PAGE TWO flgljmm BMW BARRE ONTARIO CANADA sitvxolt MAY 1919 lIlleAUIIAlSl Wiifm COMMUNITY Rev Luck 13135 BE SURE Accounts ul social unit and of tlsltors to and from lturir and llJlltlAlt trr apprrtutrd tin lAl llrlunlrttl llllllllwlshagggg onlm Mutleth VV lllthl Jill II IV and aItItiI 3= IIIIVII hV If Ifff VVII plIIIIIIIlll VI in VV aV Tia 12mm VV VV It MM iVI II II Niel llltllllltlIllil 13H V1 11t II VV III VI Vi llltwI VV hm lV VV lVVV VV VI VV 10 Inch Albums II ii 11 133 IV nit i1 1II lion II VIV VVVVVVV JVVVVVVVVVVVVVVJ VVV1VVlVIVlIIVV1VI II tIii= MI HVVV VhVVVlHVVVVl VV VVV the 1311 II II IIIHI IIII OI SunMay VVVV 1V VV 2I1111I IIIlt VV VV VV lt tLtllell iu in mm ltillilll lit1ltIr wall 11 tt Zl lIlIIIlI Ill P1315111 Kroner and hmmt 112 lllt llilllltlll l1 lIII ll out It 1I1I1 VV VV VV lVll ltI 11 tie ltlllklll1q llll 1111V nl ll VVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV 1llVlV VI lioI 11lizIIIII 11 lllltl Vi ii In t11lii1 IV 1V If maulV Pl lr VI VV VVVVVV VVVVV HVVV VVVV VV VVV VV llVVVVVV PM hm ml mm lllt toiiwztI lV VV VV VV II hth II III tlllil l1 11I til tI lo 11 111Indium lilthll II mil loll lBlIllVll II It llmII jlf it VVVVVVVVVVVV VVV VVVVVV VlVl lVIVVV VV V1VV lV All lH lV Vl VVl VVlVV VVlV lVHVl RIVMLHIIh VR VlVVmVV ll VlV lVVV VV lV IVl ml hllll V1V lV lhVVV 1le 1111 11 III Shanta II ll alvll 1111 llil 111 In 31H Lt lIIIII llt tlltlltl lli Sprliikie tops KL 1102 Al tUHl Simt 1IlI VV Vl il ST II hII llIIIIIIIt In III IN 1110 mill on Vl1I Iz I1 Ill Ill 2t 114 ltlltiitl 111w VVlit uttll rig Izlliill1tltii or tla 11 111211 Al 311 iizdwiill llIlI 1511n tlII 11 NV llzlzv hallo1111 VVVVlIVVll 59 1111 VVlVIVllI la VlV IVlIiIlIV II lII illVV till llltlllt M131 llllVlllVl qu Zli 11A ltlh It lllttl 111 ll litllh 0t tlIlI 11111II1II IlI1 Ill In IIIII1 tiIlIt VVVVVVVVVVVV VV VV VV VV VVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVV SVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVV lVV lVVVVV lVVM VV Are You IntereSted In The VVVVVVVV VVVVVV VV VV VV VV VV VV VVV VV VV VVV VV VV VVV VV VVVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVA OVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV Satiiidajs itilzhl at IIX IltV Ill my 11111 III lllItI l1ltlt111 lptlll Ill IIlrl lloli liil lt mot1 11 11Ilt111Id Albums II II11 and 11II1II of mm giiiiiilIiiiiiViiIiiiiiVIii iiiiiilVVVVttVVVl at The Briars Country Cllll Jacksons Point 111111 111111113 II lilzlltlltl toIlIVitiIl Will hm VV VVVVVV VV KVVLV IIIII Iltl tll Im l1IIi Soil VV lltllllttll II1e lII Ililtzlui 1V1 VV VV VV VV VV VV HVV VVVVl VVVVVV 1I llllllVil 1itiil11 illmll 1111dltd and lost til tllll loi ll Illllllll tllll is titt 111 ll lit lVlVhllV my 1V ItliII and t1111il Kiil lll 111111l Vtlioiiad 1111I1Iilt111v11 as lieutenant II CIGSSICGI In mud iV to the tlititll 11 ll aiittlix 1111 I111111 11 51V 111 15 mull lm 131w 1I1l 11101 11 ltrII II 11 t1 Branch lapptlttlll 5t NIlll 11 11 do to uh tii 111 II it11II to llit1l lllt Im VVVV VVVVVVVVVVVl VVthlWl mwllhh VVlV VVVVV VV II1 iitIi VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVV SVVVVVVVV VV VV VV VVhVV lVVVVVV VVVV RVVVVVVVVVVVl VV VVV VVVVVV VVVVVVVVVV VVV lw 31 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV YII LUiiililuic tllilltl ttlni 1III 1II 9111 Ii VV lV VV lV ll ltll II VV VV VV 111 pertoliiIIInlIII lI IIIlt1l VV VV 111 1I1oitill1t iclidtnt VVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVV l1d oi Lo Development Your Communlty l1 Ill IV II 1W lltlIlillllll to Canada 111 1941 In Hulmiil Vi VIN ll ll tllIIll lliIiI11IltIl fol llltl lllttlttl lllllI illI Viclor Inch VVVi VV VVV VV VV 1lll1l no new llltlltlltHh II tIIIl ln ll VI VV leV llV ll VV VV VV VV VVVVVVV VVVV VVVVVl VHVVlVVVM VVVVd VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVV VVVV VVVVVV It It II Iallt he tlttl in the ac N111 11 111 11 wit VI VV VV VV VVV VVV VV VVV VV tlllum Mont VV VVV 11V 1h 1ll1Itl Ih th ol Iltglstlatltm lit 5100 ltltllltlts lll IltIl1 ltptllts ll1tltl 13011 0va ll lV la ll hl ll VV hl mm 11 1e Maggy ltVVlt 5131 Mrs Laws vllllel ll llllll ll Ullfllllllllllle ill ll lulu tll ll led II III 11111 ll 11Ilde such success VV MPH l3 I11 11111 he captain and band Al JaCk Lake t1111 11 ah VVlVlh Vl V1I For Reservatlonsl Contact Today thVVVlVVVVVS Hm lVVlIVVH IV VVVVVVVV VV VVV VVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVl VV VVVV VVVVVVVVV VVV VVVV VVV VVVVVVVVVVV VVV NVV VV AVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV DVVVVV VVVV VVVVVVVV VVl VVVVl ll VVVVVVVVV tin111 111 111111 hl IllVl WV VV SVVVVVVVVV lVVVVViVVVVVVVV lVVVVVVd who IVVllclellmualV llVllIItllllVV otVV IlilVlm 11 1V 11m IOMMFNITY ILANMNG Assohllum IIII VlVIIIllIlll IIIItHlIllIt itlllllIIIlll lwii tlIIIlIllit II lt11 111Ii tllldll 1111 111 lllSl llllHt 111 the VVCanadum VVVIVV VVVVh VVVIVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVV Iyd llmn 175 BAY ST TORONTO 7924 ii ltllltltl anVlthVlllVVV Mllhml IVll Am Unlhamhm hm Wk with II II II the lllrsgtlltl was preached ht VlVlV he Dang VVVVV VVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVV VVV VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVV VVV VVVVV SVVVVVVVVVVVV VViVVVVlVVVVVVVVVVS pVVVVV VVillhl lhU hula IlllilhVV Ml lV lh lVlthlh VVVhnllllIlV Amvnm lilll=ltll Ionwit 111111 111I1 li1i or 111c111r 11mm lllTlltl ltl Ill lltlllll ItIHl Milli1 llllltll ltltlllll lltV ll hm Ilhmim 83 In dilleieiit Vllw mm RUN ll ll Nonin llllCtlS They are as lllltl woke ot the ltlt1 ot lltlltlllllii VWVVVVVV Vm 12l7 llVVV VVlVV VVVV VVVVIVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVV VVV VVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVI pros MlleV lVMVlV VVVVkVIlsl VlVV11 I1l 11s as his taxi 11111 VlVVV ARIHIIXS llltKON 11 tints Jill uesg toward Romaiitii Melodies lll1111 11 111 1i VVVl llllhllmd Wholllly he named lles Mrs Iilhani VIlt1 lU 111 See You Again lItl li llttlt ill ltW llllllllttl lilac ll1gto11 I11II l11 illtl Vl llts Vlrs lelie el 1It1lIinIQI1 ot the Bailie gt ZVVVVVVVVHVN ml 11 ltl111lll land 11111 11x VlVVVV llVVVVV VVV lVVVVV lVVlVVlV Vlll VVVVV VVV VVVVVVVVVVVVCVV Trolls Mm AVTaylVVVtVVVlVFlVV Ml II le IVI VV WT 11 IVhll lllViVififllV lIIlI HIM IV llsmmlnn MN ll llIlIHF llIlllLItI llll hltlIl EVCIngGllSln Tin Man 11le iIIlt1gt ilIlll it inlt gt1 IM llllV hlh Mm 1hr IV ll 1th Diglllcl lhcllV 31H lVll ml llhllI 11uilt 1I1 IIh1Il1 IIll oiiiaiitellt llVlVVVlVVV llllllllllll 111thm MIlllCh VVV VVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVV 1an IConliellz Branch lilectorI d1$VlBenq Hele Vl limhwl llhl 1111Vt 1111 111 1111 tttMl VlthVVmVV lllVV VVVV llVVVVV th VV VV VAlllmSUnV Mth lllnllhlhlhlV lVlVR Romance 1111 SiltllltlIl 111011111 VVVVVVVlVVV VVVVVV VlVVVV lVVVVVV tlll gt111 song hmutdttV the Culham1 AmllllVVVVV hle Mlth ex CIY IIIIH SW Ava IUNVOVIV 31111111 Ilti111 am 1m mm mm llane Mrs Contain llciettalcs to VVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVV MVVVVDVVVVVVM VVVVVV VVV VVVV VI VV VVVVVVV VVVV Ill Bull age rattled tune on blsmcl AmVVVVVlV MVVVV VVV VVVVV MI May tiVltV 150 p111 WIN mm Hm Chm $560 Im Il I1 IIs II tIII Il IIIII II1I armCIII IllI IItlIl ll VhlIlllllllll hmM vol0 lms 1111 It Il Vto111 thlldiili lll IAllium ll30 Hcitetz I111 12 E1 lllililltl 1211111 in Cmiveners of Standi Ccmmitu ll lltLllt llilll MU CUM 1tlllllttlllitl 111 llllltii IZIlilIl mHHIVm mo maxim by JMR lttSllUlllt Economics tlll lltlll ViVilzliiiliImIlllH impliliHIliBillllilil ll 111 0Cllltlllill Kllltlimm Mm ll Lush Ill llltI1 ll lltIlll Cl 011 our 96 an 01 Ctymen liltltt IItlrk tltl 1717 liattI II to 11d the other on the capture oi lIolk IIllt llltLtl ll I211 had 1oIIli 1m lIma which was hinted on the Citizenship and lIIdII llll llll th 11 llt ll VV VV VVVCV VVVVVV VV VV VV EVIIHVIVItiVVhlIVb VTVV thlVllhllV VlVllthltV ltfll VVlhlllV of Sprlng Coal ifiV Elmle llV llVi VVVlMV MOS Vm VlltV IlmII MlI At the rally there will he dent limb 1110 A5 1mm lllhmlm lV VVV llV VV VI SeILealltvatArnis for the niVellt Vl lVVVVV VIVV m$anWlllllltlll llltIV lllllllllhtldlll giii mm WM MMLm mm llgt ieotl Glenn and he took great mus V5 imm llhlhKl IV Mlmll will 51ml ml mem VVTVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVSVVVVVVV VVVV VVVVVVlV VV VVV VV VV Resolulmnm My VV llllhhms llhh VVV VVV VV IVl plldl lll lumping tintI Ulla hall 1I It Il ltmlll D1 59 Il ll Icel uh l1 I11I 11C Relations and oliiiiiiinltj Acj 3y Vilmhu Heifer St10 xi Vilma Mr Culh1m Wham Headquarters For llSilllllllltS much is Vghh lhah Mention 11 mealth CVVVVVVVIsVVVVCIIVVVVVI VVVVV or the past seven months there IV Vd VV FV VVV Mr Reid ilt 111 wry ilonti lltlIi itlut oi two dollars he collected mmnI have been the Bible chills meeting VlIt lrmms 11 12 Inch lII Lush 1115 leathrrall 11 II 1C or lVVVVV VVV VVVl VVV Vm VVVVllVVVVVlVV VVVV VlV WV Whlllhull llthllxnmltprv 10 HVVVVVVVVV HVVVVVVVV CVVVVVVV VVV tt1t1V 111 111111 ll l1111 llihlc blntt ltlll lhlh IV II IV tll Ire meniorzed and songs CICtSSlCCII Albums Mrs Allen Mrs Wtzltllclzlll hyhthVeV Whig II itlhum M01263 MVS lonos Mrs MClmymI The Bible clubs have been or Firs Plano Quartet Encores VI V0 14 At the close of the meeting Vomited as an ally with the Sun lunch as Sltl by lllt hostcss dth schools lhe 111st siias ot ltsl 1Vttt whoavere strictly giv liebestraumLiszt lit The Hall of The Moun Elillvmk 92 II and social tiiith spent sons has been taken from Genesis tailt Kinngreig rk th twas to glove myl The May meeting uIVill he held llieVnieinom ot the clubs are Hie Flight of rrhe Bumble ah V15 greet mVVVand zlt the home Mia eoiIVtze lil 210111 tour to 11 years old and the QNhalUOlEPasses0ut VV VV Dalston Women Hold 11111 lh lt Mitchtll mom PolichincllcVilla Lohas IVuHabyBmhms IlMOtherll View Hmm Si swim Asmcuh tend mom to become apprecmi 3011845018 01 Market Emiwa MW COcmmm Bay 11am lolloine meetings have been con Mendelssohn 7K 19 aligniriisgyhllhiXEIKUff VIA ltItleei Mrs ll Heath teacher E1 11 at home it Mrs Les Cook Essa Italian PolkaRachman ti111V had record attendance of good music tield illtl Mrs James Cunning iiiotf Thursday evening April 21 tor the Through the grades Mr Tufiordl Dalslon WomenS lhshhllhhlqd ll ham at home 111 Mrs Beach High The Music BoxLiadoff monthle meeting which llainn the listed the courses grade one sings bake sale at thh markcl Vellum street Mrs John Smith at home POlkShaskaViCll Mml mum mgm WW Stingszz mole lStdesthe baCklduy morning putting the plainei lllls 7R1 IIlIdSImI OWCn Illttl II Rag Time BassThomson dent Rev Ernest Lettls presided ground 01 music reading gradclpmducls of the Weekly vendors in Mrs Morrow at her home on 131 First Piano Quartet Lloyd Tutlord director of music in three begins music reading gradesllhe Shade with valml whoa Sophia street Mrs Russell Bloom $550 Barrie schools tvas the speaker four to six continue reading gradcslcookiesV hum pies andmllSV The eld and Mrs Stubbs have Vme DM 1190 explaining how the suthVcctV ISIchtVcVn and eight continue all aelmarhet was not quite hs busy as also lent their assistance in these Beethoven Nimhsymf taught Demonstrations 11 Sight thVIths from the earlier grades Helhad been expected with the Sum classes phony tChoral Symphdnyl Vltlltlllll gllUZlVVbllfIlC nVc Clletl 1931109055 and llllelQSl mer weathroutside butthcrc tas EIIVCll Clul has mem 10 to 15 Evgoslon Symphony Orch pupils and VI the Victoria School the members of the Vschool gleela great deal of valgall in the Im lnCllllJClS and it Is expected that Sage Konssevllzky lboys and girls choruses aillVglec club and choruses the interest and duqe for sale most 11 the boys and girls will he Conductor cluh sang several selections llltC assmtance of principal KVM MacV few mulllphmS SOld lo 15 presanor the rally on May Album DMI167V lod MIVSIJ BIICkStOCkV LCnnanI and the enthusmsm andt Gems pound while seed beans IM Schubert Symphony NOV is VV llliIV Totioid was Intiodiiccd VbVVv diiection of MleZVVBthck Vand peas wcistlll plentiful Giecn IIIIINVTEDI BY CIIROMIUM in 181000 Mls VlClOl Wildman He saidV monssommlwo countelslol live Vt IthatIin teachingmusic IlInBHlFlVOII MilITUflOrdhad sev0n DllIJllI51CntS abunch Another sign ofVVl1ldl III I9 Arturo Toscanini and VV VV CVVVSVmphony Orchestra schools there was one obicctitc 0m Mm lldmdns 01855 thelsprlng were polled bcgmllas and to lho new of hmmium VVV Om 10mm and one lmln palh 01 front row and he demonstlatedlgeramums at 25 cents eat1L pursuit The objective is the C0hON Sight Wilding had PIOETBSSECUV G003e Wingdusters at five cents Red seal ordination01 music from kinder by drawing lines of music on alhpiece carrot and pumpkin nam wcck but there werea large num Inch gartcn through all grades to grade blackboard The pupils with no alade and handmade childrens bci ofboiling fowl to be had at VV VV V13 Llnlll such limo as me Chlleglale previous rehearsal or anowlcdgctaprons VmingledV on one counter 45 cents pound ClaSSical Records VI may adopt music as main sub of what notes were coming looked Pint Jars Of strawberry and pear small quantity of maple sugar jcclV at the lines and then sang thefpreservesvsold at35 cents wvmr31111lr1heimmkctat $5 tunes identied the time andl No spring chickens WCICilll last gallon Elll 11932 There is great interest in music Sleeping Beauty Ballet in Barrie the speaker said and notes These pupils Vwere Natoma lglggerODlencsclmV mod the BC Band and the 199 Emallwooi PatIil Roblgson DJonald Boston rc ainson nit cw15 ttsan ones duh at tm collegiate Which hm 12533 ON been developed in less than three Carol Ann McLean Frances Wild The Merry Wives of Wind years toplizewinningVstatus at lllgiman VV VI SOYV Palt and 11 VKiwanlsV Festival In Toronto The boys chorus the girls VV ByBoslon pops OrchV 5150 VITheVre musthe Van organized pm chorus and the glee club of Vicl Amy II gram of music through all grades lOVIla SChOOlWerVheardIl Severn N0 Villa 15 100 remt 12160 Ventt llv rade dcliglltful rendmons and theiri we worm Famous Altlsis Ritual Dance of Fire and bClIEVC that 13 IgI Vh hl who are now bringing the delights of Great Musrc to 13 will acio music as subcc singm was om enloye ShellCum be made hap VWC Vmist PM proper DOVVVGVJV of Members of the assbcjatlonVVwerel VMalnstreetV VV py With gift such as lthc organired course be tuttitilt in indeed thrilled and amazd at thel VV VV VIVo II 112 Skaters Waltz Part LINGERIEI Va gradesi Must maty dbe lllkCVned 310791955 andablllty Oflhe Chomses very mucr to 10 Su an andll HANDBAG itd gleesfli $253353 35 That Is Why We Ask YouTo Join IV im mo Vguagc English for instance VV 1V musrc Singing Vreadmcr The pur By JOISE Iman Plamsis 50 01 one Of the many lltlale ichase of good radioiphonogiaph 166k The glee Club was dlrecmd by MrsBlackstock with Mr Tuf lngaridn Rhapsody No fluffy Ufflesi thalf 31 had be bg hVp alf YVdm 13V fordlplaylng theVplano accommnh Wt Pa and peall Ito the femmme lgpeiidll Eligiami gbey me Martin oikIVVic VByLeopold Stokowski and heartV Vlhe Department of Educalmn and 11 or Mrs ac soc an NON PROFIT OPFRATIVE MOVEMENT FOR THE EX PhllidelphiaIOrchestra $150 the glee club members were PANSION OF COMMUNITY INTFRESTIN yr 39 these at the phonograph for the study 01 USICAL AFFAIRh II lhdnked 01 ballalf 0f the 3850018 IV Jalousie By Boston Pops Orch $150 By CIVSymPhOW SLEEK HOSEVI MVVV TVVHOVd pointed out 1heaward the Victorianlee club which Orchestra 150 was Chosen to sing at the Ontariol 118851ClaLIVDe Lune SCARF lthlee mamacnvmes 0f teacmng Educational Association conven Liebestraum Glovespa dainty Blouse Vimusm the SChOOIS making or tion in Toronto during Easter special records He demonstrated lbv playing record used in the on by walls lV Ilmlisoliircgliilsceeatire in VBarrie has dissed522 Jaefrtrelzi owhidllilmlisa Vigil Vbeen to follow the course of study 0061555 were served and social iraid out in the Departmental man half hour wound up the evening Roxy Theatre 3ng 111811 hestaledI With few extras 112 DUNLOP ST PHONE 4892 added Of course we have those LOW ELEVATION jpupils who are not interested inI The Dead Sea is 1286 feet below WE DELIVER II lt1thl ztlt lV mum Ju 1m Seq WEI