Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 May 1949, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE 1A Wyew gt Alberta Army Unit ff Mode 19 Mercy Trips llcprultul 1111111 AV llll ill llfllilll till1s Bt7lxc1l11 115 RIM r1111 11111 111 11s 111017111 1c111r5 llolnls 1111l1 l11 111111111 11111 Ann1111 Iiislx l11ll1y insurul 1111 1111 111 l11 ll llltlllt factory he cost 111 1111 111ml 111111 is low butlllllcs cm 11 ape 1111111 11111111121 1111i111sr111 Mlllll ll Illllltll t0 RIMES L11111AN 1112111 1111111 Itllxt NTO Sttviccl1i1rstluoughoutCanada lN1IlTANl OMIANl OF llORll AMINFA llali11N1l1 lNlUN15 1IMIJIANY NCRIH AM IHE AlllANtt INSURANCE UMP1N Oi lrtlilDlUlllA IllllADkUllM HRL AND MARth lNSURANLl COMPANY 11111011311115 4i DUNLOP ST Insurance Agency DIAL 3735 The Home 111111111111 Insurance since 1899 11 111111111 89 Dunlop Street Mow 1111111112151 unuzzlxMzxnn Save on your fuelbills INSULAT NOW with GYPROC WOOL It is thick efcient permanentlasts lifetime Soon pays for itself and KEEPS ON paying you dividends in fuel savings Your rooms will be warmer in winter cooler in summerwwith GYPROC WOOL between you and outdoor cold or heat pk lltllllh on 1111 plcwnl 1ri1oc 111 hnw l111l1ll alter 111111111 1311371 1111 111Lg11111l1lc LLlllltlcb such 7111111unics l11e issucll 111111l l11111 1111151111111111ll lllt ll 11111111111111 Is 11 1111l1111 scs lllc Ltlillllls lLllIcl11111l In lllllLlJH 1111111111l1cr 111isl11p illsldt 111 nutxillc 111 llli llUller 1111L 11llltL 111 Ad 11111 los1111111c 1c111111lIr11l1r I111p1111111v l11111 ll11 s111111l 1111l1111c1lt1Money and FIRE1 MARINE CASUALTY Dial 2443 f0 rgef un 11 l1n 1111115717171711 11 ill 11 ll 111111111111 Mariuialc l11sh11to11 1111 111111 113111 Illbi 11111 111111111111 Major Mt1111 11 11 111111 111 1111 111 111111 111111111 1111 11111 curs 111 SAUCERS 1111 TOMATO 101111 111111 201 111111113111 1111111111gt l1l 11111111 1111111 111111 Mtll 1111111111l1l1 gt1l BEAMS Ami supR 11111111 311C LI lAblllNlD IUMIILERS 111111 actual 11111111111 11 11111 BIES 250 31 11111 011 1111 111 Num 111111111 111 411 11w 111 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1111111 1111 3111111111 11111 11 1111111l111 I11 1111 11111111 11 11 8111111 111111 111111 n11 11 111111 other 7111 HAHRIE EXAMINERBARRIB ONTARIO 11 11 1111111 3111111 Kaila1111111 gt 1111111anv 1111111111 11111 11111111 during the past few days 01 th lI Ma1or ll 11 11111111111111 11 1111111111 11111 111111l 111 flu1 11111 11111 1111111111111111i 111 111111111 11111111111 1111112 These 111 111111111 most 111 11 11111 3113111s11f 111 1szt1l 111111 11 111 oi 111 11111 11131 111 111111111 1111111t1111 111 11101 19111111111 nit ofcter1ns 1raontheLake had none so 1111111 111 1111 111 1111 CANADA mnrsrii NOTES 18111115 HARDWARE 11111111411111 111111 111 11 1111 Ii 11li 111 1111 PAINTS r11 11 l1 ll11 ENAMELS Gals WlII KNOWN BRAND IN ijj 1Vi l1111sm11111r 11111111111N12 1111 11 11111111 111111111 LANllLRN 1ll1111is 11 11 T11 111111 1111lll11l 1llt lull 1111 111 111111 11111311 11111 11111111 1111 11111111111 111111 11111 PUSHIWIN 1111 Best 111111 1111 It 1111 1111111 111111111111111n AllJUSlAlSlJZ WINDOW scatrims 11111111111111 1111111111111 1111111 11111 1111 1111 111111111111111 ldillllllii HOURS l1 I11111 1l111 1111 111 11 1111 111 Win1 1111 vote has been tallied nls11l 11111 11111 111 11111111 1111 to learn 111111 111 1111 11l111 v1 FOOTICI SIIILRBETS HARRY 1111 lllSl camp 11111 111111 11 Mary whclc 1111 ltls l11 1111111 11111 11111 11111151111 tore the war It was 111111111111 1111 111 1111 1111 111111111s1v 111 111 veterans almost 111 111111 and 11 1111 1111111111 111 11111111111 line shun1111 1111111 Annual ST 111 11111 1111 1111111 11171311111 for camps eontlnued and the 111111111111 1111 111111 1111111 over the progressed 111 11121 C111 Ill1111111 111111111 111 1111 1111111 111 1111111 111 lurncd over the command to 1111 11 1111 1111111111 111111 111 1111111111 11 Iembrook 111 oilicer lll wood Ilillitsvlllc and New lasl 11111 films 111111 131111111 11111 9111 tllill XIMIIIIWO Slmlh Am lwmd 11 clear to come vollllltarilv as in the lrcal War and with ol lultlielloid in 1011 111111 11111 11111111 111111 1111 5111111 very long connection with the over to 11111 1ll ltliillthltlll 111 irectlnuo 11 1111111111111 111 111 111111 111111111 ll 1111111111113 1111 All mum Ah bwm H11 over to LieutCol Iluther fairs oi the Repunent 111 lluthel 111111 1111111111 1111 Jill 1111111 111111 1l1111 12111111 1111 21111 111111111 11111111 11141111111 11 l1l111111l 11111 11111111111 111 1111s 11111 1111111n1i 11 4111111111 117111 111111111 gt1 11111 the 11 11 111 111111111111 111111Il 11111 51111111111 115l111111llll1 About 111 11111 111111 Hum 111 111 l1111 111 lir11111 I111211 11 111 1111 1111s 1111111111111 11111J1121111 11111111 111 111 lllll1 1111111111111 11 part 111 111 1111115 111 V1111 111111 111111 lllll ill 5111111111111 practicallx 12111111111 111 1111 1111111 lialtle 111 lIgt1i11l1l11111 1111 111 I111111r 111v 111111 11111l1al1ly had other time And GYPRQCIWOOL gives you fire prbtectron It wont burn and acts as barrier to the spread of ames Easy to install low in cost lbr sale Builder3 Suppy Lumber Illsullion 11111101 across Canada Gypsum lime and Alahaollne Canada Limiied Calgary Wlnnlpeg Montreal Vancouver Toronto W449 Iil 11111 1111 llal 11111111 111111 111 1111 11 than 11 any 111111 1111 11111111 1111 battering 1111 111111 lines 1111 casualtles were 1111111111 111 The 111oph at 1111111 brushed 11par their tears and 11111 11111111 1111111 1111111s11111s made more gt11 c111111111ts and 1111111 sulllulK 111111 who commanded the 1euinient ford being in connnand of the Bri tr11m 1923 to 111211 glide During this time one of the HmfITVMVvf camps was held at leith the his 35 IAHONAL ll5 toric stamping ground 11f 11111 No 0111 of these fine weeks some mnhmm 1U 1th Cd 21 T1111111any Also during this tinle enterprising eroup of citizens 110 HM Mum mulvdmu 1111 Flt1111111 Inn111 taken orer 1111 111 go all 11111 1111 Nationilll mm 111m n5 mummad11111111211111 of the 22l11lantrv Bll lWeek to abolish 111 Nlationa um Hum mm Hpm1cade of which the Grey plleignnen Weeks 1s unltl Brigade camps were 111 VlllllN 11111111 I1Ml llllAD Th Swill mm 11 stituted the first of which was held VANCE ll uh in Owen Sound followed by 11111 Rainbows can he formed froml II 11 illlwlm Th Grill crs in succeeding years in Collinn 1111111111111111 7112111pirefwlioienlistedrasau boy of x11111 reached home Monday April 14 ans 1111111 attempt after attempt tol 11111111 through 1111 Allied Lines 131111111111 111 France 11111 11 theflmd HIVV WU 01 always llIlsuc1 eesslul 11111 the allied courage did not fail and by July 111 10111 the Allies 1111 11111111111 eauis But tllc1 casualty lists shchd the price paid Ior those little strips of ground in lrancc Many were killed gassch or 111111ltl News in September was still more encouraging The lnonth of October saw fresh Allied victories and on November 11 it was all 111er Owen Sound and the whole 1111111y went wild Four and a1 half years of the severest testing h11l 111e11 none tllroughGrey1 11unty had stood the test and done her part nony toward thei 111111 muchdesiredend The re nilundcr of the year l9191 was spent 11111111111111 the progress of thei army of occupation whichmarchl 111 into Germany and in weleolnI 1111l1ome the Wounded and others who for various reasons were ill1 lowed to leave their units andi come home HomeTouring Year The year 1911 was 1111111ecruninei c11 Almost every train brought 11111111 few from the front 011 lhursday March 22 11119 the 4th 11R arrived homeand on the Monday followingitlu 511111 Battal saw monster reception for 5111 Tommy0H1lnlelhC youngest Victoria Cross holder in the British 17 and singlehanded wiped out the occupants of German pillbox Monday May 27 the 20th Battalion soldiers came home and were wel comed just as heartily as their bro ther soldiers who had arrived earl ier There were many women from this County who enlisted as nurses some of whom were killed when did their Work well and nobly In 1921 the regiment which had been so badly disorganized by thel war was reorganized Sixteen of the officers of the regiment shown on the Militia list at the beginning of 1916had been killed This reorganization conformed with the general reorganization of the LLCOI Canadian Militia McFarland was given command He selected as his second in com mand Major Fleming and the following company commanders the regiment being organized ona four Company baSis Camp any Owen Sound Major Douglas Company Owen 3111111111111111111111111 gain 51o15111s let New Pep Vim Vigor Winn 11111111 Bony llmbn 1111 our ugly hollow all up neck no longer scmwny bod loses holl ntnrve slckly balmpolo look ousnnda of girls women men who never could nln before am now proud of aha ely healthyloo Ins bodlea They than the npecln vlzorhulldlng eshbuild tonlo Ostrex Ito tonlcs stimulants tnvl oratorl Iron vltnmln Br calclum enrich blood mprova appetite and digestion no food lye you more strength and nourishment out no on bare bones Dont fear gottlnz lawman111 when youve gained the 10 15 or 20 lbs you need for normal weight the hospitals were bombed They WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS RICHMOND le VARNISHES $3 11 21 1111111211 1112111111 11111 111112111171 RAYOVAC BATTERIES you have 11111 The cnlnrecmcllt of the present Arena is 11 step forward for Barrle 11l We woulunt like outsiders to 1111 us We re backwaid p111plc Hlllltl 11111 11111 made 12 calls concerning the Arena advertising sponsored by the cltlzells of 13111110 110WAN Sl lllliRllDAi MAY 1949 CHINA GIFTS TOYS CV MINT 01 $175 CV ENAMEL Qt s190 CV Floor Enamels 015175 CV SemiGloss 01 5175 VARNISHES Qts $145 $150 $180 $215 lllILRIZ ARI2 PRODUCTS FOR lIVICRY CONCIIIVAISIJC PURPOSE LAWN MOWERS $1175 $1750 $1950 $2100 $2650 WI KARI GLASS WAX Quarts 1ltlc llnls lite 1111 May 27111 are you 11111111 to be proud of the Ballot 98 Illl 11y 11 number only two refused their support Special for this set $239 nnmsrnana PHONE 2801 Barrie Iron Works All Kinds Of ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK Electric WELDING Acetylene Lawn Mowers Repaired STEEL FOR SALE PHONE 1046 ay My digger lzzg 2117 17 7201071f IRE SIYLELINE DE lUXE 4DOOR SEDAN gamma The mod Beautiful BUY for Styling and Visibility 11011111111111111111 lirstthrill the minute you look at 11111 new Chevrolet with BeaulyLcadeiStyljngl For heres the car that people everywhere are saying outslylesrrll others the only lowpriced car with Body by Fisher Moreover when you sit in the big SuperSize Interior with its extrawide FireFoot Sealeryou carisee perf fcetly in all directions for theresddpo morewindow hrenallaroundl lt The most BablifulBllY for Hand= ling Ease Riding Ease and Safery with New CentrePoint Design Youll enjoy an even bigger thrill 111115111011 drive and ride in 1111111111 It provides that unmatched 4way en gineering advance CentrePoint Design including CentrePoint Steering CentrePoint Senling Lower Centre of Gravity without loss of roadclearance and r5219 rzw mm OkayWang wild 12 limpg CentrePoint Rear Suspension hringing you totally new driving and riding ease In addition Chevrolet offers the vcloldsafety protection ofr CodiSafe Hydraulie Brakes 1ExtraLStrong Fisher Unistcel BodyConstruction Panoramic Visi bility Safety Plate Glass in all windows and 51 the supersafe Uiiilizcd KneeAction Ride Performance and Economy Youll enjoy the greatest ofiall motoring thrills When you experience the amazing performance and economy of tliis new Chevrolet Its the only lowpriced car that Ioers the splitscoond getaway lively acceleration and dynamic hillclimbing abilities of worlds champion IilveiriHcad engine See your nearest Chevrolet dealer 1111111 if you havent already done so Enjoy the biggest triple thrill in motor ing see drive and save money with Chevrolet the most beautiful buy of all 01114111 PRODUCT or 15111 GENERAL morons HARRIS M0 Com llttlo New net aogualntod also only 6011 umoul Osmx Tonto 31 for new vigor MQIPOM WI 31 AI Ill aurau 0115 LTD 8389 Elizabeth $1 31111111111 GREENFRONT STORES 71 Wilh the most Bountiful 3011151

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