Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 May 1949, p. 10

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Wuik PAGE TEN www THE BARKER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA ORNTON menses 01 1135 on 35 12 Fun 917432 PAQEHTS 11vch GLAD 311 ins1 ANT 52 43 PiCTLQEfi 1111 kr 39w BOUTWILL you SHOW kw ME Jt PAPA 1111115 CUT F011 1101151 11 CAR 111 he OF yes 12a 111120 Ranf 1311117 1101116 Ti 11 1151 CCPQESECEM 1N3 HAD MY BAGS 11 1E EiE1111111HE121 111122 c1151 THE 5K Psi111 411ch 11511 101311 lilildllif may as 36 Britiield 111113171 HELLO 11190015 501R MOTHER PRC11UTIQN50JRE LLDER1tENR OR DADOY HOME FROM 0H 600W gt113 tuna yon5 oot DECORUM THE Dairy GOT 101111 as 51 A3511 To me not 17291450115 454mm 211 61 1111111111 it 451 PCTURE 0F gain in energy111111 I1l 1111 youngerstart to einoy li loi1ito 1131111110 was sicn and mini 11 Wm 11 MR 51600115 LOOK AT HtMTAKINQ WERE THE LAUGHIiquOCK 01 THE WW5 1503 SE6 599151 TOWN SADDLE up cowoov 100111 1111 ETHE Mosby Great Tonic 111111 81 Works on Ky KYETEj FIRED STOMACHKIDNEYSBOWEtSUVER 211 amp if 11114 111111 I11 11 Hull i11 1111 IlIll 1113 btlllltll 111 111 111115 Ta 31 11111111311 11 11 ll 1111 mus 111 51 IIIIl1 Illivhens lroiiiotiun lmtinq help will Moan1 it mil Ionic or your money 11 51 1111 dwumdm AV Ni liurk Co to your 31011 11 ex 1111111111111 1111 on gttiti 11 1111 it 1111 11 sits IIIIL for 1111 Zion11 hi ill at 11111 dilttd I191 it gives Avoilublu 111111 gt DH and Depum MM WH Mm 111111 ml of huh uritlitlis merit storez Product of tlili ill11 111 lill llllitlu 111111 Ltl ti 111111 liil11l tin Suriiiiiv Ill1lttll the 1111 1n11 11 11111111111 1111111115111 NH iil Wilt1 by iosicrii HNlIS 1111 DISCUSSIONS IIIICLISIOX NI Metal and Asphalt Rooting Insul Brio Siding and General Tinsmithinq AGENTS FOR iilllitil Barns Culverts and loiiliry 1111piiptncnt ClL PAINTS c3111 iiw if 1111 1111111111lttllllgltlltll the rugged resistance to ttitl and tttllil which Intan llllt paint econoniv It pays to use 1211 iIIs ClL TRIM AND TRELLIS for door and window frames and other Hillrlflf triin lliiles better dries taster holds colour and glim longer than ordiiiarv paints Theres CIl Finish for cveryytiiiil111r neeil iniloors 11111111111 Whetheryiiurc paint ing 111111113 11 room or tftllaili Ilm pays to set your Iaiiit llealcr first LIKLXLCLLILIUITS1111111105117110111 PAINT FURNITURE winners and in l1illent too for automobiles with 1111 Iillttllltl 11111 to use dries quickly lIL 36 BAYIIIELD ST 11113131051 Johnston Hardware ALLANDALE Prater LISLE STROUD mw Youngs General Store EII iiiTs lllill1 rivrsrseiienINGrinuiiicrs sumores sham METAL IIlONIl ELMVAIJC 1161 indiCated luesday 11111111111 111 llioriitoui cemetery The ll11lil have 1111 sn11athv 111 the tiilizlttilllllY tll lltll lit1i1i11Iitl Hrs Ite Highly Honored ltil the lri 111t11 1111 111111111 Witt pl1iisttl to sec that Mrs Arthur the 111 Toronto had been appointed licsidcnt the llttllllllltll WMS lloarit the llllttsl honor the litsbyteiian tlititch lie1 1S on any woman lr lat 1a toiziicrh Miss 1111 1111 lliIiij ci lhorntoii liild Wanders 11 But linind lliIIe was 11111ulcitil1ii overu 1111nt in the conimuiilti early illiurs11aj Wetting when It became known that iittic Donna Robinson tot 111 about tliice ytars of age had wandered from her fathers farm 101 11 1111 it lIssa couple of miles west or here ltoiiiia has 21 11115 that npanies her all over lthe farm The dog was home but she was not to be lound Several l1ttll 11 hours laur when 1111111 neighbor found hell the 1111 111111 returned to Donna and cry reluctantly let the neighbor pick her 11p when another neighbor came with his Citl When the 1111 knew he was very pleased to 11111 into the car and actonipany his little mistress home The child had length of two onehundred acre farms and was apparently coining tothc village Womens Institute The Womens Institute met at the lioiiitITtilrs Cecil Harris on Thursday evening Roll call was answered by Dos and Donts in Sick Room The new programs for 15149511 were given out 111 walked the couple of Thank You letters were received from the sick Mrs MC Quay reported the Blind Tag Day treceipts 81223 Plans were made for the booth at the music festival on June Delegates were appoint ed to the W1 convention in chroy on June 12 bits trip was again discussed but was left over until the next meeting It was decided to have strawberry festival the 11oceeds of which will go toward the building fund for the Commun ity Halli81nce then theexecutive lmef and set the date for June 29 iMrs Cunningham convcner lot the Health committh took on Diabetes its cause and symptoms and care was given by one of the members and an amus ing contestvivas conducted by Mrs Willis Smith The assistant host esses were Mesdames Horton Holt iJamieson and Johnson and Miss Jones LTEMIORARY SUSPENSION 0F MAIL SERVICE TO CHINA Effective immediately vmail ser vice to China is temporarly sus pended with the ekceptions men ltioned below Regular mail that is all mail except parcel post may still be sent tothe provinces of Fukien KWangtungfTand Kwangsi only 11 Mail for China will therefore be accepted Only for thef destinations chargeof thwmeetingi shotk paper anada has only one lionicstcatl Brewery titty one mili from tril 1111 in cast lluroriia years the place Lwhere he the greater part of his 5111 and hundreds of articles is now in danger of being broken tip as summer resort development wrote SlIlZK 5511001 llND It is being propost that 3711111110 he raised to buy and restore the 01d Brewery Bay property small ieroup of 1ItIlll University giadtc 1tes and other Leacock are working on the problem Alternatives beingi probed are fourfold 111 finding national i11 dustrial corporatzon to buy the or group of people to buy the propertv and option to Leacock Foundation with option to pur chase 131 formingr Stephen Len cock Trust or Foundation and raise $50000 by subscription from firms government departments and lllll viduals or 141 form private cone pany to buy the property and car ry it on as high class commer cial venture 118 ACRE PROPERTY The Leacock property consists of 18 acres on Lake Couchiching with over half mile of lake front main house of l4rooms bath rooms including libraries scr vants quarters billiard room it winterized lodge of rooms 4lt room boat house farm buildings orchard etc library of some 30 000 volumes including many orig inal Leacock manuscripts notes correspondence and other docu ments It is proposed the property might be made selfsupporting as con ference or summer seminar cen tre as summer vacation spot for invited paying guestsj or as lit crary research centre 119 ESSA DawsonSELF CA DRIVEURSELP 12 l1acocks home for nearly it books llllllltl property for Stephen Leacoek Foundation 121 1111111111Stifflttlll have already taken place with members of the Ontario that lit1111111111 to world famous 111niet 11111 promincnt business humorist and economist the late men Stephen 11111111113 home at 111 Slump lmmpk 113 mpg MOUNT ST LOUIS Visitors vitli Jus and Miss Minnie 1lillcr for the Hobart eiiietery Memorial on Sunday ilt Mr and Mrs Gilchrist 111111111111 Mrs Sevan John Lawson and Miss Kinsman Vasey Mr and Mrs Chas Lennox and Mincaret filmyale Simeon Miller Mrs Warren Barley and son Toronto Mr and Mrs Nor man Miller and Peggy Elmvalc also Isaac Miller atid family NEFLOWELL May 23 Oscar Bates of Ivy called on friends here Sunday Mrs Herb Speck spent few ily in Toronto Mr and Mrs Mapes and fam daughter Torontospent the week end at their cottage here Sympathy goes out to the Law crence family in the death of their mother who passed to the Great Beyond onFriday evening May 20 at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie The funeral took place on Monday from her latehome here Tobacco Farmers Very Busy The tobaccofarmers are very busy planting tobacco Mumbcrson Buys Store Mumbcrson has bought Mr Browns store and has taken over the bosiness Mr Brownhas bought the Mumbcrson house Fifty Years Wed Congratulatin to Mr and Mrs John Gordon who arecelebrating their ftiethweddinganniversarih XICE DELIVERY CALL BAXTER BROS PHONE 1311 VALLEY TAXI Trucking Service LOCAL LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING rev CLASS 11H 24 Hour SERVICE RS per mile TON STAKE AND PANEL TRUCKS per mile LARGE TRUCKS 15c permits zzzzg 11T1 days with her daughter and fam ily Dundas spent Sunday with 1Mrs Thomas Bates Mr and Mrs Davies and Tagoreown 1111111 11 1111111111 11 cc 51 ll Sin l1111 111 taint111d 11 11 11111 311 til1=gt 11 11111 tii Kuyiali lilil l111 11 1111114 11111 51111111 1sitot 11 111 i1Is 1115111 111111 1117 hits in 1111 IIitx Ltic s11111 Corn11111 and 711 L1lii 111111 hoiri 311 11111 hlis 71 511 11111111 111 1111 veiling ltll 1111111111 to 1I 1311 ltll litla 11s 91114 of lf and 1111s llitll1ill 1111 wetland and 1111 holiday Mi llonattt Mindanao and lcdilv left on 1liicd1y 1ltil 111 itsltlll 11I111lrl lilt1liIt 1111 11 Shinto11 IS 11 111111111 zip1cl 11111111111111 ih lixl lli111 1111 1li li Nixon litItith v11 iiilicnd 125111 lll 1111 pi c1115 MI and 311 ll Ni1111 lr and Mrs lId Kilo and ii lIUlllt 111111111211 irilctl last 11l end with Tilrs 111191111 ltvv and 111s Lewis 111 in Toronto on llttlt 1111111111111 111 graduation tliiu ran Ktlllltlll Lewis Mrs Marxiant Cobman loionto has Ictuiiicd to tolt and spend vlllg thi ltllttltll months at lis itoirnuinv Ul Milton iiacc and htty aii spcnding 11 days with hits l1accs patents 111 and llis liar ry 11adhiy Mn 11 Glass 111111111111 on Satur day to Toronto with 11 and Mrs 11 Bioley and expects to pitut few weeks there Visitors of Mrs Goodwin and the lllt llztiwoody over the week Xend were 1lli Illoiihb and ihlis 11 Hill 111 Toronto Madge Baltci loe Davis liis Mr Jevoiis Mr Williams lllr Evans and Vivian lcuisli 1cl1 at lllill homes 1111 the week end Mr ltankiii who has been quite 1111 in the Toronto Western lliispi ital the last few weeks has rc turned to his cottage at Alcoiia Beach liake Siiiicoc The iirls Auxiliary of St Johns Church ltcld very successful sale Saturday afternoon in the Soldiers Memorial llall The fish pond was enjoyed by the children is was the afternoon tea bynll Visitors at ll Kidds for the weekend and holidav vere Mr and Mrs Jack Kidd loronto Miss lazy Kidd rillia Mr and Mrs McLean and children Bar rie Miss latricia Kidd Toronto Molly and Bette Kidd Barrie and Bill Lozo tamp Borden IIlmvalc llity Much Enjoyed community had the opportunity of at the hoiniiiof their daughter Mrs Lloyd lattoti Broke llip in Fall Mrs Brown Sit had the misfor tune tofall on Saturday at her ihoine here and break hip She isin Collingivood hospital We hope for speedy recovery Mrs 11 lark Honored Sunday May 22 surprise par tyivas held at the home of Mrs 11x Clark in honor of her 71st birthday The family presented her with 42piecc set of dishes set of heatresisting bowls and lovely mauve dress Those able to attend were Charlie Harry Mr and Mrs George Clark of New Lowell Gordon Clark Mr and Mrs Allan Clark Wtinda and Wayne of Barrie It 1BP Asphalt Shingles for the Roof CAMERON ELLIS GIBSON LTD 65 Bradford St PHONE 3855 11 1111E llitlt On May 111 the people of thisi THURSDAY MAY 26 1949 111 ext111m Verona lillcl and Ext111 ITac Lena 1111212 net11d 11 players 111 llltit eftec 1v111I in 111 111111 1111 11eiit11zi and Milton i111 TEIID11$ Illii lilits lidCM 113151 galee Name lutplcri Uninit iiiu clever Siclgltlvufrllhntl tricks De fl15 StdkilUl 3111115 11115lllrn3 were gup till Ham llllci 11 by Lovks the 13111111 intsiding 11li yoattg fuln HI WE WILL PAY ASII FOR MENS WOMENS Hurtiniiss AND 11111113 115110 CLOTHING We Iiicit llltSHS 511115 Iiltitigt hid Slaih tilltl Silitk SUITS S11 Ktul 1111115 and Womens 21111ce suits Womens and Mens 1211 tlvcicots 1N1 nutr coals pleas111 Odd Stilt 11115 Neck 1NGET 3133 BRADFORD ST liis 11 Iv1111 lo 1111 poi in money for shippin ahippnn the parcel cosh11 1111 we ill pay tin shipping charges at this end 11131 It lieu11111 Send parcels to The Grab Trading Co Ill1PT 35 Night and Day you are the one with that brilliant NUGGM shim or transport Tell the driver you are 17 St Nicholas St TORONTO ONTARIO WITH APOLOGIES TO COLE PORTER BLACK OXBLOOD AND ALL SHADES OF BROWN 1949 Jiiin1gz in virgin iii1111 1111111111111 1111111111 millW out 5566 roomI Slit cs 11 EStS Babies and Childrens lotlh V1 1111 from SILIIU to 111W for Itlctis Sittb 19 PAY FAIR ASII PRICES SAIIbliH IIUN 111 AILIN 313D UK ltrllNG lthl ERNIE FRI1111111 llitll cannot 111 an Xliclin Involved to the Sender lllltlLtllthS tUlt SIIIllINO Win1p and he securely in corrugated box paper or sack 11ililtlt your return address is written clearly This will help aint11 our cash remittance to you Phone the express company lhc lll pick rip the merchandise door if qu SlllgtItlrlil is 111 11111 lbs please ship by ls snvmg money Many buslnon womenhuva found 011011011119 out Mutual that Canada policy that they dh wo orhamo In havocdopte tonne to at to monoy memuny com om untutivo Ho will allow you policy or plan that Will IUII your Gut ill Pralecnon low cos of DA WMEMOO out HMO ATIVE HERE BRANCH OFFICE 14 Peter Stu Sr ORILLIA ONT RepresentuuveS FHILLIPS Bllle ARTHUR JOHNSTON Barrie Amrruummr

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