FAGE SCH Again Elect Mrs Rawson As lsiuel Become llnited ations llciiiiici President Presbyterial WMS is in iiw it lillliltHil ili llli ion ll tl laiitiiiemifi iv vti Ii ill iii t4 of mm it Vl Logan Appair cu gt BY Pedloi Lem up == ii ll lhlwl await il iialnl iviuii If ii li iiH tie In ioi ll il It iii1a iiiiii win LLH If ttlflllll 1l to tiv laiiii gt iiii vzi lil ii ll lli iilii ii lfiii li tllluii iiiil Vt ltl liffilil villi Illllllll 13 vil il and IElltlldw iiii liw ii if liztiii piilai il it lilJiiiiziiim smcon moon SERVICE Kllllif YOUNG it ill ltl toi Humor uranium llll slui llittl All lti AlaMm 74 Sanford St Dlal min lblli before lzoiiir lo llliilll li icMiiiii spi ll BCIIIIC ttlltilllil iix lbw llnll llii lllllIhWi us illil IIt lrci illllii 01d and New Floors Beautifully we summitmt Sandcd illiiiff 1XmliidiWhitl PROMPT iiiiiiiBiE SERVICE 3iill3m Bill Free Estimates liiiiiifiiiiiiinlfilialiii iii llill liiugzlil ii lapan vsorn going ahead ll ls kn lentin in mmn 5v Assembly are not seiidiiip anyone to thnm until coiiiliioiis me more settled lllllil youni Euclie Slovuliiaiis hiding in caves andl llltilll were now free her iiiivil received books and clothing tronl Of InGXPerlence tllc cluici Rev and Mrs hiiil suggested we supply books and good llitlililllt to teach The peoplzi flllbflfll problems confront the to read in lt lt licluip find il Hohhot ill estate home are highly Spitlltiltl iettci iii the Hungarian inexperienced eXeititor may paper Miss lllackweli meets all iillt of serious shrinkage in boats to welcome and assist New oi tni assets lie may incur ex tor oiiiliiloLHtistiince because of ii is three spliimliii church centres lltllt ii lt eiii yiiiiiexperience at the vu ll it if your estate Appoint llie HM mlln mdlmg Igood in closing Mrs McMur my ljll mI iiiponition iii oigzinim rich suid ii us go forumii with iiii till Iliiltttffss years as executor piavii and ill faith in illp fui of aid be it aired of economical vfure two girls were iltttll to be strut to iitll llllil camp at lleiiyicr bit if iii iifniiiiistratioii of your estate THE loii this iill iieitiiies yyeie liioiiiilit fiom thi lresbyteiy by ltcv ii An CORPORATION 15 tilcw of Allisioii vlio itlti it was indeed pleasure to bring greeti HeadOfTicelhToronlqu llllisv iii church just ll miles Barrie 0mm Dunlap Skee from his boyhood home lie 38 chinausmess stated the Womens Missioiiiiiy Society has wonderful message isuinnied up in the motto The World for tliiist Roll call of sections by the sec tioii vicepresidents was followed by beautifully rendered solo Spirit of God by Mrs John Sliipley of Colliiigwood Report of judges of mission loand display was given by Mrs Morris stating it was marvellous display of childrens work and ideas and hard to choose placing Alliston first and Midland second Mrs Morris then presented the IMission Band banner to ii mem ber of OroWiliisfor the past year Mrs McNabb in few well chosen words presented Mrs vJ Greig past president with anhonorary life membership for her splendid work in the past and her continued help Mrs Greig very capably replied with thanks and enjoyed helping in any way she could Mrs McDonald gave the report of the courtesies commit gtee thanking all the ladies of the fcpurch Mrs Kelly for words any yo welcome Mrs McMurrich Mrs tli ll tiiiy on of ymiis Will seek Shipley me emetaken the ladies who served and arranged the nasty dinner and lunch the bean tiful flowers and all who in any iway had helped to make this an nual meeting such splendid suc genMM 14 his rst job The conditions may be different from those you laced on similar ociuision CCSS lute ituas no handicap iii the wmkaday world Leatherdaie gave sp en id remrt of Rev An us 1f the beginner iilffi higher education This is no MacKay at IPetaborough statintr lhis happy light expresison was longer true llic best jobs go to those With special tlikc asniibeam bringing light to jail Who heard him speaking on gtlie l3nd Field and the Jhansl MiSSion rThe oldest farm settle inentowas started in 1905 iriostly llill lllftlllmtllml you plan for yourcliildren by men who had been in gaoi but qualifications he theirs whatever liappeiislo you The only way them were several Boys in train ing for Christ He asked thatl flicserpeople be followed by ourl prayers Men go about at night to make sure of his through Life insurance gt on bicycles with lantern slides 1N0 twoinens Circumstances are alike Life WEE good but theleme still gt four hundred million nonChrisi Insurance is so flexible it can he Individualized t0 3m in 1mm He Sent gt0 plea for prayer Mrs Barr reported on the Rem Chill China saying representative can give you the benefit of experf that am almost 35 years Of and somany being unable to read lenced guidance in carrying out your plans Wille it was indeed tHSkv Power has no love of God ethics meetyoiir family lltlSrAlly Manufacturers Life social science or history which are forbidden subjects In China THE no large assembly is allowed to meet The Church in China may be forced to go underground but if the people will stand together and by our prayers will win INSU RANCE PA NY Mrs McMurrich discharged the officers Mrs Hand gave there port of the ominatin com tt HEAD omca bsmbmhed 1007 TORONTO cum The officers were llnstalliid icy ll Barrie Office 70ADunlop Street prism We by Mrs Rawson resumed the chair stating we should go for ward Lord increase our faith COLE GEORGE LIVINGSTON that We may go forward and ac complish much in the following DistrictRepresentatives IOMLHlISON CLU WIB MALLORY ii lt tiisamil usui vet lUslI jtoiJHiu it folii pad 11 ill ll iiiy this also tci lisloJ Mi if liiixl If it tlilllttti ll at iiici toiiii1oiiii bv Canadians on arrival lhere iicq had turned to Christ and nowW BARRTE HARM iii 15 llIll SIHIEIIII lli ti ti fin iii3 laYclee GHQ lt7 iii iilil iltii Iie come liiii n1 iiii tl Ili xii iizitl held llnl lloiil iil ti ii liiigt ii lli ivlfiiliiii iii ill llt tiilzi li it it ti on tiny illoi iii uiai in lilt in ll tii lliitltlll ill IIioiiiilli limit ii ins Monty litilllf iiltl li tilt lt llli ill iii who ti wnlcii the lift yuwi ii iis ifll liteso chair Ilt ll it illlli iiliziiiii to tlu itlliicr it ill It pviltii the lili llflxliiiill lillfi 81 lltlll ciiaiiiiiaii of Hz ilit ioi tliztazso an oscilIiiu lil ivll llllilti and its problem zml csplaziwf ui illll the lltltili typurion uoziaiii illltil lion in opcralion iiuiilioiil thi iioiiicx ef liila in The liWilii of the annualwiccfion ti oflicii lollult2 Mill Farm tl St liiiiiie piisideiil ol liILioii il iiirpiIiiiliis illiiL liitcliii of Windsor lord lhinlop of Well Strand William llcrrv ol fliiilllllitlll iiil John ollilliiitc of loil lillt llii Hllllil of tile iiitoiici contest was ioiir luy ltil oSt tilliiiiiiis liesiiliiit till ilillil advises that vciy interesting night may he expected at the next diniici meeting on lliiiisday May 213 Three member of ilit loioiilo Jun tlll iis liilll closed the meeting with prayei social liall llllli uay illliii with iluint Jlltll and cup of tea Hfliecis lion Presidents Mrs Mob Stevenson flariie Mrs Wallace Midland Miss 55 Mac Miirciiy iillillllllll Pres Mrs lltlll iiiiiielst Viclres Mrs Jones lilmviile 2nd rlCLllt iillt lritiic rillia 2fid VicePres Mrs layli hlllllltJL Rec Sccyi1rs ltlllil Steele Jill lilfiii Sf Barrie Asst hc Sicy Miss Ella Bur lOlltles tolhnuwood or Secy Mrs Wm lioiilt Collingwood llliltlit oni Mrs Mc Nzibb Bill Laclie 51 Oiiliia Mrs McDonald Orillia Evening Auxiliary Sewn Miss Ncyvell Alliston Young Womens Secy Mrs Badger iillia Girls Or ganization Secy Mrs 17 Boake Biaecliridgc Mission Band Secy Mrs Max Moniis Bradford Home Helpers Secy Mrs Neil McEach ren Brucebridgc Library Secy Mrs Burrows Stayiicr Lit erature Seey Mrs Mac Keiizie Victoria Harbor Welcome ind Welfare Mrs George Murray Orillia Supply Sccy Mrs John Gibbons Barrie Glad Tidings Secy Mrs McGuire Elm vale Life Membership Sccy Mrs Stewart Midland Press Secy Mrs Hand Stroud Historian Secy Mrs Mac Innis Orillia Sectional VicePresidents Sec Mrs Ernest Bell Coulsons Hill Mrs Riscborough Stay ner Mrs Andrew Allis ion Mrs Gosselin Vic toria Harbor Mrs John Men Fadyen Huntsville Mrs McDonaidrOrillia Members without PortfolioMrs Anderson Hawkcstone Mrs Sutherland Stroud Mrs Leathcidalc Coidwatcr Mrs McDonald Orillia Mrs Campbell SilOtld Advisory BoardMrs Maitland Collingwood Mrs Sinclair Barrie Mrs Greig Collingwood Mrs Cooper Colliiigwood Mrs Barr Pcnetang SWEET CAPORAL Ir ilAERTE ONTARIO CANADA Ru flivcn Holstein ORGANIZED HERE il lillv iii iniiiii iilti ii loo cortisiti Vllliii klliliuisli ilut ilt IlI llll lwi put iiizi tilt1 llb pp li= Iluiliii iiiifiii liiiil itiiii iiiii lltlll Il il fl Itll iiiltl tiiii iiiii riiiii liiiiiii Ili iii yiwiiiituiiia lv iioiitl ltil IitltJl it on lill lil kllll lri llllt iiig itliiiiil2 Mckcs 764 Lbs Fot Iiin iili snow in of iii Ill My ttit nil lit lli ll ill ill at il it will pi ei ti zaiilx liillxillll iiupimv iiiil ilkit as new school lillti it vi liii ll liltl lijtlitiim piiiicit ifii lY liI Lit lt lr iriii uill Iiicl it iiiiii ti liiilvi IHHHJ itlv 11 iitlizrt or far llllilltllt horn till tltlllltili conipiil oi if iliiiit in whether oui tll aliiaii jiiiali uriiicii or not ii vt it if ilil ill to iiill Public Bond Financing in Canada Mode Total oi $66638718 in April Zhilvli iili uioiii tiiiiila im lHl ifrilliill suii lil liiv ill of hit tllt iii ii l1 loi it ii ioili oi illiil iii til ltfi leriiizliiil iri vluiiiiltlf loi llll lliliiul iil iliii No lininiiuoi of Liiiiili IUl lloaiii of liad iil bi picsiiit lllr 1h an of battle lililiAtIlll li liei il iiiii hailis MIl LOCK REPAIRS Jilftils ixii lie iSnilliii lo lciii1 and learning more oi iillt liliilii llilllll Iluiiiiiiilti lllll 36 Baytield St All llllllll be lelll to iiilciiii DIAL llouiic li lflit iiaiu lll ttgtllltfl illl aiied ritllii ind iokcs iniiil ltllt our loioiito gitltlii lyriupiiismiiiiivs moons or THE COMPLETE RAHNGE 0F MERCURY TRUCKS fROM V2 TO TONSFROM 4700 T0 l5500 LBS GROSS VinClE WTlGHTv In ppwr in efciency in ruggedness durability and economy Mercury Trucks are setting new standards of performance Those great Vtype 8cy1inder truck engines have extra reserves of smdoth dependable Ask your Mercury TruckIDealerabouttheMercury Truck that will set new standards of performance yoUrjob riiuicunv MERCURYLlNCOtNiMETEOR oiwsiou riii MORRISON Moro faiBRiiDioRD sr IyiONDAl MAY 23 1949 MINOR BASEDALL WITH TWO TEAMS lt amazon lli in ll illlilil till it Ui ll ii till 7i Ji will Tii lillti The open illttltiltll iol Sli iiicii 031 GPA lli Ei izwi lillltt1 jiu ONLY 79s AlfCCAHY IVORY $2995 ADMlRAL tops them all in everything but price ipizl ui oi ii AUTOMATIC HIGH FIDELITY AUDIO SYSTEM ACDC OPERATION lfxiluisitciy moulded plastic tubiiirt in siiioutlizissilk finish Superior long dismiic tcpliun lllldlllliik scluihiiy You will thrill to the nth siiiooiii chain and colorful liiiic Wily not lizivc the best litn you iiii buy it at the lowest Pfltc Oughs Hardware 80 Dunlop BARBIE Phone 2556 STUBES BEAM POWER OUTPUT VOLUME CONTROL 5ALNICO DYNAMIC SPEAKER zrmxiVewIypeawMe MRQlkllkllolffIlis powerwith economy Extrastrength and durability is engineered into every part of Mercury Trucks They are amazingly easy to handle The Meroer Truck cab offers passenger car comfort for the driver roan Moron COMPANY or CANADA LIMITED SALES PHONE 3123 BARBIE