Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 May 1949, p. 3

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tr HsRe MEI VVVVV ma IBARRIE scumgnmiom AIBIQ CANADA WW ove Mr Car Drury ANTEN MILLS BELLE EWARl MINESING 11 CROWN HILL 11 www e11Il uh I11Imn IIIIII IIII Hum II III AH III 5111iqii 52 iimion 11 mi loll II IIIII5III ll 11 311 WWII HI hut 1L 11 Ho IIIMIII IIIIH lie 11 Mix J1 All IIIIII III III 111111 1111 111111 IIIII MI 3II1III 71x Humid II 31 IIIIIIIII ml 111 tiller lm 111 M11111 11mt 11 5111 111 11111 41111 t1 111111 111 11111 $11 1111 111111 1111111 11111 lm 2111z1 IM1I1 1111111 111111111 111 11w 1111111 111 will 1111 11 111 1111 Mix Lloyd ll ll 1l11 wl llli1 l11 lllll 1i 1111tz1111 i1l1l ll1i lllil llnl l11111v 111111111lu 11111 ll11 111 tili 111111 111 11141111111 1111 011 11l 1111 Monday 11111 11111 IIII l1lll 1111 int111 ltl l11 1111 111 1111 lI 5i111l 1111 101 p111 Mn 11 w1oti 1111 11 21541 11111 111 L111 11111 111 1111 Ill l11l11l tltli 1l1 lilrllill 1I 11111 21111i 111101 Il111 111111 11111 311111l1l11l 1111111111 l11111 l1llp Lilili inn illti l1ll 1ll 1111i 1111 11 11 111I11111 1l11 tlilitllit 111111111 1Z liotl lioinliilvv 111l ll ll1lvl ll111 111 lltulttl tli 1w 1112111 1111lII511 l1 IItIllr IKIilIHlllIl5 lrlilzlil IIYIII Illitl 11Ilt1I11Il IIlIolulIitIo tll1ll 51011112 1111 1111 11141 1111 11 111ll 1111111111113 11 1111111111 111111111v 01111111 S111vullI lZlI1111i1i 111 11111 wetting 11111 111 1i1111 IIIIIM III wl Hum1 11111111 11111 III MW 11 rxtlllll nip1ll1I to II 11 31111 111111s111111111111111111111111 1111111 my 11 11111111111 111111 1111111111 111111 1111 WI 1111 lElLil 11 111 MI IIIIII In mm IIIIIIIIII I5171IIL5III11III1 11 III L1 WII MIIIII Ninth llni toiled 11nd ll1 1111111 lll ftlll VUUHK illlh liil writ 111 11 ll ltoxteil l11 loiltl ililtliiliJ thi Y1111i looplvs Htll ililllplll vl 1111li i111 lliill lusll li11 ilosx il1l111111111 unit liao slim 1111on 1l Sliollli l1t Sllil1l1 tilst UWIltl of your IlltIltll l1o 1411 and 11111111 IoililllllI il1l1tllillil Silliilii guilt Mn illst Lilliill illi Innpnlf 11 Sunday The Young littltll hold liltii Slotsor Mrs ll illtlllltIv 1110 MP1 lolti hos l=1gt1111 1111111A1i 1111111 11 tiiklv lllillllll l1t TiAMlu 1114117 Li Didntll the llillll of Miss Murmurt Molli 111 with loiiul1 illltll uilulr Mill Toiltlllli Miss Mollisoii 1l convent1 111 lhlliizo III IIISIIlIlIlJIKIhIvIlIfIlfltlIllll is illi lll II lhl people of the 11111111111111 Sanford SL D101 IIIIIUIIIIIIIII BIIxIIIII IIIIH IIII IIIIIIIIIII Barrie lJ11s1IiorIIi rillttIItl ltJIl Iwti 1I1I11i ill itlllloll 155 Cs ler 11111111 Mrs tlill 111111111 11111 1611111 xensona IllhIImmIm prwmmwl ml New Imported 11 III IlI sanded 11IvII1I1I1III3IIII1111 1111 11111 11111111 1111 Othl OIMIP MADEININGLAND TINITIIIIHIIIIIlluwrilnSiiiiiilins 111111 Jam by STRATTON Free Estimates Woods Schools 11111111111 111 1111 MATCH lhhoul IllSWng in 1th will Iltll pilin oi loIsuiIi lil Igttlt1oo II PM WiL lillll it int II mm hmnu hm WWW nhmm Illiinlihuit til tiltilmllli lUiikilillmliii LliifOailllnEmel HARM HUBBARD In annulum 11 fulluwlnp 11111115 for 111111 111 for SIIIHI IIINIIRIIIII III IIIISIIIIIS III WatchCase Type in DCIICIBN and III cumin mm III bII COIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII Dam Lacquer Flmh we Nu 5131001 kmint pllmm hm lI 250400500600 Oct WI 9c iin Cll So 11 loll olives lllllClI May Jilm July Aug htpt bI ICIII II IIII IdI $211 521 $2180 $2190 $2200 $2200 $2200 $2200 If mzpzlitChifzIIIIln IIiIlIni r1 mil is ti lliorntm vh 111 lliit 11t VALLEY 11H tqumlthrcLI SCRIIIIIS IIIIIIIIlII mlI IHESE PRICES INCLUDE DELIVERY ple of miles 111111 could 111 used 1111 Sophisticated COLOGNES llw allow prices tetralt33 I110 thIP will VIRILIIIIIWXHIIM III 00 the vagintI room The micl Scent Houtvsuche tivilll 011 United Mine oriers lnleileli UK iIriltI puyers of rlilens Cedlir lllivv operators if there is any 141110110 in that agreement it Will he 321ml Woods will have to put or 5305mm CLOVER llL 1le mm iwum Somerm mlmlumn an Here arglnvthxsitigliligitil lhis the 100111 time to put i111 stock of iozilIns Itl1c workingr con These three schools as now torlnetl Vim of mwmv lltiolis iii the mines lire inost lovolnble zit this time of your Itomprise n11 zirezl not much lnrgerl uoulll appreciate knowing your requirements for the coming 1tlu1n Elnlgltt Burns or iV secI sous11115 300 1h tr3$ mm golden Yours very lrulyI 11111119 to pay 111 1111511 as 15300 1111 II JOHN ALLAN IIIIIIFBIIIRICXIIU hf Gllance ngIEotEAC 75 er me VIItIIIlIIlew 33 May HARRIET HUBBARD IM1 arid hlrs Whittaker 51111111 PERFUME AYER ma wee on 1091 Mr and Mrs Nichol oi Nicol Tug bum IIII SIILIZIIIBFMIIIIV1mIJIKWImeIdCIII 1s 10le 11ch liiizillne II ITOII0I1I WM hem the week 1111A cnr 11 Mrs Milligzln and baby 811111 ieiliiliiilzciigs It ILY 332213 Beeton illt spending few days lli tIny III illItnzzfIII wail summon ICU lei IS IS NUbk Sterilization is not legal in any province in Canada No Is any doctor II EIdI IAldf ISM permitted to sterillze patient even at the request of relative and IIEI5IIIVV in connection With their Turkey farms 1111331 whatoretawemteHammett 11101him oMIIrSig ner CIISIIIIIIIII III IIIII IUIII CANADIAN FASHION Boost WINNIE MIMI ITSWWI GANVASSER ll workroom as desi oer an outlet want me to son by ours ispent few days last Week With ieimoe good taIslilon books mm 111com 5113111 11111 moi 11011111 no bother us iher mother Mrs Rowe new ideas have no idea wlut to lend Can you help me yAHDLEY LAVENDER pERFUME quick and easy Mr and Mrs Keith Noble and The lollowing fashion books are avallable in the downtown stores IDouglaS ImIC Spnding few daVS Vogue 40 centsMcCals 35 centsButterick 35 cents 125 195 300 To Hqu the Blind at Nobles prior 11 taking 111 tws IAARRIIIWI rIm toinIs wim tsttaItrngDetIrog Hyman YABOLEY LAVENDER $0th 150 ChOICe Quallty Meals Grocerles lesmence Pelelbmo pefmilioiiveeiiiniigeuiiielguilt 30 113 111 Quaintmigrio RmEV DUSTIN POWDER 175 causal Mrs D0 3an has returned 111111111111 Will be able to 1m 1111 11111111111 111111 1111 ml LAVENDER APRIL Vimmt DB mans from the hospital where she under American Consulate 302 Bay 5111191 Toronto say you wnll need an BBL 30 5mg nusHG mu roan We SpeClCI me In 111 9Y9 Iwem an operation and we hope Imrnlgratlon 1A5 bgfore entirlng UnitEd StalesIhForrtIlIIsIllay obtain POWDER 111le I1 rom them ccor ing to merican uslomo ouse smay tshg wI1IlI1 haveIIa Ispotltd3b10oIILly II mm UnnedsIms NM WY if used we one YMI um 30 STREET PERFUME Tonic Renews QUARTERS HALVES weiln Missvliluilis Sariglev iiiii 50 50 dull e1 Mlls cry huts Mr and MYSI GI Haughton 1I15 and Paln Size for every table gIIdfaIInIlggmi MI and IMISI TI on PERMRITI IMWIIII pm TI 15 200 We sm Mm II 14 act eeon Mm MI II IVISIWS III WI Andrews were MIII GHAIEL some P3Iooi5I50 Sleep and and MrSI GI Madjlland family 01 its 51 mm p535 69 LameIBack i13423301101ESIHoesonwflciegiiie1illi1i Nag 19 500 1000I1750 179 29 Brdfmd on SungdavI 93 IAYERS HONEYSUOKLEI SOAP $1175 tel of members of the 353g Ems PINK LOVER so L75 YPU at ended the Simcoe Presby AYERIS PINK CLOVER OUSTIHO suffer bani Corns rnllrzollr Removes Corns Painlessly Over Night POWDERV 165 MAX FAOTOll PANOAKEI00 1175 NEILSONS OHOOOLATIES II 2111 ToniIRetill 1125 the weekend On the new slate of Ilofficers Douglas Wilcox was ap pointed culture convener for the coming year Anniversary visitors were Mrs West Bradford at Leesons Mr and Mrs Weed and Dianne of Schomberg at Rutledges Mrs Swaffield and family of Tor onto at Jacksons Mr and Mrs Lloyd Connell and family ofWes ten and Mr and Mrs Alvin smith and family of Bond Head at Mrs Connells Douglas Harvey of Art IB1enndn tery convention at Strole during Comprising DU BARRY SKIN FRESHENEI BIAUTY LOTION TISSUE SOITENING CREAM SPECIAL CLEANSING CREAM VAC POWDER and DU BARRY SUCCESSOPLAN lar Only or Normal Skin 290 1051 2szcoNDs Stays on Longer than Powder in Five Beautiful Shades AMBASSADOR BOX SlATlOllEllY Toronto ML and Mm JI wood 01 39 for Treatment of Mount yDemS Mr and Mrs emc Jessopbnd and Mrs BEEZRIPMPIP menu 33 Anhrichm 1947 PLYMOUTH DELUXESEDAN 3de at Home tears 1o wont 1111111111 etc TecWeGwlll Jr Officers ILOWEST To RELIEVE OOOOIOT OILISlilMPW $21 19 0n Schidaylaernoon All 231 PRICES Ess no COACH the ecXVeGwiIl iITIr11nstituteinet IVE 1111 11 11511 17 10215352 itamsziy meiislislmrsa 7cI 19 ls 1941 FORD gggteglegtioae glee gagt CEIIII EPSOMeSiHcMEOlGHMIbWumw the newy 953 en 1R Imls STYLEIHHLT SILT leers We as IOWS TY 111 Pres Miss Gladys Houghton lst 41 33 vacuumally caamma ice res mg 01 GILLET Mann Vice Pres Miss Grace Jackson you lose cum night 11 oo lndlspatlsobl 1935 AN SecyTreas Miss Marguerite Ram 111111111111 innit 11111111 on ms 129 51 mm Sigm II so ll say and district directm Mis IE sm orumtu Gotad luv 55 33071 01 39 onto 111 mm mm no alluring Mun til unable aunt MIIOOVIIY provon uy 12 Jessop Successful Anniversary trout ttlt Ill1331 Ilu mu sxrnittmru con LIVER OIL 1942 FORD ZITON wh uwggthgrmlzisIlIgSLgga I110 63 um 295 IIIIIII39 hm 69 speed axle booster brakes 10 plriires $381134 $153011 Sgggenssg 33 123nm 495 2333 3219113 II morning and RevI IWI TII Haze 1379M TIN 01on I5 is wood President of the Toronto 18 29G TAM Conference in the evening made very inspiring and enjoyable SS IgItlmizllersryMI M11j and MrsI 00 ennis added two RR ES OLDEST ESTABMSHED DEALER beautiful baskets of snapdragon to HouasMon In mun from am the oral decorations The Child Pm wdn3dy Cum MIL satudoy CJII 9010 pm vice in the morning and Bond Head choir furnished the evening music Opell ovary Sunday 11 to 111114 to pm St Barrie ren very ably took the choir ser Plum

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