Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 May 1949, p. 1

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8601 Year No Liberals Choose William Robinson For Simcoe East ll tlltlliilltl the Liberal lot llltnw lil lll llt hold 011 Kolututni hni ct HidiuwIn tho It un iii ln mum at Utttt Int 1h III font you Im was lllltllllt11 no of the UllVCll lion zit toEIIxniuI on Saturday tilltInI on ll rl vpiztx llzt Iiulin lpg nomination Mr Ill rant the was proud and lllt tlltlltlttl ooI lllll tut ll III doubt lII Iijulii in wt ln Irtlttllttit of tho lilllllill path In tIIInlI lu Iul lc llvtvt fuw timid and 21 lllit plnlfinm Itwl III to flI llr thi llitlll ol ll tippttxllltltl the Ill lill IuInlIIiotI Ltltl in was the Input In tom line of lttlbllitltd and tltldltl oIIrergitIv lead Ms Mr liolnnsou tltl ho was con vimml that MI 1hth was hungry foI poimm poth and be was lllttllltt to national unity llc rend fIIIIII lllt llobo IIItl Mall of cvtr opposed liIIIIIly allovxnnccs of IllillL Mmistiw lannrnt Mr Robinson tlcstIIbcd him liltill leader He szutl that llillllllltll cIIIploy IIIII2l was pow at Its lIIuhtst point in history and the national in come was lIirihtst Inrm income was up roIn $1300 iI farm in 1039 to $3000 last year We are now cIIIbnrkinI on lltitllll program which amounts to $3000000 1i war he said We havv ltlllt all these tlnmzs and have ltlllltlll the national deb Inul we lan rotlutcd taxes Walter Harris McLean introduced the of the afternoon Wallet lluriIs MP for GreyBruce Mr llnIIIs defeated Agnes Mncphail in 1910 and he was tcltc1td at tlI lltXl election He scrvvd as IIItIior with the Grey and Sim lItJ IItIIcsltrs ill the second crcztl Spvalt nu lour St lootpn spinkcr war and ho was now parlinmcrv tiny usmsiitnl to the prime min Isltr Mr Harris spoke of the prom Ists littttlt by lllt Liberals four yours Iuo and llt said all but one of these planks had been fulfilled to the lllltl Legislation was provided for lllt veterans equal to that of any country in the world and Mr Harris said the veterans were sal isficd with the benefits provid cd for them Employment had bccrt increased to an even greater level than it was four years ago Said the speak cr Mr llarris mentioned the trade contracts negotiated with the Un ited Kingdom and described them as an important factor in the Can adian economy Speaking of social security Mr Ilnrris recalled that Prime Minis tci Mackenzie King had said in the campaign four years ago that he would like to see established basic minimum standard for all Old age pensions vcrc to be high er Our promisc still stands as it was four years ago be de clarcd Another feature described was health insurance We have found Turn to page six please Bank of Nova Scotia th 19H III llllll Mr l1w vtist tptolml lg rli5iv11lm nmilv 110W HANHI lizzs IrIonlt ZHtl II llltlllllti and trip in lJttll inpuIIItcd Illitllilltl o1 tho 11H tlp gum ulll de lliIIIII branch of ltllIIlt ot Him Hum lovt ltltllir unrrttlIItI ll Mo Ntlltllllltll1lltl 11ml lltlllltl litllllll vll 413 ltfll 001an noi int myth hm pm hwy liltl IS Inzinitutr It urlpli Ilr illantoclt jttltltll tho haul at II llllllllt town Kcuoin III 1933 wptltl four JlllS llltlt IIItl flitII was llltItl to Ninlltttn Saslanltlitnatt for 10 yczns III lililti ho was Hausa llllal to southern Album and III 1913 llt was ltltllltlilttl lo llltlllilLLll when lll tilittlltl now brunch llt comes to lluIIII lltllll lorl lItlllt Illtlt llt has just coniplti optnun illltlllltl lllitlltll for the to llurrtc shortly smooth dachshund owntd by lrtne Burden of Toronto was judg ed best itrshow at the Barrie Kcn ncl Clubs third annual interna tionalallbrccd dog show Saturday held at Barrie Arena Along with this title her Champion Daehs 11sz en Mardi of CarVinRob Carried off the colors of best Canadian Brett in the show The dachshund bested Robert Walgatcs English Springer Spun liel international champion With pride of Sandcmnn from Buffalo NY who collected ribbons for re scrvc best in show Boston Terrier ill the senior puppy class owned by Mrs Rachel Davis of Toronto swept to best of winners in its group and then went on to capture best Canadian bred lpuppy honors in the show Her RaeShells Star Beau placed third in the best in show competitions The show attiathd over 1000 spectators through the course of the day which began at 10 nan and ESerious ItemSl Vietoria School Neszttended To We believe the immediately serious items have now been attendedto said Page and St eele architects in their report 011 the condition of Victoria sChool The report was presented at the school board meeting last WedneSday night The report went on to point out that discretion should used to avoid excessive loading and continuous watch should be maintained for any sign of distress in the building We are not in any ivay Certifying that the school is struc turally good or in sound condition but merely that werarepf the opinion that the remainder of the structureWis not now in hazardous condition The following are excerpts taken from the report of Page and Steele Oitrour first visit to the site on Friday April29ii superficial in spcctionshoWdithatiin at least two points the construction was such as to require immediate investigation It was arranged with Mr Alex under as contractor to open up the Cciling over theground floor entr ahce way to discover the nature of the construction The settlements and deflection were such that it was obvious that some strengthening would be re quired and thelcontractorrwas in strueted to have materials on the job and to carry on with the work pending the return ofjour structural engineer on Monday May Attention was directed to hump in the floor of the kindergarten Removal of the sheeting on the that the original construction was faulty The joists were notched and supported on by3 ribbon strip With the normal shrinkage in timber the joists pulled off the ribbon seat and were only being ceiling of the coal bunkerrevealed supported by being jammed against the sidevof the strip andxsuch sup port as was obtained by the floor sheeting running over the moat the beam It is no exaggeration to state that total collapse of this floor was overdue Main Entrance Onlourtreturn on Monday May the contractorfbadopened up the ceiling of the main entrance and llanlt of Nova Sculpt Mr llIn ttItlt is member of the Musonn lotc and was also an JtllH member with the ltotitry lub 11 Port llopc llt Is married and has litvIIIIrold oII Gerald llis family IXIHtlttl to mow be luanRslU IS SIQUID 1155 XML BY int FGSI OHICE DEFARIIINI OIIAIYA discovered some amaiing examples of faulty construction The beamat the head of the froIit stairway spinning the 243 width of the entrance was composed of two pieces Of2 x12joistyHOw ever the two pieces were separt ately spliced at the one third points and assembled by spiking into this wholly inadequate beam the frontspan joists werefraihed on xB ribbon strip On the side of the joist eitherrcompletely lost their support or had merely fraction ofan inch bearing on the ribbon In the centre of the hallway there had evidently been an orig inal stairway Which stair had been removed and the well floored over area were practically unsupported The trimmer along the sides of the original well on 21 span was 14 joist which was only 10 long To extend this piece of was spiked to the side of the 14 Had the 14 piece extended the full span it would have been drastically overloaded As actually constructed it is mir acle that it stayed up at all Turn to page three please The joists had It was found that portions Of this ONE SECTION TODAYS lSSUE today ctlllton ol Iltc lur rIr llfllllitt is one Mtllnll right pagt lltl lull to lcatc mcr considerablc It writ latiiltit IiiiIl to ttmuulft of reading matter and Ruin Irlit lI Litil Ht ltlwrtrsing lor lhr past two l2lrllzlitlrl Ii ti but pm works the Monday issue has 13 14 but PT lrlltlll All IlllllH Isittlc llllttllat III tin aunt of 1h Li Jun justr tct tut my 1Ui1 topiu 1111 tnurh lotli but the past week mm yin in has been hectic in this plant llu log IIIlt fill1lii lur hpe setting machines ml tn 11 IIt ltu an IiIIl Hl llt Lop lllltlll At Low ed to the llntll In addition to t1 lt Ip in Iint tll ol pores of newspaper for the Dist two rtits and the titzhl if page ump Borden paper we haw had to complete very tld IIIIIII tim tmionts as heavy schedule of commatrial 1iIIUlHlpt tillNb Willi IlI llli printing which included thrii booklets of tit IX and pages and quit number of prcr grant IIid notltts which rc qnircd lot of Iinotypc work IIll working enrt Itll imp or still found wi could not git cnouch type set in time to handle more than eight lllt today However you will find most of the us ual features in this issue and uontlly unount of untodale local and district news STORE LIGHTING RESTRICTIONS ARE REMOVED lnstt ltlltlll Ill 1110 llnt of ltLllh City or lllltlitl stoic Itchitnr wits llllttl tmlu May 113 It was un ilUltlltttl llvilltllltil Saunders llt litIio llwito ilIJIIIIIIaII lIcIoIIsljotIloiml IuIiIIlIItIIts lit lII tll iItIItIItIty for how llltlll Jlltlll iiuns pailv Int lllln llt llllltt will bI tlllllllllxtl llIcsIl ll In loItI llllttll ttn and pm llll urnl days Mr Saunders stud tlIt stun ll ovcrhztulmt its uttIcIntInt and other equipment In prepara lIon tor luplitr powtr demands next full and Illltl toIIIIni RIG ltlltllIllfi lIGGS AII ostrich out usually wtiulI about as much as 12 runs rugs BurdensDachshund Wins Best in Show Third Annual Event finished at 1130 pm There were 201 entries from all parts of Can zida and United States wiith 52 dif ferent breeds The entry just falls short of last years record entry list This was due to the lack of Barrie entries which were prevent ed due to organizatioantltc show However few did manage to show their breeds with Roy Blacks Airedale Milroys Nancy copping the highest honors of winners bitch Other ltical entries were Mr and Mrs Fred Wells St Bernard Wells Golden Gleam which was adjudged best bred junior puppybitch and Harpy Morrens Great Pyrenees Lcnmor Kip chosen best bred bitch in the open class in the American black Cockcr Spaniel group Barrie entries were Mrs Hopkins Table Talk of Barrie and Mr and Mrs Fred Skin ners Sprincwatcr Stymic which won the award of best in show Canadian Bred last year Lt ColJolin LaPoint of Camp Borden exhibited his Golden Re triever Ken Treadwell his Boxer Stewart Bell his Doberman Pinseh or as did Mrs Jack of Camp Borden 0110 of the most interesting events of the dog show was the obedience trials won by Edward OBHC 0f canfleld Ollwnov Wth lnational publicity said the speak ftrained his German Shepherd He captured 198 points out of possible 200 which is miraculous feat Out Turn to page seven pleasel Perry Ryan Formerly of Barrie Liberal andidate in Toronto Greenwood PERRY RYAN seenabOVe with his family is Liberal can 1lt ntntIoIIs and lhcnw IIIIIIu El tonne tiI llil llilltt lili til lIidIII pul inn ltlllll iIIoIII 212 lIrITtIIm ll 21 lIil lll 7llllltl ot box lII itIIli llhll ll ldl tlIiIltIzm to lltltll ltll tlt tIIIlIIII 1Ili Ii tlzv olitaihtv IIlIuIlw hunting ltillIll itlltl ll tau latth lhllllwltrlt EtIl XlllA who ioIIIl 1111 ll ltll plinthIa i=1 lln III tom llllltl plun ltIIlIIII 1th rlqu In 11m pItntItIcniy Ilt lldllttllii lt llll XA Alntv lllllt Hi hill Iltl lllllltll IIIIItI ol XllA Slit pII will The report of llolutt Igt 111tll 1h loslov s1 lllllll IIII iposItIoI 01 Ill 300 lllxltlt WI IBANDMASTER SAYS ARENA T00 SMALL Inch Will IIiIII SptultIIIL to the llllltlltl paint lo the tliltlllltlltlllItlll of Thin Idays lIIthIIntIoIInl lti Il ml ESclIool Mlldt It lizIrIIII llllil 1IslItI HA lllttltll ollwginto oIIttrt llaIIIl think you ttIll Jtllll Illl llit tn llllLlll that llllw IItIm Should lIl liIILLtI llIeIc IIItlI Ippl ll mli snnl All tItktt for the ltrllill Il soltl Innny Lox Iuo With the staut stttinlz taking up about ti EllIIItl ot lllt floor at the south curl it was IIIIpoSsIblo to usi tho Ivnl bolnnd or at the sido of this nrcn llI2I1 ltll about one thousand sent on the subs and north tllll llltllltl thousand suits placed on llll lloo of tln artna but except for the firs levo tow those not good It was lll possiblt for occupants in sec IIIuciI olthc pcIfoIIIIzIIIte txtcpt pull of lllt school tltotr which was tttil higher Mqu ltttllt lIIIt littit Ilhc sItlcs There is lllll doubt that be per Barrie reported to police that his 1930 model auto had been stohnl late Saturday night The car was seats to lake stnnthnu IooIII behind lhiittcIy ttittslwl ioinmncc would have IttIItttl double the number I1 seats had been available Losr AND Recovrimzn McGrcpor 137 Colllcr St recovered the following morning at Gravcnhurst til Glcnn Staincs Detroit druu gist who has become moot lllLl leading dog trainers in AlllellCIl was the speaker at the Lions clubl meeting in the community housel Barrie last Friday night In introducing the speaker Ezrrl Cox pointed out that Mr Staincs trained Doberman Pinsehcrs for the blind Mr Staines started training lDObcrmans in 1920 and itmwas ini l1936 that he was asde to train 11 dog for blind man who was IIIIj Iablc to get dog elsewhere We trained one dog and er He went on JO explain that the organization had 2kept on growing and was now incorporat ed on nonprofit basis dictate for theilfederal Toronto constituency of Greenwood in the coming election Mr Ryans father Ernest Ryanwas fer 20 years manager of the Company in Barrie where the to school Perry was valedicto Metropolitan Life Insurance family was raised and went rlan of his Barrie Collegiate graduating class Riffs new senior partner of the law firm In St rcccivcdicd New York THE BARRIE EX BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA IiiOklJxr MAY IO 3Several Students BCI on Exams lt ll JI2 lt II ui 31 Ill Wu 11 00 III II Ir lv ltlll ti out Il si II It ii 12 fZI Il lit lv ltll IlII lZI III IlI Jon it lmiw II ZIlin ftIIII or ill lilt lII UT III HUIMI llhIL ow lI Jinn ili ll lillll in III III 41 uIIII In lII lttl Ill it lI llh IHI ll Itgl ltd12ltn lb lII IIItI71I nllII ilnlx SpJI 271 lto ll Ii fin 1EIllt ltlt 70 PLAN OPEN HOUSE BARBIE ARMOURY FRIDAY NIGHT iIIIII Iii futon Iitl lI llIIII ll lliltt lltllf llIIIII rlnrd tin lIItLI li IHll 720 to 10 ll sl II flu lIlill tIIItlILl llt Vl of Mn to ll It llllil llltllllt to IILI wt ll kriutptuis linlt IIIS tltltlIlll IIItlIIIlIII Kllt II pIIIrtI illllllitlllll Illlvll twin III lllli tlll lole lll ItlIIll li IIlu tii llllltlil llllt ltlilillll th 1I lIltl1tlUllt luv lll lilltll iIIIit tll flII lIltI IItIlIIIli lIIIIII ltt lirij Xv Silllttl lol lIl III tln toursi oi tIiIIII 01 11 will aim litlll to brake tlII llllllll 1IInil1Ir avitlI thr weapons IrIri IIIIIIIIIIII in ttM 53 him Link Irtlit Alitutor II ln litath llilllllv Il l7 on iIIIl ti Its crude Illtl IicstIIlIt llu willlllttltlll winiy tinv otlicwi personnel of thr rII Major tdutktdhvur wunnunuhnp Can itllttlll tizIIIIInc zIpl Fraser quarter stores 11 lion Jtltl lIlc troop tonIIIIaIIdIr 11 luy ltooir toInIIItIndcr Lt llowiirtl lilIlIitts liaison otlicct llzIIry SIIIItlnust is scrccuribtntu jor hailcs Barron and John Mor an an troop sorceunts Sal Illichson ol Alliston Is transport sergeant The Detroit trainer recalled how Bernard dog had been trained to assist Swiss monlr who had lost his sight This type of dog training spread from Swit Zcrland into Germany Following the first great war trained dog was provided for every German soldier who had been blinded and later 21 dog was made avail able for every blind person in Germany After an article on the European lugs was published in the Satur day Evening Post the idea rcaehlt where dog was There are several organizations training dogs for the blind in the United States Pathfinder found Turn to page six please xx 311 lII of Ryan McAlpin and Ryan his brother thn being 527 75 ltt TWO ST ANDREWS MEMBERS ALMOST SPAN THE CENTURY Ilitrt our tun Inrsuns tlio tlllluxl spanned tlu untur ut the first lllllltllttl Qtl or Andrews Irtlltlttll lIutIlI It Illt Sundat morning urine The infant daughter of lt ItId 1rs Itlll IIrgnson Ili lIiImh lllllrlllt llJllIIttl lht lllllt girl was born In Illlx St lltlrt turIltmnal tiI Sizitctl an short dlSlJlltt from htrt the litplllllll tcrcinom took plut Mix Altlildll Stctrnxon who Is III licr tlilh year Slu was born soon Itltr thi congrrga tIoII of St AndraIts Llll lishId III 11111 100 Mars rgo Army Convoy Here Saturday May 21 II If Io II II It 11 lt Jw lm ttvf Itnl II II it Pt ill lltl II MILIpptvl III llI 1k ill laiiatihit IIlI lw lUulwHl Irlrx htrl 1II ill11I ii It Iz llltlt will in HF Ivt 1lltllllllllil Il to Iiillv IIWIn ui IIHH hv InI1I vI In IIu III lllHil otr IlIVv Ehl lhl fLIHIN lintiwi II ulit Hld IIlllIgtIj lltltldi IIItI flat Ill quw litllil 130 ilumt Illl III 111 Ill lllltlllltl gtllllllllt1 ItIvl iI Iitlilm Itzlplntti ll illtll llll iIItiIlwIlmtI El toIIIIiIIltlw TRY AN EXAMINER WANT Al PHONE 2114 Bands on llnIIIc tsttIIlii vas II11I lIl lllL litlgbl utttlItIIIIJ ol auinllnn ltitlllillli ll xtttlit lllzw llltl ol lIqutIal toIanlsInp some live ours and 13 branches pathech In annual iIIII llti murkvl square It 1015 IIIQIIslIallcd Barrie brunch Ihcrc were tlIIet bands Barrie Band Culltupwood Pipe Band and Midland lluulc 1Band and nearly 300 lxcIquurts on parade tztph were Rev Cross Lllill lohn Elliott lianlntastcr of Barrie veille and wreath from Provin tiict Commander llarry Clover Ornnccvillc and Deputy Zone Com mander Harry Full Of Richmond Hill The parade continued along main Istrcct to Central At Maple Avenue base was crcct ed where the salute was taken by Col Todd 1380 Commander of Camp Borden Others on the dais were Mayor Grant Mayor Flt Lt Hamilton of the RCAF Camp Bord on Bibby Legion zone four coInInander Col Garry Lee OBE MC honorary president of Barrie branch GordOII Thompson of Kit ehcncr 2nd viccprcsttlcnt of Provincial ComIiIatId AL Central Church the IIIinistcr llev Bcwcll delivered an inspiring sermon on The Christian Community The choir rendered the anthem lsulni For the The most impressive second Ryan The members of the family shown above are back row Perry Rita John Lois Mrs William Bennett 9151 he LohIIIIaInl vcntion parade lllllllld at the itrlwruention clIIIIrIIIau wcrc by Past President 11 Burton ofI stop was lllilll at tlu oIIo Two DObermans Attend Lions Dinner Meeting lGlenn Staines Speaker lillll of Barrie branch led in prayer Band sounded Last Post and Rci ciitl Command was placed by lis United Church lNER 41 One Section Poqes Twice Weekly MONDAY and THU RSDAY tori St Andrews Church Begins Centennial Neck Celebrations lilIV llli Illitilhtlx Ililll lllJIIl lllllN 1II lit 41 ltimu tiir IIIIIIl Itr lllntl Il 31InI ll ltI 3h lt to lnIIttIIaIItolon4il and lI llllttllli tI 1t III llIlll iln llill ll lttllll ll Zuni littllltll =IolIl littll III III umtrtlw of Qtiwn lInIIt who Irl llI ll lttAllt It bard limit and lZIIop lll liit IItIIIllj littll in HQ of Jiltlnu unIHId In Alutltwl NLd ol Tin ltrtttliwnni lllil III llwna TRY AN lIXAMINERVWANT An PHONE 2414 300 Church Parade Legion ConVention Sunday llantis my solo luncheon was served at Club 79 lIIIrIIiIII was Altrtd llariis pre sidcnt of llinric branch Others ill the head table introduced by Earl lCtIioIy llIll sum it llulsc Aurora 3rd vicc prcsnlcnt lIovincuIl Conunund Williams assistant secretary llzirric branch Col Garry Julian ll Ferguson Ml Collinlz wood Garfield Case Ml Owen Sound Mayor Mayor Gordon lllIoInpsoIt llatry llovcr Ill 11 Hamilton Rev Clossllnry Fell 11 Burton Ed Bayes lor onto chief scrviec bureau offfiecr Bctly Norwood Provincial Com mand secretary The chairman said Barrie branch district convention because this was the branehs 20111 anniversary year Ilie extended thanks especially to the convention committee all those who helped vItlI the work and ar rangements and the bands Mayor Mayor extended hearty Turn to page three Dleasel The International Festival lcgiate Choir the BCI Band Ballet Corps School red and white outts played only for about 20 minutes while the audience was gathering but at least 2000 appreciated their num bers opening ceremonies were played Canadiin color partwa BCI Cidcts marched in with from Union Jacks one of which was crcctcdhigh at the south cndof the arena Then tho Band played the Star Spangled Bannerfand the color party returned with thcStar Spangled Banner and theBCIcol ors The flag of theUnitcd States was placed beside the Union Jack and the tum flags ilcw proudly in the breeze Then as the BCI Band moved forward from the dais in and took their seats CecilNorris president of the Ki wanis Club of Barrie which carried out details Of the presentationwas chairman He thanked the citiz ens of Barrie and district for sup porting the festival and assured them of real treat He stressed that Mr Fisher and the BCIBand had advertised Barrie from coast the to coast and sold the goodwill of the town also through the States Mayor Grant Mayor welcom cd the audience and especially our Dr Ernest Ryan front row Leis Bennett Mrs Ernest Ryan friends from across the border andIErnest Ryan They remain well known ianarrieas fre He said the Hornell Band was one quent visitors and summer re sidents at Minets Point of the best school bands inlAmeri ca consistent winners of competir 0th in New York State since 1938 Lee was particularlyhappy to have the Festival of Music Al Barrie Arena Entrtainsi3900 Of School Music arranged by the Barrie Collegiate Concert Band and Director Fisher was one OI thefinest attractions ever presented here Nearly The BCII Band in their colorful As the BCI Band front Of the audience playing nriyarch the Hornell Band marched Iii iitu tl iloltl lv irilIZIl lift ItwIIIl ii no Alllnml Ililll in IIl tIIhl in lml IIoII III Andria5 lllsflW llll Anilioxll lip EIi ll ll vl 11 llI ll tII lmII tsivl lit tllrllli witu iI Ml xlnl tItEII AHsh1s lvswauc llllll wimp It It llllltl law IIii ltIw ll 111 lrgtll lul ltlellll lII lllt to Hot iul lnl llill III Illtl iilllt llI tlI Hll jxoturzzw lin Rh tlil IIII ltr II tiIII to pipe ii please COMlNG EVENTS Watch leI lt tiiititr lllll 11111 to SIo ill twIIIIIIuIItly lIilll VIHItI Ilt lHlHtH ituiv lIJII Ivh atnl lildr luv iIlIIIII lI uni laI 1l1 llull tlu ilJlI ll Allw timiit III lluI lllll Ave Hztl grim Il Iltltntitlt lMtrv 10 Ii liltt Yll Atinnssion IRSC tnd BIr 33p lilllitt and II llJlll lllflllwllll luIstlny May l7 Admission 30t loud IIIuslc IlvtIy ovuli kldtWIHlP ill ill inllixllrll darnc llllttl thtbinna Mon tlur 1IIII IIIIII stioutl day May lit it put Novelty and spot litIIctr llHIIl low Norm illurltnus IiilitII Aunnssion 30c LLIIITFII cutlncr 3233 The annual tilttlitt of the King Edward llllllll iilltl School Associa Itiou will lt lltlfl III the school on Ilnlrstlny Alu 10 1A SULllll cv ltlllllL Is planner oliowIIIu with dancing and ltl ial 32 Dance Iwa Friday night to iNorm Burlinu and His Kings IMcn llpIctII orchestra ll p111 to III III the lltW and modern lblcmoritil cnIrc llilll Becttntntls piccs Memorial Recreational As Isottnltoii 3Itt1 Bazaar and wine elephant sale uflcrnoon ten Saturday May 21 Township 11 Midhurst 230 Ipmp lrocccds to new Sunday School Please bring your white iclcphztnt or ptve to member of lJunior YPU 32331 Tenth annual Essa Music Festi val under direction of Paul Kelvey will hcid at Thornton Arena on lhursdtty June at 815 pmliDl Admission adults 50c students frcc Assisting will be the Simcoeuires double quzm Let 3236b 3000 pcoplcjammcd the arena Thursday night to enjow music Of the Hornell High School Band the Riverdale COl briefly at the start and two original ballet numbers presented in premiere by the Toronto lie also welcomed the ltiuerdalcI Choir and the Ballot SChool from Toronto on behalf of the Town of Barrio Morrison MBE chair ialc Boarchintroduced Dr JRG Althouse of the Department 0I Education Dr Althousc brought Icgrcts=from the Hon DanaPoitcr said it was important that nations town of Barrie This was only one ofthc series of incidents which were bringing between the United understanding and mutual respect he stated reputation sufficient to take part in theseinternational goodwill tours He extended con grattilatidns to the Board of Edn cation the Principal and Staff of the Barrie District Collegiate on fostering this musical orgapization Fisher BA founder and director of the band was acclaim ed as he was called on for few remarks He thanked thevKiwan ians especially for their assistance in promoting the festival and said the band was Very deeply indebted to them for their help am sure you will agree with me tonight he declaredamll great applauseiu that this arena needs to be much larger great Turn to page three please on IpIll letilln IVle Inan of the Barrie District CollcglWv who was unable to be present He shOuId have incidents Such as were taking place tonight in the historic States and Canada goodwill better The Barrie Band has learneld

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