Harold Hill Limited LJK 111 Ilrl 1411 113 It 1111c FIND STINKWEED lN WHEAT FIELDS 0110 AND VESPRA WI Into11w l1 11 THE HARRIL EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA 1At St Andrews Sunday AL ppm like lhiuty IltVt hill Ill 1l1 l1 IlI 15 II IIII tr l1 ll 11 14 31111 1311 1lll1 tl If Al 211 11 11 111 21c ill 11 Ind 117 111 ZfIY LU II 11111 l1 llvuu If lllltlilllil 1111 1111 1111e 111111311 11 WWW l11 Iddlydhh mu 1111111114 ppmppvwl lor lSllli 11111 latilcd Illl1ltliigt val Us mi trail1111 to lflt Il1111ln of ITWU pm Ill mid tlm fillilz 11gt fig1II1 lI1lllr tI 1111 1111 11 It1i IL Vim LUV lm MM IN UXHLH llhll 11111 lllc 11ll 1111le 111 wt Hr Him Aim WM all In Huwlnl m1 =1e out IIIIULIJII thou 11II Itl 1I Ml Huh vnunuw11111111II the 111112 11 311134 11 111 MUM W1 xul UH 11 wwd 111slaid 111111 11111 11 1nzlcl1 Ah MY lm HP 11 hf in IUHHILLII It 311 at 11114 1111n1 11111 lw I1 111 1111 111 1h 11 SI VIIII Sltt 11 11 11lIII an 1111111 Ml Iliukw Elm 11 1d 111 the kllhd 11h l1tlllll Mil Mi If 11 hi motion 1i llcputy llccvo Itllll Illllllt1 I11c 1111mm Illi Ii BLKLlS win 1112 1d 11 111 not LI531 IIJIHIEIMI the Imam ol Halluclncnc to Hate 1111 lltlllll 11 St Andrew cezitelmlzl 1gt1 1lll 11a unwell vuch 111 into Iwhcal ticlds p11rd SUNin IHIH 8I Alltlll 33HZIIKIIIINhlyLlIlt lt Swill11511llli1tpt alrld P1111 ilzrrlr 31111112111 atlci 1111lillltl 111111 hull 111111 WW 111 IBllnd Young MlnISter 1191a IIIIH will ALICIA If txlll tKI 1111 low llilw 111III 1l11 IAnd Compose f0 1m thhmwily 1Ill1lyu 113111 1111 lll le11ltc1lcllt lit 1lcx 1111111111 1311 H131 jlHIIYIJH 1111 hum 11 cvplmll clxllilllllll lllllllnlilllnll Llons U1 IMI fill wnlmynmmz lll111111 mud the card 211d Illitflr lot the clvzc illllcluoll 1o lI Im MNh vI the llallle 11111 111 111I1I IMIH 111x Iolll at lctoll1 1511mm 1111 mlth of the IIlHllIl 1111111 at Eullilic llafl on May 311111 was living callltd 11111 I111 11 wall lake Illnc In 1111111 111 the Illlllltllll of hotels MI H111 locallsd 11111 ttllilltll lad hall 1iultllt applalcd l111n 1111111111 llle llII11=ol 1111 ltlllt industrial did Ilol i1cl tllcrc would 11c 11 Silt ltrcat deal named by lltllll llc levylln ll lllt assessnunt 111 property at the roar of the and MODERNIZE YOUR HOME with the comfort of Winter Air Conditioning and Summer Cooling loom 111 WORK GUARANTEED PROMPT SERVICE The Murray Pratt Mfg Co ltd 139 11111111 St Barrie Ont PHONE 5269 Air Conditioning Duct Registers Wood or Steel lFurnaces work Oil Burners Furnace Fittings and Stove Pipe Elbows Accessories TileTex Flooring 194a PLYMOUTH SPECIAL SEDAN 1947 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN 1946 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL COACH 1942 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE lazilroRD DELUXE SEDAN 1940 DODGE SEDAN 1939HlJDSON COACH 1935 BUICK SEDAN 1947 FARGO 12 TON PICKUP 1942 FORD TON STAKE with Speed axle booster brakes 10 ply tires BAERIES OLDESTESTABLISHED DEALER 155Elingeth Si 13121124271 Barrie 71 mm CRYSTALCLEAR PHONE 2461 llllllll rm co 11111 ll1 111I ho litd to tulllllll to ask about SllIthlVltllllh 1111 matcor and Iilx olllcc Ill routi of his ploperty on the Sun lelauon 11 1111111 ho 11111 ENNIAII IIUlKI DWI WE Itlliflln Still tillfurl llllltlli letter floln the town planning hv the town engineer was adopt when the final dential tion This includes property own Made From Pure Filtered Water CASH AND TCARRY ONLY WHOLESALE and RETAIL THE SARllsANT co LTD lllll lHlliHllUW ltlllli Illoldiy lcoplcs will 551111 he has talented olail has already had tlll pnuhgtl1lt 1d will 5111 llit nth 111111111111 lllc lllwl 1111111 111 Illllllo Although only 11 lilh old and 1111111 111 last tun 111 Idll explained laj IIIII ft WIIS M1 without Sight llr lcoples an now on ulllct 111111 and ll1c11itII INIWtI IIIIUUI IIIL lllUbllllll HI11111 1mm was 111nl one 1221111 il1gtlll Ill MAN 5m It 1st pm 111 llulu 1gt 1gtI11 Illll lI Illm ml II Mr lcoplcs will he lltll lt1 th1 AM llM1 sumuhhldl lilcllll 511111105 lollllllll Ul ll1 that lllc onlv 11 11v l1It was rcal ll IYMMHMW hmm Um My Stalins probably the most out 111 111 yum 111111 11 palm board ludicatnnt the Incln Windmu MW 111m 111 m1 Wamnn pols were not ill favor of sellnuI hull 11 iff Sgttc1n llce llalt indicated 11 lIlt IIWU litlk llltllllll IUI it HUN Inn MM lie is concerned tlUMll with traili lug dogs to act 11 guides for 111 hllnd he voun nnluser 111 111I1l To correslmndlln ox INW In Im Itimtt puscl llr Ittlli 111 I1 twilln 111111 commended vldclnnl 111111 St 31 school at Detroit under the spon 111 on the noltli Mtlt alld 17 fcc solshlp of tile Lions 1111 of 111 11 1111111111 inquire AM or 111 anothel Mtlul and also part of WNW mm in St hell asked about the lamway Hercy St ihe plan as prepared Stalins and Mr Peoples will he arl Davis leal estate man from 8111105 The Mayor replied that ed 0111 house would he affect Tl this land still belonged to tllc lla by this plan to widen 1111111 llimg 015 sonic Temple ompany and theSl IUblllmlgt Mfr llhfmlmi town would have little jurisdic letter from ll Felt 8310 1w 131Mlm lion without buying this land 11 fury of the public school board 5500 flf 15 WNW was the only section not bought UHCIUWI Will 0f letter from mud lilf bf 1th 15 mm to coluplclo the lancway the department of education in NIL MI 15 Him the International allbreed 111 mmlm Ih DIU rm Fm show at Barrie arena on Saturday llolzs were again discussed Dc school aceommodatloll Tentative puty thve Griffin related one approval by the department was mm of 8600000 The informqtitnl case where boy had sent 111 llltll for two new schools at rowiwd und mm letter was read from the county health unit statingthat resulcnts in lhegvicinity of Essa Road and Elizabeth St had been complaining of the dust in these areas During tllc discussion Ald Ilambly said most of the dust was off the new highway and was not from the agricultural grounds III regard to the dust from Elizabeth 81 north of Aime it was pointed out this nvus outside thetrm limits Ill connection with the ldust blowing from the new high way to the agricultural grounds Aid Norton observed The agri cultural park is getting flying deed to the new highway petition signed by 20 service station 10pcrators asked for an amendment to the closing bylaw which would permit them to re main open longer hours during the summer season The petition was referred to the clerk to ascertain whether or not there was suffi cient percentage of signatures There was letter from James Thomson architect for the town hall renovations 011 motion of Aid Wilson council agreed that his account would be considered report was pre sented lengthy and interesting letter from Clayton Gosney covered sev eral matters of municipal interest In connection with one of these items street oililig Mr Gosney will be advised that this street will be Oiled this summer Council votedseven in favor and five against licensing Robbins Cir cus to come to Barrie The ctr cus will pay the towniicenseie of $100 plus the $250 rental to the agricultural society Collier St from the market as buSinessAseCtion ITlldl UItl iniloducc IccHllI composed l1cil fvtlli l111 llallmr whole lli lather ltev ll Itllllr Ililllslel to lie 1111 titled public lltutl ill Toronto and lligli school In lollawzmda NY He then 11 ltllllttl to Toronto l111c graduated llou Unitclrlly oi Toronto 11 ark Horn hclc he catered the stud of llltUIttth at Union Sclzllnaly 111 New Yolk 11 In ltradualion troul tlllS ttlllltll was appointed 1lstallllo 111 llodd ol Westminv 111t 111Ir lrclylcr1an Church in Mill nrapo11gt Minnesota Al lcr spend an 11111 years there he went abroad and 1111d1ed at St 1lllt University In Scotland The year ltliltl saw him return to tallada and become assistant toxlll Don ald at the hulch of St Andrew and St Paul in Montreal War broki out and in ltllll he enlisted 111 the chaplalncy gt11lt of lllt anadlan Armed Forces llcv iMr llclhs went overseas the same year and while StlVlllL with the llilack Watch Regiment Ill France IIll 1011 he was wounded Ilospi vial tlet was ieccivcd 111 England 1wl1erc he later resumed his chap laincy service llc returned to anada in 1013 arid the following iyear he was assigned minister lot his present church THREE ONCRRTS BEING PLANNED FOR NEXT WINTER The 194950 membership cam paign of the Barrie Community Concert Associationwms completch Saturday evening and it was quite succcssiul Mrs John Dobson campaign chairman reported Mrs obson stated that the success ol the campaign could be attributedl to the enthusiastic etloris of the many volunteer canvassers and workers This was the most suc cessful campaign held since the as sociation was formcdin 1946 As result of the drive the ex ecuiive and directors of the asso ciation met at Community Ilousel Saturday evening with Mrs Benita Shields ol Columbia Concerts New York Tentative arrange Incnts were made for three con5 certs next season Conrad Thib ault baritone Sascha Gorodnitskio pianist and the Barry Ensemble which consists of five instrumental ists Gertrude Bary piano Virgin ia Peterson cello Belen Bacchus viola Mary Becker violin Phyllis Gugino clarinet These artists have been chosen pending approvf al of head office in New York Cityl The Weeks Weather Contrary to many beliefs that thnl weatherman was rushing the seal sons it is now evident that he is well within the speed limit allowed the thermometer to reach aIcomfortable high of 86 last Fril day and then zoomed the degrees1 downward Since residents of Barrie and district have jostled about in Springand Fall attire to avoid chills The reading produced an amaz1 ing low of 23 early Wednesdayl Square east wmaaesignated morning and or the most part1 When nights have hovered about that public hearing on the zoning by area During the day the temper law was held recentlyv there was ature has dropped steadily since deputation to urge street be designated asa residen ial area In the recommendations to the town council last Monday night the planning board suggest Ved some alterations but there was no recommendation regarding this section of Collier St Members Of council desided to take no action to change the plan as originally drafted by the planning board section of James and Penetang streets will be altered from resi to commercial classifica ed by the public utilities Greer Transportation and the Sarjeant C01 were adopted by the council m1 MARY ST VA fewother minor altera tions were also altered and the planning board recommendations that this Monday falling from 69 to low of 49 Rain fell for short interj valon Thursday evening CW High LowE May 79 45 May 86 48 May 59 40 May 69 29 May 60 38 May 10 49 31 May 11 50 23 HOUSE leMOVED THROUGH BARRIEI It was house moving day in Barrie on Tuesday Iln the Emorninga Cook oat went to the Wright farm in Vespra township and loaded atrame house The house was moved along Anne streetrodown Elizabeth to the Five Ioints andgthence along Dunlop It Was about 111 when the building passed the post olce At noon the move was halted for an hour while the truck and house stopped on Nick worth street just south of Lou isa In the aftemoon the move was continued out Blake street and Davis street and out of Barrie along the Shanty Bay road to its new location The house is owned by Poole For the native it re quired side clearance 027 feet and height clearance of 22 feet Hydro linemen and telephone linemen accompan ied the move to protect their lines and provincial police as sisted by directing traffic lt9 EATING MORE CHEESE Consumption of all types of cheese in Canada has increased in recent years to more than ve pounds per capita annually $2450 $29511 MORNING PAGE NINEIEEB 11111811131 HARDWARE VAlUlS 1a 0101 SPECIAL PRICES TILL SATURDAY MAY 21 ltlHNSONS WAX Hardware for Hard Wear THOR Washing Machines 11 1111 115144 149111 ruc nm SllXlAl llli 59C nunoer 211 1111 lb 98c Standard Model $14950 lcl Ant 111 111011 unOI llllnlo illol Autoluzlzur $26950 Elemic MODEL or 109 Gasoline lhor iiadirou 0mm ltlG AND lllltlSlIth ILIIANHR $12950 Cleaner Reg 501 CELLULOSE SPONGE REG 55c Hm sired $105 SPECIAL VALUE 79c SAVE 26c Styled to quicker the pulse of every woman who yearns lor Perfect kitchen lhls inau 10411 Kelvillator brings new completeness new BEACH utility and to Ilood ON DISPLAY These ranges have been de signed especially to meet the demands of the purchaser for range of sound quality at ax Iropular price lcdlt llan if desired nificent convenience new new dependability keeping in the home Htulatc space $309 $349 Credit Plan it desired cu ft pint plus $19000 Good Till May 2t SPECIAL Paint Coupon Am V17 orth 25c credit on one gallon of paint or credit on one quart of paint or enamel enamel CLIP ME AND TAKRMU 10 oval1s GYPTrx ALMATEX THE LIQUID PLASTIC FINISH tried and proven product for all types 01 floors Woodwork walls Winetalwarc 12 pint 65c O1 $195 Gal$725 HEAT AND IMQISTURE RESISTANT For Interior and Exterior 12 pint 70c QI Gal $775 KrillT0111 MODERN MIRACLE WALL FINISH One gallon decorates large room white oTeen blue yellow peach Qt $130 Gal $475 111 111 131111 911111111 IIu mull Purl Casein paint is an inexpensive flat finish fer interior surfaces Ideal for onecoat work in homes Ivory peach cream bluepink lb $120 Brash or Spray TBlCYCLES WLBsrrRT SPRAYbVIHL 1Sunsg3gfsg1czlfooem USe spray and paint the easyway 11111111111 WATERPROOF CEMENT PAINT colored paint which mar be used for decoratingI any firm and insoluble 5111111111 such as existing plasma or wallboard IvoryBuffGreenBlucvlink lb $150 MCKENZIEgarden lawn illower bed RENNIEgarden lawn flower bed white blue green butt STEELE BRIGGS lb $130 garden linvn flower bed lst Grade DUTCH SETS Multiplier Onions FENCE ISTBETCHERS CatalogueList $1850 Our SpeCioll Price 949375 LAWN mourns We have large variety of first quality lawn rmowers $200 on any old lawn mower traded in on new mower Alilcmrs BALLOON TIRE Both Ladiesd Mens less motor $6450 HOTPLATES For SUmmeI Cottages 61 summer Kitchens $525 to $1475 0061178 PAINT SERVICE NO EXTRA CHARGE We will gladly mix your paint on our new Red Devil Paint Condition erIt mixes paint faster and better than old fashioned hand mixing lltiHS 1111111qu WRARP AS NEAR TO YOUR HOME As YOUR TELEPHONE 19111111111111111 WE DELIVER P1111111 APTpRNOON DELIVERY