ports enough to compete favorably will retain Its present value Simone North DufferinSimcoei Hon EARL ROWE PAGE FOURIEKN Slides At the Canada have law The Busid of liltilttl Siftlt llitt ixc plzsliiil iliiaisti 112111 itt llil gttllit CANADIAN if gtl illil llatoid IIIR 11 Written For The Barrie atnincr By RAHE ARMSTRONG iiit exactly li the patttrtiiiit ltltt reipmcs Hut 111mi t1itt31ili litiytis tziaikrt and tailing Il1tt to tie mile to Sell coat What ls tiie 1c1111vtiv1 tutiiie v11 fliitaiii llie gov111111 tt hopes on the Ibittiit cited to 111 ciease iXItZl to t111oii ate the limpI SIII Ele VILLI lJlllttlt 1s land 1l up in lttllllllil ioi liiitisn iypoiteis Iiit Ilt liin Irv ii II Illll1 pi ice Success il Kmmnnl NH WIN 11 11l it no takt llii up W41 sin exports to tanaua izitc on WH 1cetiini 10000000 pounds year 11 iicli still llt gap of Ill loil11s ate Biitains linen 11 1i WWW mm lloilats ati il1l as steilini 11i oiitx 11 met other softe111 1a iiie and in pIIlet dollat ne ruin1 North Ann111 uiititln tittaE lltil Iii tilt 11111 Iltl ltiiess can gap by intteased dollit He shall Illlti IiitlsilHs not only 1121oIeto tliiik 1t inning addition iItIc palm iii 11 attiiti tin ititiii I11 g1ittiottt bt otjei to on lrlilltl ilt at the pie etit tale lat No min the 1i1eii my dip HWWCJHI slackening ti lit Ill expel 141 Illifr lll be stem iwui ilzllni vxpwud mi Hmm niiit Iiticiupiojinttit gthlllililgttt tltlll tlllltllt lood llUlll dollai totin Hm llmmhlf Div if lml tiies could not be inipoiteil Willi sz mm ilvill I11i1 luildlts iav itizitetizils llitll My mmwl keep much of Iiiitains Industry The pound at i1eit Is valued mung mum 11 171 mum at 3403 Some piopiviiczits ill din vIh punl 5m valuation sucgcst hat alte of Hilts probably 11it the titWtlllIllIll Its aggressive can and must atti tiule iowziitls winning North Am tlltii Itt lllllisll Iiiiliils ltt lntis the 1111eiiti1111s he 5mm Anwmnns an mummy tween three Western powers and mvsml mm 10w 1mg llussia on the llerlin problem were value of theb1111nil Lntil Britain lmmi YUM Wm SUSSIM convinces the world that the pound wkvml mp Iiic most encouraging sign to Its of tlevaluatiotis vtll pctsist liIIW HHIIHIL lib This hurts the export hire In lour diplomats is the fact that the United States market American 19010135iilttimlnllinu $3 rate at which pounds have heeii traded on free money iiiatk ets Iotilii reduce the prices of ex 111 Iltc North American market business men question why they Mere restoration of lizitmoity in should buy lrttish goods now the ittltlilll capital is not the ob wlien In few months they might ieet of the sessions llotli sides get them cheaper believe with itppililitttl sincerity This attitude has been reected in the decreasing momentum of the drive particularly In the liiitel that way of lite can he worked out The greatest lilllcttlly in recon Nonwrcn UNION LITE ame265 Zy ANDERSON DISTRICT MANAGER tor Dunlop and Hayfield Barrie Telephone 4760 The best background man can haveAdequate IIIII auce NORWCH UNION itioe 411 in liltSt days make good lizif eaiiiittm il goods Itoni t1tt11i1 lint ttiiaiiic cilsni IISL lllillllllll Montreal 1111 station when he cI to ice amne the ground Attet the arms of the two gioitps llllill the llig built is not tii piobleiii of iiti to organize Ber lzii as hillklt city It is iatlici the ipieslltill of whether any one poIrer can be permitted to acts of the cty government or elec tieiis of city government otlictals it lillgt$iil gives tip her inststenee 1111 the veto power Within the citys municipal goveititiient because other considerations tnake It advtsnblc dual city government with two currencies now exists III lleilin After the blockade last year riott eis drove the elected antiCoin inutiist government out of the City Hall III the Soviet zone The Western sector held new city elec tions iii which Russia refused to participate The present strike of railway workets in the Western zone of Berlin by which the city rail sys tem has been paralyted for two weeks grew out of the currency1 co titlict ACCUItllilt to weekend reports the Russians are considering the of force if necessary to re sume trallic 011 the citys railway system The decision followed fail ure ofa conference of tlte Big Four military gtiVLlIIUIS to settle the strike In the face of these problems in Berlin administration the Big Four diplomats in Parts are be iieved to be discussing how sin gle city adininistiation can fitne TIIIs CAN BE THE DAWN or our GREATEST DAY Canadians have never willingly elected to power government which has failed to remain faithful to the democratic principle of free enterprise By their insistence on retaining emergency powers granted for war only the Liberals have confused and frustrated every branch of our economy by mass of everchanging orders and regulations Canadas future your own future and the future of your children hang in the balance 0n june 27th vote for the Progres Wsiveunservative Party which will insist on government being the servant of the peoplenot the master TAX REFORMS $2500 for married increased by $200 unnecessary nuisance taxes will be abolished FARM SECURITY nouced well in advance of the production period SMAll Eusmess allowing the Canadian dollar to nd its own level BETTER SOCIAL SECURITY We Further Pledge Family allowances paid attho sumo level regardless of the number children Immodluio completion of the Trent Canola highway IOTE FOR IOIIII Emmith HIGHLIGHTS OF PLATFORM Income tax exemptions will be raised to $1250 for single persons and to eople Allowances for dependent children will be present heavy sales tax which Cuts the urchasin value of the dollar by more thail the tax will be sharply retl3 We will ensure stability of income to farmers by the enactment of permanent oor price legislation We will incor orate into the Farm Prices Support Act denite formula for arriving at car prices to be set only after con sultatlon with representatives of producers Floor prices wglialygays be on With skyhi taxes owners of small businesses have been left with far too little of their prots to carry out desirable programs of expansion We will grant exemptions to private business where prots are reinvested in enterprise and expansion Wewill also encourage business in general by We will make available to every Canadian by Contributory Social Security Program Retirement Pensions it 65 without 11 Means test sick mess and disability benets extended unemployment insurance benefits with payment for lost time due to accidents or sickness free market for gold Gevuntnonl omvoganuland ln pond spendingswliibo tut The dovbiopmontol nutumlnsoums to pnvldolohl for all Those are binu mi IIID mm Important atom of 1115 Progroisivo Coinmativs Program For our complete program all your local Programs Coiimvnlivo om OPCANADA unmask AVE wan1IIA need JULIAN FERGUSON Simone East WE IIIIIIIIIIE I4 HA0I Veto It will be Xtltltltlll around the hose and Iteaitis about provided 1111i 11 defying iIII SIIA lll=tlol Ilio tililil ed in rescue hint lie v11 ziiialiv caught aiii put iii 11 wire ca ioti without haiitinu the interests iot lllt four occupying powers Meantime iii iitia about 000000 glied soldieis were Iepottctl IIIVlt mg south at the weekend toward the Nationalist ltltilltt capital at Hinton atitoir according to Informa tive siiuices has about 300000 men for liltllilllli Itself oininunists iftilttS driving on the city are div ided into two armies whichjilan converging 1111 defence point about 300 miles front anton paring to move down the China Coast to capture the port cities of ltoochow Attioy and Satow troops reported within 30 miles of looeliow are meeting almost no resistance Winner of this years British Derby run at IIpsoin Downs was Nimbus owned by Mrs Glenis Ier atid ridden by Charlie Elliott It was close win For the rst time 111 the history of the Derby the race was decided by photo finish In this running the 17001 Armour Drake cante second and Swallow lail third The race was over distance of IV miles Nimbus took record first money of $50000 Sunnidale Corners June 10 The WMS met at the home of Mrs Jack on May 31 with good attendance The meeting opened with prayer by the president Mrs liougheed hymn was then sung Glad Tidings prayer was given by Mrs Gibsonltoll call wasfan swered by the word Love Mrs Burrows gave an instrumental num ber which was enjoyed by all The topic from the 4th chapter of the Study Book Enter China was ygiven by Mrs Risebiougli Plans were made for the Sectional meet ing at Sunnidale Corners on June Mrs Keefer of Toronto was to he guest speaker Prayer by Mrs Giifen after aphymn closed the rmeeting MrsyEd Rule and Mrs Giffcn served dainty lunch bK June 10 Mrs Jardines brother Mr Molli son and his wife from British Col umbia are visiting friends here Anglican Womens Guild va MrCranst0n who speaks in the United Church on June 26 anniversary services is retired ministcr living in Toronto and great favorite with many of our older members Shes Happy Kiddy Lucky little Marion Sutherland age went last Thursday to Mur rells Motors of Bradford opening evening and having ticket No 271 gift won Westinghouse auto matic roaster oven valued at $80 Shes happy kiddy today Bond Head Anglican Guild TheBond Head Anglican Wom ens Guild met last week at the home of Mrs Dan Wilson with fteen members and three visitors present Devotions were led by the president Mrs Wood After the business part of the meeting was disposed ofqui1t patches were worked on and contest was giv en the winner Mrs Madill social period followed and the whole pleasant afternoon wascap ped by the enjoyment of sumptu ous repast provided by Mrs IWII son United Church WMS The United Church monthly meeting June of the WMSwas of Mrs Worsell fwestpfthevil lage vahere were some 60 pres cut as it was joint meeting with Beeton Miss Wallwin gave it gave good paper onpSabbath Dbservanc followed by busi ness meeting and roll call Next month we go to the Lak to McLeans Cottage by bus and dont forget the Strawberry Festival Notice later ltgt LAFFAVDAY Im teaching my wtfemhow to mnp 1Icnly litAid liiindtcds of voices once lletilatn liii his Iatoiitc soap opera TliOse lll jziitiittettr llaiis tiie fletllaiii Ilus iIIt1Iidcd as Another oiIiIiiiinist army is pre Red down rhAMA More Automotive Engineers use SunocoMotor Oil held last Thursday at theliome splendid talk Mrs Hutchinson Reprinted lrom hlc tuned across tlt dial and suu wha seemed to be all talking at about tillfezv tzt Stiblccts snoits the MCI Ibtoiid cast listetai and pioinptly tunes realiie IRIth that they ate operatots or The next time II hear tune tl c11ettiilix stations the know and sepaiate one of usual transiiii5sion iay be like VEISAIII Vll NI ictiirn itig Roger 011 your transiiiissioti Steve The rig here hasnt eliziiigv eil any still running the tilii wttli Eli watt input This soil of technical gosSIp can and often does go on for liottis About lieie the lltl thinks Won tiet what all that is about lloly smoke lte almost iiiisueti llig Sis ter and the smooth honeyed voice comes in Use lilankety Blank soap flakes and make white cloth 1s winter The remainder of this article is those ll1s who haw listened an explanation to and attempted to understand An amateur or llaiii radio operator is It man who has successfully pass ed one or two examinations set by the Department of Transport lladio Division lle has learned Morse tUflt and practised to speed of Iii words per minute or higher lle has taken practical examination In the operation of ratlio receivers and aItd an oral examination on radio theory He has paid fee of $35M tllil has signed declaration ofi Isecrecy He has IthItUVtl operI atcd Morse code for one year in order to qualify himself lladiophiitie operation lie has liought or built his own Itatts tnitter and comtnunications relt lllic $0400 question is Why The answer is not hard to fitidi if you are content to little time and trouble and be come for short while SWI or iSIIOIl Wave Listener It is hobby pure and simple one of 3010 finest of hobbies because it isl inot one that can be acquired by moticy alone You cannot buy Ilam ticket or amateur radio li iccnse It takes some hard Work Iiilill til lilflltlilllrSS 111I good lizuiio It lsetnp itiiiividzial Amateur Radio ll II IHSHDLM l1111 1itc1t11i tiltl llihl il Lili ilaktiiitixetass iia twllllil 111i lI1 ilatn The Camp Burden IIILcII 11 will heat 11 in WW mm kIlJinl llllll tinder 011 sot titin be My 11r pottien to tin ll iattio 1mm lJ Ilt 11f I1e it in ii1 Iil dl lot of thin Lllt 111 input of JVIHJIIIIIR spurt Is one This is one place whcie ttieic ate v1 ij it tgtldi Itl llll that anyone 111 llil to etlial tow potnt cuih 11 11 Ilaiits to almost 11 lllilll to cit11 an itIpe1Iut iziessagw that they how3 be asked in li1l=tllt No chart igt ever Itiitie Ioi this surviv Not only are tatiatiiitti liain fiiendly to each other but tht llaui spttit cmhtaccs all other Itilill 111s iii any cotttztiy no Ilia tci what his littI or creed As an e11nple oi tlii it 1ry famous llam luiiu iiin fioio St lliotiias IIIIIIIIH itti Liliotii liltllhlil llaiii l3 who as emigrating to an Jitii bzouglit the matter to the attention of Ilte OilllxllIIi llaiiis with the result that the lliitish lilltlltIll and his familyl weie met on aiiivai small apaitiiieiit had been located until an iiitertiii jtil had been found for hitii so tlat he wouldnt have to usn his savings while telling this benringsu Things like this are each events and renitinerat ion coiiitnutiplaee amateur expects no or thanks he considers it in light of duty he owes to hi coiiimtiiiity and country word to those whos radio picks up local llam lhe coni iiig iii on top of Wally Trowthcr Iransinitiersiis that you and he are too close real reasons for that voice together The small Al set poorly shielded will not reject the strong amateur transmitter The maker of it small condenser Illl resistor forwhicli if placed in the circuit will let shunt this strong signal and Wally Ctowilier roll along Itudis Iurbed The fault lies clearing tip iii the trouble There are twin or three enough information by anyone interesled gel ftirther tacting the writer lt INFANT HEART HE The pulse of newborn ute ilie ACIX has left out iii the re ceiver and for all tins he has reIeeiver atid talk with the Ilain eeived not one cent of payment will usually pave the way for Ihel local spend lllams here iii ainp Burden aIId may coii infantsi beats from 130 to 140 titnes initi 11 tivet1iiii ktniivlitige IIIURSIMY JUNE 16 1949 Samuel Rose HARTEIIED AIiOUNTANT 09 Collier Street BARRIE Telephone 4949 Have your hesterlields and Occasional Chairs Repaired Recovered Strutford Upholstcrlng Co For Free Pickup And Delivery Call tpietts FurnitureElectric SALES AND SERVICE 139 llunlop St Barrie Oni PHONE 3721 Investing by Mail In these uncertain titties it is more important than ever for Illi individual to maintain it careful check on his or her investments Your enquiries by mail either for Investment advice or relative to the purchase or sale of securities will be promptly answered and in this connection all ileliverios of bonds or stocks either bought or sold can lie eoIIIpIelcil at your llaiik at Ito cosl Io oll IDIAND Surnames LED Huron lirie Bldgw 50 king bl csl London Toronto DETROIT SURVEY 111mm thanziny other brand Impartial survey among 513 foremost automotive engineers in the Detroit area shows more of them use SUNOCO Motor Oil than any other brand SUNOCO Motor Oil Motor Oil 777 77377 Wf2f M10 Motor Oil Motor Oil Motor Oil Here arethe leading brands of motoroil that Detroit Automotive Engineers use in their cart PROLONG tantrum ENGINE CHANGE M010 all if 7i AmOng the nien who design and build automobiles Moron 01le DYNALUBE IIIEIIcunv MADE Bring Spring Indoors gt SunocoMotor Oil leads all others ii loruseiirtlieir tars