ma mrdmmw iinbcr land ntariii who spends your THURSDAY APRIL 19111 cecc we SPORT ANGLES 43111113333311 By GEORGE Qiif7 from shV suonh ss 11 CssssCCsCxC CCCCCCCCCC 11 itlliimlai 13111 cps 11 111 111111111111 111 111 11 11111 ml 111111111 1111111 11 111k 1111111 hating 11 11 111 1111 1111111 l11111111 11 111 11 1111111 11I 11 and 111 111 111111 111 p111 lli 11 avoid 1111111ti= 111 1llr 1111111111 lilasl 111 1111 1111 11111111111 11111 1111111 111 1111111111 111 11111 111111 1111 1111111 11115 111 1111 111id 11111 WM 1111 111 it 111 11 1111114 11 11111 111 tllf 11311 111111111 2111 111 11tidyartiiiiiid c111 1111 11111 111 111111 1111 Sililuuai 111 11111 11 111111111 111 1111 unto1s L111 111 111111111 1111111 11111112 1111 11111 with 31x 1111111111 111 11 11111111 11111111 1111111 Il1i1lii1 Ann 311 111 11111 211111 1111 11 1111 Silllllluf 111111111 $111 1111111z 111111l111 111111z 111 111111111 111111 11111111111 1zn1 1111 111 111111111 1111 111111 55111111111 1111111 lltlil 1111111 111 1111111 nitills can 111 111111111111111 1111 111 tiosliy sctiitary 111 1111 o1lli1iii 11111111 111111 vrl1lili111111rit iosl Sititlllllll 1111111 11111 11 holds much 11it1i 1111111 111111 1N lt 11113 iAhllI 11111 1111 19131 111111111 1111111 1111 tllllll 111 1111 11ii1 111111111 11111 1111111 111 slow 1111 1lllll 1111111 111 1111 1111111 11111 11 1111 11211111111 ltltitlatil 111111 211111 t11pl1111 11 11 1111 1111111 1111111 1111 11111111111 paptis with l111111111 toi 1111 1111111 11111 Mail 11111111 111y 11111xl 11 11 11 111111 111111 11 l111i 11111 11111 111 til111 1111 all 111111 1111111111 5111 11111 11 1112 tUll1 1111111 11111 11 11111 41 111 111 111111 111 1ltllY 1111 111 11111 and 1111 11 111 11111111 141 ltllltlLlll 11111111 11 this day 111 spiytiil silit11ii 111 11111111 tour of liiiiiiiins 11 1111111 1111111111111 111 1111 11111al sir111 and this is thIIlllltl 1111 111114 1piiii iuls 1111111311 rais liroiiizhout 1111 town 11 gt1111d 11111 11111 my 151 niilcs 101 11111111 Snow hanks 1111 11111 plllttll 111111 111 11111111111 to allow two cars to Ilgt tihll 11111 111111111 1111 11111111111 1111 plcasiiic Ihc city bus s111111 111111 1111 Kllllxt 111 11111111111 to 111111 11111111 mm 1111 Timiiiiiis Uttlltll and can 11 11111111011 1111 tr111sport1ttoiiabout tlic slim1s so 11111 11111111po 111111111 11111111 111 1111taiu1d 1111 stirct conditions 11111 11111111111 1111 1111111 that 111110 1v1 11111111111 that 11111111 111 11111111 111111 11111 1111 1111 Spimgz thaw lhc 111x1 factor of linmiiiis 111 1111111 1111 1y 1111s 111 mc11iit appcaiancc of storcs and liouscs 1111 1111111 sticct is not 1111 1111111 than Bariics and far from modt 111 liii111 111oiling 111 11111 111111111111111 cstahlishid aiiywhcri and iii any pquliIll This would 119 111 Mon plat1 1o iiijcit Town 1l1lililll 11111111 lhc 111111 minus oillgtidc of town 111111115111 1111111111111 111111 l111111 1111 1111113 1111s 111 lrtiich is dominant Minors work 111 1111131 1151111111111 shifts liltll 1v1s 1h town 11111111 causo to 111111 tlllgtt 111111 1111 11111111 Sllitl tllllliS on 31 hours day 111111 711 1111 1111111 limmm could l1ctcim1d anothcr Moiiticai lI111y 1111111 111111111111 scour to 111 1111111 21 in 111 while four 11111111s 111 1111111111throughout 1111 inain coiiisc was surprisod to Icarii 11111 lumuitis is as far noilii as tizivcllcr can 110 via railway or highway 1111 ONR carrics 1111 no further and iii 111111 to roach Sli1llll 11111111 is just 110 milcs dirtctly south of limmins pcisoii would 1111111lt1 hack track 111 1oitpiis Junction tianstcr to anolhtr 11111 11111 111111111 for approx inatcly 31111 milcs ltf11t strikini 1111 couiiiuiiiity 111 Hudhuiy lllltl v1iiin1 rapid commiuiication 1111111111 1111 11111 1111111s is 1111111y woodcd and rock country Dons1y woodrd aims 1111 not apply to poo1 11 would 1111 indtcd 11 11111s1111 1111 1111111 11f Southiiii 111 so iii 11 11 north to scc licalthy 1111113111 111711115an1121I17ni1111y 1111 11111 111 111 1ll 1111111 51111 11 2111111 1111111 ill 111 11 11111 tgoud ON THE TRIP TO THE 3011 Ill1171 wc had 1111 pliasuit of rid ing to Swastika with Len Spock of Guilpli Biliiiioios who had just rctuincd front attciidinc lllt Nt York Rania1s 31111111 1111111111 camp Spccli iiifoimcd us that only two pliiycis of 1111 llilts will 111 ovcr ago when thcy lake to thc lcc 111x1 scasoii 1111 Shaw is numbir 11111 1111 1110 list with Mcl Miillcns number two Wc also 1111111111 that Ed 131111111 Midland boy with Guelph is considcriiip 11111111111 pttiltNSlUlllll or 1lsc joining Ncw York Rovers of thc Qucbcc Sciiior 111antic 111 has no dcsiic to finish his junior carccr in luclph liolan by 1111 way has been approachcdby Hamilton liizcrs 11f tlu Ontario Lacrossr Association to swing the stick this Summer in sinior 111111s VISITORS TO THE BARRIE FLYERS camp during the four113 stay at Timmiiis wcrcRoy Stoddait president of 1111 Porcupine Com biiics and formerly of Guthrie Norm Stoddait ro councillor is brothci Mr and Mrs Clark BradlLy dropped 111 for 111111 session and wishcd 1111 club all the success in thc world Clark uscd to play shortstop oiBarrie ball club and marricd the former Nor1111 lulford 0f Bari1c Alex Brownice formcrlyof Giavcnhursl whosc grand father is Alex Brownlce of Barrie was on hand and stated hc had good season tending the nets in thc Nickcl Bclt Mrs Maijoiic Clarke and Mr and Mrs Bert Braincy also put in an appearance gt south to the more lucrative areas That is why wi havc senior hockcy predominant right now in 1111 NOHA It will taki sponsored clubs to lCVlVO and dcvclop smart junior players in this region If sponsorcd club pays off withronc NIll product cvcry c011 WANT SUPPORT 11011 THE NHL 111111 111111 111111111 111 Activity 11111 iiwiimililivf 111 if North Bay Nugget Hap Emms once suggested 10 this bureau that North Bay enter the OHA Junior hockey cir pic of years its hour11 for the pro team We believe the timc is not 1111 distatit when 1111 big time hockey 61111 ETbs wi 13cfalishiiifiwjuifior farms in Northern Ontario which is one of hockcys biggest incuba 101s Pressure should be brought to bear on them to do so The establishment of Junior clubs at Northern Ontario cen tres would permit more young sters to remain home and play hOCkEy andthus eliminate lot of criticism that kids are being lured away before they are ready Nice thought but whats the matter with reviving our old OHA Junior league With little helpamounting pittance expenditure by NHL standardsfrom the major teams it could be done Why not sponsor Junior teams at North Bay Sudbury Sault Ste Marie Kirkland Lake and Timmins Sponsored that is by the top 1110 teams Whose to leave home and school gems have been draining the Cmon you NHL clubs the field illOIEhOitakm f0H4Siswidcopcnzthcfrmsarereac The mirth iwas always junior to support you how about loosen hockcy conscious until all the ing up and sponsoring junior goodi juniors started trekking hockey in the north pro 41 1113111111 11111111 10 GO 1111 111 11 1111111 1311 11i1 1111 1111 11 1111 1111 111 111 1111 11 lilili I1111I1 11111 1N11111 11 111111 11112111 all11711111 111111 111 ill 11111 111 ll 111311111 1111 pl111 11111 111 1111111 111111 lii1111 11 that 11111111 111111 ll1t 11 1111111 1v 1111111 111 1Ei1 1111 11111 111l 1111 club 1It 1111111 1111111 111 111 1131 11 11111 1l1111111 111111 111111 11 111111 111111111l 1111 11111141111111 111 1111 1111 11 1111111111111111111111 1111111111111 11 11 1111 iniziii 11 111111 11111 =11 111111 111111111 111121 l111 1i11tl 211111 111 1111111111111111 111ll c1111 11111111111 1111 1111111 1171 11111 111 112111 1111111111plziy a11111 511111 1111121 iiiihl 11111111 11111 111 31 111 1111 11111 anti 111 11111111111 1111 1111111 lllllllll llltl1ll1tlllltt 11111111 111111111111 111111 111111 11 111111111111 111 1111 1121 tin 1111111 11 11 111111111 11 111111111111 111 John l1f1111 111111 11tllllltlll1 ramd from two 111 1111 dollar 1111 111111 1111 playoll 11111111111111111 1111 first six tcaur 111 1111 1111111s final standings 1111 1111111 111111 1111 chain 111111s111p rounds 1111 1111 first and 111111111 lllltllllf 111 1111 siiiiitiiizils 11111 tliiid 111111 club will play 1111 111111111 and 1111 111111 plays 1111 1111 11 1111 111111111 finals Wm 1111 111 111153111 K1111 and 11w 111 LAWN sown3115 ELECT DR SPIERS AND MRS CREAsY At 1111 11111111111 mccting of 1111 1111111 Lawn Boxling 1111 111111 111 1111 111111111111111 llousi March 30 111 Spit1s was rcclcctcd lprtsllltlll of thc int11s section for nothci lClnl 1111111 ladics scc 11111 Mrs 13411 trcasy was voltd in as 1010 proxy lhi 111111pl111 cxccutivc for the coming siason is as f11llows intits sci111111 piisidtnt 11 Spieis ltDltSlltlll 1ranl Pcrkins scc 1t11 llaiohl lotld treasurer Ha AlflnslIlllleraditS section picsidciil Mrs ll 11asy vicc orcsidciit Mrs Sitwart Sic 111111y Mrs 111wilt trcasuicr Mrs Poland lhcic wcrc 271 incinbcis in 11 tindaiicc and after tlic dinner tic tititics and achievements of 11141 1111c rovitwcd Mrs Crcasy pro sctttcd splendid ltDOll for tlic ladics scctioii and Harry Arm strong icad most encouraging 1111011 for the mens section Plans were laid for thc 1949 sca szm aftcr which sacial hour was 1111d EDENVALE April Mr and Mrs Miles Barrie spout Sunday with hll and Mrs 11 Miles We are glad to wclconic Mr and Mrs Hankiii back to their former home Mrs George Bowscris spending somc time With her sister who is Fv ill in Parry Sound Hospital MacMillan Camp Borden and Miss Sally Bowman Toronto spent the weekend 11 Bowmans The Young People held their weekly meeting on Tuesday cvcn ing with Jim Rupert Fellowship convcncr in charge 303312Lllllfx9tllll Smyner Our community was saddened or Saturday whcnmcws was received of the death of Henry Culham of Stayncr formerly highly respect cd resident of Edcnvalc Business Course Series Closed The Farm and Home Business Course was concluded on Thurs day night with an April Fools party With the hall gaily decora ted and members wearing plaid skirts everyone had an enjoyable time under thcrvthe leadership 111 Misses Louisc Collcy and Fern Hampel and the local cxccutivc Page and Cecil Chappell micbummerth gram and the ladies served boun tiful lunch to close avery enjoy zblc scrics ofmcctings Whirethe 3111 11111111111 Picture BA 111111 511111111111 11111 1111111 SOUTH SlMCOE PAGE 821 BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA This is sort of tiniud Nations animal 11 11 annuals 11111 111 1111111 11ltiiiit enemies 1111 11 srtie 111 human 1111111s IiiHsltlt 111111 111111 asking the Llltltt 111 111 1111111111111111 11111111111 as 11111111 Whitby it rut left 11 111 111 1111 Llll1ll11tll 11V 1111 111 111 1111 11111111 or MRS STELLA ltllitnlltl 11w v1 11211111111117 111111111i11111111kc11i11111111 1311111 111 UV1 to 1111 1111l1112 1111 do and the 111 11111 111 11111111 1111 Friday1 gt111 was piictdtd by short snappy 111111 11111011 to 1111 111j11ygt 1111111 of 1111iit and liiciids ill 11 ltlltiillltt 1111111111 pay p111dil lllt 12111115 111111111 111111 1111 spirit 111 1111 occasion and ttt sci11 ctr1 11ilatiii 111111111151 1111 crowd 11 1111111111111 bystanders to lUUStll 11p and 1111111111111113 111j11y 11111111111iii1lt1I 11111111 Mllioii1iics The Air adcts wish to 1lllll 111111 lilllllltlt 111 11111111111111 coinf lllllltt llairic 111111111 hamhcr of omincrti and to those Barricilcsl who so 11111111iis1y supported thcir efforts cht 1111111 1111 Friday April 115 should scc all cadcts on hand as lltcrc will 11v boot and shirt paiadc Air Cadet chks wcll limit1 way 11111 w1 of 1111 squadioii 1111 asking 1111 samc cnthilsiastic supI port from tho pioplc 111 Barric oiil tag day April 11 Church paradc will 111111111 dress and is slattd 1111 Sunday April 11 Wc ask any iiit1i1stcd iii join ing with 11slo be 11 Trinity A11 111111111 Church not latci than 10210 1m 110118 sii all tlic laytccs picsciit iiliiziisal Gravenhurst Told Cabin Rates 100 High Upon information 111 rcccivcd 111ouch complaints of summer vis itors 111 Gravcnhuist Jack 1111151 assistant supcriisor of 1111 iiay Coach 1111108 in his addicss to 1111 Rotary Club icccntly said 11 lcariicd that cabin ratcs in town lurc too high llc statcd that last year num bir 711 sch tlpiiiioiis had been voic 111 cspccially by mothers and laml 1110s who came here for two 011 litiic warks and found this type of lodging within thc municipalityl 1s being extremely high thrc as 11c related thcytold him good cibin accommodation could be sc ciircd just outside of town for much lcss figure Gl0nlltllSl Batincr April 51 mm mm wxlldrsWm1tanbucasYspcntu1fcasu days in Toronto last week Miss Joan M01191 Toronto is home for time and will be an attendant at the wedding of her twin sister Mary on Easter Mom day Visitors during the weekend in cluded Mrs Krcmbel Toronto at Carsons Mr and Mrs Thornton Langstafl and Mini and Mrs Darmos and Brian Lansing at ITVCarsonsr FAMILY ALLQWANCES Disbursements under the Family 3260000000 annually about 391 ccnts on the dollar of personal iii1 BARRIE comc taxpaid by Canadians 1111111 511 11111 13111 1111 111111111 oritic 1111 211 uuuuuununu Inuu County 10 Benciit To $15000 Through Grants to CAS 11111 lion11 11 111 1111 11s111 Von1 1111111 1111111 11711111 1111 11 111 11 11 till gt31 1111 11111 11111111 to 1111 11111111 cty Jiiilil $111 11llf 111 tall11111 1111111111T 111111V 111 S11 1111111 111 311111 11 111 11 15111 11115 111 lill 1itiitoi 11111111111111 pay 1111 1111K1lltl 1111111111119 111 111 1111111111 11i1111 1111 51111111 Hi1111 AS $1111 this 111111111114111 1as ppios1111111y 31111111111 lklltlll 11111111111 l1111 Vhili 11 Nziplilali liittd with any 111111111 11 811111 111 11111111511 111 should 111t 111111111 s11111111 In 1111 past 1111 111111111 goal1 to llic Simcoc oiuity has 11111n only $1301 y1111 and various 11 I1l 11211 panins 1111 1111111A 13111111 tiill Ltiiunicipal and 111111111 unit111 11111 11111111111u111 111on lltgtlllt 1111 1111111111111 11111 1111 nancial 11 Soil Conservation Need 01 The Hour1 111111111111111 111 lt1lt Soil cons11 1111111 17111111111 111111 11 111tois 111111 11111 2111111 is vital 111111 111111111 11 1111111111 l1puty l111111s111 111111 bolorc 1111 11111 1111111111311 17111111 19111111 51111111 iilaiio lilltlllllltll ccillly Tho good 11111111 111 11111111111 willask 1111 1111111111 11 Is my Jltstlll 11111111111 1cm best adaptid 11111 411 121 lsniy rotation 1111 1w 131 Do forlilixi 111 01111 most 1inpli11 1111111 manner 141 Arc my lt1tl 111111111111 111111 economically 131 What 1111 1111 111111s1 iiisuiiE the sale of my 111111111111 Mr Graham 11111111111 11111 that progress is 111inc madc 111 1111 mat 111 11 11 11 Llll tlllllll 1111 111x11 111111111111111 11 mj 51X tll$ 0V DOLLAR IAXEAYYIH 11171 ll Chin11111 151 it Rn 11 Eva 3111111 srAuesi lCts 11l llll llllltil 41 ILFYJ 11111111111 11 There are many GOOD reasons for buying GOOD used furniture and stoves 11 SMHES TmuionStorts Prices are reasonable Free Delivery town or country Satisfaction Guaranteed Good selection to choose from 111 11l111 111111l1111 11 111 11 2111111 Your present goods taken as part pay ment 111 11 111v 1111111111 Woo1 1311 1111 111 t111j111i wig11111 1111111111111 111 1111111 11111111 11 111111 1l 111 111 111 11 111 11 Budget Terms 1111111 1111111 11 11 Ill 11 Zlu Floor Covering Remnants New Sinks cornerwash basin reasonably priced Cultivator and seed drill $1000 Several lawn mowers good condition S1 burner coal oil stoves $500 up Stirrup pumps sizes $1150 $15250 Assortment of garden tools Sideboards with mirror backs $400 up Walnut finish steel crib nearly new $1000 V1ll ii11lti 1i1r 11 11 1111111al 111111111111 11111111 i111 has 111vii li1111 011111 ti Twints lu 1111111111 111111 rap1 211 11 11 fltlllllllIll llittilllil 11 1111111111 111211 thiiiiwilay 11 111 11 71111 111 1111 11111111 111 1111111111111111 111 1111111 11111 1111111111111 1111 1i11 11131111 12111111115 111 1111111111 111 11111111 11 1111 111111111 iiily 1111111 11s t1t1d that 111 11 1111 1111111 1111 1111 1111111 111 1111111 11111 wasoii and 11st wt noiu 111 111111 llltllllll 111 111 1y111111v1 l1 siiiililt11 wil illlflllSr 111 1111 11111 Viiluliisi 11111 21111 11111111 as 1111 111111ali 111 to 11111 1111 11 11111 l11 11111 11111 It 1s1111111 11 tiili1 1111 111i1 captains to 1111111 1111 11111111 and 11 11111 11111 who 111i 1111111st111 111 1111 prouitss ol 1111 1E1111 1111 noniinahd foi 1111 111511 tons on 1111 csictum 11 1111 11 Ktl 11 111 111 lurk311 111 old11111 111151111 11 l1 iil Large baking cabinets bins drawers $400 up Dozens of other useful and essential household articles 135137 1111111111 St 11111111 East of Main Store 111atiiii 1111 soil 11111 111 lttllltlllltf 111 111 11511111111111111 1111111111 11111 11llllttll 11111111111 211 1111 farm 111 IIllliJ 113111111l 1111 111 15111 111111111111 11i11llltt to any countyi roIp that 1111111111 to launch 1111i11111111 1111111 111 101 01 Soil Coiisiiyatioii in somcl scdtions Ho socialsud 11 130111111 marks to be 11111111 11 iii 11 11111 following points 111 Loinhing tlic capability of 1111 soil bcforc advising 111111c1s in PAINTS Enamels BEST BY TEST Transformagic Book 15c Shows you how to makc mllfmm beautiful things from 1111Sc12 advertisement page 175 111 Readers Digest FOR SALE AT 3c Myth111 s15 Buying ring isonlypart of the job his Savings Account will do Mnyhewc shouldnthetalking 11111111 hankingata time like tlllsulllllt the truth is being nancially secure have 11 happier futuret By encouraging regular savings the Batik fits intomosit pictures 101 per sonal progress Make Mandicams conic trim more quickly Open 11 Savings IACCOIIIII today and make regular saving from the 11111 tlicyll habit NK or NOVA SCOTIA McClaflerly Manager Barrie Out yu11111111111 Wstinghousei Washes clmhs cleaner without weaniwirh safety and con vnierice gives longer years ofjtroublefree service The WstinghoiiseWasher is the Only washer that provides the Sentinel of Safety This protects the motocagainstdamage and ends the bother of blown fuses Beautiful pure white porcelain enamel tub Featheronch SafetyRelease Wringer Clapperton 51 Phone 3432 or 26 Elizabeth 51 1211011114424 Exclusive Sentinel of Safety Protects the motor mech anism from damaging power overloads and provides convenient on0E switch 110111 1111111101 simi uh 14 WW vatm Irma3