Fm M1 CARDS or THANKS zt llit iv Poultry Fish Vegetables tlltllt Illtltl AKIN Ilit luIt 6120 coins BUTCHER 11 Essa Road PHONE 3214 DELIVERIES ALL OVERTOWN ELECTROLYSIS Iitliltrt Siipcitlnoiis llitii Holcs Iflt llftklANljXllx HE LEN llii2li1 IIItlI tIItlIll 137 ltllt IIll1llilgt to it iiivliishc and beginning of Jlll month Ifycbroic Archipg cv Ssllllt MORE li oiiviitniiioo lrcc iiiT 1947 MONARCH SEDA 1946 PACKARD SEDAN Guaranteed 1941 CHEVROLET COUPE Guaranteed gt TRUCKS Ton Ford 11 foot Combination Hoist 1941 Ton Beo Chassis and Cab 1940 International Short Wheel Base 1939 Ton ford Chasis and Cab Barrie Motor Sales PHONE 2214 94 BARBIE uncertain counl on SEED Fancy Quality ioecrnmcnt standard grades Timothy alfalfa rw alsike clover red clover white and yellow blossom sweet clover etc but wartimeer but he Egg SPECIAL COOP MIX mourn roar Red Clover2092 llimothyv30 vssro CORN MANOELSV and TURNIPS FANcY GRASSES MILLETS Stocksarc fairly complete yet but some seed will be in short supply by next week We still have fairsupplies of Commercial Galore Barley Commercial No Ajax and Beaver Oats are just about all sold but some Registered Oats available Seine lincsof clover such timothy and alfalfa getting real low in stock Plenty of Permanent Mixture 01C in sealed and approved lots1 Other mixtures to order Red Clover government graded in sealed bushel bags is in good supply The price is no higher than locally cleaned Red if it were brought up to standard purity and germination Results willbe better by sowmg graded seed Order Seed Corn too For the quality and variety you want order now from COiO DIAL 2429 SERVICES BARRIE SIMCOE DISTRICT BORN gt ll ll lit at til ii it ll 11 it ll to illc rl 151411 il ioii ninci ii iiiiiltii MARRIED LJi iiiiir izivrqoy no iii lllllt the tlii ni tlcstoi to lioupci IIilllri Jiuii IHtil ltll Slizilltiilttis Ito ta ii nt lji uc Boos of llatbush Alberta FARM BUILDINGS CONSIDER TIMBERIBthc glued laminated arched rafter especially designed to simplify IIII construction of your sheds and barns Whether you want lowcost machine shcd or an elaborate twostory barn the answer Is limbcrib Raftersmanufactured from durable West Coast woods Rudyqu for the job ruled in tow hours Adaptable to any root covering Good nailing surface Available in clear spans of 12 to 60 Timbcnbs lvc you the lowest cost per square oot of oor area and per cubic foot of storage space of any type of rccogggcd construction Simcoe District coop Services DIAL 2429 BARRIE MILK SHIPPERS See The Gem Milk Cooler DROP IN UNIT iroiii s2530ii For Your Own Tank COMPLETE MATERIALS 86 PLANS from To Build Your Own Tank IORTABLE COOLER from The Most Economical On 111 Manufactured in Canada by Grth Cooler Ltd Preston Ont AuthorizedSales and Service Eighth 300 DIAL 2429 ITIF 11 ililtl FR AMINFIL iar Sti lr1l int Ililiiltl lfl li llitli thivsni 1011 llwzirc lii til Union vivil 1iil livinli litilvilc llt Iillllt il il Fin itttll liitcp iii will intod iicv true lii no1 12 lli =t fir li=l 11 it Victifitt in riinil Ill ii If ltliiiltliilIlllN1 litIKI llltllllll uil NI 1015 lollt uncil lic Eat thirti litllltl Vainorich tlltttd Iliflnlt An Rich 11 ms IIitttt Tlt Hui Joni inthiiv Tlloiiiii putt lltt it tiltltt iiii Slim3 lctvplioia Ir ltJpil 1111 illli 1s leitliI if Snub Nuiii Iliivn loit Iiirllr fitl inl Kiticclv ltl All New iIii 11121 hits lliiivi ttililtll tIitdlllttl ilZiilltrt tol lltllli ti cinctiipi Ills Knunlt Kincclv ill Ill illttlll nv NW iomc Jcnnc ltllil liolovcil Martha Mt Inter emc iiiiici lis Ii ttil viii 11o piil ilciiiv Spcih Eni b1111 of the late klli nmril Aiull wiiiiit 111 llihnlliil liisczili lltlll in lzr ififh vciir licstutirian itllt Soldnis Alcmor llASlAllZNIIS1 triliin on April 20 mm inniztin ll Wil til1ft hitc li llngaii llttlJl Saturday April Bil from luirlcl mm tiiiiit tlic Funeral lunch of Rcuuicin lllltl mcni Oi illni Ntllltli to sawlog owners in Min mine district llilt purchased llu ivmill formerly operated by lcrcy lirnnkcom and will be ready to cut any custom toes is usual snlllltl April 13 Roy Jamicson 2AI27ph lltlll3 ANl DISIRRT coni llilt basements block or poriicdi walks footings drivcwz timcnt mixers for rent inmates llionc Miricsinu iJ Mctartney general contractor llomes built complete luaiitiuu Mu Michaels IN lltlgt tcmctiry mw on Sitirdy lllllNlill liioznlnn tint Tin in pcrtoiincd ipiicihi ii iiiiricc by Rev lllllilltl ooii of Richmond lllll hc daughter of the it Dr lIidmzinu licynon anti ileynon The groom ilt rho poi or Mr and Mrs tlllgt llLFlillRl In of Iili ulhiim tlIlIlIIlIIl who passed away April 11 1913 Hleour memory to us is keepsake never part qjlhouuh God has you in llis keeping still 1ovingly NOMEN j1llll nicmory of if dcar fi 1tlll Aniiic Isobel Clark who passed away April 1019411 1Ivcr remembered by Irene Bowen loving loving memory Illll will lcls laying good with havo you hearts remembered by 23b Mother Sisters and Brothers Phone 17 i111lSON1n loving memory of dcar dad and granddad Alhciti ladrlison who passed awayI April 12 ions God saw the road was getting rough And hills were hard to climb So lIe closed your weary eyelids And whispered Peace be thinci remembered by son Georgb daughterinlaw Phil and grandson 130 IN APPRECIATION Always fimous Barry Missmn City new vigor size gists Eco Carruthcrs the many friends and neighbors who so kindly as sisted during the recent fire near thcir swamp Mrs Howard Cochranc wishes to thank her friends many during her illness and Mrseilom Patton and lRobin wish to tliank their neigh and Clearview kindness Mrs thank and wish to 25p and neighbors their acts of kindness Mr friends their hers and Institute for idonations and also the LOL 30m benefit dance of fund fei Robin WT ANCIENT NAVAL BASE Alexandria naval base more than 2000 years when Alexander tounded it to aid in his campaign against Persia for their in favor iiito Egypt became the Great ago $7448 $39000 Market SERVICES BARBIE noun mil Milli Mmim MISCELLANEOUS It Aw in tut LIAIith ii iii fizin iiul clcio Idtt iiiiti lluvin lli iJtltil KIM ant alilldlltillx it li him 11 till liiti liiut Ll tiilllil lli 1111 3133 lpll ilvllN1lll1 REPAIRS to all of electric applixiiccs li oviiliiiuls specialty Appliance Shop Dial ZtIiti fi 5t111b xiiiii1 litllllitl 15 for block and lllliit r4 fouiidutnin cli ii pit to lit in flilitll 1iir W11I ll Siiioulz It llionipr iioiic illltll 531 LBp lt lttiS tllltdllillY lltltllllttllll iii tllvli In mun own home by Si ci lriistllllu Iiiadv for tire tiny 191m thllllllltt finn 1li and lllllitvifttl liancrsy iii lldltilltl tiniiiilttc ciiliti ittlttil tpiaiaiitccd iivico lltlII liIi for occupancy lll llncc Moderate tllll1t Writtci llilllt lfiiit lliowninu Iiili POULTRY tlllllC ROCK yearling pul lhonc till Illllt ltwZSp 1111111181 IRRIZS paid for all kinds of poultry bchlaughlins egg and poultry station AIIISIOII lit25219pill GOOSE AND iANDER Cook stove range Apply William Crittcndcn ro Station RR llltlll ldar PERSONAL SKINNY MEN WOMEN Gain 13 lbs New pep too Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results new healthy flesh New get acquainted only it centsAll drug 3025b1J SLENDOR TABLETSare effective weeks supply Slplznwecks $5 at Tamblyns Barrie and Whittys Drug Store Allandale The Stayncr Red Cross campaign this year directed byJ Spicher expected to finish this week with the objective of $800 achieved llie Converto EB TILIZER AnusTE It 10 ft Size $18900 plus tirocs Noiiflogging Spreader Solves Fertilizer Problems Converto SpreaderSeeder is guaranteed to spread any commercial fertilizer regard less of condition without clogging Spreads wet teary fertilizer at same time with assured even distribution The Converto SpreaderSeed er in ft and 10 ft models is made of 14 gauge high ten Sile steelcorrosionresistant NO EXTRAS to buy ALL improvements are incorpor ated Double agitators TractorSeat Flow Control Timken Roller charingsa sealed for pitectionthrowg out clutchcn each wheel DeflectOr bars etc Preoision built easily cleaned virtuJ ally selfcleaning Agitators are specially dev signed to handle VEVERY type of fertilizer regardless of conditions TWO UNIQUE CHOPPER BARS with HAM MERS and CUTTERS assure the FINEST pulverization of the fertilizermoving the material to the ANGLED WIPERS which force it through the outlet ports No bridging no clogging Snug fitting DETACHABLE sides Diamond holes assure FINER and EVEN distribution DE TACHABLE slides Detachable Deflector bars serve as Wind aprons Simcoe District COO SERVICES DIAL 2429 BARRIE citillilllii 1731 LESlttlp tliilim 121 iplll conditionclcan op in bottom lllttillttl any color or material is of cvpciiciice livery jltllll oinii1atioii lhonc ing nim SI illii in his tiltli Min at 98 mm WWW Ei 2t27p 010 52225p llw 25p 21025b1 Donn through thc intervening ycztrs tlic hi1tit or this storc has llltrtllulltllst and bcttcr scrvicc it lowcr cmt and the proof ol the ililil approval and acccptwncc has bcin the growth into tlic irccn Iroiit Moics with twice the original floor space and greatly inchused staff We wish to express at this time our dccp appreciation of the Inuit support of old and new friends without which our most strcniions cfforls would IIIH Iiicu ItttlIly tor any succcss tchicvcd must bc attributed to tlic grand folk o1 Lirric iiul Sinicoc tount In ordcr to cclcbratc this occasion tlllUIIlt IllIItttillt want you good ittiplt IU bcncfit by the special offerings some of hicli arc listing Illlt ior this 0011 20m ANNIVERSARY MUNltAlavl IIINNIJ Service for 113 this open strict patcri cons nuooiis ares vhum ni thN ROOMS $150 Valuc for Il iltll TLUIIIIIS LINES Originally soid at 5130 complctc unit 10 llltll with nosing llR WAX AND FLOOR CLEANER ll Paste Wax large but cicancr 30c PLOW SHARE CLEARANCE llow Shares and Solcs and Luiulsidcs have got to go We need the space BEVELLEI PLATE GLASS about This piece of used plutc bargain Slt REAL RUBBER MATTING 50 Red or Black orrugatcd Special for this sale IICILROY MOTOR OIL 15 30c Ital $120 10 20 30 lt1 50 SAE Grades Happiness andldeasurc are two entirely different things Rc tcrious visitor whom only the very wise times drops in uninvited and happiness can not be had in cxcliani the other hand we can pursue and buy pleasure PAINT BRUSHES From 15c to $900 CLOTHES IIAMPERS ON SALE $279 $379 The larger sizes specially priced for this sale WEIGHTED FLOOR POLISHERS WITH LBS PASTE WAX SALE VACUUM BOTTLES ptsize Much superior to ordinary type Reg $150 Value SALE HARRY RM8TRONG 98 104 DUNLOP ST tOPERIY Eon RENT BAY IOU SAW IT IN THE EXAMINER uuuNerrLirooM COULIRLUXJQ cated Phone 4988 15251 FURNISHED BEDROOM for rent central Phone 3844 15251 FURNISHED ROOM for rent Pl 3438 21 Charlotte St lSZp vcry central Phone 3887 154593 COMORTABLE ROOM central suitable for gentleman Phone 5487 1525p FURNISHED HOUSE for rent for summer months central Phone 3877 1525p NICE BRIGHT bedroom contin uous hot water very central 18 Elizabeth St 1525b LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOM private2 entrance Phone 4925 be tween am and pm 1525b LUNCH ROOM for mhi for Sea sonon highway close to Barrie Write Box 936 Barrie Exam ineiuw 1524tfb TWO NICE bright Teams with ermine noun INNISFIL PACKERS Will supply fretsth killed Beef Pork Lamb by carcass quarter or cuts as desired Custom killing done at reasonable rates or Farmers Stock Producers etc Will also buy at regular market rates all kindsOf livestock especially canners and cutters for shipping LOCATION HIGHWAY 90 ORMER BRE Buildings and Equipment fully approved by Dominion Department of Agricultural Health of Animals Branch Operated by Ernie and Ted Jones who havb had lifetime experience in the Meat 333m Barrie Ont Packing Industry il litl 11 191 GREEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS Milltll 1935 it MN 15 IUHUIHII in tlic minds of coupli or young mcn tilin Il tltt llltl Iciclopcd until litc in April of tlml year the Inuit lilowuiicil loitli in the opening of the iltcll Front Hardware llllii 13 liccn hcttcr more than AHII tlli picccs $4900 BROWN lilillY ltIAltllS litiolalcd tiicc arc priced to tempt jou 88c SlSlc 5115 ith $105 $1411 JUICE SIJIS Liccoritcd Sale Good Value at 511 to tumblers or pitcher in ct RUIlltlIlt SIAllt lItlIAIIS only Each iltlc LOOK AT llllb 5101 Hill ONLY $205 lcapot and Stand and rcun and Sugar licco BLOSSOM lliit SETS 5th 131 Piece HAND PAINTED SETS 319215 for iccc llldlli or eril Skis $1795 for lit liccc BLUE OR Rinl Hlulh $13795 for in liccc iiiicoinvriip siils $3005 for IVORY Rn 1011 pciy IVORY GOLD tii pcc $3500 for $2995 FREDA fitl pcc Stln $2831 for FREDA tll pcc acts 53995 loi BLACKBERRY tii pcc $25250 for$ll0i Many of these arc Opcn Stock Patterns sx93 WESXJIS 25011 210 Gallon TANK used for 325Uti 13 $13115 sriiii5 00 sziiii5 yd $250 sites for so5u $2395 at happiness is my among us know how to invite but who some Lc for money 011 UIILIIY TABLES SIIHBE Value for $309 STEEL KITCHEN STOOLS On SALE $7349 Aluminum with red trimmed back rest HIGH ornnns two spccials $539 $039 32 Icc BREAKFASTSETS $1005 for $895 Four Patterns at this SALE price FOLDING PLAY PENS with Floor $900 Value sir1i $795 5119 Vegetable and Flower Seeds Fertilizers and Garden Tools Gliddens and Paints Varnishes Enamels Water Paints For Additional Specialssee our Window and Store Displays PHONE 2801 iiiiii 15251 FURNISHED rooms in exchange housekeeping adults bust lhone 1525p ed good locality central Phone 3539 UNFURNISHED IIOIISCKCCDIIIL for services Suit vomanwith some incom rNomb= atd001liCCtlllS to child Box Bar 1525p rte Examiner NEW BUILDING FEES IN ORILLIA Orillia has new building by of which cost more rooms to rent ant lerfmanar Lights Water Phone 833114 FURNISHED front bedroom suit FURNISEED BEDROOM Toni able for one or two people with clothes pIQisa centralw Phone 2854 Zap Phone 3990 BRIGHT furnished rooms for tomne child 15251 Apply 103 Worsley 152513 law preparation over $1000 code new to regulate new buildings FURNISHEDBEDROOM for mm 142131751 very covemem 401150 alterations and additions We have few Case Co Tractor and Spring Equip ment still available rigid rent no objection applies Ser RepreSenting it CASE COMPANY Charles Church Leo More BURTON BaliIRE PHONE 2373 vice APRIL 251 NNAN ABiiTTom For Information Telephon