and loved The First Column Random Notes On This 31 That Ii LUHUIi Ui 111 llfl lJ 5111 f1 11 111 1i 131 211111 11 11 1111 11 111 11111 11111 21 Eliti1l 1tl 11 111 ll1i111 1221 poi 11111 211115l1l lll1 11111 lllfl 1i1 of tin 11191111 11 til 11 wilVfl 3111 11 rufe1 Willi thi inininr 111 Spam 11ii 11111111 1l 1w 111111111111 nV 111111 Vii 1111v 111 111 1ule ouV 111 1211 111 11111 11 Slum iih 11i1 11111 hill lei l11 11111 111 11 l1ii 1f lll1j coiic1ii 11l Zuni l11lv zinvi 111111 aimllu littii 111 April 151111 1111o11111 11tlil 1lt111 1111 tllhxlllllilil it llli in 11 illiLlfull ll 11 1111211 1111 1111111 111 Will llltl lllflv 11 111 llEl 111 111 111 2111111 1111 pioloii11111 111 llu lult 11111111 ll1fl1l1 tli flu lniVsi poi511111u 1p11ie1 11 the ll fr1 lllii 1111 loc1 oii lilgtlill of f111i1o These dogs 1111111111 at 111111 1111 l7vii11 11111 1111 have 111111 1111111 1liy to 1illiili iili11 lffl lh bruit 1111 vintagul clot 11lliil 1111 11111 Iii21111 11illlltlil up 311 11111f111 canines as won lift pound put niti condition Public officiak 11111111iiotil 3111 11111 111111 leerItctl copus of new 11111111111112 fnic Adnnuisfi11111111 issued Aldtlixllilllllllfl lubhcn linins lheic are several flllltlf nitniesi lo tltt officials and there also 1111 aniioiiiiieineiu that 11 May issue lll contain an 11111 111 on the 11noialion 111 llarric txvn half This is probably lln iiicle lltll lllll 11111 1111th int 111 formation Von last month lleil liill former secretary of flu lariie ltanihcr of 1111111111111 is now em with the Macleanlfunler Publishing company at Toronto Since Barrie decided to turn fl policing over lo the provinciali flllitilltlf lhc Town of iillia has been consultr1111 similar plan and Midland is also considering con fract with the attorney generals departnnntV Against the loss of riunicipal control civic officials point to the gain in economy and efficiency We note lwss Herald that columnist George hlorrison disagrees with the editor 111 the paper on the margarine is sue Mr Morrison who is rural clergyman and is also secretary ofl the County federation of agricul ture points out tlial the iiichaScd 111 an hash1 vacation 111 Nev York ire of margarine will reduce the 1111 two with expenses paid 1111111 11151316Ec income He refers to the effect of this on the general econ omy of the nation Last lhursday afternoon ineinlt hers of the town council traffic cemmiltcc met with taxi operators and others who operalc certain vehicles for hire to discuss pro posed licensing1 bylaw In the dc fniifioir of cab the bylaw includ ed hearse and Walter Stccklcy pointed out section 23 was hardly appropriate for hearse No own 11 or driver licensed under this bylaw shall loitcr or cruise about the streets for the purpose of ob taming fares nor shall he sum 110115 fares by blowing the horn Members of the traffic committee agreed to this and some other ab leialiens in the proposed bylaw Dr Scott director of the county health unit has passed on to us warning from the depart ment of health regarding fluores centlamp tubes These tubes con tain solutionmf beryllium phos TH buili 11111 31111111111 rice lcs Robson llarrie ltick Dug E5 51 be 1233333 51113 BARR CNR Officials Confer in North Bay iilario dis for twodi conference 11111 1111111111111 table above Ifilfflifllilt lllltlli uiperinfen =11p1111111111111 111 traiispoifalioii llotluni 111111111pIr1nt111111111 111 1111 disfricf use1 11111111111111 1111111121 11 111 Mt Northern frut 1111 in Norti l1 111052 iitli iilsl ltll if dent 5111111115 1ll 11i1V fif an xiill enson lll111l2ll 1p1111111111h11it 1f lloriupayiuc liob ter divrioiul slllilliliilltlf1l Yapriol 111111 ll Fast liPersons Injured 11 11xm1 thi lViViizhway gt 11 11 mull contiiuud the 1111 trale ll prisons 11111 1111111 injured and pro 1111Vv iauiaci amounimp to $300 had 1111111 caused 1111 11111113 1111115 Zlr Foster remarked that he ccrlt f1ly 111111111 that Wales was under 11111 influence of liqluir In arri 11 at his sentence he said that he to consider punishment for LEGION BINGO Arthur More of Shanty llay andl ld 11111e won the grand shun llt lhiin1nd also 2111 idequale penalty 11 11111111 others who niipht 111 111 lh1 highway 111 the 11lue1l to use larrie and return at the Monsfeif 111 1111 Iiiic vlIllllitl llighna llinlto SpilllhfHifl by the 211111111111 VVVV VV VV VVV VVV VVVVV Mis Johnston of Owen Sound army iliVVVVnVhVV mimmgu hV 11411111 Branch lli lasl lllllll1 ll 111 111V llVlVlllf VVV VV lll flff H3 Huhs Corbett VuidV 345V bmmd UV muudei and VV an tutueon 111 and ion lililrtgtliillh 1H llmn ll Agni 11p11tlt 11 last 111 filh 5mm dummy ppmmm StyClad people crowded into the ArniourylllQlWU lllUllfll nil llild 111 ml 111 ping and mmgt3 1111111 to expect the accused man to Tm VVHVVV VVVVVVVVVV VVVVV mm do the same and to abide by the llllt 212 1e breakfast sef bushel 31 Iwcomw VVVWVVHE lwo additional Vcharges of caic Vless and drunk driving were dlS 111 tel 11dio 111d 20 C901 ll Vf missed afterWalesplealcd guilty piece set of silyeiwvaie Prize winners for the ewenine VVVV CVC man Mkmduh lhe acculent occiiiicd ahoin Brow 010mm the mm 10W fVliat if Vllit lthlelblVVVle dicidttVl toVVgo Mrs George itillllll Alliston WW Clue minii bits Mrs led lncson teamed with ll 11 if1 lpullmj It 1V1Vgt arch 21 llie evidence discloscd MISV in Llomggum roach ml 01 If 11 1f IL In Richards Allandalc Mrs Haincy Ioronfof Mrs Andy Patterson Barrie l1lclride Allandalc Mrs Dyer Barrie Flynn Barrie Emerson Swain Barrie Mrs Wilson Waulan shcne Nellie Clarke Barrie Char fhat flic accused who had betsn diving north towards Barrie had 111e1vel over onto the wrong side the highway at the time of they 1cc1dent and hadstruck the c111x being driven by George Scott 90 Cook Street Barrie The Scott car had been Sidcswipcd by the Wales Spring Barrim MYSV wmiVmVVVCOOkV travelled across to the cast Side of lale Roy Law Beeton Aud phor which is poisonous Four cases Vwcrc rcprted in the United States last year where persons suf fered serious infcctionsVthn they were scratched or cut on pieces of broken fluorescent tubing Care must be taken in the proper dispos al of these burned out tubes It seems thatcvcry new invention or advance bringsrrinr itswake counteracting hazard set of twins the third set in the giVfaniVingdicdnin the hos pital re which claimed 80 lives in an Illinois town 111th Tuesday The twins had been born at home but they were taken to the hospital Lor few days nursing care The Viiospitai at 1311ng amwapproxI iinafely the same size and age as the Royal Victoria Hospital at BarV ric For 10 years the Ontario de partment of health has not approvr Miss 51 the third floor of the hospital at Barrie but itiis still being used becauch there is no other accommo dation The storyofV the re should stiraction on plans for the new niemorialhospitalV Many persons throughout the GeorgianBay diStrict were inter cstedto read about the rivalry be twccn Penctang and Midland asit affects the pleasure 1boat1ngbusi LOSS in that area But apparently the days of tthlarge pleasure boats on Lake SVimcoe are gone forever However one can recall the days when boating trip on Lake Sim eoe was memorable event by leading from the works of Stephen Icacdck Perhaps the day may come again whena Beaver or Mariposa will carry pleasure seekers over the waters of Lake Simcoe In the meantime there are hundreds of smaller boats for those who cannot wait for the return of large Vsidewheeler ltOSEBANK DAM MORDEN Mari fCP Con struction work has started on the Rosebank dam and stonework is MbrNurSesi inTriining fhc road crahing into truck r1 iedArgue of Midland Barrie Mrs Tortington Barrie and Mrs McGibbon Barrie On the Legion committee in charge of the evening were Joseph Jewell Wilson debt and William Flemming Wales turned back onto his own side of the highway and then re swervcd west ploughing straight into car driven by Harold Moorc Turn to page thrce please Royal Victoria HOSpitall Reports Miss Shanahan ViiiioifAOrdir ol thcastcrnMStar lt1 1171116 At the annual liltLllic VVVLVcVVVVVVVCVVV sthwashCVVV Beta SVgV Royal Victoria Hospital on April the report of the superintendent Helen Shanahan indicated that 1948 had not been quite as busy as 1947 the peak year to date 5110 reported 27934 patient days as compared to 1947s high of 29286 There had been 2500 patients admitted tothe hospital during 1948 compared with 21136 in 1947 Over 5012 of these pafientshad been residents ofBarric Thereavcrc total of 30 nurses in training at the end of 1948 six more than year ago At the graduation in June seven seniors graduated of whom live remainch on the staff Two ofthe 19411 graduates had taken fourmonths coursc at Toronto hospital with the posf graduate education fund st up from the Mrs MontaguLccds scholarship fund together with as sistance from the womens hospital aid and the nurses alumnae MissVShanahan said in her report that she appreciated very much the interest shOwn during the year by individuals and organizations who had made donations of equipment These donations had been as fol lows Lady Kiwanis floor covering for ward 20 Presbyterian Ladies floor two chairs for ward 23 Business and Professional Womens Cluo cliairsfor ward 26 Sbroptimists Club two tengallon electric hot water urns WomensHospital Aid iccovcring furniture nurscs lounge and flowers to ward patients an Christmas Charles Robinson re 1furn To page two plcVascir expected to be completed before covering for ward21 Gae Twen the Spring oods arrive ties suction machine for operating HISSHELENV SHANAHAN 11 Muslims 11 tobtnsou retained the 111111 tr 111111115 loulrles title 12111 11 win over or 1111 rifllrfl ll 11111111113 ohl 11ft Agnew and Jimmy Vblotl 111111i 1111 nitczmt and ttilillutllffl llltillllll and Mrs Owen Sound to hold gin and Miss Louise McDonald of Orillia losf Mrs Agnew in the ladies singles Larry Whitby and Miss Flora Mc Grcgor of Barrie in the mixed 1011 to the first charge lksV VHmrt ville Ross Wilson Dies can Crceniore Mrs 15 Cl The next SpcalurVwas Mr Dow llarrie Frances Smith Barrie ofmd handed we of April hey who referred immediately toV JlnClY hlCKlDltOll ifflldt Mrs ulner llne lthQ gmbagp question which 1351 Thomas Pierce iBairie The 300 It Conlml R055 Wll50n UlleS WlISUlL brought up in this column recently 1fll Cumberland St Barrie died 111 Ross had been at partv with Mr Downev proceeded to explain my 11151111 Hill lullwot Eidlgixllsl Roman Butt iifCh had been llllllltdlalely be 1111s Wife and he got involved 111 an further details and aims of the Cl mg 00C hind Wales argument With Pat 1Vlurrtiy broth 171311111111 mlllllllllth Us 11138111 11a Phi Sororitybcdsidctable and floor covering drapes and three A1J1ill5Adniission 50c Everybody Welcome Good sion 50c ncsday April 20 3406 p111 Aus sored by Stroud Baseball Club BARRIE EXAM 1E ONTARIO CANADA AinxDlfjfx1L El l1 $41 Montreal SBorric 111111 oi lash11 tiiiiili 11111l lI1plc li1l Lirtlens piil Hi Hf ilil iiflil lx 11 11 1f Vi iii 111 ii Al 111 lt11 11 li 151 ll 111 flllillrl Twin H11 llist l11i1nl 11 lll Second lerioil 11111111 ll ti 111111 district 11111111111 Standing lct f1 iitiiit1re Ari Jackson 111111 11111i 11411112 chit1 clerk to the generalsiipi1211 1111 11 Alfllelll Al VVVllVV VllVVVVlVfx landalc lilgtlfllill 1111111111r 1111 liilelt Hcrifary io finf 111111111 rental 1111111111 s1111111111111111111 121 lluliilotd assistant district AVVIV li 1111 enjoiner 11 lluritlioldci 11 111 p121111 11 lauded WV Hi 111 11 rule and lilifllulilfal instrucfo 311111 llornepaync 511111111 111111111 if divisional 1111111111111 and 11 ll 11111 apiern 111111s1onzii hm1 ill11111 Alc111111 Mooii engineer i1111i 111111 llflillffl and llol Ioitls unfortunately Was unable Owen Sound in the ladies doubles lrs lluehanaii illiBIllllU defeated Alis Corbett gncw and Mis 1111 1onnsione of their crown larricilidnf More 111 the mixczl loubles Llohiniy airus of Port Ill of the people with his humorous 111111nccs to lownship affair in 11111111l He invited constructive eitic1s111 11x submission of ltifb for piitiiiu AlllU effect bylaw vxhich would port111 ten 11 planning1 for the aiea from 11 1101111 llllftll to llarric to line diawn about half way between the 7111 and 11111 Lines and 11111111 from to orbetf Agnew and rewiwd distante of lillllfltlllt from roads 15tiicli11notlypis of buildings permitted 111111111411 not too stricfi and some thought to the position of hydro and telephone poles as Compared with probable streets was the object of the Township Planning Board He pointcd oiil eat with 11 win overVJnu Abbottsl Owen Sound Vlrs MeNabb of Barrie upset inals Consolation winners wer Tissington and Ken ation with the Barrie Town llan 11mg Board The preliminary work already done was submitted to the meeting1 for approval The IJcpu PWill ff Reeve continued with clear explanation of all the objectives land plans for the future and ap plause followed his speech inalsrin the ladies doubles bublost Briggs and Boothby of Hunts complete report will 11 Tllii1rsdays edition andadvised Ferndale residents to hos ital at Toronto on Saturday follow out the silagestions made we have councillor of no mean ability He answered many ques tions to the satisfaction of thc ma jerify present One pomt he em phasized was that the town of Bar ric cannot annex any part of Ves pra without permission of the tax paygcrs and even then the taxl lilflym at the CountV 330 Mm payers would have to petition forV Vllson former Mable Millldlw the aniiexali11n He mentioned Ml 50le in lllt WiCnS 11le further that the Town Planning fhe war and she had operatcdiBomd has no power to legislate Meyers Studio in Barrie for 51111101 The speaker stated that two of the months Reginald Wilson of Bradicouncillors had been invited and ford is an Older brother of Ross had attended meetings of the Bar Wilson There is sistcrlJcan atli0 BOald and lift ll 85 SUEECSl er of Mrs Wilson R055 Wilson and Pat Murray went outside to fight and Ross was later taken to the hospital where he died Before going to Toronto ltossi liad been an insurance agent in Barrie and for time he was em Shotrldreohmidcwrthzthcwlammrg Flerndale Taxpayers Diecuss Town Planning In Vespra Twp in BC Legislature l1lliitll 11 11stitucuts aside rominnte 11 candidath lirnish Columbia before the turn oi the century First elected to the house as Jtivc of Negro folk melodies r1 1111 1111 11141111 11p111 11111fi1 fo the lotzi 11111111111 1113 11l11 11 ruinslid 1111111l 111 winflue Ine 11111111111111 i11 111 11 11111 111nm lln al iioule choo them iiiIi1v1Vii of VV 1111i11 111 11111 Lanai11111the112113111111l11111111on1111 111 11 111111 emit1 11111 11n IlSOll our on 11 111 11 11 VV IVVVV VVV VV VV VVVV VV VV to 1111111114111 1111 tiiltpitlisiil 311 11111 1111111111 111 111111111 11 ilfl 1V1 mud flu1 11llf lln lilll111 of tin1 11 1111111111in 11 as clean up Allu 1l lahs 1ft Shaiifj lay l1uii1 oliiiir 111 lllll ll lfllltl ilHl lm ill will 1111 111 1t1111111 1111i11V111 11ni 1111 15 V1ispz11 lr 1n fou 111111111 ilwiinii and 11111 l1pi 11111 11111111111 ifiVlflllVllVfl fll1l1llll1ll 1111 5111111 111111 111111111 1111 11111 11lt111e111111 tin 111111111rl 111111111111 Vlitilllllri 111112111uunal1 111 the 11 1111 1111zl11111 1111111111141 1l115ll lll llflldl 1f 11illllfl 11 1111111 11 the 1111111 11 lliil to 111 f111 Wm 11 ilsou 111 111111 llllf llllfllllillH l1 lilillilwiinill from drama motor vehicle nny llll ll lilmli 1111 to 11111 111111 1pr11il1 511111111 chairman oi the ltitll 11 illlllill lill 111 lilfllillllfl Ziom 11 l1lIitlil1 air11 lannuua board The llZlIllt 111 11111 111111111 loslii 11 111 1ln11l1y 11111 111 fniul1 1111 111111 111sV VV 11 gtfflll11 fllllllililffll 111IltI of 111 lv11 211111111118 i111 31 11 111111 il1 111111111 mull V1VV1 11 mum VV ML inJV was 111 11111lizi11 liillgwlm 1le li il11 lilllillltl f11f hi evidence lllm ml hlmuh lm Wt 1111 V1111 11111111111111 the spealo llllm gt 111oiul to l1l Sound 11151 year iii 111 1111111 on 11111 11 1VVlV HI hm hm mum 11 11111111 11111111 111111 111Th 11 ittltltgt manner and with 111 VllH UVVH kll IVV Ml lVl ill llllll V051 gus fV VVV ViVVH VVVVVI IVVVHVVVVVlV1V UH 11111 111pp11 11111 11111oi 1hunp nun1114 11 11111 RC1er from Scar 1V veteran coalition llll toliimbiai announced to his he vill 511111111 meet shortly to nativi of Angus Mr Kinu went to Golden 11 the has that they Thomas lumber ot when lib11nl lfl yeaFauu he will celelt lnafc his Tfllh birthday on Septem ber next He says fhaf age is itflllltl up on him and he would lke to see younger 1111111 111 his place In his 11 years as member ofV fhe legisiafurc =lr King has serv el on many important committees lii 1111 2111 l11 Section 1111 ll1 litl 33111111 l1lliitf11s 111 111 izitlii lllt ER ccc to ill lLil 11111 Twice Weekly MONDAY and THURSDAY gMontreal Royals Defeat Barrie Flyers 31 First Eastern Ca nada Finals 13y illtllifili Sltlltlyi llth 1u1f 81111111 night 11111 111112 1411111211 hatchet 11 1111 191211131 111 the first iana 111 li c1111 111111 111111111 llocinf i1111oiiship i1 11 1ii fli Aifvfd lli lvflf 1111 oarl 111n 111 11 tier 1111111V to 111 of El1 311 lif 11tiy lot 111111 no 11xiiiguv111111 club 11111 11111 711111111 111 iii v1 lLlc 111 they xvi11 111 3V111111v1l 1311111 111 Mistir and 11111 Tiagt11de 111dVVl 1111 1211111 111 prediction 31111 hold Water 1111 111111111c1l his 111 111f111y1111 Hap iiivivd ljl 1vi1 oyals are 1111 opening con liu any series 1111121111 back to the 11211115 1lt1ll1ll tillltgt tin onilool is anything but pieauxin 111111111l1rrie stand He has always been staunch sup porter of the farmers Solway Quartet Mary syme Entertain Audience at BarriVe 11y JANE KINDS The Solwiiy String Quartet brought to close the Canadian Artists Series last Thursday cvcn ing with if program of chamber music whose vfiricty and brilliance will long be remembered by those who heard them Assisting artist Mary Symc brilliant youg pianith with flair for the dramatic and tense c1111 tional style of playing displayed irtuosity andsfagc presence that enthralled her audience Appearingv in the final concert the quartet members were Mauiice Solway first violin Jack Groob second violin Robert Warburton viola and Marcus Adcney cello The opening work on the pro gram was the American Quartet in major by Dvorak Written by the composer during his visit to the United States it is simply and neatly woven work subtly sugges The Quartet played in bold articulated style with fine intonation Their second selection The PivaV illll LONG Midweek Examiner Issued Earlier Apr 14 No Monday Issue gtl 11l1 11l Loom1n llltlIl 13 111 ffgtnl1r111 ii llgtlrli1livlft 111 Ll1 111111111 11 1111111111111 tin 11111 the 111st 11111 liill1l their 1111 te1 part 111 111111 11111 111111t131edth1 111 2z pial11 111 upset li 11111 Want1111 Stgtlllll1 11111 the odd dam ftltl tholttli out1111111 1511111 ten until oli 11111 condition 111l11 up and 11111 il1 went to llolgt 11 1111 Ul 111 on 111mm airl pulled timc 111 1111 1111111111 11111111 ap VHLiliil l0 l1 ViUlllfllll back Oil llll 11111111 tllllH BRAND HOCKEY 11 1111 plvni1 surface loo Allilllti 111rdroked Ath 11211 c1111 the ciudct brand of lVimckvy won 111 aces A1111 referees 9111 lti 11111 Hpailtv Nichol 11 1111 tllfava Valley lAfltLtlt 11lth11 lululilting business and ltirind 1o pltiliifilllll when they unused the pro 1lllL llllSltll 1lr SHOILIHCR OUT 112111111 on the flllrt hand found 11111li 111111111 11 the pilots con lliis ieeks llinrsdav issue 11 of 1111 llmllltl Will go to press Wednesday night and will he on the ncus stands first thing lliursday morning Where train connections are possible every endeavor will he made to have all rural deliver ies copy must It Classifieds will be taken only until The plant Friday Apr 15 also Saturday pril 16 but will be open again Honda Because of the holiday yeek end no issue of The lixaminer will be printed next Monday but Monday issue will resume April of April 21 will he issued 011 Wednesday one day earlier For their two eiieores fhc ensem 1apsedinfo hit of jive with Jazz Pizmcatto by Leroy Andersonl lift and with cations style was marked in the clear and given bi illiant Miss Symc 11gt lost ililf 11111111 Shedden 1n dumping an op Aci 1111111111111111 Stan Lonl 11111111 recurrence of his shoul 111 sipznaiion in the first five 21111111 of flu mzfial period and for the reihziinder of the 1111 had teamed with bij fol found himself the heap T111 forward but bottom of UMllVLi llll 1llision ousted the bone from the ide the same day All VVV VVVVV SVVVV VV for display advertising VVV wVVVVVV VVVV VVVV VVVVV VVVVC VVIVVFVVVV 11 111 by Tuesdav noon gt 1111 by Dr Neil Laurie 11c ic Vedncsday noon Examiner will office he closed on April 18 35 The Thursday and Phil Greens String Boogie Pianist Mary Syme opened her fragrant with deeply emotional dramatic playing of Gabriel Iaurcs Impromptu in flat music brilliant Their modern performance The Clarify work of extreme sensi bility and deep dieainincss vied her later iiumbcrs 111 the audiences favor The Rachmaninoff Prelude in sharp minor and Etude Tableau in flat ended hcr figsf group of scl ltlilitfl later only to don street lollies Vund That could have been the wild 01 card which enabled the Montreal 11 to capture the opening deci sion llveis werent skating rush issn The Chopin 1vacious by 11d prc Turn to page eight please Total pening1 frame they enjoyed mah would 111 or Sliofilllil until the final stan when it was too late 11sorgainzafion on attack stuck 1111 like sore thumb In the advantage twice and 11V twovnian 11lvantage once but couldnt break 111111111111 the hatchetwielding Roy aI defence of Tommy Manastcrsky Ernie Applcby or Rollie Rousseau in our opinion had Long been iced on any of these power plays Dob Blcau in the Montreal nets have suffered nightmares Fryers lacked 11 leader like Long Captain laul lifeger made game attempt at carrying the torch but it wasnt his position So did Bob Binglcy but he hasnt had enough work in the power formation Long will be in action for Vthc next tilt and maybe the rabid habitanfs will see reversal of form from 1111 FlyCIS rinsrrnhion scorn311355 Despite being overwhelmingly outplayed 111 the first Flyers man aged to kcp the lights from blink iny largely because Gil Mayer 01 fccted to being beaten They held 110111 own in the second although lilaycr was tested Voftcncr than Turn topagc three please Edi 66171551T Operate Hospital SUdforthV icd that any planning in Vespra 771 part of Vespga might wish to be come part ofVBarrie in the dis Apandale HapV Fridath tant future was his belief Proper 2324p ty arranged in orderly lots and proper foundations to buildings Vwerc among his suggestions 1vcly discussion took place here Dance Dance GeariVn Hall Phelpston Saturday April 16 AdmissionVSflc music 232411 Dance Orange Halllvy Thin5 Apijl4 auspices LOL 450 Adriiisg Lunch counter Stroud Mountaineers orchestra Btfbrll Easter tea sale of work and homemade baking to be held in of buildings being thrown up and the untidy condition ofsomc areas cspcciallyEdgchill Drive The re sponsibility was placed Vupon per sons selling indpeity with no Vhought to what type of building was going to be constructed upon of the Town of Bari1c Tliatthis witlrrrcference to some of thcltypcs St Georges Hall Allandalc1Vcd it Mr Downcy retired at this pointamid applause Mr Bell the third speaker was left with littletime but he sup ported thcrcmarks of the previous speakers and stated that any plan piccsGlad Club Crokiiiolc cuchrc Stroud Community Hall Thursday Aprifld Lunch counter Spon 2221 and dance Admission 50c 2224pl Giant card party Name your own game Euchre cribbage and that thepresent Vplan submitted bridge Oddfellows Temple Coi $35 forconsld9lal10 anddlsws lier Sf April 13 pm Good sion afd was amply ham 1ft prizes tasty lunch Admission 50c beenmgg The dsp9aktfVl 5985de Proceeds Cancer and Tuberculosis flew tom ma and old of the Wellplanned Villages Fund 22239 towns and townshi ps and of the Com Ffld evemllh AP 131 ordcrliness of rural planning He Sl Aldews Chow presents created an impression that led to Mannders sacred cantata Olivet to Calvary Guest soloists Miss Jane Allan Orillia Mroward Reddick tenor and Mr James Flucker baritone hoth of T0 ronto 22241 wish for organized planning in Vespra applause An open discussion took place after which a1 motion was put to the meeting as to whetherthose present should elect three repre ning should be tth result of carev ful thought before proceeding with ing was ring fairy suite by HTVWaldo Warner was given an amusing inV tioduction by cellist MarcusAdv oncy delightful littlestory in scund it depicted what might hap pen if you wentout into the woods randfound beaiiiful opcn glade fin thcsuinmcr moonlight The five movementswere entit led Moon Beams ToadStools Tinkhng Blucbclls Pixyladcn and The Ring Dance The inter vovcp theme of the cello in the fourth part ivas transformed into rhythmic bcaf in the fth dancc movement Alight clfish atmos phere pervaded the whole suite in the delicate and changing tempos and the slioitdiaunting little melo dies woven into each individual part Another high spot of the even Tschaikovskys Andante any dCnile Plan He pointed Out Cantabile which opened the Quar tets third group of selections The second theme popularized in re cent ycars under the title Isle of May was interpreted strongly and solely by the violins Among their lighter selections for the evening were Jamaican humba by Benjamin arranged by 1ucio Agostini Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes and Fritz Kre15lt lers beloved Liebesfreud In the last the virtuosity of Maurice Sol way was shown in the interpreta tion of the central theme elation faced the Royal Hospital at the end of the year 1948 compared with surplus of $2091 before depreciation in l947 ThcAnancial statement and audi masons Aldeficit of 315179 before titpre Victoria forsrcport were presented at the annual meeting lastTucsday even ing by Parsonswtreasurcr of the hospital board Mr Parsonsrcportedthat the 103 ficit a19sefr9m thcffactfhafiiili gent patients were being main tained inithc hospital at less than cost Revenue for these patients Iliad amounted to $225 day muni eipal grant and 80 cents day from theprovincialigrant or to ial of $305 day The cost 11111943 to maintain ward patient had been approximately $5 day be fore depreciation The total operatingreve11ue last year was $153859 This was against an operating expenditureof $160 038 The operating revenue was made up as follows patients $84051 municipalities $13968 provincial grant $11305 special services $43 456 other items SLOW The operating expenscgwere salaries and wages $7587 adminV istration 3l175 dietar 9697 housing $5386 power panorama 604 laundry and Hem drugs medicall and surgical up plies $19602VXray $12103 dry $3209 provision rot $1351 Turn to page eight plum ii