THURSDAY MAY 101949 THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA PAL NINETEEN It wrwmsr=mm vawhmvm5MunnVnyv1vvvrm4 ruseIs Progress Because we believe that the operations of the Company are inter esting to all wholive Tad workan this community we are presenting our human balance shcctan informal report to our neighbours in Barrie hroughOut the past year under difcult supply conditions We maintained high production The result of this was record payroll ing ForSoinc of our products there is great and increasing demand For othersthe products in free supplya healthy com petitivc market presents growing challenge to our efciency in manufacturing and to our energy in sclling The demand for the output Of our Barrie WOrks the great quantityOf domestic electric appliances thatare used in Canadian Record Payroll in 1948 Grthh Contlnues The number employed at Barrie Works has shown steady iniegse edch year since we commenced operation in the Fallpf I946 Our Barrie payroll last year reached the record figure of $416000 Wehave cantin ued to apply our declared policy of paying equal to or higher than the average for com parable work in this community And high wages and incregsing employment at CGE contribute to theallround prosperity of Barrie 74 By the end of l98we had spent over three quarters of allmillion dollars in establishing and expanding our Barrie plant During last year weltooled up for the manufacture Of domestic Floor gPolisher which we believe will quickly become leader in the field This is now in production Already we are tooling for other new products which will be reported on at later date athtrricsWorksiofovcrtiothoodmomparcdtcrh 50300ohr1947 Today situation exists Which is both stimulating and challeng Job Dividends for Employees carbonic Works At Canadian General Electric Company retirement ipensionsiihave been in effect for many years When eligible empldyeesreach retirement age at Barrie Works they receive pension for the reSt of their lives Pensions are paid from trust fund financed entirer bythe Company which cahnot beused for any other purpose The Pension fund now stands at over $6000000 of which $1200000 was added in I948 In addition to retirement pensions employees benefit from further iob dividends in the form of life insurance paid statutory holidays and vacations Asuggestion system gives employees continual opportunity to earn extra dollars by submitting ideas which will increase safety improve methods or lower costs CANADIANGRA ELECTRIC nysuctivities homes from Coastrto Coastis tribute to the employees who continue to make what are we believe the best products at the lowestpOssiblc pricea fulfillment of the Companys policy to produce more goods for more peopch at less cost BarriefWOrks is now Operating on farheavier schedule thin was originally deemch possible The original plans visualized the chplOynicnf of approximately 100 peopletoday there are 248 on the payroll We are condent that with the wholehearrcd4 7h coopcration and loyalty of the employees at Barrie Works Con tinuing growth is assured IlfmmgcrBizrrie Works The Companys Part In Civic Aairs Thesum now being paid each year in municipal taxes by Canadian General Electric Company is goiiig far towards meeting the costs of services and civic im provements iii this toWn In the same way the substan tialDominion income tax payments which the Company wmakeshave contributed to Cpnodas social security measures Perhaps better indication of the interest in the civic and community life of this town are the contributions the employees and the Company are now making each year to Barrie welfare organizations Ct LiMiraoa Hood Olce Toronto Sales Office from Coastto Coast CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRICCOMPANY