Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 May 1949, p. 15

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Gamer Pre everywhere iiURSDY MAY 13 itll 111 21 1111 11 111111111 111 111111111 11111112 it 21 111 71111 111111 11 11 111 l1 USED BAY BRAKE SPEUMISTS EVERYWHERE MARFAK GREASE IOBS WASH JOBS llllliSlONE TIRES lIXllHi BATTERIES Fast and Slow Battery Charges 1133113 To All Makes Oi Cars and Trucks sents Award l11 1=11l lmit til ilkllllltl 1i 1111 l1 lcailii litis thpailtl 11 111 1111 1111 of 11111111 11111 111111 lztl am Winners 1i11 1i lit im 111i11 juur lie l11i1 1llli 211111 trains 11111 11 11111 tutti 11i1 b1111 llllilltli ii 112 111 boys 1111111 ipale 11 1111p 1l11tlt lz 21iiiei t1t11l ill lvl 10 llr lltl liziilatl Hf lloll 331 it l11 t1i fill 11 lllit llii strllillltlltt lliili Humell ln= 111 llilirdfllax Will the 111111111 1101114 double whediiie 11111 1111 1111111 The gtiiiiilili llltL 111111 11 11 11111111 organization to 11111 I1lill Links and titi the 1i11 1111111 names of lilack Hawks 111111 ited Wing and taiiadiins Earl 112111 li1gt1 goalitv lilll it i1it1111t11 and six t11111is The litsi 111111 111 the llliljlllS play for lite l5llililtS litli bell goes and the wound 111111 Sk1ltgt for goals diiiiin 11 111x five minutes lii this way 1111 31111 used more than the other The second line of thin forward 11111 11111 tltlllittilltll form the first 11111 111 the 1111111 eliib ill tie minors Mr llell has group of eiitliusi astii piiiksters distributed ereiily to 1111111 third lines The captains of the major clubs art 1111111111411 and coach tot thezr team in the lower bracket 111 airtight system indeed Mr Earlier recognized the irdir 11111 efforts put forth by the aggres incredible 1llil of HIV league toward youlli gtl principal and the till leticallon lie donated large beautiful iro pliy to the house league to becoiii pend for annually iiid he presented the players on the winning team lWIlli crests lle also held banquet at the 111111111111in House at which to make the presentations anti which1 was attended by Mr llclii Vic Knox and the championship club After receiving the trophy Mi1 Bell gave 11 brief outline as to how the league started add how it had grown He said he does not choose TOW TRUCK SERVICE RUSSEL SlRANAGiiAN BRADFORD sriiniir Barrie 13 long with wide beam high freeboard and the usual good bottom common to all Link models it has capacity to carry in comfort rows well is steady in use and although built to be used with motors as high as 10 HP it gives ideal performance with units ll and under Of medium weight it is casly handled by any member of the family and the some feature makes it an excellent model for cartop or trailer tiapsportatio The Tom has become popular with those who have cottages on the smaller lakes and rivers as his good utility boat IS easily pulled up and in most cases can be put inside the cottage players ii for THE LlNK TERN As useful boat in the low price field the Tom is first choice or 111111111111 home when the season is over GIOTHER MODELS TO GHOOSE FROM McKEOWN 203 BLAKE ST 230 cLAss Heats 225 CLASS 21Heats 220 CLASS Heats ADULTS 75c CLARENCE LOCKHART President ANDY KEITH MEMORIAL FREEFORALL Heats 1Purse $25000 3seconds allowance for 1111111115 in 225 and 220 classes Entrance Fee Canadian Trotting Association rules to govern with exception Money division 40 30 20 and 10 Free stabling hay and straw Management re Serves right toalter or call Off any event PARIMUTUEL BETTING 1BRADLEYGREIG STARTING GATE SPECIALBRIZE OE WOOLEN COOLER FOR WINNER 0F FASTEST HEAT IN EACH CLASS Admission Tax Included CHinoiiEN 301 PORTEQUS Treasurer COLLINGWOOD Horse Races SPONSORED BY COLLINGWOOD HARNESS RACING own VICTORI JIDAY TUESDAY MAY 24119494 pm DaylightSaving limc $85000 PURSES Pursc $20000 Puise $200100 1Purse $20000 their hockey ability alone but also for the way they are able to associate themselves with other boys iIo felt the league had most successful season and perV formed in the highest degree ofand CFC815 WCH given to the 1111 aiid 1111111111111111111111 italph lltili sportsmanship He stated his aim was to have as many boys playing the game as possible but could hardly believe it when Mr Garner contacted him about presenting trophy seeing the valuable silverware he didnt feel the league was good on After $17500 PHONE 2353 VIC ELLIS Secretary of life for young and old zany other factor time fact that had to be faced about 70 In addition velopment of the machine has taining community stability and 81115213 mum BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA BUYER FOR EON TON DEPT STORE GAVE IT UP WHEN GOT MARRIEDWHAT HONEYMOON IISI lure 1oiigli for it But thanked Mr 21111 er wliolelieaitedly for his support and contribution The trophy was tiieii presented 1to Bob Garner and Lyle lirisiow Biistow and Bob Earner Prior to the formal portion of lllt By KEN ROBINSON Barrie Recreation Counsellor The first two paragraplisof papr submitted by Murray C1 Ross at the Canadian Council on Social Work last year under the heading of introduction The Growing Importance of RCCICZI tion seem to so clearly point out1 the contentions of many leading recreationists that we felt it would be of interest to many to repeat these two paragraphs in this column The inclusion of this subject on the agenda of the Canadian Conference on Social Work is in itself recognition of the grow ing acceptance of rccrcation as subject of first importaiiccjn the life of our country The twentieth century has brought many devei opments in this field and of11thesc the most sigmEanhis the gen eral acceptance of the idea that recreation is one of the necessities HERES EFFIE 111 FRONTOF KRULLEFZS many TRUCKNTHE 11551155 PLATE SAYS vats 161151HMM11AN9 11512533 you AND HENRY ON THE OONEY 15mm EXCURSION 810A PEOPLE ARE 1M MAGAZINE ON THE PORCH lb THiNK 7111 PADER BOY IJLJST illkErl Aubert 11 100K AT Tinsitems BACK AT LOCAL PERSONS AiD PLACES QUIET 711131255 SOME MANON THE PHONE FROM sueuaom MAGAZlNE gt1 WANTS TO KNOW 1F Moor11w M01212 25 1113 ARE FLJW PCloZES CF MJAVV AN COLK Mfg1 261515 mums C141 113 BOSWEva ACUVEN Ts LAME THE PMEY rto ldinner lr l1lii11 voluntarily led 111111 111111 iinl y1stli1iikeilby Mi 121111111 for lll iiiiiiist Mr iiiliiti was thanked for the trophy and crests by Lyle Bristow lowing boys liiii llook italpli 11111111 i11111 Hob tiarner presented tltnnnins 111111110 1111111111ct1111 in 111111 1111111 11 11111 1111 1111111111 111 Jthk Ellltllllrilttll ll Mrlliail the team 111 appr11iat1i1111 for his Grcgg Tomliiisoii Lorne lieinier work Bill l1erguson iiaiold illorrisoii It was definitely grand wind Jack Emiiis ilob Counter ll1 up 111 vortliy ltitllt and tribute to the work aceoiiiplislieil by Mr ilell iiiist1liotit made its exit with the we see where they volveii in playoff Clancy series lilllllLllTlillS There is 1111 indoor physical 111tiily With which we have had little connection but we have ijuit receivedmtoriiiation concernlt line tiithiitario senior weightlift iiie championships liiesc grunt artists CJililltl in Toronto on Friday June and if there are any local lads who indulge in this slightly strenuous activity the re creation office will be glad to furnish further information SOFTBALL AND BASEBALL As will probany be read elsJ where in this edition softball viil reign as king of sportsalong with its older biUTlicl baseballfor the next three or four months are still in iii Torontos ICE 119 ESSA RD Industrialization as made much as leisur As new book on this subjcct statst Over the course of the past century prevailing hours of labor have been halved and availablci creased from ten hours weekly to meant increased mechanized and routinized occupations that in hibited not only physicalactivity but also the exercise of creative activity For these and other reasons one finds the importance for adequate provisions for reI creation being emphasized on all sides The psychologist pointsout the importance of play as means of selfexpression The sociologist stresses its importance in1main counteracting crime in urban life The educators point to the many learning situations involved recreation and to thepoteniialities it holds for the development of The common man sary and desirable inthc com munity and lie for his own rea sons is strong supporter for plans to increase Apontunities in the community Rei creation is being increasingly ac cepted in Canada as commun employment and willpossibly carry their work good citizens of the postwarwwtnld sees recrea tion as something that is neces recreation op ity need paralleling education and in importance This appears to bewell written logic from an authoritive source Although the weather appears to be occasionally in doubt it is rea sonably safeto say winter lids left us and summer approaches Many ofjthe winter activities are draw ing to close although the Crea tive Arts group are still meeting on to outdoor sketching The Drama Club will have called halt to their indoor season but many of the members are already at 1work with the Kompenfeidt Sum mer Theatre group Hockey has leisure was estimated to have in the def in 1the junior final 11111111 111 Wliiiiiptiz illliougii lo bring to 11111 readers attention The ladies intermediates and SLlig1uin is continuing Adljelivery Call EplettsFurnitureElectric 139 Dunlop St 10ft 111 11ll lWlltllllli 1111 staitiiig gin and the industrial League is organizing this week Barrie ip piars slabii 111 have its share of baseball toof With ll111 limins rounding up group of talented juniors to enter the South Simeon liiteiiiicdiato League and Win Law lieadiiie up minor youth group llltli Will sponsor juveniles and inidrets and possibly bantiiiiis The latter are cinisideriiig entering Sotilii Slim111 junior loop All 111 Vllltll is creating problem con cciiiing playing areas Another Case of demand and supply in connection with softball in bracket we did wish team of youth ranging from 151 to 17 years of age playing under the name of Allaiidale Combines This team because of the obvious interest of the participants is be ing sponsored by Mr Arnold Rob ertson who has even purchased Bruce Synnolt Elected 11111111 1111 1111 11 111 Ila 11111 li1 11 1111 11 ll 1lil 111111 11iiil lil in 11 111 1111111 11 11111 31111111 l11111 11 i111111 511 1111 11 In 11l 111 111 l1 11111111 11111111 111 111 1121 11111 linmtv it 111 1111 1111 liiliill i1ii1il 1111 11 11 111111111111 11111 7111 11 11 111 to 5111 111 121111 111 11 11 111 Al li11l1l 111l 11ti1l1 111i1 ll b11 11l11l lo 11 ll11 lil mile The 11111111 1111 111 1111111 1111L llgtllLllit1li 11411311 l11 1121 lie lotiinti 11 pm 111 in 1111111 111 111 lii111 1111l 111 li11x1 l1gt liiiiiie 31111111 li1l11111 tlii 11111 txiiislitiitni 1111 1i1111 111 11 1111111111 lnluii the 111111 11 ilirll 11111111i1 111111 tltillili li1 tl1i1d 111 1111 11 annually and 111113 1113 11 111111 lllt any 1t llfrlit 11 that b1111 art111111 b1 1111111i and ill tliiiiiiis l11 s11111i 1l111 piesith 111 11111111111 and 11111111 that ii11ii1l1eis 111111li111 lll1 1gtl11 iii and 11 the meetings 111111 11111 tieishiiiiiiiig that 1111 13111111111511 11119 in 11111111111111111 131111111111 11111 illi Hisptlitl an otf1i11i111 111 31 1111 that l111j1 has paid hit 111 and feels hr 111 11111 11111111 p111 111 the ltli 1111 111111 he has 11111 iililll to ilttit 311 fee that 1111 ilitb ill 1111 way iill bi held 11111 sp1111silil1 1111 iittil1illgt 111 plants iiid players sliall 111111 iii to thej executive Izlliltllt permits sizinu by tin1r parents that 1111 211111 1111y11111pl sponsoisiup should tl1111 iiiaJoiity of that 111111111 w1111 111 11111 so but 111 no 111111 filiilll tl1 1ti1ci iiieiiilieisliip Life Saving Society classes ill commence on Monday 1111111 111111 those visliini 111 train or 111 e1111 mod for llitl awards 111111111 11 Mrs Moody at the ptml soetiair If the plans of the Barrie and District Soccer imagin 1v11111111 it appears as ll this years group 111111 be truly lillttltili Harrie Edgar Midland and Bradford have already signified tinir intentions of competing and there remains the possibility that rillia aiid Ihoriiton may also enter 141111111 sucl111s that should l1n1i il111i and variety 111 this r11i11111111s 1111111 petition sweaters for his outfit and lie is1 vcryiaiixious to obtain games for that the lads It is unfortunate this team of boys are Of an age which includes the dead spot in systemtoo old for playground too inexperienced our local softball for intermediate and senior and yet very anxious to continue play iiig SWIMMING This is justa repeat on swim ming information that Baidia Pool is back on the at camp Borden activity list 111111 the water pro PHONE 5311 oPHoLsTERiivc Bring Spring indoors allaye your Chesterfields and Occasional ChairsRepaiied 81 Recovered Stratford Upholstering Co Ferjgeiickup SALES AND SERVICE Barrie Ont PHONE 3721 DRIVEURSELF 12 PANEL TRUCKS 10cper mile LARGE TRUCKS 15 per mile 1AND TruckingrservicexV LOCAL LONG DISTANCE TRUGKING PCV CLASS 61 24 HOUR SERVICE DRIVEURSELF CABS 10 per mile TON STAKE AND The Royal DELIVERY CALL BAXTER BROS Without PAUE FIFIm CHURCHILL Soltbail Tournament Tuesday May 24 Entries must be received by 12 Noon May 23 ADMISSION 25c NO ENTRY FEES iithAili 11111111 111111 1111 REFRESHMENT BOOTH 11 11111 111111111 11111111111131 11111111111 ll 1111111 tin lighieil doubl about your tires Uonl lulu odvoziloge tho ltivL thiln Lxoiiiined now run llLLil 115M 11i week of 1111 Special PIcliohdu TIRE CHECKUP SERVICE Wu have the men the equipment the locililios for prompt and thorough examination oi your tires at very small cost to you orid lor quick economical repairs il you need lllulli Your car called for and returned promptly if your tires are in good ihopc well my so it they require icpous Well full you the cost lf new 03 we needed we on supply and recoiiinitnd DU IOP ABMORizsdriREs WM 24 lolA atolreY VlCK uP yous cm Road service Batsiones Tire Service Maple Avenue at Elizabeth Street PHONE 39221BARRIE WasilielelolliesCleaner Weur lusts longri EVERYTHING youve always wanted in washer is waiting for you in thenew Westinghouse Scientific water action washes clothes cleaner Cushioned Acsiizm gyrator haulsms clot1e wear Westinghouse precisio engineering assures longer lie Sentinel of Safety adords you and your washer more protection Beautiful white porcelain tub All these and many additiomll modern advancements give you MORE in Westinghouse washer aria price you can affordio pay exclusive aIIIIOIIOIQyVllnoIIIIIII 1101111 irriiiiici suor Clapperton St Phone jlmtlt Axum

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