Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Apr 1949, p. 18

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KNEE EIGHTEEN THE BARR EXAMINERV BARRWV ONTARIO CANADA IlllRhDAXV APRIL 11 lit11 VVVVWV Wm 11 11tI1111I11e IIIIzlfiIll I1hl1 II 411 3311111 I1In 11 11iit ooson iti11tlV 1113 11 13111 1t 11 V1 ii 12115 Hurtit 11111 111511112111 11 A1111 11 1111 mm 11111 11 V1 11 V1 ttounts of social Heats and IIIII IIIIlIIIllIIIIIlU 11 VItIInIIlI II1III11 Aiiiirimi 1111ch to 31111 1111111 numt 1111 INHIAS unixsox hm VVVV VVVVVVVV 111 llmdale ire Llppntlalrti 11111 211 11 hm damn VI IIIIIgtI than 1111111111111 VI IInJul Into I1111111111I 11 11 111 lt 11 11 Hull 34 il 14111 111 111 VVVI II 1511 II II VtItv11II111 mm 111111 II II 1II11111I 111xx 11 11111111 111 111i 111111111111 V1 WV li IAslttl 112 1111 115111 11 211 $1111 IV 11 12 111 11 1871 1Vn1 VVV VV it 511111 II1t 111 111I 111 NV 1V1 1V1 11511 V1 VIVIIVVV VVVIV IIiIIV VVIVIVVVIV VVIIVVI IVIIVIIIVV VVVVV IVVVV VIVVIVIVVVV Id 1IIrI111 11111111 intlSnrah A111 iiown he 131 WA VVI VIVVVV IV vVVVVVV EHVVVIV SlVVtIV It II V1 VIIVVIV VVVIVVVVVIV VVV VIVVVVV VII VVVI EIIIDIIIV VI 111111 1111111111 where he 1111111111 IV VVVV Vt 13W VVV VVVI VV VIVI 11 191111 19211 111 1111 11 211 rietl taihiirint Add MtQuar 11 1111 IAIN I1II 1x Filltthd by his Widow and 131 111 11111 111111 mm dnuphlcr by If it1111 111 111111it1 111ti 111 VVVVVVVV VHHZN FIland VVf TVIII i1 11 11 11 11 111 IlItI 31 Ii IgtI IV VzV III II VIIII 11 lumh B1111 11ollm1H1 l111 lllIlllllr of Mmla Hill NJ II 111 1111 1111 111111111tlI1ltt1x aim ont stepdaugliter Mrs lranh Site 111 IlIilHiiia ll hftiihVl11oth 11511le of llthUlllllllSl IVV Wilt l111111t Il111tw 111111 01111 daughter Doioth Jean Il 11 ll how M1111 lotuix ItltttllSl 111111 in early childhood lltltI silt11 It111111111V1I 111 311111 Klilntltlltltlltll Itllt ISiNlti 131 Wm0 11 11 1i1111ltI111I1 11111111rI 1in antiI 11111 111I111111I1 IlIllltllIll 1I11 3111 1111111 11 1111211119 View 111111151 t1 non oat 115111 311 111111 111111111 1111 11111111111 Vtiiouin 1111111155 VII 1111 11111111 1111 11111111 1111V VVVVVVVVVHS WI for mu 11111111111 it 11 lV 111111111 lulu11 math member 111 Central llnit ll 11 11 1111 111 m1 111111111rV11111u 111 11111111 11111111 and BMW 11111111 11ml lllill Hillllllllll 1111111 1111 1001 The funeral wax held on WHL Home Made 2f 11 llNlilHl 01 ll11 lz lllkl 1111511111 Apiil 11 from 1111 ltlllltll III EVI VV 11111111111 11ltt WtH litlti IIlti 119111111111 01110 where the Service 11 iixatn Ainrl 11 1919 11011 111111 11111111111111 11v 1111 BRICKS 111 1iti111cgt1ntihim 11111151 l1111gt new The pallbearers wry Many Other Items 11m 1111111 tloiliihvl 11 11111 lll 11 tliaiitlti Wilton ittd Wel 1111111111111 lltlthtl W111 oi 1111151 11111111111 llobson IlIllilllllS lItbltl tv 117 25C II 11V IV 11 11111 1131111 in charge 111119 laiiritlgti and Walter lhoinp 1111 Hi 111 11111111tenantill11111131111H lv 11 1111114 11 Allrcttin 1i l1 VV1 V11 111 1111111111 as 111111 leva I1V1I IV VV VV 11I 111 33 Itiii Appleton and 111 11111111 reference to nor lIUIII 1111 1111111 emetertV where 11 VI VVIIV VV II 111 11gt 1111 1111 VtllV lhey map 31111 31111 111111111111 tlespi1I111111f 511111111 was etmtlueted by LYNCH AT II 21V inrVV V1 lI1 111 Ylt 311l11t tl1ool 111 Nev physical lllllltllt11 lIlll 5111 11 1111K brother Odtltellous III II II IVIIIIIIIV IIIIV VVIIV IVVIVIVV VVVVVIVIVV IVVVVVVVIV VVIII IVIIIVVVV VIVIVIVVVVVVfVVl VVVVIVV VVVV VVVMVV VV VV VV VV 12 11 11 Hu 1111 511111151 11 1111 111111111 MIIHM 11111115 1est1t1eiito the 111211 estum 1111 1115 ll 171 171 11 pm 1IVV VVVVVV IVV YVVVVVVVVVIV BC 11 M133 Jesso MelxillteauV 51111111 11V which il1V arruihers was held 1V VV II VI IV VV ViVIIVV II IV IVVIII VIII IVVVIIVVV VVV VVIIIIV VVIIIIIV IIIIIIIIIIIVII VVVVVVVVVVI Hum VVV HVV 1IVSNII tVVIV VVVS VVVVVVIVNVVVVII Him and WIVVV 1V 1V VV IV VI Ice cream VVIV VmphmI Illum MVVVNIIIxIuVIIIIIIIV VIIVXVH IVIVIVVVIVIIIVVIVIII 111 15 111N111 1112111 41 WM 14 111 111 VVV 111 tho 1111 M11 111111 111s lamm nil3 055 130 IV IV1V 1V IVV VV VV II 221117AB118T It 111 11I1I1I111III gtIll IIiII KIt 1111111111111 11119111 1111111 151 1l1lclmlU 76 Dunlop 81 opp POSt Ofce III VMWI 1lII VVVVV HVVVVV VVVVVV mu mm 1ch 1ll11111 Ross Wilson on Saturday VV 11 31 It FMWW It VI VVVVVV VVV IVVIVVVVVV TVVVHVSIVVVVI 111111 0V 111 the Toronto General ll1141111 113 were isuors 1th VVqu mm shuck im 11 ll ll tolllt 11 13411111 lt1 lU lllfllllll lltl 1111 111 lltl VVVVVVVVI mm pHm VV TVVV niairv llltlltlS 111 town and 11511101 111 11111gt 511 iit 1r lt IinV 11IIVVVVIV VVVVVV ViVVIVIVVV IVV IMV hVnnV 1111111 111111 Douglas 111 the toilette 511 In If 11 iV VVV VV Iv VVIVI RVVVIVV IVVVVVI1VVVVIIV IVth 1V 1111311ermw I13unaduuuhimV 11 11110611310105 IIIIII hill1011C 51 111 11I 111 IV V11 IIIIIII VIIIIIIVIIIIISI VVIW IIIIIV KIIIIIIIIIVI III 1mm mI lI I4 11111 11 111mm i1tti 11111 13h SUV1 Ml illltl MIS litl VVIIVIIIIIIIVVIII IIVVVVVVVVVVVV VIVVVVVVV VIVVVI i1erlantl Street Barrie $1111 1110 gt 111111111 11111 11lt1 11llzu1ic 211 Ross 81 VI tamilr residence lie was raised IV VVIIVVIIIIV VVdVVVVVVVVI mm 11 Mrs 111111 11111111 311 III IVVVVIIIIIVIIVII IIIIIV IIVVIVVVIVOIV VCVVVVIV Specralizmq in 111 l11v 11d fu Mi ll M1115 Mtllliillti 111 lll essorles 11 titular 111111 1lgt l1iVIVVVI 55 1311 Iphull In Mm 350 runs 1111111 01 ldVild SChmL es an CC llikit oi IlIlilHlllti 1lIlt IIlltlI InmIlIU rpm IIKIIIImIlSuI hOlIII IVIVVHVVV 30 Her 1110 Socinld IlzreiIHI Inr VIVV IVVVI IVV VIIV MVIVVIV VVVVVVVVVI IVVVIVV 111er 11 11 tome 1011 paren II II IV 11ml MI ROSS on istet W111 111 II VIVVIII Vc 1131 Tum llli Ml Mrs lollkv 511011111 US$11IIIVEVMREIHVIVEEII RCEV trained at Camp Borden and II IIIIIIIIIIIIII pl Herbert Dvment hnvinr1 111 19m woman in ll 111111 115 111111111 111 11 my Collier Si UHlled ChUIClM FlrSl Baptist CllLliCll VII VIIIIlVIII III VVIIIIIIIIIIT IIVVIIIIJIQIII been posted 111 llIl htatton LIlHV IVIVVIVIVTVV it He lid not return until 1946 ller Lewis MA 81 lllCV lll life ll 11 VVV IVV VIV VIIV VVVVVVIVVVVI VVVVVVVVV 1ll h5 11 sundw IVIIVVIV1 1111V1IH1VWVN VVVVl VVIVVV1VVV and for about two years was Vth Minister l111111 LI 1111 ll tor Montreal aecompan IV tillrd 11 the Simone County Gaol VV IV1 V1 gt1 Lloydluttord Miss Elste loughlcm ATCM 1111 111 111 mic and son 1111 ILmm AHLIWuh than joined the 111131 stair Cl 11 mumqlg in 1lt 11h Vllllttl cmtten WOOL SLACKSP ldS loo mu Organist und heirmaster Organist and how Leader VI V1 ll 11ml Mis lKlWiHd Jilmleson VV IV VV lVI the Mutual Life was for some time 19 Q5 71 11 111111 111I11 1111 it 1111 41111de Mm IIme swvm Wind llIIgt Hill IIIIl II1 iII Vth hm mmI and mm wont to 81705 10 10 yrs Ir1el 10m it 1111 11111 1111111V 111iV 11111 1113 1111511101111111 many IILHH SI MI IIIIIII III IIHII IIi tIlII mI Jar Cilluns IIlltIIII ItIIIPiIIiIhAIlII IiIZIII BICIi 1111 not readilv forget her pit11511111 IIIVIUmntO onlumg the Imploy of Ill 24 0W0 811 Just North Of tllt P081 lffltt thn 4914 ftVMVAIORNING SERVICE 151 VVV VV VVV VV Vll 091 1V VhVVV mi The 111 AmlCISOD Teal 051m and bus ltm l111 11111 11111111111111 ltl MAN end nests oi Mr and Mrlt 11 rtss broker L16 YonLt St 31211 111111 11111111 M11131 111i number who attended and 1111 DIU Till CHURCH SCHOOL V1 VV IVlVVVI VVVVV V1VVVVVVVVVV VVIV VVVVVVVV ll VVVVIVVV IVV VVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVM VVV On Nov 1941 his marriage to 111V VVVVI1VVVVVVVV IVVVDVVVVVMVVMVV RV V1 111 01 I1IIl II I11 Mr and Mrs 1V Johnson III IVV II IV III Mqu Mabel Murray took p13 qIVVVVrVVV DC pir lCVlINthi SWIHNIF VIM millI Vof Stoney CreekI and Mr and Mrs lV Ia mm VIIsp gamma III III lCIIISS IVVVVVVIVIVVVVI VVIVVVI11VVIIVVI Wong 1I1I li Pull11 1IitIeI1I win HI IIVVIVVVSVVVVI rIvVVVVVmVVI Spent the lriends troin Ia I1lgttilIllLt amt SVIII SIIIIIIIIICS him VOIICVVICF Vth IIrImIvOIIIIIII Ilgsm IlI1411 11111 121111 indiu Win PM HmnmWNW holiday Will 1011 lmlCniS Im Dcmm smilmg hullIZIIIIIIIIhis mother Mrs Wilson one II amN111gtei inmners MI 1I1IltIIIt1 Ilm iI 111111 Illillulr and Mrs Robt Johnson 155 T1Im Innmmvmd Barrio iitO MrsI Morrkon ofI Sea Prnnary Depts 1II1IIIIIII III1IIII IIIIIII VVVV VVVV 5VVVVVVVV VVVIIIIIVIIIIIIVIgI IVIId AllisVVVnI and0n0 brmhr RegIIIIIId lt ag 1V 1V 1V 1M 131916531155 VV VVIVVViiVViV inVVVVVVVIS ML and MW Humphrey mm DOBSON with the Ontario Provaial Police PMEVENWC SERVICE VV VVVVIVV 24 TV VVVV VVVVV Hillwl Dim 31ch alld MISS VV FVVVV VVVVVV VVVVV He wasamembcr of Burton AVG III II Kay Gordon of Toronto and 3112 Slum TM IV United Church and of Corinthian WWW OddfkllUXi WWW VIlIlVVM iiilVilII IVIOVIimd and Mrs Robert Harvey 11 131 lLiIrIV VMmVSI VAH Faint BMW IIVVdaVe The SOVVOHOH Arm 13V 1111111 CVVVVV VVCVVV Easter Vth MV md 111 1w 111 tuson ie on til 11111111111111 10111 Ilta winid mm 11 1940 Since the Young Peoples Firesulc 11 11 p111 1311 101111711 QT Mrs Lowe recent Installed com 1111 1llt 1111 1111e1gt l1i1r death other husband 10 vears 120 v9 111mm Hump 1WWlentarch II II laasttw weekend lhllclllS of lii V11 V11 VtiI 131 II VIII 11 ilth 101V SiCIiiitlllltillflhlld15511111111111 IVVVVV iV 11111 311x Dennis 11th 010 MI lIvVhIhII 21me IhzdI IVVV VimVl lete new repau Instrument board til Im 111 11 iisers mother Mrs Susan Casey film WV Ilionih III RI wonky 111p 14 V1141 VVWIIK IVIIVIII VIVIVN VI 11IV 1115 Sister and brotheiuinlaw Mr 110T lVVSVmlBuVIV sgt our invitation to ins ect our I15 0110 111m 11 ltlIZIV Srrnzstisgiierisop ZmMHOLIXESS MEETING le Ellwmulithw MIHII IItI1lIltIIiI1K antl IlelIlIlstollhIllClSIIhilIIIItIilI Barric my I35 more um she MIIIISiIeII 231 p111wSllY SCHOOL IxtiztllIV I111IIlon1ltl Street 111IVIIVIIIsbIII IUVOdIVme being conned to bed ShVVVVbSI Rose BushesI equipment and try our service ht 111 111111Vs er 11110 YQQRSI MII CIIaIg gemum organISt and IIIIIII ISIIIIIIIOI IqIII 11 l1 lloiu Iiilmaster with limIl IIIII IIIIII MISI AIbeII BCIItIOIVI Boy Auglm 30 1856 Marv Climbin ROSOS Glldl OIrmaSter 01 pm III EUO 1m CL 1111111 llili1lltl Linda 111 l11rl4 Friar Rell 113W fmmwn Ann wm daughter 01 William re the best T111113 VI meVHOME LEAGUE llJmIly 101 the Son JaCkv Who has 1V MV VVV 1V of SUNDAY APRIL 34 l919 FVVVMV 11 pppr Ipprmp joined the RCNVR anti1011 Satur Id SVm VI ddg hofmlVVlICIIII OlllS Bulbs Canna R0003 in Am GI and will be stammI 10 en se 10x 11 11111 MORNING WORSHIP sti 11 011 Preacher The Minister V1IIltl 110 VIVYIIlIgIIiIVIElI 111 11 and it was on January 18811 thatV Asparagu Roots Garden ed at Halifax He received many who was mairiedito John Dobson Epletts Vusorur giftsV II 215pmYounq Peoples Bible Class MP and Mrs Don W063liae VUtEPm T2011 1311chth mUVEsiqu tilnd Flower 598115 by lreturned to Barrie and purchased 10 1p mm mm 091 311 Tllh HURCH SCHOOL vI thcv livedto celebrate tirchvl 01nd pan opening at our thiougli MI Kellough of 11 IV cke ounce 01 Stlth wedding anniversary in 1918 II DmHEVENING WORSHIP Trinity Anglican ChurCh IICIII Iocahon DD Dunlap SItItSIaigrninelVPIgiiIiiilI Mrs DObsm hadIbeC Clive lnI PWCm Th mm REV CROSS BA not Street we have been in MV and MVZS Ed UVhe whome Methodist and United churches Lawn and Garden DmWY Meet Rem most deli htfull sur lth moved out Iof town Ii Carlie years and She was COME TO CHURCH Organist Mrs Roberts gtV the wcl known throughout the dis Fertilizers Your authonzed General Electnc Pmed 31 the 1191631 MIII IIIIIIIImei titIrIItIzaIiiI IIIt irict She raised familv at three SUNIDAIYI IIAPRIL 24I 1949 shown by hearty con telcmng Staff egla m1chi1dren who survive together with Lawn Grass Fertilizer Chatham Ont came to spend thei Easter holidays with her motherd FI 8111111llOLY COMMUNION gratnlations and other Distributors 10 grandchildren and six greatI Phone 3721 139 Dunlap St II In pH and BO grandchildren The children are 0mm St Bophst Churchl 11 If IlIIlIllIlIEIVI compliments from 111bVIVyIIIIEIIIEIiQlEQIIIgggleIOIIl13IAVVVhVVVV of UtopiaI MVSI Florence Cyclone Seeders ID PFV lngfegldini Minister 330 I3IllPllnlSICI0I1111011119d11110 0111 Customcts who ate reggamdeltof tiIIIc IiIacanonB Im OIIIfolf3agfrind Eureka seed Drills and II argare an can re anV DIVVVIVIVIVVVVV FOODVM SOVVVVVVVIV and also IOtu Friends daIIIVhVerS of Mn and MVVSV MI JI Also survtvmg Mrs Dobson IS an Cunwators XVII II SUNDAY APRIL 24 1949 Fireside Again Thank You on BmhnanI were home from To1older brother Wilham Gauley 01 VV zlmMORNING WORSHIP SpeakeriMr Howard Green If th St ffI ronto for the weekend MargaretlAngVus and younger blotherv nmBIBLE SCHOOL an is in her first yearat the College David Gauley of Ivy tl DtmBEEVERISBAPTISM mlself 0f Pharmacy J01 52 135 ATE ilialtf5s $11233 Wed pm Midweek Prayer and RUSSELL BLOOMFIELD for nurse at SlI7MlChaClS Hos Hp Th ndl ed Bible Study pital ome sex we 15 10 United Church by Rev Mr Bunt ofAngus and Hearty Welcome Awaits 11011 en 10 Dr Soivelg Wiborg of Drammen Th km REVV JV BEWELL BAV Norway was weekend guest oflwaS lalgely attendeI Ere were Minister Mr and Mrs Parsons after many 10 mm 115 express Seedsmm 51 1371 an extended mp in the United Vzng Sympathy to the familyfrom MRS GIE LENOVER SV Ve he She attended comm Vhost of minds and relativesV The ghoir Leader SVW II 05136 ems 305 and her centres 19 Parkslde Drive Mr SEAITH qualified for medical dOClOI mam and later she became an eye SUNDAY APRIL 24 1949 IV specialist AIMI BREAKING 0F BREAD SUNDAY APRIL 24 1949 ll amMORNING WORSHIP Yes we now have our own free de PMSgYCICAHSgOL AM Subject we in thesmrit liver service We oire re I7 pImVGospEL MEETING VpCt wed118 PMv Prayermeeting EvENING WORSHIP Vt VI Seat V1 11 Wan give our customers fOWn WIdel per comeI reIII OI ICIOIII sthIQCII II When Life IS Difficult iI Sonu an Cour eous serwce TotJuar CHURCH SCHOOL VI 10 amiIYOUNG MENSCLASS It antee rCItpld dellVerY seerce wemust 37 Mary Street 11 amBeginners anary 71 pmSr Boys Class SUNDAYAPRIL 24 1949 230 pImThe General School 130 PMBELIEVERS MEETING Come t01G0dSHou5e on His Day hctve Your order befOre 10 Rm tor noon delivery and before 1om for 300IPMSUNDAY SCHOOL VV7V0 pVMV GOSPEL MEETIN afternoon deliver gome and brIIng your rIeIIg II have Install EVERYBODY WELCOME at We Manmba W111 also be PlanlSt ed eXtra phones to take CareIOi Your Ema=1 Vtz re uirements Ive our serVIce 00 3317119111 31 W111 Smg and Lead the Singing lt Burton Avenue United Phone 4572 Plan to see us when You Your 110 uo med groceries freSh Church REV AND MRS CHASE OUTSTANDING VOCAL ANIZ INSTRUMENTAL dimr nd IRQVI III LI Garden BI AIIMmVSter ministers Il SOLOS AND DUETS prlng BCOIGI mg es Mr H1 DempseyV Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY APRIL 24 1949 Pune in 900 CHML 830 nan for Tuesday April 26 at pm Phone 5557 5558 SUNDAYJAPRIL 24 1949 Light and Life Gospel program OATE PAINT SHOP ll armMORNING WORSHIP pmIEVENINGI WORSHIP SUNDAY SCHOOL PM Wallpape 011 Palntlngsr Plaques II IIImIIIJIVII Int and SIVI Evangellsuc Service 730 pImI Thursda eveni ra 11 an NursgIIyIVngIefmnerq and and BIbeeII SIIIdggIIIEII IIIItgIImeetingI 82IDUNLOP ST DIAL 3270 IOODVS HOLLY SERVICES Strangers welcome come and web Artists of Chapel Chime on CHUM mu PHONE r1115 VV IPM3PM Iip Wit us 3011 week Day at 730 pm to c012 MAKt tux1152111 srs IIII

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