Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Apr 1949, p. 13

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111 111 11 111 1111111l itll 11 It wuaaan 11151111 11 1111111111 111111 11 11 111 hum 1i M11111 fl 1ilt1iqliitir l11t1 r1 915 111111 1111 HL gt111 111 111 111 $11111 111 1111 111 111 11 111111 111111 3111 II Tim Jud 1111 111111 11111111 111 11111 11111 11111 111631111111 111 1111 til 111 11 111111 111 111 111 fiftiiA HM will 1111 l111l gt111111111l 111 111 11111 111 111 11111l111 Ilgtl 13111 SJWMD Aim In llllN SH TULAND llilt Hun111 11111111 1111111 1111 11 1f11 11 11 111111 1111 111111111 11f 1111111 J1 11 11111 131 ESTABLISHKD 1yh11111s1111111111111115111111111111 111 1111 11 1699 Ir J4 41 111 l11111i1 11111111 beloved In 11 111111 1111 1111 11 11111 1111 1111111v l1111111111 ilo1 11 put1111 11111 111 nah1111 111 the hub 1111 111 held 111 their 11111 Double lroleetion At Low lost The pixlilwdltln 1111 willow 11 the deceased ineludcd Milton 1111 21111111 lt111111 311111111111 111yd 111111111 Utopia 11115 Iltiehrn lo II 1111 ilil2 ll1111111111111l 111 Double liotirlmu loln visllir 11 md 11111 11111 1111111 1111111111111 111 11s11111l1 plan for lln 11111 1111r1111l 111111 lot 1h 111 Raine l111 1111111111l 111111111111 through 1111 1111 lil1ofll11 policy it gitcs onr family double the 11111111i11111l11r ing the ears 11 l1111 your 1111111111 is 11111 er and ltlnltllltlll is 11111l11l 111ml It can mature as 111 1111111111111111 to add 111311111111111111111l lltltIltlltittltt 11111 1111111111 s11v1e1 was 1111111111 111 by 1111 Rev Mr 8111111113 1311p ist 1111111s11r 1111111 Toronto 1111111111 1112111a 1111111 1111111111111 1111 s111 111111 1it11tow11 points ineludtd 1111 lieuv Wuvbuin Sash 11111111 1111v 211111 Dorothy 11w liomtown Sash Mr and 111s hltlVlllc 170w Ajax Mr and 311s 1111111111 111 111111 Whitby lr and Mrs 111 111111111 11111 Black 11111111111 1111 So in addition 1111111 many 1111s11l loo ml protec tion 11ff1111l11l there is the 1111l111 1111111 featuresull Ftanlialprolilsand 1111111111g11l1 1l111l11y11ur Continental lif1 Ill111s1111111111 about the Double lroleelion lolie 111111 IE CUNIINENIAI 1le INSURANCE COMPANY 1111 and Mr 111111 Mrs 1111191 Iliown all 111 Toronto Mr and 11 Lloyd Arnold 11111 111111 1k 111 and Mrs alvin Racha 121 GRANT MAYOR LALKTW 1111111 Mr and Mrs Milton 1111111 IllllllN Illtllimtl Mr and Mrs 150 011111th binoi ileum Lloyd Ilaehar Utopia 11 and Mrs 111111111 lhownlce and 111s Pmrly Canadian Ihos Truax of Angus and many cmny 1111c1s 1111111111111 was made 11 1111 111111 113 plot at Waverley 7111111115 The future lies 111 the point 111 111111 The names of Canadas new oil fields have been heard from coast to coast Leduc Woodbcnd Redwofer They are fields discovered in the greatest search for oil in Canadas history Already they have brought benefits to all Canadians and in the west where they are turning gbnckrthe tide of expensive imports the direct savings orecounted in millions Bul belorelho lullesl benefits can reach everyoneeven more 011 must be found The suecessespl the post lwrryeou hove been possible because there were people willing to go 111 risking millionisiin the search in spite of repealed disappointments Now after the barren yours thof went before these new fields seem large cind fheyarelorgel Buttheyruroidr from enouglrtomake Conndo sell5111110119111 Canada is still dependent on foreign countries for more 1111111 80 per cent of her oil fond so her own resources must be developed Exploration must be continued More and more wells must be drilled so that markets can be expgnded There is n01 yf enough oil to justify thehig investments that will be needed 117011 Conodions are to enjoy the fullest benefits of western rosOurces Pipe lines for lnSlGnceCOSllOt to build but over the years they provide lowcost transportatiOnrso nocessuryivloretich out to wider markets TheEdmontonRegina line plcinned bywlmperiul is bul beginning Further discoveries are thebnly megns oflbreoking 1hr0ughlhe distance barriersvthothemprairie oil with transportation costs The future lie5 atqthe point of the drill 11n1sn1111 on Lnii If youre interested in facts Whilml 1111111wss1111111lml be k111111111111t1 1A1ll1l1111 1111111111l1leniul to 1111 11011111 1111 the 110111 five years 11111111lly lhis 1111 could not 111 11111111 11 12111itt11lly in less 1111111 20 yours 1114111191 1101 1111355111 1111 151111110111111111 11111 1111141 11111111111111 131111111111 111112111 reserves of several 1111111111 barrels 111111151 1111 41101111161 pipe line from 171111111111011 to Region is 9111191 led to be in 11 11311 by the end ol11e111y13o1 Cost is estimated of bahWI 111311111111 S140 unliion It is 11 step low1 11111 wider 11111111015 Bringing you oil is this job and costly one 11311 wan11unwrwunuthm 11 the 111111111 by Mrs 1111111111111 111 THE IlAIlHlE EXAMINER IlAlililF filAItlU AN11m 51111111 11111111 111111 1751111111 ONTARIO BULK lll STOfKS 1111111 p1111111l 111111 2111 11111111119 11111111111111 parcel 1111 1111111 111s11111111111 1111111111113111 1111111 111111 2111 1111111111 A1 1111 1I1111111 171111141111 111111 111 1111111 1111o11 111 111111115 your 111111111111111111 11 1111111111111 11111111 Ll1111gt Charging My 11 5111111 llllll tun 11111 l1s111111l to 11 19111111 11111111 Broadcast 11 of 1111 1p11st1ons 111s11l was 1111s What should 111 1111111 1111 our 11111311 Thai 111111 111111111111 ollttl discus s11111s 11111 rather good 1111 when 11 came to 1111s p1111111111 1111 111111 115 111111 very 111111 111 s11 1111 plttll 11111 was 1111 111 1111111 they were 11111 close to 11 11111 111 this 11111111 s11111111 11111 not finding fault 11111111111111111111111ltoftlit prohle111s 11111 111111111s face and 111 1l111 1111 1111111 1111 to discuss 111 111111111211 11111111 5111110 w11111 distant from their own 111111 111 clfort 1111111 1111111 lllHllll 111 expected 111111 gt11b11111c1ously Canadian 111111111s rceoenne 111111 1111 111lw11s havi dealt kindly 11111 1111111 The 11111111111111 111ywl1e111 111 111111 and Ocean ports 15 carried out at rates which on back to 1115111 The tttl of railway operations has llltltilttl since thatlay prices 111 wheat and other farm products have advanced sharply freight rates are 1111 least ofylhc 1111111115 problems Freight rates are 1111111111 form of protection Local 111 dustrics are 111 sheltered positlon oulsldc industries 111111 pny 1111 freight before the can 1eomp11e 11 11 recent 1111 111 1butc Maritime farmer pointed 0111 111111 from time 111 time 11111111 market developed 111 that area 1111 hogs but 11 does not last It Is upset by 1111110115 of hops from yihltlllllfill lltcsc sell 111 Montreal 1priecs plus freight 1o Monclon That farmer wanted 11 111211111 jlfrcighl rate on bogs coming into his own territory Canada is 1111 tion the Maritime farmer may feel 111z11 it would be profitable from his standpoint to shove up rates and keep the hogs of Montreal 111 11 distance but we 11111111t survive us 11 1111111111 if votlevote ourselv lo the 111511 of stealing each 11th sheep All subsidized Hales are an inconvenience some other party tions for reduction in rates are mct by opposition from someone who finds his own interests ad vcrscly affected 11 The coal interests in the Mari1 1111111 Provinces want 10 per cent subsidized reduction in rates on coal to Central Canada friend of mine who enjoys noth ing more 1111111 the simple and 111 ligbtlul pastime ofsticking pin 111 the other fellows economic bulr blcs points out that England mew rich from burning her own coal not from exporting it and 1111 Mar Itimes might reach higher 111 tlustrial status by moving 11111111 similar lines of Ontario and Quebec have 111 1oal of their own nnd might Vtl readily suggest 100 per cent 11 duetion on freight rates on coal 1111 that case it might pay Nova 1Scotias steel industry to migrati 311 Ontario in order to share in the wider mrrkctUfCen1 trlCa an ada There are occasions when the stimulant of one man may be the sotlntivc of another Vision 11asfor long years been obscured by 11 very inept 7111111 stupid phrase fCharging allr 1111 traffic Will hour It has for some pstrange reason been more frequent ly applicdto railways tln1nlon11y life The averageman sells his ser vices for as muchas hecan get 1111111311 ii le omeaubAno 011 There Wise guy changed it in leg 30 minutes YoiLowo WMMU $11 Most applicai lieisuggestionwis dangerous in another Way The central provmeei other featureaof ordinary business freight freing l1111llt 11 1lI11l1j 111 111111 sloth All The Traffic Will Bear 111 11 11111 llttltlttli1li 111111 1111 lll 11114 1111111 121111 1111 111111111 111111111 1131111111 to 11111111 111111111 11111 121 31111 111e11 ltnown to 111 111111 11111 p11 This phrase 111 11111 1111 111 111111111111111111 11111131 111111 has 1111 11111 b11 1111111111111 I11 11111 1111 111s1 1111111 111111 11111 l11l 1111 wet1111 11111 111111111 but 1111 gen 1111111 111pl111l1lWth v11 111l111p peu 111111111111v11111111 11111111111 1111111111 111 1111 1111111 1111111111 re 111211 11111111111 ll 1111 1111 111 lV 15111 11 11111111 1111111 111 the needs 111 1111 11111111s 1111 11111 111 1121 11111111 11 will move 11111 111 Thu 1lt 111 11111111111111 111 111111 1113 and cool but the rail must be low 11 111 11111 tll of railroadin 111 1711l11111 111111 1111 two 1111111 1111111tt11s 1111111 tllgtlllt 111 charact 11 11111111 would not move 11 1111411 1111 These were stone for huild 1113 purposes and 1111111 111d 1111111 1111 1111 11s11 that there grew up 111111111 special rates which perv 111111111 these 11111111111111111s 111 be 111111111 111 much 111111 171111 1111111 1111111111111iise 1111 11111111111 r1111 1111111i was very 11111 1111 products 11111311 1111 11111111 high rate i1111l11 s1111111111111111111111111 111 1111 l111111iS1atts 1111111111111111 will even farm products could not move 11 1111 rule 111 111111111111111se The 111111111s of railroad 11s whole depends as inueh 1111 volume as 1111 11111s 1111111111111 111 these rates 1111s of minute value 111 the coun try It 51111111 as we 1111111 111 it now that neither 1111111111 11111 the Unit 111 States could have prospered if lillth had not been based on capa city 111 bear Strange isnt it 111111 this beneficcnt rule 11f business conduct should for so long have 1111 thoughtless opprobrium of the TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD raindrops eeveii the bus escape the rain for making aluminum ltl1s 11vl 1s Slllthi KING 11111 p1 811111111 SPRING SERVICE 11p111111 111 1p11i1111 11111 11 1111 11V 111111vsy11111111111111111V11111Il 11 11 1111liiziiil1u11111111111111111 Hi LARGEST STOCK 01 GENUINE REPLACEMENT SPRINGS 11 11 AND Isl181 IIQUIPPIID SPRING snoi ij rt NORTH OF TOONTO 111111 11111111111111111111111 111 COAIPLETE STOCK OF ALL SPRING ACfilifiiiUlilliiJ 11 111 11 11111 111111i1i 11111Xll 111111112 1111lisl11 11 St 1111 f111ll ll1 11111 l111111111 IslNl 1111111 11111 11 li11l 111 11 1111111111111 111 111i1111 111 1111 stations 11 1111111 11111 North 111 1111 iillflvlulzl 11l 1111111 tillwatt sl11111111 11 1111 111 51111 loitte 11gt Z11121111s1111111111111equipped 111111 11111111 11 well as 1111 pi1111111111 11111 11 11111s11 1111 111111 I11111111 1111 Blackwell and 11 1111111111 1at11111s 11111 Southern 0111111 111 1111 1111111111111 11111 till1111 t11111s11111111s by which 1111 1111 1111111111111111111 w11 111111s111t111 111111111s 111111 111 111 11111 111111 111111 11v111111111v 1111 how 11111 111 1111 11111 111111 1111l2pp11l 11111 1111111 The 11111 111111111 111 111 ll11llt ot the 111111111111 p111 11 11111111 1111111111111t11t11111 tlt zetuall operates 111 111111 pi1111 111111 he declared Those 1111111 111 to 11111111111 1111111w111 1111 211111 111111111 1111 111c1111s1111l 1111 l111111 111 11 111 1111 11111111s1111 11111111tv 111 tl1lltll111 111111 11111 11111111 iillll l2lillll 1111 some 11111111111111 orists tend I11 1111111111 ltss as traffic increases Appa1111t they acquire an 1111111111111111 sense 111 security when 1111 1111111 1s crowded with cars 111111 111sl11111 111 11111111 with more vimlanee 111111 cure thcv very often become has and indifferent 11lN Man lKllt 11111111 11111 1111111 111117 11111111111110 All THE TIME Its Dodds You May Need BECAUSE Faulty kidneys lei excess acids and poisonous wastes stay in the system Backaches headaches and that tiredout feeling often follow Dodds Kidney Pills help restore your kidneys to normal actionevhelp you feel hetlcr work better play better Be sure you get the genuine Dodds Kidney Pills favourite remedy for more than half century You can depend on Doddsl 157 Dodds Kidnev Pills 11 ideal 1111111111l 1111 11111111111111 111111 panic 11111111111111 l1 1111 1111 1111111111y l111ar1l executors 111111 111l111 tru tees 11115 CORPORATION Head Oice Toronto Barrie Office l3 Dunlop Sires 88 your in Bounces PAGIT IiilIRTEEW Twelve Straight WHO Barrie Flyers 1111 5111111111 131x121 111 12111 1111 STANLEY KING Boyview Lodge Apiaries Phone 2116 Barrie FURNITURE REPAIBED 61 BEFINISHED 7111251121111111111 SUllIIH 1h 1111 111 filYLIfl 111 BUILT 111 1131 LARGE Slvll1li1l1i 111113113 Estimates and Samples 1111 Request Free Pickup and Delivery Phone 5048 Barrie Barrie Furniture Repair 74 Henry St Barrie on Guaranteed Trust Certicates ll lillf11rgt1111111111111111111111111111 li1y111 1111111111111 11111 hoiders 1111 due 11111 111 l14 111111pol1111l1111111l 11111111 Il luill 1111111111Il l111111 111111111111 holders 111 11111111111l111 11L 111111111 1151111111 1111 1ll111vi1l kAINI it may sound stranggtbutiils fact Every 11 you See madeof plunihiuni was made with for which on sentry to Its like this Rain falls on high land in our 11111111 country It runs down as becomes tumbling rivers rivulets andvcreeks It By trapping it behind 11111115 and guiding it through powerhOuses Alcan develops electricity and uses it to make aluminum Smoking 1111111111111111 eats electricity Enough goes audio sell abroad RAIM MENNS DOllA Alcon jobs for $35000000 Alcon aluminum mere iobs ALUMINUM COMPANY or 0111111191135 Producer and Freeman Canadian Industry and Today Alcan is prospecting forstillmorc waterpower because Canada needsmore aluminum for use at home Neon poy envelopes holding 1000 independent Canadian manufacturers some 50000 up vast quantitiesof pf into makingha single 1111111 lightyOuihbusefor fifteenyearslf lt1 its 1011 1111111115 5000 Canadian year for more than ofAluminum for World Market nonnm oumc 10101110 vmcoiivn 1111111105011

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