THURSDAY MAY 13 19121 Cabinet Ministers In Government of Hon Leslie Frost uv 91111 TIIII l11III IN IIlIt 1I5IIil i11 1111lri11lk111 11111i1111 hp 11 1111 1l1 1111 11 l1i1i l1 1113111 of P1111111pl l11 151111111 li11111 T1 IIIAI li111 iiill1 R1111 Iialiilll 51 Willaiii l11l111111l l111 11 Ii1l21111111111 l11lic =li1 l1o11i ll111 lill 11111 111211 Iailiazii STLEILLI 11111 ll11111 Tl1111 111 1111 it 111111 1111 111 11111 111111 111113 IVlihl i1 111 11 ll11i iloi 1111111 11111 1Il 51111 EU Iiioiiia 1uiil111e Ii11111c1 oi Ill l11111 ilo 111111 11 gt ti11111 seiw 11l1tllrlli1111l111 111 11 111111 11 the 1111131 Ii1l11 11 e11111 111113I1 1111 111 11111 15111 11111111 11 ii11l 111211111 111 1111 Mon 1111111 INNISFIL NOTES tlly It Li flll New School test Nearly ll1lfrTT KNOCK 311 All111 with The School 111441111111 the 1111 11111111 111 IitltiialIHll 111 111111 l1111l1l11 i11 li11i1 811111111 and iv 511111 111111111111atioii ASSISTANT 15 The hare Ices HIHII IIZICS Stioidi 11111111111 11gt1111 111111 1111 Illikll 1111111iiipait111 31111111 11111 111111 111111111111 ll11111l 111itl1l 1111111111 11111111131 pi1i1111 111 1111 11111 111=1111s Iaiizinicli barl1 l1e11 espeuiiituie 51111111111 lllll1tl 111 1111 111111111 11 was 1111111it1111 111114111111 11 11111 11111111111111 f1111111 l11111111 1111 111 mind 11111l1l111s already 111111e1l 1111111N 111111ly their 111 111111111 1111111151111 11 1111 week 11111 Ullllillllllnlis the other will 111111111111 111 gt11pe1i1i volunteer lilll1lii l1uild11s l1ttiltlc taken down 111111 start 111111 1111111 the 1111111 1111 shape 1s oi the Illitlilltll can 111 used again The Simcoe 11111111111111 have 11111111 1111 oller 111 supply the needed 111111 erials carpenteis l111ve 1111111d 11 full days many local ioiliineii 1111 ready to help 11s soon as 11 il 111111111 1111111 111 ports 111 that altlioiieli he has several deep burns he is d1111111s ell as could 11111 wet1111111 at 11111 11111111111 township hall on Wednesday even line Ilouc ulhaiii 11111 11 report to itielpli sited by Mrs Page at the 1111111111 led in square daneiiiiz Mr and Mrs Ales McMurray 111 Mlllltrs nil Stnltl Mothers 11111l11l The 11111 l1111 lliiwald 111211 121111111I pent londaj lll1 IIIII1III l1l11 l1l11 1t1l Illla 111111 Sunday 11ll1 Alb111 loid tiieiilel 1111 Shannon and 11111 11 they 81111111 111111 21111111 V1l1 llios 1111t ligt 111111 1en111111 liollx would 111311 their 11111111 Th l1111lt tllli 1111111 1111111111111 11111 1111111 and contine 5310111 1111 M1 11111111 Sliaillliili 111 l11li1lll11 1111 illll 11111 Mis gt11111y 1tli thiii that l11111e that the 11ll any work I11111 Itll l1 lilrl ll lllts 1lel1e1111111 1llilll 111 ltttII 11111 1111 to the l11llllll1 council is 1111111d 1111 then 1111 tender willnmm mi MI l11111ll11l 1111111 111111 picseiil II is Itlllitllis hare 11111l I11 111 Sunday ioodliaiul lIIIlJ Sl1111111111 I1gt and 111111 1111111y 5111111 Thin 111111111111 We went 111 11 111111 111 1111 11 111111 will 11111111 11 rate 111 about 11111 111e 1111 III 11111111 1111 111111 811112111 The 1111111 basetiient 1j1il 110111119 1111c I11nd liillze 1111111 on Sunday 1111 Mr and All Anthony Ilutli IheIpl day School and the 111111111111 sten We 1111 or1 to report that Ilay 111111111tuiie 1o 11e11k 11 111 All wish 111111 11 speedy 1111111 IIII eosl 11111111 then from 311111 11111l1111 work 111111 unnidale Corners M11 Sound 111111111 1111111 111111 the 11l1e siipei1 11 Miss tlaia llood larch 111111111 Iar111er iiiet 111 the he hoped and may soon be 11111111111 again home 111111111111 lloiiizlas $1ll1r1111h 111 Il 11 The insurance adjusteis have can 111 pun1111 lr 111111 Mrs Ieiih seen the remains of the struclur so all that remains is 1111 whatever CLh Ii Ci lt ittl ltlltllltll 5l iaiuhurst visited on Sunday with McMuiray Galbraith was observed ion hurch on Sunday and the children were baptized iliiiida Kathryn daughter of Mr land Mrs Archie 1111111111311111551111 lliainII1gtnald son of lVliztllI Mrs llaversoii lpupils received awards tor regular attendance Joyce iitlen Mary McNiven Iuiie land Ilill Rates lohn McNiven 11111 AIIII Buie Iwo had perfect 1it tendancevAnn lllates Day materials and new house will replace the 1111111111 arrive My lttll11lllt Mr and Mrs Melville tales 1111b following Sunday School Buie and June ER WANT AD TRY AN EXAMIV Bring them to an expert PHONE 2414 CO tainerl salon expert MISS GERALDINE TWIST Chances are you dont really know your skin Or how much Iovclicr you can look if you give it the beauty care formulated just for you But Helena Rubinstein knows Thats why shes worked out an individual treatment for every skin type And thats why she sends her personer 113 the first Thursday of every inontlil 75f exfr 53773153151722 representative hell you 11131 out your perfect skin treat incnt Dont miss this complete expert analysisits yours for 1111 asking Miss Twist will be in our COSMETIC DEPT Monday andTiie hts Drug Store NEXT T0 ROXY THEATRE sday May 1617 lig PAGE FIVE fro Mix SPICE CAKE 11111 Ben 35 ex Tn Mitqu smooch 11111111112 111112111111 JAN11M II Nlli IZU ll IHIIIIII1111 issi 111 111111 Stemiron 311111111a ilwi 11 Alli ton and IIHIZIK 111 tl1undo11111111 11 11 1111 li111 1111 11111 11111111 1li1l Ianie Sutlzedauii 1111 1r 1111 loiiii leiuil1 and liuti11111 Mothers Day Service Iotl111 Day 111 1111111i 11 the 1111ed thtiicli 111lto111 1111 Siiiidaj May when 1111 Siii1t1 H1l111111 and the mom gtIt1 weie pnned 111 the cliziz111 111 11111117 Iiieiitoiate 111111 p1 111111111 111 linl 11111111131 past and pier1111 1111 11111 made 11l1 an excellent 1oi111111 111111 to the 1l11111li and 1111111111 11y The 1111111 111 eivice 111111 1111 IIIT 111 IIIZIIIU 11 lit il 111i lowed Wesley Ilindli e111 1111 1111111st11 The choir 1111111111d 11 acceptably u1111111 tlic 111111 Ileibeit I1c1 Ilie Saeiauiiil ot lliiplisni was 1111t1111111d 111111111 five children 111111119 the 1111111 I11 the 11111111er Itei l11 Iries were presented by 1111 Sun 1811 ll liristiau Ieinpeiaiiee 171111111 In those who had taken and 1111s1llllv the prescribed course Iiatei 11 drainatIation the seliolais of the Sunday School 111 splendidly acted This included pantomime and two tableaux The 111st was Moses placed and hid by North Ila Sudden IItJlII 111111111 1111 Ilol 3111111 11111 1l1l1 1o Illilll lti1ii11lil 11 111ml sudden Jediiesday 1111111141111 to 11 iziteiineiit ooil t111111lince at Legion IZuchie 111111111111e 111 1111 1loi1i1 11111111 Branch 11 111l111 1us his llltlilltl and later found by the 11 liincess and her servants lli tableaux included the presentation of Samuel by his mother to 11111 111 the Temple The second the teach ing of Timothy by his mother and grandmother leorize Whyte 11111111 the scripts Itev Mr I11l can the prayer and 111111 the story 111r David from Shepherd 111 111 be coming King The service was me terestiiit and impressive to the large audience which neain 11Il1rl the larce auditorium 111 the church The children presented tor baptism were as follows Donald Bari H111 of Mr 11nd Mrs Ira Wilson 1112111 ces Mae laughter of Mr and Mrs Wesley IIindle Maxine Lenore daughter of Mr and Mrs Ilyeieil Blue Lynn Louise daughter 1111 Mr 11nd Mrs Edward Nixon 11111 91 Cookstowm 11nd June Irene daughter of Mr and Mrs Arthur Shetler of Toronto The follow ingaieceived prizes Gladys Pay 121 Jean Wesson Fraser arr 112 won by each pupil May It Mrs Mather has returned to her home here for the Summer Miss Mary Matthews of Toronto and sister The Womens Institute will met the 11111 11 Iad illies 11 111111111111 11111112111111 1I111I if Mrs 111 t1ii111111 lIl 11111 I1 itltlillilll l511111 i111ugt liltllll 11Ij 11111111111 IllIIX Ieill l11111 511111 11111 Sunni1 1i 11 111111 li1111l111 CRAIGHURST VI lllttls Inlectiil 111111111 Institute as follows lilisiin 111 Vice lres SecyTreas Sec Ihieilu 11111r111111s 1tix1iiship IIistoricaIVIIc Shanahaiuil Sinton Canadian FRESHLY GROUND PRIME 1113MB 1111111111 111 the 111111111 1114111 lls Crate neliiiisl etion iies Irs Mir1111 li11c1 Mrs llrs Addi on Mrs Shaiialian 111111 WESTONS TMRCHROONW CRISP BISCUITS LOBLAWS CAKE cnocomsr It ET QUALITY PRODUCT OF THE LOBLAW BAKERY 29m 111 112 111 SPECIAL Acri Industries 11nd So iaio Mrs lxirton Collection and lilchlurray The May ineetm will be held at IIllsmere Life is Service IUIIJCT IIIIt SCUTTISSUE STAB IIIIIIVIBIIIII BIIIIIIITTS ELEHNSEII 11st 13c 505 SIIIIP Pill CIIIIIIM 11111111 wix Kenneth Whyte 121 Bruce Molcllltlue111111 Cullum 121 Sylvia Whyte 13111111111115 lcdllnshani Health est Parker and Sally Sword Theftiill Welfare Vlis II aston numbers refer to number of iiiizriliC11 Sick 1131siii11 norm rims 13c 351 SPECIAL It1ii1l IIrs EACH 12gt 11111 Mono 14c 106 111111111 1llay 151 111 ositl tlppoiltllilX Elm51ij11111111111111M1s Addison Iloll call i1l1ats the s111=i1111 11 Your Irouram Mrs Ilarold Martin Istiict Pres address Craig Sinton itil HARRY HORNES JELLY POWDERS arr1211 PREPARED LIBBYS MIISTIIIIII AYLMER FANCY QUALITY IIIIIIEYIIEW PEIIS Book Lunch Cake ident will Review Sandwiches spent the weekend With her father IMpr pamnghaml 11e rs JACK JILL PERMIT ENTER TREAT FOR THE KIDDIES Mrs 601 JARS 27 MEASTTRICS Ol Iiistlluneiit 20FL OZ TIN 1602 JAR called spcc instead of on Wednesday I11011mpl MISS M1 Burgess 0f Lmdm identitication Slmndmk some I80 Wllh Mr anllot dies to assure uniform 111111111 Mis Mum cison 1pi1ltlcllt1ll Bob and Billie Patton spent 111111k weekend with Mr and Mrs IIai old Wood Sunnidalc Corners Mr and Mrs Mumberson andfamily and Miss Burgess spent Sunday with the formers parents in Barrie Mr and Mrs Plaxton and Sharon Mrs David Plaxton of Ani gus spent Sunday with Mrs Ai Paddilson shower was held for the bride tobc Miss Bubbles Pollardy Mon1 day night She received many use ful picSents She thanked the pen1 plc and all sang For They 111 Jolly Good FellowsLunch was served followed by dancing to thel music of Crcemore orchestra The Womens Institute met all Mrs Lloyd Pattons on Wednesday Roll call was answered by naming Spring flower Mrs Laughlin read the motto Life is like par 11111110Ni1 1N1 WEDDINGIIINGS Lovely for Lifetime At your jewellcrs or on ladys nger remember Blue River Diamond and Wedding Rings are Proudly Presented always Blue River dianmndrings are sold by better jewllm across Canada from 52500 to $500000 REEVES JEWE OPP POST OFFICE BARBIE WEBBASLLiENLERY LLERS deniit TcarstliifruitfyOU sowl The story of Candas statesmcnt was read by Mrs ILloyd Patton The creed was read in unison The inectingfclosed with GothSave the King light lunch was served by the hostesses Mrs Pattoni and Mrs ORowe gm CENTRAL 0110 May 11 Mrs Gould Mrs Dcrrough Miss Frances Dcrrough and friend from Toronto who were at their cottage at Beavertonspent Saturi day as the guests of Mr and Mrs Hutchinson Mrs Thos McRcynOlds Mr and Mrs McNabb and daughter Janet of Orillia and Mrs Millard and Isaac McNabb of Toronto were Sunday visitors with M1 and Mrs Albert Strachan Death of Mrs Pearsall The sympathy ofthe community goes out to the family and relatives or Mrs HenryPearsalL former resident of this community whose death occurred in Orillia on Satur day May as sts chemicals in standardization as 111111 CLOVER VALLEY LIIIII CHEESE CEREALFOOD BARLEY MIXTURE OATMEAL GERBEBS BABY F1111 MOTHER JACKSONS JIFFY CHOCOLATE ILIIIIE IIIIX NOURISHING DRINK iiroar BLUE RIBBON 1111111311 SWEET MIXED IIIIIIIICIIIE PICIILES SILVER RIBBON TOMHTBJIIICE GULF BELLE SHBIMPS SMALL 5111 LYNN VALLEY STANDARDWV WIIIILE IIEITIIEI Ctlll ii111111111111as 51111111 1111 cnlsw I713 CELLO ROLL QC FINEST ORANGE PEKOE rim LABEL R365 191 341 671 802 PKG TITOZ PKG Flip11f 13 Ihg 111 111 8OZ TIN ILB 11111111 111111111111 11111 PANCAKE ochUCKWHEAT PLOT SEND T1111 nox TOI riion osr memos Ti 11111 TTCIIIRITORT osr isn RECEIVE 25 IN CASH zooz PKG odeiiiilo 19c 16FLr oz JAR 23 3971 152 191 41 3113511ACKkGE 39 ILNT IFMIMA BOX 28FL OZ TINS 502 pm SPECIAL BAXTERQ immortals 171 AUCE I4OZ TIN 20FL OZ TINS Old ieWelleryis charming 111 TOMATO but only too Often it is so Wdrn oroptmoded that it looks out of place Twith modern costumes wNow isthe 1ime to let us tdnsform those heirlooms into ultramodern iewel lery Come 8011 PKG Nib01 JAR $511111 11111111 111111 11111111111 PRODUCTS MONARCH Chocolate or White 11111111111x r1111 111511 WHEAT GERM BREX PASTRY FLOUR MONIIITIZII 1602 PKG lzLB PKG 35 41c 29c 49c 15 and see Our large selection of the very latest settings well be glad to give you an estimate With out obligation WEBBS JEWELLERY Allandale PHONE 2267 SoapPrnces Reduced LARGE iiko 7353 LARGE PKG LARGE 11110 34c BAT sizn 01111131 13c LARGE PKG 35b TOILET 35 SOAP CAKE CEREAL IzLB PKG 7LB BAG RED RIVER ToOZ PKG LARGE PKG 99 mucus EFFECTIVE Tunas FRI SAT 11iAv1213 14 LOBLAWBGROCETERIAS CO LTD