Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 May 1949, p. 6

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IAGE Slll ll III ltlti SIX ii tll ini tr SIIil MIMI to min glHI IUllilltl in ii llauuIl Home pitaw it This glorious olltt lia intfru llrnor and zrlru lioin because its iiperli blend contains elroiei Latini meriean coffees lll IZ IIIIIJI It It Illl ltillll ili Sensational Bargains Children Wear BY GAY TOGS This famous maker of better prahly ilrildreizs wear cleared us great stock of snbstarrdards and over SEE OUR WINwaS INNLlt orrariseris lMlNlY mortars ItItLllHNtRAWLERS ssarlrmus ittritvrrais wreaths OIIIIIURS BLAZERS makes ITS WONDERFUL SHOWING just what the kiddies neiedvright nowand for the hot weather ahead Every garment designed in ifllI II II lil 5ii lli Txlriti ltlltttllt IOlll Sill gt with ll iid llltll herri tl lla rlillltl at very substantial reductions WE PASS THE SAVING on T0 You III IMIIIIIF FiAMlvER BAR it It lltl xlf 2r HIE IIEIIARIH ANAIIH Did Big Flood in Oro 59 Years Ago Launch New Premier irl tiiftr3lll rrit bzralrt ifri iirr it ii lt tt tire rr ritili iv mo llitlitliii ref its text that Itlij ill rst ltrrf Andrew tried by Illi iii It It ii it ln till there tl IJt pitiivii tllt1l lot Eliii It la 1i lilfllrllfll lltllt and 631 iii later in riri lioor Illt li Twain and tiil Zltl liwuzti laslie ii tlatl in ltlli he ot fit run il Elml If it lllliUIllt lloirse iii iii it rriievi ii llilii late ii irpl ti llorr lilac ii Iti lll1 not hurls l1ltlill irlIEIlllvIli tllfl iitw Irirrr tlrr hilasio tllt lllltlt llll iirist iv lltll it or lrw ll4r lZ llrury at iizi It lrt illrlaid iiteriipts of the lji Zziei ll lir if IlltlllllV purl became Srntlr tltlilll iury il31lil triftllt ol the Hillel tells ll licaipoll irrtlll Ifrlt Now as Simeoe tutti when Jrsraizijrbili tit made for the Ontario lililrire tlriiv llltl had been thy sitlrni mirrori for lit years iil ltfl been Ivrll Iltfllltlt tr irttlllilo illl ltl toirr and leerifl he is int illtlill tlttlllt irr tlrel it pri llltt oldest lrvinr ex days hen the Hon tliarlv lliriry llrtl incidentally one of in llltll or ii mighty futuri iii the Land lnl xi l4 ir llidlands Andrew ll tllllll rerzrppears ill the itsvlll or ltllt Illlrtllltlplltll lliost to iron ile trrenriers mantle iiairiid lirriste ot iitlliird lrr fir ultt province of Ontario xllvl that position was clouded iioht xil strains hint and lltlfirrffrililtltlllil to cabinet rank fi vi iriii lgtltl has tendency to Stalinr lleirnett iror Misuirrrplrell NATIONALIZE IND ISTRIES Hy It IIIrlll part of the procrairr of the ttl is the lllllltlllltlllillltill of llllllllrtl or different anadian en terprises Antoni these are the packing industry bankrer and the rrraniifaetiire of farm implements We shall leave out the first from immediate consideration on the around that the packing industry is ticzhtly competitive and margins of profit are rather small We may also leave out the banks they hare ceased to be wicked lt if the ever were In the old day in the West there was certain basic instability aboiit the country There were greater risks in those days interest rates were necessarily lricher lharr they are how Times changed and naturally the banks1 changed with the titncs lheyiK have duty not only to their stock holders but to their customers The best thing one can say about our banking institutions is that they serve well the needs the nation and provide efficient and pleasant service for those who do business with them Seldom indeed do lhcy get in the hair of their cus tomers But wish Mr Coldwell or some of the experts on his stall would tell us how they are going to nav tionalize the manufacture of agri cultural implements Their first task would be suppose to buy out International Harvester Corn pany which has factories in Ilamil ton and Chatham and branches in many dillerent areas of the Demin ion Then it might undertake the nationalization of tlrclVlasscyIIai piece Cord Sets Rivetbd Longs Pedal Pushers SHIRTS Cord Snapcralls Jeeper Creepers Dtitchlc Overalls eeoioeww Tis Company3tdf This would be no small task The lylasscyllarris Company has substantial branches in the United States It Has two in Great Britain one in Manches ter and one in Kilmarnock Scot land This ifI am not mistaken is also the homeofWJohnny Walk er The MasseyHarris Company has plant inFrance and branches doing businessin score ofotlrcr countries Will thelCCF take over 1these foreign branches govern mcnt controlled monopoly which Imanufactures agricultural implem tentskwould then be operating in foreign countries It would have diflicult problem IN OUR TIME WILL COME THRIFTY MOTHERS EARLY becausethis is lt34 very exceptional OFFERING of GENUINE BARGAINS CCF warm areal lcode we are to reverse that p0si ty its prentice lrand upon them ltilO liiIl it if many lllllts over llri ilag or lltllllgtlt rralronali Im 1rr countries may It it enough to have the hlztssey llaill on party but there are null lirl countries that would relrslv Id den of bovine foreign poverty Itlllt rurrriinj orire of its rndus lilib and actually making profitsl IIl of flieiri There another problem thel lsellrrrrs tornpany exterrdedl lls birsaress in loreiitn countries inl tltlflulfl lttllltt its overhead pivel Itlll yearly employment and provf tilt some corrrjrensalion for those who put their money in the busil rress It went after foreign busi1 ness and by so doing built more solid basrsrmhs Canadian busi llfrf the MasseyHarris Company to tarradran llltllttllllllt It has becnl factor in expanding our export trade The reward of 501 vice in any democratic country is further extension of opportunitk ics for service We reward men aird corporations for tltelr accom plishments but under the new CCT tion Industries which have becriE succvsstiil will have the fruits off their enterprise taken away from them by order of the government so that new political party may The CCI will have to jettison this part of its program The people of Canada are notyct foolish en ough to accept it NOTE have written recently at review of Harvest Triumphant book dealing with the mechaniza tion of Canadian agriculture will be glad to send copy of this Review to any person interested in the subject Drop me postcard you will get it by return mail Deachman 53 Queen St Ottawa Canada GOING DOWN Oflicials rccchtlygliscavcmddhat of London Bridge had dropped sever al inches at one point on the south side BLOOD PRESSURE In 1773 the Rev Dr Stephen Hales an Englishman discovered that the blood has pressure and was the first to measure it YERSAIILE ASTRONOMER Galileo constructed the first of his famous telescopes in 1609 and began astronomical observations in my rm EXAMiNm WANT Air moms 241114 By Howio Hum OBITUARY One and native son of this commun ity David Bauldry passedway at Hm Wm pm pm Burma 0f the age of 93 years at his residence I78 Owen Street on Saturday Ap ril 30 1949 While his eyesight had been failing for sortie years he was in reasonably good health up and around his home until he became bedfast just four days prior to his death from natural causes Mr Bauldry was born in Barrie on June IS 1856 only son of the late Jeremiah Bauldry and Carol ine Day Barrie moving to Oro as young man to farm for almost 20 years He returned to Barrie as foreman liltfl ji iir rlt 777 77 GREEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS WHERE YOU BUY MORE ran LESS CARDIN litlbh lA lillllgt$ StRlCInN DOORS UAlllrliN SlLlili LAWN Skill itUlJllllIIIlt UNIONS to make green onions pounds for Ilfre Itll an 17 Ice Refrigerators 35395 56500 Stilljtl lilllltlt lNs $55595 Sfillfl $0850 Fangy Colt War pure oilbase wall paint that provides rich finish ofgrcat beauty Its hard closely knit film permits easy and repeated washing Yet its COOKIE JAllfi $375 SOII pleasing Semigloss absorbs CRUIYI Sllvllli hlli light reection and glare Excellent JAM POTS SLIM for every room ideal for kitchens llIA POTS $350 gives mellow rubbed effect woodwork furniture and odd pieces Wide range of beautiful colors scientifically color corrected in the famous limelcstcd laboratories IlOIINAIl GLASS white or blue VINIXIAR lIillIlZh 5119 Bth RUNS shapes BASKETS sizes Sl25 $23 CREAM SUGAR Quarts $205 SETS YES we will vote YES for the enlarged Barrie Arena on WATE SETS W333 May 27th Wcbclicve Barrie to be the best Town in the Gold Trim Jug Dominion Thats why we choose to live and operate llard Tumblers ware and Gift Business here We believe in progress We believe Barrics greatly increased population demands and JUICE Shh 36 deserves an Arena with accommodation in keepingr with Gom Tm Jul mm its growth Not only for Hockey but for occasions such as Tumml the County Music rcviir and similar programs which have GLASS COCKTAIL in recent ycars proved the inadequacy of the present Arena SET $650 SHAKER GLASS Rose Gold Irirn nrcd The turningover to the lown of 25 per cent of the gross rc ccipts should provide more titan sufficient to retire the dc bcnturcs HARRY ARMSTRONG 98 104 DUNLOP ST PHONE 2801 greatgrandsons The funeral was lielzl May from lal the late Simon llyrrrents farm for six years Later he worked for Brown Co for sortie years lle was Methodist in early life and member of Central United Church In politics Ire was Conservative Mr Bauldry was quiet and reserv ed but he enjoyed host of friends and was highly esteemed by all who knew him He was rightly regarded as apood father and kind husband Mrs Baiildry survives Ilcr husllobert band She was the former Irczinllers vere rrett Storey They were married Anglicam Church 03 years ago and were together for Salvation Army Barrie and th their golden and diamond wedding commission and staff of Barri anniversaries There are two daugh Public Utilities Among those wlr tersv Mrs William Terry tFlor attended the funeral once of Elmvale Mrs IIut town were his daughter MrsTci chings Evat of Barrie one son ry of Elmvalc Mrs Westlrcar Henry Bauldry of Barrie There are 10 grandchildren andfour ronto WH THE BARN ARENA SHOULD BE ENLARGE To bring to Barrie entcrtainment features which can be performed only inlarge auditoriums Professional skating shows conventions and political rallies music 0ncerts and possibly radio shows could be presented Atthe present time the Barrie Arena which has in the pastuproivod to be incapable ofdequately accommodating large crowds is the largest auditorium in Barrie With thy facilities of an enlargdirena tobring major attractions of sport ent rtainmnt and culture to towncountless numbers of hours and dollars Barrie residents drive 50 M60 miles to another centre and spend ten or fifteen dollars extra to see an attraction which could be presented here To keep Junior hockey in BarrieF0r everyhome game approxi mately Zltlpieople jam their way into the Arena fence at first class hockey game The Flyers have given unlimited publicity and enthusiasm to the people of Barrie The people of Barrie have given unlimited support to the Barrie Flyer Hockey Club The people of Barrie want Junior hockey To giveifians and spectators proper accommodation while attending events in the Barrie Arena Upon several occaSions thiswinter and at other timespeople have beenvforced to stand in wearisome lineups braving the elements of snow rain and inclment weather before entering the Arena And once in tilieArena these same people are required to stand nfor almostthree hours to see the attraction taking place The Barrie Lloyd and DAVID BAULTlltY Barriers oldest Citizens by Sr Capt It Straelian of fit Salvation Army Ihlff Kenneth being Rauldrv bearers George MacDonald old received from th Illmvale lh As child he lived in pound of ror your broken arm 0K stupid so on paid fortynine cents for utter an It costs naughtyfive bucks Arena is municipalfbuildingppcratedforthedoenefitrorll Barrie citizens When such conditions exist tbejArena is not fulfilling the function of giving proper services tothepeople of Barrie To bring thousands ifdollars of business togBarri Every timed teamer an entertainment troupelcomes to townthey spend considerable amount of money for accommodationfood and othertincidentals From surrounding areasvthousands of people Corneaeach year to attend enter tainment attractions These same people do much of theirshoppingand business in Barrie BECAUSE they cameto townthat day to attend an events taking place in the Barrie Arena With an enlarged Arena more people would come to Barrie because they would have an opportunity to see the event taking place To provide dressing rooms for softball baseball and other athletes par ticipating in events in the Arena Park Plans are under way to make the Arena Park Barries majorrecreation field Further refreshment booth could be established at the south end of the Arena to service spectators at any outside event during the sumlner The Barrie Arena wasgbuilt in 1934 when the population was 7500 The population of Barrie is now over 12000 but the Arena has notihecn gt enlarged proportionatelyC Since construction the seating capacity has sheen increased to 1400 but it is entirely insufficient The Arena must be enlarged We thepeople of Barrie take pride inourloiivn LET USLIPROGRESS Steckleys with Rev Rewell minister of Central United lrurch otliciatine assisted Interment was lll Barric Union Cemetery the plrll grandsons Bauld ry and Allan Bauldry nephew iGeorge Iarrow lrank Cooper and from out of Mr and Mrs Maurice Bryson To ill be saved by the people of Barrie Everyryear hundredsoti It

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