99th EiGHI E2213 lnlLR grinmnjpgr ivmiavurv RECIPE IIINTS UNITED CHURC QWMS REPORTS TOTAL $13192 Try Deep Dish Peach lie for finicky appetites Dish Peach Pie hes in well itttttg llttll lli sugar iitti lltt ttede ac Eth Servo 5inlle straws noon SERVICE KEITH YOUN 74 Sanford St Dial Barrie 5040 Old and New Floors Beautifully Sanded PROMPT RELlABLE SERVICE Free Estimateso toitwiozitl1nt llt tti tl lt1I uzttproini rj second ttitl ttll limit l1iit llama mirth loroiito liitit l1 tilti Tlic Rowan propc and asked ti normii to toi ti Roma La littIl prayers lss lean lloll irst tell Ill us of sutlcitizv icmciiltr tire ADVERTISE IN THE BARRIE EXAMINER In speaking of The Kit irz Message for June lst The Anniversary of our SecondBusiness fixNa WMM We take great pleasure at this time in thanking sincerely the good folks ollltar ric and surrounding district also our Summer visitors for the business given us rliiriiitr the past two years We have truly enjoyed scri board products made tron lt faction but because of yt itltlf when we were worka because tic snow that Corner up tliltlllS only are giving you satis wal toriszdcratiou particularly in in crowded tillillttlS ttr tusv tittt Now we liavea new iiroiierii tilt or main store it 37 lltailoi Sire over in Allaiidaic we dainties if near bright locatlirifTirTiur th at Clappertun Street and lave it ltlwt Av Co also handling our itiiilpc ll of this will mean betttr to you nd we trust or many years to come To mark our anniversary occasion we have prepared huge super birthday cake Part of this will be placed in each branch on lllllL 1st and we want you our piili lzc to please all in as otir birthday guests arid try it AGAIN WE THANK YOU RusselliBloomfield Staff and Dealers CORNER illliRD BAKERY AND DELICATESSEN 95 it 16 Tina CAMP BORDEN CITIZEN proclamation has been issued declaring MONDAY JUN 49 as the day upon which His Majesty the Kings Birthday is to be offi This day Will yourkidneys getout be observed asa Statutoryholiday Jofarduvyom in accordance withiCAO 1221 finality pullers To DUNLOP STREET Nerf iitrotl itti All vll tuts aozn Japan was welcome gtlt 11 stir rim 1acilil leith anrt itllll groom the son of in ir Mill motile and tire bride is thr daughtrr ot Alisllioiiias lustan and thiI tl voila lhistaii of llowiiiaiiville lapil luesday May 17 Lani they were the happiest rcllt 1l llit world She urged gttli to pray and to pray Eiiri foi the native thristians of liurta Lind lapaii ii iiiiprtssive in 1t was conducted by Mrs Suit ii memory of those tlto been called to liiclter service gtlllllltl the year llc aiteiuoon session got away in Littltieitlll when number of tgtlia ladies put on little play 7ct The Challenge of Modern Mis when Mrs Smith the pris ittll was charged for not attend HIS meetings and Church stititcs and by so doing in delay Hiiz tlie otttittt of the Kingdom of rtlod After calling number of illlltgtt the accused was acquit ad as the hardhearted judge felt tiltlti she too was also guilty During tlie afternoon great nany AilriSltlIl llands recechd their rewards and Avening Mission llantl cave several numbers Miss Rutherford of Leith who has spent some years iii Africa itJitl of her work there vocal solo by Miss Walker of lflttltltitt was enjoyed Mrs lliarrd presided over the election land installed the officers Rev it Eagle pastor of the church iclosed the meeting with the bcnc diction lt lzvut lilemoriam ions New improved Schools Reprinted from EIiil AMI BORDEN CITIZEN New and modern schools for children of servicemen are planned for number of Canadian Army Active Force camps across the country soon it was learned in Ottawa this week They will re houses now in use at many cen tres Largest of the new schools will be constructed at Camp Borden It will provide 18 classrooms lab oratories for physics and chemis try space for domestic science and manual training for secondary school pupils and combination auditorium gymnasium complete with stage Children of both Army and RCAF personnel will share the school The saute thing but on small scalc with only 12 classrooms and gymnasiumauditorium is planned for Barriecldrent and Rivers Man Ari eightclassroom school with standard accommodation for prin cipal and teachers Will be built at Shilo Schools at Shilo Barrie 101 eld and Rivers will be increased by stages as the school population increases The Kings Birthday Jun 49 Reprintedromrr ciaily celebrated para 17 Dr cinzss CHAMPTON placed persons camp ll Eulettbfuniiturelilectric StlS plticc temporary little red school= at Borden Bantam sl ONTARIO CANADA lltc tilgtltltttllsl1ctt organist at lltt bell litriAlillaii to Help Patricia Sir lllltt aiidlad lactltllan of rs llt stiticc took place iir limit World Nutrition Parley Objective Among Scientists lltlAiDl Australia May 20 tRetitersl Specialists in animal and plant nutrition science front many parts of the British Empire and possibly some from tlte United States will meet in Adelaide in August They will exchange information on subjects which because of the world shortage of food attd real ization that expansion of agricul tural and pastoral development in to virgin country has almost reacti ed its limit in all continents have an iitiprcccdcitted significance Organizers chose Adelaide for the main conferences because it is the centre front which much of the recent investigation into animal and platWliiOll has been car ried otit Adelaides lead iii this field is due largely to the muniticcncc of the late Peter Waitca wealthy pas toialist In the early 1920s he be queathed to Adelaide University at 300acrc estate orin four miles from the city with the object of advancing education and research in agriculture arid allied subjects This led to establishment of the Waite Agricultural Research Insti tute which began active work in 1925 Apart front the Waite Institute directed by Prof Prescott the headquarters of the soils divi sion of the Australian Council for Scientic and Industrial Researchl and the division of biochemistry and general nutrition are centred RAISING $395 Thi students of uirtlwir tolltgc donated $393 to tle ntoiian Oi tier of Nurses following their cttttiul tea and of work Saturday itficlilutrli May money raised by iili college every tri Sli lr till other year is used to provide is ca for the nurses Tltc last car bought trom funds raised by tile itltitliilt was in 1910 The sale and tea vcrt lltlLi on2 llti Miss Rena Sltopott was 111 the crandali and House charge of arrangements for the at ternoon large crowd visited the col llege from three to li til the alter noon cuts from nearby ctics such as Toronto and Hamilton attended along with large number of townspeople Handmade dolls tootus of on which Mrs Davis and Missiiarioii illllcti ol the stall had done great deal of lwork were among the objects on sale Homemade baking syrup made at the handiwork articles were also solo Tltc ld lirls Association was in charge of one of the tables This was one of the most succcsr lul sales iii recent years ilIIERE TO HELP The day when policeman wasca boget man to be feared by the small try is passed iiccan be source of great assistance to young people long before they rtcr get into trouble EI1iWOD itinnt tittimiii of copper and cobalt in the pas titres The trouble was easily corrected by applying dressing of super pliospliatc containing small quart titles of soluble salts of copper arid cobalt to the affected grazing lands The cobalt deficiency discovery also gave new life to farms in the pumice lands near Taupo in New Zealand The investigations led to another discovery of great economic ini portancc to South Australia Near ly third of the pasture lands iii the safer rainfall areas vcre found to be so deficient in copper that the value of wool produced there on was seriously affected Appli cations of copper sulphate at the iate itscvcn pounds an acre to affected pastures quickly tcstored character to the wool anipies of the results of discoveries which will be discussed at the Adelaide conference iii August Other subjects include the effects of climatic factors on the nutrition of plants problems of mineral ex cess in soil or plants the influence of the animal on soil fertility or ganic constituents of soils arid so on Valuable additions to the pool of scientic knowledge are expected from overseas delegates who will observers in Adelaide Working in close cooperation with the university these three ini stitutions have achieved some rc markablc results in agriculturel and pastoral research Trace Minerals Probably the most spectacular of these discoveries was that minute quantities of certain minerals are necessary for the health and devel opment of plants and animals The rst clue to trace element deficiencies affecting plants was given by Samuel and Piper of the Waite Institute in 1928 They dc monstrated that mysterious and longstanding disease of oat crops in certain localities wasrdue to deciency of manganese in the soil Later investigators of the Coun cil for Scientific and Industrial Re search found that the fatal coast disease which made sheep raising impossible on certain sandycoastal lt Mirriiicur PM cit morningnds you only half rested still wearyif your sleep is broken by tiui toning and turning your kidneys may be to blame When help your kidneys regain normal condition use tDodds Kidney Pills Dodds help the kidneys get rid of poisons and excess acids in your VANCOUVER JCP British system Then your uneasiness disappears Columbias new chess champion is 27yearoleratvian artist whose hatred of Russia led to his flight fromRiga on fCapitulation Day and to twoiyears in German dis you cm enioy restful unbroken sleep nnd awake refreshed and ready for work or play Gel Dodds Kidney liiis today 141 Dddds Kidney Pills HoLerRINo Bring Spring indoors Have your Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs Repaired Recovereds Stratford Upholstering Go For Free Pickup SALES AND SERVICE 139 Dunlap St Barrie Ont PHONE 3721 soils was caused by deciency The Many of the parents or sttid maple school and These are only few of the ex number about 40 excliidinginany fMiss Stonden Speaker At Central United WMS Stzrittitn who spent xiiiiiaiy lfl China the May meeting Sociev oi tvitt Ltltttti hurch The titlii last Thursday at 31 lrviiig 177 Elmo Til many llt urn141 was lill in Ili repoit on the Presbyterial llttrtillfa ircld recently in Crceinore iwas gm Airs Allen Mrs llttll was in charge of the worship pci rod whose May theme Nrwconicrs to Canada Mrs ltrry prrstdcnt of the group piesidctt over the meeting About 20 inciiibcis were present The intsting opened with hymn 245 itilliiwiti by the Lords Prayer Mrs Kiiupp read illr minutes of the last meeting and lttter from Mrs Alclhrdu Mrs lrviiig coit lrrhutrd Solo At the ltlltt meeting Dr bourn will be the spcaki ll UTOPIA May Air and Mrs Johnnie Denney loionto spent the holiday week and other relatives Mr and Mrs Raymond llrenton spent the weekend their parents Mr and Mrs has Milis and Mr and Mrs Fred Mc Lann Mills One of the fifty race horses cur rently known for their speed on iriiiiddy tracks is called Dusty end with Mr and Mrs Jack llillS with Mail this Advertisement and lfor months supply of GRAINS HAND lOTIUN and liliiAlNE COLD CREAM regular price 8150 new AllCumin cosmiic upcciIliy compoumlal to coutlknd Andin lullMr wd leep ntul mamas skin mouth and wiL San witty now by uling grinning of xlm Ipcrial odcr Pin 51 00 to tilt cduruunxni mil irml along with lRAINE tinnitus vur um uni adding in 3433 Yonge St Toronto Canada MlliliHYS STlllllllS Portraits WeddingGr0ups Commercial Passports Amateur Photo inishing HOUR G3 ELIZABETH SI Mia baby STRAINED Zooooifllim SERVICE PHONE 5440 BARRIE hmwuk M4 HOW 16 JUNIOR FOODS PROVIDiNGrMOREAND BETTER TELEPHONE SERVICE TODAY WE HAVE twice as many employees as five years ago DCCZIITSC more people want more service than ever before Eager capable courteousour operators installers thegirls in our business officesall bringto their jobs the same iriendlyspirit that means vbettcrktelephonc service for you makes it of greater value than most other things you buy In the past fiVC yearslottr payroll has gone pp front 20 million to over 50 million dollars Yet up to now despite higher costs on all sides there has been no increase in the basic telephone rates established 22 years ago Todays expansion program is breaking all records but there are still orders we havent been able to ll We will keep righton working and building to make your telephoneservice bigger bargain than ever to continue to provide more and bet ter service at the lowest possible cost BELL THE TELEPHONE conjoint OF CANADA tlic tf Tven THURSDAY Town cultural being is of Barrie int interest lures the debt of debt year caclt thereof mial Schedule whose