Barrie Collegiate Conceict Members Home From New York State llic flurrzc ullcgiati Concert Band rcturncd houn lroiu lloizicil Saturday where they performed 111 ittdllt concert with tlic llornell High School symphony band lloriiifll Will icturn to Barrie May 12 when 111 oliczniuc liaiiil sponsor an intciuallonal music tcsti rat at liniiic Arena This exchange of bands is an experiment in cultivating goodwill between Canadian and American secondary school pupils In sections the Barrie ollceiatc band members arc as follows Ollltl Bill ilinton lim Rowe Rayner McCullough llill Linton lioh Richardson Janc lcrkins Gwcn Scott Jack tlcniv intus Ralph Loaigliccil clariiicls 7am Stcwziri John Rodinrs lcd linku Larry Monkman Jun ItlSlltl Doro thy Lcishniiin Stephen llook Jerry Stunbiugs Shirley Dclairc Elizabeth Robinson Joyce Marshall ltctty 11111 Jim llcwcll Joannc McKiniion Dawn iltlliit Joliu Brennan llclcn lhornpson percussion Jim Aiigclotf lztul Irwin flurry Rodgers horns Jim Agnew Joan may Column Residents of Ferndale Urgihg lCAPTUBE JEWELRY CUTIIYIIETIIS the Ili Li tl 1th lllt ll llUt Ill nomination ttlmlnltltc scl tclttl by the exccutnc of the Home GEORGE IIHN and School Association iuct ltl How would you like to liiivc your illttllltlil ttlll14 llllllllt 0t boys and cut mm mm lei11W names ol pclsoi15vxrc submitted all winter in April 17 for election at the final mettine of Better School Accommodation THIEVES $4300 The Jlltlllli oi 1iov toiis ltcf ectioii ot termini bound to limp pcii but the iiiin lll still be part ot Vttlltl 1ovn1iip for grunt main years to come iii the iicovwi Ill gtllll tlioinnnd dollars lll iiizinioruh and tilllil jcw datioii upon which lllt llomv liltiimilll he iiw lllltll1 for ltt up to puny guumi and mm took the season to he held in the school iSrhool tttltltltlll Illltlltln to build Whitll ftIS lily til llliyv Not Sitt launch down through the islands llllil MUN It llltytllttl ltt of Georgian 112i to tiny island luctcd arc lrcsidcnt Vice lrcsi larggc corrupt and gilthcipntlylIONIC the man to 1111 police station riczir Moon liiicr lhcre we mot dent lrcasurcr Recording Sccriulmodcrn to accommodate all the Hilly questioning 011 Fourth ljiili boy who had or boon to tirry orrcspimdcncc Secretary Filliuil smcr last November liow Program tillvtlltl and Weltzir vcr Ilt and 33 of his friends who and Social Committccs The resid childrcn oi lfuimigiii ix gm imumihing the man lictoiinit to pocket in mm pullingHi 11ml om14valuable wrist watches and iilllll live on miby islands will my cuts of licrndalc whether paientsshould lltItini today is certainly JtWLllY starting to school in the next low of children attending school or not days and they will go to school arc invited to enrol as members of all durini llll months of June and thc association at this meeting Jllll Wt llitlhl 511111 1111111 VIPVt One of the most important items hown11cr the Moon River school ior the newlyelected conunittcc CWSHUH 111 ll dttl 11ml and fur the club members will be mm Impls 110 by boilt concerted action to obtain better llllil5 11151 luring 10 10lcducational facilities for the child Men of Ferndalc Increased popli lation in the district along with progress in the building of new Kml in mm 01 Imus homes in the Vespra area adjacent ito Barrie have already made the school obsolete That it is too small is already proved by the fact that scholars of the senior grades are receiving their education at lline Grove which from reports received will also be overloaded next year In addition to this recent report in The Examiner 33mm stated that Barriewill be unable to accommodate any Vespra pupils Hon Lester Pearson Canadas ml year due to fad that minister for external affairs is in Battle 50110015 also be ll months of fioilZeup ASStSSIlItIIIS are low While dis one Barrie taxpayer began conlt sidering the rate in relation to the towns as ssment cheekrwith llic registry otlice reports indicat cd that the sales recorded last year averaged four times the as sessment figure =ln other words some of the liarric houses that could command price of $8000 today are possibly assessed at only London England this month scene or large CXlCDSiO Program where prime ministers of the dom 10 1001 the SYOWlh Of 1110 PODIIIH inions are meeting to discuss the 10 in the town rclationship of India and Pakistan The 3015 are tllCICUIC 01d 310W with the British Commonwealth of of What was good enough for my Nations Reacting about India and Iglandtathtr is g00d enough for 1h itsgoveiiiineiit brings to mind PFCSLM time IS Simply the contercnce this reporterrattendcd ISWCI 0f Persons Who 10 Ct realize some 10 years ago Having just that IOddy 11 Child lCthUg 5011001 returned from four months in 111 must be equipped With an Cduca ha was invited to lead dis tion which will allow him to com cussion of that country After pete in progressive laborworld 19 not pump snug vimUH ons Wilson Iltltl the it man and parents of the district lltIlCl ltltlllillltl 11$ lvtllllill ltlltltlll others interested to cnrol as nicnrntllllK1 Ullltfl lllmilltllll lltllt hch in the 1ciiidalc Home and Ill llltlfl ILIillitt quantity of water thnAdiiir and Prov oiis art Krcu one continues to pour liquid into itiucr intercepted tam heading rafter it is ttzll tllt ovcrilow is wast south from Bradford and they cd So it is with school ioom builti stopped John liancc my 21 and to educate small number of child his wife Doreen age 11 Scarclv reponce it becomcs overloaded it ing these two they found fur from an educational point of vicwljewelry The three young people wurr SIIICKLEI TROUT SEASON itaken into custody and wcrc takcn IIINS APRIL 30 to the county pool at Barrie where The Minister announces seasons they were held mil Wlic mm for speckled bmwn mimm Oshawa arrived to take them back aurora and kamloops trout will that ClV open Saturday April 30 1919Pike At osmw may 111 and pickcrcl season will open Sat an and Ttppmg plcmlcd gull urdav May 14 to robbery with violence and they wcrc remanded in custody for sun tence The two had sluggcd 71 11Ft AV It Citilziiid arid liiobbed film 50920110 Ix jewelry Prov Cons Reginald Wilson tinald Wilson at liradtoiil rcsnltcd rid onWayHome icliy cart last liunnlav iisoinziu llic torcuoint thoughts and titigt lllllltl dilly ill 4111 tlli arc to be associated 1111 the toun Vlhtdl Stilllttl 11flitllllliii sonnt ate nccossity and further puttineimlv llllCtl lll tllflmltml films ceases to function successfullythei quantity of diamonds indl Illtl iiyina brown lloll THE BARR1E+ EXAM scih YeorrwNo lo areintranetsaha BARRlE ONTARIO CANADA mousexv APRl lttlt lab brows Ron Kraut hlviilz liooli iozia lmok llcroczi Morrow it ill llilltlll mtxl lll ltw tlllaj larval Anni Morrow lion u1rvcli Hell Siiizim oboc Jul Harris iJXtn Sliirlcy White the W13 ltli Vizitcr Don liiitcs laul liiiinci Ray Cutler hummus Sylvia Fisher lltllllltllt llill traiu Tliiiri Joiux rtlhi Sarjcant cuplioiiium Ron lcnovcr ton ircr limit niiisiti lishcr gVictoria School Pupils li iIlll of Ontario at the Kins lid iil tlolwl loziiito in connec or lil Iii ivrlizcational conliilt Hui iiiur livid tlnre lazt xvicl ltlllll will to Toronto lit liriuihv tllltll ritiiin to town run by Melvin Dininmonrh Minion Lambert played two pi no solos Nobody Knows the Tron Three Blind bllti amptown Races Ode to New foundland and Long Beach Sea Rummattc Sale Junior Guild who was responsible for the cap1n hliltltS 11 Vlll Trinity Church Saturday April 30 titre of the iLWPl lthVKS 05 am 252027b formerly constable in Barrie Rummage sale auspices Beaver Rebekah Lodge will be held May in Oddfellows Hall Collier Dance Gearin Hall PlCIpStOlll asked What would be the sense Ninelycninc per CCnt 0f adVCrtiSC come 261 in giving the Indians 21 vote at 21 anIS in the City newspapers fox 5L GCOIBCS ClllllCl Choir C011 when their average age jg only help carry the statement Must cert Memorial Hall am r1 10 have Junior Matriculation Farm April 23 at 315 pm Admission work has become mechanized ag cables underground Members of live cents pound Today it is 22 lines underground Eoriiiiriicswe are asked vhciTrVIiictiltuie is science junior farm HCWSDHPCIS 101 Um WSJIhCYC iScrs attend agricultural caurses and no strange formula The lCDOIIC1Sthe1c is large deciency of 1mm make their rounds and meet 1300 led teachers throughout Ontario P10 Nd itSk QUCSIIOUS day attCIlAbove all training Child to use day If we dont ask enough his initiative to think for himself people enough questions then we and to appreciate the better things C19 301 the NEWS 50 if you learn Ithe world offers cannot be done 01 101an Wedding 01 SOme un in school which Was perhaps ustial incident or someones birth good enough for aboutfifteen pup day there is reporter who would 115 fty years ago be glad to hear from you There is food for thought here gt This extension of Barrie in the dir Trattic signals may be operating in Barlie before long One set of lights has been ordered for Biad om exhcnswn BUL the only aim ford Street in front of Prince of protect 569mg to have gone Wales School and another set for mm the maelmery along the way Burton Avenue in front of KinglNone has reached the waters of EdwardSchool But dont depend Kempenfeldt Bay smce the mt too much on the lights for safety petition was sent lial Years ago Thclvrcd light wont step the motor A951 0f Purse the rcskdents Of 151 or pcdcstfian who is careless Ward 577 are 0t Very happy aboml the condition ofthe Allandale dock Drivipg through orjuia Visitorsland they have had petition under are impressed bysphe appearancelway for someymonths But after of the main streetfwhich is clearJthese petitions are liberally signed lofwdephone and hydrohmes and how far does their inuence ex light standards The Town of Al tend Vi listonyhas taken similar steps to remove the light standards from the sidevvalks In lastweeks is sue of The Collingwood Enterprise Bullctin we rcadof program to spend 3911100911110 large amount lrospects for single girls who of the money Will bemscd to lay wOuld like to get married in Barrie would not appear to be very good this year According to the estim ates of the town council there are Anothery indication of Spring There are more doortodoor maga zine salesmen on the streets than there have been in some time the town council of Barrie Suggest ed that some of the $10000015ur Plus 1th hYdIQ dCDaFlmCM bf only 70 single men over the age of used to clear some of the Barrie 21 in Barrie The councillors have Suicfs However the Plan in Bar budgeted to collect $350 in poll 110 13 to rebuild and maintain the taxes this year and at $5 per per CYCIhCad Des gmd Condition son this would mean there are 70 yemsag lead for under unmarried men in Barrie This ground casmgs could be bought for was approximately the same amount collected in 1948 Of course single men who pay real estate taxes are not required to pay poll tax cents pound The hydro reserve would not go far in putting Barrie Another petition is being circu lated in regard to an cxtctnsion for the government ck at the foot of Bayeld street or four or five years negotiations have been under way and there ha been some sug gestion the department of public works didiintend to build 200 Interestcd in statistics In the past 70 years the population of Barrie has increased by7000 per sons an average of 100 year But the increase has been considerably more than 100 in recent years The population of Barrie doubled since 1901 Land 25c 2526pn0 twhosc picture appears in this is Thursday Starting Monday last week the Dance Guthrie CommunityHalLto mail out to each property own Thursday Aplil 28 SPONSOICd bitter copy of the zoning bylaw in GUlhlIC HOCkCDj ClUb MUSIC byilxmklct form which they have Sllmld MOUUIHHIGEYS 26leecn working on for considerable The Wedding by Avening time YPU winners of drama contest It is compiled from the federai sue will present their play Fri from various towns and cities that day April 29 815 pm in Cen now have zoning and building tral SundaytSchool room 2526b regulations Five Generations When Photograph Taken have his picture takeii with his great greatgrandson and his wish was granted This photo was taken on April 10 when the baby was three weeks old Mr Schell died few days later after his wish had been granted Seen here are the five generations Mr Schell age 80 his daughter Mrs Flora Rawn of New Lowell granddaughter Mrs Florence Micks of Stroud great grandson Gordon Mirks of Barrie andfgreat greatgrandson Stephen Mlcks Appeals Again JAMES SCHELL AGE 80 of New Lowell wanted to live long min The musical program was given ii the Crystal Ballroom of the King The council if the town of Bar i3i tiii Si 11ml tiltc 11 o1 iiiiii How from iii lIlltl pziwjiiini oi 11 thi convention of lliitwpiiiii and liuutcc lto 11gt tuturi program sciioolilotlttl With Ill illlgtltt illlntllw lilfiy Illllllltlilli illltt litttllllttl veii accompanied by Mix in lilitllvnlttlll Mrs Vcra lild this invitation to all parents andj ml til lll 11li 19th l1 Tl W1 iln Ii lulcniiiui Ihc Ilarlt ii school board supplied bus School Association clip holdlt few moments latcr ot David Illllflllillllllf Np lirtlllllllYi ol the senorll board thhrlcsNixvton met the bus on With Lloyd liillord accompany mg on the piano and Mrs Black lsiock conducting the girls section sol the glcc club opened the pro Marvimu Vair gmm with lcsu Joy of Mans Dc llllltl lcntiicky Babe and Shop lrcrdl Scicnzidc The boys sang Elfilllcst liord Jews Lone Star Ran rcr and Asleep in the Deep The lrolo part in the last selection war hic Ive llad and variations on The entire gitc club chose as hair selections the Marines Hymn Erode ill alto voices are All the students taking part were st 20 had said my little piece one con Gt only in 10W or City bUt Tuesqart April 26 GbOd mumclB 1N prance delegate Spoke up and also on the farms in rural areas AdmlSSlon 500 Everybody W01 iSingAtOEA Convention yBus o1 illilllgtll v1 liwt 1211711 to ltr illiiiii lltl virl lizv litl p31 ill li 131 litltti Illtlt ii bins imw llii mi io till oi rlun itoi lillt ll liltit up of lii1i Alilii Mary lilixiiliczh Marint ilaigtllil lit 51 iv elinii llclty itlc lt iii Shirley lloil liu groin 111 its in tll soprano tlitll im Iiivdlltrl AltNatili Jun lincilt Mark Joan Smith Sri lcy McKcown liitricii Wilt urt Marilyn lligtlvtt lhc 1tlitltl soprano tzoin iivl II are 31iiion taunticrt Zlit olcmarii Ext and Lois illtfi tricui lomlinson The grade V11 suprai triioiiu the boys are Alcc McKivliitiw 11 lic Fraser Harold Robinson than lvzim Tattcrsall and Bil litllllritlll Garrett Iand Kenneth tonnor tram Donald ItacKinnon Donald Walton Miller Iony and film short oritlic Les wrTpTzinnmg Hoard confluentt TiFhasV passedeylhwrrio 1642 to regulate and restrict within the location and use of buildings and limits of the town of Barrie the the use of land to limit the height and bulk of buildings toprescribc building lines the size of yards model zoning bylaw and clauses and other open space and to divide tlarea into zones The bylaw shall not come into force and have effect until it has received the approval of the One tario municipal board All persons owning property within the town limits are being notified that an application will be heardby the Ontario municipal board at the council chamber in Barrie on April 29 at 10 are Anyi One owning property within the Town who desires to support or cppost the said bylaw may attend at the said time and place for that purpose numberofchangcs have been made since the colored maps were mailed out this Spring for sugges tions or apprOval covering each block in town for the separate wards These changeshavc been niadetat the request of the inter ested residents these changes can be noted on the plan in back of the booklet What was Al on the coloredrmapwis now Rl A2 is R42 A3 is now RH on the new map and is fully explained in the bylaw wZoning regulations have two fold function in any community tirst the provision of adequate lighting ventilation and general amenity of living conditions in any building second the general con trol of occupancies in any area so as to eliminate undue depreciation of any structure brought about by undesirable adjoining oecupancics thus preserving the investment of the owner and the taxable value of the property This zoning bylaw is intended to provide Barrie with concrete plan for dealing with the problem of zoning for the future improve inont of the town Hg TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD EEQNE 241$ management gave them special iii the theatre restaurant recorded interview of their voices was made during dinner and played back to them which was quite thrill for most of the Kiwanis atMidbursf children who had never iicard their own voices ILCDIdCCI They were given bus ride along Charter President thcToronto waterfront after din 101 before going to the receptiion room of the King Edward to await the beginning of their program The Ratepayers and Trustees As sociation of Ontario sponsored their appearance at the convention The children apparently never tire of singing for they sang all the way home in the bus lt0 SANDWELL editor of Tor onto Saturday Night and one of the outstanding speakers in On tario will address the Kiwanis Club of Barrie and district farm ers at Midhurst tonight This func tion is sponsored by the agricul tural committee of Kiwanis of which PAH Fisher ist chairman Hint3 Jiiaz ltlil ti Alarizarct Ajclilli The crude VII and iiltili tiilllplbtti ot Malian Viniiii Joycc iIiznins Dorothy lfowlnan liltiv lilticlhrnald Lesley Ilnrrlt and Id lliosc from crude V111 are lilli lioli Itll Dennis Pint Murphy Cordon illurst and Bruce Bigelow Biikici tConnors is grade V11 ttitoi Grade VIII tenors are Ros ilEl follicr Billy Taylor and Buster Bass voices in the cicc elubva1 Melvin Druminon Howard SltCK Icy Billy Kirk Lawrence McDow Off for UbVlOUS ILEISOUS tll Bob Livingston and Lconardi On their arrival in the tltllll the early afternoon the children were guests of the Moon Carlton At last VCCkS Inttting Stillmfl Theatre for showing of TheRod if Cne SectionPoges to8 Twice Weakly MONDAY and TH unsung Arena Extension Before Taxpayers Tender $131000 itii tlzi next four or fire Iccl the property holders of liitilr v41 bc islzitt vote on plan in spend $131000 iJ tlil iiei t11c iiniincipal arena ltic plans is presented til llltltii meeting the town council lil lriday night would l21 tor tin ircna LtttlllllHLlilull to bc enlarged from 142110 stats to 41100 Starts inc taxpayers approve Illc proposal lic work could bc started and would bc completed witini four months attir letting tllt contract and Ald tncr=iiiiiiitce icpozt chnmtd Ayrcs 111 prescntiiisg Mayor Mayor liltll that the iinmii maid be firi tlttl or icbcntircs and tlzc irciiu cciniiiission could retire tiii ichcnt Aid member llt arena coiziinissiozi prcsintcd tzie lt par of hc hpttlill conixnittcc lwo ltlltltl had been iilci ivvd on llt work ltic ttlllc2 Ill Structuris and Ionndiitious Limited was for total oz 511 002 This would Illtltltlc ior cuturging the Elfintlil chair span from 100 feet to 130 ice and would pro mir zor ii ixtra 21100 seats Call Off Hockey Banquet Because Players Depart lirt imrupx riiiil to trim Minor nut ild tilllll1l of tlc rc lr irrui Council for liidiiy tp iii 71 inui to ili ml ri intarise not tlitttlli oi the lliirzic llycis Junzor unii still 11 liill WIN il iiii1iiii its Enid ll ii llltltli tor lc UiilitllltL llltllti giiiilw illillil cntciiaitnnciit and in Ei with officials lttltltnt ti ioiiiiti to call off tit iitiz llttiiilt not more than half dwcn pliii of tire Allniaizo pni would have bccn pics tiiil 1imi wttn liiiircil 131 Saiizrttn iittcrnoon llc ilt tliij um Mayor 2nd ld Ayris stnilcii piiiu civic iippircin tioii iiiii wlicli to includc liiizlaiii It the Junior players wanted to ii to their lioiixcs liis of all told lcincll on Word Brandon who come from Winnipeg had chance to lltlt home by motor with iillifl from itnlph on Tuesday In ii chk tloeg and Real Chcvrc tits hearted toixlnnmins and John Sluddei to Kirkland Lake Iaul WlltTiaEihlTHTYIVIIII id ayeremaincd for the banquet but when it was call tti off he headed for his home in Sil rk Manitoba for couple of tt is before returning to work in liarric Jack Leckic went home to Ninlil Bay ill Maycr left for Gatincau anus Quebec and Bob Bingle for Cornwall so it appeared that the onlyboys the club could get for 1the banquet were these who live in Toronto Gordon McNabncy Ashch and Hopper plus Burcham ol Port Dover and of course Stan Long who is remaining in Barrie and now working at Corbetts Stip crtcst Station It is possible that some form of bzinquct will still be held to in clude the minor teams plus those Flyers available but the big civic appreciation niglithad to be called FOR MEMORIAL CENTRE iCouncil was adviSed that the in ispcctor had passed the granTOF +1icil3cillchoralVgAirgipLjhpuumlitpt With the amounts con ttribiitcd thisRR almost wipe out lture The inspection it was stated passed with tlyingcolors Wednesday April 20 saw the birth of new service club in Bar irie The Kinsmens Club staged very successful charter night at lClub 79 as they prepared to move ionward under their rst executive They havechosen hardworking Jand aggressive Geofl Glenn to car gry the presidents torch for tlTe rini mu vicepresident Jack Stenton secretary Ed Elsasser treasurer Weeds anddirectors Dave Peever Harry Lowe and Jack Williamson The premier project on the Kins mens Clubagenda is the building of summer camp 50 that under privileged children may obtain the iWhOlCSOlllc gifts of the warmer months Despite the large objec tive presidentGeoII Glenn is con fident that plans will materialize this year The new organization boasts charter enrolment of 28 members They hope to have decided in crease before their first year is over We will be able to move more members said the president There were 13 visiting clubs at the charter night with 176 Kinsmen in attendance They came from Huntsville Lindsay Uxbridge Oshawa North Bay Noranda to C1tib on conunthc on behalf ll Ili ilm tilt li 13 Midect and ilowcvcr some of GRANT 01510001 IONSTAYNER tial campaign To lend Support Walter Johnson registrar Jack faster along welfare lines with 1s ll villi to in iioiir by lSlzii Foundations KUtllt noi ii tinmi swine would it 1nil ftlllllll the prcscnt lll ln iJlill icducc tnt cuitimJ in gt7 1ii 11o lliliillltt the tindcrs were loll llllltltll tuoik $209130 lilioliiz Sittt plumbing and heat ni $10000 not tli Sligllti local plzimocr ltzirotd Forster liavl lll1l1ttl on thi plumbing and focal liltllltlll 15mins Electric hail llt11titlii on tiu clcctical vu iinz llu IIllltl tcndir iron thi nd oncrwii lrodncts omp any 115 ioi 821 i1l70 and this did no inclidc heating plumbing or ciiill cni toiit Ilzc couunincw rcpoit iccoin llilllilttl the itlllltI of Structures and 1oiiniliitioin lhi totlld priv dc for iructurc of laminated tintlici till Mayor Mayor pointed out lliiit tlobcit ginipbcll town engin cor and Jonis county engin cii had both okiivid the plans and ltll they wcri vcr siitisliictory Whin Ald llaiiison asked who had contacted lllt local contractorm the Mayor riplicd that local con tractors had been asked to tender Rccvo llart askcd it there had been any other bids on the plumb tilt and the Mayor said there had been oni from Toronto IIIIII During the discussion Recvc llart said one contractor had complained that tenders truthbeen called tor but no plans were available and there was notinie to prepare plans lArcna inaiiavcr Wes Allson oint cd out the date had been set over week for this particular contract or 10 tender When Mr Hart said the blurprints shan were dated March 28 it was explained that the Structures and Foundations comp any hadliad these plans made and not the arena commission Deputy Reeve Charlcs GIIIIIII asked that the report include stipulation that the contractor be asked to provide 30 completion bond and council agreed this should be included The report was then adopted Ald Corbcu and Aid Ayres their presented metion aslcingtliat the proposal be submitted to the rate payers at the earliest possible date for 11 vote on debentures not to cxccdd $131500 Ala Wilson Before the vote was taken Aid Wilson spoke on the matter He said he didnt like to be as stumb ling block in the way of progress but he believed the town was g0lt ingvto be faced with request Whom the publicschool board also rate on the dinner which followed the 9111101101 5150111 OVCI tllC dCan from high SChOOI med and there was also the prospect Of hav Turn to page three please lInstallOeOfEGIenn Of Barrie Kinsmen unable to attend but uishingjtlii Barrie organization much success Guests for the occasion werc George Budreo district governor for the Kinsmens C1ubBobMc Gillis past National President of the Kinsmens Club and vice president cf Laura Secord Candies Ltd Dr Ross Turnbull vicepres ident of Barrie Rotary C1ubR0y Igiglitley vicepresident of Barrie Kiwanis Club DrBruce Johnston vicepresident of Barrie Lions Club Norman Clarke presid ent of Barrie Chamber of Comz meree Cliff Arnold vicepresident Barrie Junior Chamber of Com merce Mayor Grant Mayor George Johnston MLA and lRev Cross Al Mitchell president Of Downr town Toronto Kinsmens Club act ed as chairman for the Chartec Night and did grand job Enter tainment was provided by Fred Lawrence who demonstrated the use of splay gun in painting The lucky draw for blanketswas cap tured byClitl Arnoldu Various presentations were re ceived from other groups among which was gong and gavel ifrom Downtown Toronto charter pins from all Toronto clubs and guest book The Lindsay Kinsmens Club Goderich Sutton BramptonEast rattled Off gooseand turned all North and West Toronto Clubs and proceeds over to Barrie to start the wellknown Downtown Toron reserve fund Games of chance were injected into the evenings Telegrams were received from proceedings all of whlch contribu coast to coast from those who were ted greatly to the Barrieproject