Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 May 1949, p. 22

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PAGE TWISIJTY 1W1 PAINT UP THE BARBIE EXAMINER BAIIIIIE UN IAIUU CANADA Weth 4A if NY AUCTION sass MEMORIAM BORN 1K Fiifuierps CHINA GIFT DEPT SteeleBrquS Garden and Grass Seeds Sparkling iiass lIiv oi illc Valiey llec lb 31 it oration 111101 113 itI I1 XltIIJi 11011950 1H 111 ll lLlfIRiC IAIIII LAMPS inI0 31130 iiIz Ii 11 5115 ILII 5133 111 grand assortment wnh illuminated 8111111 17 3111 11 511 ii it xlI he bases 5333 BUUDOIR LAMPS each Quality Electric if 72 III 131 Ii 51313 am My PIN Ul Limes TO MATCH 11111 set of these makes nice gift ii of 11111 ilIIyal Victoria II my IIr 11131 IT inllllyl same or BREAKFAST stirs STILI 0N ctt 11 It gt II In II IIIII It MI $705 $1195 $1095 $1295 1112 lEiiiiil 111 IIII IIII llhese prices represent large savings HIGH or Aluminum Tub Sl4400 HERE YESTERDAY ALL PLOW SHARES and SOLES ARI 0191 llllilii 1t tl 1101111 llIx llliltll 11111111 ilnw 121IIT 1111111 iIlIIw Iv I1 Willi Enamel Tub SI4900 1111 illi Iii the late 111 iiIll ll T0 ltllVl lly belltllt 110111 the healthgiving sunshine we must expose our bodies to WEE lfl its ta Readinr and thinking about this is not sufficient nor watching others The llel II III tiIazIIh lIoIIII1 is IIII lt 11 II Ii poi llaiIIIIli Illici prophet sum GO up In the Jordan 50 do It yourself AM IIII in 11 IIIIIeiIIIIIII II llclziil il11 Hindiitll 1111111111 silIIitIIII 11 IIIIIIIIIIII SYLVESIER DINNERWARE DUTCII 3111s MtIlilllLiluli ONIONS Mll 11 PERU ht lciIIIIVUH Open Stock Green 81 Silver Band Ti ill ill 1211111 or tllllt IIeaII t11111111 eII 101I 1tg tiIIIiIigIl III FLATES zwh 35i45 55C CCM BlCYCleS 61 TIICYC es 111 is Ie III III 21 Itiitdx mpmq J1 Il LTI 11 lieu 111111 Il 11 111 11 111111 11 his Set 500 I1 351 111 Ll EIlltlI IIv 11 and molly IIII n1 H+V gtIt Suing ILA 1118 111111 11 wt mil tmiili 311v 1111 III III illith we FRUITS for 351 OATMEALS llzl32c tt 111 MN mu mm MT 111 Mimi li lwnz mm 01 51011 011 IIIIL SALAD BOWLS 8pc iLAlIERS 9005195 91 1w Ml Im II I4IIIIIiIIIwIINIII belove 3I IIIII Iain thltS Il11 31 VIIl ll of Jobs William Shea To llllilu Nu mmlchurlii GRAVY dild SIAND SLL $200 COLEMAN 1A5 RANLb IIIIIIIIIIIII 51790 in allowance you cant refuse film xx wlio Imwl i1 3111 1010 IIIIM ll IIII IiIIIIIIe lIIIl GREEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS HARDWARE PAINT DEPT NIGHT SETs 12 pm rm Richmond Paints Enamels Quaris 98c lilNiiIVllILlsltlD SALKIJIANS Reg 091 for SALE OF JOHNSON 111 0Al 113 Pints 59c 113 Quarts 981 HOT WATER BOTTLIJS 81112 98c SALE 01 SIEEDCUAI N1 RUB WAX Qts 98c Quart can with Can of laste wax RUBBER MATTINU 1111 Wide 12 33511 METAL CASE llllASIIlllilllS oine in and judge for yourselves 01 10 bill Garden Tools for Everyone CROCK CllURNS SUGARS $150 CREAMS Iil 89v Burners with legs and splash back 11lll 11 1ne 11IIaIII Icsting llll Hl UN ll 11A llq and yum Tull ljlmimdl Imp Hlmhnnv IIIIIp III IIwad hIII 11131 IIIIII CH Hltk rm huh WIN Hill in HHWHY SMITH Ml Ivin 11 1h home at 11111 90 11w lltlttlfllllllllll WW tltJll ones ieoigc liolIIIt 1131111 tIIlloaui 1i 1t111 In linox 11 South and httlc IIII who wee Imml himll loit Sidney 1111 2100 calleil beyond 1I 11 111111 and Hm ll langhlp imeimym IAWN 1875 Hm lm Ho 30 twillf uouiiisox sIIIIIIIIpy 1111 hth New Aladdin Mantle amps 1151 lliltll ove IIII IeIIIcII mm II THERE MNT FOR EVERY PURPOSE llllillmlmw 0m lhh ltlliillil Illltlllllllll 11 111111 MiltonI111 Mori FlShlng Tackle Galore $970 $1040I bllulo tilLl iiiIrI It waI it gt Mm 11mm III1I1II 111111 to 11111 Ileai om 11111 11st II 111111111111 of tin 1111 Mel 40m lvto 1chIdldummMIMI 1li llii lllflltlWl lllllllllll Wilt Id mother Iiilt ll1I lltttttlll Morrison ro FLOWER VEGETABLE SEEDS 1111 II 1111 IzuixtIIlIItige 131 2111 till tllilihll llflp tailcy IIII1I Ilein hump my ppmm an ASS SEED 200 300 50 600 Q4255 Mm 11 Ill ll wl IIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIII III IIIIII 000 1111 USED CONSOLL RADIO 10R 32 00 UM 1117 Iut III 11 1111 111111111 III iiiiuerlIIuL 111111111 TA 111 ll toilllllNS 110 ltoyal Victoria 1X1111ttl pi 11 11 11111 11 11 Ilsa1 ll II Wm IllP Hm mum NHL In WI PIegt HHSIHUL my Mu rcIi The Ill tI Ink 111 IIII 111 aien bet cent of 111 spcckieu Io11 mm MM my Wm Admin anmg up tinv tinicI to 111111111 1oI In via 10411111 Ith lllll littlltllltll Itiil 111111111 lltIElllll iod knew that she was suffering years widow of Lloyd Robbins Some time some day we know not when We will Inch our loved one 11111 111il11 Ihs leo 11cIl1 and liilsscll and 11111 llctlIcI Bill finnits 11111 and neighbors 1lilSrln loving memory of itllttlnlll for acts 01 kltldHCSS 11 Mn om Indcd it 10111 llltllllil liSlllil Vlllfilllfn Iocssages of sympathy and beauti r1 If If Mme W11 lllll fllll 15111 lllltl tIIi floral tIIbulcs extended to for the Ladies low int to Bud il lfill 5151171 llkt Jimlllllllf them in their recent bereavcmcltt with dance In the Easteln Stat WlLILlllS 11 1111 01in 11111101085111 dear husband and Han last Friday evening fair 111111 father 291 lone from us but leaving mcnt lULK Alis Alfred It Tuck and oiies family wish to thank their many tx id Dtlllll filll llLVtl 141k Willi friends and relatives who were so LNL Memories that will always liii1tIoIIII ltllfl IIIIIIIintiIII during their 11110 130 11115 Uilllll 51113 recent bereavement andf lilsftl 111 xi 185 1I 11 itll v5 urwouc Wreznug Elmlllfl Hm 291 jlllIlJllinggl11 29 given out dining thi chmng MI WlLLOUGliBYln loving twillI Palmer crowd of about 50 couples must of them bowlers and their escorts at 0n Mothers Day Sunday May in oIy of 1398328 Sgt 11 Lloyd Willoughb accidentally klllctll For Lovely Mother Hosiery Gossamer Sheer Nylons flattering thought and flatter 13 III Germany May 11 1943 lie is not dead the child of our poor protection And Christ Himself doth rule And so we walk with Him and keep unbroken The bond which nature gives Knowing that our remembrance though unspoken Will reach him where he lives ing gift for Motlier42 45 51 and 57 gauge in all the new Summer shades Famous name makes including Orient Phan tom Holeproof and Pollyanna Complete range of sizes Always remembered by Mom That the hills were hard to climb WNW ISL lllllgt Anaheim So 111 closed her I1tttltt11111lt HHMHV Churchill And 1llllct11 llcacc lc tIIIIc lAway III the beautiful hills of 11111 ST lily the valley of rest gt11 far Ir Dad and Sister D01 Ian 211 $8110 42 GAUGE $140 $150 Pair Ci 45 GAUGE $165 Pair SENSITIVE INSTRUMENT Ford Carburetor 25 Cream SemiGloss gal The microbalance used in labor Giant stop Light Ivory Primer gal 51 GAUGE $135 Pair alorios can determine weight 01 Sealed beam driving and Brown Exterior gal $1851l denler Pall of stahl agathanfbzitpippag passing light $540 Creamlnterior gal $1850 uII Iuuuuu 001 Ulllversul nlounting Olive Drab gal Foglight Cream SemiGloss per gal Driving and Foglight Sealed Red Exterior per gal $3 cream Gray Enamel Yankee Combination Spot light per gal $305 HANDKERCHIE Snowv white linen squares with 311d 1931 VleW mlrror $7 PlttSburgI Gray and Whlte dainty lace edging Sheer lawn way light 135 Glossper mart with colorful petitpoint designs Streamiiner clearance light $l49 Murphy Cream Enamel Buy one or several Gift Boxed Anti Glare light $lt95 per quart $125 HandESpot light sealed beam $735 Scams Floor Varnish 35c and up for the Roof Tackiip lamps $495 $339 $2525 per quart $200 ae Guns Re ular line of paints illihuHwwiuMullWwwu ml lWuIIuThuINunuluhu+ gigging Gauge $200 allgcolors 95c qu$350 gal Spinner wheels 85c and $231 Paint brushes all Sizes Trinity tailored slipeon 65 Bradford St PHONE 3855 Exhaust Extensmn $125 $139 $l49 Oil Me It 950 Gal Long lasting gift shell be gloves to help her Summer 111 and proud to display Colorful Wardmbe assume331nm JetFioes 1y Finished air Fabrics nets cool and com checks stripes and plains with novelty plastic handl Bomber Auto Horn $350 Hydraulic Jack3 ton $1200 Now IN pl Asphalt Shingles uuunnuuu th $14 95 specials b9 fortable in CO ors gt 011 gt Aluminum clothes lines 50 ft giopilgblelltb styled by blend with fashi011choice gt 112 Ton Jack $600 Large Pipe Vice $1000 of the day Ton Jack $5400 Clamps 12 inch $359 $495 Gift Boxed xiBumperAJack $300 gt Clamps 15 Inch $449 nd erntilatinnglestric Fall 1351ngdiorAntenna $350 rILI shrubs ill15677 BllShCS Ventilating pa Vaculm $6M Thermos bottles 95c mW Ciiiriblng Roses Gladilr Truck F1ares2 $376 Iwrenches hammers screw driv BATTERIES ALL SIZES iolus Bulbs cannaRoots Asparagus Roots Garden and Flowr Seeds by packet Ounce or pound Autism LINSERIDE wun MOTHER SCARVESf and manyfthel accessories other articles atreduced prices rimiizs At new low prices allnew SPECIAL 475 211 $1082 WHITE RUNNINGSHOES LI mm 511106 Oldcrep 500 19 I$1143 Size to 10 for last minute git se cc ion es in Wiite an pas 450 21 $1147 own and Garden for Mom complete counter 1915 Gay floral and Fertilizers 450 20 $1150 890131111 450 75 500 520 $1230 gether for your convonience Mdke your belecmon 525 18 $145 today Slip panties gowns blouses etc All modestly priced Lawn Grassclz Fertilizer Distributors of gift ideas grouped to InOVe lty patterns $2469 Cyclone Seeders 700 15 out boxed $149 to $395 Tractor Tires 30 $2000 Eureka Seed Drills and Cultivators Browncoltd Seedsmen since 1871 am Graham ACQMPLETE RANGE or GIFTS FOR ALL MOTHERS 650 16 $290 Bicycle Tubes I95c siot Iic went to Mrs Dorothy liver IImeInberI11 by loving soII 1mm 151 to express to their Bowlers Conclude Kim and George Lang Mm Kay II II Iva Imd GOOd 58050 Wlll Dance liarwood and Michael Doughcrty Him MM won the elimination lance Idancme prize for the fattest man went while affection But gone on to that school Where he no longer needs our ers punchessn1psand manyv Bicycle Tires $150 DnnlopISt Phone Sam shanghai ARRY ARMSTRONG PHONE 2801 Specials for this Week Clothing Army raincoats $500 Mens Sport Coats $1050 Boys pant Suits $1195 Boys Gabardine Trench Coats Blue and Fawn $1095 Mens DungareePants blue $279 Mens high quality twill summer Weight pant in light and dark blue khaki and fawn shades all sizes windrgwssaopr Mens Bib Overalls blue$389 pr Mens Coveralls $495 pr Khaki and Air Force pants $395pr Army Battle dress tunics $395 Mnsiiii wool Work sox 59c 65cand 791 pr Mens Fancy Cashmere Sex 690 pr Mens Fancy Cashmere Short Sox 69c pr Mehs Underwear white shirts 59c Shorts 650 Mens Work Shirt khaki light and dark blue colors $179 zincision Skirts army air force and navy materia1s $279 $295 White coveralls $250 Air Force House Smock $115295 All Wool Red blankets 68x 62 $5295 All Wool Green blanket 68 62 gt $495 Army blanket new $290 All Wool Car rug 78 62 $475 133Zthisi ilii of These Attractive Prices TUBES 200 2o 600 10 $241 60065019 $254 IIllli ailAY HAY SI 1949 3111c SI19 300 $375 345 John Murphy wiis lively mas ter of ceremonies for the evening and Kosmans ichcstra played for The coinnntlccfrom the bowling leorgefleagne III charge of the evening Lang was credited with having thc inclIIdIIl Mrs ltIIbcIt Aycliflc baidest head among the dancersiprcsulcnt for 151111 Mrs Edith The most henpeeked husband ofl the group turned out to be Bob Ayciiile A1 Leverington was voted swam mixes some If mom at thcwcarer of the loudest tie and Robinson the expense of the winner Were the lsmartcst hairdo award went to Vxgt IRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD leaelIInaII Miss Hazel Vright Mrs Doris Garvin Miss Viola Perry Mrs Dorothy Knapp and Mrs Edna

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