PAGE SIXTEEN rxorlALs Jul 115 of social events sad or March to and from Barrie llv ir appreciated ll departman liliiNl RH ist uvvvk lflf luzce lg tilll xqzl Camilals has been elected illst Girl and Gerald Patterson li5 inn clcctcd Hiad Boy of Btl lk yral 194649 1an till1m in this honorary lmlli lillflzlixli in May at fil conclusion of all manor school itllllgt as the highest honor nllcli ls awardcd to any student 2hr studclit waited and is int litl for participation and leadl rlslllp ll school activities together mil Currplffllloll Willi fellow stud Ills ilzli staff gellerol lleportlncnt ud amdcllllc stalldalg litcry studclit ill Grades Xl Xll nld Xlll is asked to nonlin lc Ullt girl and one boy from lilHiL Xll or ill only students of Glade X11 and XI llerligiblc this honor by the rulcs of the alumni tlt iif 15 llillill is tilll ill it Known From ths primary ballot the 31 will JOHN llltlllNSN its uphill Looms of lllt two boys and the itlllti of up it dc lfl12ltltll of lrh lids lltl lzrls who have received the it llirlu ill hm 41 ll llzil illl iltltlollll lllsplla Lust nominations n11 placcd on Hil of lr ill ll ballot lhesc fiw arc graded lli 2tl lnlicpcndclltly on three 1l=1171ul3 lit no basis first on vote by thel iri ri All llllllwl ll ll lllsl ilv Vll lllltllls second from grading VtxKil liilelillih in mum by Stu and third mm mm lztilllllil rzlalllllali All lhili lelLJllillllll lt llh lllil lllvrk uzl liitl llelltl fl low lon if llwl 541 lll tola rgulg All Lilla lilltl lit lulu lli llli tlnll was lilit llll llll lzlll til ll ldci lltl lAilll sold Illcn Hllllll ha lll ntl Add with or ihc tilllilwl lli um ii Ilm John Buckley who was Vll ll And Mr oldalncd lll St Michacls Cathed llillnulll lullhdziy last lltgtl cousin of Miss Longlllilsl lal lolonto on June ll returned um Luofloxrn and Mls llzulii lmlislltlhi 20 his native parish of St Marys Dray and Monro lhc ghosts liltt ll pally lc Jul flawJle lllmx ltl lllh mild Barrio last Sunday June 12 to luitlyordalncd pllcst spokc brief 93 Ruth huh lil lllhnkgt lilll tor huulzo lo nllrml lllt rtl snip his first solemn mass par dun lhvi Nll lo lulrll llyillllirvulLlllm 3lltlllllll tolling Wth sl llllpuon lllltndtd by many 1tllll if ill iso llllrlltixl lltltlllll llcllrll1ln Um 31 lllli was llll on the Dcancry grounds tXtLllllVl of lllt Richardson rc lld llill llouil lttawa on Sunday afternoon in Father lllll ti llclzunw of llzlzt Milh lmlmul wm lluclllcls hollor VI mm Mg mm sldc Drive on Saturday owning 11 Hwhm rrangclnlnts for the Blilh ollsc Jwill ODUIlncll of Ottawa gt was acon at Flthcr Bucle 521 xl llldliltg lll llllollilld lost of tlu llllbllltSS inclling Mas tirst solclnn mass and Rev lilltllullii lid luiiiilhllltixQltlllU Maw SSHlNl 3113 Allkc Mmh Bay was Sub tt mm 35 Mum com ghrwli loflcsllllullts and pprltc dvacon Assisting ill the ccrcmon lmh whim hen 0mg Jmt W115 Sptnl sotlztlly lor partl lcs wcrc studcnts of St Augustlncs HQ NH 53 his le culars of picnic scl onung Ewnls Shiningnu 13 OBrien Rev Ice Cream limo ihhwlohi llm Wad Hamilton 13 Marchand Miss Mullolh lonzllurst loft on JIQRlfIPfndf 313 IIAYIGll 810 llollitalllc Firth MacKcnzic lSaturda for uccks holiday ill illlll8 llwf Ill and Coatcs hilaluo Vulo tillitshc Will he plmlghhlfl4THgtI lnIZKKL Tho largo congregation which llllldtslllilltl at tho lltlllllt Smwhu 5mm IUnl Mrnddillco thc church for the 11 oclock Ilium Multir lllr llllllt 1F Mm BU Wndcd Emu mass tlt particularly impressed mu cxcrciscs last wcck Mary liynno Jill Sllglnll or the mass by not only hcaded hcr class and got lllUUP 0f SCllllntllllmS Ingram the general proficiency prizo but lltlbllillllt Fournicr Breen shc won thc school championship Alcorn White and Thomp ill singlcs and paired ill doubles sonlorganist in junior tcnnis Former associates of the legal profession which Father Buckley was member of in Barrie for sllort time before entering the am Candy lil IAINIT ST YAmWaaux mamau nC8 in sommary teachers from the Barrie Collegiate Institute where he re Mr nnd Mrs Morrow of ceived his secondary schooling and Stayncr wish to announcc thccnrepresentatives of the Barrie Lib PPMum IF gagclncnt of their cldcst daughter rary Board were among the guests United Churc Burton Avenue United Dorccn Julia to Mr David Edgar at the reception and mass Former liVlS MAO BDI Church Rodgers son of Mr and Mrs classmateg Peter Kearns Joseph Minister li 35 lutford mil Choirlnastcr Rev ICarclcr Minister 1391ng 0f HWlwlOlW thelCllruso John Murphy Jr and Mr Dcmoscy Organist and mama kt 911m allV mlllichael Murphy were ushers July 41h Chou ltllcr MK and Mrs any Ham Rev Lawlor of St Marys lnolld loronto announce tlic cn vlV SERVICE ll lllll lVlOllblNQ WORSllll Constance May to Alan John jltarhad been beautiful decent Shouldr Mr Clifford Pugh BA lloscgood son of Mr and Mrsu Klllythe 1llialn lr lntcrlncdlato and Sr Alan John Hoscgood ltadisson ed by the Slsters of St Joseph llcpartzncnts Sash tllc wcdding to take placer address and presentahon at St Michael alld All Aligclsvele made to Father BuCkleY llNF WW am Nursery BOllllntS and 41 li Ill ltll SCHOOL ljmmf Church Wychwood and St Clair aluor llltclllltdlle Ave Toronto Juno at scven oclock up Give Presbytery Reports MI Ernest Davics HorncpayllciAt Collier Meeting lIl 1045 1111 Ont wishes to announce the cnx zZl gigcnl3l11 his daughter Dllhli The delegates to the Presbyterial Nora to Stuart St Clair son ofmeelmg held in Creemore gave Sgt Call 3d thCullal MFEtheir reports at the June meeting 91 113 all mm of the Womens Missionary Society Contra United Church SOiVOlIOh Army page to take place Saturday Jlllyof comer Street United Church BEWELL 60 COLLIER ST 11 ll131015fyn11 fugiMrs Lewis reod Mrs Lloyds IMinister The llonleiof Friendly Worship 15 10 065 mpon 0f the mommg sessmn and Capreol announce the engagementsz ls legOly told of the after Tll73 LENOVER Srclpldm md Mrs Straclan of their daughter Junc Aileeninwn meeting and the interesting fhoir Leader RegN to Mr Robert Hugh Bauerl Mr SMITH SUNDAY JUNE 19 1949 son or Mr and Mrs Wilfred BauerJijgiign put by th 0mm Organist 11 hmgnomNEss MEETING Hornepaync The marriage willl Mrs Parsons presided over 230 pmSUNDAY SCHOOL take pace on Sltmmy JULY 9lithe meeting Following the re 700 pmSpccial Fathers Day 1949 at oclock in Trinity Angli fports of the secretary and treas con Church Barrie ll IilOllNlNG WORSHIP Service All lllVllullon to Fathers lillborll MA PHD Soloist Mr McDowell blurer Mrs Sinclair told of 46 calls ion the sick and newcomers and norm on furlough from Thurs pmrome League Thurs 800 pm Midweek meeting Mrs Atkinson reported 11 calls CNlNG WORSHIP Only stranger once at the Army on associate members Mrs Cumming read the final ll llllllllllti 11 10931 you Summer Bible school starts July ill lluillllltg for the Christ 4th 930 alm Send the children chapter of the study book telling of conditions in West China as 22 result of this war which had made the need for missionaries and Gospel Hall 19 Parkside Drive Sulliol Depts ur llns Class ci lcginners and JUNE 19 1949 money greater than ever before Mrs Maxwell thanked the mem bers at the meeting for their help de iand interest in the successful Mis as ii ays parade we were sum Band tea hosts to both the Army Cadets and The president mentioned with Sea Cadets in friendly competi regret the death of Very faith tion on the rifle range at the arm ful member Mrs Joseph Graham oury and the showing made by Mrs Graham was present these junior sharpshooters was ed with life membership pin In very gratifying indeed The armylmaking the presentation Mrs Par liUllCll SCHOOL lhc Gcllcral School litilliCIS and Primary vllloGolls House on His Day ILL2 St AandrewsPresbytenan llsv JAMES FERGUSON BA SUNDAY JUNE 19 1649 AM BREAKING or BREAD PMSUNDAscanOL AND BIBLE CLASS Minister cadets though better marksmen sons spoke of the approciation the Mr Craig Hamilton Organist and pmGOSPEL MEETING had to concede Victory to us by two membersfclt for her faithful work Choirmader Wed PM prayer Meeting points due their inability to turn the SOClety and the 1055 at her Welcome Seats free No Collection Wt compme team 0f fur men daparture from town The aif cadets garnered total of Mrs Allan C00k 100k the W0X 180 points the army cadets 173 lm SerfIce that032m being and the sea cadets161 points Out Thy Klngdom come MYS cal of ossible 60 the leadin scorers 50 and Mrs DObson accompanmd werepas followc by Lloyd Tufford sang two num bers during the service After WNW JUNE 19 1949 lliiwcciilhlUNION SERVICE FREE METHODIST ll nanTHE CHURCH SCHOOL hmEVENINGWORSmP Church R138 DliRlAlde fAsrgWWleD HI prayer by Mrs Otton the meeting dwmual Sunday SchoOl and Con 200 Bayfield St e1 rmy Gllmy 9105 Will the benedlellmr uicriicnil Picnic weanesday Phone 4572 my Pi orsyllck All 50 MrS Stewart and her committee Halfyard Air 50VA Veitchserved tea from fan attractively Navy 46 decorated table very creditable showing was ltgt mad Std bth adt theyfoiirlilerdatliicplhirfllliglitsiiiidiri1 BCI CAMERA CLUB FO Wigg for the RCAF PRIZE AWARDED Squadron on the occasion of their parade to the cenotaph on Air Force Day Arrangements are now being The BCI cameraclub has com made for grand nale next week pleted very active season Though when the squadrons activities will the Club was Ofinle lWO Years come to close for the summer ago itsactiVitfes had to be some season and all cadets are requested What limited because of lack of ac to be on hand Friday June 17 to commodation At that time the only obtain the waiver form required available location was the school to be signed by their parents and kitChen Which waideal as dark returned to theCommanding Ois room but inconvenient in other car bcforgbejng allowed to enter ways The club has found the the aircraft Dakota Other events cience store room very convenient are also in stole for those making ce the installation of the new the trip to Camp Borden air sta cupboards and sink last December tion such as having supper in the Members of the club have been ailmens mess bowling movies very busy taking pictures ofsehool and visiting the canteen prior to activities of School classes indivi the return trip Transportation dual students and others The dei will be arranged but no denite mind for these various pictures aEv AND MRS ministgrs SUNDAY JUNE 19 1949 July 6Springwaterv Park COME TO CHURCH rm runein loocnuhaxio uh lo GRACE GOSPEL HALL gum and Life Gospel program 37 Mary sheet V200 pmSUNDAY SCHOOL Evangelistic Service 730 lull Thursday evening prayer meeting and Bible Study 745 pm Strangerswelcpme Come and wor sUNDAYiUNE 19 1949 not zimBELIEVERS MEETING 945 amSUNDAYF SCHOOL pmGOSPEL MEETING EVERYBODY WELCOME gm Collier Sr Baptist Church Independent AREV MITCHELL Minister First Baptist Church REV LUCK BA 131 Minister Miss Elsie Cloughley ATOM Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY JUNE 19 1949 950 amSUNDAY SCHOOL SUNDAY JUNE 19 1949 11lmMORNING wonsnm 12 noonBIBLE SCHOOL pmevangelistic Service 11 am date has been set at the time of haskept the club very busy gal Merino n19 ggmwncy or Preparedness and Emergency this going to prom La fan Waters altered pm As complete inventory check fine prize for the best picture is being made Shortly1=by arr Olli takgn by membtr of the camera ter frbm Command al cadets who clu during the winter of the boats willng ggg have not yet turned in their great on Barries water front John Mur coats are again reminded to do so plhy IXC has been awarded Mr this Friday withoutfailh Watgrersprize ghtidot Weariness iA uly 4th cordially Welcome Church delivered an impressive on Ml THE EXAEHNER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA litilhwwlmd Cl JeanCarruthers Head Girl Gerald Patterson Head Boy JEAN GERALD ARRLTHERS PATTERSON llxlf iLatltllllC stzilzliuig thin grilliltlgs arc lolllbillcl llid llzr airliner ls dwlolui lttill of llc tmai scorc lo tillilld lattcrson wll go tllc ll tolkburll cup ind hi Jean Murillols lhc llarold Whitc llo till Harold Wind is follnrr Sliitlllll who was dcllarcd lclll boy in his llllal ycar at ltl Aim this yrar Joan and braid will llith lhc honor of rrprrslllt ills lltfl at lunchcon lllil Will to bc Lchi on young cltllclls days August 27 at Toronto tXllllllllllli luo outstanding students from carlt school ill bclllg iIlVllttl to this lellillgllll by the dzrcclor of willlillls activitics Jill evJohn Buckley Honored ill lull ll oi tlliuu inltlr loi llitllct lir on bcllalf of St Marys lllt ish by John Woods KC Cancilla Brlnnan lohll ly lfl apprcciation of lilo kind lIlV ors bustowcd upon him by tho pas outvoltown friends and relatives tor and the people of Barrio and trau llis first blcssing to thc as sclnblcd crowds chcral young lallics of tho So dality of tilt Blcsscd Virgin Misscs Margalct and Joan Brcllnall Lor ralllc Hctlron Ruth Gillcn Maisio Barkcy Kay Grccnan Roso Can cilia and Joan Strachan assisted with tho scrving of rcfrcshmcnts Mrs Margarct Gillen and Mrs Brennan poured tca ltcr Dr Crosslalul and Rev Moss wcrc prcscnt rcprcscnting tho staff of St Augustincs Somin ary 0thcr priests attending wcrc Rev Calcy llcv Mor cau of Aurora Rcv lllpltlll of North Adjillil Rcv Haycs ot Mount St Louis Rev Doylc of Edmonton Albcrta and Rev Brccn of Toronto Vcry Rev Clair Dean of Barrio was toastmastcr at dill ncr held in Father Bucklcys honor at Baystairs Lodge in Allandulc on Sunday On Sunday June 19 he will sing the Blessed Sacrament In the evcning Fathcr Buckley ofliciated at solemn benediction of high mass ill St James Church Toronto whcrc his mother Mrs Buckley and his sistcr Mrs Mary Higgins now reside TERCENlliNlRY FORT BURNING OBSERVED iThe 300th anniversary of the burning of old Fort Ste Marie on thebanks of the River Wy op posite the Martyrs Shrine was observed by special outdoor piremony Tuesday afternoon June Among the distinguished visi tors were Dr Sidney Smith presi dent of the Univellsity of Toronto Blackburn publisher of The London Free Press Wllofcssor Fred Landon vicepresident of the University of Western Ontario and noted historian Dr Rolph of the classics department Western Wilfrid Jury of London prom inent archaeologist Franklin McDowell CNR public relations director Toronto and winner of the 1939 Governor Generals medal for the besti historical novel Champlain Road Lomas vicepresident central region CNR Warden C7 Evans KC County of Simcoe Mayor Oliver Smith of Midland Dr Mc Phee MPP Simcoe East Robinson MP Simcoe East Clarke Barrie president of the Huronia Tourist and Historic Sites Association Cranston fdrmer editorjol The Star Weekly and retired publisher Of the Mid land Free Press Herald Kenneth Kidd of the Royal Ontario Mus tulan Dr Smith Prof Landon Mr Mc Dowell Mr Robinson and Dr Mc Phee addressed the gathering briey The chairman was Rev Father LViLally SJ director of the Shrine Among the interested aud ience were 30 studentsmost1y Ins dian girls from St Josephs School at Spanish Ont Others present included Nettleton and Walls Bar rie Rev Lunch SJ retbr ot the Jesuit sgmiliary in Toronto Rev Father Joseph Dwyr SJ mission priest at Cape Croker Very Rev John Swain Jesuit provincial and manyvisitors from Midland Penetangandv the H111 onia district Father Lolly in his remarks said it was 300 years ago that day al most to the hour when th Walls of Fort Ste Marie were crumbling and smoke was rising as the Jesuits set fire to save thevfort from the Iroquois They left on rafts down the river with the re maining Hurons and built the sec ond Fort Ste Marie on Christian Island Father Lally introduced Vi Rev John Swain burning it the fort To celebrat that seems paradox Men like to celebrate victory bpt not defeat The speaker explained that great spiritual work was begun at Fort Ste Marie There Was no will of rgpurrectionsmaterialln Father Swain declared This hallowed spot belongs to all Cali ada The Jesuits are the privileged custodians of Fort Ste Mari We on gathered here today to com memorate the destruction of great Christian outpost of early Canada This was defeat the THURSDAY JUlllilfS l949 Fathers Day JUNE 19 Military brush and comb set Cuff links and stud sct with sllnulatcd stones REEVES lEWEllES 76 DunlapStDIAMIH1lvllIBCIlANOp Post Oiiicc June 13 Mr and Mrs Spccls are visiting thcir daughter Mrs Gib bins Stroud Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Davis on the arrival of new baby boy Rev Plckell and Mrs Pick cll of Thessalon visited Mr and Mrs Jennott on Wednesday The Innisl District Orange Lodge service will be held in ChristChurch Ivy on July at 730 pm The anniversary services of the Presbyterian Church will be held on June 26 Services at 11 am and pm Weekend visitors Mr and Mrs McCormick Mr and Mrs Pratt at Harry Bantings Misses Irene and Jean RundeL Mr and Mrs AlchRundel with their par ents Mr and Mrs Rundel Mr and Mrs Black of Barrie at Earl Hir ons SpeersMiller Wedding COngratulations to Iva Spears and Ileen Miller who were married on Saturday June 11 1949 Property Purchases Wlcome to the two new resid ents of Ivy Mr and Mrs Rundel have purchased the home of the late George Henry aSpeers and Mr and Mrs Art Haywa who have purchased the property Of the late Richard Pierson Womens Institute The June meeting of the Wom ens Institute was held at the home of Mrs George Carruthers on Wednesday June Roll call re sponse was How to be good Citizen There were 15 members and two visitors present The Mary Stewart Collect was read by Mrs Banting The usual business was given careful thought delegation was appointed for convention to be held in iLefrOy on June 17 Plans were made for the Canning demonstration early in July The program convener Mrs James McDermott on 1Citizen7 ship had vry interesting pro gram rrplanned sevral readings land talks being given Mrs Lee Banting read the Ten Command merits taken from the bookrof Fifty Years Acllievement Mrs Mervin Martin also read the Ten Commandments written by the Junior Institute Mrs Applegate rad an article on Howschools are conducted in Northern Ont ario FrOm this Mrs McDermott turned attention to Newfoundland Mrs Jennett told how it was discovered Mrs McDermott gave talk and conducted ageographil cal quiz on that Provmce The hostess assisted by Mrs Thomas Lee Mrs Ap legate Mrs Mervin Martin and rs Harry Banting served delicious lunch The next meeting is to be at Mrs Clarence Hogarths on July 20 but the natural human sorrow of Father Paul Regeneau who order ied the burning led to great spirr itual results It was just as today when Canadas hope is hanging on spiritual values As the Com breaking defeats practicc munists have been sweeping hall the world there have been heart In Canada materialism and atheism must not be allowed to gain control he said We must hold fast to Christian faith land It Gwen Vorilhin Ranger Many styles and prices in Gruen Vcrithln invision dress watches Waterproof sliockproof non magnetic Pierce Mldo Cer tina and many others LOCKINGCOSTELLO Rev Hunter officiated at the wedding of June Florence Costello daughter of Mr and Mrs Frank Costello of Toronto and Linwood Locking son OfMl and Mrs Locking Toronto in Westmorcland United Church To ronto Given in marriage by her father the bride wore beige wool ga bardine suit with brown accessor ies and carried red roses The bridesmaid Miss Dolores Murdoch wore biirgundy suit with match ing accessories and also carried red roses Mr Corbett Gray was groomsman Following the reception at the home of the brides parents In dian Trail Toronto the couple left on motor trip to Northern Ontario On their return they will reside in Brantford ChainStores nus TERMINAL PLEAS mull lll lllllllilllilllllll Illlllllllllllllttlllliiit till lllllllllllllllllsi llllllllll Sterling silver ash try and match holdcr itll signia Desk poll and pencil set on onyx stand Service guaran FlWES for the Artistlcally Designed by llarlis Flower Shop 99 Dunlop St Opp Queens Hotel Quadrupole EAlejEw inocERr mammal FIVE POINT PROGRAM rim CANT EB BEATEN LHIGHEST QUALITY MERCHANDISE 2LOWEST PRICES possmm sFEEE FAST DELIVERY ANYTIME 4PROMPT commons SERVICE 5TROUBLE FREE PARKING CONDITIONS There Arc No Parking Meters At Charlotte Dont be Satisfied With anything less YOU DESERVE THE BEST WEARE LOCATED AT THE CORNER OFOOLLIER AND CHARLOTTE TnEEE anon BLOCKS EAST OF THE nun 5544 mm