Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 May 1949, p. 4

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lAl it l949 lllli ltAlilillL EXAMINER llAlilillA tNlAlllU CANADA MUNUAY til11 v11 s1 manic Hilly tllll on quuor Board ItltlL lzm v1 flirt Mb 1l=tl if lullQ ex1 ra 1ons 18 11 1212 presents Ile giAii1l1 111 rld 311113 Chihvicw 11 ll at Commonwealth Seen Pattern or On Rural Education SlMCOE NORTH 11l 1I IIIIII As II III II 111111111 11 111111 IIIftlIItIllxIIledhilI lIIi IiIiIIIliI l1 i11 ittllllil 11 111 LII II 1II PIAHIEIZII MIL 1111 IEI H1 All Mankind Dollar Investment gt WWInDW m1 iIllilnes of kiltllllllitltl Ilii tul 11 51 himth hawk liizlllft will llllllzlzi WW 1111 tgt lieu 111 ltmll iIgtIlll l1 11 155113 IIII II AI IIIIIIIII III iIl TII IIII II ItyitIJIIL Ililll liiiilA IlItilI IIlI III III It VIII u1 gtI Illil ltli in 111 on All 111 tlllll 1IIItIHU llllI1lllt l1l Arm I311 1M IxhlIIiIlhIh1IH1 hmhdIlih 1111111314 A11 111 111111 fit 111cm 111111i1r Mrs illtlii Mrs 111111 uovunlints IA 11 tii1il1ll UulwtxlI HiIrJppdrtllt to lilsloii liiirrhill leadership oi midi Ilooii MI 111111 nil tillI AA 113111 1111 311 111111 Kliilll thi lSIlllxlI tllll 111t111 1111 ton 1111 linistlr in lllt MI HIIIIII MI HIIIIII MIMI Shadou tioeriiiliciit the Oilscrtittnrs hope to put 13 Maison Mis Shannon Ellis hack in pourr in the 1030 elections and likely lrilnl IiIicsonA M13 31 UttlIlftllIt 3111 ill 1z Minister of Britain should lr thiirrhill Hll and 1e BIIJII GII AIIIIIJI IIIIH AIIIAI llrtwuh llll llU1 l1 Mitchell Mrs Willizuli llili N11 0111 11 1111 hiltltIN 111 1115 Majesty loil Up 13115 1011 Mr 111 AA II position toiliurrou perhaps 111 111m er again lr LIdeil iz Uni Mrlu JR llnnhllllxtlllltlil IN pliuuuiic for the miurn of 0111 Nate IIIWII II past ltllltlllltllt liid lliizilities lind added authority Mrs Cecil Ilnlieltson 311 11ml 111111151110 Wt4 ind emphasis to his comments on current attain in Baits 1l1 McNalm MIS 5111111 11111ot llIlll tIIi ioIIIIIliVtilllllt iiilm llulh Mrs l1 lltllltlll 111 nulltill trilltllll 11ml 1111r1111e if lllt lust Tle urlN 1h IN mm 111 ltlti lll If lllllllllll Mrs 111 Shh lilowlr li Nmnl 117111 11 gt gt 1i in Mymh tl MTV lll MU51 ML lotwlW During the past 38 itirs 1t leave served 1I 11 II IIIIIIIIK II II II II 11 1H dillM ll vi pit 11t ll L1ll1ltll la 1th 1111m 1111111115 iii ir1rt Ht It 1111 11 1Il 11 ii 11 11 tlilllltllb III II AIIII II II II horn111111i1111sgiliiicll11111 l1llt1flll loiou II AI IIIA ll 11 hlll fl11 oilingwoud II VII IISIIIIIIIOD 191111111 xho fixed ls 11 l11 11 ill l1illll MD l1lt 111s1 will MM 111 1111111 months while ll French Mls lttlt1gt11ll ilI IA li ghhihhh MI 11 lhha Mp AA til lll Illt III IIIIIIlfIT If IlIlI II IIAAII IIIiIlIIlI hlhw Bey lcicIy lA1il111cA1 MlsI THE learAllnil lIgt can Wi ll ill1 lmlwn mind It 19m lclfer Mrs A1ilonA M111 Md blmm 1ll Mimi MIMI Imm Christopher Miss liidoilA Misti Ii Ml My hm mm lriiesdale Mrs flush 1111 CORPORATION 11 llu riiililwldlli Jtitm Um lllx mm 2111 lls Strohm hlrs riuilliw 1111 lW 11111111 Wit ill11111 11115 Foley Mrs amiw 11 71 111111 My 011111111 3111 Barrie Oice 13 Dunlop Street 11 III AWHIIIM Mr Ill in 8mm wt it lowmhiii IIlox 11 ii Apto llailloran lt1liAS 111 11 IA 111 1liii llcniinc lhclpsioil IAN II 11I IittlitiIlIIlt Il olielilin lItiilvale Ach litAu 11 In 111 1io ltV Lil 1111111lilll 1H1 ll liltll 1111 tAi Il11 iii 111 lliorthwuk l1illiciaps 1111 pllnlttl lionl de hike 111 1111 11 ol 1111111111211 11 1IIAl IIlt II in 0qu Trillle II III hidnhmg thhmhhx hhA Alm IIAA 1AA1 hum AA iI in 111t 1111 111Il 1111 115 Ah 11 l1 11II 1II II III 111 III Inlnis 1111111 111 11111 4Yllii le 11 Iilltlll II 11 lav11111 111 1111 111111 111111 11111111 11111 111 Ii township of Nottmvasagzl mm with gillEL NH MA TL mm Human Klimt mlmvnh IM Um muml AVCIIIII tcil Coalis uriilis IIIIllllitlltit ol ll 11 5111111 1111 this week 111 NW 3111001 511111115 1111k1111 215111111111 Him two 111 ll1111tl 211 11 1111111 31 liim 1111 121111111 11 l1lil iiid Ili ll 11111111 alum 111 A1 1111111 1Iv is the 1011 Mill lt1llIllI l1lIIl lltllntlbw huhglhwh II IIIAII MA AIAg 11111 7111 Ii1llll ivlit 111111 51 Anninon A11 ziteiiiia ol ItINIIlv II AIAh hm 11 whiLthv AA McArlhur Symiotts WA 1I1 111 ll 31 Ill 11 All ml 111111 11111 ivllortod success 111 all 11 Wriht Batteail Valltisc lllvtl IIA IAI II II MIIli IA AAI1IAI lI II 11 31 llmu IDIIIIIIIIII III IlA II Alilliliriidi 111 ti 1Ii 111 Iii 1111111 men 11 is llllt e11 illlt 11 5mm Hhhhhlh MRI it AAA 1A II IIIILIIII III IAIIII IIIII 1Ih IAAI Am NW 1A1I1 II III iIIii ll IIlIIliIIA111III111I 1111 1111111 11 111111111 t111i tII I1 MI In hAl hum II1IIIh15 hhh lliilon JanusISliuldsAI Singhalup lollin 1i11f11 11111 llil 11ilIi ldwl 111 III II II HI 11 llIII ill 11Ntt11m Wilma 11111 Sign 211111 shorten the waiting 11 Mrs SChNrdAm mmImm WWW AAA ghIH hm hIAAhlh 111vt111111li111 mule can llll 1111 the eweiition of one who 11 III 11 111 11111115 111111 11111111 $311M MCDVAmHIi NHfw 13 11Iii on 11111 that 1111 1111112111 11115 11 i1 11 1111 1Ih1 1mm 311 iihm 11139111 Peters McDerniid Sloll 111 ll 11111iii ha 111 11111 ol ha and oiillus fol lItll thin to ltli 111111 It IIWIIH 101 1111 llllllii we 11 tol Todd 1130 Hull 11 WWI Lawrences School liaiik irics 11 11 11 A1itl bach Millies llitchic lee1 llltll fruit 111 tlivir lumber in 211 111 111 11111111111111 111 1111111 ltlltlll 1111 ll llllllllt lt lllIllllllll 11Illlli l1l1 211 41111 WWIi li MAW HWIVK 1liesidenli aiit li llioiilh 1m1 11 lllllilMildllllllfIEIliHalllllyillifll mm Uplmlmy Tinh Mr can still lttII Itlllll 11111311111 111 i111 111111111 lilV llilt ll LHIW 91M IL sou Mi Milon illr1 111L I11111 111l1il11lhlhw will he ML pinch lmmnwn III plus 11 11litll1 111 l11lt 11111 Ilztltl 111 1111 lil 1111111 11 AH Iilll Hi 1Hd timli litltl MI l1 litlluillll ill 1l1hl l1 Ill VUML dull III TIM IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII III II IIIIIVIIII HIIII II III IIIIIIIA IAXIISIIIAIIHIHAA111111 1A111A 1111111 Nil1111 111 IhhlmhI 1M I1 I1I 1m IIIIIIIIIII II IIII IIII IIIIII II loiinship of Slinnldalc MIMI hIlAAIIAn huh llilII no or the natural 11111kv llm lllllll AIS 711 llll Mrs it IackA lto lip 1H 10111 Brentwood Douglas Day Ncw JIIII IIIII IIIIIII II III IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIII IIIIIIIII III IAIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IAIIII AIM 111 AIM 1A 1th IIHIIII IIIIII IIIIII HI AIM I11oiI1Iit I111 111 11 ll on Imth WIIHIIIII MIIIIIIIIIIASIIIII COLORFUL pROTECTIVE ENAMEL OF 100 USES 111 ft 111 and llmlil and 1111t 14 lll Y3lI 1le mum Mimi erial ailada hits lIltll Jtlilh i1 11111112111 11 111 11tl 111 come Haw111 15 Imlw The Itltlll appeal for lied rosn VAMCI 5hcrwnWams En191lrk duff Nil 11 111WWll Shh AA A111AAI 5mm SAW AA1111 11 111111 11 11 lliv Chairman of 1111 51111111111111 1111111 was finally closed 111 11 1111111 miracles See how one gleaming Colorbright mllllt Ml1 1111 hIA IMIIIHIA MIMI hm IIAIIIIII IIIIIAII SIM hIA IIIIA MI AI IAthhhh whim Shh huhhhthh 111 III III $1533 mm hd 10C coat rm105 IJeycms army brightens old furniiurcI FHIHKlICIIIS lllm Iii ltllll lilitd AIM hurl hhArIA HIIHIIIAIgtI hwh huh whim of II th it Wallis reliorted continuiiiu 1111 The aliip Borden Branch Add hmmy md original to your home 5110 1r 111 toll irranrz III nts 1A dllll tillftllt Llllllllltl Th is knit mm has mark will Hill lllllulllll lnlhllflilntfiiii minim11 ilmd lLb 1n Hm INlotf onl WHh ENAMELOID 11 xw 11111 iianiiis lllIII tIiIlIIC iiral enough for anailialls would IlIHIMII IIlIIIIII iIIIIlhI hat IIIIIIIIII III III IIIliIIIAIIIIIII II17IAIIII horhhnmhI MmuhAmSI and AI MAI LI II It It In of course prefer to Antc the earliest ItIIHIII ZIIIIIIIHIA IIFI I1 IIIGI In IIIIIIIhAIIII III hvhrh UVII whml hihhhn mm Angus and voted to ItIllll Ill 1111011111 of mm Brilliant Colors so Hue inc II II Im11 Hull HIIll lllLIIl hm Wth hhhhhhh lhh thh1z inolivslalih the problems are 11113111 UHF IIWLI llll 111 to the Ontario DIVISION inimediatc rtl R0515 Abuse pattern of trade on Much the ct i1Ii 1Ahh1 1h ewhh 11h humid LI my PP MINUS and mm MIMI III $41111 11 A111 IAAIIeI Uh 111 lt1llllll1ll oi tlir donation only of tanada has been based to III II IIII 1r1 1111111 l11111111 1111111111 1111 hm111 lllt future Because of duties Ptol oi Stititlimadc to this Branch when INSULIN SWING til Cleans EMMY so long SUI pl5hhhlI whhhil 111 If LUIS 11 11 MI 11 III lt1 Dries QUIcklyl Stlgt1li of 111 11111111111 11 111115 hittl Mlbmlt 11gt HltJd it Mar ream1d last e1r Ti we But how is it to he 1111113 Shim PL lAIM mi Mi Ih II IIIIMII II whim UH lCChhthd 111 10 hum hm hm mm IIIIIIIIIIIU Oll Wall 11 Thch In lwill 1111 iillllttl 11 llilt Atherd 1lt urets He will continue as Exam iore 11111ruved for the next twelve Save repair and maintenance COStS III III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIAIII IIIIIIAIAI AhIAII I11 11111111111111 iAiulIlnlIxI ltlll III IIIII II II 1111 111111 inc111K101 It opcct 111111111 111111 11 1c 11 111 PrOVidcs pleasing colors innd fire Britain WI HIIA AWIIhAH OXINIIAUM tatioll iipoli our trade Willi tanada tl 1111fl11 Il1 Ii ha ml She protection anon III IIIII IIIIIIIIII III IIIIII him Shhchh responsmhm hm build ltliitl1li iiroaszilel against 11 MWWI ll 101 111I11ItsI Ville devoted Chairman and hm he 1me mm In us in Britain We must not make l1l11 WWW 1112 1111 Mm 11 mmmm mmInbcrs W111 finpiiills fOr lull 1llltlitltllt We in humor mom With 0th mm lWHHIMli Rm ill1yll1iilm Tm MN Jmk pmwmmii mrllhww lvn 1111011 tthmgs for the IS II whhh 1131111 Shihnh mph zuth ini terror of lltII leaders final report on the course in Ionic 70mm Ill 11 ll lllc It ld SUIPIL ml 150S which Chmdh hhhhl haw may be more tllllt1lt1ll$ than their iursinur held last season This St Phone hmmht from SI When armies T111111 1h 1hS whhh hh who pic of COhhmm TRY AN EXAMNER WANT 1A Canada mm 111 the new til111A oi1 111111 tliillcniii 111 1111 statcsmnn it work and congratulatioils chit WH Amhehuh15 101 W111 phihhd hml1Iship 111 the free world it has yet to Mrs Jack and her Committee IU I1I hh KIShIHAt Umm mm 1A 11 ii lItII II Anothli Conunittcouill lI sit up ehhh Ahwmh undo hm hhhdI Ilut disliih 1ll llllnt wtilltllllh 11111111 the summer to conduct The Canadians Chumhhhcd 1h even eriiii ie111ioii which we second course next Fall SCHOOL hm SUM n5 anth 1h hhm should be foolish to leuolo to coii The Hospital Visiting 11111111111 1A hm jhhhdn hodcd and could ha elude this All1lliIILAI to come home teeA led by Mrs Conncrs rc SUMMER used to send her canned goods 11 convinced that the three unifies gularly visits the patients in the CAMPS SI lhmACIIan be masonSI basm 11 11011 111 hthi 1hoh cooperw Station Hospithh helping to hmhh on our shortage of dollars for our tion to still wider spheresA can do the monotony with cheery word COUNT hhymh 10m thiSI but hey hm hm the job that has cut to be done and generous treats of smokes and HOMES has Canadians hcccph 11 is Our 11111111onuealth of Nations the candy continued need is for not always enough to have good in Winston Union and the signatories good used magazines and 111085051 Modtmllc Your Property by 101110 There 111Q Occasions when of the Atlantic loitathcse are the and homes could help by sending II 51311101ChifmlmlTWINCheat 1115 as importhm pcrsuhdc mu vlllILt unifies it is with the tirst these before they are too mucll 011d 35 31511110Willerlr05 rimm ihmhdihtciy that those are of these that my journey has been out of datel to the Chaplains fli if rcqwrchl or hbqut in fact well founded Oll7r tradct mmlmd C05 for this Commitmc OIISOTTUI$1I1I5J vp Chmhhsshmmvx 100me must hi When one travels 1111111111ally Mic The rcccntly appointed Chalr Tr 0m PAth Tomi ways he given Uh rinfmInhtmn at this and has chance to speak to man of the Work Committee Mrs SHIPmAin nguamntcc the time when any these 100 that hhhhhlhd hhhm Uh In in Anderson reported that the IIIII Write us for full infori lion mom with foreign countries are the street as well as to the coun womens groups OfCanip are co made Once wrong impression tiics elected leaders one can gathvl operating very well Material is WORKS LTD is gained it is alwavs difficult to 01 Certain wry definite imprcs in the hands of members of thc catch up and collect it sions T111 11111111 lllIILSS Ibt South Zone AuXiliain the PIOttS TWEEDA ONTARO A11 these considcmihms have to tween these nationsAol the Blitii tant Ladies Guild and the Catholic Commonwealth is left as my Womens League The baby arti1 strmigcst impression It is based clcs at present being inane are no doubt on traditions habits contribution to the overseas assist Radios Was IRONERS TOASTERS VACUUM CLEANERS POLISHERS FANS 139 Dimiopsr MAURICE Aware mouth 51 MATERIALUSE Pena 2427 Eplett Furniture Electric GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES authorized dealer WE SERVICE selfeducation spread across the centuries The Accents of 1778 un une were not ill vain They were the beginningi of our instruction which The rural life committee of tlic REFRIGERATOBS hasproceedcd by stages until we County Federation of Agriculture IRONS have evolved into free familyOf of which Rev McFarland of GRILLS equaIlsI Illtl once the mgthjr Iwas glmvzillee is3chtal1malii mIet onf TuIcIsI VOllA HIV owna lllll El EV ay ay ma pans or 19 IA HEATING PADS It is just this evolution from the county agricultural service of war1 ELECTRIC BLANKETS governed and the governor into ship at Springwater Park Mubl society of equals which surely has burst The date for this event has AND CARRY LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F PARTsif TRAINED RADIO TECHNICIAN AND SERVICEMANI lt Painting Specialist IQNES is lnow in charge Off Our paintshop IWE ARE EQUIPPED TO OFFER YOU THE FINEST PAINT JOB HAVE EVER SEEN COST ACCORDING TO THE JOB AND REASONABLE AND SATIISFYING Oanu Limited HRYSLER PLYMOUTH FARGO GEC WEST SERVICE MANAGER ancc program of the Canadian Red Cross This project will be corri cvrn prejiulires which haw built up way of lift that is peculiarly our own To international affairs it can cuntributc wealth of experience Even the mistakes of the past have played their part in systein of BAR Federation Church Service Midhurst been set for Sunday June 19 Recommendatidns also were made that Fall leadership conference he held at CamleaIwlv again this year With special weekend conferenceAplannid for rural school teachers committee consisting of Donald Bell llunterfD Rus sell Cecil Chappell Rev MCFarlane Louise Colley Stewart Page and Rev AMoirison were named to make plans for the conference progrmilI at CampIRawley IA LAFFAZDAY lesson within it for allmankind The new epinmonwealth plan and Indias inclusion within it as full member of the family are itslatesl example TIliereI is certainly in this country widespread deter mination tAoAmakc in Mr Church ills words this new expressibn of the unity of the worldwideasso ciation of states and nations practical and lasting success This world will not get very far in its search for peace until na tions are willing to show toward each other that tolerance and ex clcisc that good faith which with out the injunction of Written bonds is the practiccwithin our family With the conviction that here is something which can play part in inspiring our fellow men that closed journey of 40000 miles to the four corners of the earth 1949 COPYRIGHT IN THE UNI TED STATES AND CANADA BY NORTH AMERICAN NEWSPAP ER ALLIANCE ELSEWHERE BY COOPERATION PRESS SEVICE REPRODUCTION IN FULL OR IN PART IN ANY LANGUAGE STRICTLY PROHIBITED or the purpose oIflSelecLlirigi Candidate IItoI represent the Party aiAthe Ilextfl Do minion fEleccion Phone 3721 GiiestSpeakelsih John HackettBLLBciKcMP alresident of the Canadian Bar Association and Governor AMcIGiIll university Hon EdilROwe MP George GIJOhnAston MPPV Rev Capt DownerMPP GOD SAVE THE KING OfokMDPresidnt GilbertSeOretery AUCTIONEER DIES MELFORT Sask CP chdy oldvtimer of Melfort an auctioneer was found dead beside his car on No 13 highway near Birch Hills recently Deathwas attributed to heartattack TEXAWEXMHNEBHWANTJD Barrie IIRIHIIMAI mm mm mm iBy the way did anyone think to cat license Sor7thistf

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