Otter Garden Seeds At Saturday Market mp1 11 1111 11 111 mile 11 liltillli 13111 111 1L1 11 111111111l 1111111 131111 11 1111111 s11 11 1111 11 111111111 111 1111pl 11111 Ltl vents lrnell 111111 moms and 1i leans 111114 11111 1t 71 cent pound and 111 111 111111 11l 111 1111 peas 11111 potatoes 1ld 11111 1111 51111111 ltlgt11l lln 1121 ililllli liltlltlli of ill 1111111111 111111 11111111111 111 by 11111 of 1111 lltltl 111113 12111 nothing at 11 tlll tullflll Little 1p11nlt 11111111 4111p xas llll 11111l1 111 $1 gallon llilllltlilllllt 11111111 0111 lful 1111 11111 liut lltll 1l lltlle vart 111 11l 11111111 111111 pies 111111111 1111 1111i 11111I11 lu111r 11111 i111 11111111t tlump 111111 1111 11111 11111 1al111altv 111 Ill trio nun1111113 111111111 TRY AN lIXAMlNHt WANT Al lllth rurlsrnmcnur 6170005 01 YOUR 1011115 11 llccapture all the color and labric brilliance of brandnew dressl Yes our dry cleaning experts 11111111111151tllatrcturn the dress to you 111 daisy 111511 1lltllllUllJtlSl give this great new cleaning service atrial You 11 see the lillerenccl Very reasonable This Includes Moth Proofing by 115111111 Insult ED MOTH PROOF tLEANmG SYSIEM Also Minor Repairs For Alterations or Major Repairs Use Our TAILORING DEPT Under supervision of ALEX KNOX Expert Tailor JHIRTSL 24Hour Laundry Service DIAL 2471 FOR PICK UP 01 COATS SUITS DRESSES HATS OSLIP COVERS DRAPES CURTAINS BLANKETS BUGS ETC NilSeine CLEANERS 741 ElizapetuSt oral 2471 TH 86th Year 1111 Wilson lllilllll 111 27 1111 111111 11111111111 by tho glam21111391 Specially Written or The Barrie Examiner lly HAROLD MORRISON ll1 April 111 itll Hut ttu lull that 111111s liaslel 11 1111s on i11111111111 lllll Lolllls 111 1111lus1111 oi 21111111111111tlu 11111 trade tail to 1111111 place snortlv btwven Canada 11111 1111 mted 1111141111111 ll Llil 11 Trade 111111111 oel 111 Mms111 llowe 1111 11 1111111111114 11111lli11 111 tanada llltlllll with 81 Stallonl 0111111 111 111sh 11111111 ellor of the lifxtlitttilll 111111 1111 11111111111111 of the Brit 11h 111111111 111 1111111 1111 poison lopoisull 1111111111111 1111 1111111 111111111111 111111 laci the lo 1111111 llltr1 111 Howe 1ll 111111 1111 1111111oll about Aplll 31 and 1111 111111 1111 Max Mackenzie 1111 deputy llny vll Willi them tllll arluda that lllllillll 11 huylng less and less 111011 the l11111 11111111 and buying more and lime Loin other 111111111111 that appeal to ommmuste1ultrolleil till1 11 New ouiessious However both Mr Howe and 011 Mackenzie lune shovsllsyni nathy for Britains 1111111111 positlou lu1h finds her with little hard currency with llltll to buy 1111 1111111 goods Nevertheless as $11 Stafford has already pointed ollt lrilzun was still buying about tiuei times more from anzula than auada was lllVlllL from the UK To recapture 1111 11111111 British market anada had at the end of 1111 Second World War and at the 1111 111111 to give lirilaln an even break on anadlan markets Mr llowe may make some new conces s1ons to overseas trade These may include greater pre ferential treatment such as on Bri tish automobiles It may be re called lllat some British firms such as 1111 Austin C11111panyhad planned constructing plants in Canada particularly at llanulton 1111 111111111factm1rs wishing to establish in anada eould get only such pre terenee as United States manufac turers establishing plants1in 111 llomiuion As result the Austin Company suspended its llamilton paint construction The ruling may be changed British Machinery 1anadawlnay also give Britain other concessions to make British engineering products more avail ebie in Canada particularly 011 such items as railway equipment and electrical machinery and farm implements Canadian farmers may be ell couragedto buy more British farm implements More money may be luade available to farming organ izations on the stipulation that they buy British There has been some suggestion that Mr Wilson who will return Mr Howcs visit to London by threeweek visit to Canada may make bid for multimilhon dollar subway construction job in Toronto and advocate construction of an allelectric railway between Montreal and Toronto These suggestions are without official conrmation yet they ap AblePIKLD At ELCGPD CLASS NAiL ll YNE P051 OiiiCE DEPARYILH OllAlA How Voice Currents Are Rejuvenated For Transmission Rogers liell l1leplloue turer shows his audience how the vacuum tube rejllvellates tired voice makes possible telephone com Company lec llarrie Rotary house April 28 he explains tlu currents and ersatious over thousands of miles Mr Rogers was schedul tAll Editorial 111 The Eveull Au outstalldulg example of tual understanding and admir of the Collegiate Institute 13111 110111111 High School Band Although they played at all international school festival in Montreal two years ago at which each won acclaim the twoi organizationsare meeting he meeting was arranged by their Fisher and Dean Harrington concert at the high school thi petition with each other Dru good music and an appreciation of each others ability they will playfor the joy that music provides for players and listeners On Mutual Understanding 1Hds 00 P9 1g lribuue 11111111111 good fellowship based on 11111 ation is the gettogether here 1d of Barrie Canada and the re for the first time Their respective directors Allen Their playing ill joint evening will not be in com wntogether by their love 011 The two bands will get together again next month when 21111111 11111 11ml mm the local organization will be the guests of their friends at Barrie friendship between Canada 11 Thus the hands across the border that have brought 11d the United States will be twice clasped by these yotulgsters and their adult supervisors That Ilornell is glad to ha made apparent ill the welcome extended to them first by 1111111111 11111111111011 their young hosts among the Horncll band members and ve the Canadian visitors was later by local agencies and organizations That our band members will bwelcorncirr Canada is obvious ill the invit mm atious extended to them Would that the friendship between their countries could it demonstrated here last evening and today let 11s hope THORNBURY between the two bands and be made worldwide Seeing that perhaps in the years ahead when these youngsters at tain adulthood and adult responsibilities our world will be better for the goodwill and understanding that musicRECORDHIGH 62 engenders in them curcments 11 Canada may be our1 tailed The question then will be who1 thcr the Elli countries will have restored their productive and coul pctitive capacity that they can earn enough dollars to maintain some1 thing approaching their present level of purchases in Canada 5134 Question tThis for Canada sayslVlr Itas pear to show that grer effort nunsky fiiswtrhc $051 qucstiionfw willbE madcbyiboth Canada and the UK to increase the flow of trade between them Rasminskys Problem The great difficulty of course is the exchange problem Both the Dominion and the UK have a1con tinuing shortage of United States dollars Currently the UK is re lying to great extent on the availability of dollars through Elli71501185 Canada in differ ent way The problem is what will these countries do 111116111111 comesfto an end As far back asxlast December Louis Rasminsky keen nancial strategist in the Bank of Canada posed the question this way In thinking of the future one wonders whether we shall be able to continue the present level of ada and the United States icash exports to Europe The Unite States will natur tries forming this system will be ally wish to make progressive and easier to each otherthan exports substantial reductions in the ECA to the Western hemisphere in the appropriations Moreover as su11long run the system will break pluses appearlin US production of down various agrietiitural commodities the relativeease of offshore pro wards for high cost yproduction Louise Cecile Minister of Travel arid Publicity speaks 1111 must INDUSTRY AND YOU CBI 11111 May 211131111145 pm Daylight Saving Time mains He notesthut at the present time manybf the Eltl countries 1UK included are discriminating against Pimports froln the Western hemisphere in order to economize in their use of dollars As the dollar deficits arein sense covered by ECA approprian tions he explains these policies reduce the burden of the US treasury and are not discouraged But the dangcrin thbse policies which we might as well recognize is that the countries concerned as part of program of economizing dollarmoiltlays may lmpTulF own capacity to earn dollars Mr Rasminsky says this will be done if tlilERP countries estab lish specialitiechniques for trading with each other at high prices without having to face the compo tition of efficient producers in Can But while exports by the coun Thelc are no continuing re before 1This 58 mill rate is the lYear 11142 yOrillia Tax Rate 57 Mills Forl949 101111111 Packet and Times The 1949 tax rate of 57 mills is not an all time high for 01111111 but comes close to it survey of tax rates for the past number of years shows that in the past 131 years the highest rate shown is the 1936 rate of 545 lnills However back in 1932 the rate hit peak of 511 mills resulting from con siderable overdraft from thelyean highest in the towns history but indications are that Orillias rat next year may surpass this Fol lowing is record of the tax ratesl since 1935 Mill 11111 193 1936 1037 1938 I15139 1940 1941 1943 1044 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 ltgt BEWARE RAINY DAY Only partof the lesseningof the tax burden is justied by todays conditions the resthas come toils because of the pressure of the poll ticos Wed better always be re notes Mr 1Rasminsky llroblem Remains He suggests that Canada should try to achieve better balance in direct bilateral transactions with the US This may perhaps be achieved through reciprocal trade pact whichCanada has llopesof concluding with the United States government But the big problem still re How will Canada go about continuing her trade with the UK aftcr1 ERP disappears Through the duration of the dollar shortage she will see to achieve surplus in her trade with the UK inordei topay off her debts with the US Once Britain obtains better trade balance with the Dominion Canadas supply of dollars may again be curtailed That is the question that may be in the minds of Mr Howe and his deputy as they prepare to meet Sir Stafford and Mr Wilson The answer appears to be in ob taining new and greater interna tional markets for Canadian pro duction not only in Europe and the UK but also in the US gt minding oerselves to put some money away in the old sock against the dayhiu nonelection year when taxes will go up again BARRIE EXAM BARRIE ONTARlO CANADA mouse1v 111111111 11 1K 11 to speak at 113111111111 11111111111 of 1111 iub ltallio vomlullliily ll 11111111 of iorkmu nuultl theory of 111 operation ee Ael A15hi1 1A 1919 01 How Barrie Will Raise Spend l1l 11 l111ts 1111111 ml ll 11 11111 l1 111 ll 17 11l 1111 11 1111111 norm ml 111 111 91 lio111 111 3191110111111 1111 ll ll 111 11 1131111 11111111 111111 tim 11il l11 31121 1li will 111el 1111 The $11l1ol ll liltll 11111 111 111111g1 112 11111 53191111 1111111 l11 1111 11 700m Mm 11 11111111 11 110110 WM 211 11111111 1111 1111lr1111 p111i111 211 1111 IllM 11 111111 1111 p11llr 11111 1115111 3012510111 111 11 l= flirt lrillllvs l7 mi WM llll 51111115111131 0111000 11 The 11 111 11 11 1111 Mimi 11 111111111 s1 1111121111 11 211 111 11111111 11p 11111113 10 1111 11 11I1111l1gt 1l1 411 tllt1lllt 1111 nanW rm1e the 11119th 1111113 madam MAGISTRATES COURT NOTES Nt MW 11 vhipster cleaner 11 labialy lalh l11lgt1 11 ill llllltlllllltr 11111111 111111111 rate 11 $1 1er1 3111 1111 Mw llitm in Mt 11111111 11 1111 111111 on 1111111 11111 11111 1111 311111711121 1111 11 1111 gt111gt11 111111 Stiltlftitl 1111 1111i rl lll 111 ram itltller Revenue INER 29 Half Million l1ti11111111111111111111111to Twice Weakly MON DAY and THURSDAY lion 2Poges to 11 unis 1111 1111111 HMLS 11 r1 1g1ut who it tuls 11111 41 tlzuls will 11 11 lc11111 illl Vli 11k111 rinses whiter 1111 11141 111111 11111 l111 11111 1111p1111111 11111 1ltgt1111 1111 111 11111111 The council 15111111111 militia1 lliv 11111110111mll of pllit1111111 111V1nue in 1010 111 the 1t1l1 1111111l11l 1111 11111111 11111117111 gt1 WNW HM 1111 y1 osls Wn wanuv 111 1111131111 11111 111111111111 mm WI II 1i111 1111121 l1otll 11111l11s of 1111 111 11 1lt1 v1 11 111 uor S1 700 111111311111 it iHlH 1111 1i 111111 1111111 3111 111111 costs lt ill illlll llllllmb sllllilhll DUI 11 111v 11 111 111illt 1111 Wolfl 1ourl fine and fees $1000 11 111 tilllnl 111 111 11111 700 111 11113 LliuHrsthx121Ker hilxilmh 111 11111111 1114111111111 to 1111 11lilll ll InK mm NH 1111111 11 11111111111 itlllltt Without 111111111 pt l1 $11030 pillelltages 21111011 to 1111 111v si 11111 11111 of 111111 Sitltltt lll lHlrl 11 taxceertiflcates $10 parklni 1111 Ht 11110101 Wit 11111 11 tels $3000 $1111111 connection ilm 111111 11 l11il 11 gpuiii reserve for 11 11111111 111 at 11i Station on April 12 5113510le 1SllMAllll llellNlllUllllS icneral there had be11 no damages lloth 1111 had been drinking REGINALD iliriNl 11o 1111s li1111 111 1111 llllllJl plannme board 111 known 111 1111 rio 111111 111 the war 11 Grant Lived 111 Barrie win1e he was lo1al 111111111 111 ll tilaut 1111 1111 planning the lloyal 1111111 first tllairi board at llllllilf IUMPED 22 MILLS tllliilnbluy lllvimvlieraldt increasing uncontrollable civic expenditures hi11 Illornbury municipaleouiicll has been called upon to face for the coming year 1111 that governing body hardly any alternative on Monday night this week to declare the highest tax rate ill the towns history that of 62 mills on the dollar Last years rate was 10 mills admittedly underset When the lteyiowllelald preI dicted two weeks ago that 1120 mill increase in tax rate was pos sible there were some who doubt Jd Whether we had stated the facts correctly Now with declared SZnlill increase it will be seen this paper painted theprospcct in lighter tone Almost all 11111111111111011s of tile towns government showed increas Iroperty Committee Water Light and Fire 11in 2300011y Alarm 5000tli lrllck maintenance 70000 l1ucl1equipmcnt 100001l Truck driver 2000110 Wl 3111800th Dog pound 100000 Street lighting 1190000 Hydrant rental 3911000 5118501111 Velfare Hospitals $1 4000011 Welfare 11111111110111 1s with the School Board leading the way with estimates requiring 174 mill rate ton1cct compared 11101 last years 121 mills The town rate is up four mills the County rate mills the llcbenture rate 11 111x millssos111i+therssadreiIricistoryr itoes MODERN IXIRACHON VANCOUVER CF its just anacstllesia explains young den tist Who used hypnotism on about one patient in 100 In recent dplnonstration he phlled two wis dom teeth from the mouth of fellow dentist who also practises hynosis No anaesthetic was giv en xAMLOOlgts die SENrlNut WANTED IMMEDIATELY Young wOmen 16 to 21 years FOR FRUITAND VEGETABLE WORK Accommodation ill Farm Service Force Camps Supervised by YWCA Goodlylcals Good Pay Good Fun For full particulars write ONTARIO FARM SERVICE FORCE Richmond StreetEast TORONTO ONTARIO Auspices Dominion Provincial Farm Labour Committee Election 50000 Liability insurance 120000 workmcns Compensatn 75000 Remuneration to Council 2180011 Honorarium 50000 3231131111 11112131 111111 1311 5391101 117111 171 30311011 Collegiate levy Collegiate debentures lphlic School levy lublid School debentures Separate School ounly of Simcoe lollcc ommission 1113001111 P1111111 Library 11110011 larlis Board 1111111 111 13111111011 3111130 $27511 Garbage Colleetlon Debentures 51111 Fire llall 3250000 Fire 1111 and Market Bldg llnplOVClthlll Mun Bldg furniture Municipal Bldg fuel llun Bldg caretakers Laneways 331111 11111 100000 31111111111 1110001111 21111111111 $2060000 Brigade 113111111111 $1400000 Printing and Reception Printing Reception 1510001 15011100 51 300000 Finance and ASSCSSIIIOIWIL Assessment 1120000 Salaries 1330000 Pension 2000011 Law costs 200000 Int on temporary loan 1200011 Discount on taxes 1600001 Uncollectable taxes 30000 173000 Grants Town Planning 800001 Recreational Commit tee 250000 Barrie Bathing Beach 50000 Horticultural Society 30000 3141001111 11 THE HELL rm 21 ELIZABETH 111 315 11111 $1173 costs in the magis you would certainly like to have Malcomsons Bill name 39 to meet the telephone people who serve you 11ELEpHoqupEuHousE Carma any time between mu RM l511 two were alnly veterans null 111 service overseas 1111111 plead nult to 1111 charge Epletts FURNITURE Sr ELECTRIC 139 DUNLOI ST lilillIS DRIVING 111111os Page of Toronto has filled ates rourl 1111 todnesday mom pll 110 1111 careless driving lroyniezal Constable learce SUITS FOR MEN rooxu MEN 1N srork $4751 $11950 to 1113110 BOYS SUIlS11gcstl 10 from $1175 10 116 from $1675 TOPCQATS IN STOCK ALL SIZES priced $2895 $5300 STETSON HATS TOOKE SHIRTS MENS and novs WEAR 55Dunlop Sh WILF TODD BARBIE BILLS You may not like bills to cover losses 01 bills to pay insurance BUT hand you cheque should loss occur MALCOMSONSE 41 Dunlop St INSURANCE AGENCY Dial 3035 Great community Service ORANGE HALLrlVY Sunday May 151 at 730 pm DST six YOUNG MEN FROM EVANGELISM TEAMS TORONTO Veterans of World WarvII Army NaVy ancLAir Force will be in charge of the service SPECIAL MUSIC VIOLIN GUITAR VOCALISl CONGREGATIONAL SINGING FIRESIDE HOUR with refreshments following the service Dont miss this special service come alldbriilg your friends All veterans espeeially invited Under the Auspiees of Christ Church lvy Reer Simmonds Rector isce howyour telephonesystem operatcs on May 56 TOUR LASIS LESS TliAN ONE HOUR 1111 PHONE ST 11 COMPANY or eAuAbA Garrick Mgr