3RRTIFI TIERQifiilil TSnRRTE ONTARIO CnNriDA NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS 11it11 AUCTION ENGAGEMENTS bra111 guru that xli Notice is iiirein gHtlt that ill lirl Igtgtll l11111 11111113 agallhl the prtiilh ling claims against ti1 Iz HUBHH um 11 H1 11111 111 11151111 srinxo Form Stock implemensl 11 Household Effects 11 11111 1m Hutu1 1111111 II II II II II 111 isizing With iii1 panrib in 11 icr111l littllull xlltt etc so f1 l1d1y for 3l111t1 Sole of Property l11 11111 SO ACRES THOMAS SMALL 11 il engiiw 111111 lniwixtt 111 I11 III NOTlll Port Con II1I 1II 11 Ql LOt C0 71 lI WII1JIEI kill 11olt111on1111111311 iloriu l2 lnmsill 11 lnnisfil 111 11 11 19 Vt Ill II III Im III III Ilmmm H141 11nd Migt i111i it1l My hm 1H 111111 daughter 91 i1111 111 II 1s Eyinp 111111 11 III jiii ill Unllic 11 l11i1 iJti lmrz II 11 up 11Rid1nr1 11 Eli Street IIIIIIIIIII IMIIII II II II let ThurSdOYI Apll ltvy MI l11k Ill begu 1111 III aI i= iizl 1I1l I1lllt lll 11 the First Baptist 1fi111r1n 11 11x 11 xi TENDERS FOR DRAIN n11 IT TIME AUCTION SALES Township of Vespra NOTICE TO CREDITORSE win 11 11111 l11111 1111111 lltllilllidlli THY AN EXAMlNlIll WANT Al ll THURSDAY Aiitii 19151 has 11 11lilllllti1i nitchub TO CHECKUP Vlll KS 1Ill lu leerlard iii 11 TO the RCSIanfS 1111 1111l11ine1l up 111 l1 i1 all ll inlll of An am tlllt hercln ginn that all in Wl lmuhhkhm lrlttlltolx ind tilllch lining 1l111111 Mi VJNH Irlmi 11 11111l 111111 21ll Farm Stock implements do 1111 11 11 Illl mm gt IIITI CNR SCHEDULE 11111111 11111 051111 11111111 131 t1 tl 111 at ioicii 11 $1 III II LII II SW 1I1I1III III In if 11 an Effective l20l am BRAKES Hi lx 111 1i 11 11 Iwiiiirt gt Hi Huh n4 IV ll AHUUH II II 111 11 II IIIIH I1 II pI lttllBUlllliURS MELBURN BELFRY 111 1111111111 111 1111 13 11 11 sMRK 111L141 II III III II 111 II III II 111 Lot Con west III1I1I111I1 I1I1I111III II IL In Him l1111n to 11111IKI 1311111 dul 53 III IIIIIIIIII I1 1t 11 II II IIIIl II II lll11 lii sin111111 il1 1d Ll lllltmlll I1 1I 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81115 1i1iil ufiiiidiiiiil ofilliilill1ii1p111iiiiiil lullnllly ll Wilhh 511 good 1111111 1111 11 llhlul llnikfl lil lie 1lli111 the following 11111111 1111i wok11 vire illlltf SH thil ppm LHmp 114 111 gtlllt late ot the Township WM IHMM Mld N11 mm rum HWJI Highway ll 11l north of the ii hum um Hy lipid lulu unity himi ll llllllti llytou l111l1 Nuke 1111131111111111111 11111111 111 iliond Auction sale UHle 1m cIoe 1r11 winner crciisct 193 gm mp polka of farm siock 111111111 imple lI11111111 be cured by the 151 134 hlltl 5mm IIlIlII SllflII IIlillIIIlPlI 1111111 and houseliold 1fi11ll wash bid 11 111 1111 2111 11111111 II1 11I iLIIII 1111111l1 my 13de IIIIII II lIlIj llJlllII lerne cosh Sale 11 1110 Wit 11111I11111111 111 131 Sinu 11 111 li11 IiiIi 37 lm ill1 litiii Ford gtllllil Kitty IflInglisflzlnlm mm Swim AM 2+2 1jiiiits l111 1111111 puking 1111 h11 inching chinr 35 IlIllJ 9If ll 19M loid stoke JHH 11111e11y May 1131111 51011 mi pillow 11111 111s 11 11111 1111l1111 1l111 111l 11111111 ltlMlR W1 lull illill l11111 turco stoke HMHHS 001s llnll illlllltlllll for John biillcr j11I 1I11Ie111iI lI11tI 11111i 111 lziili 11iilv11o1l111 li11lISilililL Mild51 ZlltI illii Lltoli Fur311 llft 31111 llM1 Whips 14 WM lliglnvuy 27 11 Waverley ill 1111II11 it 11 1111111 111111 1111 1l11gt11 111111 111111 rs11111111 111111 1111111111 1l 11 111111111 ltVttllltlllll good IHIlIHL lll 0111 111 nutil in Igt11111I1 1I11Hl 1I IIlIII PIIII lIlIi IIII IIL IllIIIIIII 1I1I11Inspoit 1Iwt1111 capacity IlIlfIIIvhSllHaIII EIIIIVIII IIIIIIIIl ml 1111115 con4 13 young euttlo 11111 111 11111 111 lfvil sit1 1I liiliIliiii 111111 111li111 izii 1111111l 111d dresser 1111i li ll llh linngdloi lioih lt111e1i iilie y711 Willi 5m min 1mm 45 ilillilltililil llytltyilllalgllllmglillmll In connectlon wlth ihelr farms mm Mud I3 HI mum wk pump tllllIsilllllldl kitchen and o11l1 hwy IHISIUIIWWW cw II gas drums t11l 1115 drum pm hm v11111 1111l1111 111113 Him3 gt1111ll gtl21titi 211112111 lull15 illllililll lhliul if illll ill11111 l1111 sinke hllll guns gm IAllclioih 11 917li ll 1111 11 111 11t11 11 1l tchtw mire lililllklh CW Hilltlt 19115 1f1m Tm11 itllSllliOLD EFFECTS Ionin 1N hIlIIII Wm I11I II1H Am II IIpmn II II II II II muss mt 138 wij 1111111 kitchen itihgc with reservoir 111111111IIII 11 11 I1I1I1I1111 111111 1I1111I1I p111 141111 no I1 III II1I11I11 II1I1I1IgtII l111I 1111IonI1I 1ng 1I11 pup hptlndhlltti 111111111 Ilosof Ronflu Its 111 ix 11 111 111111e11111 1i111 Wm lill ill ll It new 11111 11111s111 411 SttltliiliHV Wille Lill llHf TI llVlHlh ll WI mppmu 11ij mum mm per cent 11 1c anionni 111rent 11m 114 p11 Flu11 Dominion ornnn llltdl ll Haw bmmim Id HM ml Um WIIIIIIIIIIIIWIHM IHH In jHmmmj If such IQ IIIIIII IIIIII If It IILIlIiI1IiII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII hrjm ltIIIIIlIIlI1lll l1lI by Illlt undersmiled up 11p 111I1 1111111111 1111111111 11i run tender is 11111 11111lrled lumen1 1111111L 111jnii 1117 211111 whissfnpl 11 llllllltIllllg May ti Al 1949 11 is 0F 1c lllrc lane of the fill Hill I11sIIi1 HM Ill Inst1115 IIRllllI IlIllIIllIIIf II ii II1111 licensed there will be many other ll lands SpeClahze In Turkeys 11111 posts 1l show ICllt1LIFIII1llI flftWJ Witlltl llicse trucks have all been frcsli 11111v too 11111111ons to mention R11 i1 110 it r0113 211111 itt1t 11111 nearly 111 mt iv illittl 111111 11 111 111 M1 um Mttltl pump 111111121111 of dishes 1111111i11 llUlClilqt W1C Sim lbd till chaiiicni Olldillllf lhhevu 1111x121li TOMIYQH Forms 131 Sillth Sllllll SM Ilulilm Slrcm 121111 chain 11 111111gt quantity of 1111111111 ml ml lillim llll lbeen used 111 our crcnnicry work WI 25L mill Bum kettle 511s 111111111l 11 111 111l111n pair of pilA illnrty toys or 11111111 Mltli llltl 1511 need 11 our 111111 11111111111 luli Sam limo mil ll1Ulmlv MUM00 and ms Ind v11h 711 lions 11f il11111l Illlitt Tim 35 till li illilfCl 10 ltllll own infclinnics inll II Heul lbl0 $9 mm Md Uf Ameha Slze for every inner 111111 1111gt2 tillillltli of 1111111ngt exl hillll VllflllillV mil llllll lcrmsx of Sillillll SLIW Mil the farm consist 511111 more p1111culujly loser11 plank 111111 111 111 1111 iimhei l11i1l11 111 clippers car 100 illlilllciilnm lo the 11nd1r THOMPSOX BROS 11111 of 10 acres more or less sitn fl illi5ll hm3 flower trim 1111111 111 11111t1 ionc 1113111 1111 many hmtlm lccswutcr rczuncrv Gil Ni 11 Ni ii C011 iImiS JUm HUT NM 15 mica HIIIIIII IIIII IIII IIIIIIIII IIHIIII III III IIIJIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIOIIIIIIII III DAN HINT IhlS 2m in TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII mI ed on those limos TIroo1nedhousi 11111s 3111111111111 111 A111111 1511511 STRAPSS 11111ii1111111 191 Cent of Dlilfrhllsc ll fl WW mm N11 resetv liIIns 11111 S11 11 Will he sold without ieservil DONALD li MacinUllIN KC Sol 111 he hold 111 thtithIruva llitt ill time of sale 1111111111111 in Filml 3m ill 10ml 11 pIn IZISIi In 11 11111p111y lizis littll sold it OWN 51 ilurric 0111 Paris site of Canadas luivcsi ill5 WGigi7013ll l5 irolIocll 1s111 111111111111 lliiiis cosh Sale 11 11111 Solicitor tor thi illlllllSillel ruril f1ir in the event of it 91 Illt 11 II 11111 1xsoi Auction 01 11 linnion Sit 111111 hmonle 11111on1erj oi the ifs1111 of Albert Spring sale will he held in the ieinoriil Apm$3lll it MgrlArt Brennan 371i 11111111 111i 1111 ihoni Stroud ilflill 23072501 deceased Arena fth 9311 lm Up BMHO SHMMH STEWART Phone 2377 2537210 Barrie hiltllifl THESURPLUS MARKET TIRES SPECIAL LOW PRICES Automotive Supplies Pamts Clothing SPECIALS FOR WOMEN 01 Norrie111s Quart 95c 05 Pm 50 21 $1147 ea Tropical An Force Skirts $295 Gallon $350 TractOI Lights 367 We Womens Painters Coveralls Trailer Hitches 420 250 whiteyI IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII$2I50 Colors00021 blowni grey apple SilClJOllCllp MIIIOIS 25 14 IIIIoIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII$1150 Air Force Womens Smocks greenII Ivoryi rOOf redr 16 Gauge wire 100 ft Rolls 3111 2119 00 19 $711143 Tbiue $2 95 Vermhm Sky b11101 royal bluev Spanner Wrenches Womem Nav Skilitg 325 flat white super gloss white and small sizes 20 shutter green large sizes 511 1ft 50 16 SPECIALS FOR MEN owee SHELLAC 14151 1111 Truck Seats new 295 00 115 Army Raincoats $1 00 Rim Wrenches way 89 25 18 $14 50 Item yRed or Green All Wool Campbell Pressure King Air Blankets Iar WI ge Size $595 Compressor Spray Set 9800 6900 Luggage Carrier 1850 1295 Tmller Tues 30 $2000 24C qt 950 qt WWW1 000 389 Some used tirerat special low prices BOYS Gabardine TrenCh 003m 14 Air Drills With hose 2200 1595 blue and fawn Reg up to $2000 One Boden Electric Fence 1195 995 $10 95 SISgISlJIiztIfIserllghtedflgarewe II III II II Mens sport Coat extraspecial $1050 Boys Suits some with pr pants With leSDiItOIS fQI Spraying Reflector Type Llcense Plate lg 3013 others with breeches and Iongs =1J111poses cramming $100 Each Fasteners 10 05 Ere Reg $1300 $2100 $1195 ii AiiIgIIIIJlilIlgtIIg SealedIBeam headllght IIIliIIIIens IWVoriI 591 en Streamliners 2211 149 adapter kllsr for Old shad $3 95 BICYCLES Trouble Lights 48s 21791 model cars Boys and Mens Sailor 1111111312119 Haze i1 Pants IIIII III$2I7I5 Used LI Yankee Spot Lights 1125 785 New 110w lance$5149 set II II Boys Fawn Windbreaken $1268 Thompsonspot lights 2600 1800 28 to 34 s450 Fog Lights 745 5211 115Barber Coats Re 650 81 ReaiewINnnors 11525 311111101191131515Regfiiiilifisiio Sealed Beam Fog Light $595 ArmyBattle Dress Pants cleaned Iglltippressej $449 RallosPhonognphs Ir orce ui ew 490 Cutlery 81 Dishes 35 II NORIIIHERN ELECTRIC Com ination Radio 811 Tea Spoons Forks 19c Ea 550 16 Knives 25c Ea monograph 525 550 000 650 19 $254 450 1475 $9900 Bread Knives Stainless Steel 69c Ea RADIO ANTENNAE $350 40 pce Luncheon Set serves people Reg $1300 for $1095 Sold Separately by the Piece 500 1120 $2Zl 1le 11111111111111 Barrie ELEC PHONOGRAPH $1750 Automatic Radio Phonograph changes 12 records Specials for the week 11ArmyJerry Cans HARDWARE Army Mess Tables 72 30 $750 First Aid Kits $398 Leatherette Chairs $395 Coat Trees $3195 FlashlightsReg $149 $1100 Nails all sizes Factory seconds 08c lb jTinsmithsKit usedReg $2700 101200 Plumber Kits used Reg $5000 $32500 13295 Sun Glasses Airforce $295 Coleman Forester Stoves Reg $1395 $995 Plumber strap Wrenches Reg $495 $150 CummingsEleCtric 1A drill Reg $2505 $2195 Garden Hose new 110 ft 25 Rubber Mats 950$l60 ana1$240 Each Garnet finishing paper 65c quire Counter Scales new $800 iiMetal Tool BOXESfmIHZISI7$395 Leather 01 Cases Funnel wi screen Large galvanized tdbs Large eoalj scuttle My 50 ft 100 ft $73150 Stirrup Pump $295 and $360 Vices used $0003and $1400 PipeWrenches $1195 wire 112111 Grinders Spring Hinges 10c HIasps per set 150 Files used Robinson Screwdrivers Large PaintBrushes Small PaintBrushes Soldering Irons 215 Punches 10c anti$ 50c Clamps 40c Ea Handles Wire Brushes 060 RubberSoles W150 ToolBoxcs all metal 5160 xJ 11 um Bad yold