EMwaamsmmmzmawwrwrwa lt Rom hi CE 2E 45 or 652 LP CH FLOOR AK TRNzai 43 eons ZIVi watt WHAT xa UHW lSNT WAT PlCTURE soar OFvERHUPSiDEj Downm MAYBE IT NEEDS Acousnno 73V Or THE MAN ALL 21am PAPA ms Emu MAYEE IVE HENRV TREMBLECHIN Th TELEuGILl or NEVER MIND Qflfgfiq 7p pocroa7cogasyegt lT GILlORD mamas DOCTOR uHr ptClclRE 013 WHATS THAT you Syphon you kg lOQEFFle ffvm CALLth lg OLIG1HT BEEN WORKlNG 777Vf Ir May Austin lauts lorouto MW Mr and Mrs Will lilpin haw week at the llothwcll homo Miss lian iriflilhs Imonto weekend visitor with Mrs Paul Russell Isabelle Ncilly is holidaying at the home of her parents after sev movcti iitio lhe liousc recently rated by llau icthons ling the funeral of Mrs Smith il Mr apd Mrs Ivan Maw were in liincardlnc last Wednesday attend Pml days Now Wk Ci Mr and Mrs lurncll Carr were Mr imd Mrs Fred Jenkins of Tmmn If rook liondlnli Edmonton Alta are spending til Um trulwml mm mum Dr week with llicir laughter ilr= mom Lt WhenfourBACK uallcn Shore BECAUSE Lou Nellly lr at illt tottit on Backeche is often due to an upset kidney condi tion and for over hall century Dodtls Kidney Pills have helped bring relief from backache by treatingthe kidneys Get odds Kidney lills today at any drug counter Look for the blue box with the red hand You can depend on Dodds 155 115k for it either ilaIz frolicmailerman 11w same thing Authorized hauler olCoaaColo under contract with CocoCola Ltd The Womens Institute will mcet on lliursday Mav 19 at pm The program will be in charge of the llcaltli Committee Roll call rtsponsc Dos and Donts for the Sick Room licernt visitors included Mr and Mrs Gordon Dutfon and baby at Stewarts Mr Grcwan of lilamilton at Lennoxs Mr iand Mrs Langdon of Clifford at MeKenzics Mr and Mrs Arnilt strong of Toronto at Mrs Arm strongs David Casley and friend from Toronto with his mother RecentBi Honored by Friends very iappy event took place at the home of Miss Doanc last Thtnsday evening when about for ity friends and neighbors gathered ito honor her niece Mrs Harry Boos nee Joedene Beynon bride of few weeks ago Mrs John Scott acted as mistress of ceremonies and singsong was enjoyed with Mrs Smith at the piano There were several very interesting contests Miss Jones gave very appropriate reading entitled mans philosophy of RefrBShing To You Talbot Puree Now fix PENETANG BOTTLING LIMITED enetanguishene Phone 440 is beirig married on May 21 last years festival 100 lms of real SET 714E macaw BE LlTTLE SIOQTED TRY ANOTHER eece We THERESTHE WRESTLIH DONT KNOW WHETHER TO CALL THE DOCTOR TURNING OUR SET UPSlDE DOWN zal bAKlNG FOOL OF FATHER MERE ILL DO LITTLE UPSIDEDOWN TURNING lwiic Misses Louise Spccrs and Shirley Jones presented the bridl with coffee table and ciItglas bowl The bride was so lllllllttl with the gifts she could hardly find words to express herself All joined in singing For Slit lollv Good Fellow after which lplcasant time was spent over lllt ten cups Big Congregation on Mothers Day at Trinity hurch There was an extra large attend ance at Trinity Church Sunday morning for the Mothers Day ser vice John Geoffrey Ilnlbort son lof Mr and Mrs llarold Ilalbert um and Marie Lillian Black daughter 1i rc tiers bccaust the twvrrnmcnts al of Mr and Mrs Art Black ceived the rites of baptism An appropriate story of how David Livingstone remembered hisfathcl intro for liitii ll llritnil lhv lllllilir lh lllflllltt lltl lil lllil It i1 Julio Ll til if li ll it kl Hui Lian llillm ilil llllili Tllltl lv ililill if llo In llll lit full ilii int irllftill alu tr rt uui lltlt il touiuoli via ln ll Iitl Thurc lci will lllt nttft zv it lrilt bl lil ltl plan out ii tot ltlllltli llt llii of if tt lftl if tlt ofput lll lll lr II zll pimp tpl utl tam lli little of the tvitluw um It oil llil of flu tltilllrvll lylll tll it ll tltlfl llcltu ll cont ul li lzttiic Ministh thzi mot tlt iuutlct oi lll ll po lilll bonds of iwttii if lllilf Illllllliltt um uni Mom lillllil iltlv lllt ilt llttt ttit ll lllt first to ulmu ml lll 1mm If lllt bend of 1b tomiottnvxealtb tl illtlllll pol lcal llli liit long coirLinlril flu tloxn such Zl litlllillill ll ul of lllt tlilltiutl couiilru ho do awn at to rt 11 to the jo 111t1lill as the om llitllltlllli oi Halon lolluvili the lil painkiuplx dropping the Ultl llrttmh Nowherc in the documc ua ill Dominion lsftl since lmlia once republic vill in iouwfi lit titltlillllllll of llic king The flttlitlIllItlll docs not require approval of the comp oi lndia the ptiliilici7 of iiilltl lllllfl ltul llt lawn Illlnllllttl liltlllflll to iitllilll lhc documcn FAANHNER BAItitTE ONTARIO CANADA Heads Ballet School ltll lAltNli litllllitd danccr ll charm of tln loionlo Ha hip School izroup that llt fiJifurtd attraction at llll lllil liliillUlmi Festival of fill or liztriic Arena lhursda Mi film 11 the program is oil mi bv llm lll lonccrt inn tml will lltllllll tlso lllt School lion and the School Symphony innit lvillll New York State 3otitt1on werv proceed llll ttruily llfvlll ltlllt Sovict deputy for thunder and member of flus tln lcztmu to the United Nth had talk lill Philip luttcd Stuttx Ambassador lent week Authoritativc zud thcn that the basis fol Bur5m illlllli of tlic lllmonth blockade Would rcqmrc simul lilliviHn tlltlllltl of the Wests coun ltlrlilotliiltlt and Null date for ctmt of lhc iii loui lorcitm iiin Hltll lllttllllt would probably indicati starting of conference on the whole icrman problem linttttl States Sources cantioni iuiif meroptimism while in lilo bl newspaptrs have carried no ICitilltv to the problem for chtrt ll days ltl HARGICS DROIIICD IIspionagc charges against Fredal Linton have been dropped by the anarlian powrnmcnt Miss Linton ilitiycariolll lVItIllU alcrvsmm to become mother was the last of 20 Canadiiins named by ltoyal Commission early in llltfil as suspects in Soviet spy ring in anada luslicc Ministtl Carson an mother and home while in darklll if llllVlillVWl ill Hllll3uounccd lhc ltCislon to drop Clitllli Africa teachers was told by one of the The pastor Rev Parliament be added lly ilI nature it will to tbc constitutional in otmnous on lriday night llc said two lawyers investigating Doggctt preached on the Mother llimlllmlli tlItady set up in thcjtliu illiliecs had agreed there was of Moses whose name is 1111 Jim WWIW Ill MIL not sufficicnt evidence to proceed knownl and Mary the mother of P1155l muTwain prosecution Jcshs Besides suitable selection by the choir Orville Carr sang Bless This House The church was decorated with flowers To Beautify Trinity Church With FlowcrsDuring Summer Eleven members attended the monwtalth which mistcd until lhursdayis historic statement Now that provisions have been made for ltplillllts to become members ol the tmimonwcalth many speculated on Irelands fut urc action lltlillitl after tllltlllt Miss Linton surrendered volunl tardy in Montreal about three weeks ago to Royal Canadian Mounted Police She had been in hiding months During that time she married It is thought Isllt spent some time in the United cl WA meeting at Mrs McCutchbf British rulc was proclaimed aStatcs eons onWedncsday The themci for the day Youth and Christianl Liberty was taken by Mrs Fredl Grose and Mrs Fred Simpson read the Scripture lesson Extensive planning wasndonefor the buildingr of new cupboards in the church basement and May 18 was set for the cleaning of the basement All arrangements for beautifying the church With flowers duringdhcf summer months were compliefedj and plans were made for plantingl and caring for the ower bed in front of the church Further work in the erection of new chimney at the parsonage was planned and lcoinmittees appointed for same Mrs Art Black had sent her ap preciation for the gift of new Hymnary given her by the WA members delicious cup of tea with lunch brought this business like meeting to pleasant conclu sion DALSTON May Miss Beth McLean spent the weekend at Thornbury Dont forget choir practice on Friday night Keep June 23 for Dalston garden party DEcpeSt sympathy is extended to Mrs SpeneA Debenham and MrsfMpMoidrE iiitheir receint bel reavement Mrs Sinclair entertained number of friends on Friday even ing in honor of Margaret Rix Who Attended Mr Kays Funeral Rev Mr McTaggart Handy Mrs Bertram and Mrs 3F Wood attended the funeral of Mr Kay at Port Sydney ek BRITAIN AGAIN STAGES INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL Britain is again staging this year an international festival of docu mentary lms It willform part of the International Festival of Music andRDrama held in Edin burgh during August andSeptemt bet and provides the only internal tional festival devoted entirely to documentary films certicate which is highly prized is issued for all lms selected for screening AtI life contributed by 26 nations were shown DIVINELY APPROVED In the 18th century in Salem NC marriage proposals were con veyed to girls of the Moravian tChurch after drawing of lots to determine whether the match was United republic Easter ilonday However it is considered un likely that Ireland vllll accept Conimrmwcalth immbcrship as long as lllt ij northern counties of Ulster remain part of the Uni ted Kingdom SOVIET BLOPKAIHE From Berlin on Saturday it was reported that Soviet official pre dicted the Berlin blockade would be lifted within three days man sources quotedColonel Sergei Tulbanov bought the Soviet In formation Bureau in Berlin to that effect Tulbanov is reported to have made his prediction at confer ence with the chief editorsof Sov ictlicenscd newspapers Meanwhile the informal cxplor atory conversations between West and East on steps towardsran agree ment on liftingthc blockade were still being regarded at the week sides series of secret talks betWecn the United States and Russia start ed Feb 15 The report Of United States and Russia started Feb 15 The report of United States spokesman on the latest talk lEttS ransom 451HOWItliljlllEl man who was sick and ailing want to tell every man and woman who It rundown weak and tired that jie cannd just like didthatlife can be rlul when your health is good was sick constipatedh had stomach trouble and couldnt sleep tried Mos bys Tonic took three bottles and now Im new man feel like young colt Id recommend this great medicine to any auf ferer Foster Toronto Mbsbys Great Tonic with Bi Works on STOMACHlleNEYSBOWELSlIllER Because Mosbys Tonic contains 20 different ingredients wellknown ro physicians plus fortifying Vitamin Bl It helps tone up sluggish systems by cleansing thebowels clearing gas and bloat from the stomach and helps ush out the kidneys thus helping to relieve backache pains and keeps you from getting up nightsrIhonsands of men and women over 45 know that Mosbys Tonic helps make them feel better gives them more pop and energy they walk with Ipnng in their step sparkle in their eyes they feel years young er You must find real laetnig help with Molbyr Tonic or your money back Go to your store today largo bottle costs motor the great help it gives Available at all Drug and Depart ment stores Prelim of apprgved by they Lord World mg iit to Window om sian agents end with extreme caution by both agairi in energyHook andfeelyearsl youngerstart to enjoy lifesays Taranto Miss Linton former employee of the National ltilm Board had been scheduled to no on trial in Mon trcal in May on charges that she 1had been contact between Hus1 All Canadians charged with esi pionage as result of the revela tions of Igor Gouzenko former Russian cipher clerk in Sept 1945 have been accounted for Ninei werc acquitted 10 were given jail G01 sentences ranging up to six years land one was fined In China at the weekend the Communist armies had driven to within 23 miles of the vital rail city of Hangchow last major link be ttwcen Shanghai and the rest of China previous Cummunistv radio broadcast claimed sevdn Nationall isf armies were caught in the re gion between Nanking and Hang chow All government employees have ibcen ordered to abandon Hang chow according to newspaper re lports It was also reported that local militia are taking over 1301 ice duties This move is interpret ted as an indication that Nationalist troops may already have left the city Youth Polio Victim VANCOUVER May to ltch Conned to wheel chair for the siderable promiseas an artist vivid imagination and archeap box of oil paints have made him world traveller although he is On large pieces of cardboard he When not painting Bill tours the neighborhood with his cocker spaniel pal Patsy Some day When his family can acctuirc an automobile the hopes to attend art school ROYAL MINT BUSY LONDON CP During 1948 the Royal Mint struck 429737597 imperial coins to the value of 22i 708381 pounds compared with an average years output valued at 6000000 pounds In addition there wefe large quantities of coins struck for dominion colonial and foreign governments which raised the output to almost600000flt0 piecesm llfc Landscape Artist last ll yearsgtduetopolio 18year old Bill Robson is showing con unable to go more than few blocks from his home paints rakish shipsunder fuli sail forathc Orients spice tract or mountain scenes and rushing streams OBITUARY lltS llAlitI gtlt Ulill li ll th it Ii if V3 tt 31 if gti int ll ltt ll il it liit ltlil Itli ll it tl iiv fllvi sitti1t1liillnrti itllill lti ttil lii lwi 1tfi ltE 1lt it in ll iivtt Au ii lta itil lIl itileilaux tlr it lt that titlli lt ti in ALL in t1t it lt umlt illilH ici4i lilitli izt lmiru mu truicr lt tllos ttlli 1pm li tilr gifpl it Min ltirimztn lltlli I12 Limit 11 Wit1i iluz llilutf bi Fouv of tin tlutim fri ltttiii lt Tili mtl vlr Stcwuzt ll liiv ltv in in Mr and vlz an Lou lion iTtIti Il loi lr Illlt lis ll lt Itil lltvlllzlltl ltutlm Miss lidna Setold loionto uil Mrs Within Watlwy lll llgiuilfon ilIltlI lllINltY llIlllis itllltjt lltlll Spcvq bull been ill for only pawl uul flic coun munity il tlititlvttl lll hear of lu= sudden bath lit Tab vtnl Mr Spltl aic tlllt litll Jilll paralytic Iiolu on Alutl fl bu his many iltltli hoped hw lattflll iccovcr luttad lil fllitlllj prev worse and tllctl on Apill lt lillfl at lllt lltllllt tli lllrl lilllilllti Mrs if lcnnctt lie was lllt cltlcsf son of John Spccrs and Mary Simpson ol Holly and had livcd artiunif lvy alllus He married Martha hlchiiy who picdcccascdimn l7 years Mr SlJQtlS toollti kctn iidcrcs in sports baseball hockey etc This ycar he was made lion lresi dcnt of Ivy Baseball Club He leaves to mourn his loss tlll daulzhtcr Mrs ll brothers and one sister llrwm oi liariic lsaac of ivy and Allh hitl Lynn of Toronto The floral tributes were many showing sympathy of friends and the buzb rilltlll lll lllll he was linuctt tw held Amonc llic ofltiiugzs vcic wreaths from Ivy linwllztll Tluii Township School Area lcacbcr and lupllsol lvy School and from several friends and relativcs The funcral was held on Mon day April ltl from the homc hisdnuphtcr to the Presbyterian liurch and Cemetery Rev Dr If Sinclair of Allandalc was in charge of the civiccs lhtl pallbearers won six ncphct cll Ivan and Gordon Spccrsf thur and Bert McQuay and Ilantlntt member of lvy ranic Lodge the funeral was under 01 once auspices FAITHFIII MOTH On the scent of female lll male promethea moth has been known to fly seven miles through the night RELINE WITHy USED BY BRAKE SPIUAllSIS MARFAK GREASE IOBS WASH JOBS FIRESTONE TIRES EXIDE BATTERIES Fast and Slow Battery Charges Repairs To All Makes Of Cars and Trucks TOW TRUCK SERVICE RUSSEL STRANAGHAN BRADFORD STREET Barrie EVERYWHERE it is equally important that you choose PAGE FEFTEEN ICE DELIVERY CALL BAXTER BROS 119 ESSA RD PHONE 5311 Li it luau ll fr it will wt ill iiful lin lli Illili wt ilill ltl5 ml it vtvli iiti tltll iliilllfl ll tl Ll Lift llltt will jil llili liilll homo pint him itulu llllll an tum Iii lv airl irguli illllllll liioiiii in nIilrtti ll Igtl ill ll tllll its all iiihu tl lln curl of flu lift nizcv my lul lill nl Hill onliil lill ll if on uln Imiial rum lltllllllllll illHI ill ol llit luv lilr tln fl plan ill lift CONllNEHiAl lle INSURANCE COMPANY ilhAl OIilCr l0tZUHIO GRANT MAYOR it Min tyne4 borne Purely Canadian Company KwicKwonK RUBBER ENAMEL Beautyvith tough StirfaCc Thats KW ICKW RK Easy ea Hi film ii to apply easy to keep clean easy to select the colouryou want for home 01 car You exorcr near to LAsr You will have certain color in mind blend of colors perhaps when select ing rOotfonahew home or new roof for your present home but Roof that will Illll beModgrn Tomorrow roof that will long withstand the abuse of time and weather eisPnrirgt197 ROOFING Care in manufacture backed by the skilland knowledge which long years of experience con tribute gives Bisco Asphalt Roofings standard of excellence which marks them as superior Competent dealers recommend them tonoon marinas ASPHALT SHINGIES SMOOYM IND MMIAI 5ch ROll RQOFINGS SRIAWIRGS US rumor room runnu aommonxa ran Norse root BISHOP ASPHALT PAPERS no 1anle 0n antlin MOHIRUA iOlllllLUi MANOR CJLiLiizL