectric SALES AND SILRVHII 139 Junlop St liarric Unl PHONE 3721 1tigllt LLci Make your ballot count for strong united Canada under the leadership of Rt Hon Louis St lourerii VOTE F6 GREATER SECURITY for you and your family INDIVIDUAL SECURITYEmployment trade income are all at new high levels Taxes have been reduced New factories new developments of oilinineral 1qu other natural resources are creating more wealth more jobs SOCIAL SECURITY The Liberals have put through all these social benets Old Age Pensions Pensions for the Blind Family Allowances Hospital and Health Grants Unemployment Insurance Floor lrices under farm products The Liberal aim is nationwide contrilmtory oldage pensions and contributory health insurance NATIONAL SECURITY The Atlantic iact against aggression and war has the complete support of all Liberals Rt HonfLouis Laurent was one ohmimi strongest advocates Canada stands united anti ready in cooperation with other democratic nations to do her part in building peace and security SAFEGUARD Your SECURITY YOUR STAKE CANADAiSFUTURE VlNSERlEoBY NAiioNAiiuiEizAtcoanEg nEEcrfj Gladstone snvicoc NORTH msnnrnn 3v snucon norm LIBERAL ASSOCIATION urrie ill In DUFFElRIVN7SIMCOE Vote to Elect liberal Candidate Richard INSERTED Bv DUFFERINSIMCOE LIBERAL ASSOCIATION Qn

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