Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 May 1949, p. 28

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PAGE TIIFIITIIIOIII ICC4V JL Conservatives on March If Again Says CaptRawson llv vim Mun laptiiai than siislii Rriiislcrcri tum out Or lnlllul Roltoii limited col lnr IilIS hiriorl do every piece SMITH FURNITURE sroves 129131Dunlop St Phone 4492 SI Now TI 53 Of all Swifts line of popular tableready meats these eight reached the superstandard required for the Seal of Quality And what treat these eight are What treat they have to be to rate mat uncompromisin that they are the nest their ind And to bring theseSuperb ableCdtlYmCaIS to you Swifts have selected only those stores whose facilities are worth of the meats themselves Look or the cardiwiththe seal Get your first tasteof Swifts Premium TableReady Meats tomorrow Swift Canadian Co Limited rumour rosuow unscsz Ari about am nm small rim Keep firsr longer than iliml wars PltlMltJM tolQGHA Fl IRIMIUM BIIAUNuUIWHGEl LOOKED xAllUI XHMIUII MAL INHJ IUAI 1w lllllltlrl VIIi105 Mr ruinuni itHi lliINlU vi ese dealers hav ben seecte tcarry SWIFTS PREMIUM TABLEREADY MEATS iiAimiE FROSTED FOODS Uolller street BAYVIEW GROCERY GORDONS GROCERY Bradford Street GEO COLES Charlotte Street Allandale contends chooser D7WISDgllVlImlatip no thStre t9 nws FLEETHAM Allandale NBLUE SONS Cookstown tiniisti liill ll ll11ll lllil hi tillwiw iifiit own llll lil lill loim iti cilll tut on ri ipwiti ii II Ulti itsoi iw no 31lill lurid its Ill gt121 i=1 iii group lift it thilhlll iill lltll i1 lln phiiluam Liam Iil lilit l1l ltt lll ii Illtl viiv1t iinl iinl plat it in proud iiiihtiiii liii li vim thun hit iuadc tii hayc had tltlil liilzis il Yl liwil pally tlt to kmp Qiivluw sirpicioiis oi ilciltltiitl thi ll Yin illuivrsili iHiizli il lnux tillaiio HQ cus onscivalivc llw nioviiicc of Quobic at il Ii waitini up If ytiu want to low 5i giniiiccs itlltlllll tlicii do not Lriciancv Til Itliltl of tho liboiil rigiziiil no iui up to llicli Ilri Hill of thc war has bccn thc lloiuinionliovin liJl Iron lllrllt czuisc pionuncs iIIl llllilllli tJtliFi llll iii rcsponsiblc goIiin nint primarily iiiii5i liltll through lhcii clcctcd Iii piowntalivcs icuiilrols which iiiiioiiitl Illlllilt of against lilcrals havc and lllllt iotaincd luinvc thc onscryativo party rcsponsiblc ill rostoro lttilll lo anailaf Ittittl Ihc speaker launchcd on pcr lcoigc liist who sonal whon man tulouy callcd aiizida ho haltii by askcd licv Mr lawl icorgc Drcw was halcd hi thc omniunists lctl wingcis and rabid Fcrs and hi Committees Named Ili cw hat ctl was thc And son dtclai oil was Lilicrals icoigc Drew lliltl thc pcisoiial conviction to spcak out ucziinsl what he thought Will pcoplc of Canada or Ilc was largcly not lovid sonic of titi couragt and Unt liir lhl any section of it rcsponsiblc for slcniming the in Ontario and that stopped lhcm The Cl isiio griat factor in this election of course they will make lot of IltllSt thcrc was littleprobability of hav ing to fulfil any of their promiscs Thc onscrvativc rparly march Gcorgc Drew to Ottawa with forward with givc in lllc Dominion who could vnco again Lcts scnd mandatc the British Empire march will Wills inosl times card the little Funeral Service Monday Three Taylor Children Who Died in BC Fire funeral service was conducted afternoon May 16 for three children who died in fire in British Columbia last February 12 flicremains had been British Columbia and were held until the return of one of the relatives who had been in the south The service was for David and Glenn children of Mr and Mrs Vernon Taylor Needles BC Mrs layloils the former MarI jorie Glennie of Barrie and she and horhusband had lived at Timinins before swept their home in British Column bia one child Sandra 12 escaped The remains had been forwarded to the Lloyd and Stcckley Funeral Home atBarrie and it was there the funeral service was conduct ed by Rev Lewis The parents were not present for ccrempn but Mr ZYITdMYS William Glennie of Barrie parents of Mrs Taylor and Mr and Mrs Roy Taylor of Grimsby parents of Vernon Taylor funeral There were also relatives from Toronto and few close friends of the family Surviving the three children are oncsfster Sandra and the parents all in British Columbia There were manylovely floral tributes and ex pleSSlQnSrOf sympathy from friends Interment was made Vin Barrie Union Cemetery Huntsvrlle Porkin Backed by Trade Board gt At the last Huntsville board of trade meeting the members of the organization mendation by the Huntsville town council that parking tot be made available during the busy tourist and that fOur attendants be engaged to look after this specT 131 service toyisgsL Mayor Ginsburg reported that the council wasinaugurating this new service and that charge of 25c would be made for parking He also mentioned that Huntsville board of education had been approached on thematter and that they had made arrange ments for the use of the school groundstfor this purpose Alligators ears found directly behind the eyes are concealed and protected by skin aps Barrio Monday sent here from RATE Phyllis 10 of going west When fire attended the at economical endorsed recom season service If BARRIE XAMINKR BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA YPU President oiiss Lois iitis ol not lint11 Int 911 ilil oi tin Yi nu livi1ilv l1ii 1lllllIlliltilillv Ittlilv llt inn l4 iii= li Mintywow lwwi lizoi Liberal Meetings Creemore Elmvcrlc lllllil llllll il Vlllllllll iitlllli coiniiiitlm llll lillll lliilli Juizplull JIIIIIIHILIIL BassLake bear facilities at thc Iark committcc for this yiar will Wl Wood of Allisloh The publicity and program coin inittcc will bc hcadcti by Louisc Canada the government that thc CNNV Billlle llll lift LUUR mum IGSOIVCS The next 10 to 15 liccd as tho othcr committcc nicm arc going inoincntous in the history of ourI Let us put back in the dis group of burcau crats that struttcd their stuff too long on the stage at Ottawa bcr of Gulliric and George Lisk thc need arises iioiviniiiiiiiis ACHIEVEMENT in MAY 14 Soil isctlvi iiiil tiritvil in ilcly patrol ioiiipc ii in llllltt dciiionstititions on ll ciin iii lnc pliic of Alficd liltillll1l No who had askcd Itllttl ot his tppoiiitiiiciit li llm Illttit of othcr dutics Shemit Iagc of llarric was litilllltli licasuicr lcorgc Ailiillwoll o1 lilimalc is to continui stilttan and thc chairman of you Wood of Alllstiiii Itrlittittl Support Currie 111 Emity Sliiphiiil oltii Ht illIliiltllil chairman llo Tlllti llw il toninnllco liouilo itiit lll ttIiiIiltl ol Hittit oonc tuiiiv illt liiici il iauilulati him an luiimti ilttlttl chain iizaii 1h ioniitiitlio oi south Nollaiiasam vilh lh following poll captain iccii loatcs ll sliiill Altluiiil Mir Siltllidit licciiii llay llusscll Tlltlllllli lanu lockliii and liillll Sinclil LlIll AND IllliitlllliN iiisiilicitli now known as llllll was lirst compoiuitlcd in 1047 lill its practical aluc was not dc ti iniincil until 1039 Used Cars Graves Allen The xi3 lhiusilziv iucwtiiig has lliltl il lIlniiziic llill the llos tth orgaiiitctl as township chairman loll iliplitlll wcro iiiilitl is itillil iltulil llNitll ioiilun Slralh lco Alilitlllllllll loiiciici loltus loi Alttililttlrii burrow Alitiillllls and Willituu lladsloin uiiic was pi cscnl at both numtings and cspicsscil lllw plcasuit at lllt piogioss of lltt 1948 Morc Sedan 1946 Plym Sedan 1940Pontiac Sedan 1946 Pontiac Coach 1946 More Sedan 1946 Mcrc pass Coupe 1941 Buick Sedan 1941 Pontiac Coach 1941 Dodge Coach 1941 Clirys Sedan 1939 Dodge Coupe 1938 Plym Sedan 1947 Ton Ford Pickup At llltlllll of tho ncw lioaril oll iiircclois of lbc liass liki opci Jlil licld at thc Bass lillt laik on Saturday cvciiiiig May coiiilt inittccs lt appointcil to coiilinuo thc Work of lurthcr iicvilopin lhc lhi plzuiiuiig aiid divclopincnt llflllltl li llail Panic of lllnivall and Will consist of Mrs liay lanlll himi llariic No los Naiigliloii loxmciid II Cuppagc CUNIIVJII or No II Russell illitlhiirsl lhs it larncll Elmvalc Mrs Man lord llornc rillia No anti Mrs The financc committee will filli sisi ol ii Russell as Chairman Earl iarncll Andrew Bartholomew Bccton Thcsc committees have powcr to add to their niimbcras Jos Naughton of Foxmcad was appointed director for a3 thitC 14 Clapperton St Read The Barrie Examiner PUBLISHED TWICE WEEKLY MONDAY AND THURSDAY Pot Office Square itltcciitciit ti Illin luli 112ii 1lil In ixl is Vii iriIilx llatlit it uiidii tin 71 lintti Shani Il If it to Siiiaot oiiii tllli tm Iii 311mm St tll Spam ltligiiy wtlv tt itpic lll ii tyioin pills Illlillltl 91 int tl lltllt ct iii ii llii sac tltlls ilti lliltli Trim Marv llilllltl ill5 lioii rltn lid Alb lt lllill Mu ll 1clcoii1lis Mi Habits Iiiiidsall and tiizci tisliii li Straiti xtic Alll lv liazlvi and xlws lui Scott iiiii liilitiitt liliilltll ii Xttlillli l1lllli iiiilloii 11 thc hall and books poisoiial iicfinti and lift aid li1 vtii tin ixlzimts displaycd Dur iii IltiiIHJIII thr girl low not moons and paiI alr and Hifcty laws wci idol in llti ziltti noon pciiod Truck Used Cars at Graves SupcrteSt Serv Station at Candles 1946 Mon Sedan 1946 Chev Coach 1946 Hudson Coach 1941 Ford Coach 1939 Ford Sedan 1939 Nash Coach 1937 Dodge Sedan 1946 34 ton Panel 1946 12 ton Pickup 1940 Fargo 31 ton Panel 1937 Int 12 ton Panel PHONE 3533 iof Barrie and District ANCIENT BEVERAGE Beer was first brewed in ancient Egypt more than 5500 years ago more plentiful on the market Al dates tictint iiiiii Backtran iiii newsman IN stamens HAVE Sunsciiiiiiioiijssiir Piiiiiiiiii Jailroiriiiii waits Biiiiiii $250 res rm Erwo ISSUES sacs went GREEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS As lat says Shurc you can buy the odd thing it cent or two toutr tho odd lillli at llit odd store but takc it by and lurgc thc prices here arc always liittci Wt made it our business to keep them so too COLORED BOWL SETS at 79i FOUR BOWLS ti 72 One cach Cream Grccn Ivory liluc MIXING BOWL SETS at $290 FIVE BOWLS 54 01 31 and Cream Rose Blue Ivory and lrecn Greens English Mixing Bowls 0v ENPROOF MIXING nowis $100 10 in am 5139 11W dmm sum 81 Diitmctci Grand Smooth Howl Thcsc bowls are world famous Sale of Heatprooi ladeite Half Price While Stock Lasts for 25c Sale of Fire King Oven Glass PLATES 91 itcg 20c for 39 MATES Rm 25 OPEN CASSEROLES KH Rog 55c for 35c PLAWERS 12 41 35 SM 35 OPEN cassunomzs Reg 40c for 25c FRUIT NAPPIES 15 15 DEEP cusrano curs for 251 Soups now II for 351 BOWLS Rtg 35 51 53 35 pIE pLATES 8th ROI 20c Sale Im 29 CREAMS SUGARS 351 Sillt for 350 PIE PLATES 90 Reg 330 Sll for 39c PLAITERS 12 ltcg 35C Sttlf 251 ELECTRIC LAMPS with ILLUMINAIEI BASE with swcll sliadcs $ll50 $1350 YES WE DELIVER ur bright red truck is as anxious to scric you well as we are Dial 1301 WE DO THE REST BETTER THAN EVER ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHER FOR RENT 3100 per lay will pay for this hclpcr Paste and liquid waxes can be delivered at the sanic linic GARDEN FORKS HOES RAKES CULTIVATORS ELECTRIC HOT PLATES from $198 to $1500 RICHMOND PAINT Gallons $350 Qts 98c ENDURANCE House PAM Enamels and Varnishcs at the same price resisting gloss in munv non fade colors an Quars 150 200 250 350 50C 65C 750 to whiter white $195 Good oia Glidden Endurance House Painlis bockWeuther Cleans itself Pure ECO pL white lead base Gallon $650 POUND CCM BICYCLES romptics The greatest good for the greatest numbe is the objective of every live alert town In hockey for instance only very few an actively participate yet the number of old and young who may enjoy hockey game such as the Barrie Flyers can show us is only limited by the capacity of the iiilding provided It is our privilege to help make it possible for far greater numberto enjoy in comfort this healthful recre ation HARRY ARMSTRONG PHONE 2801 molt DUNLOP ST From now on fruit should be in PRINTING Try The ExamineriPriuters iiiiiii AUTOMATIC iiiiizssiis Barrie Examiner Limited not 2414 2415 BARRIE THURSDAY MAY 19 1949 JUNE SPECIAL ready we are being offered an assortment known as election SUMMERSIDE PEI PROMPT SERVICE QUALITY weir CALL 2414 Billiqu iioiiiiirgiiMATIQN mm BE PEEASED T0 ESTIMATED All manna TYPE FACESSKILLED GREENE

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