MONDAY APRIL 11 1949 Vinwwamm Adm 131mm EXAMINEBLVVBgRRIE ONTARIO CANADA 121013 ggvgn Scouts Help Refugees 510 HH 35V40 =1111c11 ox 1111111 Llll Toronto Granite Rink Defeats Brampton Four Win Barrie Bonspie Careless Driving Charge rngines 1111 1111 11i1 1111 Iiclt 11111111i1 111111 1l11 Vcc is5xs ANGLES 31 1111am In 211 131 11111 11 NK 31 11 111 hIOKLI lt ss ss 33355x 11111111 111111 rt ontl Round 11 1119 111 HM VVVV VI VV VVV V1 Phone 2488 BARBIE DRIVEACAR Company Limited 89 Collier Street V1 11111111 11 iim 1111111111 Ihc liiitiil Niliom Scout 55o1iitioii 511111121115 oi 111i11 for tlUllltN l1i5111d 111ml 511111li1 from llltllllltls 111 1111 llN tll1 1111111111itc 111111t11l 1pproiihitcl 11111 111111 of llplllltx at 11 111111111111 111111 11 l1rl11i illli1 liin1ic1 NIWVYUIlx 111111114 lhc chillilll ltlllllttl11111111 llic Scoulx to 1111 A1111 Ilt11l 1111111115 toniiiiittct 1111 tllllllltltlll to needy lltlHHh u5pt1i1ll1 huhdint rcltIxcu 11111 11 111111 11111111 11 kgd 3V 1111111 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to our liim 1111 11 will Hm 1tttntioii that 21115 11111 l1111 otir 111 111 ll1 11111 31111 1111 lilllt IN Hi VHF 11 Siitizrlantl certainly 11111 111 llltt11 iiigtt 1ai hlllklll 111 H1111 l11diii 11 out 11111111 11111 11 131111111 l1ll Wlll 10011111 11Kl 511115111111 111111 tlii 111111 111 11111111 111 i1 1111 111 tllllltrtl 11111 111 111 iiii11 V111111r win 11 111111 1111512 t1111V 111111111 111 Itoit 111 411 11111 11111I1l NOllA couldnl pruducn 11l151111 1111 1115 l1111n1l that 1111 lllglll in llic 111A lunzor 11111111 l1 1111151u12 11111111 not 111111 1111111 lishcd thc 1111111111 11111 llilllltll 1111 11111 11111901 5111111112 11111 St HAROLD HOPPER 11131131 1121 11 111 121 HEADED SCORERS 11 11 V1 proof or clsc apologiitc lhc 1l1111 was 11l1i1d to 11 of 1111 l1l11u1m lio 11111r1111t 1111 1111hi11 Barrio111111i111111 vxllthilario iin1l 11111111 llltliV llllllllf 1111 cials iii1tis111111 the ILLIS1111111 uitn 111111 11 11 tln 11151111 Ntlllllllt 1111 ii1111il Illgtlll 11114115 about thc circuit 111111151111 VV II1 liithcivtiiml 11 1111111111 ll 1illli liin IISIIVAI VlV F1 11111I It 11 1111 111112 5111 1111V 1111 1iii1 1111V IRI AN llAlllll MANI A11 lhci IIIOVII 3111 111 iili 1115 tillltt 111 lllt 1111I111 111 11 opiicioil Sciziirliiizih 1113111 ll 11 811111111 land Willi till iif the 111111 31 Ii BICYCLES ALI MODELS NOW Sltltli llic 111w llltyclc itlllt l1155illltV Boys tiirls $218511 lcn5 Ladics $5151 5111101111 3111111115 5111511 p1 11111111111 lliil NW whim Rolls like doll buggy VV rqu run 1111o1u 1111111111111111111 11111111111111111111110 is word that llill llirhy tathor of lornui 111111 1111 1111111 All K1111 i5 word that 11111 Kirby fiithcr 111 111111101 111111 1111 1111tr1 l1 Kirby of 1111iitlii1 l111k1 sticks and 1115 1111151 1113 jLiullilstm till 1115 littls Keeps rug colors fresh Maui hunt S11Viiili11115 lilltlll1 1111111111v1oii Picks up dog hairs and lint in jiffy loolwr 1114111111 lliilniuit 11 111111111 111 11111111111 11111 11111111 lll 1111 to 111 11111151 1cili11t 11111 Final 11 Easy to get outeasy to put away 11111111 191111 march Canadian Junior tin 11111 11111111 in 1111 point collt 11111 1115 11111 111111111 111 111li scric5 1111111 111111 11 who iillt1tltlt 11111ilth 11I1111111 il1op1c11l thi locals in 1111 lull1111111211 Iiiialx xitli loicupint Vtomliinm 1111 Toronto lad 5how up i1ll 111 1111 155151 dcpzul loola1 liilliitoi1 11 13511 Converts instantly to cleaner for 11111101 stcrydraperiesdamp511altlcs1111111nore1 Never before so much lloover at so low 11 price Httlllltl lircnt linil5 11 11 llitl llllRSlHY Main livcnl First Round Toronto lianuc lil111lillllt1 Curric ll McVittic 111111 tlllIIiII STOCK ltHtltlJIS REPAIR IIIYIIIS PARTS SIIKIAL 138 lIRIi $1711 llBlih 51711 511111 111 omc 111 for details 011 the New 15111111 1111 111 l1l p111tlu1t 111 111111115 111V 1111111111111aiw jllllll 11111 111111111 hockcy 111111 in 1111 111111111111111 and 111llit pout to collect all 1111111111 5111115 1111 1phcc1iid 111111111 llltlll 111 11111 11111 1111111 o11 to 1111 kids in olliiiuiiootls tour111111 11111111 Soioctiiii15 111 has to 111li1t two or lli11 lirokcii 5111115 1111111111 cnoujdi 111211ial i5 obtainctl to rcconxtiuil 11111111 11111 1115 oillt111ins111p 1cpor1ctl 15 topsvancl hard to lcll thi lillciciiic ltlltll our 111 111 111111111115 from 1119511 lltllllll 711111111 111hung 1111 111111 111115 to V11l1o woll 111 trout 111 111 tc1in illilll llll 51iruiit 111tl11hip lti VVlmuplc with hi5 1111111akiii llopV 11w colloctwl two 1111111015 1111 on 11111111111 total thrcc ahead 111 Sid 1L1111l111111 who captuicd second 11151111111 Oranuciilli Barrio Dr Whitc llarri loronlo 1111111a funninmon lititclicr Hurric Kincnrdinc 11 Sliultutt llairic Allistuil lll PleEBicycleMotors $ll950 Spccnil Complete lIXlE Motor and COM 5011II1N STYLE llIYIIiS SIIIIIAI BIIII Ill3111 lllilil SLIGHTLY lSICD 1001 VALII omlflctt with lttllllllllt5 311111511 sMirH 15 Hoover Cleaner Model 281 Stick frt5h out 1111 Sport 5110 MEAFOIlI COUNCIL 15 on tho lll1 for ncw arena and 15 rcady to placctlic pioposition to 1111 ratcpaycrs 1111 totc lhcir plans iitnt mappcd playing surface of 73 lcct 173 um and scaling capacity for 12111 and room for 221111 ocr1ll lhc lllllltllllf 1111 iii iiitilichil ice plant can bc obtaincd tor 51131101 and 111 11c11ni111 111 this can b1 Tlicii figures show th11o11 would how to 111151 Double Ball Bearing Roller Skates $349 31$ liAYllIIlJl Simon 11 111111 11 11 Southampton llilgtlll1ll 11111 md 1w Johnston 11 Hill 13111111111 Giavcnl1ur5t 1111UlllU 11111111lt cicli 11 NV SVVVVVVVV VVVV VVVVVVVVV VV 111 punt 11111111111111 PVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV 11 1111115 11ch Lulllllllltltltill 111 lcVn VVVV CVVVVVVLVVV VV VV 111l1Mcigcixorlon iccountcd 1111 11111 1l11M1llllttll$1 hlttNlilintA1gtTlllttlllll titd for blinking thc light FURNITURE 129131 Dunlop St STOVES Phone 4492 DIM 3871 llcnwick sinned at any time 1111 511111 of 31150111 would co51 just two mills Vtl thc 111x1 111 1121113 comparatively small for 11cw iiciia 11111111 ticcViuu plant but thcy 1111151 hurt the facl5 11 this could be borrowtd 11 thrcc 1111 ccnt it The tigurcs ippciii Rllll SENIOR 1111111111115 lcll by tho 1iiilc in their 11111151 for provincialhonor5 last wcclt whcn they lost 52 decision to Sarnia Sailors 11 Gticlph in 1111 linal game of the semifinal 51ri15 The Bomb crs claim thcy 5111111111 have 11111115111 victorious owr 1111 dclcndin champions and would havc had thcii 5111 cltiii11 lliioll D1111 Scott bccii in 1111 Iiiicup Dint mjurcd his stomach inu5clc5 in practice 5125511111 carlicr in tlic wcck Statistics reveal that Stu 3111151115 the man that Scott would hch wattlicd 1iuicd in cvcry 1111111 for Sarnia which Orillia playcis feel would have liccn 511111lchcd had Dint donned 1110 511111115 A5 it wa5 tht 131111111015 hcld 1111i Sailors to tie for two periods and it wasnt until Clarc lnync received pcniilty 11111 in the third stair11 that Sainiaclinclicd the VHtlict with two 1151 goals New Representatives in Security Council Toronto un loolci Stoutlvillc litlili11r Mcaford 1115kinc Vlllllllt 1111 1111511 111112 11iii1 ll 1111111 Second Round 131 Whitc l1criditli 111111 lallingici Main llvcnl Third Round McVittlc funningtin Sutton 11 Johnston loolcr ll Second livcnt TVlirst Round Toronto Granitc Bariic Currie 11 Harris 11 Mcgcr Orillia Kincaidinc ilcnncll Butcher Shulgctt Tltloidon Alliston Chatsiwirth Slicddcn Dunn it Rily 23i Biandow Toronto Ilarric lhinglcy Carry It Carroll 11 Lockic New Tags for the Arctic 11111 11111111 Stan 111115 1M 1111 ltltllCt units iackiiiu up ti1 11111115 on thrcc 111115 and two 15 151 lloli llinsilcy was tll only Vitlicr 11irguar11 to 1111 NW nctting 11111111111ci laul Mcigcr edgcdl Vlitptl in 1111 pcnalty coluninl 1V1111llnl 12 111111111125 in 1111 box 11 113111111111115 ll 1111111111 to Paul MUl 11 was ltliniiiutc misconduct Main Event MuVittiu 12 111 Cunninuton 11 Sutton 111 1C loolci litippci 13 llcNalnc 1111111115 Erskine 11 Afhlwc 15111c11am 111211 111111 11 ll 11 ti 11 1r1 at 721I 11 12 WIN 91 4431 13 Hccrgt Kym1 Iv lO 111m cAquA uses none roan various FoB EXPRESS TRUCK euaase Mm ymmrum 1V Little Wonder that owners use this Ford 1147 Pickup Truck on more kinds of 10b5 with complete satisfaction 11 the leaderin versatilityand in savings on gas oil and upkeep MADE STRONGER IO lASI leNGER Powenrm vs ENGINES Heavier balanced crankshaft give extra work reserves Elected by the UN General Assembly Cuba Egypt and Norway are this year beginning to serve twoyear terms on the Security Council in Succession to Belgium Colombia and Syria Here General McMuthton ofCanzida second from left Januarys Council Pres ent greets left to right Alberto Inocente Alvarez yAMiGsmm mas F0 445 Extrasmart appearance makes the Ford 1747 Panel Truck distinctive adver tisement for anybusinessits low operat ing costs look good to Owners toolix1rii handling casein Iraicand narrow streets MD Araboa arm9w There are dozens of different jobs Ford BBSChassis and C211 can do ind do best Thatswhy owners choose the F435 for lower costs longerdife and 21 wider range of use My Valexams lE $74MWV Owners who handle some of the tough estjobs inhauling prefer theliord 11155 115 extrastrong axles frame universal VV ioints and craVnkshriftipny off in longer serv1cVe lower operating costs EXTRA TOUGH AXLES Full Floating Rear Axle for longer life EXTRA STRONG FRAMES Give wider range of use in all models Ilookingvmpre like creatures of forgotten world rather than rNavalairm HAROLD CHESHIRE left and DONALD SNOAD of the British nircraft cn1rierQVcnqcance inflate the new Mae West flying suits which protected them during six weeks opera tions in the Arctic The carrier and other units of the Royal Navy gavVeV retVurned to their bases This photo was faken at Edinburgh 11 ant Minion noun cAn For living Room Comfort Level action cub suspension VVVVV eIPAery coyv19 mayw When its question of bulky loads many operators mhke the 17155 LongWheelbase Truck their number one choice It gives extra 10nd space with exceptional economy SEE YOUR FORD TRUCK DEALER VVVVWEbVVthVS DicionarYV monVVVVVRCVVV PHONE 4242 Successors to ChitlickMotors llODUNLOP PHONE 2517 EXTRA EASY HANDLING Heavyduty roll action steering linkage Feather Foot Hydraulic Brakes Gyro Grip Clutch tar low pedal pressure 83 NUS Something given in addition to what it usual or strictly due 111351511 OF 6991 LUMB1 11 313