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1111111 on Guaranteed Trust Certificates lonllil 11111111 111111111111 for form of 1111 111 gunraulttd 1111111 15 topriuripitl 111111111111151 111IIIQTiliiiiis 1111111011 lo rcIul hoIdIrs MITRE171w 111 holdcrs option may 111 allowrd Io accumulalc at 1111110111111 i1111rcsl itlral i11y1stm1111 for individuals 111111 panics authorized by 1111 for 11111611ry 111 r1liLrtculorI andolhcr trustees 11MW1W 111 STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Mead Oice Toronto Barrie Office 13 DunlapShed 38 years in Business Mimo lb fruukltrrluru and mix in chopped drained pickles or picklt rIIish 5111116 IIlopull colon and slicml small 1111111111112 1111 but fut Add to frnnkfurtcr mixture and combi 111 30115011 with salt 11nd Iiippcr 111 stand whilc you make mi king 111er rircTTCirl 1511101371713er toning Mnkc 11 well in centre pour in milk and mix liuh fly with fork Linc urchscd Ioulpuu 413 812 inches with Iwoalhirds of dough lilI will meal mixture and op with 10111111111111 dough scaling edges slush to allow oscapc of steam Iiako in 11 hot ovcn 450 about Jill minuics Serve with 11111111103111111 Yield11 orb servings INESING 11111 1111 11 11i11 112111111 11Il 111 111 11111111 111111121 111111 1111 11111111g 11111111111 1ii ll 111111 1111 11 11111 11111 11 11111 11 1111111 111 lII1111 11 it Wilwn 11111111111111111y 1111 111111 11gtt1 11w 11112111 111111111 Ilo11 lltr 1111111111 11111 an min11111111 11 111141111 111 1411111111 111 11111 111111 Ilu 111 11111111 11 11 1111 iilil l11111 p1111 Juki 1111 11111111111 11111Ilr 111111 11111 1111111111 111l isliitt 11111111 111111 liay Adams 111111 511119 1111111l 11 1111 11121 111111111111 3111111111111 11 livlb ll 11111111111h11 111111111 hnu 11111 Blah 111111 111111111 11111 1111 Wu 1gt111in1 Bonk1 I111111111 1111 11111 11 11111 111111111 111 111 111111111 and rod 1111 111 1111 hummi ll1111 1111 Monday tl111l pl 111 115111111110 1111 11111111111i 111111 my 11111111111111 of 0111111111 Imy 111 I111 111 Il Ii 11111111111 11111111 111111 11111 gt11i111 IIVtninyr Scryiic ll 1111111It11l 111 rp111111 11111111 5111111111 11111111 1111111 1111 pacts 111111111i1 1111 1111111111 11111111 111111 7110 0111105111 Lllll p111 11111111 soloiwl l11111111 111111111 lllillitl 111 31155317 iltiilal 111111 1111 111111111 11111111 lis llourights Xlrid Birthday 111111111111111111111x IIo11111 11111 1111111111111 1101 12111 b1111d11 1111 occasion and 11 y11111 Ilo11hi 111 llllillllll 111111hs and husband loronlo11 11111 Mrs Sid llo1tllll and Jon1 birthday 11111111 11 111111111111 111111115 1111 ilt1 111111 111111 Slipilllwn 111111 BA 111111111 lulu1 111 1111111 111111111 311 ilo 11111111 111111 Sunday 111 111111 1111111111111 111 1111111 11111111115 tullillmInt 111 1111 Oshawa lln 1115 111111 lilchard 11111 dimur 111111 1111111145 11111 1111 miwuhr 1p1111 1111 111111111 111111 11111111111111111 111 3111111 111 11111111 pl11111 11111111111111 1111111 1110 1111 11111111 111 ilzSwto 11 1proI11 11111 whom 131 1111 11111111 tiilllt 11111 11kc111111 priccs 1111 told by Agricultural Ministci LLl 11111111111111 price on 1111111111 1111111111111 lll 31111111apounl 11111l lilslgradc built1 21111111111 11111111111111111 11111poinl 11111111 policy Ihc 1111111 prici of 511 11111 will mainlaincd l111 uovcinnicnt will talu d1 li1L at that 111111 11 1111 11111 1151 11111111 1111 ommons 1n this rur IIIFI IIrllllllF 111111 11111 211111 11gt111111 11 11111 11111111 011111 111 111 lt 111 11 111111 11 1111111111 111 11111111111111111Irom 11 1111121 11 1101 11111 111 11 $1211111111111 11 Is 1121 111 11 11111 11111 1111111 I11111111 11 11 11111111 ltt 111 lizcllllxlcl 1111 111111151111l1 11111111 Clillt1 Royal S1 lht 1111 11111 11110111 IS 11111111111 EIGHT 13010111 1111 1111 11131111114 1111 1111111111111 111111 1111111 11 11111111 21111 11 11111 11111 211 In 111111 1111 1111111111111 111111 111111 5111110 11111 111 51 1111 11 111111111 Ilwfioh Inn 11 11111111111 on 11 111i1 11 111 publiciy 111111101111 1111 1111 lltfiolo 111111 11 111 1111111 11 1111 111111111 1121111 1111 1311 1111 111111 111 1111 Iii1 3111101 111 1111110 In 111gt11111111 11 1141111 11 11 l1 2111l 111 111 1111 111pi 111 11111111 111113111gt 111 1111 111111 p111pl1 11111111 1111111 11111 111111 11111 111lf 1I 111 11 11111111g 111111111111bl1 111111 11 11111 111 lhry 111111 11 1E1 11 111111 1111 that Will 11111111 i111 TL 1111111111111 111111111 1111 1111111 b1l11 1111 1111 11 111 111111 1111gt1 111111111111111 1111 1111111 11111 111 1111 11m 11111 111s111111111111d i1 111 1111111211 111111 111 1111 111I1 111gt131 11111 11 111111 1111 111211 bumpir 11tp1 111r 1il11 111111111111111111114151111gtv= 11111 11111 1111 1111111 I1111I1I 1211114 111111 1111 11nd 1151111211111 11 2111 1111111111 111111 411111111 11111111 11111 1111111 1111 front 11111 11111 1111111 111111111 11111 1111 1111111 11 11111519 wncrs 1111 111 111111 111 1111111 111 111 1111 dccolalnc 1111111111 11 1111 711111 11111111si111111 111111 ably to 1111 cars 1111111111111111 11 1vill not 111 1111 Io cpi 1111s111y wants the bIIIIcI 3Th1rc will 111 no govcrnnuul Subsidy on hullcr 1111 l1p11111111nl 111111 111111 said would spokcsman oycrruncnl 11111 any stocks of blilltl houghi 111 1111 110111 pricc in thc hope of 111111 111111 to scll i1 111 sliclillyK 111111 piicc whcn Icinand quick IHs in tho curly fall and winlcr anccd w1111 1111 Ironbcnd 111 11 is of 1111 l1111171111k1511 11 1111110111 Its many now 1111t1viu 1117155111 chronicl11111111111 11111 11111 lioldcrs and 711111 1811111111inu out 1111111 1111 top 111 s111111nlincd rcar 11111111sl11 bumper is similar to 1111 1111111 losipr and providcs 11 pi1111111 swoop around 1111i back 01 11 11 CENTRAL orio Mord Ill l11prst sympathy is cxpicsscd to 1111 wifc and family of who licd at his Iiomc on March 33 in his 90111 yczti and Lam McCuaiu 411511 Kupuns Isrn19111111101015 111 inuthcil brother Robert McCuaiu and Fletcher who are patients ii the sanitarium Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Cripps ncc Rita who were maruicd March 18 Our hcst wishes go with them for many happy years of wcddcd life GUIFHRIE Lllilll inches highcr than 1111111111 modcls 11 is also poinch 11111 11 liiadroom has not b11z1 111111131 b1causc 1111 cnpinccrs 101111111 1211 Cha lion is possiblc by opcnim1 1111 1111 wings located 111 both 1111 1111 and fear doors Now 5111111 low regulators now 111111111 111112 liliriffor full up 01 down 1511 vol of the window Dom1 1111 door fillings have been 1111le 1i signcd there is ncw 11121111114111 ping around the doors 111111 111 coating spraycd on to 1111 1119 Sidc of 1110 body floor 111111 11 claimcd that 111151 IlllllHIlti 11 prove quiclncss of 1111 11111 111111 Russell Clark 77777777 March IIiri1iuiila71 mohtini 117111637011 cralion of Agriculture will be held 1r Ihc Communin Hall on Wed ncsday March 0077 The meeting of two weeks ago was not held as usual on account of storm and bad All members are expected low air icakagc torminin Gicatcr Siccring casc Is 111111111wWW Iiiely ncw ccnlrclccrinsz higher steering ratio 11111 roads to be prefgnl whenawuooditimc is anticipated TllussLyoris spunlMonday with lrcr mother in Barrie ionEaInioiLLillasscme 110 at thc school on Monday April at 830 pm and proceed to Jennelts farm for seed cleaning anductcd by Mr lLyJun artimnatrcaIIycimlrr ted by ripe11 ing either rear door or by manual demonstration cnnctt ay of Spring at shot On the rst Lavender TDon Marlin groundhog K1Ilfilllllllal=l 1111 NADA New Chrysler Now on Display 10111111141111 11w 111111111111fcr 11 111 1411 5111 1111121 1111 111111dsor 11l Humour111 111111111L111p1 mup1 11 WW 111 111 11111 ficpoir Tenders 111Ini Alliston 111 1111 llliLll 11 gt1111 1111 llillilll 111111111111 11111111 1111111 1111111141111111 11111c111bci counliy LI1l 11 131 pulpndin 111111 111 1111 1111 111111 11111 1111111 11111 11111 11111 1111 11 11115 11111111111111111 151111 lm 111111 111111 111 111 11111 RNTON 11111111 lgt p1l THO 11111 111 Ina1111 11 11111 11111 111 111111111111111121 11111 111 111 1111 1111111 1111 l1 1111111 111111 11111li 1111 1111 1110111 1111113 81111 11111141 111111 11111 1111 i11111 111111 111111 11111 111111111111l 1111 111111 Mix11111 1111111 1111 llii thrrn lmilrtf JI llttnllxtl 171111y lmy 1111111 53111 211 1111111 111 uh 111111111 11111 111111 I1 liriltlilt 11111 1111 111 1111 hwy11 1111Iiilt111011 1n 21111111111111 1311 pioplm 1i 111 11 d1111111 111 11111111 11111 Zrozn 11111 111 11 1111111121 1111 111111 111 111111 to 111 1111111111 111 111 111 1111111c 1111111 11 11111 111 111 111 1111111 111 131 11 Elna111111 13113111 1if111 11111111 111111111 121111 1111 11x 1111111 11111 1111 1151 111 111111111 111111 1111 1111 1111111 111 113111111 Il1 11 5111111 111111 111 1111 11113 111 1111 pact 11111111 I11111 111 1111 1111 11 111 1111 11111111111 and 11111 11 rim11 1111115311111 1111 11111 11111111 11111d 11111111 111ltC 1111 111 11 11111 gt11111111l 111 11111111 11111111 Illlmtl $1 l11111 111 Ilv lltlilH 11 0111111111111 11111151 111 1111 111111j 1113 10111111 1111111111111 1111v 1111 11111 13111111 1111 111 5111111 11 111 of 1111 pact I1111 11h11111 Mun1111 111 111111 1111111 1111111 what 11 11111121111111 111111 111111 1111 11111111 klo 111 11111111101 1111 11111111 1111111gt1v1 11111i1d 1111 1111 1111111111115 11111111 11111 1111 111111 111 111 111111 111 111111111 1111 of 11 111 51111 111 111 11111 1113111 j1h11 11111111111111111 111111 111111511 lculuicd This chlycnd ANGEL CAKE 45c RUM and BRAZIL CAKE 50c HOT crass Buns for ALI PASTRY DELIVERED FRESH DAILY FROM OUR BlIRRIII BAKERY ould b1 1111111 11117111 1111111 to 1111 111111111111 duh111n 12111111 11 11 1111 11111131 lLrncsl 111yin 11111111 11111 Iciciaiy 11111ri 1111 11 11 1112111111 11 5111111111111 111 111 11 1111111 111111 1111 11 111 1111 Nix11111 1111 back 111 1111 1111 Is 111 111s arc chai luiuht 511111 laimcd that tlity 1111 up 111 framc sidc rails 7111111r Inihc ncw DcSoto diu 11 an slcchng wheel and front 11111 the instrument panel is 1111I black 115111 whilr map 1121115 111 automatically controlch by 111111 also be controlled by 11111111113 sw IIQI IYliemwad gr ii 111 11 771 owli rear passengcr conIpaIlnIcnI 1111 8111111 and 111 Toronto 111111 1111111111 111111 111111 111111 1111111137a1 1111111101 111i1111lt 111 11 11111 1511111 uhl 11 111111 3411111111 111111111 111 1111 litll 11111 ltrl Illl 1311 1111 1V 111111111111 111 1111 liIII 3111 111111111111c11511s without gt1=11 111 1111111111111 ito111s 11111110311151 11111 11111 lady 1111 11115 5111 1v gin1 11111 H1 1111111111 luv110 1111111111511101 it INVHJFrc concludcd Saturday 111111111 ol K111151011 Is isil from iv11cc laiiics Iosinikot l111111 1111111111 Marshall spini 11111 1111 1111111 1111111111 11 11111 111111 111111 111 Hulfcrcrs it crnoon Ilnilcd 111111 11 Viviii 11111 Lai 11 Mar hm11 Aillltlllclil has b1c11 1111111111 11 1111 1111 Mr and 1IIs1Washing10n by 47 countries on 11 Efouryear plan to market approx Thor Iicoivcd1mmon 1500001100 1111511115 1111l lh111 111111111 Who 1051 and final equal lcngih tic rods to 111131111111111111 1117 each wheelir1impoi11111141114nals5117111P111Lrns111117 eiHszticr 111mm annually 111Uimicgrql 1n the new systcm Lie111111 11lt 1111 111 11ccnlly 111211111111 1111 and cake 1111111 K1111111111 1111 11111111111rol111111111 lcclh 11111111114 platc 111 1111 front 11 1I1 11ch Inc Cithcr front door 1111 11111 0111s front and Lil1 greater 111111Tli13 121111111 11111111111 111 11111111 IIttiopc 111111111111 into 111111111111 3311 Atlantic pact 111 111111 1x 111 icsts 21111w11 111 111111 5111111111111 In Washington 5111 811111111 1511111 Acheson 111111111 11111 1111111115 111 1111opc by 1111 11111110111111 powcr would 111 111 111111111111111 1111111 to 1111 L111111 511110 11 11111111 111111511111 111 11111112111 111 gt111 sucks to Ixpand 11111111 11 ward through use 111111 111111 111cl1 action 1111111111111111111 would 101 011 quick retaliatory 11olt of 1121 Unilcd Slains 1111 otlur 11101117 lt 111 1111 proposal 1311111111 IIinoCIacics 111 Canberra lrimc Muir101 hiflty 1211111111111111 on 511111111113 tlial talks 1131c pron011111 wuh 1111 111bjcc1 of Icachins1 Iacitic rob11111 pact similar to the Atlantic 1111 The Earl of Listowc British March 30 mini sccrclary has bccn in Austra lhursday 1111 discussing international and lpoiitical affairs The discusslons 110 yas one of four envoys 1111 London 1ccc1111 1o valioun fonunonwcall11 capitals for 111113 absc1 VIIXUDC $130 bushel Eight weeks of discussion pIc 11lcl thc agrccnunt and commit oi cos of thccorifcrcmc arc 1111111111 in1 work on 1111 final draft switch Onehand slarlci opcraiion accomplished by 1111111111 1111 12111 11011 key from the 011111151111111 further quarlcrlurn to 1111 1111 Rotary action switches 1111 11111111 lights panel liglIisand Inalir place the pushpull type formcg or convenience and dopcndzlnl1z gilmprovcd efficient DcSoto 1111111 ing sysfcm is maintained and 11119 IUICS lwoacylindcr front 1111111 brakes Parking l1akc acii 111 made much easier and 1111111 posi livc byAlhc use 0111 doubh 1111111 It 3101111111 volilinglouhack Its Dodds You May Mandi When your kidneys act up and hath11112 follows ch and use Budds Kilian lllls the 50yearold Canadian remedy lloikls Kidney Pills quickly and 5111er help 1111 your kidneys to normal action 11clp rciicvc backache and that tiredallihc 1117 feeling by healing lhekidneys Ask any diuggis Ior Dodds Kidney Pills 1111111 for the blue box with the red hand 116 Dodds Kidney Pills c1114 1n additiontrmorcd lion 10111111 1111111111111s prevent lingof ignition by po igni 1111 1i11 11111115 lit811111tip1111 shift has been i11pio1d by simplificzilioii of elec tical and hydraulic controls 01 111111ns111ission acacia11 passcnucr comforl im 11I111111 windsliirld dcfiosling and 111111 111111111 1cmoval of window are 11111111 possible by the newly hcatcr 211 extra healer con dcsicncd IIcsh 2111111110 in car production 111115in opcralcd truism1 mounlcd on panel which will 111 instalch below the instru Quicincss of opera 111111 and 1151 ol installation arc undcrhood Heal I11c111 patul 1111111 1111511111111 lisliihuud from 11hr instrument panel 111111111 11111111115 makc 1110 fresh air Fjvfilllll availablc 1170111111 yposition when vanicd All DcSolu models Mr Shaw pointed11111 will 1113111 111155th heater is duct bchind Easily con for usc in provide 11111111111011 warm shut011 not and in This available plastic enamel colors linish retains its beauty and bril Iiancc longer under washing and polishing 11111 111mm mummy give better minimum will drop 10 ccnls annu irty111 light now locking do 0113 from $150111 111C iirsl year to 1111 on rent iindows and pcr $120 in 1110 iOUTIh 111111111011i11lo1 divider make 11 Canadas pact with Britain will liJlicull 111 Iiic1711 711110 these new1101 be affected by the world aurcc mcnl Under the AngloCarnation aurccmcnl Canadian wheat is old to Britain at $2 11 bushil30 111131 higher than the proposch1111111111 iional agrccmcnts piicc ANciihcr Russia nor 11111111111111 two wheatproducing countries are parlicipanlsin 1111 new auicc lialia share in the agreement kch an observer at the Washington talks prico pciibushcl was not high 311 ough to suit 1101 and her lctnand for wheat was not met Canada the United States and present form without Russian par 11cipalion aflcuRussia chfuscd to quota Russia Icduccd hcr origin al 100000000bushcl quota demand 10 makefurther concessions bylhc parliamentary bodies of luscow radio atlackcd 1111 p111 as designed to unleash 1111 111111gt1 lt11 1111 1111411le 1111 Soyicl 111111111 11111 1111 pcoplil 1I 1111111 11111011 11nd 11 llioinion ANGUS 111 subjccis of interest to all 1111111 yirzions lic cocs Irvxi In Now 7111rlv Plans call for Canada in litlll l111n1111 11ampTraincanonsuicngn 210000000thshris imaxiinum price 01 $100 will hold 1111T NTw 111L1111TICICISDEICCTT1m 02ml OT TITO man Russia 11ilhd1cw wlun 11 Icqucst 101 an export allocation of 75000000 bushels was 1111111161 Liv Canada theUnited Slalcs and A1153 75110 pvilhdrcw for two Icasons The for industrial imports in return Australia proposed 1111 pact in its accept the 50000000bushcl export to 75000000 bushels but refused The pact has yet 10 be ratified participating countries It will be submitted to CoquOns 211 Ottawa Argentina whilc rcfusinu 111 1a Ilyou lirr 111 Barric 5011 will 1111ir1 two coupons from OlllIhlllltill l11kv 1111111 10 your groccrsa1 yoursrlf 72111111d enjoy 1111 thrilling flavor of 1111 laroriics oweQ24 OilCHASEg ll Angelhiding 11 11nd to carry on sinnlar lttllSllliiI 117171FTiilllIllinfuhlhlimTFTI10T1CVVCiiUSCSUTIIJOTTTQTVCSYDU0W611dCTffrlfAfT7 new Coffee flavoro spiritlifting goodness that iurns grouchy people into EarlyMorningAngels Here isyour opportunity to gel acquainted with this marvellous Coffee Your coupon is worth 106 on firthc purchase of Lib othase Sanhominilheisi cconOmical bag or vacuumpacked tin Wan1111111111111 111511 111111 11111111111111 You llwyillilbc delighted with theiich flavor of chi cious Tender Leaf Tea Its made from frograni young top tea leaves andis FAMOUS FOR FLAVOR Use Tender leaf Tea anytime you fool the need of real good cup of tea Tender Leaf Tea Balls give you Orange Pckoo in its most flavorful and convenient form Each ball makes two cops of full rich flavored teafiltered crystal clear Your coupon saves 10 on purchase of V2 lb package of Tender leaf Tea or carton of 60 Tender LeafTea Balls 3515 mm carMs