Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 May 1949, p. 6

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wa 51 111 l111lt 111v 1C1 51 Foresters Colours Deposite go only llctnlt gunrumour policy 3111 111 1591111111 bcluir lurnlmcn II II SI All CXLlUllL illllltulil is csl 11 ill cub1nd mum11 Lillllul 13 11 1111111 consist 11 11 llilx 1111111 IIII II IIIIHI 11h donut pilot Sula II III II II ml1 1t sil ll by lb n1le Bliliblil IlluXH l1lullti ii III II IIIIIII II II IIIIIIII l11 llolllfJJ mm Wu Um 111 1711111 111 c1 11 1Ji 1111 III III ILI II II II IF 1K1111to111 lust 1111111 1id 111111111111111 III II II IIIIIIIIIII II IIII II ml 1111 19111 11 11 llxilum plillllictl in buy 1111 111111151111 311 1111 xii1 $2ulhllIUU mull 111 811115 IIIIIII II III IIIII PIIllul Int Ihr iioliudd unit llu Unltvd Status 1111 II VIII II nun Jmmn thI II II III II III IIIIIJIIIIII 1I1111 111111I 1111 pin1111 IIII II IIIIIIRIII Hmin IIIIIII II1II1II1 II11I I1 11111 11 1111 11 iI 11 111 311 Knuth cvavhtl 11111 11111 IIIIII IIIIII IIIIIII III III II 11 I11I1IIII III1IH1I 1III1I1521L1111 rppioxmmttli 11111110111104 II III II III 11 111 1111111111 14 1IIII i11llll 11 pond 111111111 1111 IIIII II II III II 11IIII IIIIIIIIIlI 1I1I IUIILI III IHlllll inlilIIt lnl ltllll 11 11 II IIVII If 111111 I1 iII IIIII III lillllllktllvi gtllil 11 ill Ultltl wcv IIIII II IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIaII III III VIII IIIIIIIUI 1B Sh III II IIIIII Ip 1t1 11 1111 would 11111 11111 111 In 1x11 1111111 11 111 111111111 J111 11111 for 3111011111le villi 1111111111 111 121111 l11111tl111 111111A1 lltr lllt 0th I1IIIII IIIILIII 1IIIII IIIIIIIIIII1I II I111 111111111 to 111 11111111111 111 15111111 11 11 11 AWNU AH 11 1III1 MIR 111IIIIIIIIII1 Colombia 1111 1111 Umtrd Sigh 111 hurt in g111 t111111111t c1111 111 1111111111111 111 l111 11111 11111 ltn 1l oi it 15 111 111 inlit ill1 LN 111 111 II 31111111 11111111111 111 iii t11 11 II111111 1111 mumd lt11111oi1 il11111I 11111111 ltl ltllIlltiUl 1111 El 130 1111 1111 i1 In11 11111lir1l 111111 1121111 lmll J11 lllgt MRIl III lllIn mum hm rr III IIIIII 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111111k11111 Ml Milll WWW 411 llgt Pure Pennsylvania No1 11151111I1III1111115I mapping II is thc 1111111 111111 STttI1iiUlltltt 31111111 ICC 11111111151111 211111 publicits 1111111311 authorile by thc 111011111111111 11 51111 tun551111 pm WII1I I111111111I11111 A11111111istrut11111 Ii111 11 II 1111 111 1111 11111111 111111 11111 1111111 1111 11111111 III1II IlI1 11 1111 IIIILIffIIIgifItI 1fIIIIII 17 2111 115s 11111111 111 1111 111 11111l1 11 1111 1111111111 11111 4115 1111 111 11 lilllillli libcril mlpiign lld 1111111111111 1111111t111cnt 111st and 1111 1111 Hill tl11I 111 111111111111 111311 S11 gI IIIIII III II III IIIII II II wwk 11111s11i statistics on amounts BI II II IIII II 11121 1111 liimiil Ul lll1 litillllltlll 15 ll 11111111111111 during 1111 iirst wovk IIILIIIIIIIIHIIIIIII1IIglitIIIiIdiIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII gger avngs an yer 1111111111 1111111 111111 11111 1111111 111111 i1 III1= Mi111 111 111 6000 NEWS FOR CAR OWNERS Motowlasterwovldlamous II1IIIIII IIIII IIII IIIIY IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIII 11111 both1 lllltltlSltllltlllli 1111 EI ICIIIIIIIIII SUM RCA which admin 2000milc Pennsylvania Motor Oilat new reduced prices Equal III II tut1 1h imi 11mm mogul III FRI III to ANY premium quality line oil selling at 451 quart Instead 11111111 honslot lll1 11 llllUlIV 111 lltl1 I1 151111111 111 1111 111111i11ioi1 1111 said vIIS7b1LIgtIIILIIIIII blhllIIIIIgslhIrilnyu of paying up 101 $180 to an oil change MOTOMASTER SAVES 11111 113131111 I1I1IIIII 1IIIIIIII III IIIIIII 1111I 111 hm mum II NIHSun IIIIII IIIIIIII IIINIIWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIbIIIIIIII YOU 6lc and you get the best that money J11 buy Sold only rtulx 1111111 to lltlllltlI 1113115 1111 llllt Hyman In HI ImlI 111 11 tish 11nd 111ii1crnlsup t11I11st may sealed annim II 1I 11111 111 succrcdcd 111111111 11111111 III Down lllrout it the ears III II lgunHIUH 1111 Mlllllll Minishr hlaickcnzii K1111 1151 lull IIII AIlfI IIIiILI IIII MD SGALI III DITIIIIII IIIIIIcIIVIII IIIIIMI IIIIIIIIIIII was IIIII IIIII ISSIIII III IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII1I1I11 11t11I1IdswwaLIIcIIljtpi ot imi 1Iti JIOY COGCl Links 95391 4111111 111 1111113 llllllltllllllllllt tollltlt 111111 wns the I1b1r1l 11111111 1oo1 181 1111 111111 1111111 or gers have enioycd lull 111111111111111111111111s11rd1sbu11d111ulhcsc will SEEIIIIIIKHEIIIlIIIwIdIIIImade in tlic biggcet part 111 tln 1M mumw run 11 11 meusure of new model 111111 1111 options urn11 111 c1111 111111 1111 dcmsron 111 1111 111Iv illincc Edward island But it is dmfsmagoal FIURI THAT SPRING GREASE Jon MomMum51111111111111 L11brlcu1n111h1 11 comb as bener and illunnrnl 111111 the buntot lorcstcrs was to 11111111511111111 cxpocicil that llt I1 111111 Now 1IllI lId mIUIb $733641 1leIIfIffIfIIIILIfIIIIimum IPIgWaW IlImIIIIWgg 11 111 111 t111111dl111l 111131 WUU pm 1C 111 Pilhl belle buses have been IIIIII ll II II1II IIlII IIlIli 11111111 11 Drew sIiid th1 choicc in lllt Snulwlml industrial muhnnvm IIIIIIIIdIIIIIIInI 1I1Iynoirl 11111 1111111 Imr 1111111111111 11111 1111111 11I III 1M III NH built This record is Your 11 111 111111111I11 11 11131 i1111 11111I mm 111 211111 1111 II WWII trill1111 1111191111111 110 111twi111n 1111vf71I11I1 IIlIl1 373lIIQIbI71 IIIII III IIII 95 1111 11111111 111111111111111111 1111 1111I1 III III IIII ltlltlclzlcy Izthd 1111110111111113 111 m5 min Imllm WImm assurance IhGI Iyou WI IIIIII II III IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII III IIII II IIIIIIIIIII III III IIIIIIIIICd the WI IIIII 11111171100 and textiles 81051993 11gt am Hi eresOutstandm Valu CUIllanC to eniOY I3 llle 71111 11 =ii l111 lI li 11111111lt 11311 14111413111 111 111l11II lIIIrLInmI betveon miuligt DOMEl IIIIC IIIISI TI the DUIIIIIIIUII bur flll SUI iTLlNF TYPF 1111 11 1111111I 111111111111I 1113 11111i 1111 11111 11 11H i11 11 the Cl 111111 1111 policics ol Slillsucs 01 Sum II UdVGnlaJESOlWOQWSSIVB 111 111I1111 1111111111111 1111 lupin11 il 11 1111 1112 lln 11111H lIIIII IIIbIhIIIIIS WIIIII dlISmIiblId asl II III II II II III 10W IIIIIIII IImI Tnmmum Ubhc Havel SenIce on 111 11111111 11 11 11 511111 111111 79 hicupucity lvrr ruin ti 11111 11111111 I111 11 11111 11 1114 111 1111 111 11 5111113111 l1111sl 1lIn IHIIWldmg HI mUI Um MI FOR BARR lmtentcd conirlei to fit brill lIyInIeI IilItsllliigISSIIIIglrtlilitliII the hlgllwuys 111 111111 11 111 11111111111111 1111111 1111 111111 l1 511000le 111 two wotks in llltlIUlll filled Paprilur size 101 cars trucks tractors and liiilusirili ilm 11 111 and Emu1111011111 1111111 11 111 11 11111111 gt1111111 111111 lI IIhiin ilIIOIImCOI MI NIIIII 11111 BAY POINT 1mm 11111111 1111111111 11 1II III IIIIII III III1 II IIII HIIIIIIIRIIL 11111111111 II II II1 II 1IIII 1111 i1111111111 11m 111111131111 11111 MII CMmWH Muril OIIIIIII IIIIIIIILIHHI GREASE GUNS Hm 149 III 515 It if 11 l1l 1111111111 llII In IIHIII 111M111 IlimtS illld Newfoundland lustI ST IHHIli 98 tlIIII11I1IIII1III lliih 151 Will ttflclld in radio spotchcs lJLiorc I1 Huwx III III mm MW lmnl 1111 111111111111119 111 this Battalion ilcziving llc said the biggest dungcr 51111011 11111 I1IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III III IIIII IIIIIIII 10 sum business mm from IIIIII SUlIXI 5Ifmi III lIlIII In I1l 11111111111 itElIl IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII III SIIII ISIIII lllSlllSSvrIlol from llltI CClI His Have Nlodern Designing 105 rlNlillHIS $11130th IIIIlIIIH 13111111 111111 3111111111 VMHHIW Til parly 119mm had mumw for your 11 111I1 11111111 11 51111111 1111A11III1I H11 II GILL I11 5111111111 nationuimng small businesses but KMan III II1IIII IIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIII IIII IIIII IIIIIIIIII II III IIIIII II III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII It did advocate public Ownership New Home broumls II Tfaute Mecaonic No DmII RAIII $311111111111 1911111111111 111 11111111111I of major industries such b1 10 835 an ES III 1111111 111 11111111111 15 115K NH5 15111111411111 known 11 11 N111 11111 11111 11111I1111 11 11IIII1II1I 1II1IIIII lstecl transport and meatpacking aw ROCkeIIIeb 1l Emmi lor Bdluogltns ll111l1I 1111311111111 lhlt 113111111 II Hedgeb Evergleens Fits under lmvcst uxli1 v31Imwsujmuw Hiizhiy 1111115111111 stainless L1 t111111 111111 111111 1111 West Mr Lou said 511 and muck rams III serum to ovcr IIMIIIII NI MIMI IIIi IIIIlIIlIiIIIIItIi IIIII QIIII 111111 1111 111111 11111111 111 ilxinhi 1cm Credit Principles and tiscal Flowenng ShIIIbb IIIIINII IIIIIIRIIL uII II blades 1115 HIHHW driving 1111zt1 111 111IV 111111111 52141 1I nonskid saddle 111111 Swedish steel rlii Pits ert Cl 11 11111111 was 1115111111I1r11ni 11115111 ii1II1I1Ii11IHm1I1IIIlIIiIIsi IIioimII lNOLIId iIIIt IIdLliIIIIKII FIOWBI Borders base Emu pm Wis lllxlvIKIILIIIl ll IlllIS 31st II II 1111 I111 111s1 1111 11 mm pllic aslht powci in Foundamon planting position with long c0111 precision tools 111111 111ml Ulllri 11151125 lIl IlIIlf idfIIg 11131 1111111 1111 111111t1111111 and the hands of the people Thcsc Vemem 3le 675 a46Ito 118 169 Itllllj llt5 1L 11 11 11111111111 11111111 1111111 11111111u11 policies hc said were the only 111 1I111 111 11 111111111111 15 illi 11111111 111111 11111111111111 111 0111111 lcrnativcs to Wll and depression III IIIII II II 1111 II IilI111IIr1111 1111 1111111111 in i11111 Thugs parlmmem in Canada Graduate Niagaru Parks II LIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIhI IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIHIII II1II1 11M I111 urnrlIrlutns Ingw and 111051 of he 20 cabinet Commission Horticultural illII 1I11911I11Ii12I1PI 211v 1D11111I11I11I 11I11I11I 1IlII I11I1I11111II11121 111r 11111111111114 IIminjgtprsIhm out of the capital School lI11I1I111 11I 1L1II II1I1I11 1IIIIII1111IIIMagma III1I1IIgt1 II campaigning But in their absence Charlotte 111 1111111 11 112 11111 I11I11111 111111111 11111111 111t11 I1 11 takes only our ministers and 11111 l1LI1Illit 111orc 111111s1111u 11111 111111 15111111111 111111111t11Iv 11111tt11l the gavel011I1Ienex1ai to 111m mp I0 31111111111115 211111 1111 lit1411111111 1111 1l111 11 1111 Smmnd Canadian Tank arne COUUlll 11111 unpotus 111 the 1111112111114 1111111111l11 1111 11s 1111 1111111111111 ll1u1111c111 The four men shift from day to Iont II 41 IlIII UIIlIIIIl II III ThlIf IVW linlmn lilo 26 171m day as ministers move in and out Phone 3161 1II IiInrchII II 111IcI1LIfL1IllIw 1111111 II111I1I11 Army IliIlilIl1Iliiicllt 1111II1IIII Iof town on their campaign trips Evenings in 11 NowI 511I11c11cl111I1II1 I1s1IIl1111B1Iy1Iar1 ISomctimcs there arent 0111111ch 1111111111 111 units 11 111111 1m the capitalbut there usual II II Mont JII31L11 InlIJoInc 1911 th1c1 four within reach It takes yoursvu 11 11111111741 111113 Ifour cabinet ministers for qu0r time nl LLCol lilillltlltnd rctuincd tum of cabinet council which can Phl103I502 HILELFrnckE 117 11111 ADM 1941 thn function as the executive of the WITHIMKEN Oil BURNERS We know the Timken WallFlame Oil Burner is the most economical and we want to prove it to you with our guar In of savings We have accomplished cravings up to 25 on fool and electricity for many of our tradein customers Welell test your present burner free Then on the basis of the teatresulta we will tell you exactly what savings we willguaranteo with new Timhen WallFlame Oil Burner installed in your present boiler or furnace We give this guarantee in writing on moneyback humorback basis No gueasworkmo chance You save or we relinstall your present burner and refund your money Act now while special tradein allowances are in eect Ihil offer is good for limited time only No down payi nentoany terms StartIIavinl now Phone or see us today Camezonillllis Gibson Ltd 65BR1ADF0RD ST PHONE 3855 II TIMKEN Silent Automatic II on Dumas I011 nouns3011 FURNIACES WATER HEATER training 11111111111111 111 look otcr command of tho First 1111j11dt1 of tlic I1iit11 Canadian ii sion with 1111 rank 111 Brigh dicr llc was succucdcd in com mzind 111 thr Forcstcrs byIMzijor iFLll MM who took thc Battalion luvcrscas The Sccond 1Rcsc1vc1 Battalioni of thc chlmcnt was authorized by ltlrc Dcpt 111 National Detcncc on July 13 15141 It was recruited to full strcngth in very short timcI 11nd wcnt to Camp Niagara on Aug Llsl 1940 under command of Lt Col MerlotI MC LtCol Mchn 1111 suncourted byI Lt=ColI 131 McDonald ioimcrly scconIdII in Command of the First ButtalionIof11 At St Thomas Church t11cRogi111cntin April 1941 Sincc 111n tho Soc11nd Battalion cnrv ricd on 21s Rcscrvc Unitdrama 111i chkly and uttcnding annual1 Clllllp hi NiugurziIlor two wccks part1111113 soldiersI as port of thc llomc Dcicnch Almy of Canada lnIApril 1946 eight months after the war crittch t1ch Forcstcrs be ca1111 par of tho Canadiun Army Rescrvc 101cc ot pcucc timc as the 45thc AntiTank Regiment Royal Canadian Artillcry The colors oi the rcgimcnt were deposited at St Thomas Church Shanty Bay in an official corcmony in 1lovcnit1v1IE 1946 BELLE EWART AA Mr and Mrs Frank Chappcll have moved to their new home in chroy Mr and Mrs chnic oiI 1Cooksviile urcI spending few ldays at his home Mr Cameron pastor of the Bap tist church for the summer has lmoved into the Parsonage Mr and Mrs Niagara Falls NY arrived at ltheir summer home here last week Mrs Albert Cundull and son iDouglas of Toronto are visiting 11=iit11 her mother Mrs Baxter Palkhurst ol May 16 Lll 11 FELL MM 1141111 McDONIALoMM 1113 1T1Ril 1131113 llr 1g0veinmentcven though none of through the house Requires less frequent hheart better fuel economy In CANADIAN cuunn 69 John St Mic111w TKClllllCdli 11111 lllv The new Gurney Welded allsteel body eliminates any possibility of gas and dust leaksmakes your home safer stops furnace smells seeping firings al lows ample banking gives steadler II II CANDEANI CNAFria Plumbing Heating Eavcstroughing clululul Laillunl 1111 gtiu Annual Yorkshire Sale At Fair Grounds June 13 WARM AIR FURNACE All itll ll 11 411 TNIBDDRIEDMIFURl 11111 t5 BAR RIE Phone 3770

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